1976 07-26 Meridian Planning and Toning July 26, 1976 Meeting called to o der y the hairman, Willard Row ey a 8:15 p.m. Members present: A ett Hinr' hs; Jack Barbee; Owe Fro t; Dr Lee Pulley Others present: Pa 1 St zman; Les Ankenman; Vernon Scho n; Au st Hein Locust View Heights ~2 w disc ssed. o way n as o oc It is a parcel that is s oun d by simular land di isio and hould be e :- o o y developed streets a d pro er Ar wings. I Arnie Subdivision i I the urea o E. 5th and State St eet o be eveloped by zman, Lots 4C feet seem all, It wa decided to question the evelo er during the -- a.ng a e e a er o u ore eve opine a .o size an si e yard set back were iscus ed. Dr. Pulley felt tha ther shoo d be controls placed that would regulate the fi g co s roc ion a esire nee in or a o c r. ro e growth within the C' ty of . vario s sizes and valuatio of mprov ments. ~ - -- i -- Jack Barbee stated hat h ~ felt that areas and desi ratio s sho ld be decided s o rope y a rea y ui Willard Rowhv sugg _ memb review of what lot ize i desi ed; side yard restri tion size of floor s ac - - - - - - -- - Th o ' I Commission recommen to t e Cit Council to proceed 'th he im ct area ro 0 1 d _ a-uthority to contro zone Chang s within the Impact rea. This proposal will Zo __ _ ___ decisions for the f tore. - - --- - -- Matiaxr mss I- ea - - --- -__ _-. - Arni~bdi vi s' °nT ~ a . was discussed. _ _ _Town hoses are Dro th- - ---- ----- -_ _-- - - Two (2) off-stye 't par ing r unit .__ _ - __ _ One~al~ street ~ la .tP _ The adjoining pr Cperty is aw re that west half of stre t nee s to be - - - - developed_ - --- -- - - Water and sewer s req fired _ __ _-- --~_Bedr~4tn _ _ _ E. Washington sh old exte ded to link up as co ect r _ ~ }h A Fence along 5- file s ould a required as was di cuss d by he Commission. The Motion was made l~by Ow n Fro t and seconded by A ette Hinri hs to recommend to the C' '1 ~~ ~~ _ Arnie Subdivision a d app ove t e concept of Lot 1~ , 3, 4 and _ 5; Block 1 and Lot 1-aad ___ __ to the west edge of $-Mil Cree ; the balance of the prop sed c ncept plan to _com~_ Motion passed: All ea. Meridian Planning and Zoning . 2. July 26, 1976 Locust View Heights #2 w Ares nted; located north f I- and E, of Locust Grove. 0 one was presen It was pointed out o di hat uss is ma is ma er. ter was discussed pr viou ly on April 26,1976 y e ommission w the Minimum County is peci in e 'catio ou is area a s and felt that furt oul er d' e e scuss ugi up o on of this ma er was no nece sary. The Commission proc eded o dis uss the request of t e Jo nt Sc ool District perniss on o p on West Cherry Lane ace s oo us repair s ruc ur on eir rop r y - gu ein am in request for the con a ition s m 1 use an s a e a permit and/or zone c s o nge s as pe the letter rpm a pin c o Chairman of the Pla is ing ric d Zo o. , a e u y , ing Commission, Will rd R a r wley~ sse o 'thdrawn, - is rrl rawa req placed on file with es the m s acc 'nutes p e w~. ou cottunen an e e er was Dr. Pulley requeste the ity C erk to research the urb ut an north -- e- mBan'kuen~o e u s oo , Meeting adjourned. - a es E- - i y er -- I i -- i -- -- -- - -- cc: Planning & Zoni ng Co ~ missi n; Mayor and Council -_ _ -- - ~ truce;-Chie ACHD;Ada Zoning er; j; Ada i Zg Commi ra ; inu es; , sioners;Central Heal h; -~ - ri ian Arnie Sub (Stut trig an) on; High ocus iew ; School Annex; -- - -- --"~Merid~an us ness nneic - - - i i i ~~~ • JOINT SCH^^L DISTRICT N^. 2 • ADA AND CANYON CDLINTIES, IDAHO MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83642 July 26, 1976 Willard Rowley, Chairman Zoning & Planning City of Meridian 728 Meridian Street Meridian, Idaho 83642 Dear Mr. Rowley: The Meridian Joint School District No. 2 has let a contract to construct a bus maintenance and repair facility along the Western boundary of the Meridian Junior High site. The legal description of this site is as follows: The NE; of the N{Na of Section i2, T3N, R1W, Boise Meridian in Ada County, State of Idaho. This site lies within the Meridian City limits and is bounded on the North by Cherry Lane and on the South by Camellia Lane. In accordance with Idaho Code - Title 67 - Section 6511 (c), Joint School District No. 2 herewith petitions the Commission for a conditional use permit and/ or a zone change that will authorize the issuance of the required building permit. The present bus maintenance and repair facility has been located on 2~ Street for many years and is entirely inadequate to properly service the large bus fleet that now serves this district. In addition to the inadequate facility, ingress and egress at that location has created traffic congestion that will become worse as traffic increases on both East First and Fairview Avenue. Because the Western edge of the Meridian Junior High site is relatively unused; because Cherry Lane will become a four lai.e arterial; and because of financial constraints; the school district made plans to construct bus maintenance and repair facilities at this site. It might be noted that the facility will be located deep on this site; more than 300 feet from Cherry Lane and over 900 feet from Camellia Lane. Plans call for utilization of city water; construction of a septic tank; and installation of dry lines in accordance with City and County regulations. The City Building Inspector has a copy of the plans and a site plan is included with this letter of petition. Due to extenuating circumstances, expeditious processing of this petition would be very much appreciated. Respectfully yours, August M. Hein Superintendent of Schools AMH:os cc: Don E. Storey, Mayor _ _ ___ .. _. Y ;..~ • 67-6503 SfA'fE GOVF;RNntEN'f AND ST~ AFCAIRS ~ 1R$ ~ i189 (f) Public Sereices, Facilities, and Utilities-An analysis showing ~~~ °, a 1 } F .,1 ,. ' `.y', ~ ' ' s .a .;~ general plans for sewage, drainage, power plant sites, utility transmis. stmt corridors, water supply, fire stations and fire fighting equipment, health and welf;n~e facilities, libraries, solid waste disposal sites, acha>Is, public safety facilities and related services. The plan may also shuts locations of civic centers and public buildings. (fi) Transportatioxi-An analysis showing the .general locations and widths of a system of major traffic thoroughfares and other tiafilc ways, and of streets and the recommended treatment thereof. This component may also make recommendations on building line s~tbacl,s, control-of access, street naming and numbering, Lind a proposed erystem of pu)rlic or other transit lines ;md related facilities including ti~fk,ts. "'of-way, terminals, viaducts and grade separations. 'I'he ,component easy •ilso include port, harbor aviation, and otherrelatAd transpgatation fAClhtle9. ~ - (h) Recreation-An analysis showing a system of recreation areas, including parks, parkways, traihvays, river dank greenbelts, bead~ea, playgrounds, and other recreation areas and programs. (i) Special Areas or Sites--An analysis of areas, sitzs, or strue- tares of historical, archeological, architectural, ecological, Wildlife, or scenic significance - - (j) housing-An analysis of housing conditlonsand needs; plansPor improvement of housing standards; and plans £or the pzvvislon of safe, sanitary, and adequate housing. {k) Community llesign-An analysis of needs for governing land- scaping, building design, tree planting, signs, and suggested patterns and standardo fur community design, development, and beautification. (t) Implementation-An uuxiysis to determine actions,. programs, budgets, ordinances, or other methods including scheduling of public expenditures to provide for the timely execution of the various com- ponents of the plan. Nothing herein shall preclude the tonsideration of additional planning components or subject matter. [I. C., § 67-6508, as added by 1376, ch. 188, § 2, p. 615.] ' 67.6509. Recommendation and adoptioq, amendment, and repeal of the plan.-(a) "1'he plamring or pluming and coning comtpfsaion, prior to recommending the plan, amendment, or repeal oP the plan to the governing board, shall conduct at ]east one (1) public hearing in which interested porsons shall have an opportunity to be heard. At leant fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing, notice of the time and place and a summary of the phm to be discussed shall be, published in the official newspaper or paper of general circulation within the jurisdiction. The commission shall also make available a nriiicr, to other p<sperx, radio and television stations serving the jurisdiction for use as a public service announcement. Following the commiaaion hearia*q, if tho commiaaion rnakea a material change. in thin plan, farther notice and hearing shall be provided before the commission forwards the pleat with its recommendation to the governing board. A record of the hearings, findings made, and actions taken shall be maintained. (h) The governing board, prior to adoption, amendment, or repeal of the plan, shall conduct at least one (1) public hearing using the same notice and hearing procedures as the commission. The governinti~ board shall not hold a public hearing, give notico of a proposed hearing, nor take action upon the plat}, amerdmonta, or repeat urotil reeommeu- J dations have been received .from the commission. Folloiringthe hear- ing of the goven~inR~ board, if the governing board makes a material change in the plan, further notice and haarin4 shall. be provided ix ford the governing board adopts the plan. Y' Ir t`.':. t~ • ~~"~~ CAL YLANNINQ G7-60ll' v r(c) No plan shall be elLectice unless adopted by resolotiou ox ordi- mice by the governing board. An urdinunce enacting a pLu3 or part ~~r`~f a plan tray be adopted, amended, or ropcaled by refercuce as pro- ri~icd for in sections 31-715 and 50-901, Idaho ('ode, three (3) copies of ~ehich shall be on file with the city vier}: or county clerk. (d) Any persm3 may petition the commission ox, in absence of a ~,'eor~missiop, the governing board, for a plan amendment at any time. "~Tne~comrrlission may recommend amendments to the plan to the gov- erniug board not more frequently than every six (6) months to con•ect ~:,en ur, in the original plan or to recognize substantial chau3=es in the 'luctuad conditions in the area. The commission may recommend amend- ~~`ments to other ordinances authorized by Lh~~ chapter to the governing ;' bo;,rd at any time. [I. C., ~ 67-6009, as added by 1970, ch, 188, § 2, p. GLi.] Koc. to =er. ref. This section is re- 137-G51 ~, f7-6517, 67-G518, Gi-G0?Q G7- to rrr~i t.~ in 67-8001, G7-G511, fit-8613- 6x2467-6526. 07-6510. Existing comprehensive plans.-A governing board using 'any plan in existence on the eft~ective date of this chapter shall conduct n review of that plan and shall make necessary amendments in accord- save Kith this chapter prior to January ], 1977, providing im• rccom- mendation, notice and hearing pursuant to scctiou G7-6609, Idaho lode. [[. t'., ~ (i7-6010, as added by 1970, ch. 188, § 'L, p. 515.] 67-Gill. Zoning ordinance.--Each governing board shall, by ordi- nance adopted, amended, or repealed iu accordance with the notice sad hearing procedures provided under section 67-6509, lduho Code, establish within its jurisdiction oue (Y) or more zones or coning dis- trios where appropriate. The zoning districts shall be iu accordance with the adopted plea. 1Vithin a zoning district, the governing hoard shall where appro- priate, establish standards to regulate and restrict the height, nurnber of stories, size, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or use oP buildings and structures; percentage of lot occupancy, size of courts, yards, and open spaces; density of population; and the location and use of buildings and structures. Al] standards shall be~uniform for each class ur kind of buildings throughout eahh district, but the stand- ards in one (]) district may differ tram those in another district. Ordinances establishing zoning districts shall beamended as follo~es: (a) Requests for an amendment to the zoning ardinnnce shall bo submitted to the zoning m' planning turd zoning commission which shall evaluate the request to determine the extent and nature of the amendment requested. (b) if the request is in accordance with the adopted plan, the zoning or rilanning and zm3ing commission may recommend and the governing board may adopt or reject the ordinance amendment under the notice and hearing procedures provided in section 07-6609, Idaho Code, provided that in the case of a zoning district bouudnry change, additimuil notice shall he provided by mail to property owners and residents within the land being cm~sidered; three hundred (300) feet of the external boundaries of the land being considered; and any additimud area that may be impacted by the proposed change as determined by the com- mission. When notice is required to hvo hundred (200) or more prop-' erty owners or residents, a]ternate forms of procedures which world provide adequate notice tray be provided by local ordinance in lieu of mailed notice. A ss a t .6.28 STATE GOVh;RNn1E: N'C AND S'CATE AFFAIRS • 19g 't •, 19'7 CA)<I: ~ ~~ ~_. CnACf ~' helCUlld Cl', ft pe. Tln anBllt UI tenlp0rary 1nJ UnetlOn, YCatIa1171o([ ~ *? OPGTION. 6'1-6GL1. Uutces of lobbf r r y ~'~' t'' m~dar, or such other relief as the coact deems appropriate shall bo s1 ss2z. llucket caa~ j granted. the governing board shall nut be required to Yul~Iiah bond ~ to lr~ielatur, ~ d "~,' : ~ § 67 ti627, as aided by 19'75, ch. 188, § 2, p. 515.] '' ~ [I. C. ~ utioa - legis tion th ~~, ~ , ~ ~ i . ortza E7-6623. Duties of seers 67-65P8. Applicability of ordinances the state of Idaho, and 811 s7 seta. St.,tementa to' ~' i';' its agencies, boards, departments, 3ntitttutn>ns, and local special pur• ~ pose districts, shall comply nth all flu~a and ordinances adopt,d ' 67-G&Ol. Purpose t ~''y ~ , under this chapter unless otherwise provided by law. In adoption Bad ~ 7 board in h - ~~~ To promote p ~ ,~ ' ~ ~ g t ~ e govern or implementation of the plan and ordinances, t lans and needs of the atsta t the (b) 1'o promote ~ :a p .,~ commission shat! take into accoun departments, institutions, and l~c.l ~ y boards encies f Idaho and air a . those giving tinauci; i i , , g o special purpose districts. The provisions of plans and ordinances rnact..~ .t; s ' _ ,. i promotiing or uppos ~Injt. TvIaasure 1974, _ ' pursuant to this chapter Shall not apply to transportatnon syr;tem8 a2 , ' .; ~ l „ statewide impartanee as may be determined by the Idaho transpolt~ ~~ j ~ I he , Comuders notes. e fe ~ ~, ,.., tion board. The Idaho transportation board shall consult with the ~~ 1 r R harem as comp~l.~d ~ local agencies atiected specifically on site plans mad design of transpoltA ;_ gGbs. tion systems within local Iari.+dictimna. II' a public utility ht;s b en ~ a l of°dered or pormitted by sPerlfic order, pur; uant to title 61, Idaho Codw ,I ~ ~ 67-6&02 )Ue@nitio to do or refrain f"rom doing an act by the public utilities commission . , en~y pursuant to titles 81 ntll n - . 'the following meanin t ~ ~ g nny action or order of a governme in conflict with Svd public utilities commiailon de (' Id h 6'7 ~ _ (a) "Czundidate" r , o o a 60 or , shall be insofar as it r m conflict null and void if prior to en ~ order action to seek num; , tha public utdrt~es commnasnon has given'tho aftectld ' .~ tering said order shall be deeu~ed to h. , portmtity to appear before or emtsult ~ th ~ an o nc t l or election to pt,blic c ~~ p y age governmen a the public utilities eolrtmisston with respect to such conflict. [I Q., ', l " (1) Receives con § E7-652II, as added by 19'76, ch. 185, g 2, p. 615.] f ; or facilities vu[tz late (2) Announces p ~ ~ ~ Applicability to agricultural land. - No power granted a 67-6529 ~: (b) "Gompensati ` ~ ~ . hereby shall be anlatrucd to etnpoYVer a board o£ county commieslon,IO , , of indebtedn~s~s, de( to enact any ordinance or resolution which deprives any owner of fu1P ,l ~ -tranufer o4 money c ~ late use of afiricultural land for production of any agricrltolal .;t d corn promise or other ob 1 ,, ~, p an product. Agricultural land shall be defined by local ordinance oI resole ~~ ~ Any of the foregoing ' tion. [I. C., ~ 67 6629, as added by 1375, ch. 188, § 2, p. 615.] ~ not incline rcimbw ~ Section 3 of S L. invalid for any reason, each declxrntfoh-t~~ iler's notes Com 'nDt 01(i02d thl', amp . p ch. ]RS, ,ee~d~ `The proY~i sionv of shall not affect the validity oP ren tr ? 1074 t ` ~ SUb9fantiated by an ' P.' ~ ~ ' , . wns of this ac this art are hereby declared to he sev- uig port ch. A88 pre• ~' Ip76 T, n h of 5 ti S (C~ °~.OntYIIlitiO ' , . . n oc erabh•, and if any provision of thw act f such provision to riled that rho act ?hould take. erYc ! on i i of 111deI1tCdne9d, de( ~ .~ ~ on o rit or the apPl nny person ar ci remnstance is decluxed and alter July I, 1970. ~ scliptiuIt Or tfanBl Ci ' ~ '~ ~ ~ ~' tgreent2Ilt, prU nll6d - n'~ CHAPTER 6Cr-ELE('TIO'.V CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS AND r ~ able, to make a co golitical candidate EXPF:NDITUHES-LO»IIY1ST8 '~ ~ , personal funds or t sl cT~orr, eecTlorJ. -. Contribution in exceed uI ffftp ~ 67-6410 housdhold expanded ~ . &7-6liDl. Purpose of act. ' dollars. t7u ot't Of BUCK CF PP t ~ t FT-F,G08. Definitions. ~intmuut oY political tress- 57 6G 11. Expt adi[u es other than o7 BGOd 1pp 67 Of pai'aonai And pf~ ~ . . . - urcr tnbntione. . , but does not inclu~ `5 ~ f7-6604. Accounts of Political tress- f CGS' Cont nts of reports. 67 boll Cummcr-~¢l reporting. ^pgrt time" peraul , s,~ '" urcr. G7-6605. Contributions by nonreporting G!-66I4. IdcouGibutiona ourd oexpand~ Infe%ce9d OP twenty Y coYimittecs. to ~'~"s' 67-6606. Contributions by nonbusiuesa Tn section by secretary o1 ' 8616 67 t CAmpalgll WOCIief. i ~ . - - enQties Which arc not pou ' Gln, meun3 sc deflnliC ~,,F '~~~+`• icul com mritr es. st Yte- G7-6G07. Reports of contributions and G7-fie1G.. F xam. nation of etntements. ± tion of 1 bbyiots. ~ Set ' R OY, ill t}Ie Cave of tjln0 empi0yment, i •7 ra i. ~, expenditures. f7 BC,t lliapositimi of unexpended but- Fi7 8618. L xemption from rc~r,tration• 0008 67 i t - ~ buraetnerlt of exile: '•i." . - e' byte F ances. fi7 belfl. R porting by l 87-Br,OD. Statement as to no contribu- 67~~6620. Employment oY unregieteeed i ornons - Oliti Cal COmnllttee pUr'pU9e3 of this ad - . tion or expenditure. p C -: :: , ~ . .i 1 ~ ,y,.n.,iN..a--G..n. M., a, f'. V'n+r^+. h+.t..;Y.x},'{ 4+h^/'!?i "... ."' ...+.....w-... n..•.. .n..«a t~..+W.wrt» i ~ f ~ a t ` 1~ 1 tt i l ~ 'Jt Y 1 t ~~ ~. ' i!D ; ~ ~~ ~i s ~l lf 6 l i i , i a i r S + l , ~ a 1 r:: ~; l } r r i; < __ _. _ _-_. _ ~ - ~a.~.~.h..• :AwaJT~