1976 08-16• Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission C~ August 16, 1976 Meridian Planning d Zon Co season called'to or er b the Willard Rowley. Members Present: 0 Others present: B en ce Wi s ; chest ne a nr c ; act r, Martin Fabriciva; ar Euge -Wri t; The Yirst item din on Overland on the s area co a the Interstate Int ase orth Vora epto as an ide t e o Th area o a m e the freeway. commerce eve opine parcel to the East e o s M- er on lime d us or g Commercial for a bu us 'ness vent o one oxs y e. s e Landmark usine s Cen er a ou o our p anniag ea. Willard Rowley stat d Dor s Oli son's lot east of St reys Fead nd Seed on ower s as a and cardboard packs ss bus a ness. propose use o an au o o s Th s coo d e o ec Annette Hinrichs su ona geste e u to t s a perms a use. 11 the City Council o m e eff its to procee wi e c ea. The Fabriciua - Win este land will be discussed ag is d ing he hearing. a an ies s Pine and Locust Gro e a as ra an ~a "L" an es o ocus shaped parcel. ove on oa The matter of the f tore 1 was discussed Anne • .caned to ~r uric suggested streets; feeder str 9uota4-to -ac4uix'®-a- eta t p toll - af- ctor streetsi variou de sties assigned as areas; - aeighborhood parka. Hearing began at 8: P.M in t e Council room. Idaho Power Substat n pr posed to be built in Ada C ty and 1 Gated There was no object n to this - roposal. ---. - _ - No co~mcent was ante ded t be esented in this matt r. _ __ ___. .. Landmark Business C Af_QYerland_ tern locat _ d west side of Cole oad- S4 mil South _-_ - __..- _ Eugene Wright repres I j-_. __ nti - _____ J U- - Engineers and Bruce Winc eater --.. - Martin __ _- P'a~r-ic~-owners o Locust Grove. e p oper ens o e i y n on e This matter came up matter ~^~ t11TnPd eve usly _a-_ efore the Planning d Zo this Mr. Wright stated t t th fut a sewer lines are to pass thro this _ property,-This wool as well as a place f - a r th van pro eoua or t s mope sed Meridian sever 1 y net z be p a - aced. -- -"- - 'Ph~s~ et r haste Meridian Planning Co een ins c e on wa n y the ounty Comm informed. ssio ere e Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission ~ August 16, 1976 Discussion: Lo atio of 5 ile; Placement of se r 1' es a ure s ree De sity partm at and residential Ac ess ne an ocus rove Fu ure a cess ad3oining undevelo ed la d. The Motion was made by Ow n Fro t and seconded by ette inri. to recommen o f A Commission will con un ur wi y h an s oners e -2 zoning Yor the Fa rici a-Win ester proper y,appro a y acres own passe ea. - Highway ommerc a opus o e oun y anni an one. located South of I- , 1/ mile west of Meridian on verl d wa discussed. The Motion was made y ette inrich and seconded y Ow n Fro t Street on Overland rth to the Yreeway. - Mot on passed: All a. ~_ Jack Barbee left at this time. The Commission asks the ounci to proceed with the imps t are portion i o p~anxuag: - e o on~~made y~n n`ette ~iric and secon e e y n a s the Commission reco end o the City Council to proc ed ' th th impact area propos an ve a ty A torney researc laws o gi e e City the authority con rol z ne changes within th imp ct ar a. - s propos ve e g an Zoning oppo tuna y to ce consistent and fair ecis ons f r the ttxture. - - Motion passed: All a. The above motion wa pres ntsd ast month and it is nten ed to keep -""-- _ s i-~h~rdt pu ng wit Coun ~til 0 -- pr per s ep are t en Willard Rowley re-s ted thou ht that came before he C mmias oa - - .-previously percentage of diffe nt t ea o buildings should be cons dered to - _-- - -- aces Y- -easstgueti There was the questi on t n rai ed concerning the le alit' oft e ---- - - prxedtu'e- Some cities have to size contr la and house size p ceme t on ] ots Neighborhood parks st b pro ded to keep the chil en rom wing to -- - ~1SY.-aa the--st _ play away from the e~ - treet . was oth ugh what a mmisa on should contact Ve •non choen t e Building Inspector o ess_ st in a proposal to presen to he Co ncil that - - would give assistan a in ontro ng toward proper gr wth. .~ Meridian Planning & Zoning .3. i august 16, 1976 Annette Hinrichs st tad t t t s Community has a s cial ype o attraction Yor thos travel very far to deli nd a ing t varie live here. One doe y that cannot be Yo not din ave t y of er area around. It was proposed to a City Council in a Yo udy t hangs t co desired and make pr d be readily adopted posal alter tot deli e ration. There be no other buss asst come before the Co esio the eeti s oo a ourne . I I _ a test: ~- cc: P & Z Commissio i ; Ma or & ouncil; Bruce; Chief -- - , ; Ada Zoning; Nam ; -Me ; dian ommisa oners; Irrig; Central Healt ; - - - - s e Minchester; Hi s ~e wqy ter; ommer owera ; a is us ial;Minutea -- -- _ _-- - _- -- -__-- ~ __