1976 09-20 Meridian Planning and Zoning September 20, 1976 Planning and Zoning eeti g cal ed to order by the P side t, Wi lard Rowley. em ers presen c ee; wen ros ; nne a nr c ; r ey, ^en Others present: Ver on S hoen; Lee Stucker; Jim Kli A parcel of property was 'scus ed in the area of th Time for o for a o an o ann xe as omme ci s a : area borders the Tntersta e, o the outh side at Meridia Stre t. It was pointed out t t n util ties are scheduled f thi area though it Prom the rest of the Cityj ~ Som thought that develo ent ere a ould be _ The Motion was made y Ow n Fro t and seconded byAcm tte H 'nric - s ma er e a e or ur er cones era ion an ca a o special meeting Sept 27t to scuea this matter f ther t 7: P.M. . ear ng a . U F ~ H ~ m ~ ~ _ ~+~ Lot size was discuss d in~relat on to Building place ent. 0 v concerning lot sizes and 'et ba ks. ~ d ~ -- _.. ._,~ q N wen os~ su i e s es~ ""- tion a ec ive ec- s , 76- a ~F 4 ~ Country Terrace Sub visi n rep esented by Larry Sal , J-U B E neers es n o iscu s Hoo son proper y yi:ng ou o ver an an ~ ~v East of Meridian Str et. r -- Tlrts proper y wi ve a we i e o supp y water or a of -- w ° Zoned R-2 Fc r _- eptic s or d- hou e~signe -- > ~ Lot 12 will be diffi ult o dev lop due to access a low lying ground. o-d Owen Frost stated th t he favor d the fact that this area s a -- . _ centrar-wa a-t r weI - ---- - ---- ~i .+ ~ -- _. __-_ s_metter is table ~ ~T- _.-_._-- q ~ The Motion was made y Ow n Fro t and seconded by Ja k Ba beet t the P __ _ matterl~e__tabled the ~ study to be reconsid red n Sep ember 2'], 1976 hears at 8:00 • f the ~ ~ _ - S~ommissioa~o-meat-a -- - ~ ~ Motion passed: ; All ea. ~ ~-~ - - - - - Q F Y ~ ~ ~ a Lee Stucker was pres at t disc ss a small parcel of land at E. d f0 U •~ ~ ~ '•'_ , , _and. ~LL.ZaMR_ --_ o u Jim Kling made the p esen ation Lot 9 and 10 to be divi ed ~ ~ is maker wa~bl o epee er NU~ P~~y - -_ U i - ere was cones era e i cussi n concerning what to do a out d velopment South of the freewa , and hat t do about other a st Cit limits and also the matter of assisting the City Council to provide direction concerning lost size and set backs. Meeting adjourned. _ __ attest: Chairman ~.