1976 09-27 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission September 27. 1996 Meridian Planning d Zo 'ng C ission called to o der the hairman Willard Rowley. Members Present: llar Rowl y; Jim Hoffman; Owen Foos ;Jac Barbee• ett Hinr cha; Dr. Lee Plulley A en ng: Keith okes Litt etree Corp; Larry S e, J -B; Carol a and teven F1 Scout Le R. S cker uc a ons .; Ma v n R. Bodine; is d Wi isms; James Kli Be nie Gratton & Co. ope proper y e or r presented by Bill a ed f annexation. act ar ee disqua ied himse f because of vested nter ts. _ ere aas much disc esio conc rning the use of the land co rcial versus industrial - the pr blew conc rning providing cit ser es. It was moved that M Ro br ng in specific ideas conc ning his property City Attorney. Sec nded by Ji Hoffman. 0 on passed• All yea. There was discussio con¢ erni the Stucker property spl' ting ots. It was moved by the Commi ssion that lots be allowed to s it building Motion passed:: All! yea. -u _ - - ~ i. ~ ~ Littletree Corp, re ese ted b Keith Stokes, press ted C untr Terrace q N H u s on oca a apx. o a mile from the int reset on of Overland Rd. m ~, and Meridian Runa H ~ sty( owa as the Hoot Giba n r ert _ ti ~ ~ 18 acres involaing 9 is - ater system and flop pl land to be owned - - -~~ - - o -~ U - O .,i F _ _ tte--HlnxlChB--lA0. ~ t~e99Iid@d 7Q-- tl~ ~ accepted and recomm nded that ity Council accept t2 e sam . - ~ ~ Motion passed: 4 m@ mbera yea; 1 opposed q q ~•Fi~ _ _..__ - _ F.-- H o ,q u I ~__ _ I__ _ ___ - p. N O ' H U __ -_ .. q a 0 o u There being no othe bus news he meeti stood ad' ned -- . ~ `~' ~ --~ - -- -- k - ---- o Cs .~ o a a - _ _ _ ___- Chairman U V ~d y U ~~~~~ September 23, 19'76 3eting call d to order by the Mayor Don M. S orey ^esent: Ma vin odine; John Navarro; Kennet Ras ussen a was ma e ;iebert (A, y .a Ki vin bert) - ine an secon e y e appointed to the p enne siti a n of ussen easurer to vacancy as eas rev e ~t e~reti`reme~ o e n - re >sed Bodi e9 y a, Na arro~ yea; Rasmussen' yea. - _ Wi~~ ams oncui eif-~~~~p~aorie-~~Fi ~ ay g ;- ---- i was made iri fie: appo3 ling llecemb y Al e r 31s win B o ttie t, 19 'ne and seconded by anning an~Zonzng 6. enhe ffanis h Ras ion ussen that ~31I oTit -- -- -- Motion passed: -------------- Bodi~ e' ye ;Navarro, yea; Rasmu sen9 yea; i i ams c curved-by ~erepfione - o "t1f "Mayo . There being no other busin ess t ~e meeting adjourned. I __ I - ---- -- _- ~ ~ -Mayor ----- - - -- I t~- - - --_ _.._ -C2es2-c --"- - ~ - i---, - -- ---- - - _ - - ~ r- --- - - - p --___ ! --- II -- - - -- --- - i I ~', ~ F - -- -- - -- - _-- ---- -- - _ - + - f _ _ -- - -- - __ _------ -- 1 ... -- -- - - - - - - _- - ---- I -- ° __-_ __ - __- ~ _ ~ ~ -- I I -" - - --- --- _ - I } 11 ~ --- --- - --~ -I ----