1976 10-18go • n..a ..l...« 10 1071 ii rmar. Willard Rowley :eet' ember ore Jimuiffrin, p hers Pr s C a r full develormert02 the lan f r the area located At the -N T e 't _m_ t T ere are wo oux b fie_ I E at F - _ ssio th their i"ad-leen that, there shoul be r A curb entrance on the b I P oro -s ion in this area. I th h t th' _Fast irstter" Il -ctj_on wher. the Che=-r-L-EmIimj)rovemen was discussed constninction i project in this nr s a structure t the _Also ter e o e _ -� at t e N� 'nterse t'o LO �€mnr get ack to s cure ood visibility at this s�— —_ It was thought ttat th un_ District should r view arefully he en rances and ntersect' was roi t@d_ out g5tr sttuc on_in_the mattes this y. the- __t commi ssi ar. that. Any s__a_sloVdng - as the_pr sent__ha�hazard en ra ash ell_ a a _traffic _hazard tQ w=s._thou h bythe dmmis i Lane -Fairview road was di -cat ood raffia 1- c. _.I Cherry to ion - at e ___ Lnrlude A changing light at East it 1st -Z, rest, This for —_ this sh aping_center to be located E G Zht ould ontrol the Eho "a s 1 as Th motion-wAa e b J Owen n ress _ nd E e s traffic should ocn - _ F when the Cher Lane Fairview oro ect is om 1 ted, er that 0 z. Meridian Plannim! and Zonine 0 October 18. 1976 any structures constructedt th Development in the vicinit of he N. E. inters etion should plac.d be ba of the property lines at 1 ast Ofeet from =eridi n Street and Fairvie Ave e. otion Passed: All Yea. J ck Barbee re uested Ase o his home to used as office srace in his business. 1323 East 1st S�reet. d t e ad the si2natur s for the ptgle favorable withim 300 feet but w ted to aet the input for he re 'dents in s larger ar a before esentin . M Barbee was informed that there would oossibIv be ou lic hearinxe on this C _ i f f r back to the prnppr n£ TPmhke i W -In sue ._that w-110 be wide - ' ass to big property w stio:l] cL._t�e III to ing _—Droper T -g to the JTnrth az well in as Ito -t - _prcperty' r /) -+'T-ItZ- _l. ' _ lyeq a lnnn str - _t, -- tll JAihn f­rnntngs_Sow Fir t Strout. , ssisL-inf Tllam is the cialer-cLf __Ona_3atliErskin e-Ada—C_ou t_y H Pghw&y. at-wi-th-a__smal l -CLLd _tb�a.L=d rou< District-.an--pprove- sac_- _.ea -theback- t O _of the a a a+� c_ou1d _mske half -cf -at in present83.iaA '' ese. f oa pxese — put— off rth _.. —_T 1 _fir _ -- - - _ _ The way_ wi-tha_45Foot_Ouldesac Ipsir _was to ._gei._a. vol -in - _heir _-- ('nmmissinn at this -jentere the Hearing Ro Toe Pulpew - 4t thi time. —Jeff 3. 0 t b 18 1976 Meridian Planning ana coning c o er , (Jlam .hg owner nf �.he onprt,�u rreviou5ly discussed or. 2 Stre t was t to di sacuss I - sal. press T!he same dja�u.Zsjon Concern PZ this matter that was heard jr, the •ehearin re t ted at this time, Aign the Building jnsr�ctqr s dis ussiono another means l viding a 60 foot roadway own the middle of this rroblem area by aetingthe involved properties to dedicate 30 feet off the back side of their pro rtv.jThis would open up a lot fcin this treet for development or provLde a ditio al access to the proTertiep in qjestion. _--future other accesses could be o e ed ul o 21 Street and East 1st Stree as opportunities becam available, This pro osal would require Mr. Ulam to 'den .he r.rDposed lane re ue t and to develop a T e ccess to his property line to the Souti and to the I orth. The Fire Chief had looked at_this drawing and suggests that the Roadway be dene that the culdesac he of :stand d radius (Larger) d tha t a fie hydrant be placed in the Culdesac ea_fgr_add this DropOrty t is pr tional fire protecti n_ IL vidual - was pointed out that lots and is subdivid is actual nein ert and in theoryalls div' ed into under 4 indi- the Sub - ividi resent g Ordinance and will for approval plans need[to nd secifi be I _ approved in a elindnary ations for dia osal platt f se _age wastes and to then _ and water roper he Bodine The Ulman ine_installations. a y_enginee_red roadw well as -plans for.,indiv_idual firer r the people that will otect' n and a_c_ce 1s_ outh Jack!Barbee I tre ses £ fisted to the Council t dir —_ reside here. *e .60 -foot roadwal as land and to the motion _was_made_ by recommend to the�City- located on Passed,All Yea: Barbee _rezarked t commission memoerg City Council C for this property ext apartments next to the and seconded by Jim nds o the School Hoffman, t Njthto roperty. at the -commission _John that the project as ctil East cf the Leibke pre ented Troper by Mr. y be enied�_ Motion Dr. illyw45 bent _ M a 'nlit, infnrmatj on to an the 'planning -,oinpli, and t purpose -. -. _ ___ from the they are _ 9 4. Meridian PlnnnIrg 0 accom lishing the things t. t th Co ssion are required tc acco push He was not placing any blame but he fel that the corL--ission did n t have the aecessary backg ound tools to make good ge eral proposals to the Council. he Chairman of the Ccunission stated that he felt that the commission membe s should have more op,orttuiity and more material available at time of deci- ion king involvir.R rroi)osals t at. were rresented at hearirg tines. Jt_wAs thouh tat -r effor, should be made to piovid the =mmission Ifuturg members with additional ban. jCLAQ__jkR%iqt, in dReisinn maling rinttprA in i,.hA Attest: Chairman City Clerk cc: P & Z Commission; May r & C uncil;Bruce•Chief Gr en; _ Fitzgerald;Sumn ;Sch Ada Commissione ;Cen en;AI ral H ;ACOG;Ada Zoning;ACH alth;Nam a -Meridian ; rrig Cherry Plaza(No. Meri East First St.; nurse's ian Business 3rd Annex)Cherry (Barbee)•Nourse's r ane; (Lem ke) Minutes i