1976 12-13 Meridian Planning and Zoning December 13. 1976 Meeting of Planning and Z ning alled to order by th Chai man, illard Rowley Members present: ette Hinri hs; Jack Barbee; Jim Hoff ; Dr Lee Pulley Bi 1 Mi c e a sen The Parcel located the Timot y Subdivision on the Nort side f Overland between Locust Grov was discussed in pr and -hear eridi ng co Street Adjacent to ference. a ers e Zt was noted that t 's p cel w s originally divided into acr parcels and at a 1me, consis 1 This parcel was als 0 reco ow gr ded w un , one fie rain th an overlay that c per uld arcs rovid as margin . residential ots with adequate adw sat ome u ure a e, Inc u 1n ease en s. It was thought that to the overlay and b y f pre ture ented ropos , Inc u 1ng accordingly. 1s o e, s a ress It was also thought drain to the detrim hat t of dditi any 1 n sep 1c an s cou ds in the drainage po Blow. u e e near y The Motion was mad be involved in this by ea, ette by th di ' Hinrichs and seconde City Attorney as a by eni ack B Y~ of t bee that e project and Zoning Commissi , co ficerni g the redividing of he 5 acre racts to c in relati nn to the 1 Mile limit ions from he City boundaries. Motion passed: All ea. The Chairman furthe clay fied he stand of the Comm ssio conce rning this proposal that until resolved further gro he p th fight d dev f the overcrowded Sc lopment should stop. ool istri t is - The overlay should b be a part of Meridi obe and ed an at th carried out - this s time there is no s and ' wer n a f d wa w years will er at this _ site that can be pro When subdividin int ided fiv_ by th (5) municipality. cre tracts the water tabl was oo hi h for __ more than 1 house p it would be unwise fiv add acre more tract. The water to tanks and drai eptic le h fie s not ds to changed and this area. _ _ The Chairman of the lan n n an Zonin Commission noun ed th t there had_ _ _ been a meeting at 4: concerni Co mm ission _ 0 p. the _ wit avail representatives of bility of ac uirin he I heir a-Ore _servi _ Planning es to help _ _ _ the Commission and Within the Commissi e Ci the _- y to a was - repare a Comprehensi some disagreement co e P1 cern' and n th Impact Area. advisability -- -- _ of using their serv' County fees and a1s ce, d that e to the d he fact that they we rectors were Commiss a pa oner d in and art by ouncilmen. __ Their feeling was t advised perhaps, bu at th not , y sho ontro ld not be controlled led by e ectio officials Durin~the_afternoo meet n th Chairman stated tha the Ida-0 e eo le __ would attempt to aic~ Plan the way the Cit in s y wan tting edit up the needed machin done with the in ut ry o f th a Coi eo prehensive e the _ Planning and Zoning Commi Sion d the City Council. Bart Bailey is the irect r of da-Ore Planning Comm ssio . ~ie-7~ayor o elser several counties in 1s olvin a1 citi man o the Boar o s and counties. irec ors, epresen 1ng 1'he XepresentaAives with Mr. hall ey was 13111 GuttlI'1e who agreed to neap also. Due to the County and Federal support involved in this organization, then' counsel would not be a cost to the City. Meridian Planning & Zoning .2. December 13, 19'76 There will be some ateri ava lable to the City in a fe days o help e i y an e o issi n ec e e roue o o w. e airman encour efforts toward legi e atio e mem for ers o con ac anyon chool equalization. a It is cou goin en to be i acu o ow settled, A good lob r e bYfor grow legis un i e sc oo ative change would b usin the pro ome m is ilders w o wou e a ec School District, y mora orium on ui ing as is s ges e y e There were questions cone rning who had called this eeti wit the - e egiona ri ng r. arees ae advantage to study t e e v e ious a e em erssou roposals. a ea er It was noted that to few copie are presented so th t eac mem er can - ave a copy. actions prior to the s s meet e ng, a eac mem er s o n order to comply wi av h th' a co s, ad 0 'tional opies s ou a ma or a mmission mem ers. r. ar ee o ere to the Commission me a bers wi He a e er manner o p fight even make the n esen cess ing p ry co posa s ies because e as a arge copy proposals. ac i e a wou receive arge maps a ccompany The question was rai ed c pncern ng the purpose of th one file imit for p anning~ in re a io made by this body. o e e a oun y recogniz s re ar s a are The time for hearing conce rning the LDS parcel, requ stin anne ation~ oca a es o e 105 feet and extendi fig g ba c oo k app proper~ting on oximately 263.2 feet Pine appro imate y _ is ma er as een place of the hearing pu Th s e re we s required by law an e no objections rais ounc' d at ng th this time and 'me of - - Baring upon ques~'io y e h irman of the Plannin and Zonin , - - e :o ion was ma e the Commission appro y i e to Ho the C an and seconded by ty Council that the nett ropo Hinr' al of hs t a the "" LffS-~Innexa~ion place High School parking Zoc of b ed o anne ire ~ Pine West and ed to the City and z djac ned ' nt to A" Re the identail, -- - -- - Motion passed: A11 -- yyea. r-- ----- -- -" - ere teeing nor stood adjourned. ~ ess t come before the Com issi n the eeting < / > attest: Chairman City Clerk cc: May AC r & C •AcHD uncil;P & Zoning Com Centr issio ;Sumn r; Chief;Vern;Bruce; _ Ada Commissioners; Timothy Sub;Ida-Ore;LDS Annex; ,~`~ .r~.r peceteber 15, 1976 board of 1-da CoaaiY Carriaaioners Ada County Comcthouse 525 w. Jetlezson Boise, Idaho e3702 Res TimotAY Subdivision Dear Ccamissionsrs: to ^Y attentionaa situat~ionarela~ngg ~ssabpwhreleranoed a! they Msiridian aitysiisitstaad iui~xi°thin theljuriisdiectione of ttu City. This initially vas subdivided in live acre traots, and in addition, an overlay Put subdividlnq the !iw aczea vas D present, aped and reopzded. This land is, at this point, subdivided. The Planning and soning C~ission has called ay attention te> the Tact that your body has beea handling soning and planning applications re~atin~goh it~sids~d.a~This fists and ignoring ttfs owrlay P1+ ~uproper, i! I nnderseand the lav oarreotly. i vill ap~eolate your response to this mattes ne~til trust that all applioati©ns 'mending will be held up this matter is cleared up. very trnlp yours. JOBS O. lITZ~iEH11I.D City 7-ttorasY JOP/lcaa Planain9 i `fonln9 oa. ~~'~ 1 .3. ~~~~. ~~ ~~~«{ December 6, 1976 t d tha the_r could be no constru tion on Pi e until C a is is d sta the b e fun. st consideration due s. to f ding favorability i eers eel t at the County postpo ing he Pi and Cherry Lane i ive ± in th e Cit s are amore favorable pr . pos for e sewer lines 7. ii that he st reet sweeping is bein acc mplis. ed in a -r oc? -_ - ratin earl. in the morning on t e Ci str ets. The Mayor and Counci and Pine seems to b sta assi ed th ting t they believed the n movin traffic. -way stop a t Linder Richard Yiilliams qu that need to be repl stion d the 'red.l ACHD concerning the ailr ad cr sings __ ____ Mr. Soniville stat v seem to be effecti tha the . ew type crossinCs ar ver expe live but __ _ The railroad is hard maintain to two feet to mptivat bed d the toward repairing cr r tracks. ssin s. T 'ey are to The Mayor stated thl i t it has be n a pleasure to work with the m tubers of the ~ - - He statedd-tTi the beginning. ~ t Fie had no avored the Highway Dist ict f rmation in The Timer of Hearin came for t re Stutzman ILnnexatio i ~ - _-- Tie proper notice w The Mayor proceeded s pu~I3s'red' toward Anne There were no obje ation-Ordinance #296 tion was rais ead e d. titled: AN ORDINANCE AT AS FOLLOWS•A EXIN~ AND Q:._OF ANIDIG CERTAIN REAL P ICE_Su!?T4 t'~I{1+f. OPER `I'IOW- WHI t- H IS DESCRZBID i r~nn~_ __ -._ _ _ RANGE 1 EAST, -_ WHICH_PROPERTY. ISE k1ERIDI S~n~ ACL~Tj A?~, ADA COL'IiTY, IDAHO AND_GOI`:TZGidOliS T8 TH TO E CZ QF OF MERIDIAN, Idi- - - ___ ADA COUN'^Y Zll i0. ~ --- --- - - The 1"otion was made the rules and provis py Kenneth dons bf SO_ asmus;;en end seconde C02 and a rule regui by i~ arvin hat o Bodine that dinanc_es be --- -- -read on three diffe read be pa ed and r nt d~~ be iprov~d. d~spensed with and t I~ at 0 dinan e #296 as _ - , _ - - -_ _ -- otion passed. r Bodine, ,yP~ ---- a; Rasmussen; William --- ,yep . _ --- r- - - -, i - I - - - -- ~ 4 _- The7°fa-or announced that ro er y ~ p for multiple dwelhn,gs. e had -- _.._ -- _------ ~ Eat of Crestwood y ~ discouraged them due ._ _.._--- ---- -- ad r~ to p - quest esent - d Annexation ca acit~ of __- --- - ..-_- _ _ r the sewer olari~ } l 1 -' __ - -- Ma, or Store re orte'id con ernin Y Y P_ ~ R -ftiY`~Iis-#`iscal'ye•rr: Ittw~s ~ which were approved for r.~w ins the ro ress of the ' P ~ - }~tencTed to increase t IIallations Approxim• li h ~', e li tel ing_ I hts b one h o ram_ ~6 units f ha_s_ \' ; been instaIIed~o date. '~ho,e i ~ Phillips and Northpa.~te #3 The ~c~ comnleted are in e will be completed erid' n a~ an M roxim or #1 tell 2 weeks. ----- --- ' _ J i -- - -. - ---- - -- _ -_ The Mayor appointed Bill N`itche$ ommi ss_1 on sub 'ect to the Zp-~ro _~ 1 ' 1 to serve on the P1 _l of_ihe Ci_t„~C4un~'~ ( in t- & Zo -- ing --- ---- - ~_ Marvin Bd The Motion was made py I dine and seconded bYi Richa~ rd Wi liams that I.LLG vV LL11V.11 cL~J V1 V V C LLIC Gll~ V V 111 L111 CIt :. V 1 1)111 1'~1 L(:11C11 LU Lf1C C1i111I1111 ~' dIl(1 Zoning Commission for the balance of Owen Frost's term ending Dec. 31, 1978. ~ Motion passed: Bodine, yea; Rasmussen, yea; Williams. yea. K • 1VOTIC^ OF ANNEu[1TTON ACID ZONSNG FIF~ARIt~tG '_latic:e is hereby gi~rc~x•., pursuant to the. Ordinances of the City of Meridian anc? t::e la~,;~s of `,.he :fate of Idaho, that a hearing wi1]. be held at the City ,<all i_P. the r_ity of Meridian, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., ox: 2!!onday, January 3, 1977 for the purpose of annexing ar.d zeniny +.he followinc described property. Any and all persons interested shall be heard at said hearing. The following described property to be known as "LDS WEST'S PINP ANNF'XATION"and to 'bo ^.or_ed "'A" Residential: A portion of the StiV 1/^_ of t?ie. *5E l/A of Section 11, Township 3 "dorth, Range 1 Nest, 13.Pr., 7+.da County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Ueginning at tae 1/4 corner common to Sections 11 and 12, T. 3'_1., R. 1FI., E.?.; thence running ::. 89°38' W., along the 1/4 section lire a distance of 1326.35 feet to the REAL POINT Or BEGINNING; thence running id. 89°38' W., along the 1/4 section line a dist.a:rce of 103.0 feet to a point; thence running N. 0°02' E., a distance of 2ti3.6 feet to a point; thence running N. a,9°30' E., a distance of 105.0 Legit to a point; thence running S. Q°02' W., a distance of "1.65.2 .feet to the REAL PO]av'i' OF L'i?(sla'aNL?G. Containing 0.64 acres, more or less, and i.s subject to a county road right-oF-~-ray along the Seuta side of said described property. DATF This i4th cap: ~` t,ecerrYe-, 176. ._1 i' C7-e~rk ~ ~ ,,/,r!~ I i ~,~, ~,~~ D;OTIC~ OF HEARING PP,OPOSED APItdEXATION AND ZONING ..Notice .is hereby given, pursuant to the Ordinances of the .City of 2eridian and the laws of the State of Idaho, that a hearing before the Pl.ann.ing and Zoning Commission will be held at the City Hall in the City of Meridian, at the hour of$:00 P.M., on Monday, December. .13, 19'16 for the purpose of annexing and zoning the following described property. Any and all inter parties shall be heard at: said hearing. The following descri.be3 ?>roperty to be known as "LDS WEST PINE ANNI',Xi1"'IOTd" anil to h<~ zoneri "A" Residential: A portion of the sW 1/4 oI tht.I7I: 1/4 of Section 11, Township 3 Nort}1, Range 1 West, L..;., P,ua Couray, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the 1/4 cornor a~r~rnon to Sections 11 and 121 T. 3N., R. 1W., B.D4.; thence running :V. 89°38' W., along the 1/4 section line a distance of 1326.35 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence running N. 89°38' [V., along the 1/4 section line a distance of 105.0 feet to a point; thence running N. 0°02' E., a distance of 263.6 feet to a point; thence running N. 89°30' E., a distance of 105.0 feet to a point; thence running S. 0°02' W., a distance of 265.2 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. - Containing 0.64 acres, more or less, and is subject to a county road right-of-way along the South side of said described property. DATED This ~_ day of November, 1976.. ~~.~ ~ ---r~E~ : erald J. Cox City Clerk i R, AM®ROSC. FIT26[RALO H CROONSFflN •TTOMN[vs AND cO UNI[L°NS flf GfT FIIIST M (111 DIAN. ID.NO eaa.l rcwwoef eee-asel .I (J. ~ ~~; I ,.ti..xilL~~ .'L ~, ~).7';J Ib :.~ _~,ri jl~ iia l ~Ci .: Ct:::Cf,-; lii i;e L'cb~ %~J-'l'E'n 1>L:?: 31131'.'L t.0 ~..li: '~YC~lIIRRCZo Of the 1;1tYL1I. S1er7.i°. 1. r.9;1 61 {)°. t. '(' laws. Of. t11 EP. `?s_at:C'.O.'"IClahO, ihdt a ~~°/C T `•~~fi ~"L~'If rr. a ~A .91~Y'Yyi LP ~tM r'~!,'1' h E'.dYlnQ W7.1.1. ~~2 'IE?1-~,'at 9; X18 ::: J. *: `}' ;1Ly )_'_ Ir: t~1e Cltc Of~ `"Er idl an, atthe Hour o BC!'t n.;ei.< ('.~ r;u.",;;;r, "ovE~,rr!i~,c=.,- 15th, 1.976 for the pu1:t,0~i' Ci :.~::iF`_,":16i'7 P.SI',i; LOYili:ci T;;le 1 p1.7.GW1CjCi de.3c1:'!.hed property. Any 8na a7.7. 1TIt n1 ~. =1. P'-! „)a:4 u'S 9nci .:1 ,~.?<;li it f: Sa1d ne:ar.l-Ilg. Lt-c f07 1G.7~P.~ ~ _. ,UL' ~ t,t'; 1)L~) ~;'r-~:j C. fJ LI> i~-n04in d9 °STUTtiTi'-A°.~ L. i~]idFXRT-COTS" t 'Cl. Y l" H LOT.'eC7 "':~"i" ~lr>; 7.. clef ;!.7 dl , 11 tra":~~~ Of l i,ic! , ,_ t;l. _ ,~ ~~!; _/4. `e~C;l:li,.. 7, _.. 3Yd., h. 1~ , i. ,.d. , (-,d ~~: i'a.':/I 'i ~~. i:i, .I?Llnli. dtY '_i.": thT`. 11a% J':' d piiTt10:1 07 :~1V5} :Y]li3 ~'". ~.5:, i~ '. F, `in~~, is ]JV 1 ~;U1"~nl^_ :~ thG '..UttagP i-?OIIe ~~iriiti~:~n to ~[o.ict.;,l, I:ic ru, +An.. Isn the .,ot^tr. by Tine Street, morn I,arti.c';.i<Ir:1~ -.. _ as c T' _ ..~. BBg132n iI]Q 32; d r;r _<'zp 3I: iCln~y ~-h i'. C'E ,j C:13r of `i i'.lalOn 7, ~. J'Tv., I2. 1:~'. , N..'-i. , tnn?I~:(:^, -~1. G°0_,.' t' r__or'g t}!e P.,ast~-.rly boundary line, ar.d the proj~.tr-ion t.,<ereof., of ohs; Cottage Srorne A3dition to .Meridian, Idaho, ~ICL:ort~ira~ i.o the oiiicial ~~ldt thereof or. file in the P,~.`ia County Racorr_1.er's Office, b_~i~->, 3aho,- said line also bai.ng on the .north-south aI!id-secti-oil line of said Section 7, 957.00 feet (58 rods) to a steel pin; the:ICe N. 89°00' E.,t26.39 feet to the centerline of Five Mile i:ree?:; ti~ence ~. 32°S2' W., along said centerline, 183.16 feet to a point' thence S. ~°25' W., along .said centerline, 355.00 ioet to s ;wi.nt~ thence S. 38°26' E.,`along said centerline, 366:00 fel>t to a point; thence leaving said centerline S. 89°18' D7., i:'7.90 feet tc, a steel pin; thence S. 0°52' E., 160.85 feet to a point on the cast-west mid-section line of sai6. Section '7~ the:,ce S; 89°00' 4d., along said mid-section line, 208.7.6 .fer-~t. t_o file paint. of beginning. Said. tract bf land contains 3.79 acz-as; ::ore or less, subject to easements of record or in use, _Dl1TFD This 19th eiay of octobt~r_, :!.3/6. / 7j9 _ _ _ ~ ~ _ ~~f''. = , '~; f-C---f"` -sue, `~/ 4.. ~' 4MPHGSE FilzOE~'n~D & CkOOKStON ArTO aNEVS a COIINSELO pS o 933 GAS, FIpST MEP!p IAN. 1°AH° flf9G2 TE~E~NONE 800 448' .^ ~ ~ ~ Z ~~,', 0 ~ _,. j~~ O ? ~ , ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ m ~ ~ ~~ ~; ~, c ~ , o ~~ ~ O m ~ ~ ~ =c ac~ ~~ `~ ~ ~,~ ~~` v~ ~ 0 ~ ~ mss; , ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ v ~ ~; ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ C\`4,Q ~ C o~ ~4 ~~~_~ ~~~ ~ 0 ~~ ~~`' 0 ~`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~, ~ C5 4 ~ ~ ~ j~SU~ ~' 0~_ Oh 4~N~ ~N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~., V~ ~ L C\ •~~~ Q G G ~ ~~~~ ~ C ~` ~0 C s ~ ~? ~~ ~ ~~ L ~n ~ V 0~ ~ ~~~ ~ L C ~3~3 ~ -~ L , ~ , ~~ o ~v ~mO~N~N s o a ~ 0 ~,°~~ O~~ ~~ `~ U OQ^ ~~~~~~~ ~ L ~ ~ o ~~ p ~~~~~.~ ~~ ~ ~~Q ~ C ~ o.'~ ~~ ~~~~ ,, ~ ~~ ~a~~~~a ~'~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~J ._0 ~~~ e~, ,, =_ e': ~ ; :~_ o. ~~,;~ ~;~°~~. .~ . ,,. ., ,.~,, i ., .. _ .. .._. _ _.__._-_-_--__________._______._ J ..__.-_ _.__. ..--____ _ _ ;, ~ ;,- y r .: i s ~ -' '~ ~~ ~_,..~i ., 1 ~~ ~; :; ~ ~.1 F- ~ c!1 .~\ ~I ~'f~(1 .; ; ,~ '', ~ ~ ~;, ~ ~~ I ~Yl \~ Ya~_ _ __ -_ N~ i V- ~- F- l~ i~" LJ l~) ~ r7 ~U Z ~~2 'r= (Y ~ i.. U = U ~ ~\ ~ ail ~ ~ v ~/~ i~- ~ N~ I ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~' u"; ~, ~ i i~ O L,' O ~~ ~ O r) ~~ ,ii fP I I ~ (1) ~ i 4~ j Z ~ ~ a ~~ j _~ ~x ~ I I i I .I ~, ,, ~= I ~ i u- L.. ~ O i ~9 I ~~ ~ I , ~ ~Si I ~ ~ l~ ~ l_ 3 i~ ~ L'1 ~~ Z r~ o ~- ~ n n ~ 7 ~ Z 3 i ,, I