1978 01-30s January 30, 1978 ~eetin lember F °' thers Fre J L Fe kr he Mo ion was made b, Anne H" an ch ck and comment° to , his m tion was seconded D f lotion n~s:ed: All Ye T er was a recommend ommit ee that a letter ho f on-at ainmert. I was su~aested th t t -- ~ Ye ore i - formation. - - hl Hamilton resented _]YLT ~S214g_~ ?n _iirran Rnrm, _ Attes Chairman --- - -bit £3er9c - - -- -- January 30, 1978 To the Meridian Planning $ Zoning Commission: s_, J 6 ~ 7 The Sub-committee, charged with making recommendations regarding the areas best suited for Industrial and Heavy Commercial Development, do this day go on record agains the A.P.A. recommendations that Meridian be included in the Boise City "non-attainment" area, re- garding air pollution. At least for the time being, we feel the E.P.A.'s first recommendation on the "non-attainment" area should be adequate. We encourage the Meridian Planning against this A.P.A. recommendations put the A.P.A. in absolute control mit route. Respectfully, and Zoning Body to go on record on "non-attainment!', which" would of all development through the per- Industrial Sub-Committee Wally Lovan, Chairman Bill Eams Jim Grant Steve Matlock Ed McNelis Lee Mitchell