1986 07-14• i A G E N D A MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING JULY 14, 1986 ITEM: MINUTE~.OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD JUNE 9, 1986: (APPROVED) 1. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS ON ANNEXATION & ZONING REQUEST BY C & O CONSTRUCTION: (APPROVED) 2. DISCUSSION ON AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING & DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE. MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONNING COMMISSION JULY 14, 1986 Regular Meeting of the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission called to order by Chairman Bob Spencer at 7:30 p.m.: Members Present: Walt Morrow, Moe Alidjani, Jim Johnason, Tom Cole: Members Absent: Jim Shearer: Others Present: Bob S4herry, Bill Nary, Lane Hamilton, John Hazen: The Motion was made by Morrow and seconded by Alidjani to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held June 9, 1986 as written: Motion Carried: All Yea: Item #1: Findings of Fact and Conclusions on Request for Annexation and Zoning by C & O Construction: Chairman Spencer, is there any questions or discussion by the Commission on these Findings of Fact and Conclusions? The Commission were advised that this request would have to come back to the Commission for a Conditional Use Permit and Design Review before the project could be built. The developers chose to proceed with this application only for financial purposes to make sure they had preliminary approval before they expended monies for architect fees and etc. The applicant has also been advised that the Zoning & Development Ordinance will have to be amended before final approval can be given. The Motion was made by Moorow and seconded by Cole that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves the Findings of Fact and Conclusions as prepared on the Request for Annexation and Zoning by C & 0 Construction: Motion Carried: Cole, Yea: Johnson, Yea: Alidjani, Yea: Morrow, Yea: The Motion was made by Morrow and seconded by Cole That it is hereby recommended to the City Council that the property should be conditionally annexed and zoned R-40 Residential which conditions are stated in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions and those conditions should be invest- igated and set forth by the City Council: Motion Carried: All Yea: Item #2: Discussion on Amendments to the Zoning & Development Ordianace: Chairman Spencer, the Commission has received some items that either need amended or clarified in the Zoning & Development. Ordinance. We will start with Item 2-408-B-4 that only allows R-40 Zoning in the Old Town Designated Area. There was discussion on this item and it was the concensus of the Commission that this item needed amended to allow R-40 Zoning in other areas: MERIDIAN PLANNI, & ZONING • JULY 14, 1986 PAGE # 2 Chairman Spencer, the next item is 2-409 which does not allow lesser density than zoned in some instances: There was discussion on this item and it was the consensus of the Commission that the necessary changes be made to this section pertaining to residential: Chairman Spencer, the next item is 2-410-A Maximium Lot Coverage and the description of Lot Coverage as far as buildings go on page #14: This item came up because someone was talking about building some fairly large units and if the garages had to be included in the lot coverage he would have to reduce the size of the units or not have covered parking. There was discussion on this item: It was the consensus of the Commission that this needed revised in some manner, either with change in the description of lot coverage or a change in the maximium amount of lot coverage. Chairman Spencer, we now have the items suggested by the City Engineer starting with the suggestion that we add a paragraph which requires fencing or tiling of irrigation, laterals or canals. There was some discussion on this item and it was the consensus of the Commission that this item did not need to be added to the Zoning & Development Ordinance but should be one of the requirements when approval of a preliminary or final plat was requested by a developer. The sencond suggestion is that our Ordinance needs to be amended to conform with ACHD's most current specifications on Highway & Street Types, Section 9-605-B-3a: It was the decision of the Commission that the Ordinance should be amended to reflect this change: The third suggestion was that Section 9-617-A-2 Fence Regulations be amended to require a four foot width and depth blockout for water meter and fire hydrants: There was discussion on this item and after consider- ation of the Commission it was the consensus that this not be amended. The Motion was made by Alidjani and seconded by Cole to have the City Attorney draw legally the items that the Commission has decided need amended and make a notice for a Public Hearing. Motion Carried: All Yea: Being no further business to come before the Commission the Motion was made by Cole and seconded by Morrow to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.: Motion Carried: All Yea: (TAPE ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) APPROVED• . SP CER, CHAIRMAN +Uv / Ja k Ni ma , City Clerk r pci: Ma~& Council, P&Z Members, Atty, Eng, Police, Fire, Mitich, Ward ~ St art, Valley News, Statesman, ACRD, ACC, ACZ, CDH, NIMD,Hallett File: (2) Mail (2) OFFICIALS JACK NIEMANN, Clty Clen A M KIEBERT,Tnewrar BRUCED STUART, WeUrWOhs Suet. WAYNE G. CROOKSTON. JR., Anorrroy EARL WARD. Weete Weter SUFI KENNY BOWERS. Fue CNlel ROY PORTER. Police Cher GARY $MITN, Clry Enplneer JULY 14, 1986 HPB OF TREASC"RE VALLF.]' • A Good Place to Live CITY OF MERIDIAN 728 Meridian Street MERIDIAN, IDAHO 83842 Phone 8881433 GRANT P. KINGSFORD Mayor PLANNING & ZONING MEMBERS: COUNCILMEN BILL BREWER RONALOR TOLSMA J. E BERT MYERS ROBERT GIES~ER BOB SPENCER Cnaumen Zomnp 8 PlenNnp ADDITIONAL ITEM THAT NEEDS DISCUSSED AND MAYBE AMENDED IN THE ZONING & DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE. 2-409 DOES NOT ALLOW LESS DENSITY IN ALL CASES IN SOME ZONES: (EXAMPLE) DUPLEX NOT ALLOWED IN R-15 ZONE: JACK NIEMANN ZONING ADMINSTRATOR JULY 11, 1986 PLANNING & ZONING MEMBERS: I HAVE TWO ITEMS THAT I FELL NEED CLARIFIED AND AMENDED IN THE ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE: ~~i~/ (1) 2-408-B-4 R-90 Zoning only allowed in the OLD TOWN DESIGNATION: U/`;1J The City already has areas which are probably R-40 that are not in this area even though they are zoned R-15: Hope Arms Apartments, James Court & Washington Square: (2) Lot Coverage as far as garages are concerned: See Page # 14 description and 2-410-A Maximum Lot Coveraae. IF ANY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION HAVE ANY OTHER ITEMS, PLEASE BRING UP AT THIS MEETING: 3; I`~ .~. ~ G ~~ vN c~. ~~D ~ S /V o t ~ ~ I o ..J fsS ~ ~ ~ _ ~ 5 ~ p.Jc.._ ~J ~(V U~~j~ ~~ "~ ~ • HUB OF TREASURE VALLF_~' A Good Place to Live OFFICIALS JALK NIEM ANN,Chy Clerk CITY OF MERIDIAN A. M. KIEBE RT, Tnlesuror BRUCE D. STUART, Weter Worke Supt. WAYNE G.CROOKSTON.JR.. AtitKney 728 Meridian $LTeeY EARL WARD. Weete Weter Supt. KEN NY BOWERS. Fire Chlet MER.IDIAIV, IDAHO ROY PORTER. Polio Cniet 83842 GARY $MITN, Llty En01^eer Phone 888-4433 GRANT P. KINGSFORD Mayor Memorandum - July 14, 1986 To: Meridian Planning & Zonino From: Gary Smith - City Engineer Re: Suggestions for Revisions to Meridian Zoning and Development Ordinance i A. Development Ordinance - COUNCILMEN BILL BREWER RONALD R. TOLSMA J. E. BERT MYERS ROBERT GIESLER BOB SPENCER Chalnnan 2oninp 8 Plannmp .~ 1. Section 9-605: Add a sub-paragraph titled "Tiling or Fencing of Irrigation, Laterals or Canals." Our previous City Ordinance contained this provision and recently I have been asked about this requirement by several concerned City residents. Attached -~ is a copy of the requirement from our previous Ordinance. C ~,~ ,Section 9-605, (B) - 3a - "Highway F• Street Types." This item should he revised to conform with ACHD's most current specifications. The listino should read: Expressway or Freeway 160-260 feet Major Arterial 80 feet Minor Arterial 66 feet Urban Collector 60 feet Urban Residential 50 feet Non-Continuous Residential 40-46 feet 3. Section 9-617 A2 water department '~ the water meters and depth dimens attached.) (Dwg.) "Fence Regulation." To give our adequate area in which to maintain and operate and hydrants I would like to show a 4' widths ion of the fence blockout (copy of drawing Respe fully Submitted, Gary D, mith, P.E. City Engineer u 9 -607 9-607 • • 21 d. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but if unavoidable shall be provided with adequate turn-around facilities at the dead-end as determined by ~- -Sbe-kY'~and Council. e. Crosswalk easements for pedestrians shall be provided where deemed essential to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping areas, transportation or any other community facilities. The said crosswalk easements shall have a minimum width of six feet 16'1 and shall be improved with a concrete walk over the full width of the easement with proper fencing on each side of the easement. Blocks: a. The length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use contemplated; the zoning requirements as to lot size and dimensions; the need for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic; and the limitations and opportunities of topography. b. Block lengths shall not exceed one thousand feet (1,000'1. 4. Lots: a. All lots shown on the subdivision plat must conform to the minimum requirements of the Zoning Code. (Chapter 4, Section 2-001271 b. Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street lines unless a variation will give a better street and lot plan. All corner lots shall have a minimum radius of twenty feet (20'1 on the property line. c. Double frontage lots shall be prohibited except where unusual topography or other conditions make it impossible to meet this requirement. d. All remnants of bts below minimum size left over after the subdividing of a larger tract must be added to adjacent lots rather than allowed to remain as L L- L 5. Tilin or Fencin of Irri ation Ditciie Lat rats or Canals. All irrigation ditches, latera s or Cana s, exc usrve o natura waterways, m ersecting, crossing or lying adjacent and contiguous to an area being subdivided shall be covered, or if not feasible, then fenced with an eleven 111) gauge, two inch (2"1 mesh chain fink fence or other construction equivalent in ability to deter access to said ditch, lateral or canal, at least six feet 16'1 in height and securely fastened at its base at all places where any part of said lands or areas being rsubdivided touch either or both sides of said ditch, lateral or canal. The City may waive the requirement for covering or fencing such ditch, lateral or canal if it finds that the public purpose requiring such will not be served in the individual case. Any covering or fencing program involving the distribution system of any irrigation district shall have the prior approval of the affected district. No subdivision plat shall be approved where the subdivision is arbitrarily or artifically laid out to avoid being adjacent to any irrigation ditch, lateral or canal to which it would otherwise be naturally adjacent or which it would otherwise naturally include. (Ord. 351, 9-4-791 665;1179 c.. - 5-6D5 E :TREE TS 1. Dedication -Within a proposed subdivision, art~el and collec- tor streets es shown on the Comprehensive Plan shall be dedicated to the public in all cases; in general, all other streets shall also be dedicated to public use. 2. Location - Street and road location shall conform to the locatior. requirements of ACRD or successor agency. 3. Street and Road Specifications - a. Street Right-of-way Widths - Shall comply with the require- ments of ACHD or any successor agency. street end road right-of-way widths shall conform to the adopted major street plan or comprehensive development plan and the rules of the State Department of Highways and the Highway District or Department having jurisdiction. Minimum right-of-way standards are as follows: vat and Street Types Widths Expressway or Freeway .....................166-260 feet Major Arterial ...........................••---120 feet Minor Arterial ...........................•---- 8D feet Collector Street .............................. 60 feet Minor Street .................................. 50 feet tion-Continuous Residential Street ............. 40 feet b. Street a not exceed ten (1D) percent on either minor or collector streets, and six (6) percent for arterial streets. The minimum grade of alt streets shall be D.3 percent. c. street Alignment -Street alignment shall be a_ follows: 1) Horizontal Alignment - when street lines deflect from each other by more than ten (10) degrees in alignment, the centerlines shall be connected by a curve having a minimur, radius of five hundred (500) feet for arterial streets, three hundred (300) feet for collec- tor streets. Between reverse curves or, collector and arterial streets, there shall be a minimum tangent distance of two hundred (200) feet; and 2) Vertical Alignment - Minimum stopping sight distances shall be two hundred (20D) feet for minor streets and designed in accordance with design speed for collector and arterial streets. 4. Street Names - The naming of streets shall conform to the following: -16- 1 Fr;>nce i;t~g~t.ion INc•~6[ L -nip a ~roperty Lin i CITY OF MERIDIAN 28 Merldlan Street 6' Solid or Open Fence behind Set Back Property Line I, /ir i iJ~}-~ Property line-~ \ ~ ~! 3' Solid Fence or 4' Open Chain Link Type Fence In Front of Setback Fence Re~uiaiion j CORNER LOT .~ 4 Property Line +~ Street ~° ~~ ~ ~ Leave Open Access to Water Meters and Fire Hydrant 6' Wood, Solid or Open Fence z~' 3' Wood or Solid Fence nor 4' Open Fence site Triar~~i 'X' i 4_ jig ~ ~ ~ 0 3' Wood or Solid Fenc ~ ur 4' Open Fence eti~ Site 3` Ghain Link or Open Fence -46- Leave Open Acces3 to WatetF Meters and Fire Hydrant BEFORE THE MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION C & O CONSTRUCTION ANNEXATION AND ZONING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The above entitled annexation and zoning application having come on for consideration on June 9, 1986, at approximately 7:30 o'clock p.m. on said date, at the Meridian City Hall, 728 Meridian Street, Meridian, Idaho, and the Commission having heard and taken oral and written testimony and the applicant appearing and having duly considered the matter, the Planning and Zoning Commission makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That notice of the public hearing on the annexation and zoning use was published for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the said public hearing scheduled for June 9, 1986, the first publication of which was 15 days prior to said hearing; that the matter was duly considered at the June 9, 1986 hearing; that copies of all notices were made available to newspaper, radio and television stations. 2. That the property included in the Application for Annexation and Zoning is described in the application, and by this reference is incorporated herein; that the property is ~MBROSE, FITZGEMLD dCROOKSTON ~HOmeye Intl GJOnNIOn P.O. BO.121 MwWNn,WNo !2112 TWp~OM B!&IM1 FMBROSE, FITZGER~LD E CROONSTON Attornay~nM CounNlore P.O. Box 12] MM0W,1ONo BS612 TN~gwM SBB1M1 approximately 4 acres in size; it is north of Cherry Plaza Mall; it has no direct access to Meridian Road or to Fairview Avenue; access is proposed by means of an easement along the north boundary of the Cherry Plaza property and an extension of "2 1/2" Street; that the easement is approximately 30 feet in width; that applicant is negotiating with other property owners for additional access. 3. The property is presently zoned by the county agriculturally and the present use is the same. 4. That the property to the South is Cherry Plaza shopping mall, a vacant lot and some commercial property; the property to the east is a mobile home park of high density; the property to the north is generally in agricultural use; the property to the west is a residence and vacant ground previously used agriculturally. 5. That the property is adjacent and abutting to the present City limits. 6. Kenneth and Lois Cooper are the owners of the property and they have consented to the Application. 7. That the property included in the annexation and zoning application is within the Area of Impact of the City of Meridian. 8. That the entire parcel of ground is included within the Meridian Urban Service Planning Area as the Urban Service Planning Area is defined in the Meridian Comprehensive Plan; that the property is in the North Curve Neighborhood as designated on the Policy Diagram contained in the Comprehensive Plan and is not included in Old Town. 9. That the Application for annexation requests that the parcel be annexed and zoned (R-40) Residential; that there is no present use of the property other than vacant ground; that the Applicant indicated that the intended development of the property was a high density residential planned unit development for retired citizens. 10. That the Applicant did not submit a request for a conditional use for a planned unit development. 11. That if the land were annexed at this time the City would be obligated to provide, at a minimum, police and fire protection services. 12. That the City has in the recent past conditionally annexed and zoned property conditioned upon final platting and commencement of construction of sewer and water and other reasonable conditions. 13. That there was no testimony from the public objecting to the Application. 14. That the property can be serviced with City water and sewer. 15. That the fire department submitted input which indicated that two adequate fire accesses should be provided and that adequate fire hydrants should be placed on the property; there was also concern about fire safety in the event development nrnBRDBE, FITZGERRLD 6 CROOKSTON Rttom~ys ~nE COU11Mb11 V.O. Boa /2] MsrMW~ IOtlw B9B12 Wp11pN MB~MI AMBROSE, F1T2GERALD B CROOKSTON Atiornaya Md Counaebrs P.O. Boz /27 MxWMn, ICYIo T~Np~on~ BB8dM1 of more than two stories was to be considered. 16. Ada County Highway District and the Department of Health submitted comments and such are incorporated herein as if set forth in full. CONCLUSIONS 1. That the City has authority to annex land pursuant to 50-222, Idaho Code; that excerise of the City's annexation authority is a Legislative function. 2. That the Planning and Zoning Commission has judged this annexation and zoning application by the guidelines, standards, criteria, and policies contained in Section 50-222, Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, the Meridian City Ordinances, Meridian Comprehensive Plan as amended February 19, 1985, and the record submitted to it and things of which it can take judicial notice. 3. That all notice and hearing requirements set forth in Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and the Ordinances, of the City of Meridian have been complied with. 4. That the Commission may take judicial notice of government ordinances, and policies, and of actual conditions existing within the City and State. 5. That the land within the proposed annexation is contiguous to the present City limits of the City of Meridian, and the annexation would not be a shoestring annexation. 6. That the annexation application has been initiated by AMBROSE, FIRGERALD B CROOKSTON Attorneys MO Counwbn P.O. Boz IY7 MxIE1M, IMllo B9l17 TsMplgn~ N6/M1 the Petitioner, with consent of the owners, and the annexation is not upon the initiation of the City of Meridian. 7. That since the annexation and zoning of land is a legislative function the City has authority to place conditions upon the annexation of land. 8. That the following provisions of the Meridian Comprehensive Plan are noted in relation to this Application: a. p.8 GOALS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOAL 4: To provide housing opportunities for all economic groups within the community. b. p.12 POPULATION GROWTH--POLICIES 3: Unimproved or unrealized land within Meridian City limits and Urban Service Planning Area should be utilized in order to maximize public investments, curtail urban sprawl and protect existing agricultural lands from unnecessary infringement. c. p.23 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT 1: Encourage the overall balance of public and private proposals regarding residiential development and includes a variety of densities, housing types and housing opportunities for all segments of the planning area popluation. p.25 2. The Comprehensive Plan provides and encourages the implementation of Planned Development (PD) techniques: (1.> when land has been, or will be, dedicated for the development of essential public services or facilities such as school sites, fire stations, libraries, land for park, recreation open space, and historical, architectural or archaeological sites. (2.) When environmentally sensitive lands (creeks, wetlands, wooded areas) have been preserved in their natural state, and design and development considerations have been made to protect such lands from geological, topographical and other natural or man-made hazards as part of the overall residential development project. (3.) When development projects preserve and utilize natural physical features as part of their overall design concept and make use of such techniques as cluster AMeROSE, FIRGERALD I CROOKSiON ANOrnaya YM CwRN1IX~ v.o. eo: u~ nl.nalr~, wlw sx~x rrnnoR. eaawei .._... .. .,zs.. development and density transfers, in order to conserve existing natural features which are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. (4.) When developments promote orderly, well-planned and aesthetically designed projects which are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Meridian Comprehensive Plan. AMBROSE, FITZGEMLD BCROONSTON An«~w.1na CqunNlMt P.O. BOZ IR7 BNMEI~n,IA~M 69812 T~MPIwM 888M81 (5.) When development utilizes and is consistent with public service facility-management plans for the Urban Service Planning Area. p.26 3. HOUSING POLICIES (1.) The City of Meridian intends to provide for a wide diversity of housing types (single-family, mobile homes and multi-family arrangements) and choices between ownership and rental dwelling units for all income groups in a variety of locations suitable for residential development. (4.) The development of housing for all income groups close to employment and shopping AM BROSE, FIROERALD S CROONSTON Attormya enE CouneNps P.O. Box X27 MarMNn, IdYw &9M2 •~4p~on~lBBNl1 centers should be encouraged. p.27 (14.) Design and performance standards should be applied to infilling development in order to reduce adverse impacts upon existing adjacent development. (18.) As Planned Development methods and standards are considered by the City of Meridian, variations pertaining to Planned Development (PD)---maximum density, dimensional standards and other requirements---shall not exceed 258 of the existing requirements, and shall be recommended when one or more of the Planned Development (PD) design and development objections are met. (19.) High density development, where possible, should be located near open space corridors or other permanent major open space and park facilities and near major access thoroughfares. (20.) Density transfers should be encouraged in exchange for school sites, open space dedications, or for access easements to linear open space corridors, which contain bicycle and pedestrian pathway systems. AMSROSE, FITZGERALD d CROOKSTON ABOmlyx vW Ca+nxron P.O. Box 127 MMtlI1n, MMo B]B12 TNpIwMBSBIMI p.29 TRANSPORTATION Principal Arterials: Cherry Lane/Fairview Minor Arterials: Meridian Road/North of Fairview 9. That the following provisions of the Zoning Ordiance of the City of Meridian are noted: a.) 11-2-408 B 4. (R-40) High Density Residential District: the purpose of the (R-40) District is to permit the establishment of high density residential uses at a density not exceeding forty (40) dwelling units per acre. This District is to be located exclusively within the Mixed Use Review Area designated as OLD TOWN in the Comprehensive Plan. b.) 11-2-409 A Residential Schedule of Use Control: indicates a planned unit development requires a conditional use in the R-40 District. 10. That the development of annexed land must meet and comply with the Ordinances of the City of Meridian and in particular Section 11-9-616 which pertains to development time schedules and requirements; that the applicant should be required to connect to Meridian water and sewer lines and extend such to the development at its own cost; that the property will be RMBBDSE, FITZGERALD B CROOKSTON •ttwlleysaM Cwnwbn P.O. Boz Ill MwrMNn, WWo SMI2 TN~ggn~BB&IMl N o » subject to Site Planning Review. 11. That proper and adequate access to the property is of great concern to the Commission; that access will have to be improved to allow the proposed development. 12. That it is concluded that the annexation would be in the best interests of the City of Meridian if the land was going to be immediately developed. 13. That due to Sections 11-2-408 and 11-2-409 above stated it is concluded that the Commission can only conditionally recommend the annexation and zoning of the property; that these conditions are that a zoning amendment be obtained allowing R-40 classification outside of OLD TOWN and that a conditional use be granted allowing a planned unit development. 14. It is pointed out to the Applicant that while recommendation is being made for conditional annexation and zoning, and the Commission approves of the concept of the planned unit development, the Commission reserves the right and ability to impose conditions and restrictions on Application for conditional use permit for the planned unit development and upon site planning review. It is noted at this juncture that the access does not appear to meet the requirements for a planned unit development nor does the land and project appear to meet implementation of planned development techniques set forth in Conclusion 8. and does not meet some of the housing policies in Conclusion 9. ~MBROSE, fITZGERgLD d CROOKSTON AtlGMpy! NO Counssbn P.O. Sox l77 MNWW, IOYa S7l12 T~IpNpN N6M6/ 15. Therefore, based on the Application, the testimony and evidence, these Findings and Conclusions, and the Ordinances of the City of Meridian, it is ultimately concluded that Applicant's property should be conditionally annexed and zoned as requested; that the conditions should be those stated above and upon issuance of final platting or issuance of a building permit and other conditions to be explored at the City Council level; that such annexation would be orderly development and reasonable if the conditions are met. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. ROLL CALL Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Chairman Spe Cole Shearer Johnson Alidjani Morrow ncer (Tie Breaker) Voted ~/e j Voted Voted Voted ~~1__ voted ~/~,,,~ Voted-T~ RECOMMENDATION It is hereby recommended to the City Council that the property should be conditionally annexed and zoned R-40 Residential which conditions are stated hereinabove and those investigated and set forth by the City Council. MOTION: APPROVED:~~ AMBROSE, FITZGERALD 6 CROONSTON AROm~yx YW Counwla~ P.O. Box 17l MMEIUy IG~o 83M2 Tslaplwn~ MNM1 e.. a i'Y E _ ~ '. DISAPPROVED: