1986 12-08 A G E N D A MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING DECEMBER 8, 1986 ITEM: MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER g , 1986: (APPROVED) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD OCTOBER 14, 1986: (APPROVED) MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING HELD OCTOBER 27, 1986: 1: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BY CAL GAS CORPORATION: (RECOL+IMENDED APPROVAL) 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BY LOREN ROSS AND GREENLEAF FRIENDS ACADEMY: (RECOMMENDED APPROVAL) 3: Discussion for provision in Zoning & Development Ordinance on ditch coverings: MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING DECEMBER 8, 1986 Regular Meeting of the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission called to order by Acting Chaiiman Walt Morrow at 7:30 p.m.: Members Present: Moe Alidjani, Jim Johnson, Jim Shearer, Tom Cole: Members Absent: Bob Spencer: Others Present: Wayne Crookston, Steve Wherry, Jack Garrett, Rich Allison, Dick Deardon: The Motion was made by Alidjani and seconded by Shearer to approve the Minutes of the previous Meeting held September 8, 1986 as written: Motion Carried: All Yea: The Motion was made by Alidjani and seconded by Cole to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held October 14, 1986 as written: Motion Carried: All Yea: The Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Shearer to approve the Minutes of the previous Meeting held October 27, 1986 as written: Motion Carried: All Yea: Item #1: Public Hearing: Request for Conditional Use Permit by Cal Gas Corporation: Chairman Morrow, is there anyone present to come forward and advise the Commission about your project? Mr. Dick Deardon was in the audience and advised he would speak on behalf of Cal Gas Corporation. Mr. Deardon was sworn by Attorney Crookston. Deardon, what we are proposing to do is on the corner of 3rd and Bower Street is install two 30,000 gallon propane tanks, these will be used to store propane, load trucks out and unload rail cars. Everything that will be installed will meet all standards and all the different codes that are required for this type of operation. There should be no problem from a safety standpoint and there should not be any traffic problem there as there will probably only be maybe four trucks a day in and out here. These will be delivery trucks. Acting Chairman Morrow, are there any questions of the Commission? Johnson, I do not see the signature of the property owners in my material, did they get the necessary signatures? City Clerk, I must have neglected to include these in your package, they had seven out of the nine adjacent owners. MERIDIAN P ~ • DECEMBER 8, 86 PAGE # 2 Chairman Morrow, if there is no other questions of the Commission, the Public Hearing will now be opened. Is there anyone in the audience who wishes to testify on the request? There was no response. The Public Hearing was closed. Commission Members you have preliminary Findings of Fact & Conclusions, what is your decision? The Motion was made by Cole and seconded by Shearer that the Dleridian Planning & Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves the Findings of Fact and Conclusions as prepared by the City Attorney. Motion Carried: Alidjani, Yea: Johnson,Yea: Shearer, Yea: Cole, Yea: Morrow, Yea: The Motion was made by Shearer and seconded by Cole that the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that they approve the Conditional Use Permit requested by the Applicant for the property described in the application with the conditions set forth in the Findings of fact & Conclusions of Law and that the property be required to meet the water and sewer requir- ements and the fire and life safety codes. Motion Carried: All Yea: Item #2: Public hearing: Request for Conditional Use Permit by Ross and Greenleaf Friends Academy: Chairman Morrow, is there someone present to represent this request? Mr. Rich Allison, 1040 East Pine, Mr. Allison was sworn by Attorney Crookston. Allison, our proposal is to move the Greenleaf Friends Academy Day Care Center from their present location on Pine Street to the Ross Furniture Building located on Fairview Ave. The propsal at the present time is to use half of the building for a day care center and an elementary school. We have evaluated the site from the standpoint of the comments received and would certainly be willing to meet the requirements. One item that might be of interest as far as safety would be the dropoff and pickup of the children, this would be in front of the building and then inside the building they would have a gate which would keep any of the children from running out into the front of the building at any time. The play- ground for the children would be directly behind the building and fenced. Chairman Morrow are there any questions of the Commission Members? Alidjani, due to a conflict of interest, I would like to abstain from any comments or action on this application. Johnson, I understand the Academy is going to lease the East half of the building, there would be adquate parking for this facility but if the other half was to be rented to some other type of operation would there continue to be adquate parking. Allison, there are currently eighteen parking place in front of the building, the owner is planning on tearing down the old house between this building and the building occupied by Cal's Service parts as well as removing the bath house and trailers at the side of the building for MERIDIAN P DECEMBER 8, 86 PAGE # 3 u additional parking. This additonal parking would probably not be completed until the balance of the building was rented. Shearer, are you aware and do you have any problems with the comments of the City Engineer and the Fire Department? Allison, we are and the owner is well aware of the requirements. Cole, what is the maximum number of children you are looking at here, and how does that compare with what is currently enrolled? Is there going to be an increase here? Allison, there is presently 54 students and they have a waiting list for day care children and they do propose to expand into the lower elementary grades. It requires 35 square foot per child I believe so they would be limited in that regard. Cole, one other question I have is in regard to the playground, I know when the children go out to play they get a little loud and the trailer park there is an adult only park, do you think this is going to create a problem? Will they be calling the City complaining? Allison, they would probably call the landlord as he is the same one who owns the building in question. We have addressed this and he would probably vacate a couple of spaces if necessary. Chairman Morrow, are there any othere questions of the Commission? There were none. The Public Hearing was opened. There was no one present who wished to testify on this request. The Public Hearing was closed. Anything further from the Commission? There was no response. Attorney Crookston, the Findings of Fact and Conclusions that were prepared were preliminary and the comments of the Fire Department & the City Engineer should be incorporated in to the Findings. The Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cole that the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves the Findings of Facts and Conclusions with the inclusions of the comments of the Fire Department, the City Engineer and the Sewer Department. Motion Carried: Alidjani, Abstain: Johnson, Yea: Shearer, Yea: Cole, Yea: Morrow, Yea: The Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cole that the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that they approve the Conditional Use Permit requested by the Applicant for the property described in the application with the conditions set forth in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and that the property be required to meet the water and sewer reauirements and the fire and life safety codes. Motion Carried: Four Yea: One Abstention: MERIDIAN PLA~iNG & ZONING DECEMBER E, ~$6 PAGE # 4 • A Letter received from the Development Services I'epartment of Ada County dated October 29, 1986 where they planned to amend Title 8 of the Ada County Code was reviewed and the Members had no comments or objections to this amendr:~ent. (Letter on FileD Two items that need possible amendment in the Zoning & Devel~?pment Ordinance were discussed, one having to do with ditches in a Resident- ial Subdivision and the other in the bulk & coverage section on R-8 Zoning. It was the consensus of the Commission that these along with other items be discussed at a later date. Being no other business to come before the Commission the Motion was made by Cole and seconded by Alidjani to adjourn at 7:55 p.m.: Motion Carried: All Yea: (TAPE ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) ATTEST: (~ `~}«~ !a ~"/~!n~«` ~Jagk Nient~, City Clerk: ~ i pc: Mayor & Council P & Z Members Atty, Eng, Fire, Police, Ward, Stuart, Mitich, Hallett, Valley News Statesman, ACC,ACHD, NIMD, CDH, ACZ APPROVED: /,.,~~~-~A~ ~ljCl`7L-'CC~C~Lr'r( Y`1c .. 1-)7ti!1.~. ~T MORROW, ACTING CHAI AN Mail: (2) File: (2) BEFORE THE MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RALPH ROSS AND GREENLEAF FRIENDS ACADEMY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 403 E. FAIRVIEW AVENUE MERIDIAN, IDAHO PRELIMINARY FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The above entitled matter having come on for public hearing AMBROSE, FIROERALD 6 CROOKSTON Anansys YW CounWan P.O. BoK 127 Msrl0lan, IEYw 67!12 TWpans Bl6/N1 December 8, 1966, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m., the Petitioner appearing in person, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Meridian having duly considered the evidence and the matter makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That a notice of a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit was published for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the said public hearing scheduled for December 8, 1986, the first publication of which was fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing; that the matter was duly considered at the December 8, 1986 hearing; that the public was given full opportunity to express comments and submit evidence; and that copies of all notices were made available to newspaper, radio and television stations; 2. That this property is located within the City of Meridian and is owned by the Applicant Ralph Ross, and is II • • described in the application which description is incorporated herein; the other Applicant is Greenleaf Friends Academy who are the proposed Lessees of the property; 3. That the property is zoned General Retail and Service Commerical tC-G), which requires a conditional use permit for the operation of a private school which is the use the application requests; that such use requires a conditional use permit in any zone where allowed. 4. That the C-G district is described in the Zoning Ordinance, 11-2-408 B. 8 as follows: (C-G) GENERAL RETAIL AND SERVICE COMMERCIAL: The purpose of the (C-G) District is to provide for commercial uses which are customarily operated entirely or almost entirely within a building; to provide fora review of the impact of pro- prosed commercial uses which are auto and service oriented and are located in close proximity to major highway or arterial streets; to fulfill the need of travel-related services as well as retail sales for the transient and permanent motoring public. All such districts shall be connected to the Municipal Water and Sewer systems of the City of Meridian, and shall not constitute strip commercial development and encourage clustering of commercial develop- ment. 5. That the private school use proposed by Applicants is an allowed conditional use in the C-G district. 6. That the property to the west is developed •MSROSE, FITZOER~LD dCROOKSTON •ROmays MM CoYnsNOrs P.O. Box ~T MMONn, IONO lJS~II ToNgMn~M16/M1 commercially; the property to the east is used residentially and commercially; the property to the south is used residentially as a mobile home park; the property to the north is Fairview Avenue and across Fairview the property is used commercially. u • • AMBROSE, FIT20EML0 dCROOKSTON Attanwys nE Counwbn R.o. BoA ur MMCIYi, bNo 89MY 7. That a proper notice has been given as required by law and all procedures before the Planning and Zoning Commission have been given and followed; 8. That the buuilding on the property is presently vacant but has been used in the past as a furniture store; 9. That the Applicant has submitted petitions signed by at least 758 of the people owning property within 300 feet of the property indicating their approval of the use of the property as requested by Applicants. CONCLUSIONS 1. That all the procedural requirements of the Local Planning Act and of the Ordinances of the City of Meridian have been met including the mailing of notice to owners of property within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the applicant's property and having obtained the consent of 758 of the owners of property within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the applicant's property; 2. That the City of Meridian has authority to grant conditional uses pursuant to 67-6512, Idaho Code, and, pursuant to 11-2-418 of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian, Idaho; 3. That the City of Meridian has authority to place conditions on a conditional use permit and the use of the property pursuant to 67-65.12, Idaho Code, and pursuant to 11-2-418(D) of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian, Idaho; 4. That 11-2-418(C) of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian sets forth the standards under which the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall rev iew applications for Conditional Use Permits; that upon a review of those requirements and a review of the facts presented and the conditions of the area, the Planning and Zoning Commission specifically concludes as follows: a. The use, would in fact, constitute a conditional use and a conditional use permit would be required by ordinance. b. The use would be harmonious with and in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan but the Zoning Ordinance requires a conditional use permit to allow the use. c. The use apparently would be designed and constructed, to be harmonious in appearance with the intended character of the general vicinity. d. That the use would not be hazardous nor should it be disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses. e. The property has sewer and water service available. f. The use would not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and the use would not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. AMBROSE, g. The use would not involve a use, activity, process, F1T2GERALD d CROOKSTON Attomeye Ano Coonsebn P.O. Boa R7 YNrMMn, l0ela 87MII Telep~olr BB6rM1 h~l' ~:~'. material, equipment or conditions of operation that would be detrimental to person, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of AMBROSE, FITZGERAIA 6 CROOKSTON Auomsya ~nE CounMlan P.O. Boa 1Y7 MsrI01n, MNo B7NY TN~WvN NB{16/ traffic or noise. h. There is sufficient parking for the property and the proposed use. i. The development and uses will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural or scenic feature of major importance. 5. That the location on Fairview Avenue is a very high traffic area; that access to Fairview from the school use and property must be controlled; that the f enced play-ground area shall ha ve no open access and access must be obtained through the school; such access restriction appears to be set forth on the plans su bmitted. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The Motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Cole that the Meridian Planning 6 Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves the Findings of Facts and Conclusions with the inclusions of the comments of the Fire Department, the City Engineer and the Sewer Department. ~~ ROLL CALL: Commissioner Morrow Commissioner Alidjani Commissioner Johnson Commissioner Shearer Commissioner Cole Voted ~Cfl voted At?S7l~-j~2 Voted ~jP~- Voted ~j P~} Voted y tUF} Chairman Spencer (Tie Breaker) Voted DECISION AND RECOMMRDiDATION The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that they approve the Conditional Use Permit requested by the Applicant for the property described in the application with the conditions set forth in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and that the property be required to meet the water and sewer requirement and the fire and life safety codes. MOTION: AMBROSE, FIRGERALD d CROOKSTON AttormYe eIM CounMbn P.O. BOx IR7 Merblen, lAMlo B~!/L TsleWtone BB&M!1 APPROVED: I gB~l~i~ DISAPPROVED: .~. <x7„r.. ,,. BEFORE THE MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CAL-GAS CORPORATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT LOTS 1 THROUGH 7, BLOCK 1, BOWEN'S RAILROAD ADDITION MERIDIAN, IDAHO PRELIMINARY FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The above entitled matter having come on for public hearing ~MBROSE, F1720ERALD 6 CROOKSTON ~t1onMVSaM Counxlon P.O. Box ~Y! Malol~n, IoNo B7MII TN~PNOn~BB6~Mt December 8, 1986, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m., the Petitioner appearing in person, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Meridian having duly considered the evidence and the matter makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That a notice of a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit was published for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the said public hearing scheduled for December 8, 1986, the first publication of which was fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing; that the matter was duly considered at the December 8, 1986 hearing; that the public was given full opportunity to express comments and submit evidence; and that copies of all notices were made available to newspaper, radio and tel.c>~,°',sion ~~tations; 2. That this property is located within the City of Meridian and is described in the application which description is yl` x:wa`._.. II • • incorporated herein; 3. That the property is zoned Industrial (I-L), which requires a conditional use permit for the operation of storage of flammable liquids or gases which is the use the application requests; 4. That the I-L district is described in the Zoning Ordinance, 11-2-408 B. 11 as follows: (Z-L) LIGHT INDUSTRIAL: The purpose of the (I-L) Light Industrial District is to provide for light industrial development and opportunities for employment of Meridian citizens and area residents and reduce the need to commute to neighboring cities; to encourage the development of manufacturing and wholesale establishments which are clean, quiet and free of hazardous or objectionable elements, such as noise, odor, dust, smoke or glare and that are operated entirely or almost entirely within enclosed structures; to delineate areas best suited for industrial development because of location, topography, existing facilities and relationship to other land uses. This district must also be in such proximity to insure connection to the Municipal Water and Sewer systems of the City of Meridian. Uses incompatible with light industry are not permitted, and strip development is prohibited. 5. That the storage of flammable liquids or gases use proposed by Applicants is an allowed conditional use in the I-L district. 6. That the property to the west is a lumber business; the property to the east is commercial and industrial; the property to the south is used residentially; the property to the north is railroad track and commercial and industrial. AMBROSE, fITZDERALD d CROOKSTON Atlomeys mE Counsebrs P.O. Boz IR7 MMEW, M~Iw l9MR TWWw«rBM~M1 7. That a proper notice has been given as required by law ~MBROSE, PIRGER~LD d CROONSTON AROm~y~rM CouneNOn P.O. Box ~T1 MNgNn, WYw 67M2 T~MpIgM lMIMt and all procedures before the Planning and Zoning Commission have been given and followed; 8. That the property is presently vacant. 9. That the Applicant has submitted petitions signed by at least 758 of the people owning property within 300 feet of the property indicating their approval of the use of the property as requested by Applicants. CONCLUSIONS 1. That all the procedural requirements of the Local Planning Act and of the Ordinances of the City of Meridian have been met including the mailing of notice to owners of property within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the applicant's property and having obtained the consent of 758 of the owners of property within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the applicant's property; 2. That the City of Meridian has authority to grant conditional uses pursuant to 67-6512, Idaho Code, and, pursuant to 11-2-418 of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian, Idaho; 3. That the City of Meridian has authority to place conditions on a conditional use permit and the use of .the property pursuant to 67-6512, Idaho Code, and pursuant to 11-2-418(D) of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian, Idaho; 4. That 11-2-418(C) of the Revised and Compiled AMBROSE, iRZGERAID 6 CROOKSTON ABMM,~ rM CouneMas V.O.OOa /Y7 MuMW, MtliO B9H7 TaMpAOM MH~l7 Ordinances of the City of Meridian. sets forth the standards under which the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall review applications for Conditional Use Permits; that upon a review of those requirements and a review of the facts presented and the conditions of the area, the Planning and Zoning Commission specifically concludes as follows: a. The use, would in fact, constitute a conditional use and a conditional use permit would be required by ordinance. b. The use would be harmonious with and in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan but the Zoning Ordinance requires a conditional use permit to allow the use. c. The use apparently would be designed and constructed, to be harmonious in appearance with the intended character of the general vicinity. d. That the use may be haaardous and adequate safeguards need to be taken to guard from injury but the use should not be disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses. e. The property has sewer and water service available. f. The use would not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and the use would not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The use would not involve a use, activity, process, r~ material, equipment or conditions of operation that would be detrimental to person, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic or noise. There is sufficient parking for the property and the proposed use. The development and uses will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural or scenic feature of major importance. AMBROSE, FITZGERALD B CROOKSTON Anomsys rm Counaslon P.O. Boa I2T MwWMn, WYro HM2 T~hp~oN BB&IM1 ~:-. _. . APPROVAL OF FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. ROLL CALL: Commissioner Morrow Voted ~t'~t~~ Commissioner Alidjani Voted ~IL~l~ Commissioner Johnson Voted ~/Pf~ Commissioner Shearer Voted ~ F'i~- Commissioner Cole Voted ~~ Chairman Spencer (Tie Breakez) Voted DECISION AND RECOMMENDATION The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that they approve the Conditional Use Permit requested by the Applicant for the property described in the application with the conditions set forth in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and that the property be required to meet the water and sewer requirements and the fire and life safety codes. MOTION: APPROVED: Y DISAPPROVED: AMBROSE, FITZGERAID d CROOKBTON Attortwyl YW CiWnM11M V.O.80.137 MM01n, WMo e~e1x ;,- .;; DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 650 Main Boise, Idaho 83702 October 29, 1986 Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission Meridian City Hall 728 Meridian Street Meridian, Idaho 84642 Dear Planning & Zoning Commission Members: BUILDING•SION PLANNING DIVISION ZONING DIVISION Phone: (208) 383-4423 (208) 383-4424 (208) 383-4424 ~~,Y Co~~.~ ~ Ada County proposes to amend Title 8 of the Ada County Code (Ada County Zoning Ordinance) to provide a more realistic method of processing subdivision plat applications. Presently, our Zoning Ordinance places all subdivisions in the category of Planned Developments, this causes a lengthy and time consuming processing. A re-cap of county subdivision processing over the past 3 years shows that only 4 or 5 subdivision plats could be described as being Planned Developments. The greatest percentage of the subdivision plats processed were conventional plats without any of the amenities usually connected with Planned Developments. This situation is unique into Ada County since no other governmental body in the county is required to process subdivisions under these restrictions. The proposed amendments will still provide for the processing of subdivision plats under the Planned Development Section of our Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 9.0) when a subdivision is in fact a Planned Development. The proposed amendments will also provide for the processing of subdivision plats that are not developed under Chapter 9.0, which will account for approximately 90~ of the County's subdivision processing. These amendments will not affect the Area of Impact Agreements or the referral process between Meridian and Ada County. The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on December 11, 1986 to consider these amendments. We solicit your comments for presentation to the Commission. Sincerely, Conr-d `^' ~~,~ PLANNER ZI CK/dd ORDINANCE ~ • • AN ORDINANCE Ah1ElVDING TITLE 8 OF ADA COUNTI' CODE, THE ADA COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE: r PR01'IDING FOR "SUBDIVISIONS" TO BE A PRINCIPAL PERDIITTID USE IN ANY ZONING DISTRICT; RE-DEFINING "SUBDIVISION. OF LAND" AS A PLA,^dNI:D DEVELOPhiII^JT. BE IT ORDAINID BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CODPiISSION'ERS, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, THAT PURSUANT TO THE POWER VESTED IN THE1 BY ARTICLE 12, SECTION 2 OF THE IDAHO CONSTITUTION AND TITLE 31, CfIAPTER 8 OF THE IDAHO CODE, THAT THE FOLLOW'II\G SECTIONS OF TITLE 8 OF THE ADA COUNTY CODE THE AD:1 COUM'Y ZONING ORDINANCE~ARE IIEREBI' AbIENDED, MODIFIID OR REPEALID, AS FOLLOIVS: ADD: "SUBDIVISIONS, AS DEFINED IN TTIIS TITLE" TO THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: 8-4A-2, 8-4B-2, 8-5-3, 8-6A-3, 8-6B-3, 8-6C-3, 8-6D-3, 8-7A3, 8-7B-3, 8-7C-3, 8-7D-3, 8-7E-3. ADD: SUBDIVISION OF LAND IVHEN DEVELOPED TINDER CI4IPTER 9 OF THIS TITLE, FER~IITTING FLEXIBILITY OF DESIGN AND VARIETY IN DEVELOTfi1ENT TO TIC FOLLOWING SECTIONS: 8-5-2, 8-6A-ZC, 8-6B-2C, 8-6C-2C, 8-6D-2C, 8-7A-2B, 8-7B-2B, 8-7C-2B, 8-7D-2B, 8-7E-2A. ADD: NEW SECTION 8-13-13 THE SUBDIVIDING 01? LAND (SUBDIVISIONS)_SIIALL BE_A PERMITTED USE_IN_ANY ZONING DISTRICT. PROVIDING SAID SUBD.IVISION_ COMPLIES_WITH TI IE__STAMIA}2nS, CONTAINID IN CHAPTER 10 OF THIS TITLE AND TVITH THE DESIGN AND DII`tENSIONAL STANDARDS_ OI: ,THE APPROPRIATE ZONING DISTRICT'. APPROVID THIS DAY OF BOARD OF COUNTY CODMISSIONERS Doyle C. Dlrner, airman Mic ael L. Jo son, Commissioner Rucle, Commissioner ATTEST 1986.