1982 10-12s A G E N D A MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING October 12, 1982 ZTEM: Minutes of Regular Meting Held September 13, 1982 APPROVED Minutes of Special Meeting Held September 23, 1982 APPROVED Mobile Home Park Sub. Permit APPROVID 1. BROOKLAWN FARM ESTATES - Tentative Plat APPROVID 2. PUBLIC HEARING - Conditional Use Permit for Insurance Office Lee Sells; 1323 E. First Street APPROVID 3. QUONG-WATKINS - Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law APPROVID i i Meridian and Zoning Canmission October 12, 1982 Regular Planning and Zoning meeting called to order by Annette Hinrichs, Chairman, at 8:12 P.M. MaN~ers present: Don Sharp, Lee Mitchell, Bob Spencer, Burl Pipkin Tom Eddy, Absent Others Attending: Michael Zuzel; Art Davis; Ed Bews; Dorothy Rules; Dean Rule; Dorothy Rule; Richard Johnson; Lee Sells; Gloria Sells; Diane Aeschbacker; Bob Nahas; Robert Davis; Dale oamby; David W. Coffin; Jim Potter; JoAnn Potter; Bish Bischoff; Betty Bischoff; Kevin Loden; Tom Marks; De.E. Witder The Motion was made by Lee Mitccell and seconded by Don Sharp that the minutes of the regular meeting held September 13, 1982 be approved as written. Notion carried: All yea The Motion was made by Sharp and seconded by Pipkin that the minutes of the special meeting and public hearing for the Amendments of the Canprehensive Plan and for the Quong-Watkins Properties Annexation, held September 23, 1982, be approved as written. Motion carried: All yea Agenda 1 PUBLIC HEARING - BROOKLAWN FA&'N ESTATES NUBILE HOME PARK PERMIT and PRELIMINARY PLAT Located SE Corner of West Pine and Linder Road Dean and Dorothy Rule and Dick Johnson were present representing the request for a Mobile Herne Park Permit and Preliminary Plat approval of Brooklawn Farm Estates. Dean Rule presented a rough draft of protective covenants and regulations to each member explaining that their design is for adult ownership. A fence would surround the Subdivision with privacy and security in mind. Pipkin: "What kind of fence Mr. Rule?" Rule: "A wood fence around the front and a chain fence around the back." "Cedar" "The front is Pine and Linder" Hinrichs: "And then the back would be the railroad track and the east boundary?" Rule: "Yes" Mitchell: "What about your east boundary? Is it possible you would need sane screening there saneday?" Rule: "It could at sane future date" Sharp: "What is the reason for not putting a solid fence around now?" Rule: "It is about the same price -the main reason being for fire. There is an open field on the east side and weed fires burn wood fences real good." Sharp: "Even in Idaho it does?" (laughter) Hinrichs: "Have you read the conrients?" Rule:"Yes" F.inrichs: "The one catanent that has caused the most concern is the access. We are concerned about one (1) access instead of two (2)." Rule: "When we make the other access it does away with all our security and privacy. I have always stated that tae wanted the single access, because it is an adult park." Mitchell: "How do you control that?" Rule: "This is a legal matter and I can't speak to that -this is has we are going to advertise." Spencer: "Don't you think the one (1) access is going to restrict the fire and police vehicles?" Ih~le: "Well, there's a 55 foot entrance" There was discussion concerning length of street. (Tape on file,City Clerks Office) Dick Johnson stated that the street itself is about 700 feet. Rule: "The Fire Department comes dean Pine Street" Hinrichs: "Should there be sow unexpected problem that would cut Pine Street off for access, then they would not be able to get into your property at all -the like to have an alternative." Sharp: "This is probably one factor that they can negotiate with the City Council." 2. 1982 Agenda 1 (Cont'd) Hearing-Brooklawn Farm Estates Nbbile Herne Park Permit & Preliminary Plat Dick Johnson, Planner: On the Linder Road entrance I have sane camnents." "On the Linder Street entrance (displays map) down here we do have the railroad and irrigation canal and they are built on a rise, which could make an entrance in this area - almost a blind one looking to the south. Really, it would open that entire Subdivision up for carmercial traffic to flea through (Linder entrance). Other people caning out of this ca~mercial zone couldn't go in -especially if there is a traffic light put in on Linder and Pine." Pipkin: "Anybody that did that would be in violation for traveling across private prop- erty to avoid a traffic light." Finrichs: "Yes, but that doesn't stop then fran doing so." Johnson: I would like to point out that the distance fran where the side street would cane in off of Linder, around to the main entrance into the parcles, is less than one-quarter of a mile and should Pine Street get locked down that access wx~uld still be available off of Linder into it." Mitchell pointed out entrance could be Lot 19. Sharp suggested that they could "flip-flop" the design to solve the problem and have a future street on the east side when this area develops. Johnson and Rule displayed a map of proposed development of adjoining property to the east. Sharp: "With this type of situation, I would not have a problen with not having an exit on Linder." Spencer: "I wouldn't either." Sharp: "But I do think there should be a provision made for access into the adjoining piece of property." Rule: "We have no qua]ms about this." Spencer: "Approximately lots 34 and 35?" Rule: We will put this stub-out in and if it is possible go with phase II. We have a letter fran Mr. Groan which authorizes us to do that. (Displays letter to Chairman Hinrichs) This all cane up since we got the catments and can show this can be opened up. This vrould do away with the "passer-throughs" of the trailer park." Pipkin: "P7hat do you plan to do with Nine Mile Creek?" Rule: "It is our intention to pipe it across the immediate property -and this of course, will be all fenced." "The Rutledge and railroad side will be fenced with chain link." City Clerk reported that there are 1008 of signatures of approval within 100 feet and more than 75g within 200 feet of this proposal. There were none against proposal. Hinrichs: "I am now opening the hearing to anyone in the audience to make canments regarding the Brooklawn Farm Estates Mobile Herne Park Permit and Preliminary Plat." No response. "Hearing is closed" Findings and Order were reviewed and read: 1) Owners Beth Biddick and Harvey Anderson; Dean A. and Dorothy Rule, representing. 2) Signatures obtained 100 within 100 feet; more than 75~ property owners signed approval within 200 feet. 3) Contigious to City boundary; annexed and zoned "A" Residential, contingent upon the owner to rezone to Mobile Herne Park Subdivision Ordinance when adopted 4) All proper legal requirements in submission and advertising have been complied with. 5) That this proposal is not in conflict with the provisions of adopted regulations or intent of adopted policies. 6) 'Phat the land in this area is suitable for the propsed use within the existing zone classification. 7) That the proposed use is canpatible with existing land uses in the area. 8) That the amers of adjacent lands expressed approval of the proposed uses. 9) The Planning Commission finds the proposed use to be in harmony with the general purpose and will not be otherwise detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. There was no testimony for or against proposal during Public Hearing. The Motion was made by Spencer and seconded by P~Iitchell that the COi[[ILlSSlOn accept the Findings and Order of Brooklawn Farm Estates Mobile Home Park. Nbtion Carried: All yea ,., , _. _ Meridian Planner & Zoning .3. October 12, 1982 Agenda 1 (Cont'd) Hearing-Brooklawn Farm Estates Nbbile Herne Park Permit & Preliminary Plat The Motion was made by Sharp and seconded by Mitchell that the Ca~mission recartnend that the City Council approve a Mobile Herne Park Permit and the Tentative Plat for Brooklawn Farm Estates Mobile Herne Park Subdivision, subject to 1) connect to City water and sewer 2) that a solid fence be placed on Linder and Pine Streets 3) provision be made for street access to the property on the east. Motion Carried: All. yea Agenda PUBLIC HEARING -CONDITIONAL USE FOR LEE SELLS, 1323 E. First Street- INSURANCE OFFICE 2 Lee Sells was present to request a Conditional Use Permit for an Insurance Office and residence at 1323 East First Street. Burl Pipkin and Lee Mitchell addressed Chairman Hinrichs with the request to abstain. Request granted. Sells: "You have been through this procedure for this location recently." (Conditional Use was granted to Dr. Rose but was withdrawn after cacipletion) Sharp: "The only contingency placed on this permit previously was the removal of trees and the parking strip. Do you have any objection to this?" Sells: "NO sir, the trees definitely have to be removed." Spencer: "Alhat kind of sign do you plan putting up?" Sells: "I haven't considered the sign because I'm sure there is a sign ordinance. I will canply with the ordinance." Hinrichs: "Our sign ordinance has not really been adopted yet, it is still pending with City Council, and we urould like some description of what type of sign you anticipate." Sells: "It will be a particularly low profile sign -like we have at our office now on Pine and Linder Road -probably less than four feet." Hinrichs: "No neon or flashing." Sells: "We do not entertain traffic off the street. Our business is still solicited by phone and usually done in the hane." Hinrichs questioned the removal of trees and Sells explained if they can be saved they will be placed in the back. Cannents fran Departments were reviewed. (On file) Chairman Hinrichs: "The request of Lee Se11s, Conditional Use for and Insurance Office and residence at 1323 E. First Street is now opened to public camient." There was no response. Hinrichs read a letter from Winston Real Estate and Investment Co., Boise, ID, a property owner within 300 feet of proposal. Roger W. Wood, General Partner, wrote the letter in "total support for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to Mr. Sells", stating that he "felt the highest and best use of East First Street is cannercial and office type business use." Sells: "One other camtent I would like to make is that we are primarily interested >n using the bane as our residence, we are looking for the opportunity to have the insurance office but we're not going to be destroying anything because we are going to be living there." Hinrichs: "I think the Planning and Zoning is also interested in maintaining the nice character in that neighborhood - we don't want to see it immediately go caa~iercial. " Sells: "The neighbors that I have talked to will appreciate seeing the tin barn go to a lath sided to match the neighbors." Hinrichs: "If no other cou¢nent Fran the public, this hearing will close." The Planning and Zoning Co~nnission reviewed the Findings and Order for Lee Sells Conditional Use Permit at 1323 East First Street. 1) The existing land uses >n the area are Residential and other Conditional Use Permits/Limited Office. 2) The Canprehensive Plan designates this area as "A" Residential 3) Existing zoning of the property is Medium Density "A" Residential 4) That the proper legal requirements for advertisement of the Hearing have been fulfilled. Publication Valley News Timms Sept. 22 and 29, 1982 Mexidian Planning & Zoning .4. October 12, 1982 Agenda 3 (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARING -.Lee Sells Conditional Use for Insurance Office ~5) That this proposal is not in conflict with the provisions of adopted regulations or intent of adopted policies. 6) That the land in this area is suitable for the proposed use within the proposed zone classification. 7) That the proposed use is canpatible with existing land uses in the area. 8) That the owners of adjacent lands expressed approval of the proposed use. 9) The Planning Com<nissioh finds the proposed use to be in harmony with the general purpose and will not be otherwise detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. The Notion was made by Sharp and seconded by Spencer that the Commission approve and adopt the Findings and Order for Lee Sells Conditional Use Permit at 1323 E. First Street. NY~tion Carried: All yea Pipkin and Nlitchell Abstained The Motion was made by Spencer and seconded by Sharp that the Planning and Zoning Ca~mission recommend approval to the City Council of the Conditional Use Permit for an Insurance Office to Lee Sells, 1323 East First Street, with the conditions that the architectural design of the area be maintained; the Commission suggest the remaval of the trees in the parkway in front of the residence; that the sign ordinance be follaaed; and any and all changes to the property meet City Ordinances. Motion Carried: All yea Agenda 3 FINDINGS OF FACT AND Pipkin and NLitchell Abstained - QUONG-WATKINS PROPERTIES ANNE}CA'1'ION Hinrichs: "The Planning and Zoning Commission met at a Public meeting following the last hearing and looked at all the information that had been given to us, at the many hearings, and the following is what we felt were the findings. Our duty tonight is to go over these findings, make sure we agree with than and to discover what conclusions we can make because of these finds, and finally a Motion for this request. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS FOLLOWING PAGES Agenda 3 (Cont'd) and .s. October BEFOP.E THE MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COP1IdISSION QUONG-'v1ATKINS PROPERTIES A.4NEYATION FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS AMBPOSE, F1T2GERALD 6CROOKSTON ANOrneye NC CounsNOn v.o. eo: ~zT M.aai.n, ia.no ex.s ~IeO~one BBBJ.E1 The above entitled annexation having come on for hearing on September 23, 1982, at the 'lour of 8:00 o'clock p.m. at the Peridian Primary School, 48 Guest State Street, Meridian, Idaho, and tine Commission having he.Ld prior hearings and meetings and having heard and taken oral and written testimony and having duly considered the matter, the Planning and Zoning Commission makes the following Findings of Fact: 1. That notice of hearing on the annexation was duly publish- ed in the Valley News for two (2) consecutive issues, the first of whici~ publication was fifteen (15) clays prior to September 23, 1982; that notice of the public hearing held September 23, 1982, was made available to newspapers, radio and television stations; ti:at the annexation has been well-publicized and the news media has conducted extensive coverage of the annexation process, hearings and meetings. 2. That the Planning and Zoning Commission (P & 7, Comm.) has held prior hearings on the annexation and testimony, both oral and written has been received; further, the P & Z Comm. has discussed this annexation at regular meetings. 3. That the property included in the Application for annexa- tion is described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein; that the property generally lies south of Interstate 84 in Sections 17 and 18, T. 3N., R. lE., B.M., until it reaches the mid-section line of Section 17, T. 3N., R, lE. B.PL, and then it includes parcels of land on both sides of s • Agenda 3 (Cont'd) and 1982 Interstate 34, and then goes north of Interstate 84 in Section 16, T. 3N., R. lE., B.D1. 4. That the property is adjacent and abutting to the present City limits; that it connects and abutts the City limits at its initial point for a distance of over 1500 feet: that all parcels included in the annexation rely on continuous abutting boundaries to meet the contiguous requirement; that no common boundary for any parcel is less than 250 feet. 5. That owners of all properties included in the application have petitioned and requested the City for annexation with Y_hc exception of the owners of that property known as Northwest-Pipeline Company annexation and the State of. Idaho annexation; that the Northwest Pipeline Company property is less than five acres in size and the State property is also less than five acres in size. 6. That all properties included in the application have petitioned to have their property zoned "C" Commercial upon annexa- tion. 7. That the property included in the annexation is within the Area of Impact of the City of Meridian as adopted by Ordinance 319. 8. That almost the entire area included within the annexation gMBROG E, FITZG ERALO SOROONGTON Allomeya and Gounaelon P.O. Boa tIT MerlClan, IEalw 898/Y leo~one 9BBJb1 is included within the Urban Service Planning Area as the Urban Service Planning Area was defined in the 1978 Comprehensive plan; that that portion of the annexation property generally easterly of Eagle Road is not included in the L'rban Service Planning Area as referred to in the 1978 Meridian Comprehensive Plan, but much of the land included in the annexation easterly of Eagle Road did abuts the Urban Service Planning Area boundary; that the Urban Service Planning Area boundary was easterly of Eagle Road; that the Urban Service Planning Area boundary is not a definite line of demarcation Agenda 3 (Cont'd) s and .7. but is used solely as a guideline for Urban Service Planning. 1982 9. Under the zoning requested as set forth in the annexation request, that portion of the annexation property westerly of Eagle Road and southerly of I-84 is in compliance with the 1978 Compre- hensive Plan, in that that area was designated for mixed use and as a technological review area; that not all of that portion of the annexation westerly of Eagle Road and north of I-8a is in compliancE with the 1978 Comprehensive Plan as that area is designated as Rura: Residential P.eserve, but a good portion of it would be, particularl; that part closest to Eagle Road and I-84, as it would be outside the Rural Residential Review Area; that that part farthest from Eagle Road and I-84 only abutts the P.ural Pesidential Review Area; that that portion of the annexation east of the Urban Service Planning Area boundary as designated in the 1978 Comprehensive Plan would be in violation of the 1978 Pleridian Comprehensive Plan. 10. That the P & Z Comm. has adopted Amendments to the 1978 Comprehensive Plan that would remove all of the above violations in that that portion of the annexation north of I-84 and west of Eagle Road and that which is farthest from those two highways would be adjacent ~ or in an Interchange Enterprise Area; that the Comprehensive Plan Amendments have been adopted by the P & Z Comm. and recommenced to the City Council for approval, but the Cit;~ Council has taken no action on those Amendments. 11. That while all the owners of all the parcels that make AMeROSE. FITZG ERALD 6 GROONSTON Altomeye en0 Couneslore p.o. eo: ezT MME4n, Ieeno &tM2 TalepMne EEMMt up the entire annexation have requested "C" Commercial zoning, the proposed use of only a part of the annexation is known even though the application states that the use would conform to the zoning; those parcels designated as numbers 16 and 17 have been proposed by the petitioner, Quong-Watkins, as a site for a Regional Shopping Mall; that no other proposed uses have been designated for any of the parcels. and s. 12 Agenda 3 (Cont'd) 12. That the Idaho Department of Transportation has decided to plan and construct an interstate interchange at the intersection of I-84 and Eagle Road; that along with a _°reewa~~ interchange will come development of one kind or another as a result of access to the freeway; that Eagle Road, Franklin Road and Overland Road are major arterials within the Area of Impact and a portion of them are already within the City Limits; that the traf`ic along Eagle Road, Franklin Road and Overland Road already Impacts the City of P4eridiar 13. That it is the goal of the P & Z Comm. to encourage Inte change Enterprise Areas, that is, groorth in and around Freeway interchanges; that regardless of the construction of a regional shopping mall, cevelopment will occur in and around a new inter- change at the Eagle Road/I-84 intersection. 14. That the annexation land drains to the west and any sewage) disposal other than a public system would infiltrate into the. well water available to the City of Meridian which relies on well water- additionally, the area can be sewered by means of gravity flow. 15. That the present capacity of the Peridian Sewage Treat- AMBROSE, FITZGERALD 6OROOKSTON Allwneye end Counselors P.O. Box eP7 Merlolen, IoNo Beet Tslsplgne 8861N1 ment Plant is for a population equivalent of 21,000; that current utilization is a population equivalence of 7,000; that the plant has the capability of being expanded to serve a population equiva- lence of approximately 42,000; that in order to serve all the previously annexed property in the City of Meric~.ian, the sewer txc^ ment plant would have to have a capacity of approximately 50,000 population equivalence; that not all previously annexed property or the property in this annexation request would develop at one time and, thus, require sewer service at one time; that all property within the City limits eaill develop gradually, especially in the present economic times, giving the City and private enter- prise time to resolve any sewer needs; that the City can presently ~ s Meridian Aqenda 3 (Cont'd) and Zonina _ .9. October provide sewage treatment to all the land of this annexation, if it were the first area in the City limits to construct connection lines and hook-up to the present sewage treatment facilities- at the present time, there is an available sewage use of 14,000 equivalent population; that the proposed shopping mall, only, would. require the use of 3,000 population equivalence; that no testimony or evidence .vas revealed as to the requirements of the land in the proposed annexation other than the proposed shopping mall. 16. water service can be supplied to the land in this annexation, but as additional development and use occurs, new wells vrill have to be developed with public and/or private funds in tide pro~~osed annexation area. 17. 'i'he addition of this land will have a significant impact on the City police and fire departments which n'~ust immediately supply coverage upon annexation; that the costs to the City for fire and police protection will increase as a result of the annex- ation immediately; that this problem must he immediately addressed. 18. Economic development of the proposed annexation area would be encouraged by the availability of public caater and sewer; however, even without public water and sewer, the annexation area, particularly around the proposed Eagle Road/I-84 interchange, is going to be developed. 19. The present land use of the proposed annexation area is almost entirely agricultural, and with t'•.ie construction of the Eag Road/I-84 interchange, this land use will change, particularly around the interchange. 20. That since the owners of all the parcels have requested AM EROS E. FRZG ERALD dOROONStON Altorneye enC CAUneelOre R.O. eon AZ] MetlGlen, iCNo BJB,i ne0nona 886aA61 commercial zoning, there would be a tendancy to strip commercial development along Overland °.oad; that strip commercial development is not encouraaed under the present comprehensive plan, the Amend- ments thereto or past policies of the City. ~~ and .lo. Agenda 3 (Cont'd) 21. That any development in the proposed annexation area would increase the tax base of the City: that developments of a commercial or industrial nature would increase the tax base in a fashion that is more desirable than residential, considering the cost of services to the area; that is, it would cost less to provi City service to a commercial or industrial area per tax dollar obtained from the use than it does for a residential area per tax dollar. 22. That any economic development in the area is going to add some jobs; that development of a regional shopping mall in the proposed annexation area would add a significant boost to the Area of Impact's employment and income. 23. That, particularly as concerns that portion of the proposed annexation area where the petitioner, Quong-Ldatkins, proposes to construct a regional shopping mall, and, to a certain extent, the entire proposed annexation area, the Petitioner has committed to do the following things which will alleviate some of the police, fire, water and sewer problems that would occur upon annexation: (a) Provide the City with a fire station in the regional shopping mall area and provide one fire engine, all at his cost; (b) Provide two (2) police cars, at his expense; (c) Provide a well, and dedicate it to the City; (d) Pay the cost of the extension of water and sewer trunk lines from their present terminus to the shopping mall site; (e) Pay the cost of all sewer and water connection fees incidental to the shopping mall construction. AMeROSE, FITZG ERALD 6CROO KSTON Atlomsys an0 Counsaiora 24. That the Ordinances and policies of the City already require that any developer or owner pay for extension of water and sewer lines and the associated connection fees. G.O. Bo. a2] j MetlElAn, beAO ~ 03812 LaGNOne 808JM1 Meridian Plan Agenda 3 (Cont'd) 11. 25. That the petitioner, Quong-T,Vatkins, proposes to construct a regional shopping mall of up to 1,275,000 square feet with pro- vision for adequate parking, traffic floN/S, the usual urban servic~~ and aesthetic "green belt" buffers and landscaping, 26. That the petitioner, Quong-i4atkins, will provide the sum of $200,000.00 as and for the Eagle Road/I-34 interchange design; that petitioner Quong-Watkins will provide the Idaho Department of Transportation with the sum of $3,900,000.00 as and for construction of the I-84/Eagle Road interchange development and construction, including on-off ramps and traffic aporoach improvements. 27. That the petitioner, Quong-4Vatl:ins, has committed to the Idaho Department of Transportation maintenance costs (20-year term) as and for interchange ramps, approaches and bridge mainten- ance. 28. That the proposed shopping mall would cause a negative impact upon the several residence homes in close proximity to the proposed mall; however, the construction of the I-84/Eagle Aoad interchange has been determined and growth will occur around the interchange and, thus, the impact on the homes would likely occur in any event; that petitioner has made public commitments to lessen the negative environmental impact upon these residences and the entire area by having the mall enclosed; having parking at different levels; landscaping between levels; and using greenbelt arezs to buffer adjacent residential properties. 29. That the Area of Impact and the City of t4eridian, partic- AMBROSE, FiT2G ERALD t CROOKSTON Allorneya end Lounaelora P O. Boa ~2] AerlEl~n, IpMo B38a2 '~eonons EBBUBI ularly, are in need of a boost to the economic conditions; that the construction of a shopping mall or development at the Eagle Road interchange would aid the City economically by providing jobs and bringing in added revenue. and Agenda 3 (Cont'd) 30. That while the Petitioner, Quonq-Watkins, has agreed to provide a fire station, fire engine, two police cars and a water well, the annexation will increase the costs to the City for additional fire protection manpower and police protection manpower; these items have not been addressed by the Petitioner, and those costs would increase immediately with the passage of an annexation ordinance; that the increase in tax base from development in the area which would cover some of the added expense for fire and police protection will not occur for some time and, at least, not until a large portion of development is constructed and in use. 31. That the Petitioner has committed to pay for the cost of the extension of water and sewer trunk lines; that the developer of any land in the City limits is required to pay for the extension of City services; that the route of the sewer and water extension to the proposed shopping mall site is north of I-84; that the route of annexation is south of I-84; that the parcels proposed to be annexed south of I-84 will not have access to the lines extended by Petitioner unless the owner or developers of those parcels south of I-84 extend the sewer and water lines themselves along the same route or another route which in either case means putting lines under I-84; that the City will not pay for extension of sewer and water lines. 32. That the proposed construction in the eastern end of the proposed annexed land of a regional shopping mall, particularly the size proposed by petitioner, Quong-+Patkins, is in compliance with and is encouraged by the 1978 Meridian Comprehsensive Plan and as Amended; Section IV Economic Development, p. 14 states: "IV ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AMBROSE, FITZGERALD 6CROOKSTON AN«roye uq Counulon R.o. eo: ~zr MMMin, wrw au: nlwn~.eee+.ei Stimulate, encourage, and give preference to those types of economic activities and developments which provide opportunities for the employrlent of Meridian citizens and area residents and reduce the need for persons to commute to neighboring cities." Meridian Agenda 3 (font' d) 12, 1982 That the development of a shopping mall is in general accord with the remaining policies under Economic Development, including the changing of zoning. 33. That that portion of the proposed annexation not intended for use in the proposed shopping mall but which parcels have requested "C" Commercial zoning, particularly all along Overland Road, may not be in compliance with the 1973 Comprehensive Plan or the Amendments as it would create a strip commercial use which is against Economic Policy No. 5 on page 15 of the Plan. 34. That all of the land proposed to be annexed, except the AM BROSE, FITZGERAlO B CROOKSTON NROT/y/NIC CiOUnMNOA v.o. eo. uT M/,IOMn, le/no axr2 TN/pMn/lB6M01 most easterly portion beyond Eagle Road, is included in the Urban Service Planning Area as set forth in the 1978 Comprehensive Plan, which area was planned for urban services at some point in time- that no amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is required for annexa- tion of that portion of the proposed annexed land; that the land included in the annexation proposal not abutting Eagle Road, but father east, was not included in the Urban Service Planning Area as set forth in the 1978 Plan and requires amendment of the Plan for annexation. Merid Agenda 3 (font' d) Zg and Zoning .14. October 12, 1982 CONCLUSIOPIS 1. The City has authority to annex land pursuant to 50-222, Idaho Code. 2. That all the land within the proposed annexation is contiguous to the present City limits of the City of Meridian, even though all parcels rely on a domino effect to meet the con- tiguous requirement; that is, if it were not for an adjacent parcel being contiguous, the next parcel would not be contiguous. 3. That the proposed annexation has been initiated by the petitioner, Quong=Watkins, with consent and request by the various owners of the parcels, and not at the initiation of the City, except for those parcels designated Northwest nipeline Annexation and State of Idaho Annexation; the latter two parcels are, however, five acres or less in size for which consent is not necessary and which the City can annex without the owners' petition. 4. That the land proposed to be annexed can be reasonably assumed to be used for the orderly development of the City as development of some kind will occur, and such will affect and become part of the City. 5. That the annexation is not a "shoestring" annexation in that there is no common boundary less than approximately 250 feet; that the annexation is reasonable. 6. That the City can take judicial notice of governmental statutes, ordinances and policies. 7. That all notice and hearing requirements set forth in gMBROSE. FITZG ERALD B OROOKSTON MbrMye enE Couneebre v.0. Bo. all Metl01en, 10epo B3WI elsp~ons BBBJa81 Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and the Ordinance of the City of ?~'eridian have been complied. with. i ~ and Zoning .15. October Agenda 3 (Cont' d) 8. That since the land proposed to be annexed is within the Area of Impact of the City of Meridian, the City of Meridian already has jurisdiction over the area as far as planning for the area and the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Meridian, as adopted in 1978 applies to the land proposed to be annexed. 9. That the 1978 Comprehensive Plan has designated certain areas of the proposed annexation for certain uses and most of the uses designated in the annexation are in compliance with the 1978 Comprehensive Plan; some of the proposed uses are not in compliance; however, the Comprehensive Plan is to be used as a guide and a tool for planning. 10. That Amendments to the 1978 Comprehensive Plan have been initiated by the Planning & Zoning Commission which would remove any violations that this annexation and the proposed uses would have caused under the 1978 Comprehensive Plan; that in light of the Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, the proposed annexation and the requested zoning are not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan provided the mixed-use development is maintained in the commercial zoning along Overland Road. 11. Since most of the land included in the annexation was previously included in the Urban Service Planning Area, it was to be serviced with City services at some point in time; the extension of the Urban Service Planning Area boundary as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan Amendments allows all of the proposed annexation land to be planned for service by the City of Meridian and to receive those services. 12. The Comprehensive Plan Amendments, as they pertain to AMBROSE, FIT2GERALD fl CROOKSTON Anorneya anC Counselors P.O. Box a21 MerlElen, IENo 83BSP 31BD~Oa! BBBJbI Interchange Enterprise Areas, allow the use of the property as a regional shopping mall site which is the use the Petitioner has proposed in the area; the amendments thus allow the use of the land in the annexation around the Eagle Road interchange, partic 1y to the east and west of Eagle Road north of T-84• Meridian .16. October 12, 198 Agenda 3 (Cont'd) 13. The Comprehensive Plan Amendments allow the annexation and the uses proposed; without the Comprehensive Plan Amendments, parts of. the annexation and some of. the proposed uses would be in viola- tion of the present 1978 Comprehensive Plan. 14. That the Ordinances of the City require that land be zoned upon annexation; that all the land has been requested to be zoned "C" Commercial; that the City has authority under its police powers to zone property in its discretionfor the best interests of the City. 15. That the City has in the past, as a condition of annexa- tion and for zoning, required the land and its d.eveloprnent to undergo a design review so that once an area is zoned, the City still maintains control over the property as far as its development;', that such a practice of design review is authorized under the police Mowers of the City and under Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code; that ~I the design review process would keep strip commercial from occuring along Overland Road and would maintain the mixed-use and techno- logical review designations of the Comprehensive Plan that presently exists in the Overland Road area. 16. That since the area included in the annexation drains to the west toward the City and sewage could infiltrate to the City well water basins, it is in the best interest of the City to control the sewage disposal of the area included in the annexation; the bosh i way to control the sewage disposal is to have the area annexed and i served by the City sewer treatment facilities. 17. That the City has the present capacity to serve that AM RROSE, FIRGERALD 6 OROOKSTON ARO,neya ~n0 Gounaelws P O. Boa ~fT MsRObn, IBNo B7B12 Ts1sRNGM BBN~B1 part of the annexed area which is proposed for the development of a regional shopping mall with water and sewer. Meridian Agenda 3 (Cont'd) and lz 18. That the Ordinances of the City require the owner or developer of any property to extend City Water and sewer and conn thereto at their own expense so that development pays its own way and is not an undue burden on the City; all property owners inclu in this annexation would have to do likewise. 19. That it is of much concern to the Planning & Zoning Commission that the route of annexation is south of I-84 and yet the proposed route for the extension of water and sewer lines from the present City terminus is north of I-84; that property owners included in this annexation south of I-84 and some propert~~ owners north of I-84 and west of Eagle Road will not be able to connect to City water and sewer lines unless they pay for extension to their properties; that the Petitioner has agreed to extend City services to its shopping mall site but that extension does not include extension south of I-84 or North of I-84 and west of Eagle Road. 20. That while the Petitioner has agreed to provide a well to the City,property owners in the annexation area south of I-84 may likewise have to contribute to City services upon development of their property. 21. That the Petitioners promise to provide a fire station, one fire engine, two police cars and a well alleviates some of the concerns the Planning & Zoning Commission has in regard to providing City services to the annexed area; however, these promises are contingent upon actual development of the proposed shopping mall site in a commercial nature. 22. That upon annexation, the City would have to provide AMBROSE, FITZGERALO 6OROONSTON Attorneys snE Counselors R.O. BOR 13] MsriEisn, ICNo 836Ri elepnons 88B~48t immediate fire and police protection regardless of whether any of the annexed area is developed; that some agreement or condition pertaining to this problem must be agreed upon by Petitioners and the City . Agenda 3 (Cont'd) AMBROGE, FIT2GEPAL0 A OROOKBTON Altorneye anE Gouneelon P.O. eo. X27 MtlIE1M, l0e~a 8762 alepeona BB6U01 and 18. r• 12, 1982 23. That since economic development within the Area of Impact is encouraged, it is in the best interests of the City to attempt to encourage commercial development and the Petitioner has indicated he would develop the property in a commercial fashion even if he could not develop a regional shopping mall in the area; therefore, it is in the best interest of the City to encourage development by annexing the area so that City water and sewer services will be available which would encourage development. 24. That the Petitioner has proposed to develop a regional shopping mall within the annexation area; that such a development is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan as Amended and is encouraged by the Plan; that annexation and zoning of the proposed mall site is necessary to encourage retail tenants to chose the site as a regional mall shopping location. 25. That it is in the best interest of the City to have the development which is likely to occur at the proposed Eagle ??o ad Interchange within the City limits and to control that development so that it is not detrimental to the City. 26. That the developer has pledged funds for the construction and maintenance of the Eagle Road interchange and associated road- ways if he is able to develop their proposed site as a P.egional Shopping gall; that it is in the best interests of the City and its citizens to take advantage of those funds and allow them to be used for construction rather than public funds; that to encourage develo ment of a regional mall annexation and accompanying public water and sewer services are necessary. 27. That since the Area of Impact and the City particularly are in need of an economic boost which the development any commerci enterprise would create, it is in the best interest of the City to give the Petiti.oner_ and the annexed land an opportunity to develop. ridian Agenda 3 (Cont'd) Zon .19. 12, 1982 28. That since it is the desire and goal of the Planning & Zoning Commission and of the Comprehensive Plan as amended to encourage the development of Interchange Enterprise Areas and the annexation is in compliance and would aid that goal, it is in the best interest of the City to annex the area so that the c?evelop ment of the Interchange Enterprise Area is more likely to occur and the City would have control over the area. 29. That regardless of the type of development that is likely to occur at the Eagle Road Interchange, it is in the best interest of the City to control the development at that location. 30. That public comment was in favor of the annexation of the land. 31. That the Petitioner agreed to have conditions placed on the annexation and zoning, if it were approved. 32. That the annexation, zoning and proposed uses are in harmony with the general purposes and uses of the area and will not otherwise be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. 33. That the annexation, zoning and proposed uses of the land AM BROSE, FITZG ER AlO B CROO KSTON Auornaya ona Gounaelon v.o eo. m Metlm•n, ia•no exax TeleOnone 958~•Ml are in the best interests of the City if the proposed annexated area is developed in accordance with the proposals of the Petitioner that if the area is not so developed, the annexed area may be a sig- nificant drain upon the revenues and resources of the City; that the proposals of Petitioner are only that, proposals, and there has been no guarantee of development or use; that it is in the best interest of the City to provide some mechanism whereby the area is not annexed and zoned until evidence of development is shown or that the area be de-annexed if development does not occur in a reasonable amount of time; that this type of conditional or self- destruct annexation will give the Petitioner a chance to develop • Meridian lannina and Zoning •2~- ~ Agenda 3 (Cont'd) 12, 1982 the area as he proposes but will not burden the City with the associated costs of providing services, or at least not for an indefinite period of time. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. Roll Call Commissioner Commi s sione r Commissioner Commi s s Tone r Commissioner Chairwoman H Motion: Sharp Mitchell Eddy Spencer Pipkin inrichs (Tie Breaker) Voted Yea Voted Yew Voted Absent Voted Yea Voted Yea Voted - Approved (4) Unanimous Disapproved ~O~ The Motion was made by Spencer and seconded by Pipkin that the Commission dispense the reading of EXHIBIT "A", legal description of all the properties. Motion Carried: All yea The Motion was made by Mitchell and seconded by Spencer that the Commission adopt the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, Quong-Watkins Properties Annexation. Motion Carried: All yea AM BROSE, F1T2GERAlD acRaoKSroN Allornlya an0 Counaalon P.O. Box /t] Msrl01an, 10No B]B12 TslspAOna MI6aM1 The Motion was made by Sharp and seconded by Mitchell that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Meridian recommend to the Meridian City Council: 1) That the Quong-Watkins Properties Annexation and zoning be approved subject to compliance with all ordinances of the City of Meridian. 2) Provided however, that if the Petitioner does not comply with requirements marked "comply" on the following page of requirements within three (3) years from the date of City Council approval, the area will be de-annexed from the City of Meridian. 3) Provided further, however, that no annexation be approved until the Petitioner and all the property owners who have requested annexation have signed an agreement witYi the City i Meridian Planning & .21. Agenda 3 (Cont'd) QUONG-WATKINS PROPERTIES ANNEXATION...... stating that they agree to have their property de-annexed in the event Petitioner does not comply with the requirements in the above specified time. 4) That since the Planning and Zoning Commission has previous- ly adopted amendments to the Comprehensive Plan which allow for the annexation and zoning requested by the Petitioner, no changes are recommended in the Comprehensive Plan due to the annexation, but those amendments are herein again recommended in the event the Council does not act on them prior to action on this annexation; The requirements are: COMPLY 1) Compliance with all City Ordinances. COMPLY 2) That all land in the annexed area shall be subject to "design review". COMPLY 3) That development along Overland Road in the western part of the annexed area maintain the mixed-use designation of the Comprehensive Plan even though zoned "C" Commercial. COMPLY 4) Extension of City water and sewer trunklines from present City termini to the Petitioner's development all at the cost of Petitioner and according to City standards and specification, including oversizing to meet the requirements of the entire arfaa serviceable by those trunklines. C~LY 5) Construct and give to the City one fire station, and associated land, the standards, specifications, and size of which to be determined by the City at a cost not to exceed $250,000. COMPLY 6) Purchase and give to the City one dire engine of a size, capacity, and capability as determined by the Czty at a cost not to exceed $125,000 COMPLY 7) Purchase and give to the City two (2) police cars, the model, specifications and equipment of which will be determined by the City at a cost not to exceed $25,000 COMPLY 8) Dedicate one water well to the City and connect it to the City water supply. COMPLY 9) Contribute up to $100,000 to the City for a senior citizens center of a size, specification and standard as determined by the City. COMPLY 10) Pay for all applications, permits, fees and costs that the City might have or impose associated with the development by Petitioner or incurred by the City as a result of actions of the Petitioner, including but not limited to engineering, legal, and publication costs. COMPLY 11) Begin construction on a major project permitted in a -regional Enterprise area, including aesthetic green belts and landscaping as depicted in Petitioner's presentations, or similar design. L~Ly 12) Contribute to the State Highway Department an amount agreed upon with the State Highway Department to design and construct the Eagle Road I-84 Interchange on-off ramps, approach roads and associated roadways. C~Ly 13) Enter into an agreement with the State Highway Department and/or Ada County Highway District for maintenance of the inter- change and all roadways associated with the interchange and the proposed shopping mall. LbMpLy 14) That the City would have no obligation to provide any services until annexation. COMPLY 15) That no occupancy permit would be granted, even after annexation and zoning, until all requirements of the City have been met whether stated herein or required by Ordinance, rules or regulations of the City. COMPLY 16) That Petitioner obtain a deed restriction that applies to Parcels 16, 17 and 18 in the annexation area which deed restric- tion shall include all of the above requirements marked for compli- ance and which deed restriction shall be recorded. The above Motion was approved by the following roll call vote: Commissioner Sharp Yea Commissioner Mitchell Yea Commissioner Spencer Yea Commissioner Pipkin Yea Total (4) Unanimous I Me 22. October 12, 1982 Agenda 3 (Cont'd) QUONG-WATKINS PROPERTIES ANNEXATION Chairman Hinrichs: "I would like to say this is the most canprehensive, can- plete, thorough job that we have ever done on an annexation. I ccnmend the Omission and especially our legal help, Wayne Crookston. I think they have done a marvelous job, covered all areas and they have been very fair. I hope you all appreciate the work they have put into this." The Motion was made by Spencer and seconded by Sharp that the Commission recamiend to the City Council, that future annexation requests to the City carry with them the stipulation that all additional costs incurred by the City, due to the City having to provide services to the area prior to the stipulated use of the land, be borne by the petitioner of the annexation request. Motion Carried: All yea (Agenda 4 RESIGNATION OF PLANNING AND ZONING CONIMISSION MF~IBERS (3) Annette Hinrichs, Chairman,yleridian Planning and Zoning: "Dear Jce, I have served on the Meridian Planning and Zoning Caianission for over six years and have enjoyed it thoroughly. I have been considering resigning for sane time but have delayed because of the complicated problems involved with the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances, the .Comprehensive Plan Amendments and the Quong-Watkins annexation. Now that these matters have cleared the commission I feel the impact of my resignation will be lessened. This decision was not reached easily and I have given it much careful thought. I had to consider my family, which now requires more of my time; my health, and a doctor's recamiendation that I slag davn; and my concern for the quality of work done by the commission. I am still vitally interested in what happens in Meridian but feel that someone new could give the fresh enthusiastic attention to problans needed at this time. I have sane ideas how the work of the commission could be facilitated and would be glad to share than with you or the council if you wish. Please accept this as my letter of resignation, effective immediately. Sincerely, Annette C. Hinrichs." Don Sharp, Past Chairnian of the Meridian Planning and Zoning: "Dear Joe, The time has cane to "bow out" of direct service to our cacQCainity. Therefore, I submit my resignation as a manber of the Planning and Zoning Commission to be effective at the close of the regular meeting on 10/12/82. It has been my pleasure to have served the City with cannission members (past and present) who have continuaaly strived to do what was right for the City and have conducted the P & Z business in an honest, fair, and impartial manner. It is with a great deal of pride that I look back at the work done ny the commission manbers during the past 5 years. The projects that have been can- pleted and decisions made - - because of the persistence and dedication of commission members - - will live forever in this canminity. To the merN~ers of the P & 2 Commission, I express mY gratitude for being privileged to serve with such fine people and mY best wishes for good health, prosperity, and happiness as they continue their travels thru life. in closing, I do hope present and future elected officials will take the steps necessary to: 1) Create a better working relationship with the Planning & Zoning Commission. After all, this body is co~rised (at least it should be - - and, for the past S years, it has been) of concerned and dedicated citizens who do not have "an axe to grind"; and 2) Create an "open" environment where ideas, thoughts, and philosophies on major decisions affecting our conmanity can be exchanged without becoming enemies (turning friend against friend); and 3) Create a positive environment for business and industry in an effort to develop an economically self sufficient commwiity as desired by an overwhelming majority of our citizens. Sincerelg,Donald L. Sharp." fexidian Planning & Zoning .23. October 12, 1982 Agenda 4 (Cont'd) P&Z Resignation letters...... Lee Mitchell, Planning and Zoning Member, to Mayor Joseph L. Glaisyer: "Dear sir, As a long time resident of Meridian (nearing 30 years) I have tried to do something on a regular basis for miy here town. I have helped canvas for the sewer projects of the 1950's and the 1970's, served many committees - the Chamber of Cacmerce and Planning and Zoning. Until now I have felt it was purposeful and meaningful but at present I feel serving on the Plann;ng and Zoning Ca~mission is an exercise in futility. We have progressed from a purposeful, well meaning, decision making body to an era of loosing old friends and appearing that we are incapable of making a decision. With mY feelings as they are, I feel you should accept this letter as my resignation effective itmiediately. T. Lee Mitchell." Jim Potter addressed the Caimission: "I think there are many of us here that would like to express appreciation to you for putting in as many hours, days and evenings on many, many projects in fairness and with honesty." (Applause from audience) The Notion was made by Pipkin and seconded by Spencer that the meeting be adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Meeting adjourned. ~/ _. Anh~tt~llinrichs ~~/~Lt~z.o ~. MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING .~ ' . • •' ' ~A~,IDING5-~1ND ~DRDER - ~ • _ - A. _3NTRDDUCTIDN - - . .This `natter Navin ~ / ~ ~ ~- _ . g come ~efnr~-Yhe ~y~nn+ng";Lomm~ss~pnaon. October. 1.2 and . _' h; ~~2 - 4._ 'she members of the.~ommlss?an,~r„RSent;r~eir~g. _ - _ and ihereDeing~resent-a.~ersonYpersons,~.+hoaaisheA`3otreques2~ - apProvaLflf iiem'~` 1. - Athange in ZoningJPre7im~nary~7at~'Specia3.use"der+ni2~~Yar.iance7#'lanned•l)ni# - flevelopmenY Mobile Herne Park Permit.. and PrelimYna~y'Pl'at ' - - .r:$nnexation by City .4.39, 82 Zoned "A" ResideniTal, epii"tiYigent upon the - .owner to rezone to Mobile Herne Park Subdivision. r inaflce, __ ~' .:~ ,:~ iocatlon: SE corner of West'Pine .and Liricjer. Rda , . - _ _ - ;,Y -APPlicant: Beth SiddiaklHa~vey Anderson, '(Dean A. and'DOroth shale - Y ~:.HePrssent>ng) for xhe :purpose :of Mobile He :Bark €or}adult - ~_ population ' .. - _ ,- - ~~. ` 6- i'INDINGS'~Psf'AC7 ` - - `'' r ' ~ .. - _i. That xfiexxisting llandauses.=Jn [he~rea~~e~ }~11,~iaK'a]'~`=."~" Co~r~~.ai_,- ~.z Lunited'Office ~nd. Re~ident2a7: :~~,,,~ ~, - + ~.. - . - 4 .. ll ~ ~ a .i 2.- ghat , _. - ... ~he'tomprshensiare~?an ~v-.~1~~S~~a-- .z- ~`" r. _ ;designates 3~?s~ar~a~s.r-a, ~ 3. Shat the _ Y ~ t txlsiagg,=on?ng~f ~heaproPerxy _is .- '~~` "i-c~Tt _,,.;= { ~° ah~~ i -#+~ That the :p?oiler legal requirements 1For aadver~~aemeni,~f :[he?}iearaiagdhavei~een Hearings: Sept.,22; 29,-1982 , ~ ~ .~ 1•ul f3 17 ed. _ Annexation Ord 406 , S, tz~, 82 . , Mobile Hite. ~~~nyt & ~eI ~. `_ 3. 7haL shla',proposa? ~ ~ ;. '~ 'y Y ,, :y. a•-~o=~n~coni~aci.aaitfi~ltfie,~rcv?sdnns_r~f~Hpp;'~~" ' ' . regulai~ans~i ~nttntznf T ;~ sY.Y-+~ ~ r :~ ~ ~ ~ - >^- _ _ _ q n Sri.-'~ Eiji.'-`~..~"~'. ...ua~ ~,:, ~ ~ y + J x . J.~, .h'x ?~",.,~`,~ .+::~ ~ -. ~'t o ~` v ~Yrx e r . z- J -e- Y ;~~ ~ au ~~ ~.~ ~_ _ r~---mod ~ :f , 4w _ ~ , __ ~ ~~ ~ ~ '~ { it • i , s t a :. - _ w ,_ gib. That the-~and do •t7~is~,area'=r rsui2ableroi msuitai~].e fiar -the proposed use~uses<w"titiin~heiex7ak3ng. :zone'ilassificaiion. - V"' 7. That ~he<proposed~ush=' yam atibJe incompatible ++iifi Wexisiing land uset ,,. in 'tfieaarea. { _ _. ,` „ ....: $. That -the owners 3of:adiac~nY~lends~expr~essed~neiifierl6oLh~ ~pprova'}Jdisapproval -~. , °,~: of the :proposed use`" ' ~ • 9• The planning i:ommiss~ia ` finds does xiot find the propased~se~:ko ~e in , harmon wish the ^, Y ° general :purpose ,and will wi li ,note otheraaise 5detrimental io 2he public fiealtfi, safety andwelfare.. - (ADDiT7DNAL 4=1NDINGS) BXOOklawn Farms Estates_(8.42 acres) Annexed'S.12.82 "A" Residential Zoning ~ -- . ;Approbed Zoning for Mobile I3ccne Park -Adult population ~~''. crnmc;l-Motion that owner reaone to Mobile Herne Park Subdivision Ordinance - '.`~ Input has been :received from,Nampa-Nier$dian.~rrigation; Central District Eiealth- • Councilmen Orton; 'PO1sma;, Fire Chief; Wastewater Sup't;- AQ~ fON FILE). ~, Application contains:, l) area & dimensions of tract of land; - 1 n ,inhar ~ a ; on and ; x of all mobile -have lots • _ 3)' location, width ef: roadways - 41 n1a*+s ancT si,ecifsc~itions to indicate distances depths setbacks sep hipt~s • ~) Request for B bdiv~,Sion App~dVal and Suksnission , firemen s ccapp e - 6)' Signatures bf'prope~ty owner' ;within 3"OP-feet .(75~) _ gna -ores o.. P Y . s wi .__ ~, ,. ~ , - ~~ _ ~~ s ~ 7 r ~• - . Y q~. ~~ `?he iD7anning"Lomm[ss'ion,~LrsuanE-moo-, the,afnrementioned, #andsT2fiat,Sherequest, ~' ;of Beth. Bzctdielc aaticY Harkey Anderson '. Mobile Iiane-Par'k ~P"erm~it ' ~~r - for ~ : ' p , Preliminary _P1at- Approval:... - _' -_ _ -es--desc~r~lbed=in the application ~should;f, ;.approved Denied/denied+ithout prejnd~ce ,. ~Specaa'~ ~cont7itanns`aor~on t~ngenc3es : - - ~lSed~to'rrtation: , ' ~p . M ~s _ ': S ' , ~a T4:: ' is }~onA)kwans as ~reSent=d ~a>7P alRe ~annl f5LaF7 o>'2 ~ ~' . . ~g ~, p , :• r .J ~ ~ _ ~~ .. - _ . t - :. "-_ A _ ~ F g. ~, ' .. ... " ~ _ - f-. d .. .I _ T ._-x }. ~ ' - , ~ ~ ~ • f ~` ~. ~ i f _ 'i . '. : ` y s`.Yj _ ~ - r _ y •,t .. ... . _ - . ' ~ j ' ` - ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ CLl ~/J / ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - / ~, y¢ . ~,/ C / ~ ~ - L j ~~~ Li J -_ ~ ~~~1~ ~~/' / E'~~ y /~ ~ _ ~ [ i - ~ - _ ___ - - - ...y ~ z_ Li _ _ _ r _- .. - - .. _--. _ _ _. " ~':~aeconded Eby - J 3o=adopt~he#nregoing~3ndings anH:~rder ~ `,- ' . - yRDI~ ;tAL•L - ,., ,. -, -Zomm~ssioner Sharp voted ~~. r. Y: _ _ . :'Lommiss~aner Pi ki - ` - - , p n _.. _ ~ Yoied ~ + ~ - . - '•'Xorrmass~p~er. Spencer - - - - N 'al j r _ d ~ ` - ` .. ,` T - _. _' ;Commt6sibner~ Edd - ote l.- ~- P _. ~ '+ ~ ~ 1. _ ~'- - Y - - ~ammiss~bn - ~ , '-Noted ~~,~ - - er~liithn7H , ; 4/oied ~, E SammissiDner. _ ~ .~ - - ; - - - ..• 'Voted , t _ - - - .dlo~sd = ~ _ - '~ i S __ - a.3s Yom'^.~- 4 „ J .;.-~ t ..•-„r iri c _ r ~ t... , ~ .... . ~ ~OMn~53~Oht !~l'f ,' ~ ~ ' .T. _ J . 3; _ ~ _ +,.-.v., -?_ 6 _ ~,ta571Ver=t}bSeif2~ i - ~ :.L " ' ' "d n .~ ~ ~~•~~-~= x ;'''Mote ^~ ~ -'~to ~`~,~~:x- a, t PCB ~J~~ - ~~-~ -~. r 4 - R ~'' i L. P - Y a'{ ' ~. 1 l - • ~ ... ~-t G 1 2 .: lF{.... ~ a ~ . ti S I ~Y _ ~ ' t y .1. " S _ 1 -~ 2~~ .. l - -\ t :: _ Y )~ ~ 1 ~~J r'IERID]AN PLANNING AND ZONIN '_ ' ~ ~ • `~d#ID1NG5~1ND~RDER ~ • _ ~. :987RDDUCTiDN ~' r, ~ This matter fiaving come:~efnre;~heiPi~~n~ng ~vmmiss>Ipnaon - and eihe members;af 3he,taimiaston '._;' '` - •I .~r~senic~eing F =1 „ i - - ~ and there being;;present:a.personrpersonsaaho+si~sheC ~o*requesi '' `~-' aAArovai'~f iiem`'~J 2 _ A tfiange' in Zoning/P,re77minary ~~ati'Special.a(Ise"~erini2~Naraance7Planned.iln3#. flevelopmeni CpNDITIONFIT~ USE OF RESIDII~ 1323_ East First :Street ~ " Merjdian, Idaho,"FOR IIVSURANCE OFFICE ' _ _- ._ t coca t i o n • F.A. NOURSES THIRD AI~VIIID .PLFYP ~ - ' .13~a3 E .-::~~t Stzeet Mesid}an,73a` - -~+PPiicanL: ~e Sells-and Glo;ia-Sells. - - -} for Yhe;p~rpose,of _ Convert~gybitltli,nc~Jslarage into office.• at rear o£ pTbperty - _. _ ` ~kws£ to r~4fa2~".3s. ~'esiaence - _ 8. F1NDINGS:~F~'AC7 _ - +t` - ' .i. That xfie~xisiiog tandnuses::~In the~reaarve;: _€~ -- ' 1 tial and ~ z :, Other 'Condtional ,Use Pei3ni.ts/Limited Offze~: s ' _~ z . 3.' That xfie'tomprehensive•~ian ~ ~ 'u'~~^-'`.;=r'' fi ~~ ` '"' ;%~_ hdes~gnates=t~i~<area~s.m>, ~"-~,~.-~~ -.~ __ .•. 3- 3fiat The ex7siing.ioningtivf the ro ert +s .- : ~i`:`£~d3SRT~ensi~ '~''" - ' SP P Y "1~x ItesidentadSK,, f `~ a~i~» ~, That the -p~ppe f„1=ga1 rfqu~~~nts for adyert~aeme~i„of ;2he~iear~i~gT#~eve~een "- fu1 fJ l7ed. Publication vALT~~ Ns -TIMES' SepE 22 and 7.,~,.,1,x}$~ s - r ,r ~ . k. - __ lT - ~~ _,_ •- ~: That s?~Ss'~propose>I ~s s~o ~ii3conf7~ci a~thaltfie,lprvwisiflns~f.a®~pp ed 4 '-- +regulaL~ons~ni• a tto w ~ zx=~ - r '~r ~' ~ ,.. _ nten ~ k~~ripie8~o'laC~es 7 ^•- ~.. 3 ~ --~;'s ~-~. -=~ }~ - _ M T-~ r ~`~ I _ -ram- si,_ or`~ ''~'.~re ~ L ~v Y r `ss t .~^- j x= t w ti~~ .~ is '~k ~` _ to 7'4r t r :'~~? % - - tr y ~; ~ ' _ 1 T.. _ 1w _. ' ~ ~ _ .1. - ~ ~ - . j' _ ~ ~ ~• 'b. That xhe Viand "vn"t;,is~area'~s.suitable . nsuitable fior -the q~roposed se useswv'{ihin°tfie xistan~proposed:zone'=dessificalion. ~ : ,7. '"fhaL xhe;proposed~s~~ •:compatibJe~incompaLibie,wiih.existing land lJSet in tfie=area. . $. That the owners 3of•sad~acent;7ends;•expressed •neiLherlboLhlapprova~'/disapp roval ~/ i 4 , - j ° ; _ • of the ro fi ~ Posed use` _: .; `,• _- " ' s ~ s+~ 9• The fianning'tommiss~on finds ¢oe a ot-~i the proposed-~se-io #,e in , .harmony =ai Lh the general, purpose and wi l 1 i 1 i of be othera,rise 9detcimental , io tfie public health, safety .and aNelfare. ;: - - ~ - - - ~~ - (ADDiT)ONAL^FiNDINGS) Application sutmitted is canplete. Notorized rerluest-for Conditiana7, Use, Attached drawinq ' " , .750 of-those persons living, or owning property within 300 .feet have agreed to this-Conditional Use Signatures ©n :petition attached to Recanendation .Sheet., .' . f'.v+.nc.,+ (R~y~i7Aa.Yi on h~ )~ -e^ ; y r~ Nangia ~ i man Trri c~j-i n _ n .- Central District Health; State v~•Ir7aho Transportation Dept.; _ R~dgLrn~nector Urn Schoen Earl-`War Was Water ~~t Counciiman Gant Kingsford; WiTL~tT<iia. Real' Estate & Investment Co. . ~, _,: - -"K .-> ;- Y +T~~SI •J.ti Y - WS L. -ORDER - ~ a-* r m :isw . -, _ - The;~7anning"Lommiscion,~ursuanL-xo,thea3forcmentioned, >F9nds:3hat She request .. of - ~ - .- •,; , :_ .: .. ,- :. +,°' ,~ _ _-ardescraibed.-in there 1.icaLion ahou7d,•be:a " ~~ .. PP pproved/denied/denied~ithout prej r udice.= 'Specaa'~ ~ondatinns ~rEcantangenc$zs p ~lSz7ato?motion: ^~ _ - ~ i T-~ t 1. j +S ~~} ~ 4 . rvF ~t~ndJtaQns,as~r~sent~~n~~nnn7~g~5tafifia~tepo~'2 ' j ~~ ~= .s a - - .. ~ ~ a ; ~~, ;:: w ,y _.. .. - - ~ S , - ~ ,. _. -. -+`s:~~ ~.,. - EXHIBIT "A" •YII,N 1111 . ~ V bl Hsi I1 .n w~~YIUN ~o •°, qr .M N11M, WIp UM] .p1gn+M-+Y1 Portions of sections 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, T, j N., q, I E , B.n., Ada County, Idaho, more correctly described as Follows: Commencing at the section corner colrmon to sections 17, 1R, 19 R ?0, T.3N., R.IE., O.M., and thence; N. 00° 3l' 29" E., 1201.52 feet, along the section line common to sections 17 6 10, T.3N., R.IE., O.M., to a point on the north- erly riylrt-of-way line of lnter•state Ilighway,l-04, said point being also the most southeasterly corner of the present corporate limits of the City of Meridian lying in [Ile S.E.i,, section 18, T.]N., R.IE., R.M., and the POINT OF TRUE OE GINNING, and thence; along the northerly right-of-way line of Inter- state Highway, I-04, the following courses and distances: S. 89° 33' 10" E., 358.90 feet to a point 120' left of Hwy. Sta. 2378 + 00.00 S. 86° 41' 30" E., 200.25 feet to a point 110• left of Hwy. Sta, 2380 00.00 S. 09° 33' l8" E., 149.99 feet to a point 110' left of Hwy, Sta. 2381 . 49.99, Said point being the point of curvature of a concave curve to the left, and thence; Along said concave curve to the left, 1850.01 feet, said curve being 110.00 feet northerly and parallel to the highway centerline curve, having a degree of curvature of 0° ]6•, to a point on a curve 110.00 feet left of Hwy. Sta. 2400 • 00.00, and thence; N. 75° 51' 07" E., 197,05 feet to a point on a curve 120.00 feet left of Hwy. Sta. 2402 + 00.00, and thence; continuing on a concave curve to the left, 1692.95 feet, said curve being 120.00 feet northerly and parallel to the high- way centerline curve, having a degree of curvature of 0° 36' to a point 120.00 feet left of Hwy, Sta. 2418 • 92,95, a point on the curve, said point being also the southwesterly corner of lot 14, Magic Yiew Sub- division, Oook 20, page 1756, Records of Ada County, Idaho, and thence; leaving the northerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway, 1-84 on a line radial to the point of curvature of a curve at the southeasterly corner of lot d5 of aforesaid Magic View Subdivision, R. 21.0;'17"W, (formerly N 21° 03' S8" W.), 50.00 feet to the point of curvature at said southeasterly corner of lot 15, and thence; along a concave curve to the left, 126.66 feet, said curve having a Central angle of 48. 2Y~ 5PN a radius of 150.00 feet, the chord of which Dears N. 44° 45' 19" E. (formerly N. 44° 45' 40" E.), 112.14 feet to the point of tangency, and thence; N ?0° 33' S1" E. (formerly N 20° 34 " 10" E.), 315.18 along the easterly line of said lot 15 to the point of curvature of a concave curve to the left, and thence; along a concave curve to the left, 73.05 feet, said curve having a central an91e of 20° 55' 39", a radius of 20U.UU feet, u1e cord of which bear N, H!° ~G. U1.. E (formerly ry. U9" 3G' 2?" E.), 7?.64 feet, to the puint of tangency, and thence; continuing along the easterly line of ;aid lot 1S, N. 00° 21' 48" u. (formerly N. UO° 21' 29" H. ), 329.64 feet to the N.E. corner of said lol 15, and thence; easterly across the right-of-way for Allen Street to ule Dulnt of tangency of a curve at the southwesterly corner of lot 12 of Magic View Subdivision, said point being on the north right-of-way line of Gentry Nay, and thence; along said right-of-way N 09° 30' 12" E. (formerly N. 89° 30. 31" E.), 614.00 feet to the point of curvature of a concave curve to the left,31.g2 feet, said curve having a central angle of 90°, a radius of 20.00 feet, the chord of which bears N. 44° 38' 12"E. f ( ormerly ry. 44° 30. 31" C.), 28.20 feet to the Doint of tangency on the west right- of-way line of Eagle Road, and thence; N. UO° 41' 21" H., 1200.91 feet to the north 1/1G section line of section IG, 1.3N., R.ll., O.M., thence; easterly along said north 1/16 line to the S.E. corner of the N.N.4+, N.H.~+, $ec. 16, and thence; northerly along the west 1/16 section line of section 16 to the northwesterly corner of lot 4, Blk. 2, farming ton Estates No. 1 Subdivision, Records of Ada County, Idaho, and thence; along the north line of said lot 4, a record call of S. 19' 21' 03" E., 117.09 feet to the westerly corner common to lots 3 b 4 of said subdivision, and thence; along the west line of said subdivision, a record call of N. 00° 13' 03" u., 516.55 feet to a point on Inc north line of said section 16 (also the centerline of Franklin Rnad), and Ih,•ncr•; continuing N. 00° 1]' 03" W., 40.00 feet to the north right-of-way line of Franklin Road, and thence; along said right-of-way, a record call of S. 09° 70' O6" E., 961.88 feet to a point, and thence; southerly, a record call of S. 00° 00' 00" E., 962.87 feet to a point, and thence; a record call of S. 85° 20' 00" E., 235.00 feet to a point on the north/south mid-section line of said section 16, and thence; southerly along said north/south mid-section line to the point of intersection with the south right-of-way line of Interstate Highway, I-04, and thence; along said right-of-way line to the following courses and distances; N. 09° 35' 17" W„ to a point 110.00 ft. right of Hwy, Sta. 2451 • 00.00 S. 85° 32' S3" W., 236.03 feet to a point 120,00 ft. right of Hwy, Sta, Pt. 2448 • 64,82 •wBROBE. ii2OE"~LD cnooaaro" .no,ryp„"a cwm..w.. oo a°.m .ww., w.a° aaax wMar aEawn thence; continuing along said right-of-way line on a concave curve to the left to the point of intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of Eagle Road, said curve being 120.00 feet southerly and parallel to the highway centerline curve which has a degree of curvature of 0° 54', and thence; southwesterly along said right-of-way line to a point on the south 1/16 section line of said section 16, and thence; continuing along said right-of-way line S. 00° 41' 21" E., to a point on the south right-of-way line of Overland Road, and thence; along said right-of-way line S. 89° 57' 08" W „ 802.65 feet to a point; thence along the west line extended of lot 19, Overland Way Subdivision, Records of Ada County, Idaho, the record call of N, 00° 07' 14" W., 243.00 feet to the southeast corner of lot 1B of said subdivision, and thence; along the southerly line of said lot iB, a record call of S. 89° 46' 18" W., 200.00 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Overland Nay, and thence; along said right-of-way line a record call of S. 0° 07' 14'• E., 243.00 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of Overland Road, and thence; along said right-of-way line to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Locust Grove Road, and thence; along said right-of-way line N. 00° 31' 29" E., 335.58 feet, and thence; S. 89° 44' 18" W., 125.82 feet, and thence; N. 42° 11' 42" u., 27,22 feet, and. thence; S. 89° 44' 18" W,, 104.20 feet, and thence; S. 00° 31' 29" W., 355.58 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Overland Road, and thence; along said right-of-way line, S. 89. 43' 36" u., to the centerline of Nine Mile Creek, and thence; northwesterly along the centerline of Nfne Mile Creek thr following remrd t.aTls; N. 29°02'44" W, to a point on the south line of ;ectinn 18, T.3N., R. 1 E., B.n. (also the centerline of Overland Road); N. 29° 02' 44•' W., 639.50 feet; N. 60° 27' ?7" W., 410.39 feet; N. ]D° ?0' 21" N., 467.46 feet, to a point on the southerly right-of- ', way line of Interstate Highway, I-04, and thence; ~ continuing N. 30° 20' 21" W., along saiA creek centerline - which crossrj the highway centerline at Hwy. Sta. 2357 • 35.42 - to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway, i-84, and thence; along said right-of-way line S. 09° 33' 10" E., to a point 100.00 feet northerly of Hwy. Sta. 2363 ~ 00.00, and thence; N. 84° 43' 38" E., ?01.00 feet to a point 120.00 feet norhterly of Hwy. Sta. 2365 { 00.00, and thence; S. 09° 33' 18" E., 911.30 feet, more or less, to the section' line common to sections 17 b 18, T.3N., R.IE., D.M., said point being THE POINT OF TRITE OEGINNING. Together with the following described portion of Italic V,PW Subdivision ay recorded in hook 29 of Plats at Pages 1755 aml I];6, o1{;c,. n( the nda County Recorder; more particulerly described a~, follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said cubAivision and [he True Point of Beginning; thence fl 00°22'45" E a distance of 410.06 fret (record) to the Northwest corner of Lnt 19, thence N. $9°07'15" E. a distance of 204.25 fret to a Point; thence on a curve to the right being the right-n(-way line of 1fe115 Circle having a distancC of IQ 5. 55 or 45 frrt, a central ,angle of 23A°15'04", a chord distance of 79.37 feet an~l ,~ chord brarinq of N. 27°14'47" F.. to a point; radius ofe45efeeta aucen[raltanglefofa5b°IS'04e,oa chord destance'oF a 42.43 feet, and a chorA bearing of S 62'45'1;" E to a point; thence N. R9°07'15" E. a distance of ;21.02 feet to a point; radius ofe20efee[a a centraltanglefofa8l°25x34°,ochord4distanceao`ng a and a chord bearing of N. 39°50'02" E. to a point; ;0.;~~ thence N. RO°;2'49" E. a distance of 50.00 feet across Wells Street to the East right-of-way line of said street; thence N. 09°27'11" W, to the Northwest corner of lot IR; thence N. 81°02'13" E. a distance of 659.58 feet to a point; thence 11. 00°07'00" W, a distance of 541,?; feet to a point; thence S. 89°:8'45" E. on the Morthline of tot 16 extended to the west line of lot 15; thence C, 27°22'48" E. on thelot line coRmon to Lots 2; and IS to the gortherly right-of-way line of Freeway Drive; thence on a curve to the right a distance of 77.07 feet having a radius of 150.00 feet, a central angle of 48°22'52", chord distance of 76.22 feet and a chord bearing of S. 54°13'55" W., to a point; thence 5. 21°0;"58" E. a distance pf 50.00 Sect [o a point on North right-of-wayline of Interstate Highway, 1-€4; thence Southwesterly nn said right-of-ray line tp the True Point of Peginning; Exceot therefrom: A parcel of land situate in the S8 1/4 of Section 17 and N C 1/4 of Section 20, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, Boise-Meridian, Pda County Idaho, more particularly described as folloe~s: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Overland Way Suhdivicinn the Real Point of Beginning: thence S. 0°08'14" E, a distance of 1591.87 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Overland Road; thence S. A9°46'1$" W. a distance of 638.4; feet to a point; thence N. 0°38' E. a distance of 1256.21 feet to a point; thence N. 50°19' W. a distance of 174,00 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of Interstate 84 Borth; thence Northeasterly along the Southerly right-of-way line of said Interstate 84 North to the Real Point of Beginning. October 121982 :Mayor Joseph Glaisyer City Ha11 Meridians Idaho Dear Joey I have served on the ~Yeridian Planning and Zoning Commission for over xis years and have enjoyed it thoroughly. I have been considering resigning far some time but have delayed because of the complicated problems involved with the Subdivision anti Zoning Ordinances the Comprehensive Plan Amendments and the Quong~rlatkins annexation. Now that these matters have cleared the commission I feel the impact of of my resignation will be lessened. This decision was not reached easily and I have given it much careful thought. I had to consider my family which now requires more of my time; ~ health, and a doctors recommendation that I slow down; and my concern for the quality of work done by the commission. I am still vitally interested in what happens in Meridian but feel that someone new could give the Fresh enthusiastic attention to problems needed at this tiros. I have some ideas how the work of the commission could be facilitated and would be glad to share them with you or the council if you wish. Please accept this as a4p letter of resignations effective immediately. Sincerely Annette Hinrichs Chairman Meridian Planning and Zoning Joseph Glaisyer Mayor City of Meridian, Idaho Dear Joe: October 12, 1982 The time has come to "bow out" of direct service to our community. Therefore, I submit my resignation as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission to be effective at the close of the regular meeting on 10/12/82. It has been my pleasure to have served the City with commission members (past and present) who have continually strived to do what was right for the City and have conducted the P & Z business in an honest, fair, and impartial manner. It is with a great deal of pride that I look back at the work done by the commission members during the past 5 years. The projects that have been com- pleted and decisions made - - because of the persistence and dedication of commission members - - will live forever in this community. To the members of the P & Z Commission, I express my gratitude for being privileged to serve with such fine people and my best wishes for good health, prosperity, and happiness as they continue their travels thru life. In closing, I do hope present and future elected officials will take the steps necessary to: (1) Create a better working relationship with the Planning & Zoning Commi- ssion. After all, this body is comprised (at least it should be - - and - - for the past 5 years, it has been) of concerned and dedicated citizens who do not have "an axe to grind"; and (2) Create an "open" environment where ideas, thoughts, and philosophies on major decisions affecting our community .can be exchanged without be- coming enemies (turning friend against friend); and (3) Create a positive environment for business and industry in an effort to develop an economically self sufficient community as desired by an overwhelming majority of our citizens. Si erely, j ~,' .Wald L. arp cc: City Council City Clerk Planning & Zoning Commission ~~ October 12, 1982 Mayor Joseph L. Glaisyer City of Meridian, Id Dear Sir: As a long time resident of Meridian (nearing 30 years) I have tried to do something on a regular basis for my home town. I have helped canvas for the sewer projects of the 1950's and the 1970's, served many committees - the Chamber of Commerce and Planning and Zoning. Until now I have felt it was purposeful and meaningful but at present I feel serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission is an exercise in futility. We have progressed from a purposeful, well meaning, decision making body to an era of loosing old friends and appearing that we are incapable of making a decision. With my feelings as they are, I feel you should accept this letter as my resignation effective immediately. T. Lee Mitchell 1519 East First Street Meridian, ID 83642 '/'' ~ ~~~ ~~ October 14, 1882 Mayor Joseph Galisyer City Hall Meridian, ID 83642 Dear Joe, When I was first appointed to the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission the Meridian comprehensive plan was in the formulation stages. We have since drawn up zoning ordinances and more recently amended the comprehensive plan, and twice-considered the Quong-Watkins annexation. During the latter stages of this activity the economic downturn has caused in increase in unemployed people and a related work load increase for me. Because of this I have been unable to attend to my duties on the Commission adequately. At the present time it does not appear this condition will improve in the near future. Please accept this letter as my resignation from the Commission effective immediately. I have enjoyed working with the other commission members and the city council. I trust you will find a replacement a relatively easy matter to handle. S '~eAreOly , w '"'" "l. Burl L. Pipkin Before: PLANNING AND 7ANING COMMISSION Location: 728 Meridian Street Meridian, Idaho Time: 7:30 P.M. Other Date: P~r 27, 1982 Items to be discussed are as follows: Workshop to review testimony taken under advisement presented at Public Hearing for QUONG-WATKINS AN[~X. held Sept. 23, 1982. 1 F a a V a N s W H Location: ~ ~"~ Date: y ~~11 Time: ! `v MERIDIAN CITY Before: ANNETTE HINRICHS, Chairperson LaWana Nieman, City Clerk Don Sharp Lee Mitchell Bob Spencer Burl Pipkin Meridian Primary School 48 West State Meridian, Idaho September 23, 1982 8:00 p.m. a w E • a Reported by LYNDA C. HABEL O CSR No. 137 .T~H~E. ~C~OU~RT REPORTERS LI ~/ ~ IJ U & ASSOCIATES V ~~p 605 West Fort Street Bos 1675 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone (208) 3053704 i• • t • s i ~~ )~ ~• ~ • SPEAKERS GEORGE VASIL NORMAN FULLER BETTY BISCHOFF (William J. Harbeck) PAUL QUONG JAY WEBB TERRY SMITH DAVID DAVENPORT GEORGE BENNETT DON STOREY (Pat Anderson) (Alice Gonzalez) (Louise and Don Raver) (Jeannie E. Gammel) (Tina J. Hake) (Norma Hake) (Edward Connolly) DORIS OLIASON Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter PAGE 2 4 6 12 19 23 25 28 29 31 32 32 33 34 35 35 37 ~ • ',. • i f r- u • • ,. ,- ,. i, ,- ,. .. ~ ~ i • i ~~ C~ is r. 1" ~ , i ,. ~ _. 1 a ,, _, - , ~ ~, , r . , _, r , - .,., nn~.,~~r;,.., _ ~.„ - r ri. r ~~ ~ ~_ r ~ -. p ' _ ,. , ~ - _n , ~,, , ~ ~ - ea - • • ~~ I! r. ., i ~~ i~ ~; ~: ~: 1 :', ~ -~ 1 ~i 7 L. . ,r ~~ r~,_ ~~ ' r .. _ r~, r~ .. > - .... _ ~ . ,. , , zer -,c,nsr. r.-. ~~. ~ `.=reY,r ~ ~~ r` -az ~:."- ,. tr.'°.~ r ~ Imo: oln~,_ ., _.. *,~ h,' b<;en~.i Cloaero ~' to tno ~~-„ *.. .... -.. _ _ .... .. _ .. r P 'PCi; ~i/~;, ,r ~~+~ no* ~:elc ti nn„~- ~~r~,~ ~.~ , - nor i~~ r,<~,;:, _i u„*., i~-vc, n <.,rt _ .._ ~ ,~r ~ ~, r„«~ _~r_~ *.c F' ~' YI !1 l' ~ ~ . - n ~: ~ ~. c. 1 '~ r P Y. t r r'. '~ .'D~ ! .. ' /~ r C .. : - C. ~ .. - ~nl j _;¢.r ~'r.-. r'. ~~, -fir. ~. r~`~r.n ri. f... .: E'P' :ri (. t~ _']P ". ~. ~ i r l n r. . ~; r i ~ ~ _, - .~ r .7 1 ~'f r 1 t ', i . - - rno ~ y r. r i r,. ~ ~ 1 • • u • lJ ~. ~ ' ~~ f• ~~ 1i 1? i; ~ t; 1 ~ (`:. ~7 ~`- i ~~ r, .~ L; c' I i >.( .'.~, ' ~:'.:. z'nnr t,hr, t ~~rel ~a41 ~ ~,':ri •. ,ire,^r ._ • av, r'i t~1 „-. sir .. :'i 7 jYln rr. ..•,~r.. i' n~t^ lii_,tle _w~r ^re, ,, : .:~ _ -,~~~°~ir~: ~.r~- `~ - r^XCc' ,,,:, -- Gt' t0 ~UC 1.1 i. ~:: C'. er1v18r1 1 .CT -'r°._. T !~..;~~ 'year a;ou' +r ~,st car:Ut:~ v~r ,, ;_r ~„ „~ _. , .. i '~'i.1:.~°'.' CS ;' rrltj CS6Il~t i~,`:01: ?t';E;t tt <? ,,.8n", are'. i .~~. ~e'cn, ? thir-tc, ,,t out. of *~e Cite ~'f ~^15e. ~-_ 'Gave ^~7cC1 ~;B'i RUC ~'~"t C: it E' 't,".vier, .,IIL 'C' _n, £'~lz a Jtvr ~._~ r 'osr, st _~ r'> ~ ~~~c -- ,;e 'C9t JuC : cl '_.i t~!7 rC'L':=.~ ~,r'r~^-lal"!~ a''"'I I St i~~l r.~j Y~r ,,rn src i. ', ~ i c=. c. r 1 ' 1 v Yf _ _. t E . '' 1 F. + t` ]. C ` ~ J C t T ~ . ~, h O '~ °, G r `= . _ ... J. 1 j lil,~ t ~.. it r.he r_ri~t; ,~. .^e<. fla?''~' , CCU . n: .. F`.'LL~ `, .. .?~, _. ,. aC i t.!^p~ !'r.l lp.,,i r." -~C tEL'.Cr ~,: I~fT- jiOC C ;?YI I''Ui IPr~ 'j~fj ?. __Ct ~1:.: E'~11C,~ T .... _.... t;1at 1:.~5 6'er4" li't Ai C'rt.. '., 1.VB .. ;:rit .:° ,C~II C'n t'e Yr~.~:>E.rt.' ., '.a f: 2:0:: ?;-. _~ eC'~: H`i 1 t~. '~.i U'G i i .7 • • • If ~~ ~~ r. 1 5 ,~ 0 1G 11 1% 1 ?. 1~'. 15 16 17 1 1 20 21 ?? 2 ?. t. 25 evervoner ,.ill a;ro:: tC,at yo_.r curt aN;;eal fret: the cGrr~rnucity is .: la~tin;; i:prc-scion, yGUr first iml;ression. „nc~ _ don't :ee ::oily there is any reascn a:Yiy ~.ae ..l~GUlc let 'some control cur curt. ~.c wGUlon't, if s,er~,ebody two or three clot}a .0„-1 the teat'. thrc; l cs ~-ercissiGr~ to eGntrGl yG~:~r front yrc, so l believe that any incustry, and;thin= ~. r~r t, 41F [li le COih ln2 tl:rGi~'~'t': tl"Ie ^n nCl ll rsltf, any OnE' Mat 1°. interc--steel in Iocatin~, that freeway i5 ,loin„ tG come. isnd we don't _ave cGntrnl Deer t.hat.. T'rlere r•!ili '_~e f~roba'slc sor:.et!;in;; not to our ii::in„ .ap~;eni.n=, out tr:er~, .::~a: c',aybe sG~~ethin 'r.as al reer~J. .irG t~'.;° C^r:': "l l.n l_tj VGt B'_ O^ It tC UG ..t SeV°r.>: }ears a?,o ~.. the area of ir,°~pact; irmcl area. For some reason it never P~appened. It tales a reeuest such as i'aul has recuested to annex. You just can't eG out there ar.ytirne ancE anne>: that freeway area. I thin!< that tlericiian shGUld have control Gf it, boll: sides. I t;is:-: there was rnGre of it is all t"at '.;as tc ~e anner.ed. 2nd. I thirr~ this is an opportcnit.y to E;et that under Meridian's contrcl, and I hope that yGU recor:ntenc': tc do t1:at now. Thank you. NiRS. E~f•ERICi1:;: ietty Bischoff. ~ • n ~. F~ • n U ~, • ~~ r. 1 2 u r F~ 7 Cl 1 (i 11 13 1J 1u 15 1G 17 1 '3 1 '' ~ c. <' 1 ~: ^, r. LL'.: 11 [Tq ~1 lei' C , car; fcr::aro ar!d ^ave t::",e t"cllo~::i-n~; Staten,?nt: Tin E~etty "i.sc~~iof. P!a on [;aple Grove nert!~ Cf ~~O15P. I have ^o. letter [i2rE' frOiP. ~a 11112Ci1 .1. I~~arOBCI~: Ci~~.c ~.F FOr C.`; t., T_1: 1ri0i5 b;h0 1S a 5?::',t trt: .`_',t 8e Of the £n*.@!^r;.^_ti.0rlal ~0'~nCll Cf ~iiC'iDl"i`" CEnrf.r ;. T, t 1P. ~~rE'S Sew tCr .'. !~n!18tt2 ~'°..".r1C~ls, ~ralCR~a^, ~18nn1C!.^. anc ZCGln' CG'S; .'.1 S51OC!, ~,1t'; CI !per lClar!, 1'r]?n0. lL recgr~g '?.r,,ay T,.a~:l, ~%3 r12 }rCB C;, C'con~-', ,`~.~..~ site crnF~;°~~tion 7?id co!~r:.ercial zon_r,= of tt:e rir -,r ,.eridiar'. "i~ro;x ar~~ his;;oricai star;ct!oint the ce~aelor.~r~~ent of a regional :r.ulti c:epart!,~ent store ~r o:nin,-. center :~~_as 'peen tc!e subj°c*_. of r:rcierot<s ei forts, conversations, rcr;or=, facts ?r_ci rur,~rs of facts f^r ever iiftee~n ;-Fars, and perhaps as _.~rny as twenty years. °~.'Ur1Yi l' ti71S pcri pry ~~!e iii 1 _aVe 2:{O nlt Or E`G' tr.e trade Cf GEVE1o~er ,.._!"° t[:8~. ~ ^~; A t --'-nr tG~ JUt C.4e .l C?' =.C "PY cer, 1r~C!'].ln!%; '~."'.^, ~ .~,'_:r, ri ','t G" ~~UC150ri ., ,J ~c 'i E~Lq Crl!' .'"io (;_.tc!+~, rGn'.;,.,._ ~ ~ ~r1!ar , e - r , Jam;: ~. P^.. CE~y :%f COI;r ,a ?. ";urn-~, rF, ti V" OI tl-1`' "rE'a, _ p ~"i G:?2, Ohp 10 ..1}gyp ~. ",_ cn f^r c~~~~c. Pr cr9 - . ~~ • • • • i~ ~• i• i•. „ ,. ~. , I• • • • • [~ ~~ ~~ r. ,A ~ ., ~ ' ,: ___, _ - : ~.. , _ _- ~~ _ r~~._ _ .. :._ ,~r., ... ,. - ~~ n-~~ *~ - ~ 1 .. - 4 T ,.. _1 ~ 11 C ~ 6 1 [ '1 ~:'f1 t _ 1 r. (` .~ a_ r _ _ v r 1 C 1.! F ~ ;' )" ~ c. i ~' , ~,~ - r c, c. i~ r, C! ^ C~ I r ~ ~ .. a ., _ _ .'. J _ _ S .! C ,r r; .a :, ar1~~l,~. ,, ., rye ~rror_. ~. ,~ ~• ~ i • ~, • • 7 I~ ~~ • 10 ~ ~ 1% 13 1 t• 1 ~U 1 `% 1 ~ r, ;~ ~, ~ . ~,, ,., 1,, ,yE. t~, ~, r_~.; ~~ r,, _~ _. cpc:e ~~n,;ercUz~l;i cl ,~ tc zaa~t:in tii~` .;F ~i-~t _ 'off '_ts . ;'l Si 2r!C'C' '_-.C - ~° r.E i:Hfi 3I? nTr, t'Y'O E~Y'1 ~tg Z(?Yil C'." Oi Y ': 1 I ~ Q I_] C FI ~ `~ ~ l P,. r_ . ri .: _. _ F Y ~. ; r: ,.., F '^ %: ,': 'L l _ :A f a _ _c _°: Co tl` ~ _ c vnr ._~_ '~. ?OG., (:1i 'C'~ ~ 1 'f, p ,i to .~. r. ~... E' IBC ~:, ~; i, t(~d~ ~~2: Y'±i"~1l "''" .;1°- -Ci ~..°^ a; ;. ..'l:'i.;lE __tao' *. ~r. _ -rt.' ^rt :'t.re ta_er>_. fo~• over ten years. n1C: ci 16 ~, _r- .. ^T'°~:^r t~r. .. ::1 V1C? 116,,.0 Y~ or;;anizaticn o` Sr:r ar,~r.o, is, r ~° nu_r,aer t~~o 3r~otpi°, _. ~'CI~C-P _'~~610~. -'.Y ':; Ot^1.d-471 :i2~ HdS 01'GU~[.t 1`i T.G Dr °E $UC<_ :. ~. .;8d.. uE~b t. , over forty {:r~~e^`~', irttp ;c,iu~. .. c~~: itY:~ent er. Iieridiar; t'C:. ,.. 1r'^-"C G. '1C aE. 1. }~ F~i2~ F21.1 Erb 31 L:;i1:~~~__ t'']_ ~ _.. ~° ~'"C: _,_ ;'nom TG.Yt. i;el" "?I'1C'~.1 .~ ., JC`,. ~.nt.i Oi':, II_J: L%.°~ O': Y~~tC Cnc -". Cl ~ t~F ;^'.. ~1tUFJ Cl -'^1 :. ]. n~:-f 1G1~ .lcS ~ _s,, Cl. -'C..~ . ....^^5. _. 1( "'. , 'n ~_. _ .. 3:71;71 ,/ (90E':; r•p;, ';:;rr)V 1Cl r` f'° CBO YF.~)l Y!](` '' ^-'r' L..0 - "i pt7~ tae ~: t~f -•._,, 'C t;]E E'ClVar~~Yl '._iir. f4!" l". ~'7Y 'i^'A C't. f-;P'lt .-}Or E.; -?r'C. ]. ..,tl^ple 1-t,. r~ .. ._ ,.o rvn cC3 tl Y,~ .r,, r) __ ~.. ;"'ptl '.,l ': _..~_=r_ _ar~ _oor'.=. I • t_ i • i ~~. • • a i•. "+ ,. r., ~~Fi n,. R., r~P `i^- _.°, r~' Sno r- ...r~l, ~1~'. ~ t -. _ _ rl n - r. - n, o- ? -, r ~ ~ ~ ~ Y }. ...,. Y. ... ~ .. .. ._ _... -... ~r~ _ .... .- .-. ~ ~ ~s n u u • ~ ~~ ,; 1; :, ~ :_ 1 ~- t 'l 7 1 I ~~ ~~ s L ~1 ~~ ~, ~. ~. P n n -. r ~ n ~ • i r _ .. c ~ ,-. - ~ . F. ~ ~ _ _. -_ __ ~ ~ 11~_- _c J -_.. ~ r,... ~~ 1, -i ~, r. ~: ., rr .~.~ `' ._ i c,: i ~~ ~2 _. '.. -.. -,~w,c~ - - - _n,~ ., __,.~ ,cS:er ~_. °rt_ _i ~.aC i"CE GI : t'l ', f'' OV ~C _ _ ~ .._o~r ;"r.Jtinat~- ,ite. °F_L.V 1h t~;@SC' 1:.'.ID C~l?Gli`.i01'1 E1 CSC; ".„]. t. h. P.CtS~ It . ~ ~'EiV t; 3t t.h . °tr C'i 0; '^C' k'Gu7.~ SbC UY'E OtC!t; 1"S. f.ecorc Is, and for reascns s:i;.et. I believe are ~r.C:?nticaltc Penney's, ZCiIT aid La.a;;n*~ ~nro~~nae~" their ~ i i • • • ~~ ~• ~~ r. L ti 7 q 1G 11 1, 1? 1 ~! 1 1r 17 1 ~: 1 ~! ~O 21 ~? ~? ~ ~~ ~~ 1? pr°ference tc ,join °~_ar~. ar;~~ J.C. Per;ne~,. "C1~us, Eiven enou,;h tir,~e ti"ie developer mid+r, ultir,;ately also secure ar. ir~t.erchan;~~e. "FCi]:~}ly S~,Lnlf1CHY; f. i, 4-.1; f- 11. ~CPl llC70i:' t~C:at ~ne 1~; 1'~1 sB 2i. aC!~~1 SeCUrG aC•n2i:2 t10^ aT:d Z.Onltl; fr0;.7 t'7e C:lt~' cf ~:O1 Sep t~!]l15 fc>r ever ~Ce2"3 ?'~t 1r]:' .~~2r ldla^ aCi Ci 1t5 citizenry as tY;ere will only be or!e regional cent=r in tY.e a;arket. "1 do not belie~,~e iieridian laishes to lose this ;iroject to poise by oefau~.t. Only Ly promptly pCl a'C,l i n,.z ar,re};atiGri ~1n C. ic'En Ua t2 ZOnl.n!; O1 the L.2;?] ° IO£ .`,1tC' Ci Ci ~' c'C 17 iar. ~;CE2VEC:t t~C11S oCd ~`, tl', P. Sa^. E'. tl:^'.e provide tl=e only cor~7pietely accec~ta'<;].e alternati ve. "s time has ;7or'.ced against '?oise's downtown project., se it car. wor'~_ a'S~~inst. 'ferit4ian. Th?re is a sense of ur•~ncy. The decision is yours. "Ver~~ sincerely, '.'. J. .'arbecl..n ;;~. U~r,~riTCi'.S: Peul :;uonq PAUL C?Un'`'r~ ca;::e for~:arc 8n~ ;ave t}~e fcllo~'in .'.t<te~ent: Z".adan;e C::^~irrran anr, Centler;en of tt]e Planninr ' ,'~^r.lr C~~~~,•,ission of 'leridian, .~r7e is Paul 4uon,: I a!:7 t!~e one that `r'"as reo_uested t?~.e annexation of the ~ ~ ~~ 13 • • • • ~~ ~~ i•. 1 ~, r, !; 7 r ,, 10 1~. 1i 1? 1 ~I 15 16 ~~ ~ 7 1 ~~ 7 Y~ ?1 ~r ~i Z i ~, property that's be?ore t,hi.s t~c~dy tenirht. I nave teen here so r.any ti::~e_° I faei 1i~~ce _T I _~~eul7 .tart payinr rent or~ Y:Lis izall (1=~~:,~nt.er). ~~ First, 7 'could 1il•:e to take the or.^ortunity t0 tha^'.,' the I'.erlCii d^ P].arT71 Yi=" ,.:_ Znr~j r, ~- COCi!I.I l.SS~017 Ori t!,p ," t'r~rts that t~~iF>,; Y:ave put forth in Y'~clclin^~ the,se ~~ I f_P, P.r1 Y1-`~, T'rie,r f12V° S'ie Ct [iOUr 8C': _~ ~ n'1 !^~ Ch _~_ -tii:' OYl ~I t'ie ",. C`r e,h,er S~LVB pi a^ Ct~^r; ~-.@ CO riSi dt:rlrl `; t4,,e ar!rl f'X81',i prl, .._~ r rea? lv r=,-~.int to tl:ar~_ tY!e>m fer the recornmendatior, pf ,.__ fr~e':~a,r enterc~rise e:re?, I thic,c t!;is is very ~,rinue, anti it's ~e•estl.ir~- tnFSt tt;l' t~e very beneficial to the Cit;' it t.-~e fa+~_r~, Over t,t~ree years o I ca=ne ':>ac:: tc this vane; to try to fine ~, s:~^;;>pin~ c~r~t.°r _:ite that could oe ;cce^table to the i~?eridiac ten~rit.s, Prier t.o lookir~ 3t ... .. ., .. r~r-ti .',. lc, QG ±hP ~: '- °l n `,'(J,:C .,1tf.' ct I .'(:. , I Cc^„P_ t0 ti.2 alt ~, nf' ).: 1.:.8^., _"nY F Cnr~ ,.P }hc: ~" ,. !.. c. ri .°r 5'.. Grp Pl. a!7 8;l ti rF~::ri i.t _. _. .. ^tUrli e~'i i}., T:,_c.re 4'2rp Cert-i ~. .`! "O8 i 5 r'.'... p~.l C1PS t.C Fit -'rF •~t tF, ;.. 1.. L'..dt .. a'1 t...:t °r'. S!P.d LO C.!&KC 8 iOt O` iIFC,:G1Hri g'"a11. LiB i;e e~i ~.ry pf i'Cr t. tr; ^rPatE r. ~~OS1ti~; F. ~~~.~, ~' .,~.T_: ..rcc,ura,;es irru,*ri r! ~r:~ com=,iercici I• ., .. • • ~~ ~• r. :~'. 1 ~~ 1? ~: 1( 1? 1 i 19 `, ~~ l ^r. ~~ rr,urnr_J_ Y,C I.OCatC- In 'ri-?1a".. ti t~n ~,- 1-' i+ _ ,,_.~.. "~t is coley cf L:;e C1tJ .. '° Crl'~iSY'. tC °`".C 0'11` "F ,r^r-, 7'[F ~.'r;e ~. "t c'l On'"n'"It Of u?': ].nrerC'i si ri -;° <,t t..T`e 1[~'C;ar =CtiO' OI fii~ie .. ti 8`'.- I-C= I~~v t!1P T'7 H11 ~) ~e'S rtr". P.nt CJi ~'r,--;sc;ortation. ~~ maser u-on pciicie:- ana ;ycals, that is the reaSOn `.'hv T ~m C;nr.. ton ,`'1`.: rFf~UP~•L17i;, ~nnexatlGn dnCi 'LOn1n~;, tG .,.-~~ ~lty. {~E'i .-.-.8t T: .'le r"^I%'. fit. Oi cnnckBti On, 8 ~ 'nG are8 _~.~2Cent tC~ the {reE)1?fl{', tC D@ ~ ~'En°-i:Clal t~l n^, Tor the City t0 ccntrol frorc. yo°_~ all ..^o~:, t'.:e _. ~~ ..~..~_, of rno:vr~;t-~ „^ ~, ~n the °ree:2~ _, ~~'~ evelo;.:en*, jacee* to t! `rre »y i_li t.e- _rry ~O re-~i E!;t, t0 t['.O- .^.O `.. '^1_°, 'L,c ,.OL r' .'o .. :_et th2 C1 `.- == 11''_E. ii t!ie ~^,,rea 15 ^nerl` GF'V°~ Oi'~°„~~., It u:111 ache 8 10C'l;-~CerfP. ?F{E'C t, °G.'~ a f1 °_nP{~1C3 d]. ei'L eCt t: ti t!"le °jJ ;?; rf' `~"'Oli~t~l Oh t-~_> C^-i~iUnl ty ., I <;~;t of ~,nl-! fc' kY.or, r,!-:e,!eri~ian C it^]~. =r p{ C- ~, G•rC .,_,. :pCS~ri anr. r,0,~, ~..._Err e':: en 3 ":2 ..~.,1Gn ~O Y.~-^_ r~~' T J?1 ~ ., :t. the p<a. " c ^nn --. .- ~_.. ~.t2on ~.~ co. ~ roc tP;e ., ,~~„ .__ 1C'c~ 9t1 `. _.nri7•~ .r liF ~r-_ c 3r`_.. E• A • • n U • ~~ ~~ ~• i•. 1 I G ,n -,~ ~ J i ~. 1 '. 1^ ~ t ,, ~, ~~ 1~ F ' p /'. h - -~~ _, r l ~ ~i r _ -, , ..,. p: r ~ -...: f .... n . ~ P r f -. ., r r p T ~ t t y t l r~ v., F C r, t -: , p F ~, '. ~ O i i<.~ .. _ _ ~. n n. ' ~-i; rr nra ,- t~" B r. ~r11 l al, l 7'" _ _ - Y1 r,° r t:0 ~ - r n. t ~ :.. ~ 'f q ... -; ... ., ' r 1 !` ~ ~ ~ r , , r i. r r Fr 1 1 r .-! o r ~ ti ., n __. „_~~, ~., nr._ ~~ ~,,,,,,,, -,err. ,_~i ~+f ~ .. r, .. -.n ~ r' 2~, '.p ~r +. a i. an 7 .. ,. r i_ r' .t _. _.- - - .~ -, ~_ . - ,. ... f,'..-, •~~~F,~ n~, ~-~~t ,. _ ,- 1". = rte. .. _. a~ _ r• r ,. ~ c. ~_. , ~ r r, Y, c ~ < tS t- r ,- i V i .. } ~~ A r i f v ,r ~'1 ~.. f. r ~? 4-, r r-, 7. ~ S" °. r ~. r t r r .. '- .' ~... ~ r .. - -`,Pr...rj ., .., rc,~. ?.. ,, 1:, ~,.. .. r, E3?C 1;i ,.. L. ryV 1 `: i n r ,. .. - F,r t. ~. i,i ~.-.._ rr, ,.,'1 j t_ r~..+.~.ro ..;vt ~. c? P: !" T F T n- r r l = - _ :._ . , __ 1• ' • • 7 .. ~~ ~~ I ~ p I ?, ~ ~ l )~ r- nc~: r ~~ *?r „- ,. , ., ..:, r " r. ' T , c -I i _ ..., c T ~~ ~, ,., ( .-, ,. ~ ; n l r..". r. A n - ~ ; .,. - .., ,a o 4 ' _ f, _ rl p r l.' _ T. n _ ~ 4'. i. 4.' ~ ~ . _. ~ ' i r e 1 ?_ .~ I) P r' r n r~. { v .~ ~ t, r: r } ? n < ~ r 1, i P i' ~ r r _~ i C_1 ~i ~1~ Pn4 n_r5~ ,~ C.~f_n' n. .. _ ' f .. ,. .. .. _ _ f"Y!C" I ~C" t@C=F YT ~=C ^,AF i_ho n~,_Pti . 'r, . ,. ir'_-_l.n r ?1'`n°_ p-r 4, ~--.r gip'. _. -ra_F rr. ^'-. t!'. 'i _ ' t ,- • • ~~ ~ ~ i•. i 1" 1 ~ i~ ~ ~ ~' ~` 1,:!. 17 1 :' ~-: ,, J r; ~ r. ,~ c~ f - _ - _ , f ., t o F: r_ __ _~. .., F: ~` r ~ 1 r, ,. i r n n •1-`. ' ~. i O Y.. ~i r;a Fat a f vtSn SIT ~. ri.". 1 lt, ?~ ,.... ZH`"1 I t~^~E: t. .. ~ -. - ~' t~ ._ r _. cr,nt=r ,,,-r C)err.~ is r~F< <..i, fcr ~ ~ ~.c. .,jf'n to-_ ,-,arc~'GOf nrp n n•~,-_.~rr-i a i !;°p T,n r: fC1 ~- i "~''-. •, - 1 ] :' ~' ~' r - '.I (1 ~ .. - ~ -, .. >. r•°'B ."3r - c :`: n^.l n~~rU.. ,.. I°r, - ., r, r. =F fr,- 9 f~. P, Y. t. ~. lC ~Ja-1'14_ 1: i1~ ;. :.~~t3Y - r. ,,,ice Cnl rj it Yl r.i ~, <~l i r ~~ ' ,_.~.fcr c! title tc +'r,e ~_`. "_ ~~r n -sit !elf an" _ r nF_'o C:O C;St CIICf, c fll".-. i' ': 1. ~z r, FYI-. _fc` _.. ' • t _ • s • ~~ n t~ ~~ I7 r. ~ r~ 1? 1 1? 1 ~{ ~ :~ i7 ~ '; ~ r; (; i~ ~~ ~ ; ,,~ .. It .._ ~., a f] ro ;!".7C w:. ;'our, _ive to ~_~ City tsao uolicP cars. - ot,,,Gr~ +,~, ~; y„ ;:ist acn zrl' -- ~ _ r~r 1_'.e .~irsar.ciaS argil ic~-~:in' ? ,i:,tarlc•, f"r *.r~:e a,nr (`i t-, .v.t r' ar i ~ ~~!^ ll... . .. C~Y."U _JO Oi _ _.. __~_. .~ _ ..f; nr ;. <. y...~~ ",nil ;Y =ST ~. 1, :] tE'. `. -.', 1 x. ~~ ~ ~ F nr i J e~-'1-, rj n,,'NtQr'.i°Yt f-AFg _ _ CO.- __ - - r (` i !-.~ .. ~,, .~ y v ~ rC n - i !~.C 1 ~1^. '_ I ~ :I` t. 6i 71='. l.P r r`. _~.. )n ;lI `.r=~I, C. E: !: [_GOk'-1" fc°P - .. _Fer... ;, .~-G (. Ft r. ,~r ec~iiv-_lert. criteria. yr ]~ lt'_OC, 1£ tae ZOC?1 CI ?. 2Cld ACS YtE %a t1,Or. 19. `.c=~, ? ,!OJ _IC ~r ~:O £;e F-; 8t 1:5'._~19t n1 Pr:ter i-.?tG B i, _, 21 :: ~-dEr~r. _ run•~: ~,p ';t l.i~. i. ~n F. ~].~`~ SC~tt1Ci _. £Cr t[`. ti'.P oe~~*el~,lr~er;t ~ 7 ~n ~ ., see:Ac~u1e suG,;eet only to tl~,e •=a~~~or '' ? .. ^. t. C C F , ] ~ `~ !^ t.., -~ °~ ci !/ 1 1 G : 1 .: f 7 `i ` G C. i. CI '. •£ ~; t 1 5 r,.et ~ .., r~~~,t rrec~~., E'r, t. ~: l'I y cpt fCr*:; ~ C:2^ B8C:1 -^1°nltV ::ror-~is~~; to the City :,i'~.l 'ae prcvidea. i ~'.ier ~.r~'' r~~r.tle^~en, ir_ closir~~~, l a,_a9.n .-~~.,yF•, ~ L~-'at t ;ci ~ ^~~.,Fr* ~ .~ tie 2nne;~; ..~. zone'. a~ .o»r, E'C' T n-: •_r c. d gF rr n~ fIP 5.1 rE' i'r rt p_ t. =t~^ I`l't ^,tUr 7.t •~r ~.f tCl° r.t•, of ~; c: v.l ril!~.. ._:, sti~ ~ ~ r ee~,r~er ~,~; i ~ ~^ntr~ ~cte tc t~,in'~ it also Fulfills tLe ~ ~~; re of t.hi^~ e• • • C] i c~,n_;;~r,i.t~; ?:o be it's Drat tr:t--. ] c ~*r~u~it,~, snr; not raerelY beciroo~~ coit~rnir.it,, t: tide City ~,f 'rise. I thin[_ i ;eric iar ~~~ c:ance now to _t.~:nr~,e it., course. Plea~~ dor't .._.. _t o~ ~ (:a r_~_ `J CL's. • • •~ ~• ~ S i•. ~, ~n i, 1%' t? 1 :; 1~ 16 ,~ 1 19 2C 21 ~? ,J 2L 2 ~. , ~. _ _ , ea: ~ fcr~:~arc.' ar.d ~~ve the fcl]oriin; sT,ate~cent.: 'iada:ae Ccairr:an anci f'erbers of t! e Cc.°~~.issi on, I acs, ,Iay 'r'ebb of t:,e '~:oise a~; fire. of Givers, McDevitt, Pur:~:1e. _ '.iebb, I ~~_ *`:e '~~.hb or. tS~e erci (lain'rter; 1L21 Garfield of ::"=Disc is _ ;~o;ae I naa !; ~ecretar; stay late tc ,i~;ht to I type up ~ testimony ~:'i~iCr~ yo_i have before you, .,e ~~:air= ar~,. `.e ;i;aie cue r~~,,ise before she ~~o!~ld do ~' It t~'1 c"It SG::IB bGC1 ~' 140UIb reari lt, °O 'vi OL;IG yGU^~! 2BSE' r8ar< throe;h tk;at testimony so I car T,e11 her that you did. I just r~:ant. tc touch or, a couple of it erns, ..s.oers of the Coc~ri.tt~e. I haven't been im~olved that loo.-; in tl~.is 4articular, very thorny process, about since the first of t.~e year. ~ ~ ' -- -- • • • -.~ • ~• ~• • ~• r. 2 3 L F 7 c 10 11 12 13 1 ~? 15 1b 17 1 f? 19 20 21 ~? ~/ J ? tt ?_~ zo ::;ut. I see; that certair. ic~per.'ii^~enY.s uee, corrir,!; up again ar.d af±;airr :-And again. nc fcr the roost cart, there are obstructions ar.d imper,irents that should not have been there at a13. SLeletons in closets, I refer tc. 2nd S'~u lihe tc coz,r,~ent toniht. on just a couple of trcrr;. First, that. this anne>:ation will recac ,.~.,i<ru:•tc•,- or, the City cf ?!eridiar, becar:se of ~ one percent lir,:itatior. ].aw. iiot true. T'no. ar.e percent limitation la~a provides, as I thin.<_ soc~e of ycu 4:now, fcr two safety valves. The first is the five percent increase that r;e often hear of. Fsut the seconc. fcrrr,ula for safety valve fits the i~(eridiar; situation very nicely. I set out the formula in my testi;~iony, ar.d it spea!~.s specifically and directly to new ~;ro~~th. I'ew ~rowt.h in the usual sense might not !:elp you that. rr!ucP:, flow ever, cahen you have ne4; growth of the :a:;r,itude of this mall, ycu plug t!;ose sta~:~~erin;? 70 to 100 pillion dollar fi;ures into t!,at safety valve fcrc.ula, and yvu arc tali;inr; acout si;_nificant tar. do13 ars,. Prow, I respectfully asl~ you, 7on~t take my wore fcr this. Take the formula and ~o to the State Tax ~ 7 'i• ?1 1 ~ ~t S ~, • ~ >I C ~ 1'~ 11 12 ~• '3 1 =; 1 ~ 1 ~: 1 1 t 1 ^, ~~ ~1 ?~ C Col:^ission or your own assessor; see what this would do fcr I'eridian. +r. r ;ci: s;i~1 f'inc surPrisin;ly tar, dollars i~ril.1 ~o ~:p b!,~,t residence ta~_ dollars.rill ~~;o de~,;n. ion-, if yap. would, ar?as;;-, C!:air~an, fins out that. information ar:d tell the ::people of "iericiian t•rk;at., you iitive fcur.~. Seeondiy, there is pentin-, ~~ I ti~'rl= yc~~ 811 kn Old -- an{i 1 .-r: OS: L1V Old 'dear frlend DOr 15 Ollas On ai11 proba'c1y love t;;is one- -- oc,t the 50 Percent r°_BidiFnCO h0'i1B PnC1L1510n tl:at'S Pendln<; p?1'haF;J F'lll COG12 along; next year. Prow, you People of ]eridiar., think about this Ong: (Key. '. f.?1 ~.. er{. '.;.:00~~~~~ Wlt:'i OI.I t. ", P_tLln;; lnt0 tae ~rterits oP whether or not cur residence horse should have << ~,0 r:~-~rcer.t exclusion. "".ut if that P.,~.~pens, I ask you tc tf_1nr i'Cr a ( OCiI°n*.~ ''i Cl°r~' 1S 'a pt,r ':-i E?r101_l Ci T.a Y. bc5°_ ?O1 nG. *_o oo:~~e frc~a? Those taz dollars have to Le pic'led un =(":e C'1 ace. AnG 11.1 tall yGU :'Here t~'ev it,0~ they f_,O t0 ;~OLir °[.?all l)GSl ne; ~, FiCo y00!' `r1 OLil ~h!'~~l ian ]n th7.s 3r2=,. I`,: Ca[ t0 t,C Cher ~._ ;~.n{: 1 %rin~, t},i.~ up cr.ly because, thinl- of ' _ _:'l.f 1 i. ~i :': ~. •'r .=" 10^°: ]. ':;I"ice 1 tH! _S, t? f i l 1 ±~~I T. !']2. `. V Cliff. 'CL... at~GUt ti.~a Y. nn E'_ `'.°C'^n!'1 `/~ C. QUOn"" r~+UCn F':.i UPOn -- b'SrV ., • n \J -.~ n U ~. ~~ ~~ ~~ r. n ~, i ~ '- i :. ., ' ~ °~ 1 : :' Cl r 1[n C(~", `.11']L'~ ~„ 4'v ~I n,~ ~..v_ 1 "°F. } Cl_ . , p , ... tv 1F. ~ _ ` -. r. _ .. _ , r ! = r -. - ' _ ~ I 1 I 1 ,., i ( ~. o • • • • •~ ~~ ~~ ~• r. ,:. I' ~ ?. ~ r', ~. ~ .~ ._ ,..<.r __ ~ .. ~. .. t':_ ~ ~--r _ _~n .._ .. .t-rn ~~= T,1P .,._ .2t"i ~ ~^r ri v b~-. Qi. n 4~'_.i4~r ~ _ ', ~~ : rj ~~ -r~, r ~ it i° ~( -i +,c ~~;„rr.,-,- ~_:r. i _~icc~ ~, tai ; t~,o .~ ac re ~."ct _al .._ .- nor .. .. .. _. ~.._~, F7 ~rC1 ~_. _^. Y. ,'~t'OY'~ O° `':ice `1? 1r'i.2CC '7_ [_ 2i'85 ~.__. 1 • • • 7 ~~ ~~ ~• ~• r. 1 ~ ~~ ~,~ ~, 1 1 ti ~~ 15 1" 10 19 ~~; ;i ~J :%!i ~ L. 4,. r r ~ tr ~,r ^OrL.U `'y'~ In V']. e'::~ .::r ~;'-. _it' Ci. ~1&,, .... . t ~lio~.: t:~is tc n?ip +~1_rou_r their '~,ar~s, is opr~or ur_1 y to corn ~ ti:ose ~.rFas, co~~. t ..er~~ set `cr. ae cit.y should centrol ti:is area no ;r:aT,ter ':: C"'-t t;~[-E' Of CO:'G;e r'~ial 7r ]. n'=~-+.`tr1 H~~ EY!te r_ rl.~!_' ''", l OCate 11'1 t. :1B C;r G-:OSe~. arln°'\.°U ar@'a. ?,ol]o~.:;n•, _ ~.~ r2. ilea°r~• t':e eri.aiar. C , -'r`- "1'` -eC: t};F1t ~ _ r*_,C the r: r ;, o~ pr. ~'1 =' ~. ,~0. 3 nT'r C. n ,,!1r _', ', P t},. ~='- ~:1 :n ~i O_° .. C'O n01'.l '.C ~, lip •.-la ent ar_G ^~:no~__. ,elf-;ui:]c~r_nc, fcr eii"t_r .:;~' icture residents, rednce° tae present reliance on ~'~oise an'- ~trpr tl_ens t;"'e ~1t°~S dC.ll lt`f tC flna nCe ar: C 1['.iDI P. C"Bnt. U;>>I1C 1P]~~rOV 211; P_r~tS~ `. ~?r6 :Ce F~ ana lt. =: O;ien ?2CB character." I er:coar: ~ t.he. ~larrnir: :,r- per.'_ _: Coicti~issioners to reco:cr~,enr: tc tiie City Council the need tc oLtair. centrol an'; 2L:t~t:Drily over t;,e .. ^1e interc:ar>:e area ane the ot!.er anner.e~ arc=a.~ rrn>ose_i. _ _: 1Crtli~gB O` '''".1 _, C^`it r^1. ~ '.. ?°__. ..._ CC n51 QP_r1n". the ::erg "S1ar 1'.D2Ct 3r~ ` ~ ._. nOt. VFt- ..= `•n rC9_i I:'„nr., ,' ft c. f.^]. '.1 ~~' Y7 (t c~:LCGC eC'. ~I~ t~7 ~-' .`. ~12 COU'.l t. `,., ~. OLi Lil~~lOr!er` . 1 • • • r. u ~• I• ~~ ~~ r. t !"; n ~Q 1 ~~ ,, 1: 1' "` j ~~ F:~ "-C>S. '; n' ~~ ~ i, ne<r. ., i~ rr Gb'lIl vi.~i --..nenrt, n r. 'a i. '.1 +;n~I I~'i-I'~-iil c°t. r-°X8 t1 O' o ~.-,Z 'v_ ~o rnn, ~_q-C; :; . _., - E '. ~ _. Y. r'r;_ ~ ~ ~ .. PT_ r - .'~' _~ - -. 1, ..~ .. _i r' ~ _... _ ..... .... i.' _ -.... _ ~ '' _~ J 1° -- -. .rv ..- n :7 • ^~i ~ ,, •. 1 1: • ~ i, ~'I • i, • • era, ~.~. - :,~ ].cr. i,c. ,~-, ;. _.. ,. - I'. ~- a n ~~ ~.- r „~ .,~ ,, .. ,-i ;~ ~~ ` cr L ~ ,, -, - ,., _ :`l .Y':..-, , _..i r °L i.. Vii::. _ r _ -r, .~ _ _ i... . _ J1i. 'v .. .~.. ~t'.i .y.'. :'J r, i :U )C~ ~.~~ w ~~ L '.. _ :.~~~~.~. i .,~,!1~ .. r - ~r ; F ~_..~ir~ ,..--~~_ ~_ _ °-- - ~ __. _~ T :._.. r ~i r_Y' .-. _ 1'1V -.. _. _ ~~~ n -- ~i .,.. ~~~ ire -'"' `<- r. *,.~~~ uric ycir . „~ • ,~ • ~1 u ~. :~ C7 • • 1C ~ 1 ~~ 1? ~ ~': 15 1u 1 '7 1; ly C~ 21 r2 21~ ~5 - r r . r. - i ~. '': _. ~ fl.~ `.1 =.e ~.1 rc 'rT°f~n" ;.erE - _ . , r ~ i ,. .. ~°`. .n7:. - ~s;r ... •t. .;Ont.::, t'~;e "_`' _- _~ _~1C, .. ~.. :1, p.-. <.f fir'. OU I' Clan rr, r.r t`11C° E;-;:':rt.'':.E'nt. f;oL' ~ re ~:JQ __ii1r:~,- `_ c'y' for can E"'" .. -_ Orr? -~.Ht 2:_~~. t!i° StrE:et l;•i,JrOV E'-1ent5 rE~C Ui r~C~ ;,d~ Co~r~~ -l !i.;tri^. r: ., r.c .ay ~ its bu1'~et is Stret C;: E!~.^, 1t~3 i-~I2 ..ln~; t0 LAC r~.ua ~Oldnt. y~ ~O„!i.:1 S51 G`IErE fcr c:Ore n:aney. ';ie~at leorid r;apper~ tc t~ue -;a;;le _ad, tk,:e ^ranE.lin ;cac, thF C~~,erland fioan; ..i;o's E,oin„ to kiay £or t i':e 1G°CrOV e!':entS ~.:at c.re nECB~~^c ry t';erEi? I ti;in~: t;ie benefits to t'r.e City of i'eridian r:eec to he very closely consi~erec. If ue ~~ut s regional x:::.11 at ti?@ corner of iZU,'le i;cad ani ..i-.e intercr?an,:;e, t-that is ;;Oir.;-; to rar;~en to do~antowr; N;eridian? ti. ink ~.ae neee t.o take a close loop: at ~;r!at .;2ppened i~:hen tl:e :(archer ?da11 ident. in over be t.~aeen iiarapa and Caldteell; as4: t'r,e businesses over ti~ere if it tdas of oenefit to their City. I donut think- they *riovld ans~:~er !.OSit.ively. In ^enerzl, I ti.ink the annexaticn at this=. tike is nott'ne u:ay fcr Ieri.dian to prcceec in its • ., z • n U J ~• • ~~ ~• r. 2 i 1} 10 11 12 ~j 14 15 10 ~7 1 1 ~n cl ?~ ?L' 2~ lo;;ical roi:th pattern f'0r the future. "ihank vou. 1?'S. !!'L;';?TCF:'. Geo~~Te .?ennett. care e, for~~:ard and save the :cl]ouin^. statee:ent: 'y n2ri,e is Geer:;e 'er.nett. I live at 5?6b Leti~o, sotathwest of Poise. It's not ~:~v inten.tior, to intrude upon P1eridian's internal affairs ter_i~~Pat, but I ara a candidate for County Coraaiasioner. 1 think it-'s ir:acort2nt that i~;e 1001:: at :,:hat is ~oin~ to naroer, dog-an the read. I'ra a very stauncPi ar.'vocate 0f the free enterr~rise svster,,. I thin,: it's *..in'e :ae sa~.; an end to tre actions in =rantin;; scecial franc;;ises to rivilP;~^: it"td1V 1~7Ue1S fOr S^•eCif1C deV el ODe rs, a~ie 11aVe S22n t}lat. tLrou,t:out. the County, and iT,'s held us back for 17 ~~ear=. I ~,aould ..dvocate 2t ti:is tir:.e that ::e ;;air t;,:ink 0f ~~_hat it ~.ra,s or i.~,inally t'nat sold us on the conce~?t 0, Plar:nina; ar.c ?0rai.r.:. It ..as so that '.;e did r,ot commit anythin~~: to ha;;~nen that, would depredate and cause c~a:ar•e to our neir;~,,bor's ].arc or our nei~hb0r's int,erest.s. ~~ • ~~ • ~• • ~~ r. !; 5 .~ ~n ~~ 1~ ~ 11 ~ ~i 'A ~? 1 i ~, l ~-i 21 23 L 1>nc no's: we have roved a~:~av from. th~;t ~~r:til `.,!ie point nas arrived ,:here they~re tell.in,;~ landowners ;ar.at they car. do ~~iith their lar.~, irrr_-spective of free Fr:terorise. So i ;aeuld ur~:e yotz tc ne loni=er put o'ostacles in the cath of frP.P- er.tecrrrise deveioor,ent. I donut advocate 'ir. ~:iuon,,; I don't adyoc?te r. ~ -:1d5, nr rlr. Pr1 C'.2, Or ~_crCV (E`88t]rFi bLl t ? 52 J, ~.^t~:; O_~Et P. It UF. SG taP C?n haV° e. Y'i: ;On ='~~C;l a+. (:@~;ree of '1 /'V E;1OE?,'.I^tlt tC t.ar:e ~.~.17<'e. ':.`P na"n Se:'t. a1rFa~i}' :d''!%?t the O~~'. COY!C °p~„° ,:cVB UCnC' t0 U~.. _.~_.... - OU. l -~!e fc .=rd ,r '' ~tus~~ tt~.e f'€:Il~a,~n_ tater,e-nF,.: ..U°e is nor. ctcrey ; I live at ~!?~ '.'est. r:in. `ors heri-i_~r. r'_c~e Ci~air~,ar., it's -- ;Measure to be i^ere t. - tn5tli}/ tCY' "~1". c."'. J ;L"dPE' fc-r CE'2r).V 511 tale°E -ear._r:, i'irn2 is i~:~;;ortart car.~cerrin~; t!:e annexation of ~'~'a~ .- ~ On... 1t .: G~1P. '~ncFl • _ ~" ~11~~'~ r~!~.~Jt rEa Ct r.~i~ "sere is no ti.:~ fcr relays, if ,/e :ar.t. ect;on. ~• ~ • • • n u ~! ~• ~• ~~ r. G q 5 1 ~~ 12 13 ~ ~'. 15 to }? 1e '~ n '~ l ~.i ~n Fi pOt2ntl a,. i~n~ge i~!Oll S1tC~ Cl OV erClal P, 7~2y receive its initial or prir,,ary apr~~rc~c~l fer ar. intercY!an;,e~, 7f iieririian continues to delay on t~12 r~all arne~xation, ear Cray be too late. I;e~Br~:le: _. Of .!ayCr C;]aisyer~ S .^.Gr;tlnl.le. supF'ort. for t ~ =-has gro iect, 'rle, taco, r;Lasr. fa,ee reality ? ::OY: 1't Cl.Jn 01 .°.~ ..%All ~U!~~iOrt~C.°, f`1''l E'l l`? ~'1a. He is f'ul 1v z~;iare t~.t. if ~ r~ ;i,anal ::all i~ t.^^. .~._ GUllt In is C: ;'1'!ld^:~ It '~:?11 hcV° `l:O bE EC. ,. a;_1P oad. ~`eri~iar: ~'or,_: is a.n exceliert. place icr d2velonr~ent; just riot the arF~~'s rer ion~l call. i~~ 1 !1~^2 ~tatE°,~ Def Or°_, 3C^"'~'_°2111 ~'uOn.-~~ an° Cf?e'"O. ei7er 1_nE,;~ ti re 2^' ;,O_1C9 ScrV 1CF'c.a In to rC:"~r..~F. SAni O^ F, ti _^.~ CA~~t.er, l0all~ l'J ~, :,~ ~a7•~ _~~c. r'Uc' <:n C: IG F`.: !'~.;-. Cr GUr rlt'1. ~~t('. f=Y` ~•~,P1~ ,rc. .~._ ~~'"nV'f_~.. t. e':.~ ..F;rit) its ~ ti:ze to let !r. t'uol;- ro~.~c:: nis. 'aul Cuc,n ~~ rF.._,a, ~~,r r:nP:~ ti,,r, il~ ,c.~ , _ri .~.. ^!" !i _.~.~... r ~. Cit. r~.l. CF ~ E - ~ "C'~~ arc. .'. L ,~ ~,er, r. `.E ~:~ln'.n' 9't'i _._. rn,.;,. 510p ~r.n tp~eir p`~':^A tlOG (.f t~l1e 2ritet^/` "n.. r'n t.Br r~i cr ~r°^, °_~. _ !'_ "j _. 7 ;,i ri r- .. ^Faq '_OllSi~• n'[+`-:'r0~'C t. ,'B tl !~nB., .x_.1011 r<.q U°°Y. °. t9 ,r C. Y, it OI'. t.0 tl-?P. l'i t': (; ~ ._. .. .. rf ~ ~ nFC SP r'i t 1 ~.^.~-: ~ O ,. Y: ° ~ n. _' _...p ~• ~, ~~ ~~ I• r. t , ~ -, ~ "' 1 ", ~c ~ :- ~ •; l !; ,,, ~ ,~ .~~ ^ ^ ~ ..~2r ..,I -n 'ti~.r ti,, _Y' 12ff Cl '_r: <, n',n?~I Y". ..£~' r~Q; . _ ~ ~, n -a,. .. _,~ „_ _ ~ >t}arm f ^.r 'j _~„~ CFC r~_V" ~ ~.1 rFn`.° L.O ~ _'.~ri.. ~,BY! !......._.. __ .~_.:~~. 7r.. tl 11 ~..' t~. P, p: ~i nni"1 n. r,. rj [,nr.i j., (`Qra;-]•..Si,On T,n o ~. ~rr,~~. _,_ rF h.° Jn, r^,~+~, TOr L.=.° ;-211 r '. ."' `? _. ~,_.. ~ ^~,,..t, II ~ ~, ~ .. ; , - -. ~ ~ i - - - F - i ^.n-f ~, i _ __ _ ~. • Is ~~ I • ~w „~ „ ~. ~_ - r, ~,~, ,r, ,„ r, ,. ~. ..~ r Y ~ _~ ~i Y' ~„~ ~, ...... r c.r ~ .. T ... _ _ c i ~ 1 . _ . ~ F rl it ( ,, Y. • [) ~~ ~ ~ r - ~- n ~ 1' r I Y '~~ - ~, f r~- ,. .~ ~* ',. . . .. I ~ _ - '~~i .. r .. ~ ~ , ,-.. r n 1' .. . - 1. t { {• 1^r.` _,' F' r { n war t' c -p, l rr -r - c.ri i ~l .~ni - u ft~r .. i°~ ~~ to*r~ rs *;:;~. .~, , tor i^ .. ,. E. , . _ _ .. • ., • ~~ I• i•. c i r i.i ~=. i, ~_ ~„ 1` j l ii ,~ _ -__ - ~~ _ -_--._*~. _~ _ __ _.,ef_~ r ,i.i f; ~ ,.._i~, r~. ~e~ , ~, __ _ - -"r Vii.. „r. .,rF E ~ _ ar=~ _. =rro`. car e~- _ `, ..- ~..- . , _ 1', _. r, VL't' elf' .r __.L is , ;r^ ,,, ~ r,.r .JC ~.lF' 1 r! ... .-. _ ri f ~ _ ~. _ ~ f ~_ 7 t . ~~->~CiCS ±P!1S dfl C~FnB t_GC: CGfI `.r O~: ?r-`~~ 1- CiOT.-i'1•; -.., ~- o~~~ he! ,, ~ •_ ., ~r !'i-, ',c -ot, i` f,•.z~ .,'.es, sc ... r. - hc..~ "- _ c _o-rl G^_r: f ...~_, L~CL... , _., SnO"I , _. ~ -_ _. • ,, • :3 I• ~• r. 7 ~ r, ii 1? 1 1 .' ~ G ~ i. 1° 1~ c. ~ ~. _, i ~~ :' ~. .,. -, nil ° G r i r Y_'. _ ~, ,. '~BrF .'"! t.. 'y'GU.. _-, ' - ':1 CE~i,?~ ~O tt, ~, ~O .';1g SlUr ~~ 4`er i YG'il _..;!c: .J. ! EIa E°, ;-H-!. @, F7 `. ~i~lli J'"1 J. .. ~*.r ee t, UO15°, l'~a ~~.0: "7. a:,^ Cc;at. *,'',e ~,?.'•E>ort!nit_! tie a~_c. e.~c. ~~o„ _ ior~~ ':11 ?ssue. ~ ar. a n'~s rFSident., :~~~` f' ~u. ~ of our area !:c 1c~catior. ~F _ r=-_on~ 1 .~1 i i °. 1':Ib^.r*.riL tC ~'.~ ,_SE` rr lOPr'~~ u.. ;~erl Glan .-I ~ uFni;~. if r l ._1lis cf ~O1.S°, f'.".", ii"E; r: I,J C:` iCC°SSi U~ 1!? r~vi'. ~2a t,'~itl~i ., r2ricr.-1 ,?ali, =.~r ,gust l~o~., r.p yr--«, 1~ u.~,^.i-~ of er;r:i:~Y., rc ^rc.c.i.:e u:~ ir~~ ru<.~ ~, ~~,- over--u= r=~ _^r.-_ _1. nr p.,i ~ _ ,. nor*, t. ,n -rnFy __~n of _~'~:e ,r~,. -,r+, ~n ?. ~l!~ ~~= fcr ~. nn~ ~a11. !!~;,,-~.re 'Vi'i- ..-,,! !; F'.r" i. _. 1,?t SFr _Ilr<-. -'. t. r. --i p, 'J C.ri _. d!1 i ...._~! n• :~'oniri ~~e~r..! .sion frori ~rr:r~ ~ alte, i~!) BOOS-. i`.C17C', 1JQ1 :iu, ZUdt1Q. i ~ t • f s I• ~~ I• i•. r. r n 1 !) 11 1? 1~ 1" 1~ 1e 1? l r: 19 ._ :; ?1 2r 2 2 1~ -, ~ "1 enecur~>;~ ",?*,~ `~e rceni rep ,nn ,t on ;;t F-iu '; ,,a~~ rc ?nterst<te ~~;, ;eridiar~, _ fcr .. ..~:i1 ,rat. *'•...t ccr:tlon. °1 S1 nGF r~'' j r0.:° f''l~t 3 _211 _ rGV eJ ~:^:'_ ~Ullt ~.GUCI. i.71S ~:'": 1.~~°y GS:2Ca , GnE' VEr;i [?^%~`/, 8nU 1 C`ez:l t0 t~'!P, Pi 3n111 n'L, BnCI LCnl rl '-. ~C~Iii C'.15si Un tC'~ f, H: x.e tl'. P. nary recc~.r~encr~tion se t.:~'at =11 :!1' 1 _...._.- rc cl lt;, 2t ti: f' iP tEra.. C'tlor 0I t'::e T.nt °_r`t'c tE aC!'_ _. .. 1 _ .'. O' 0 . This letter is a;~dressed to *.-~~e '.erioian ar.rin me Zor,i r,~ (o=, •.~- .,ion frog. :'arc Connolly, 1.. _. Treasurer dent, rrtir<_ . ~'..ertle'_ .,. y air. a re t; rr'. f°~er:;,l a;-rent, and S oun rarlca north of ..._~1e, Id:,":o. "Z a•r str.,, s;iy ir, favor of the c-ale 'ica~ c:ail anr.e::aticn, ~_.~. i ur,e you to a~;>rove it. 1'E';e lua'^o T r2n SCir to tl0!? '%e ii2 rt.,:. :-nt '~. O,:l r~ In an E'XC el lCrlt eXaC'~:'1° of 2n iL~r~artial decision >t:nel: a!t:at they ~..-;ere dein;~, wi?en they reccl~l:;er.ce" "the ... _le "oar'. ir.terchan~e. "ibis ..'utter of a reE,ional s:io;~pin;., gall ;rust. be lcer.ed at in perspective. The Eoise 'l dl ley is the 'ac~ir',;tcc=< of t'le; ,Piorthn;est tecause of tl?e stc"?'olins,, ..a;atlin e',anner in :~'~~icC; aie cave trio` tc resolve our differences concernir.;_ t'ne ;eo;ra;i,ic iccation of such a ~• • ~6 • , 3 • 6 ~ 7 1G 11 1?_ 1; 14 15 ~ ' 1 6 1 "I 1 '~ ~ 1 r; r. 7.1 ~ ~? ?? ~ r! ~ ~c • "S have this fact tiiror.n in my' face every fall wi~.en _ attend tr,e convention of the i:stional _~soclation of `•ederal InVO`'tiratOrs, and all I Can do ..s }:are;? ,;'' :;eaG In hLl~alllatlGCl. "Ttris ,_ as close as see .,ave ever come tc resolvin„ the issue, anc! i.f your decision sk;ould t'r.rc~~! the natter tack into tk:e hopper, we probably caill not see a re,,ion~1 sr,oppinp; mall come into existence in our time. "i ae: sure t..":at yot?r cecisior.~ T;:urs,day r,iht +,,ill e such that. futur° enerations of ~iist.ory can point orith pride to the manner in ti-chic: }you enceC this controversy once any for e.ll and started t.^,e GOlse Valley down pati2 tc:ares eeonorsic benefits that arc so aE..parent ae. tc 'oe ter~ied self-evident. "5usiness cor;,pels rte to he out of town Ttiursaay, or .. c-rould have r,reser,t.ecl tk:e a'ooce at your nearir:,;, and I ask your in!;ulence in this _~atter. "F,espectfclly subo?it.tee, Edward Connolly." That is all the testir~ony that t:as been ;;ne^ u^ for. ?s t'cere anyone el se at. t.~is tine •n~t o :~ishes tc sr;ear: o-, the issr.~c? ~• ' • • I• I• ~~ r. 1 5 (~ 7 10 11 1~ 1' 1z 1 1 `~ 1? 1 1 `' ~, ~~~ ~. ~ i i 7 cage fcr~~~ard an[~ ;eve the fciloc~in~~, states.en*_.: ~.•,?,"~[i'. ~' r:i~ilr(.:d C:, 1 C1Cn~t, ~1'-.:: 'u '~ DeC a!!Se i don't ever r~lan tc spea;r_. by r:2c:[Ea is Loris C:'llasor, U-1-i-a-s-o-r.. happen tc __ locates ,:i~,erE they I:`ant to put an irterchan;;e, ar-.i ~_ old frienc Zay `:ebb said, DE•'_Cl ~, t~': {]t 4: E'~rE 1CI a',rl C1;I tL:r E, Wr'~rE' "';01 C: ;. t0 talei: VEr~f CiFciV 1.14. 1.f t:: ]." t~;""; ). ;~':; tr. Llt i'". E'I": 1iO~J 1. Y150n 1S rL; Clnlnt all. over t.t~.e state ~.~[it'.~ -- you knot:, _._ e[elps you r:r~~:%erty o`..r:ers rei]ucE y~cur taxes -- it's only ~oir~ to s,:ift it. jo :t tell Sou I should sy I'll Le glad tC ~•*. rid of the old fart. 8~i 1, jrE r!8~)[;nn t`.C ~"i ~'/E' -- =t ~. P.c„t 1 <!C I ...a._ f cli r, _~out t';at ",, ac,E ..~:r~, t~ see it o. ;'Lit `you ,~ o~~ 1 e are ail. t I~; n = ~~"±. "r'"I_i: :'.t'_OCIj t/Cli~rC L~;. ~. t ~ :in:':~ r1 i:~OLlt, '/C:{i. `.;. ": t. t0 if_'t. lt. =_G, s0 r 6: -:..n LC f~ "4:1". j. "., Q`: f. ~~1. [~` _`Oll, _ ~i v~cc ~LliF t'l: E? ._;.3 tP -rnd t~',° _E rcl `~O -•C'i`':e Ct. ut t' ii ]_ ,*. ~'t.. u' rE `:r. Yin y .._~ -, ='.~ ~ ash, fir, fr L1 ~. !1 gYinc}: .:i r,~ir..r -~~ _10 _C: f. ,~,.;,,et ,. t~~ ~.a~ ,;'=y ir,_~-~e,.r `r r.rl ^,l ~ t [_. s[irt c,t t`..... 1• • • • • -. _ - - ~ l• I• I~ i•. ,. i ,., ; _ :~ . ~ _ , _ ,, ,. I - i 1~ i• i• i• i• i• r~ '• It • i1 ~s ~' ~~ - __ .: _. _ , .. _ ~~_ ~~r. u; ~_ - _~ r - ~ t ~~ n r~ i - - - ~ - - ?~n~, ~ _,- _- ..~ _~+,,~in gib ~'na_ -- ., ~ t....~ tois~ -. ~.... ^:.. y ~ ~.; O 1 S E !.: O ~~ " :: C ;,. t. ° ~,• n _~ ~i t ~.. ? 1 "; 1 !'. D: O b ~. C i :7 !; ~; • • n u ~, ~• I• 11 ~~ i•. r, 1 r'. 1 1 1 =? 1? 1 r. 15 ~J ~:~; 1 ~, '~ ~~ ~ t. ~C ~ ~ ~t , t~ rc,.r out i e~-er; `~r~ __~. -- _ ~ __ _ t:',e .,_._ o1a r ov:: ~~^~ain. .,,... ycu :rant, t~ ..~~t^ t::_,.. 1 `..~"y'r~ Uii'i ,:. ,`.G ;'=111. P?;; ~.t:;; " ._. 'F. t,~zi n? }hi"/ ~~1U Oh _ E't cS. f ~ ~/ ~ _~- - t Gr ~ f :~ ~.... .. ~ ~ !~1~ ~~~~~., <' ., JF Y.'...rPE ~Otlnty ~C)'.,:iSS _Ot': E`CC l'.:C u~. L_ ar -'f„ = or 1. ri t,cr.~ 9... .v CC!]1 (]~[i'i; '. V` °] ;~ _-..P2-.i C'R ":~?U?' ."crl 1~~~,. i~l: i° 10 rtt ~-n Oiti ."; ' C- ~.~ %~.'P' .. OU II-" 2V '"'. _..ln( l~ :: ::P .t. '.~, t~7 e?'.. c nn':, = a:.: ~ic,)~tini,, L~~ed on ~~-__st 1 a~~~t. `o ~? yo:~ froc cy o;-:n 3xE;eri°r,oc, scat e ~~er. 1 a5 -- .rE zil;elly ~~t a;cly ~r~~, or= t4;° Flannir)_ and Zeni_ng ~O[":.15..1 On, S :-:BrC,^': t't'.r ._£'. Y; P.UVCrlt?': OI ti7@ ~. OI'."!--1S 510 Ci lY--°E'If VEr~! '^.3!"°f 6111 j. ~,nG tY: E}' VECj Cc CE'i C].l '.' ill 2.u° oGr i_)?;,' .' lv ti`. P_ U:;bE1" OI V ~6E` tC C1OC _2t C-$ p. rlln2t:CE, ,_ic'., t'r,e County C~i e,,,~n .._ n~;,~;-: tJ:ey •.aou? '~et if T. SO, }'O!I SPF3, i2 3Qi F „p,; E_. O'.'` ?3. T e i )-1 'l c!^ "Y, .. ]. f., 1` y~. ..,10 _;1~ , E,?., .. :t Oi-. ._, v~gt'_Gn OP t1° CCVrlty rU':ii;l.. i0 rlorq -_ .... _ 2i,! C°rt.B 1!1 it. ';JUUld, APO?~1Sf !!P1I crE ,_-OC ---nt. :'~~ nf?l:, Y°•,n :.. .?°1" t~;8t. -_ .. :',8L ;; M'i.. '9 r''-n t`l c,t x::01 ,., 'ir'c2 i)t 1 ..^,t Cr, it 1,{. C~,:..n OC.L ~~ • • • • • • • ~' ,- ~ r,t~:;een ~~°. l e _, ~~~ Loc:s` ~'r~ce . , _ <°~, if , .,_,~ i ~. r: ~~ c=ee -- .r *. *_. ~~~-out; ,,G c _ :. , or: t.!~e ~, e~ r_ ~r~e no i* c ._~ ~r ~., , ~_ . _ ~ t~ _~;t. '~ npn. r~, ,. -~~'_r. !gave tc s'i ! *. ois^ (;t.y <iP Fl_ "l . ~:00 0i'". 'CI '. ~C ~. ~ t`""' _ _. ~..iSn lair a~~c.'_ _ . - i . . ~r.~,~r r ~c~r - _ , _ ~.5-. -- - ~ -- t ^; __ c, c- ;, ~. t ~ ~ ~ r ~.~ ~~; :~ - ~, - _. _. _ . _, _ ; t ~ r ' ~ _ _ ;~ t. _ . ~ i f r !' c ~. ,. ~ .: r f ~. y I • I ~ • • • ~~ !'• 1 !' ~' f, ~I_ ~~ ~~ ~ _ I . ,- _ ~ r, ; -_ __. ._ ._ _. - _ . .. ,. _ ~.. ~,~..,~ 1_ ~ _ ~. r ^,n ~. ~ ?tip ^.~ 1 '.' _ ~'~. ~ .. , ~ ~-_ _r~~n ~ sr- nth ten= :.. _,.. ~~, -... rt _ - .: ~i'_ ,. ~ _ - .._ .... -. _ r ~ ..._ , .. - ~ _ ._ ~ ,.. .« ~, ,rte ,,,;~ +„ ~~,.7 ~~.,,, ,-r_ c~.._ *c the ~~ • • • n u • ~• ~• C7 r. q O 1G 11 12 13 1 1. 15 1i 1 1~ C' 21 <2 2', L i~ lr+ ;, ir•~J, .~nr= hOL34. L:,n^ ~C1_O'. ''; _.~ .j terr, I?C rty -' ~'' L; +,:;~ ~ i. _, f.~ ~ ~ ~_ 'rF:sFn'1 r ~ _he Citt~ Counci' `.. nr u }~_ l ifl :l all •el.cc..e. i.! ._ err~i:' s on,~,ta~~ _ r u ~t 1n._ ~,ro[ or ti]e t,ai;-.;.-,~,, r•el:~ort. Tn far_t, their ose,+ ~r<;:~ c;! 1:,~;?ct 2t tie ent goes only .. .. far .~ ';log ~r*~ale exce t fcr one ,,.:,all sFCtion ~•nic1. ;nee. !tout .,s,lf ~:ile furti~er. ~Ci at `.h 1 j%:•, ~.. '., OLir CCr^Prr. fro".: that Stato..,an article .ces appear tc .,e unjustified. I ...:ulu not attei.F:t to fc:recast .,aat ,:ill „sppen in the futur°. I have ti2at .,;ap, the ::a;'. __. :<~':'~::IC!'S: Is ti:ere anycre else? (I^o response.) Pte, i!T"aTC;9F: In ti',at. ease, I .gill close tine i:earin:> on t.Ytc i uon,;-'r!atkins annexation. Coos the Corr:~~ission have any questions o2 ar:yone? (:do rrsnonse.) ~iRS. t3}~'t!P,IC(1S: Do you uar:t to enT,ert.ain a otion noro,, if we have no gi,iestions, or furtFer discussion from ~~ the Co~r:cission? i,i "-iITCi'. F.LL: In vieU~ of the fact wc• have had Hero: testieton,~ teni,;.".t, eae can't hardly Crest ev~ryth'_nr we have heard ri;,Y:t like gnat, I ctaka a motion that ~::e 1 uu • • • ~• G 9 10 11 12 13 1 !~ t2:i C' It cII L1RdBr 8CV152:.`.@Ct anCl fl `_3 d<F OUr f 1Y!c^^iI deC l.il On ~.... ::,ot.icn at our next re iular ,,eetin: . ~.,.. N~JRICIfc Is there ,. secenci? :i:. Skil,°P: I'll seconc it. ~1e;~. !iZ'~F.IC'.'.S: It's ':-een n~oced arc secencec'. that tab.e t.ne testimony under ac!viser.~ent. at our re_ular c:eetin;, Cicto'oer 1?. Is t:~ere arr; fort?:er ciscussion? ('.`o response. ) ':"';'. !'~!~EICL::: ..11 t?pose in favor. (!'.ffirnative respen:,es.) .;PS. !!_g": RIC:~i°~: :111 coposec? (dio response.) ^~, k'.~C?ICF..°: i'ne r::otion is passe~~~. • • • 15 1^ ~~ ~ S: 1~ ~~ I ~? L( J '1!'. 511TC! SLL.: I ^,ove ~:e adjourn. iiS. ",~'.15IC['.:>: The o:eetin~, is adjourr_ec. r. V~ TC~".: .: !'-3 t 1d85 t!'1 P, C?Ot1C n? :.•~"`. i~1;{ ~I ~?'. ;.~. T'1~ .~'~Otl On t,ra5 t0 a take t'Cle testimony under advise cent !~r.ti1 cur re ~~;u]ar neetin:~,, vctcber 1~ . ~'~~'e C-Cn CE Pt1 Ci'"C. COrIC 1.Ud,°d et ~!~~~ r.., -000GC'CI000- . , -__ 1 ~ AUTHENTICATION 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ This is to certify that the attached $ proceedings before the Meridian City Council 9 were held as herein appears and that this is 10 the original transcript thereof. • it 12 13 14 15 16 LYND A , ~ Court Reporter 's 17 18 0 19 '~ ~e ,., /~ ~i 27 Chairman, Planning & Zoning CITY CF MERIDIAN, ID ~ ATTEST: 23 e 24 Wana L. N~em n, City Clerk 25