1982 12-13ITEM: 1. 2. 3. 4. A G E N D A h~RIDLAN PLANNING & ZONPIG Dec~nber 13, 1982 Elect Chairman of Planning & Commission Minutes of previous meeting held October 12, 1982 Minutes of previous meeting held November 8, 1982 Annette Hinrichs - Input Re: Local Land Use Planning Act PUBLIC HEAFiIICG: Comprehensive Plan A~:pncment Dobaran et al Annexation Bob Spencer Elected APPROVID APPROVID TABLED Plorkshop Scheduled mAR7,1,^, , • ridian Plannino & December 13. 1982 Meeting called to order by Member Bob Spencer at 8:00 p.m. Members Present: Bob Spencer; Bob Giesler; Marvell Chenowith; Gerry Sweet Members Absent: Tom Eddy Others Present: Al Marsden; Annette Hinrichs; Jack Niemann; Penny Webb Item 1 Elect Chairman of Planning & Zoning Commission The Motion was made by Chenowith and seconded by Giesler to elect Bob Spencer as Chairman of the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission. There were no other nominations. Motion Carried: Giesler, yea; Chenowith, yea; Sweet, yea; Item 2 Minutes of previous meeting held October 12, 1982 Spencer explained that he had gone over the minutes and had no problem with them. (None of the other Commission Members were on the Commission at the-time of the October 12, 1982 meeting.) The Motion was made by Giesler and seconded by Sweet to approve the minutes of the October 12, 1982 meeting. Motion Carried: Giesler, yea; Chenowith, yea; Sweet, yea; Minutes of previous meeting held November 8, 1982 Spencer stated that this was the meeting that there was no quorum. The Motion was made by Sweet and seconded by Chenowith to approve the minutes of the November 8, 1982 meeting. Motion Carried: Giesler, yea; Chenowith, yea; Sweet, yea; Item 3 Annette Hinrichs - Imput Concerning the Local Land Use Planning Act Hinrichs explained that she had attended a conference in Idaho Falls held by the League of Women Voters concerning the Local Land Use Planning Act, and how it was working around the State. Hinrichs went on to explain that the League of Womerc Voters is a non- partisan group that studies the issues. They have taken a position in support of the Local Land Use Planning Act. The League is interested in seeing that the Local Land Use Planning Act works. The League would like Hinrichs to act as a liaison between them and the Planning and Zoning Commission, making them aware of what is happening in other places in the State and what bills will be comming up to the Legislature that concern Land Use Planning. Item 4 Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan Admendment and Dobaran et al Annexation Al Marsden was present to represent the property owner. Marsden: "I'm Al Marsden, I reside at 7840 Lakeview Place. I'm here in behalf of the property owners, in view of this request for annexation. The purpose of the request is to allow the property to be developed industrial, and to be able to allow the City of Meridian "the subject parcel of property is located right in this location (Pointed to map) the. City limits and boundaries today exist along this line down to Fairview Avenue. The purpose of this request is to allow industrial development. The application is about 160 to 180 acres, and the property owners have come together because there are some small parcels, that they collectively would like to develop appropriately into one common use. The City of Meridian has three mayor assets. These assets are not available, and are not available to the extent in any other City in this area except for Boise. Those assets could include the freeway, I84; the Rail Road Tracks, that goes right through the town; and available land for development." Meridian Planning & Zoning 2. December 13, 1982 Item 4 Cont'd Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan Admendment, Dobaran et al Annexation . Marsden Contd. "The freeway, by it's very nature, can travel across the Country, any place in the United States, you will find that most development occurs and congregates around the freeway location, particularly when there are interchanges that have been developed, or in the process of being developed. And also industrial develop- ment has a tenden€y to congregate around the RailRoad Tracks. In this particular case, where say Meridian had been developed a Comprehensive Plan in the past, to take advantage of these three main assets that Meridian City has." "The City in the past adopted an area of impact to Cloverdale, they currently have their boundaries at this line right here (pointed to map). Recently, the Planning and Zoning Commission passed a Comprehensive Plan Admendment, changing the Urban Service Planning Area, to allow Urban development to occur. Basically my position, because of the freeway interchanges l:hat are going to occur, and because of the major access along the Rail Road Track, that these locations that are industrial developed, designed to be developed that way, carry on major employment centers. According to your Comprehensive Plan, you basically said that you would like to be a self-sufficient communit~i. The Comprehensive Plan encourages Industral and commercial development, so that you can be a self-sufficient community. The purpose of our application is to help the City of Meridian achieve that goal." "This particular location is very compatiable with the intents of the. Comprehensive Plan." Marsden displayed maps concerning the impact area, and the proposed annexation. Marsden pointed out several items on the maps. (Tape on File, City Clerk's Office) Marsden also displayed a map of the Boise Area and explained the proposed growth areas according to the Boise Comprehensive Plan. (Tape on File City Clerk's Office) Marsden: "Freeway interchanges basically take on a character of being a congregator or encouraging regional activities. Regional activities meaning hospitals, everything up to regional functions that serve the population, while in addition to that, they serve the user of this major transportation corp when they go through the State. In Boise you will find that almost every one of them, adjacent to the freeway, has regional activities, that serve large population growth, none of a community size. One of the things of the Meridian Plan was to stimulate and encourage industrial development along the Rail Road Tracks." "One of the things that the Planning and Zoning Commission have recently done; is to expand the Urban Service Planning Area, so it goes some place between Eagle Road and Cloverdale Road, which covers this particular parcel. Because the State Highway Department and the U.S. Government has currently approved an interchange at Cloverdale, and approved an interchange at Eagle Road, the Industrial development along these major arterials will encourage very intense regional/industrial activity. The transportation points between these two areas are exactly in the center of the entire region. These two interchanges are time distance factor, as well as serving the population of the total region, this is the center of the region." "This will do clot for Meridian. It allows it to have a stronger tax base, it allows it to have employment for its employees, the people that live in the City, so that they don't have to travel all over the County for employment, and provides a balanced community in both services and functions. Until this property is developed the sewer and water systems that need to serve it, will not be necessary." Marsden demostrated to the Commission as to the location of the Water/Sewer lines on the map. (Tape on File; City Clerk's Office) Marsden refered to the comments and requirements received by ACHD. (Letter on File) "ACHD would like to have Emerald Street come down through the property and continue on, so that on some long term basis, they can tie it (Emerald) into Pine Street. That would provide basically a collector road on both sides of the industrial area, all the way through." Marsden again refered to the map of the proposed annexation. "What we are intending to do is a schematic approach to this property, to take the Water and Sewer down Pine extension, so that we would be able to develop very large parcels along the RailRoad Track." "This would be tracts the size we are talking about - 5, 10, 15 acreas in size. This would cultivate big users, it has more room to have more orientation to manufacturing functions." Marsden: "The ability of the City to provide Fire protection is related to two issues. Distance of travel, and availability of Water source service. Since we will provide adequate water system to serve this property area, the concern of the County/Rural system is what is the time distance factor to serve this property? Since the property is all ready adjacent`. to the City Limits, they all ready have to provide service when this developer to this location. With this particular access system, it is very simple to extend the City Limit boundary Road. Item number two is that not a matter of distance is the key issue. The key issue is, a residential house anywhere, it's • Meridian Planning & Zoning 3. December 13 1982 Item 4 Cont'd Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan Admendment, Dobaran et al Annexation . Marsden Cont'd "basic fire protection system is totally related as to when the Fire Truck arrives. In commercial building, primarily industrial, since they are totally sprinkled - it is a requirement of all the Building Codes and Fire Codes that all major commercial buildings, particularly when they have large employment slot of manufacturing, they have automatic sprinklers. The advantages of commercial and industrial buildings is that it provides a system of protection. So, the response time, or the distance, is not the key issue. The system has all ready been activated and the fire has all ready been put out in most cases." "The commercial. or industrial building can be of further distance, but still have the equalivant fire protection." Marsden: "What I have done, in order to assist your job, making a decision to submit a recommendation to the City Council, I have prepared a preliminary statement which is basically a statement that can be interpreted as the basis of the Facts of Finding. If you read that, it covers most of the items that I have talked about, but did not cover some of the major concepts that I presented. One of the things that I want to emphasize is that the public services of Meridian can serve this property better than any other City in the area." (Letter included in Annexation Request; On file City Clerk's Office) Chairman Spencer: "I will now open the Public Hearing. Are there any questions or comments from the Public concerning the Admendment to the Comprehensive Plan or the proposed Dobaran et al Annexation?" There was no response. Spencer: "Public Hearing closed." Commission Member Chenowith: "Mr. Marsden, can you tell me why you feel that there is a need now for this annexation?" Marsden: "There are three reasons why it is necessary to do it now instead of next year or the year afterwards. Currently we are trying to work with some major users out of State, and trying to encourage them to locate in this area. Before they will even talk to us or be able to communicate with us, we have to have property that they feel assured that will come forth. One of the major obstacles in Idaho is the availabilty of land ready for development. If you are going to spend the kind of money that we have- to spend in order to encourage some of these major manufactures to locate here, we have to have the parcels. Number two, is that the development process right now has slowed down everywhere. There is hardly any economic development activity going on. Usually the development process that we are talking about takes 2 to 5 years to accomplish a project like this. To find financing, to build the roads, to get the tenants, sell the property and fully develop the parcels is going to take that long. The economy is going to turn around, and we .have to be ready to achieve that objective by hiring engineers, achieving all the physical requirements, particularly the property, we want to be ahead of the market place. "The third reason is that the property owners need to be able to sit down and establish the rules of the game at this<ti'me. The holding costs of property like this is several thousand dollars a month. It doesn't make sense for these property owners to hold on to these properties and take the financial burden without some understanding of what Government is going to do, regard to approval or not of this property. They felt that is was time now to do that from their standpoint." Marsden explained to the Commission that until no additional costs to the City. "There won't are no building faciTit.ies.Thereis no additional fire, but they would have to put that out anywa are no additional administrative services there administrate. The only. time you have additions development." the property developes there would be be any additional crime there, because there .fire protection, there might be a grass y, it's the same Fire District. There because there are no functions to 1 costs to the City is when you have Spencer: "On Page 63, paragraph k. in the Comprehensive Plan it states "Amendment of the Comprehensive Plan may be granted only to correct an error in the Plan or because of substantial change in the actual conditions of an area which results in a material discrepancy or disparity between the conditions in the area and all or part of the Plan." Can you elaborate on what you feel the changes are in the Plan between now and when the Plan was adopted?" n u 1982 (Item 4 Cont'd Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan Admendment, Dobaran et al Annexation . Marsden: "Changes have been made because of the State Highway Dept. have identified. . first of all, let me say that I think that it has always been Meridian's policy to encourage industrial development along the RailRoad Tracks, but the State Highway Department designating both Cloverdale and Eagle Road major arterials for regional inter- regional activity to the North as well as in development in two interchanges, changed the picture of this area. It was not an error in the Plan, there was a change of circumstances." Spencer: "The other thing is that number. 5, under paragraph b, "Documentation that no other solutions to the problem presented by the current policy of the Plan are possible or reasonable" (referring to Comprehensive Plan) in the light that the Plan is for industrial technical review areas, and should the Plan Admendments that are all ready before the Council get approved, we will have two freeway enterprise areas. Can you expand on what your area has that the other industrial review areas don't have?" Marsden: "The Union Pacific Property does not have Railroad Tracks. The enterprise areas identified around the interchanges do not have Railroad Track activity. The industrial area that is proposed to the South, between Meridian Road and Eagle Road, does not have any Railroad Track activity functional connections." "This particular parcel of land is different than the tech-center area as identified North of the freeway, it is totally different than the enterprise area adjacent to the freeway interchanges, and it is compliment, an extension of the current industrial activity that has occured at these different locations. The availability of land in this category is minor compared to the availability of industrial land in the entire region. Most of the industrial area identified on the map for the entlire region is all ready developed along the Railroad Tracks." Marsden pointed out the developed areas on the map. (Tape on File City Clerk's Office). The access to these areas will not be as good, for the long term regional function, access to Eagle Road and Cloverdale Road, unless these interchanges are provided. Because of that, you will see in this stretch of land high intensive uses that are owing to manufacturing serving the entire region from a regional industrial standpoint. That is why this land is different than any of the other parcels." Chenowith: "Is there no reason why that when you get people in here that are committed to put in some kind of facility, that you can't come to us then?" Marsden: "There is no way that I can do that. I am not going to spend the money, my clients are not going to spend the money to pull these people in unless I have a real assurance that you will take action. The game is not played the other way around. I can not afford to do it." Commission Member Sweet: "My question is along the same line as Marnell's (Chenowith). Specifically who is interested in these particular parcels, and the manufacturing aspect, what kind of manufacturing, a little more specific than what I have heard. Marsden again stated that he had no specific commitments, and cited several examples of what type of manufacturing might be suitable for this location. (Tape on File City Clerk's Office) "At this time we do not have any firm commitments." Chenowith: "You see in our Comprehensive Plan that it is our intent to stimulate manufacturing?" Marsden: "I see in your Comprehensive Plan, without any question, to encourage employment in the community of both manufacturing warehouse and any kind of industrial activity that will stimulate that function in you town, so that the town can be self sufficient. In others words, provide a place to work, a place ttl shop." Chenowith: "That is how you see it, but do you think that that is what our Comprehensive Plan says.?" Marsden: "That is what is says specifically. Specifically I read the words, and that is what it says to me". Marsden read from the Comprehensive Plan (page 14) "The main goal of economic development it says "Stimulate, encourage, and give preference to those types of economic activities and developments which provide opportunities for the employ- ment of Meridian citizens and area residents and reduce the need for persons to commute to neighboring cities", that is the primary goal that the City of Meridian has adopted. In the details of it is says "The City of Meridian shall make every effort to create a positive atmosphere, which encourages industrial and commercial enterprises to locate in Meridian" (page 15, #1); that is what it says. I don't know how else to interpet it. It also says "it is the policy of the City of Meridian to set aside areas where commercial and industrial. interest and activities are to dominate" (Page 15, #2). It then goes on from there." • Meridian Planning & Zoning 5. December 13, 1982 Item 4 Cont'd Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan Admendment, Dobaran et al Annexation . The Motion was made by Bob Giesler to table the Comprehensive Plan Admendment request until further study could be .looked into. Spencer: "We can recommend annexation first. But if that is our choice, then the Comprehensive Plan Admendment must go with it. You can't have one without the other, if we recommend for annexation. We can recommend for the Comprehensive Plan Admendment with- out recommending annexation, or we can turn down the Comprehensive Plan Admendment and therefore automatically turn down the annexation because we can not have the annexation without the Comprehensive Plan Admendment. What comes first the annexation or the Comprehensive Plan Admendment does not really mean anything. They both have to come within a relatively short time of each other, if we recommend approval of both, or approval of the annexation. The only thing that we can not have is recommendation of approval of the annexation and denial of the Comprehensive Plan Admendment. Chenowith: "Mr. Marsden can you explain to me as to why you think we should amend the Comprehensive Plan?" Marsden: "From my standpoint, I don't know if you have to amend your Comprehensive Plan or not. Because the line that the Planning Commission recommended to City Council was an arbitrary line it was not fixed on any dimensional point. What I am saying to you is that the Urban Service Planning Area previously was Eagle Road, simply it said that. Now, the Comprehensive Plan line is some place in here, and there is no exact interpret ation of wherein fact the map that has been adopted has no scale on it, and it is very possible that it covers the entire area. So to me, when I submitted my application, for both the annexation and the Comprehensive Plan Admendment, I wanted to make sure that I covered myself. Interpretation of your line specifically is not precise. Currently if you drew the line there, half the project would be in the Urban Service Planning Area, if you draw it here, then 3/4 of the project would be in the Urban Service Planning Area. If you look at the map that the Planning Commission., as my interpretation, was submitted to the City Council, I'm not sure if it needs to be amended or not. I submitted the application because I wanted to make sure." Spencer: "If you look at the testimony and the conclusions of the Planning and Zoning Commission, I agree with you that that line was not met to be a set line, but the Planning and Zoning Commission and all the testimony never met for that line to go to Cloverdale. The meaning that the Commission and all the testimony came up with was a line somewhere half wayi>T,between." Marsden: "Your current policies a1T ready cover the basis function that I would like to place on the property. The only thing that you need to admend is the Urban Service Plan Boundary." There was discussion concerning the interpretation of the Urban Service Plan Boundary Line. (Tape on File, City Clerk's Office) Giesler stated that he would like his motion to stand that the request be tabled until further study could be made, and that the Commission hold a work study on the matter. There was discussion among the member as to when it would be convient to hold the work session. It was decided that the work shop would be held on January 5, 1983 at 8:00 p.m. The Motion to table the request for an Admendment to the Comprehensive Plan un±il further study could be completed, and that the Commission hold a work session at 8:00 p.m.on January 5, 1983 was seconded by Sweet. Motion Carried: Chenowith, yea; Giesler, yea; Sweet, yea .. .. idian Planning & Zoning 6. (Item 4 Cont'd Public Hearing Comprehensive Plan Admendment; Dobaran et al Annexation . The Motion was made by Chenowith and seconded by Giesler to table the Dobaran et al Annexation request until next regu]_ar meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission January 10,1983. Motion Carried: Chenowith, yea; Giesler, yea; Sweet, yea City Clerk Jack Niemann offically welcomed the new Commission Members to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Spencer:.."Is there any other business to come before the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission this evening?" There was no response. Being there no other business to come before the Commission . The Motion was made by Chenowith and seconded by Sweet to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. Motion Carried: Chenowith, yea; Giesler, yea; Sweet, yea Regular meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning adjourned at 9:25 p.m. APPROVED: ~c.~- B icer, Chairman ATTEST: Mayor & Council (5) P&Z Commission (5) City Clerk, City Building Inspector City Engineer, City Treasurer Bruce Stuart, Earl Ward, City Attorney Chief of Police; Gus Hein Valley News, Press Tribune Statesman Ada County Commissioners ACRD; APA: CDH Ada County Zoning Director Nampa-Meridian Irrigation File - Dobaran et al Annexation Mail - Al Marsden