1959 11-24 Meridian City Hall November~2L. 1959. ecia meetin of Zonin co :.iss on me to discuss the plat meat f st e^ts in und •vided arts of ~dest h eridi n, _N ems, the access from the ew H' h- school -~ to e avenue, and - scar taines s Property along ti'~es Pin aven e. _ I ! D 'an Mayes stated that addit 'ons s - ould allow for an lia t We and Borth outh access at leas eve 40 A res and better still ever 20 A res. ~ hose resent; firs G eQorv David on birs Ellen .~idckol Ver non S hoen ~ Guy Hi 1 ~derbrand, 0. M. `fain -- --- s, Gl nn Ay - _- rs, R.C. Derrer Gra ----.._._ t Am rose W.G. I u'deC-xr•r ,Don Storey, 4d.D. P~ yes, 'erald J. Cox. i It was tentatively dec Bed t t'•.e est good of all, for the ad t conn- i ect Cherry Lane Rcad to Pir. , ave e acr ss the School Proper y al ng th East ~ {proper~t;,~ Lr.e Southerly to Ifor relsidential development poi aggro ,the arnate to swing to the `°es _y 1.'?0 ~°•e~ t' is to - lea. xten ing on t area the _I -~ Isouth,j to the junction with j Pine -- avenue ~' T~"ass !fit. >;_•uld cause ( the d ro ert ~ ovmed b Guy =~ilder rand to be broken _ __ p up to ne sztend t=pat 'rir iii - - derb ^nd su r ested sellin 2 ac es o land 1 in ~ i East .~ td :iiorderin~ the Iest T Cit units line to an one who ~_ uld u h' out ___ in or __ .r for a roadxaav to b lac ed. f himself is not sate este in d vel p- meat o~~ f lands for residents 1 at this t ime, I !, sczr Baines Proper O' in t' ~ e 'Aid 's addition eras disc ssed 'o th croup II as to the ladement of road ra s. Ther eras nothin deffinit . act m lis ed in this tter thou h it was iscu sed t ra.t ~;dest th & th fro the hielke Addi- tion s ould be connected to the aines addition, and that th se s reets should extend t i Pin aver. e. L'he cast and. 'pest sore is co ld be laced where er it vrould suit to t. ebes adva to e of the propertv_ inyol ed, t would be advise le if ossible to ha e St to Av nue inter this grope ~ on the c st and eaten through to the hest o e. ty i.i e. _ _