1967 02-06~ 4 C a ~r Ch ma G! D S ' P E L Bennett• PI G M Curr John ~reascn• Don Ro erts Ra 'tm n a a e t but ame in a feta minutes afte tl~~e r. . ~eti_n<- o ened. - `;'_ D. kiver Chairman wel - omed the t ne~~~ members of the ommi sion on Roberts ~ ~and ohn Cr ason. - - - -- ~ I - - - - M.r. Sk 'ver also ex lained t :at £ rl Cor ell desired to know f he coald nter into the busi ess of manufacture of cam rail r and icku boxes etc. in a "C' comme cial area whic he ow s in the south art f NIe idian. f The no ice was published in last weeks eridian Times fora earl g or_A' Coryell's petit ion fo a permssive use in "C" commer ial zone. Ray Pi man came in at this ime. Mr. Sk 'ver also explained c ncer ing so .e lard or_ the west e d of i3road y, where the Plaza ene Ch rch desired to place a b;:_' 1dirE fcr a _,ar~cr:a;;e, It ad a peare t?~;, ;rt;._c not e able to maintain the prop r se I backs on their small lot, t w s rep e ~ e prob em has been resolved as the lot i~ s larg enough to keep the Ouse ~.r, lin e ua ~ c .,er P:onse I e in t e area ar_c not encro ch o any operty lines as to ~t :;~ res is ions. ~ In the d matter of Mr. Coryel I , th ~ heari ~; is :=et fcr P. an i w s eci e o wait for an further acti.or. at t t t' me. ~ ~ i r. Sk' ver reported that ly .r_ o ers i ends to come to he ounc mee ng is even' ng fol owing this meeting. __ _ , „ _ i wn_-: a. _ n. i__ n_~ ~ ~~ 8:00 P ~ ,.a~~ .M. came as the time cr t2 e hear 'n. and the Cit Coun r it t onus rned t e meetin over to the Chairman W. D. Skiv r. Earl C r~ell explained the e f use his area would requi e - amel i ht indu trial buildir_ of cano i ds an ick covers and later ssib hcus trailers. ocati n of areais behind he h use an shout j acres which lzys ~,to the south toes-.rd the owling alley. i I john C eason asked concerni g an noise .that would be encou tere It as reported that my wing zr,d sanding not es wo uld be encountered. bject ons mere reaue~± c- a. ~d thel re wen none heard. ~ I D. i kiver then polled tha `one 'rg Ce ~ r.is.,s~: =.;: +o ~ileiT ~ eeli~ ~: t`_: r rt.tter. All sere 'n fav r of allowing this r lease from ce "CF! Commercial re tric ion.. ennet , yea; Cresson, yea; Pitm , yea ; Roberts, yea; McCu ry, ea. his r quest is to be presen ted t o the ;ity Council eahich is now ' n sess on. he rr.e .tir_g ±',en adjourned. i I i i i I ! i _ _ - - _.. - - Herald J. Cox I - I ~- - i