1970 02-16 Ne :Ai., 2nnin ~:nmmi cci nn February 16, 1970. i _- I ~ M g_~_I r~_Fx r _. _ _, ~ issiQa called to ord en~ _RQbe~_Glaisy y ~ r b ;--E. ~e pr ~ L-~~ _._ -_ eide~..W,D._Skiver std-D~RObGr~s~ __- _. -. ~_ __ -_-__ _ _ __ f _ Absent:.. Jack Crea~on_ Ra~ ~tman_ _ -_. ___ ~ ___ ~__ -- - -- the s re __p~ C ent:_ Russell Carter_ ' er statssi that the_ Ji_m ierce_ of_the 8da Devel_o~mC C h t Co cl~ th~D -_ rector. can - - - aid Coun 'n Sub i ty and -- ivision~lannin~ an ~ the City. __ are ~ illin to help coordinate ~ he p I annin _ between the I - ~ ~ Mr. C rter su Bested that he g is an __ objectives of the d velo went ~ f Ada. Coun t sho y ld be finalised and _- _ dopt s d as a _ _ basis for controlled grow. h. -- It wa gB '' 8_su ested t..at a co - of 1 . jthe Ci and Count Com reh ~'- Y P ~_ s . ~ plan should be _ sen to Me ~ idian for stud An ~ ther lmeetin l can be then schedul d to stuff these with - -~ - ~ the '9elp o _ - M_r. _Carter. - _- - --- ~ I _ - -- ~ ~ 'There was considerable dis ussi conc rnin the roblems o ro ~ ~th of ~an area. Znd' catioa were that moms in lar amour s will be needed to xten util ties both of ater~ ewer_~__and street~_ to_ any_ ven a ea4_and that the sub ivid r_can stand.. some '_of t he a ut~n_order to hav4_ _ tr 1 of h it wa indicat d th t ext nsion_o_f _ uti 'tiea._ u&t-be ~itnated_near aY I ~th~ ~local Qoy ern- _. _ I I_m_.gn .can s yslfl~s rve ra~uire.. no ~i~ ssxx ou T_hi _ an involve __ the extens on of servic fo r w 'ch onl t eo unit can ear the ex- I nenT ~ .s~mat~ra_will-~q nd nn'n This ~_ h_ere he Ada Develop- ~ _.~ ~ ~ m __ e m - ~ _be~e'reatly n~ ~tin¢~dth Ms. Car~g -- - -- __. - dsd+ f __is r~ - i _ f4r._ ~ ~ answe Mar4h 30. 1970 at __ P M ` - - _ __ - ti i -- I - - __ .._ __._ _ - __. _. I - r ~- - -- __ _-- -- Attd st: ~ ~ President i i __ _ - - -- -- _ i - --- rt ~ - - I _- __ _