1970 05-25 Meridian City Hall May 25, 19'70 Merid ' an Zoning Commissionl meeti ~g car ed to order by Don R bert~ ~ Acti ng O hairl an of the Commission - _ ~ - Membe} II s present: E, L, Be - ett~ iDon R berts~ Robert Glaisy r~ R y F'it an I (Jack Cr -: ason ~ p nd W, D. Skivers absent) ~ I i ~- I` The p propo~ - _ oposal for Western S ed by Ray Tolsma~ We b-Div t of 'sion aple ocated in the area a etween West lst and v - - on est ~ inall~ Ith St~ - - -= eet~ 1 ---~ ~ ~ rawnl L by Sumner Johnson. ~ ~ ~ - -- i I - i _~ _ _ ~ ~ --- - - I i _ - - The M Prel _ _ - tion was made by Flay I 'nary plan of Weste ~ Pitm n Sub - ~and ~ divis econded by E, L. Ben on, located between ett est ~ at tYt I st and i e _ - - - _ _ -_ 'West ~+th l Stree in area of Maple Av nue be ap roved as presented, i j ~, Motio passed: All yea i I Attes _ - Acting hairman off` ' - -~ ommis I -~ ~ion _ - - - ity - lerk --- - - __ - - -- - - I ~ ~ __ - -- ~ ~~ - - _- - - - - - - - _ ~ i - - -- i ~ -- - -- -~ ~ _ ~ __- = __ -- j _ _- - - - t - --- - ~ ~ PROFOSr:D CITY ORDINANCE 1969 ,~-~` ~-` /y r--._ Revised: B,y C.ity Clerks IIerald J, Cox, City of Meridian from National Standard and Surm~xnding Cities Advised B,y: John ritzgerald P1G~POSliU CI'PY uttullunMCL; - 1969 Revised: b;f City Clerk, from National Standard and Surrounding Cities Advised By: John Fitzgerald 3-501 Section 1: Definitions For tre :nirposes ai' this C}tapter, the follok:n~z wcrds and phrases shell have the meanin~c ascribed to them ir, this section: "Health Officer" shall mean the legally des.il;neted health Authority of the City of :+Ieridian, f".da County, Idaho or his authorized representative, including the State De v.rtmeut of Health. "Driveway" means a minor private way used by vehicles and pedestrians on a mobile home lot or used for common access to a small grorip oi' lot,;; or facilities, "l'srmit or License" shall mean a written permit is:,ued bythe health officer permitting the trailer court to operate under this C}~gpter, anil shad include, extensions alterations, and ronatx7ictions within t;.he mobile home I».rk, "Mobile Home" means a. manufactured t.rs.nsportable, single-farr;ily dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancy and containing water supply, waste disposal. and electrical conveniences and so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels and used as a conveyance on highways or city streets, propelled or drawn by its own or other motive power "Trailer Court or Plobile Home Park" sha]1 mean any plot of gre,tnd upon which (Q) four or more Trailer Coaches, occupied for dwelling or sleee~_*is- purposes are located and is owned by an individual, a firm, tru::t, partnership, nublir, or private association or corporation "Plobile Home lot or Trailer Cosch Space" eYu~ll mean. a plot ei' ground within s Trailer Court or Mobile Home lark designated for the accommodation of one single trailer coach or mobile home and for the exclusive use of its occupants, "Dependent Trailer Coach or I':obile Home" shall mean a trailer coach or mobile home which does not have a toilet and a bathtub or shower. "Independent Trailer Coach or hiobile Home shall mean e. Trailer Coach or Mobile Home that has a toilet and a bathtub or sharer, "Trailer": See I~iobile Home "Trailer Park"c See Mobile Home lhrk or Trailer Court "Mobile Home Stand Pad" shall mean that part of an individual lot which has been reserved for the placement of one mobile home unit, "Park Management" shall mean the person or persons who owns or he charge, care or ooAtrol of the mobile home park, or trailer Court, "Park Street" shall mean a private way which affords pri.n_cipal means of access to individual mobile home lots or auxilliary buildin{s. "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, trust, partnership, public or private association or corporation. "Service Building" Shall mean a building housing toilet facilities for men and women, with lion-water closet and laundry_£acilities a.nd with serarate bath or shower accommodations and such other facilities as may be required under this Chapter, "Sewer Connection" shall mean the connection corsiatirg oi' all pipes, fittings and appurtenances from the drain outlet of the mobile home to the inlet of the corresponding sewer riser Wipe of the sewerage system serving the mobile home park "Sewer Riser Pipe" shall mean that po{•tion of the sewer lateral which extends vertically to the ground elevation an8 terminates at each mobile home lot "Water connection" shall mean the connection consisting of all pi pea, fittings and apuurtenances from the water riser pipe to the water inlet pipe of the dis- tribution system within the mobile home 'R+later ?tiler Pipe" shall mean that portion of the water supply system serving the mobile home park which extends vertically to the ground elevation and term- inates at a designated point at each mobile home lot, (1) ~. .i%ice e(~"i~^TR"°,ar~~+,yr-Ism-~..;mq~n. • • j-502 Section 2: PISHNIITS 2.1: It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, maintain, extend, or operate arty mobile home park within the limits of the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, unless he holds a valid permit isaued by the Health Officer, isaued annually, in the name of such person for the specific trailer Court, for the specif is construction, alteration, extension or operation proposed, (A) Trailer courts may be allowed in Residential Zone A or Residential Zone B as designated in the City by special permit of the Planning Commission after public hearing and a showing to the satisfaction oi' the Planning Commission that ouch action, will be compatable to the overall develop- ment of the area whore the trailer court is proposed to be constructed and will be in accordance with the general purposes of the zoning ordi- nances o£ the City and providing that before a permit is issued by the Commission there shall be on file in the office of the C]e rk, the written consent of the owners of seventy-five per cent (75%) of the area of e.ll the property wii;hin the boundary line of an area determined by the Inter- section of lines drawn three hundred feet (?00~) at right angles out From and parallel to all aides of the tract whereupon such trailer court is to be erected or occupied, Where dedicated street rights-of-way are encountered they shall be included in establishing the three hundred foot (300 0 boundary line around the tract but further they shall not be included in any area calculation, For a property that is partially within the boundary and partially out- side the boundary, only that area within the prescribed three hundred foot (3000) boundary is to be included in the percentage of area analysis. The method as outlined herein, i'or este~blishing the three hundred foot (300 0 boundary line applies for all the tracts of land whether they be rectangular, curvilinear, and irregular, and furthermoro the exterior boundary line may be rectangular, curvilinear, and irregular, and will not necessarily be in conformity with any surrounding lot, block and/or property lines, (B) In any area of the City regardless of the zoning desigr~e.tion each boundary of any trailer ccurt as defined in this Chapter must be at least two hundred feet(200~) from the foundation oi' any permanent residential building located outside the trailer court unless the trai Ier court is separated from such permanent residential building by a natural or artificial barrier that meets the approval of the Health Officer or unless seventy-five per cent (75~) or more of the property owners of the residential buildings in the area within the said two hundred feet (200 0 from such trailer court gave consent thereto by a formal petition filed with the Planning Commission, 2.2e: It is not necessary to file a complete plan when applying for an annual -•. renewal permit provided there are not to be any remodeling or alterations done, 2.2b: All al:plications for permits shall contain the following: a. Name and address of applicant b, Location and legal description. of the mobile home park e. Complete engineering plans and spec:ificationa of the proposed park showing, but not limited to the following: 1. `1'he area and dimensions of the tract of land 2. The number, location, and size of all mobile home lots j. The location and width of roadways and walkways; or must conform to requirements of y-607 4, The location of water and sewer lines and riser pipes 5. Plans and specifications of the water sunPly and refuse and disposal facilities; 6. plans and specii'ications of all buildings constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park 7, The location and details of lighting and electrical systems H. A]1 Plans and Specifications to indicate Dista.ncea, Depths, Set-backs, separations 9, Double frontaF;e lots backing on streets shall be prohibited from using exterior roadway as entrance or exit purposes 10. All to+, dimensions are to he shown on all lot lines 11. Nadu at curbs at street intersections at lot corners should be rounded as per Section 9-607 (2) 12. Exterior boundaries of platt drawings must be tied to at ].east two County, or City, monuments as per section 9-~07 13, All lots are to be numbered by progressive numbers in each block separately as per section 9-607 A11 applications shall be accompanied by the deposit of a fee of $ 2.3: When upon review of the application, the health authority i.s satisfied that the proposed plan meets the requirements of this Ordinance, a. permit shall be issued, 2,4: Any person whose application for a permit under this Ordinance has been denied may recuest and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the health authority under the procedure provided by Section 5 of this Ordinance, Section 3: ISCi:NSES 3.1: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any mobile home park within the limits of the City of I4eridian unless he holds a valid license-iisaued annually by the health authority in the name of such person for the specific mobile home park. All applications for licenses shall be made to the health authority who shall issue a license upon compliance by the applicant with ],rovisions of this ordinance. 3,2: Every person holding a license shall give notice in writing to the health authority within twenty-four hours after having sold, transferred, given away, or otherwise disposed of interest in or control of any mobile home park, Such notice ehR71 include the name and address of the person succeeding to the owner- ship or control of such mobile home park. Upon applicaf;ion in writing for transfer of the license and deposit of a fee of $ Dollars, the license shall be transferred if' the mobile k:ome park is ir. compliance with all applicable provisions of this Ordinance. 3,3: A, Application for original licenses shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, accompanied by an affidavit of the a},plicant as tc the truth of the application and by the deposit of a fee of $ dollars and shall contain: The name and address of the applicant; the location and legal description of the mobile home park; and a site elan of the mobile home park showing al.l mobile home lots, structures, roads, walkways, and other service facilities, A-1,One tentative plat shall be drawn to a scale of ore inch(1") to Fifty feet (50') or larger and another tentative plat shall be dra.wr, to a scale o£ one inch (1") to three hundred feet (300 0 - to accompany application, B, Applications for renewals of licenses shall be made in writing by the holders of the licenses, shall be accoml:cried by the deposit of a fee of $ Dollars and shall contain any change in the infor¢!ation submitted since the original license was issued or the latest renewal granted, 3,4: .tiny person whose application fora l.i.cense under t}~:is ordinance has been denied may request anal shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the health. authority under the procedure prcvided by Section 5 of this Crdinance, 3.5: Whenever, upon inspection of any mobile home park, the health authority finds that conditions or practices exist which are in violation oi' any provisions o.f t:his Ordinance, the health authority shall. give notice in writing in accordance with Section 5 to the person to whom the license was issued that unless such conditions or practices are corrected within a reasonable period o1' time specified in the notice ny the health sut};ority, the license shall be suspended, At the end of such pei~od, the health authority shall re-inspect such mobile home park and, if suck; conditions or practices have not been corrected, he shall suspend the license and give notice in d,riting of such suspension to the person to whom the license is issued, Upon receipt of notice of such suspension, such person shall cease operation of such mobile home park except es provided in Section 5, Section 4: INSY~!:CT10N i)P' P~1tIIk; HGMh PARKS 4.1 The health authority is hereby authorized and directed to make such inapectiona as are necessary to determine satisfactory compliance with this Ordinance, 4.2: The health e.utl'iority shall have: the power to enter at: reasonable times upon any private or };ublic ];roperty for the purpose of inspecting and investigatir~,r conditions relating to the enforcement oi' this Ordinance. (3) 4.j.: The health. authority shall have the power to inspect the register con- taining a record of all residents of the mobile home park. 4.4a It shall be the duty of the park management to give the health authority free access to all lots a.t reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, 4.5•= It shall be the duty of every occupant of a mobile home park to give the owner thereof or his agent or emplyee access to any part of such mobile home park at reasonable times for the purpose of making such repairs or alterstione as are necessary to effect compliance with this Ordinance. Section 5: NUTiCLS, III~:ARINGS AND ORI)LHS 5.1: Whenever the health authority determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this Ordinance, the health authority shall give notice of such allured violation to the person to whom the permit or license was issued, as hereinafter provided, Such notice shall: a. be put in writing b. include a statement of the reasons for its issuance a. allow a reasonable time for the performance of any act it re~uiras; d. be served upon the owner or his agent as the case may require= provided: That such notice or order shall be deemed to have been properly served upon such owner or agent when. a copy thereof has been sent by registered mail. to hie last known address, or when a copy thereof has been posted in a conepi.cuous place in or about the dwelling affected by the notice, or when he has been served with such notice by an~r method authorized or required by the laws of this state; e. contain an outline of remedial action which, if taken, will effect compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter and with regulations adopted pursuant thereto, 5.2: Any person affected by any notice which has been issued in connection with the enforcement of an<y provision of this Ordinance, may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the health authority: Provided; that such person shall file in the office of the health authority a written petition re- questing such hearing and setting forth a brief statement of the grounds therefor within ten (10) days after the day the notice was served, The filing of the request for a hearing shall operate as a stay of the notice and the suspension except in the case of an order issued under Section 5,5, IIpon receipt of such petition, the health authority shall eet a time and place for such hearing and shall give the petitioner written notice thereof, At such hearing the petitioner shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show why suoh notice should be modified or withdrawn, The hearing shall be commenced not later than ten days after the day on which the petition was filed: Provided: That upon application o£ the petitioner the health authority may postpone the date of the hearing for a reasonable time beyond such ten-day period when in his judgement the petitioner has submitted good and sufficient reasons for such postponement. 5.3~ After such hearing, the Health Officer shall sustain, modify, or withdraw the notice, depending upon his findings as to oompliance or noncompliance with the provisions of this Chapter, and of regulations adopted pursuant thereto, If the health officer should sustain or modify suoh'notice, it shall be deemed to be an order. Any notice served pursuant to section 5.1 (d) of this chapter shall automatically become an order if a written petition ]'or a hearing shall not have been filed in the office of the health officer within ten (10) days after such notice was served. After s hearing in the case of any notice suspending any permit required by this Chapter, or by any regulation adopted pursuant thereto when such notice shall have been sustained by the Health Officer, the permit shall be deemed to have been revoked. Any such permit which shall have been suspen- ded by a notice shall be deemed to be automatically revoked if a petition for hearing shall not have been filed in tho office of the Health Officer within ten (10) days after such notice wris served. 5.4: The proceedings at such a hearing, including the findings and decision of the health authority, and together with a copy of every notice and order rolated there- to shall be entered as a matter of public reoord in the office of the health authority but the tr_.nscript of the proceedint;•a need not be transcribed unless judicia]_ rFVierr oC the decision is so~.+ght. as provided by this Section, Any person aggrieved by the decision of the health authority may seek relief therefrom in eny court of competent jurisdiction, as provided by the laws of this State, (4) 5,5: Whenever the health authority finds that. an emergercyy asists which requires immediat;a. actirna to protect the public healthy he may without notice or hearing issue an order reciting the existence oi' aurh an emergency and requiring that such acti.or. be taken as he may deem necessary to meet the emergenry i.ncludirig the susl~nsion of the bx'rmit or ].icenae, Notwithstand- in~; a.n;;r other provisions of i:~his Ordinance, such ender shall be effe:;tive imrnediatc•ly. Any person. i.o whom such an order is directed shall comply therewith immediately, but, upon pe'.,ition to the health authority shell be a.f,forded a hearing as soon ae h~ossible, The provisions of Section 5,3 and 5.4 shall bF applicable to such hearing- and the order issued thereafter, 9ecti.on 6: 11[i;T1FTSONS it shall be up lawful for any person'to nark any house trailer on eny street al-.Ley, or highway or other .public place or any `tract of land owned by amr person, firm or corporation occupied or unoccnznied, except as provided in this ordinance, 6, 1: Where the health anthorft:y finds that compliance with »rovieions of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship, an exemption may be gre.nted by the health authority withou+. impairing the intent and purpose of this Ordinance. Deviations from design, constructions and installation.,pro- "~ - visions shall be brought into compliance with this Ordinance within tie. reasonable aeriod of time based an ecomonic feasibility of improvemeY#,t, nature, si~nzificance, and extent of deviations deprecie.tion of materidl, lmprovement, and layout in use and other similar factors, within a minim~,.n period not exceeding years and a maximum period not exceeding •`;\ years, 6,1a~ Arty change of ownership or discontinuance of residential use of an lot now used for residential purposes by a mobile home for a period of j0 days shall result in voidance of any permitted use of Tra.i]er houses outside of a trailer park according to j-517, 6.lbs Emergency or temporary stopping or parking for not more than three (j) hours and subject to any other limitations imposed by env other ordinance of Meridian City, 6,10: Unoccupied mobile homes for demonstration and sales purposes and temporary construction field offices in specified areas, and unoccupied campers. 6.1d: The storage of any unoccupied and uninhabited mobile home shall be permitted in the rear yard of any premises; provided, that it does hot extend into any set back area, nor shall. it be connected to a sewer, water, electricity or gas, and that such storage is not in conflict with any other section oi' this Ordinance or any other regulation oi' Ada County or City of Plerid.is.n, 6,2: iuch period shall be~-in after the health a~a hority has given notice of s certain and specific deviation from this Ordinance to the person to whom the permit or certification was issued, 6,3: Gradual improvements to a higher degree of conformity shall 6e permissive .provided that there shall be complete conformity at the end of a period pxescrihed`b~r the health authority, Section 7: `SNV11tU1JM;,iTAL~, OPEN SP?iChi ANll E+(,L::S drGiUId~iP~~rTS 7,L•` General 'Heruirementa Condition of soil, groamd water level, drainage and topography shall not create hazards to the propert,Y or the health or sat'ety ni the occupants, 'Phe site strrall not be exposed\to objectionable smoke, noise, odors or other adverse influences, and no portion subject to unE,redictable and~or sudden flooding, subsidence or erosion ahe.ll ba used for eny ;n+r}:nse which would expose persons or nroperty',i:o hazards, 7, 2: Soil and ground cover rerluirementat, r:xposed ground surfaces :n all ;xi rCS of every m~~bite home park shall be laavad, or covered with stone screenings' or other solid material, or pro- te,cised with a vP.pcrtsative ~*rowth that it +:apahle of preventint{ soil erosion and of eliminatin+; objsr.tionabla daL,t, (ti) • 7,3: Site drainage requirements. The ground surface in all parts of every mobile home park shall be gre.ded and equipped to drain all surface water in a sRfe, efficient manner, toget}:er with controlling grades and dimensions of all ti le lines, culverts, catch basins, drain inlets, turf and masonry gutters and curbs, Final drainage disposal including any existing facilities to be used, 7.4s Park areas for nonresident uses (a) no part of any park shall be used for. nonresidential purposes, except such uses that are required for the direct servicing and well being of park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park, (b) Nothing contained in this Section shall be deemed as prohibiting the sale of a mobile home located on a mobile home stand and connected to the pertinent utilities. 7,5: Required separation between mobile homes (a) Mobile homes shall be separated from each other and from other build- ings and structures by at least 15 feet; provided that mobile homes pieced end to end me,y have a clearance of 10 feet where opposing rear walla are staggered, (b) An accessory structure such as an awning, cabana, storage cabinet, carport, windbreak, and porch which hoe a floor area exceeding 25 square feet, and has an opaque top or roof, shall for purposes of all separation requirements be considered to be part of the mobile home. 7,6a Required recreation areas (a) In all parks accommodating or designed to accommodate 25 or more mobile homes there shall be one or more recreation areas which shall be easily accessible to all park residents, (b) The size of such .recreation areas shall be based upon a minimum o£ 100 square feet for each lot. No outdoor recreation area.ahall contain leas than 2,500 square feet, (e~ Recreation areas shall be so located as to be free of traffic hazards, and should where the topography permits, be centrally located, ~.'j: Required setbacks, buffer strips and screening (a) All mobile homes shall be located at least 25 feet from any park property boundary line abutting upon a public street or highway and at least 25 feet from other park property boundary lines. (b~ There s}uoll be a minimum distance of 15 feet between the mobile home stand and abutting park street. (c) All mobile home parka shall be provided with screening such as fences or natural growth along the property boundary line separating the park and such adjacent nonresidential uses. ~.8: Park street system and car parking (a) General requirements: All Mobile home parka ehRll be provided with safe and convenient vehicular access from abutting public etreete or roads to each mobile home lot. Such e.ecees shall be provided by streets, driveways or other means. in conformance to City codes, Cha{'ter 9, {b) Yark k:ntrance: Entrances to mobile home parks ehezll be designed to mi.ni.mize conf;eation and hazards and allow free movement of traffic on adjacent streets, No parkinE; shall be permitted nn the park entrance street for a distance of 100 feet from its point of beginning. un:~.ess the park entrance is at least 34 feet wide (curb face to curb face). (c) Internal Streets: Surfaced roadways shall be of adequate width to accommodate anticipated traffic, and in any case shall. meet the follow- ing minimum requirements: 1. A]l streets, except minor etreete - - - - - - 40 feet (curb face to curb face) 2. Minor streets - - - - - - 36 feet (curb race to curl f'xce) 3. Street right of way width is to be measured from property line to property line. The minimum right of way of streets so measured s}iall be: (a) For local or minor streets - - - - - - 60 feet (b) For collector or secondary streets - - 60 feet 4, Dead end streets ahal.l be limited in length to 400 feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turn-around having sn outside roadway diameter o1' at least eighty feet (80') curb face to curb face and a street prope:rt;r ]ins diameter of ,+t least ninety feet (90'). (6) 5, Streets shall be laid out so se to intersect as nearly ae possible et right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at leas than eighty degrees (BO°). (d) Trailer parking: 1. It shall be illegal to park a trailer coach less than fifteen feet (15~) from any street or highway right-o£-ws.y, or so that any part of such trailer will obstruct any roadway or walkway. 2. It shall be illegal. to allow any trailer coach to remain in a trailer court unless a trailer coach apace is available. j, Each trailer coach space shall contain a minimum of: :iingle unit 2400 square feet - llouble unit 3600 square feet Shall be at least j0 feet in width, and shall be at least 80 feet in length, or large enouptx to accommodate the size trailer coach so placed. that no part of the trailer coach will extend within the limits set forth in this chapter, Each trailer ooach shall be placed as to provide the necessary clearance as provided in this chapter, 4, Each trailer coach apace in any trailer court shall be provided with an asphalt or concrete paved area of at least 180 square feet at the entrance way into the trailer coach itself, 5, No Trailer is to be placed on too small a lot, 6. No Trailer shall be placed on any lot in such a manner as to encroach beyond the set back provisions of this ordinance, (e) Car parking: Off-street ~.rking areas or on-street parking lanes shall be provided for the use of park occupants and guests, Such areas shall: 1. C7ff street parking shall be provided at the rate of 2 car epaoea for each mobile home lot, 2, Off street parking shall be located within a distance of 200 Peet (200 0 from the mobile home to be served, unless other vehicular access is provided, (f) Required illumination of park street eyetemo: All parka shall be furnished with lighting unite so spaced and aquipsd with luminaires plaoed at ouch mounting heights as will provide the following average maintained levels of illumination for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night: 1. All parts oi' the park street systems: footcandle, with s minimum of footcandle 2. Potentie.lly he:zardoua locations, such as major street inter- sections and steps or stepped ramps: individually illuminated with a minimum of footcandle (g) StreetConetruction and design standards: Shall conform to Chapter 9 for minimum standards, in addition to: 1, Pavements: All streets shall be provided with a smooth, hard and dense surface which shall be durable and well drained under normal use and weather conditions. Pavement edges shall be protected to prevent raveling of the wearing surface and shifting of the pave- ment base. Street surfaces shall be maintained free of cracks, holes and other hazards. 2. Grades: Shall conform the minimum standards of Chapter 9 Grades of all streets eha7.l be sui'ficient to insure adequate sur- 4'ace drainage, but shall be not more then minimum street grade of 0,25 with a maximum grade being 7.Of for secondary and me~or streets and 10.C°~ far local or minor streets. Where the obser- vanoe of these standards is impossible the City :r'.ngineer shall review the situation before an exception may be granted, j, Intersections.: Within 100 feet of an intersection, streets shall. be at approximately right angles, a distance of at least 150 feet shall be: maintained betweer. center lines of offset intersecting streets, intersections of more than two streets at one point shall bP avoided. (h) N'ences - location, Height and Density: In any yard adjacent toe street and within ten feet from the property line adjacent to such .street, fences, walla and hedges may be up to 48 inches in height, when that portion of the fence above 24 inches ie at least 75 per cent open when measured at 90 degrees to the fence, b'ences located in a yard area other than above described may be up to seven feet in height, (7) (i) Measurements. of Height of Fenoee: All fences along a public right-af-way w111 be measured from an8 along the sidewalk, or if no sidewalk exists, from and along the curb, A11 other fences will be measured from and along the finished grade of the property along the fence. (j) Fences;- Uae of Hazsrdous Materialer Fencss shall not be°aonstructed of or contain any ms.teriel which will do bodily harm, such as barbed wire, electric wires, broken glassy spikes, and an<y other hazardous or dangerous material. 7.9 Waucs: (s) General requirements: All parka shall be provided with safe, con- Section 8 8.1 8.2 MOBIIE HOME STANDS The area of the mobile home stand shall be improved to provide adequate support for the placement and tie-down of the mobile home, thereby secur- ing the superstructure against uplifts eliding, rotation and overturning, (a) The mobile home stand shall not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to frost action, inadequate llrainage~ vibration or other forces acting on the structure, (b) The mobile home stand shall be provided with anchors and tie-downs such as cast-in-place conarete""dead men", eylets imbedded in con- crete foundations or runways, screw augers, arrow-head anahore, or other devises:securing the stability of the mobile home, (o) Anchors and tie-downs eha1L be placed at least at sash corner of the mobile home stand and each shall be able to sustain a minimum tensile strength of 2,800 :pounds. venient, all season pedestrian access of adequate width for intended use, durable and convenient to maintain, between individual mobile homes, the park streets and all community facilities provided for park residents. .Sudden changes in alignment and gradients shall be avoided, {b) Common walk system: A common walk system shall be provided and maintained between locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated, Such common wal.ka shall have a minimum width of 5 feet, and shall be constructed of concrete (c) Individual walks: All mobile home stands shall be connected to common walks, to psved streets, or to paved driveways or parking spaces ..connecting to a ps,ved street. .Such individual. walks shall have a minimum width of'i3 feet . WATER SUPPLY General requirements: An accessible, adequat®, safe, and potable supply of water shall be pro- vided in each mobile home park. Where a publia supply of water of satle- factory quantity quality, and pressure is available at the site or at the boundary of the site, oonnent3on shall be made thereto and its supply used exclusively. When a satisfactory public water supply ie not availa- ble, a private water supply system may be developed and used as approved by the health authority. Source of Supplys (a) The water supply. shall be capable of supplying d minimum of 125 gallons per day per mobile home. (b) Every well or auction line of the water supply system shall be located. and constructed in such a manner that neither underground nor surface contamination i~rill reach the water supply from any source, The following minimum distances between wells and various sources of oonte.minstion shall be required: ooni;amination sources Well or auction line (distance in feet) Buildngsewer---------- ------ 50 Septic Tank. ---- ------------ 50 Disnoealfield---------------- 100 Seepage 1'it ------------- --- 100 Dry Well ---------------- 5G Cesspool -------- ------- 150 (c) No well-casings, pumping; machinery or auction pipes shall be placed in any pit,. room or space extending below ground level nor in any (8) room or space above ground, which is walled in or otherwise enclosed, unless such soma, whether above or below ground, have frees drainage by gravity to the surface of the ground, i ($) The treatment of a private water supply shall be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, e.j Water. Storage Facilities All xater storage reservoirs shall be covered, watertight and oonetruated of impervious material. Overflows and vents. of such reservoirs shall be effectively screened. Manholes shall be constructed with overlapping covers so as to prevent the entrance of contaminated material. Reser- voir overflow pipes shall die charge through an acceptable air gap. 8.4 Water distribution System' (a) The water supply system of the mobile home park shall be connected by pipes to ell mobile homes, buildings, and other facilities reouir- ing water, (b) All water piping, fixtures and other equipment shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local regulations, approved by the City Council of the City of Meridian and shall be of a type and in locations approved by the health authority, (c) .The water piping system shall not be connected with non-potable or questionable water supplies and shall be protected against the hnurde of backflow or back eiphonage. (d) The system shall be so designed and maintained ae to provide a pree- sure of not less than 20 pounds per square inch, under normal oper- ating conditions at service buildings ar_d other locations requiring potable water supply. 8.5 Individual Water-riser Pipes and Connections (a). Individual water riser pipes shall be located within the confined area of the mobile home stand at a point where the water connection will approximate a vertical position. (b) Water riser pipes shall extend at least four (Q) inches, above ground elevation, The pipe shall be at least three-quarter inch, The water outlet shall be capped when a mobile home does not occupy the lot, (c) Adequate provisions ehal]. be me de to prevent freezing of service lines, valves and riser pipes and to protect risers from heaving axd thawing'- aoti~ns of aground during freezing weather,. Surface drainage shall be diverted from the location of the riser pipe, (d) A shutoff valve below the frost line shall be provided near the eater riser pipe on each mobile home lot, (e) Underground atop and waste valves shall not be inatalle8 on any water ' service. 9eotion 9z SS1iAGE DLSPOSAL 9.1 General Requirementes All plumbing in the trailer court shall comply with State and local plumbing laws and regulations and moat ~nneot to the public sewer of the City of Meridian and shall conform to all rules and regulations of the City of Meridian g.2 A11 eewe z lines shall be located in trenches of sufficient depth to be free of breakage from traffic or other mw ements and shall be separated from the park water supply eyatem at a safe dietanae, Sewers shall be at a grade which will insure a velocity of txo feat per second when flow- ' ing f1i11, .All sewer lime shall be constructed of materials approved by the health authority, shall be adequately vented, and shall have water ..tight<jaints, 9.3 Individual Sewer Connectione> (am) Faah mobile home stand shall be provided with at least s four inch diameter sewer riser pipe, The sewer riser pips shall be eo located on each 'stand that the newer connection to the mobile home drain outlet will approximate a vertical position, (b) The sewer connection (area definition) shall have a nominal inside diameter of at least three inches, and the clops of a qy portion thereof shall be at least ape-fourth inch par foot. The sever connection shall coneiat of one pipe line only without any branch fittings, All points shall be watertight, (c) All materials used for sewer connections shall be semirigid, aorroe- ive resistant, absorbent and durable. The inner surface ehe.ll be smooth. ' (d) Provision shall be made for plugging the sewer ri-aer pipe when a ,;; (9~ '„ ~, i a,n 1 ;. • ' • ~' mobile home does not occupy the lot, Surface drainage shall be diverted away from the riser. The rim of the riser pipe shall extend at least four inches above ground elevation. 9,4 Sewage treatment and~or Discharge Effluents from sewage or sewage treatment shall not be discharged into any waters of the State except with prior approval of the health authority. ~ 9,5 Plumbing Ceneral Requirements ~ All lumbi p ng within each trailer or mobile home shall conform to the minimum standards of the State and local regulations and laws. All plumbing within the trailer court shall comply with State and local ' f plumbing standards of the State and local regulations and laws. + . Section i0: ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 10.1 General Nequiremente E~rery park shall contain an eleotrieal wiring system consisting of wiring fixturea~ equipment and appurtenances which shall be installed and main- twined in accordance with applicable eodee and regulations governing each systems. 10.2 Power Distribution lines (a) Main power lines not located underground shall be suspended at least feet above the ground, There shall be a minimum horizontal `f' olearanee of feet between overhead wiring and any mobile homry service building or other etructure~ and/or moat comply wit~a all localy and State Requirements. ,!: (b) All direct burial conductors or cable shall comply with all state and local regulations. with a minimum hurried distance of 18 inches Re1ow',the ground aurfaoe~ and specially designed for the purpose. Such conductors shall be located not less than one foot radial distance from watery aewer~ gee or communication lines. 10.3 Individual Electrical Conneatione ' (a) Eadh mobile home lot shall be provided with an approved diacoiu~eoting device and over-current protective equipment, The minimum service per outlet shall be 120240 volts ACS 50 Amparea, (b) Outlets (receptacles or Pressure connectors) shall be housed ine~s .weatherproof outlet boxy and shall b® located not more than 25 feet from the ovex+.current protective device'in the mobile home, A three- - po1e~ four-wire grounding type shall be used, (o) Receptsclesy if provided shall be 3n accordance with American Standsrd Outlet Receptacle C-73.1. (d) Connectore, if-not substituted. by more than one receptacle, shall be provided where the calculated load of the mobile home ie more than 50 amperes. (e) 'The mobile home shall be connected to the.. outlet box by an approved type of flexible supply cord with a male attachment plug or with pressure oonneotore, (f) No power line shall be permitted to lie on the grounds or be suspended lase than feet 8bove the ground, (g) No power line shah extend over any trailer coach within a distance of feet, 10.4 Required Grounding All exposed non-current carrying metal parts of mobile homes and all other equipment eha1T be grounded by means of an approved grounding conductor with branch circuit Conductors or'other approved method of grounded metallic wiring. ~ The. neutral conductor shall not be used se an"equipment ground for mobile homes or other equipment. Section lY: SERVICE BUILDING i~ND OTHER COMMUNITY Si;RVTCE FACILITIES .11.1 General The requiremente'of this Section shall apply to service buildinge~ recreation buildings and other community service facilities such ass (a) Management offices, repsir shops and storage arena; b~ Sanitary facilities; c Laundry facilities; ~d Indoor recreation areas; (e Commercial uses supplying seaential goods or services for the ex- elueive use of park oanupanta, 11.2.,Aaquired Community Sanitary Facilities bvery park shall be provided with the fallowing emergency sanitary -c faci].itiea; For each lO0 mobile home. lots or fractional part thereof ,•, ~YP+ there shall be one flush toilet and one lavatory for each sex, The Building containing such emergency sanitary facilities shall be' acceeetble to all mobile homes. ' (a) Service Buildings Every trailer court that accepts or accomodatea dependent trailer coaches shall provide edequste flush type toilet fixtures and laundry faailitiea. In no instance shall there be lase than one (1) laundry unit; two (2) water closets, one (1) lavatory, and one (1) sharer or bathtub for women and one (1) water closet, one (1) Urinal, one (1) lavatory, and one (1) shower :8r bathtub for men. The foregoing listed faailitiee small be the minimum required ;~. ~ faoilities to accommodate up to twenty (20)"dependent trailer coaches. is `~ Ona (1)'additional water closet for eaoh sex shall be provided for every ten (10) additional dependent trailer coaches, (IIrinals may be substituted for one-third (1~3) of the additional water closets.) `: One (1) additional lavatory for each sex shall be provided for every ten (10) additional. dependent aoachee; and one (1) additional shower or bathtub for eaoh sex, for every. twenty (20) additional dependent ," coaches. Dependent trailer coaches shall be parked not more then 200 feet from the service buildings. There shall be one (1) laundry trepfor every twenty (20) dependent 4reiler coach spaces. (1) Shall be located at least fifteen feet (15 r) or more from any ''' trailer coach apace, 11.3 Structural Requirements for Duildinge (a) Shall conform to all rules and regulations of the State codes and Codes of the City of Meridian, 911 portions of the structure shall be properly groteated from '4+,~` ', damage, by ordinary uses and by decay, corrosion, termites and 'other ' destructive elements. Exterior portions shall be of such materials and be ao constructed and protected as to prevent entrance or penetration of moisture ~- and weather, (b} 911 rooms containing sanitary or laundry faailitiea shall: ',;' (1) Rave sound resistant walla extending to the selling between' ' male and female sanitary faoilities. Walls and partitions around showers, bathtubs, lavatories, and other plumbing fixtures shall be constructed of dense non-absorbent, water- proof materiel or covered with moisture resistant material. (2) Have at least one window or skylight facing directly to the outdoors. The minimum agregate gross area of windows for eaoh 'a required room shall be not less than 10 percent of floor space served by them, Suah openings shall be adequately screened. "' (3) Rave st least one window which aan be easily opened, or a mechanical device which will adequately ventilate the room, such opening or openings shall be adequately eereened, to prevent access of insects. ~' (c) Toilets shall be located in separate compartments equipped with self-closing doors. Shower stalls shall be of the individual type. The rooms shall be screened, to prevent direct view of the interior 9' when the exterior doors are open, (d) Illumination levels shall be maintained as follower (1) General seeing tasks - F1ve foot candles; (2) laundry room work area - 40 foot oendlee; (3) toilet room, in front of mirrors - 40 foot candles. (e) Hot and cold water shall be furnished to every lavatory, sink, bath- tub, shower and laundry fixture, and sold water shall be furnished to every water closet and arinal• (f) Rave adequate heating faoilities to maintain a tenpere.ture of seventy degrees fahrenheit (~OoS,) during cold weather, and to supply a minimum of (3) gallons of hot water per hour per coach space wring time of peak demand. 11.4 Darbeque Pite, Fireplaces, Stoves and Incinerators Cooking shelters, barbecue pits, fireplaces, wand burning stoves and inainerstors shall be so located, aonatructed, maintained and used ae to minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance both on the property on which used and on neighboring property, No open fire shall be permitted exept in faoilities provided, No open fire shall be left unattended. No fuel shall be used and no materiel burned which emits dense smoke or objectionable odors. (11) Bastion 12c R~'USE HANDLING 12.1 The storage, collection and disposal of refuse. in the mobile home park ..shall be ao conducted ae to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, ' insect breeding erase, accident or fire hazards or air pollution, 12.2 All refuse shall be stored in fly-tight, water-tight, rodentproof contain.. ere, which ahall'be located not more than 150 feet from any mobile home lot. Containers shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to properly store all refuse and shall conform to the State and Local minimum standards, under the health authority, -, '~ I2.3 Refuse collection stands shall be-provided for all refuse nontainere. - Such container stands shall be so designed ae to prevent containers from being tipped,. to minimize spillage and container deterioration and to' facilitate cleaning aroun8 they'or es set forth by State and local trash collection regulations. 12.¢ All refuse containing garbage shall be collected in accordance with City of Meridian Codes. All refuse shall he collected and transported in •~- covered vehicles or covered oontainere~ at least one per week in winter and twice per week in summer according to City Code, Tile 7, Chapter 3. 12,5 When incinerators are used, such incinerator shall be constructed only with approval of the State and local Health Authority Approval, and mast conform to the minimum speaifieatione of :~itate and Local regulations. Such approval shall be based on,a review of the plans and specifications for such incinerators and approval of the site where they will be located. Such approval shall specify the type of materiel which may be placed is ' the incinerators. Y , ~ X2,6 Incinerators shall be fired only when attended by some person epecifieally authorized by the owner or operator bf the trailer court, and then only during the daytime hours. Fire is to be extinguished at dusk, 12.7 Trsah dncineratora shall not be used for the disposal of garbage. r i" 5sation l3a INSECT AND RODF.3VT CONTROL ~', 13.1 (irounda, buildings .and structures shall be maintaine8 free of insect end' rodent harborage and infestation, Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform with .the requirements of the ', ; , ,'^ 'health authority, 1j,2 Parke shall be maintained free of accumulations of debris which may pro- vide rodent harborage. or breeding placer for flies, mosquitoes and other ` ate. ~:. pe `~~ 13.3 Storage erase shall be so maintained as tc Prevent rodent harborage; lumber, pipe, and other building materiel shall be stored at least one ,, foot above. the ground..: 13.4 where the potential for inaeat and rodent infestation exists, ell exterior ~ openings in or beneath any structure ahnll be appropriately screened Frith xire mesh or other suitable materials, ,13.5 The growth cf brush,.~reeds and grass shall be controlled to prevent harborage of noxious insects. Parke shall be so maintained sa to pxvvent the .growth of noxious and unsightly weeds, or those which could. be in- 3urious to health. Open areas ae well ae areas about and under the trailer home shall be maintained free'of heavy undergrowth of say description, 8Natlon 14e FUEL SIIPPLY AND STORAGE 24,1. ..Natural Gas System (a)' Natural gee piping systems shall be installed and maintained in aoocordanae with applicable codes and regulations governing ouch. systems. (b) EaAh mobile home lot provide8 with piped gee shall have an approved manual shutoff valve installed upstream of the gas. outlet, Tha out- ' let shall be equipped with an approved sap to prevent accidental dis- charge of gas when the outlet is not is use, °14.2 .'Liquified Petroleum Gsa Systems (a) Liquified petroleum gas systems shall be installed and maintained is accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing eueh systems, (b) Systems ahal7 be provided with safety devices to relieve exceeeiw pressures and shall be arranged eo that the discharge terminates at - asafe location. {o) Syeteme shall have at least ane aooesaible means for shutting off gee. Such means shall be located autaide the mobile home and shall be maintained in eft'eative operating condition. (d) All LPG piping outside of'the mobile homes shall be well supported V 1. (12) ~~•kr•~~Iw ~~, ,~,:~fi:-„ ~~ and'proteoted against mechanical injury...:Undiluted liquified ~ troleum troleum pe pe gee in liquid form shall not be conveyed through piping equipment and systems is mobile homes. (e) Liquified petroleum gas containers. installed on a mobile home .lot shall be securely but not permanently fastened to prevent accidental overturning. Such containers shall not be lees than 12 nor more than 60 U,S, Gallons gross capacity, (f) No liquified petroleum gas vessel shall be stored or located inaid• or beneath any storage cabinet, carport, mobile home, or sny other structure, unless such installations are approved by the health authority, lA.j Fuel Oil Supply Systems (g) All fuel oil supply systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems, (b) A11 piping £rom outside fuel storage tanks or cylindero to mobil homes shall be permanently installed and eeeurely fastened in place. „ (o) .All fuel oil storage tanks or cylinders shall be securely fastened in place and shall not be located inside or beneath any mobile home " or less than five feet from any mobile home exit, (d) Storage tanks located in areas subject to traffic shall be protected against physical damage, 'Seption 15: FIRE PROTECTION 15,1 Mobile home parks shall be kept free of litter rubbish and other flsm- enable materials. 15.2 Portable file extinguishers rated for classes Band C Fires shall be 'kept in service buildings and at other locations conveniently and reads- 13' aacesaible for use by all occupants and shall be maintained in goo8 pperating condition. Their capacity shall not be leas than 27~ pounds. 15.3 Fires shall be made only in stoves, incinerators and other equipment intended for such purposes. 15.4 Fire hydrants shall be located within 500 feet o£ any mobile home, ser- vice building or other structure in the park, measured within the curb line. The Court area shall be subject to the City of Meridian Fir Prevention Codes and authority, MISCELhANFAUS Rr"N~UIRE~IEfi1T3 Reeponaibilitiee bf the Park Management (a) The person to whom a license for a mobile home park fe 3eeued shall operate the,park in compliance with this ordinance and shall provide ,adequate supervision to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition, (b) The park management shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of this Ordinance and inform them of their duties and reeponaibilitiee under this Urdinance, (c) The park management shall supervise the placement of each mobile home on its mobile home stand which includes securing its etebility and installing all utility connections. (d) The park management ehalh maintain a register containing the names of all park occupants identi£ied,by lot number or street address, Such register shall be available to any authorized person inspecting the park. (e) The park management shall notify the health authority immediately of any suspected communicable or conta.gioua disease within the park, (f) The owner or operator of a trailer court may conetruet on individwl avxilliary etoragA building on each trailer coach space in the trailer court; provided, the building has s maximum floor apace of twelve eq,ft, (12 aq, ft,); has a maximum height of seven feet (7~) above the ground; has a minimum setback of five feet (5') from adjacent trailer coach spaces and access roads; and has a minimum setback of fifteen feet (15') from ax~y public street or highway right-of-way. Responeibi.litiee of Park Oecupsnte (a) The park occupant shall comply with. all applicable requirements of this Ordinance and shall maintain his mobile home lot, its facilities 'and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition, ~ d (13) i ~ • ' (b) The park occupant shall be responsible for proper placement of hie mobile home on its mobile home stand and proper installation of'sll utility connections in accordance with the instructions of the park management. (c) Pate, if permitted in the perk, shall be prohibited to run at large or to committ any nuisance within the limits of any mobile home lot, Ordinances of the City of Meridian shall be complied with concerning Title VIII, Chapter 6. (d) Skirtinrre, porches, awnings, and other additions shall be installed only if permitted and approved by the park management. When installed, they shall be maintained in good repair, The apace immediately under- ' neath a mobile homy shall. be used for etarage only if permitted by the park management, If permitted, the following oonditione ahdll be satisfiedr (1) The storage area shall be provided with a 'base of impervious material. (2) 'Stored items shall be loaeted so ae not to .interfere with the underneath inepeotion of the mobile home, (3) The storage area shall be enclosed by skirting, ' (e) The park ocoupe.nt shall store and dispose of all his rubbish and garbage in a cleans sanitary and safe manner, The garbage container shall be rodent-proof, insect-proof, and water tight, in conformance to Title V1L, Chapter 3. {f) First aid fire extinguishers for Clean B and C fires shall be kept at the premises and maintained in working condition, (g) The wheels of the coach shall not be removes, except temporarily xhen necessary for repairs. Jacks or etabi.lizere may be placed under the frame of the coach to prevent movement on the springs while the coach is parked and occupied, (h) Prefabricated structures intended for habitation; or Mobile Homes or Trailers from which the wheels have been removed; and placed on any lot or paroel of landr shall be subject to all the building codes, electrical codes, plumbing codes and sewer codes requirement. Any deficiencies shall prohibit the placement on any lot, parcel or mobile home court within the limits of the City of Meridian. Seotion 17e PENALTIES. Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance shall upon eon-. viction be punished by B fine of not lase than $10.00 nor more than $300,00; and each day es failure of compliance with any such prevision shall consitute a separate violation, Section 18o CONFLICT OF ORDINANCES: Effect of Partial invalidity 18.1 In any case where a provision of the Ordinance fe found to be in conflfot with a provision of any other ordinance or code of the City of Meridian, ' existing on the effeotive date of this Ordinance, the provision which, in the judgement of the Health authority, eetabliehes the higher standard for the promotion, and protection of the health and safety of the people shall prevail. In arty Dees where a provision of this Ordinance ie found to be in nonfliet with s provision of any other ordinance or code of the City of Meridian existing on the effective date of this Ordinance which eatabli.ehes s lower standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people, the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to prevail, and such other ordinances or codes are hereby declared to be repealed to the extent that they may be found 1n conflict with this Ordinance. 18.2 If any section, eubaeation, paragraph, eentenae, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be deolared invalid for arty reason xhataoever, suoh decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance which shall remain in full force and efi'ect; and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. $eotion 19s EFFECTIVI; DATE ' This Ordinance shall be effective on and after the Day of 19 (14) ., iIq