1970 12-21 Meridian City Hall December 21, 1970 Meeti of Lonin an ng g ` W. D. Skiver. Pl in C g mmisaion waa called o ord r b the chairman Y -_ __ ----~ _ _ _ _ ~ Membere present; Ro ert G aisye Don Roberta, Ray l ~ tman, Skiver. W, D, - _ - - -_ Others resent; S p 1 _ - _- - Ma or and Counci y er Jo - ' son I 1 d Neal Hudson E1dre s - _ _ J hna ~ i n Do . ~i.Gorrett, - - - - __ ~_ y The Herb Subdivisio ro p sal ld cated at Weat Idaho ztend d beyond Weat 4th - - - Street waa discussed. ~ Sumner Johnson preae ted t e Sub ivision plans and pr posal! w1 th ~Irawings to ~ - - - show location o£ uti itiea end a recta with the neces any c rba ap t I ed drainage _ __ _ ~~ - I j - -'~ ~ _- - _ with water courses a _ _ _ - - The. motion was made - posal platt o£ the H Motion passed: All y Waist y Rob - rby 5 a. __ ng of - rt G1 - bdivi --- -- ---- ~ approximately 36 unii -_ --- ieyer and seconded b, -- ion be accepted, I ia. 1 ' Ray - -f I Pitm _ _ that the pro- The Wheel-In Mobile nor ropos ~l was presented. Thl s are is L ocated eeat of the Ardena Communica ion a d Nor h of the Film Grove T ile Park along Fairview Avenue. Ater discussion it s aoe elude that the City requa t o£ the y et has been cast iron pipe £or w ter 1 nee t~ be taken over by th Cit . ~ i The Gommisaion taco ended cast ron pipe to the mete loc tion rom the city _ j ~ ___ ~ lines and along Meri for proper access by , ian the treet ity. nd East with an easeq - <ent t i ~ cov r the placement T i The motion was made ~ - ~ _ - ert Gl ~ ~syer and seconded b i Don'~~ ~ Rober a to require _ +an 8 cast iron watet , lin alon g Meridian to the Nort l pro rty l ine then Eaat Ito the Northwest co er o the eel-In Mobile Manor, ', Motion passed: All a, suggested tha It was Mr, FnZans hould come before th Co iasio__ __to discuae this -- _ _ - b1em. -~ _ _ - - ---- - - + --: - Don Garrett came__bef ~re-t_ -- e Comm 'ssion to present a p _pos 1_of_ uture develop-_ ____ --- - T i ' ent to c_onast of gut- 20 res 'dential houses. Th is ar a ie oceted N~rtheast- r____ __. _~he WhPPI-Tn Mnh9-Tn Mnh, _ _pztr One roblem i the ther i _ a five acre ' et i o£ landbetween t ; ~e_Wh e1-I_ Mob31 n r d thi ~ _The~ _ roblem to sewer and stet to th' a ro ert This ma er w t b d f r f r Meridian City Hall -2- December 21, 1970 study to be made_in _ _ The chairman discus relat ed a ion to reques sewer and water avai -- t for zone chaage fro abili agr ty, I cult a to s commercial zone in he a abet een Overland and the - Free - a we y - ~ t of the -_ - - __ _ Meridian-Kona Road, _ I . _-__ ~ - -- ' ~ The motion waa made by R Bert C~ laisyer and seconded y Ra Pit that the Commission favor th - - ~ `Lon - Chang ' e of this area to a miner - ---- ial ne, --- r - Motion passed: sll - ~ea, ~ i ~ _ In further diacusai ldit station to be _ _ sufficient to handl n of nets the t Do led by additi Gorrett Matter, it the Wheel-Inn Mobile nal flow thus re ui - --4- - ~ s Mano a ~ inted area to e - ~ I~ ~ out that the might not be Pressure -- line to reach the c t li Y mes o a ma or sewer ro ' J P g='a mi ~ g t be squired to place - -. ---- run ne on g• ive le r e o the r®een 1 P nt th an - improvement in o ~~ lent ca cit P ~ l - I There being no othe bua' ness t copie before the Co iaai n, th meeting stood ad jourred, --- -- -- - --- --- - _ _ __ W. D, Skiv r _ _ I ~ A~ - _ ~ T i ! T ~---~ I -_ C _. _- ~ _ - -_ _ _ _ I _ I I r --- _ I --i Herald J. Cox -City Clerk- - I - -- -- -- ~ - ~ 1 - - - - _- - --- f -- - - ---- -- ~- - --- - ---- - ~ - - -- -- I -- - - ~ - i Novemaer 29, I970 ~? parcel Of land iYl the EflS }lalf Or the Tl .~.w. C[Ui1Ii:.^.Y Of cCUt1. Cif ~/ , T. 3 !S., R. 1 E., B,M., ~~,da County, idaPio, more part:icixlarly cl ~ i',:.~! Commencing at the l~S.E, corner of Lot 12, T31ock t , Cottage ISorar Art rlitiOn, gale r; di~in, Tc Yl;n• they oe .TSorth 7O ~.~~,t to the Real Point of ISeinning, Thc;nce Last 204.7.6 feet to a noi.nt; thence N. 37° 47''W. 75,92 feet to a point; thence West ;.57,74 feet io a point; thence South 60 feet to the Real Point of Leg~inning. K -an Ciay Hall clsyne-Skiver reporte on s on file with these min This body concurred ith rr~^enced fc~ the completi n of ~ _ _` ~ - _- __ am,~ro er..ent as engineered. --~ --- ~- ,~, December 7, 1970 >_ _ - I actgon by the Zoning and~Planxlinrr C~~nission, -- con erning the Realty Wert Su `division. _ _. _ I Ca rcil recruest that a s~`~rety bond b' ut lity installztion es~i;el1 a st,-oeto _ - ~_ _: ~`~~~ Herb, Subdavaoion w~s'di~cusaed,-. iecated at tl.,st Idalic~ and lest Qth9 est Iaalc P_vcrn~c as to beextended, ~ I T_ matter of the Weft half of 6t~st 4th that has not been c~edaca~^d .,hould ~ be recol_ved ~ sot roedF.ay-ran b~_provid d Szt:,??F }>rcadi~!ay to;Fno, __ ____ _ -~I ' ~ ~ ^ g' s the ime to stand firm a~ ~ get this unre orded 1 x~.s thou nt that now wa '-lTlf' :. ~r. et-_~aol~ed, Qfi ,. - -- - - - --- -;. _ _--- _- --. ., b ~ ~ d~ cxt-t.e - ---- P I 1 cs",; c~-:d of the extension oftId~hoha.,ereauared bovtYieo~ fo a ~? Orda~anc~~. -- ~ u ~ q Y ..ubda asaor} ~- r ~ o es should ihclude the dedication; of 1lest Qth Street. ,The enmaneeran~ stu ~ p7attEnd bua~:_d ilri3 gi73-rte t7iC nicdT--_ _-. 1,..~, ~'7 z-eds ~a be~ra~,~icn tY;e firia ,~~~ cf th_ str.,e ~ wathan than ubdi isaon, ~ - , i I - - a - :- - -------- - ` ---- - - ~ - ~--- 1 -- ---- ____--- ~ C _~T IThe Extension of East Stake ' r'~, t resod orer to th4 Cat Att r - -- - - loud ~„ EO foot wide to e:: end ~a Caty end allow the Tess r to {;Pa aaght of way to the drain ditch ~ - ' - ~ 1. e on land belonJ;ing o lh~l St get Mr, Stutz:ran toldedi ate rain ditch a~;-x°eo t~ bei ,g an from Surfece fk3 to ~av irl the zman is and ---- --~ curd - -_ _-' Keith Eilis rsported'thatthe Water tower has been craned and ps3in --,-cr~-tr~-3r~terior aka cost_Y ~2~dD0.~U~'Ca~a~aid-as a__Iy7._exp nee.- _ j 1t t~ras reported that the ]~ntermo~zntain Gas Company is rrork ng on la ~o~,o T-to extend ,heir shit es a7o : Nest Flth-~trFet toy the ~eaer to rt~~lace the present 1 q afiee~ gas b~:ing~ delivered for heat a~ thae~Ia __ - ~ I ~ j _ _ _ ed fo areas oi' the 'at no al _' ``ihe tyo_'st:zted~thatethed~daho~Po~h^~r`abilittatovanstallofasto~nouch~lhted, ` meetang to discus this problem1 y ~ ~ s - _~~ d a --- f------~. .....::. g ~q behind the needs o the gaowan~~ developments it was~re ted,