1996 06-11 MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1996 - 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD MAY 14, 1996: (APPROVED) MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING HELD MAY 22, 1996: (APPROVED) TABLED MARCH 12, 1996: ANNEXATION AND ZONING REQUEST FOR PACKARD SUBDNISION NO.2 BY PNE/EDMONDS CONSTRUCTION: (TABLED UNTIL JULY 9, 1996) 2. TABLED MARCH 12, 1996: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PACKARD SUBDIVISION NO. 2 BY PNE/EDMONDS CONSTRUCTION: (TABLED UNTIL JULY 9, 1996) 3. TABLED MAY 14, 1996: REQUEST FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE RANCH SUBDNISION BY THE WESTPARK COMPANY: (TABLED UNTIL JULY 9, 1996) 4. TABLED MAY 14, 1996: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE RANCH SUBDIVISION BY THE WESTPARK COMPANY: (TABLED UNTIL JULY 9, 1986) 5. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A CHILD CARE CENTER BY JERRY COBLER: (APPROVED FINDINGS; PASS ON RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL) 6. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR ANNEXATION/ ZONING TO C-G BY JAMES 8~ DONNA HASKIN AND MAYME ELLEN GREEN: (APPROVED FINDINGS; PASS ON RECOMMENDATIION TO CITY COUNCIL) 7. FINDNGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR ANNEXATION/ ZONING TO C-G BY RICHARD JOHNSON AND LAMONT KOUBA: (APPROVED FINDINGS; PASS ON RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL) 8. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A RECREATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE USE BY LAMONT KOUBA; TABLED MAY 14, 1996: (PASS ON RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL) 9. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR RETAIL SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY DWAYNE WINN: (CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW) 10. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION/ZONING TO C-G AND I-L BY DOUG TAMURA AND ARTHUR BERRY: (TABLED UNTIL JULY 9, 1996) 11. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BY DOUG TAMURA AND ARTHUR BERRY: (TABLED UNTIL JULY 9, 1996) 12. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION20N1NG TO C-G BY EAGLE PARTNERS LLC: (APPLICATION WITHDRAWN) 13. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CHEVRON C-STORE, MCDONALDS WITH A DRIVE THRU AND AN 80 ROOM HOTEL BY EAGLE PARTNERS LLC: (APPLICATION WITHDRAWN) MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 11. 1996 The regular meeting of the Meridian City Council was called to order by Chairman Jim Johnson at 7:30 P.M.: MEMBERS PRESENT: Tim Hepper, Greg Oslund, Malcolm MacCoy: MEMBERS ABSENT: Jim Shearer: OTHERS PRESENT: WiII Berg, Wayne Crookston, Gary Smith, Shari Stiles, Paul Loree, Dick Moore, Dee R Lynn, Ted Hanson, Dwayne Winn, John Anderson, Terri Lynn, Karen Gallagher, Doug Tamura: Johnson: I need to announce that if you are here for item 12 or 13 that application has been withdrawn so we won't be taking public testimony tonight on that or addressing it. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD MAY 14, 1996: Johnson: Are there any corrections, deletions or additions to these minutes? Entertain a motion for approval please. MacCoy: I recommend that the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the agenda for the and the report from May 14 be accepted. Oslund: Second Johnson: Moved and seconded that we approve the minutes as prepared, all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING HELD MAY 22, 1996: Johnson: Are there any corrections, additions or changes to these minutes that you would like to make? Hepper: Mr. Chairman, I move that we approve the minutes of the special meeting held May 22. MacCoy: Second Johnson: It has been moved and seconded that we approve the minutes as prepared for our special meeting May 22, all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 2 ITEM #1: TABLED MARCH 12, 1996: ANNEXATION AND ZONING REQUEST FOR PACKARD SUBDIVISION NO. 2 BY PNE/EDMONDS CONSTRUCTION: ITEM #2: TABLED MARCH 12, 1996: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PACKARD SUBDIVISION NO. 2 BY PNE/EDMONDS CONSTRUCTION: Johnson: It was my understanding this was tabled for no response to previous requests. I have discovered nothing has changed since that unless somebody else has any input on that? I have a letter from Mr. Vem Alleman that he still has not bee contacted with respect to easement on his property which is a key issue here. I have checked with staff and staff has received nothing from the applicant. It would be my recommendation that we table this further. Oslund: Mr. Chairman 1 move that we table items 1 and 2 until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Hepper: Second Johnson: It has been moved and seconded that we table both items 1 and 2 to our next regularly scheduled meeting a date certain of July 9, 1996, all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea ITEM #3: TABLED MAY 14, 1996: REQUEST FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE RANCH SUBDIVISION BY THE WESTPARK COMPANY: ITEM #4: TABLED MAY 14, 1996: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE RANCH SUBDIVISION BY THE WESTPARK COMPANY: Johnson: Checking with indicates nothing new has been received on these applications is that correct? Shari Stiles says yes for the record. Nothing has changes then it would be my suggestion that we also table these items. Hepper: So moved MacCoy: Second Johnson: Moved and seconded that we table items 3 and 4 until a date certain of July 9, 1996 our next scheduled meeting, all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 3 ITEM #5: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CHILD CARE CENTER BY JERRY COBLER: Johnson: You have these findings of fact as prepared by the City Attorney, are there any corrections, deletions or any discussion regarding these findings of fact and conclusions of law? Oslund: Mr. Chairman, just a clarification for my information, one of the conditions, condition 4, on page 12 there says provide for a child care pick up area located off of the two main fronting streets. I guess my first question is is there any off street parking requirement for those other than employees? Crookston: No Oslund: Then this pick up area, I guess it is not crystal clear to me exactly what that is, it is off of one or the other fronting streets. Crookston: It fronts onto Chateau which runs east and west and I can't remember the street that goes into the school that fronts on two streets, it is a corner lot. Johnson: It has to do with configuration of the property, the structure on the property as pointed out by the applicant at the last meeting and it is my understanding that is why the pick up area is on I shouldn't call it a side street but not the main street, is that correct? Crookston: I thought that it was on the corner of Chateau and the street that goes into the school and that it was actually on the corner. Hepper: I believe it is right across the street from the school. MacCoy: Is that Jericho. Oslund: Yes, it seems like there was one lot between it and the cross street. Crookston: It needs to have so the the street that it does front on has that statement with it. Oslund: What is the pick up area exactly, is it (Inaudible) Crookston: It can be anywhere but the children need to be dropped off off the street so that the parents aren't driving along the street and just stop on the street and the kids jump out probably both sides of the car or sometimes both sides of the car. It is designed, my Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 4 comment is so that the kids don't get out of the car while the car is still on the street so that there then would not be cars passing that could run into a child that let's say is getting out let's say the passenger or drivers side of the vehicle from the back door. Oslund: So one option the owner has to effect this is to have restricted parking on that frontage signed as such that it is for pick up and drop off only and not for any kind of parking. Crookston: It would be either that or have a drop off area when they pull into the drive way that would be more preferable than on the street at all. Johnson: I am not too sure that you could get the restrictive non-parking limitation on the public street. Oslund: That was my concern. Johnson: Okay, any other questions any other discussion regarding the findings of fact? If not I will entertain a motion for approval as written. MacCoy: I recommend that the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these findings of fact and conclusions. Hepper: Second Johnson: We have a motion and a second to approve the findings of fact as written, this is a roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE: Hepper -Yea, Oslund -Yea, Shearer -Absent, MacCoy -Yea MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Johnson: Any recommendation you would like to pass onto City Council? MacCoy: The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that they approve the conditional use permit requested by the applicant for the property described in the application with the conditions set forth in the findings of fact and conclusions of law. That the use should be denied if the owner does not give his consent. Hepper: Second Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 5 Johnson: We have a motion and a second to pass the recommendation onto City Council as stated by Commissioner MacCoy all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea ITEM #6: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING TO C-G BY JAMES & DONNA HASKIN AND MAYME ELLEN GREEN: Johnson: Any discussion regarding these findings of fact as prepared by the City Attorney? Hepper: Mr. Chairman, I move the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Meridian hereby adopts and approves these findings of fact and conclusions of law. MacCoy: Second Johnson: A motion and a second to approve the findings of fact as prepared, roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE: Hepper -Yea, Oslund -Yea, Shearer -Absent, MacCoy -Yea MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Johnson: Recommendation gentlemen? Hepper: Mr. Chairman, I move the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends that the property set forth in the application be approved by the City Council for annexation and zoning under the conditions set forth in these findings of fact and conclusions of law. Including that the applicant or assigns enters into a development agreement with prior issuance of a building permit ar final plat whichever comes first. And that the property only be developed as a commercial or generally planned development or under the conditional use process. That if the applicant is not agreeable with these findings of fact and conclusions and is not agreeable with entering into a development agreement that the property should not be annexed. MacCoy: Second Johnson: Moved and seconded that we pass on the recommendation as stated to the City Council, all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 6 ITEM #7: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING TO C-G BY RICHARD JOHNSON AND LAMONT KOUBA: Johnson: Any discussion regarding these findings of fact as prepared. There is a revised version. is there not, did everybody get the origina- and then you revised it. So we are working off of the revised version. Hepper: Mr. Chairman, I had a question on page 20, on paragraph 15, I have a question if that, where it says City Council standards under which the City Council shall review applications, if that shouldn't state Planning and Zoning. In the last sentence there it says the City Council concludes as follows, if that shouldn't also state Planning and Zoning Commission concludes as follows? Johnson: Sounds right to me, do you concur on that Counsel? Crookston: Yes I do Johnson: The change is noted. Any other changes or discussion? I have a couple of small corrections, page 3, I am not too sure of the origin of this comment, number 6, that the Avest Plaza for Fred Meyer shopping center is not the property to the north of this development. This is somewhat west of that there. And on page 5, the last sentence, I am confused about how it reads. I get hung up when we get to the last sentence it says "and would have not problems". Also on page five in the middle, I don't know about my old English or not but 1 think beautiful is probably in that use should be beautifully. I don't know, I am more concerned with that last sentence on page five. (Inaudible) Crookston: I think we just need to move the t off of the not. Johnson: Okay, that accomplishes the same thing. Those are the only two corrections that I have. I just think it is a stretch to say that it is across from Fred Meyer. Anything else, any other corrections? Oslund: I don't know if it is a correction or a clarification on page 22, items A, B and C near the bottom the first one refers to the Planning and Zoning Administrator and then the seconds referred to the Planning and Zoning Director, is there a distinction there? Crookston: No Oslund: Okay, one in and the same. Johnson: We haven't decided on a title for her yet that is all. That comes with her next Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 7 paycheck I guess instead of a raise. Okay, anybody else have any discussion on that? If not I will entertain a motion on that for approval with those corrections as noted. Oslund: Mr. Chairman, I move that the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission hereby adopt and approve these findings of fact and conclusions with the stated corrections. Hepper: Second Johnson: Moved and seconded that we approve the findings of fact as prepared with corrections as stated, roll call vote. ROLL CALL VOTE: Hepper -Yea, Oslund -Yea, Shearer -Absent, MacCoy -Yea MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Johnson: Recommendation to the City Council? Oslund: Mr. Chairman, 1 move the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Meridian recommend to the City Council that the property set forth in the application be approved for annexation and zoning and the issuance of the conditional use permit under the conditions set forth in the conclusions of law. MacCoy: Second Johnson: Motion and second to pass the recommendation onto the City as written, all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Johnson: Have we covered item 8 in item 7 since it was in the title? Crookston: Yes Johnson: Okay, so we have covered right now item 7 and 8 both the annexation request and the conditional use request, it looks like it was incorporated into one document. I meant to ask that question before we addressed it. ITEM #9: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR RETAIL SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY DWAYNE WINN: Johnson: At this time I will open the public hearing and invite Mr. Winn or his Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 8 representatives to address the Commission. Dwayne Winn, 3793 Manchester, Boise, was sworn by the City Attorney. Winn: I don't know what to say, in 1978 I put in for a liquor license in the City of Meridian and it came thru this year. I had an agreement with Moe for the EI Zocalo and he was going through a divorce and right when I got my license and the judge awarded her the building over here. So I was out and Mr. Mayes leased me part of his building and that is what I am trying to do. I have to maintain alcohol beverages for 6 months to retain this license and that is all I am trying to do. I only have seating capacity for 4 or 5 people. I will only be open from 9 to 5:30 and that is it. Hopper: What happens after the six months? Winn: After 6 months you can keep it, you don't have to sell anything. The way the laws when I put in in 1978 for, you didn't have to open anything but now they have it so you have to be able to sell alcoholic beverages for six months it has to be in operation for 6 months. After six months I put in my (inaudible) that is all 1 am trying to do is keep the license. Johnson: In that regard Mr. Winn have you checked with the proper authorities as to whether or not the building you are contemplating using the Mayes building will meet the code necessaryforthe occupancy? Winn: I have gone into agreement with the health department, they have been there and there are a few items like I had to have a spring loaded door and had to put things in the toilet. I am in the process of fixing Johnson: When you say things to the toilet are you talking about to accommodate handicapped? Winn: No, the inlet has to be an inch above the outlet so you can't get any back pressure. Anyway the health department has conditionally approved it for this six months to get my license to maintain my license. Johnson: Shari, are you familiar with what might be entailed other than the health department for the State with respect to our local ordinance, any local ordinance might apply to fire safety, health standards? Stiles: Chairman Johnson 1 am not sure what that all would entail as far as handicap accessibility maybe the sinks are required to be, 'rf he can furnish some kind of an approval • Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 9 from Central District Health with what he is planning to do and all of the other requirements I wouldn't have any problem with it. Johnson: What would be perhaps where he should go to verify that. I am thinking in terms of the Fire Marshall, exit doors whatever. I think he is going to have to meet all those standards of public gathering place and I just think that it would be in your best interest to touch those bases as soon as possible with our local city agencies. I would start with the fire department and maybe go to the building department as well. I would do that. Stiles: The public safety issue definitely needs to be (Inaudible) Johnson: The public safety issues, our requirements may differ from Central District Health and also from State requirements. Winn: The way it is right now it is single container throw away, nothing. It is single container, I can't touch the ice I have to use an ice prong. Johnson: I am more interested in things like fire safety, does the door go in or does it go out. Dces it have a panic bar, those kinds of things I think you may have to meet some of those requirements as well. 1 am not trying to discourage you I just want you to go in with your eyes opened that you know you might have to do some of those things as well. Winn: This was not my dream, I mean in 1978 I was hoping it would be a nice cafe or (inaudible) this is not what I expected. Johnson: The only thing that I still have that I had in 1978 is I used to play better golf. Any other questions of Mr. Winn? MacCoy: I have the first question to give to our Council is there in the Idaho law a distance set forward from a drinking establishment of issuance of liquor to either a public building or next to a library like where we have children involved. Crookston: Yes there is, it is 300 feet. MacCoy: Since I only have a parking layout are you planning to do nothing except just be there. Winn: 1 have seating for about four people, I don't plan on anything MacCoy: Nothing bigger than that. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 10 Winn: I will be closed no later than 6:00, 5:30 I think. MacCoy: Okay, what about signage? Winn: The only thing I have is no one under 21 to enter, I am not advertising at all. What the law says is I have to be open for 6 months and that is all, it doesn't say I have to sell anything. It says I have to be open and that is all I want. MacCoy: That is all I have. Johnson: Thank you, any other commissioners that would like to ask questions of Mr. Winn? Oslund: Not necessarily a question, let me just start off by saying that I, since your hours are so restricted you won't catch me down there taking a drink because I don't drink during the day usually. On the map that was provided with the application just a clarification at least the one I have it shows the location of the block, it shows, where mine shows anyway is about where the library is right here. Winn: No it is right across from the 127 Club. MacCoy: That was the reason for my question because I saw that map. (Discussion Inaudible) Oslund: That is not a bad idea though to serve drinks over at the library. Johnson: (Inaudible) this is a public hearing anyone else like to address the commission on this application? Seeing no one then I will close this public hearing, what is your pleasure gentlemen? Mepper: Mr. Chairman, I move that we have the City Attomey prepare findings of fact. MacCoy: Second Johnson: Moved and seconded we have the City Attorney prepare findings of fact and conclusions of law, all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Johnson: The reason I am stumbling around is I probably should tell you what we did Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 11 because you are not used to this process right. I will back up, what we have done is just taken public testimony which there was none other than listen to you. Now as required by law we have to have the City Attorney prepare findings of fact and conclusions of law. Those are those things we went through when you were here earlier. That will be on our next scheduled meeting July 9 then from July 9 it goes to the Ciry Council for their approval and if everything goes through the earliest it can be approved is, it could be the 23rd of July, could be that is with no hang ups. It might make it to the 16th. (Inaudible) Johnson: Yes you went there for the license now you have to get permission to zone for it to use the license. That is kind of a lengthy process but I wanted you to know that before you left and I should have told you that. (Inaudible) Johnson: Well that is really not our function to do that, all we can do is provide you with all of the information that you need so that you can tell them this is the process I have to go through, I started it in good faith and just because the fact that we only meet once a month you are kind of restricted see. The City Council they meet twice a month and you have to fall in with those dates because we are required by law to notice the public twice 15 days in advance. When you are working with a newspaper that is a weekly then we have to advertise it in the weekly it is a local paper instead of a daily. You start putting all of those dates together it just stretches the process out. Even if you hit everything smoothly it can take 90 days or so. (Inaudible) Johnson: What I would do is certainly prevail upon them with the extenuating circumstances that you are doing everything that you can. When did this license become available to you? Winn: (Inaudible) Johnson: They may ask you why you waited. Winn: (Inaudible) I work for the Highway Department (inaudible) Johnson: You know after you approach, 1 know Vem Alleman wants to tell me something, after you approach the authorities with your story would you contact Will Berg and tell him what the problem is. He is the City Clerk. Anything that we can help you out with we will. Meridian Planning i3< Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 12 Vern, it is not a public hearing any more but what do you have? Alleman: (Inaudible) Johnson: I don't know the answer to that, I think it is. Paisano's was within the Nazarene Church and they have a liquor license, and the church said that was okay. This is kind of a different story, I haven't measured it. That is a good point. ITEM #10: PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING TO C-G AND I-L BY DOUG TAMURA AND ARTHUR BERRY: Johnson: I will now open the public hearing. If there is a representative or the applicant here please come forward at this time. Is there anybody here representing this application? Let's handle 10 and 11 together gentlemen. Is there anyone else from the public that would like to address this commission at this time. We will take public testimony. John Anderson, 120 N. Locust Grove Road, was sworn by the City Attorney. Anderson: Is it okay if I approach you with my written comments? Johnson: Yes, do you have copies for everyone? Anderson: Yes, I live at 120 N. Locust Grove which is approximately 200 feet south of Lanark. I am located on the east side of this proposed project. We have lived on Locust Grove since 1986 and kind of got used to the quality of life out there. 1 am not really opposed to this type of building, 1 did come to try and find out down here at the City they didn't have the information as to what type of business was going in there. So I (inaudible) I am kind of concerned on the business hours. 1 don't know if you have restrictive covenants for these kinds of things that are built in a residential area. I would like to see something similar to a 6 a.m. to a 10 p.m. type of arrangement if we could at least along what is now Locust Grove Road. I don't know what you are going to change it to. I see that you are relocating it and aligning it with, on the north and south side. I live right behind Cope Auto Parts and that is pretty (inaudible) real big problem, it doesn't bother me that much and I wondered if anybody could answer, is there any kind of hours set up for this type of businesses? Johnson: I don't think that we are going to be able to answer a whole lot of questions because the applicant isn't here. You can ask anything you want and it goes into the record and it will have to be answered. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 13 Anderson: Okay, well I guess I will ask that question and I guess we will wait and if we have a re-hearing we will come in talk. Some other concerns that 1 have also would be the type of businesses and there again I suppose nobody is here and I will ask it anyway. am concerned that it is not a commercial business that operates 24 hours a day which leaves a lot of traffic possibly coming by my home, maybe possibly having large neon signs that would make it difficult to sleep. Another big concern this is probably occupationally as well as personally, I work for the Nampa Meridian Irrigation District, although I am not representing them tonight, the ditches that go down through this property is the end of what is called the Barker Lateral. This has got to be piped I suppose by the City ordinances has to be accommodating of 275 minor inches approximately. It is real important if you could put some kind of restrictions on any of the irrigation work being done limited to October 15th to March 15th. The facility itself, where this water comes from is probably a mile and a half to a mile and 3/4 away from this property. If they have a problem which happens quite commonly when they are doing this kind of development we can't shut that water off real fast. Not to mention it would disrupt a bunch of people's private life who use this water to irrigate with. That is a real big concern with me, I would be more than happy to participate in the approval of that system if I am allowed to. Traffic, I don't know if this concerns you guys or not but traffic on Locust Grove right now where you come to Franklin Road is a real nightmare at certain times of the day. I would really like to recommend or ask that maybe we get a light put in at Locust Grove and Franklin at the new location to offer some sort of buffer. I think with this kind of complex it is going to bring more traffic in there. Or at least consider that. Lastly, on the construction, there again I don't know if you guys can accommodate this either is there anyway that during the construction period that can also be limited from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. so that we can ge# some rest at night out there. Hopefully there again, I don't know a lot about these kind of things but that they offer some kind of dust control or noise control during this process. A good friend of mine just had a subdivision built on 20 acres across the street from his house in Nampa and just dusted their poor house. They had to get the curtains all completely torn out of there, reclean the carpets (inaudible) she gets kind of excited when that stuff happens. I guess rf there is going to be another hearing or any amendments to any of this would like to be notified so I can come back and comment on it. Johnson: You will be, thank you for your comments. Anyone else? Dee R Lynn, was sworn by the City Attorney. Lynn: With the road being moved of course then I will bump up exactly to this property. Which is no problem because I have been around long enough in the business world to realize that it makes sense for commercial things to kind of all go in together and be just do things the way they fit. And I obviously didn't care enough to buy the property and keep it the way it is so I don't have a whole lot of comments to make except on the traffic. It Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 14 really is d~cult to get onto Franklin Road even from my property now. I really do think it would be quite a necessity to have at least a light there. Of course 1 am interested too in more information about what is planned but that is not the biggy. Johnson: Thanks Dee, that traffic is going to get worse and worse because of other developments in there. The fact that Layne Industrial Park and there is also another 20 acre park right across from that development. So that is going to increase it, you make a valid point on the traffic. Anyone else? Close the public hearing at this time. Mr. Hepper is there something you would like to do with this application at this time? Hepper: Yes, I think we need to table it to our next regularly scheduled meeting. Oslund: Second Johnson: We have a motion and a second to table it, I am assuming, hopefully correctly because the applicant is not here? Hepper: Yes Johnson: To table this to the July 9 meeting which is our next scheduled meeting. Oslund: Mr. Chairman some discussion? Johnson: Yes, and I need to make a point before we do that, we want to leave the public hearing open. Go ahead what you were going to say? Oslund: That is the point I was going to make. Johnson: Thank you Crookston: This is on both items ten and eleven is it not? Johnson: Yes, and we will start we will take more public testimony at the next meeting. All those in favor of tabling the item? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea Johnson: Does anybody else have anything because we are all through? (Inaudible) Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 15 Johnson: We got a letter from the applicant asking as to withdraw their application. (Inaudible) Johnson: Not totally, to just withdraw the application. There is an indication that they will resubmit and there will be a new design. As far as we are concerned it is just a withdraw, we can't take public testimony because (inaudible). (Inaudible) Crookston: Jim if they ask to be withdrawn, the whole application is withdrawn there is nothing for the City now. Johnson: Absolutely, that is what t was trying to say, you just said it better than I did. But totally, they have a condition in here that they are coming back but it is not really, it is still withdrawn. Anybody else? Karen Gallagher would like to talk to us from ACRD. Gallagher: Thank you Mr. Chairman, on that application that was withdrawn, I was asked to try and get some feedback from you. We are looking at it in conjunction with discussing with Shari of getting a public road at the signal at St. Luke's with the understanding that we are going to see some redevelopment that the comp plan calls for some kind of mixed use planned developments. Do you have any feedback on that do you see that developing that way. Is there a need for a public road at that signal as far as what you see coming in. Is it only going to be those two parcels of some of the ones along Eagle Road and beyond that we aren't going to see an incredible amount of development where we need this road. Johnson: I can only speak for what I know which is very little about that. The only information that I have is and Shari may be able to add to this is the two developments along there. The one that is there now and then this proposed application that is withdrawn. Is your question is there something further west? Gallagher: Yes, the only reason we would need the public road as we see it is if we do see additional commercial development. Because otherwise we are going to be putting in probably doing some kind of partnership at least for the first stretch of it to get the public road started and we are trying to make sure that we are headed in the right direction looking at your comp plan. Obviously we are looking into the future trying to make some educated guesses on what is going to be needed. If we don't get it with this parcel that has been withdrawn and as I understand they are trying to design with this road and get some property from the parcel next door to them. We are going to lose the opportunity to get them out to a signal and possibly have a right in and right out at Magic View in the future when Eagle becomes more restricted. If there is any kind of guidance that you can Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 16 give us that you are headed in the right direction I can at least take that back. Johnson: Does anyone have any knowledge that I don't have because I am surprised as the next person that they are developing those two parcels. (Inaudible) they are occupied now there are parcels in the five acre tract, I just don't know anything else. Do you know of anything Shari? Any plans? Stiles: Chairman Johnson and Commissioners I have not heard anything specifically about that. My only concem is that is the only traffic light allowed between Overland Road and Franklin Road and I think that single family homes on five acre parcels in that area that property value is going to be so much it is going to dictate that they sell out to a commercial, some kind of a a commercial office development and that is my concern that there is some type public access to get to that light. Because getting out of Jacksons now is a nightmare if you want to go north. Hepper: It would be purely guess work but I would guess that just because of the proximity to the overpass and the freeway and that being such a big open piece of property that there is no reason why it wouldn't eventually go commercial. It may be something like Nahas' property, or it could be an industrial park back there or a commercial center or whatever. Just because of the proximity to the freeway and overpass like you said I can't see any reason why it wouldn't. Gallagher: That is what we were thinking, I mean 55 being one of the roads that really can take you north south somewhere and the fact that your comp plan does allow for redevelopment (inaudible). So nobody sees any reason why we shouldn't go ahead with the road then, can I phrase it that way? Johnson: I really don't, I know one other land owner on that street and (inaudible) I haven't had any conversation with anyone else. Gallagher: Thank you Johnson: Thanks for coming, somebody else had something they wanted to talk to us about? Are you the guy that is late? Well gosh you are too late. We already had the public hearing. Tamura: Mr. Chairman; members of the Commission my name is Doug Tamura. What would like to do is if I could informally ask the Commission kind of some direction of where we are going with our property. (End of Tape) Crookston: I suppose that he could ask some questions but it is really not advisable for the Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 17 Commission to discuss the matter outside of the public hearing. Johnson: I don't have a problem with you making a presentation but we probably won't comment on it. Do you want to do that (inaudible) we extended the public hearing as being open so we will have it next month. Tamura: That is fine because part of what we are trying to do is working with Karen on working out all of the Highway DistricPs concerns about what is going on with our property. I talked with Shari and here is kind of our predicament. I understand the City of Meridian desires's to have kind of a big picture of what we would like to do. We recently bought the Madden property which is at the corner of Locust Grove and Franklin. So there is approximately 38 acres that we would like to master plan.. The long term traffic plan is to have a five lane facility on both Locust Grove and Franklin Roads.. At this point it will be a fairly major intersection with a future bridge that will cross across the freeway. Our thought was to go ahead and preserve the corner of the two Locust Groves and Franklin for some kind of commercial development in the future. Our desire is to go ahead and do alight industrial and build a concrete office warehouse complex behind that along the railroad right of way and the ditch. One of the requests that came from the Highway District was to propose some kind of east west connection between the two Locust Grove's. guess what we are showing right here that to us makes the most sense would be potentially extending E. Lanark from Locust Grove to Locust Grove. The other option that was mentioned in the Highway District report would be potentially put the road just south of the rail road right of way. I guess our preference, I guess our question would be for the Highway District that we discussed with Karen is that since we don't really need the road, in a sense we have internal circulation that would feed our project is that we don't really need the E. Lanark extension. I guess the two positions that we would have is we don't have a problem of letting them use the ditch right of way if they want to use that for road right of way. But at the same time it seems as if it makes more sense to do East Lanark. I guess the question I wanted to ask the Commission is on a parcel like this where our main intention is to start development of our northeast comer of our property is should we come in for just an annexation and rezone on just what we are going to do and then request that 1!4 of our property or does the Commission like to see a whole overall planned unit development of what the big picture is. I guess Johnson: We don't have an answer to that in a general sense without referring to your presentation or your plat that you are showing. In general the more information we get the better. As a matter of fact where we get criticized the most or at least we leave the public in the lurch the most is when they are unaware of what is ultimately going to be there. They don't seem to have quite the concern with the annexation and zoning on projects as they do to what is going to wind up there. And so the more information we can get that is conceptual or even concrete to use an occupancy structures, roadways, lighting, all of Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 18 those things then the better off we feel or more confident we feel passing judgement on other property or recommending judgement on a property. So to answer your question, kind of leading question, yes the more we can get the better we have found ourselves to be. One of the things that delays the process on a lot of other applications is the fact that information has been wanting. That is my general response to all applications and not specifically to yours. Tamura: Md I guess the other thing is in talking with Shari and discussing with Shari on how to proceed this, I guess the perception we would like to have is that for each phase we go along we would resubmit a conditional use or a finalized conditional use that would detail exactly what we are going to do in each phase. So this first phase we would like to request annexation and rezoning on the whole parcel and a specific conditional use just on our first phase and then we will contihually work. Johnson: We like to work on applications where we can condition the use and on a phase basis and Shari likes that too because we just have more control over landscaping and everything else we want in there as we see it develop. Tamura: One of the things that we think is what we would like to do with this property one it is in such a prime location as far as the future and what is going to happen there. Is looking at what has happened to the subdivisions it seems like the City doesn't have as quite as much control over what is being built or what is being developed. So I guess our concept is we would like to go ahead and own and control and develop all of the space behind. Potentially when we do the commercial depending on what goes there we will come back in on that. What we would like to do is come up with the concept where the buildings and the landscaping is an an integral part of that whole back section of our property. So it is all a planned unit development concept. More than having selling off lots where you have ten different kinds of users and buildings and whatever. So that is kind of a general concept and so beyond that it is just working out circulation and traffic for the Highway District. Johnson: It is quite a sizable thing there, you are talking 36 acres and (inaudible). We don't want to talk to you, we will see you next month. Vem did you have something or did you just come see if we were shutting your water off? (Inaudible) Johnson: We need another motion. Oslund: I move that adjourn this here meeting. Meridian Planning & Zoning Commission June 11, 1996 Page 19 MacCoy: Second Johnson: Moved and seconded that we adjourn the meeting, all those in favor? Opposed? MOTION CARRIED: All Yea MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:25 P.M. (TAPE ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS) APPROVED: ~ ~ ~~ I JOI NS N, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: ILLIAM G. BERG, JR., LERK • MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1996 - 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD MAY 14, ~99s: ~pproYe, MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING HELD MAY 22, 1996: apprvve~ 1. TABLED MARCH 12, 1996: ANNEXATION AND ZONING REQUEST FOR PACKARD SUBDIVISION N0.2 BY PNE/EDMONDS CONSTRUCTION: ~iz,b~e ~~e J~ y~ 2. TABLED MARCH 12, 1996: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PACKARD SUBDMSION N0.2 BY PNE/EDMONDS CONSTRUCTION: ~t2~ZGe tti.,.~-e ~c~ Qr_~ -. S 3. TABLED MAY 14, 1996: REQUE T FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE RANCH SUBDIVISION BY THE WESTPARK COMPANY: tab/e Z ~~y ~R. 4. TABLED MAY 14, 1996: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE RANCH SUBDNISION BYTHE WESTPARK COMPANY: 5 ~~e ~-z~e ~,~j y~ /n~ FINDINGS OF FACT AND CON . LUSIONS FLAW FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT A CHILD CARE CENTER BY JERRY COBLER: t~provt ~~~¢ e/C paJ,r ors r~com~dafi~w ~ C/G 6. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR ANNEXATION/ ZONING TO C-G BY JAMES >~ NN HASKIN AND MAYME L ~~ ~ ELLEN GREE ~ N: apymve p~c.rr a-,.- re co rr-.,. eye d~.~- ~a C~~ 7. FINDNGS OF FACT ANO CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR ANNEXATION/ k,o~ ZONING TO C-G BY RICHARD JOHNSON AND LAMONT KOUBA: a,oo~rv~e ~l~ ~Clt pa.r,I o~z recen.a-r-e..te~r~ tv ~?~C /I"J CONDITIONAL USE PERM IT FOR A RECREATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE USE BY LAMONT KOUBA; TABLED MAY 14, 1996: 9. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR RETAIL SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY DWAYNE WINN: P~f~ ~i ~r y to fy~ePa-~e ~/~ ¢ e /c 10 PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION20NING TO C-G AND 1-L BY DOUG T MURA AND ARTHUR BERRY: '~" J 1 PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR. A COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BY DOUG TAMURA AND ARTHUR BERRY: :<-: 12. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION2ONING TO C-G BY EAGLE PARTNERS LLC: CLp~i2~,%/v~-~ tv,~kG~/-~cu~r-.s 13. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR/A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CHEVRON C-STORE, MCDONALDS WITH A DRIVE THRU AND AN 80 ROOM HOTEL BY EAGLE PARTNERS LLC: ~~DPlic6c~7b~.i ~cJr~hdiaww CITY OF MERIDIA PUB~C MEETING SIGN- HEET ANNERATION AND ZONING WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 835 E. FAIRVIEW AVENUE MERIDIAN. IDA8O FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The above entitled annexation and zoning application having come on for consideration on May 14, 1996, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. on said date, at the Meridian City Ball, 33 East Idaho Street, Meridian, Idaho, and the Planning and Zoning Commission having heard and taken oral and written .testimony and the. Applicant's representative, Bob Daugherty, appearing in person, and having duly considered the matter, the Planning and Zoning Commission makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That notice of public hearing on the annexation and zoning was published for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the said public hearing scheduled for May 14, 1996, the first publication of which was fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing; that the matter was duly considered at May 14, 1996, hearing; that the public was given full opportunity to express comments and submit evidence; and that copies of all notices were available to newspaper, radio and television stations. 2. That the property included in the application for FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PA(;E - 1 ~.,~ • • annexation and zoning is described in the application, and by this reference is incorporated herein; that the property is approximately 3.87 acres in size. 3. That the property is presently zoned by the county as R-T (Rural Transition); that the. Applicant requests that the property be zoned General Retail and Service Commercial (C-G), and has requested a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a commercial facility with two (2) initial retail sales tenants; that one (1) tenant would be Extreme Sports, a Jet Ski Retailer, the other would be Treasure Valley Auto Parts, an auto parts retailer, both would be providing sales and service; that there will be an expresso/lunch shop; that these proposed retailers would be located in the first building, which would front on Fairview Avenue and be of concrete block construction. 4. That currently the property has a single family house with various out-buildings, a large asphalt parking area and the balance of the property is pasture; that the Applicant proposes removing the house and out-buildings. 5. That upon completion, and as demand requires, the Applicant proposes the construction of two (2) additional "R & M Steel Buildings"; that these two constructed buildings will be towards the rear of the property; that the anticipated tenants will be geared towards the auto service industry, such as, an auto detailing shop, muffler/welding shop, and recreational vehicle repair shop. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JONNSON-ROUBA PADS - 2 6. The general area surrounding the property is used primarily for commercial purposes; that the property to the north is being developed by AVEST PLAZA for the Fred Meyer shopping center; that this property is situated between Meridian Auto Sales and Roundtree Chevrolet, which are zoned commercial. 7. That the property is adjacent and abutting to the present City limits; that the property surrounding this lot is in Meridian. 8. That the property included ,in the annexation and zoning application is within the Area of Impact of the City of Meridian; that the parcel of ground requested to be annexed is presently included within the Meridian Urban Service Planning Area (U.S.P.A.) as the Urban Service Planning Area is defined in the Meridian Comprehensive Plan. 9. That Lamont and Lynn Rouba, of Meridian, Idaho, are the owners of the property and have requested this annexation and zoning and conditional use and the application is not at the request of the City of Meridian. 10. That the property could be physically serviced with City water and sewer. 11. Applicant's representative, Bob Daugherty, testified that this application is for a proposed commercial development which would be primarily geared towards the automotive and recreational industries; that the initial site plan reflected an entry on the west side of the property; that after conversations with the Ada County Highway District (ACRD), they suggested moving the entry to FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JO$NSON-ROUBA PAGE - 3 the east side of the property which would be next to the Roundtree Chevrolet dealership; that the new site plan indicates, as did the old site plan, that on the west aide of the property it is bordered by Meridian Auto Sales and on the east side of the property is Roundtree Chevrolet; that directly to the south of the land is vacant property; that on the southeast aide of the land is Danbury Subdivision; that on the southwest corner of the property is the Five Mile Creek Drainage; that the initial building in the front would be a block building and the rear buildings would be constructed of R and M Steel; that the belief is that this facility will fit in this area; that the five foot sidewalk, mentioned in staff's comments to connect to the sidewalk on Fairview Avenue, is addressed in the Ada County Highway District's impact fees; that the 35 foot setback along the main corridor of Fairview Avenue is anticipated to be bermed and landscaped. Mr. Daugherty added that there are two wells currently on the property; that the Applicant expects to abandon one and anticipates using the other for the pressurized irrigation system; that the R and M Steel buildings will be constructed and divided up with partitions according to demand, separating them for individual uses. 12. Commissioner Hepper commented that Roundtree does not have any service doors facing south towards Danbury Fair Subdivision and that he is concerned about what is marked as N, O, P and Q, where the service doors on those would be in relationship FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 4 to the entrances to Danbury Fair Subdivision; that there should be at least a 20 foot planting strip on the south with non-glare lights and no outside speakers which could be obtrusive to the residents on the other side of the fence. 13. Commissioner MacCoy commented that the Applicant consider building mounted lights which are shielded so you don't have lighting way out into the back end which would create a problem. 14. Diana Boyd testified regarding her concern of contamination; that the Applicant is a little premature in trying to get this property rezoned to commercial until the contamination is cleaned up; that she has spent a lot of money in trying to get Mr. Rouba to clean up the contamination; that it has not been cleaned up on her area which is contaminated from his side of the fence because it was a spray service; that benzine and chloradine are on her side of the fence which has not been cleaned up; that the Applicant has a beautifullj/laid out plan but she doesn't think it is going to look like the plot looks. 15. Bob Daugherty added that the concerns over contamination are legitimate concerns; the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) that was investigating the area and the property; that he is certainly willing to have this annexation and zoning and conditional use permit contingent on having a clean bill of health from the State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. In addition, he has elected not to even try to put in an auto body shop and would have no~ problems with required conditional use for FINDIN(i3 OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOSNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 5 all uses. 16. Eleanor and Rod Johnson testified that they own the property on which Roundtree Chevrolet sits, which L. B. Industries is leasing, and the property to the east of Mr. Rouba's property which is one full acre to the back along the canal bank; that the fence line has been moved; that they don't want access across their property. 17. That the Meridian Police Department, Fire Department, Assistant to the Meridian City Engineer, Ada County Highway District, Meridian Planning Director, Central District Health Department, and the Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District submitted comments; that those comments are incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full. 18. That Bruce Freckleton, the Assistant to the City Engineer, submitted the following comments: 1. That a legal description submitted appears to describe the subject parcel, however there appears to be an error in the closure. 2. That the site will be contiguous to several parcels already within the Corporate City Limit and that the land surveyor preparing the legal description for Annexation should contact the Public Works Department to discuss the legal description. 3. That any existing irrigation/drainage ditches crossing the property shall be tiled. 4. That any existing domestic wells and/or septic systems within this project will have to be removed from their domestic service per City Ordinance, but wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation. 5. That water service is contingent upon positive results from a hydraulic analysis. FINDINOS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAIi - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAOE - 6 6. That a drainage plan designed by an architect or an engineer shall be submitted for all off-street parking areas. 7. That outside lighting shall be designed and placed so as to not direct illumination on any nearby residences. 8. That all signage shall be in accordance with Meridian City Ordinances 9. That off-street parking, paving and stripping, shall all be provided in accordance with City Ordinances and that the paving and striping shall be in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 10. That water service to this development shall be from an extension of the existing 8 inch diameter main installed along the southerly side of Fairview Avenue; that all water mains shall be installed at subdivider's expense; that location of fire hydrant, water main sizes and locations shall be coordinated with the City. of Meridian's Water Works Superintendent; that Development plans shall be reviewed and approved through the Public Works Department. 11. That sewer service to this development shall be from an existing main that is in place along the west side of the site; that all sewer mains shall be installed at subdivider's expense and coordinate sewer main sizes and locations with the Public Works Department; that Development plans shall be reviewed and approved through the Public Works Department. 12. That the treatment capacity of the City of Meridian's Wastewater Treatment Plant is currently being evaluated; that approval of this application needs to be contingent upon the City's ability to accept the additional sanitary sewage generated by this proposed development. 13. Indicate any existing FEMA Floodplain Boundaries on the Site Plan Map, and/or any plans to reduce said boundaries. 14. That the Applicant shall develop pressurized irrigation system plans for the subject site due to the area to receive irrigation. 19. That the Planning and Zoning Administrator, Shari Stiles, FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 7 submitted comments and they are incorporated herein as if set forth in full, as follows: 1. That this request for Annexation and Zoning of C-G with a Condition Use Permit is consistent with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and is located in a Mixed- Planned Use Development area as shown on the Generalized Land Use Plan. 2. Ada County Highway District policy requires that access from Fairview to this development be located on the east side and that cross access agreements be entered into for the properties east and west of this parcel; that the site plan may be able to be flopped to accommodate this requirement. 3. Provide fire access and hydrant locations in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and Meridian Fire Department policies. 4. Fifty-four (54) three-inch (3") caliper trees are required for this development, but may not be located over the existing sewer line or over other utilities as depicted; Applicant shall revise landscaping to relocate trees. 5. Provide a copy of the executed license agreement with Nampa-Meridian Irrigation District to allow planting within their easement right-of-way prior to obtaining building permits. If trees are not allowed in this easement, trees shown will need to be relocated. 6. Coordinate dumpster site locations with the City's solid waste contractor, Sanitary Services, Inc., so as not to impede fire access and all dumpstera shall be contained in a screened enclosure. 7. Dedicate four (4) additional feet of right-of-way on Fairview Avenue (54' from centerline). Furnish a copy of recorded warranty deed for dedication of additional right-of-way prior to obtaining building permits. 8. Provide a thirty-five (35') foot landscape setback beyond required right-of-way. Applicant to provide detailed landscape plan including berming details for approval prior to obtaining building permits. Sidewalk/curbing should be installed along Fairview Avenue to provide finished appearance. ACHD has requested that monies for the sidewalk be deposited into FINDINfiS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JONNSON-KOUBA PAdB - 8 a trust. 9. Applicant to provide curbing and underground sprinkler system for all landscaped areas. 10. Maintain twenty-foot (20') buffer strip adjacent to Danbury Fair Subdivision as shown on plan. The R-T property to the south may also require additional buffering by means of fencing/landscaping. 11. Provide temporary fencing to contain debris during construction. 12. That all paving, striping and signage of the parking lot to be in accordance with Meridian City Ordinance and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 13. Lighting shall not illuminate adjacent residential properties or cause glare. 14. A development agreement/detailed conditions of approval are required as a condition of annexation; that all uses should be developed under the conditional use permit process. 15. That the Applicant shall provide a revised site plan meeting all staff and agency requirements prior to public hearing at City Council level. 20. That the Ada County Highway District submitted comments and they are incorporated herein as if set forth in full. That the District submitted site specific requirements, which are as follows: 1. That the Applicant dedicate 54 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Fairview Avenue abutting the parcel (4 additional feet) by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits). 2. Provide a $1,275.00 deposit to the Public Rights-of- Way Trust Fund for the cost of constructing a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on Fairview Avenue abutting the parcel (approximately 150 feet). 3. Construct a 36' wide driveway located at this site's FINDIN(38 OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAMP - JONNSON-KOUBA pAa$ - 9 east property line. The driveway shall be paved a minimum of 30 feet into the site and shall have 15 foot radii pavement tapers. 4. That the Applicant be required to provide cross access easements to the parcels abutting the site's east and west (the parcel south of Meridian Auto Sales) to use shared access points for access to Fairview Avenue, prior to issuance of a building permit or other required permits. The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the east and west if they are the subject of a future development application. 5. Other than the access point specifically approved with this application, direct lot or parcel access to Fairview Avenue is prohibited. 21. That the Sewer Department submitted a comment regarding the conditional use request and such comment is hereby incorporated herein as if set forth in full; that a copy of the internal plumbing plans be submitted; that review of construction plans for pretreatment purpose will be required. 22. That the Water Department commented that the plans for the proposed water main, fire hydrants and domestic service locations and sizes need to be submitted to the Water Department and reviewed. 23. That Commissioner MacCoy submitted statements regarding this application and they are hereby incorporated herein as if set forth in full; he commented he had no objection to this property being rezoned to C-G in light of what is already so zoned and constructed along Fairview Avenue; that he does object to the property to the south being zoned C-G in light of other County R-T located there. FINDINOS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAN - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAOE - 10 i ~ 24. That the following pertinent statements are made in the Meridian Comprehensive Plan: A. Under ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Economic Development Goal Statement 1.3 The character, site improvements and type of new commercial or industrial developments should be harmonized with the natural environment and respect the unique needs and features of each area. 1.6 It is the policy of the City of Meridian to support shopping facilities which are effectively integrated into new or existing residential areas, and plan for new shopping centers as growth and development warrant. B. Under LAND USE 5. MIXED-PLANNED USE DEVELOPMENT, Page 28 Mixed-use Area at Locust Grove Road and Fairview Avenue Plus Area North of Fairview Avenue. These areas are within Ada County, but nearly surrounded by the City of Meridian. The area is characterized by large rural lots, and a sparse development pattern. in order to stimulate planned development in these areas, the following policies apply: a. 5.16U All development requests will be subject to development review and conditional use permit processing to ensure neighborhood compatibility. b. 5.17U A variety of coordinated, planned and compatible land uses are desirable for this area, including low-to-high density residential, office, light industrial and commercial land uses. c. S.18U Existing residential properties will be protected from incompatible land use development in this area. Screening and buffers will be incorporated into all development requests in this area. C. Under COMMUNITY DESIGN, at Page 71 1. Entryway Corridors 2. Fairview Avenue (East entrance). FINDZNOS OF FACT AND CONCLUSI06S OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 11 3. Entrance Corridors Goal Statement - Promote, encourage, develop and maintain aesthetically pleasing approaches to the City of Meridian. 3. Policies, Page 71 a. 4.3U Use the Comprehensive Plan, subdivision regulations, and zoning to discourage strip development and encourage clustered, landscaped business development on entrance corridors. b. 4.4U Encourage 35-foot landscaped setbacks for new development on entrance corridors. The City shall require, as a condition of development approval, landscaping along all entrance corridors. 4. Neighborhood Identify Goal Policies, Page 72 a. 6.4U Limit the conversion of predominantly residential neighborhoods to nonresidential uses, and require effective buffers and mitigation measures through conditional use permits when appropriate nonresidential uses are proposed. 25. That the property is included within an area designated on the Generalized Land Use Map in the Meridian Comprehensive Plan as a commercial area; that the commercial area is in an area that is listed as a Mixed/Planed Use Development area. 26. That the requested zoning of General Retail and Service Commercial, (C-G) is defined in the Zoning Ordinance at 11-2-408 B. 11. as follows: (C-G- General Retail and Service Commercial: The purpose of the (C-G) District is to provide for commercial uses which are customarily operated entirely or almost entirely within a building; to provide for a review of the impact of proposed commercial uses which are auto and service oriented and are located in close proximity to major highway or arterial streets; to fulfill the need of travel-related services as well as retail sales for the transient and permanent motoring public. All such districts shall be connected to the Municipal Water and Sewer systems of the City of Meridian, and shall not constitute strip commercial development and encourage clustering of commercial development. FINDIN(i8 OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 12 27. That Section 11-2-409, ZONING SCHEDULE OF USE CONTROL, B, Commercial, lists commercial uses allowed in the various zoning districts of the City; that individual department stores, retail stores, restaurants, and wholesale facilities, are allowed uses in the C-G district; that planned commercial developments, are an allowed use in the C-G district. 28. That Planned Development is defined in 11-2-403 B, at page 20 of the Zoning Ordinance booklet, as follows: "An area of land which is developed as a single entity for a number of uses in combination with or exclusive of other supportive uses. A PD may be entirely residential, industrial, or commercial or a mixture of compatible uses. A PD does not necessarily correspond to lot size, bulk, density, lot coverage required, open space or type of residential, commercial or industrial uses as established in any one or more created districts or this Ordinance." and a Planned General Development is defined as follows: "A development not otherwise distinguished under Planned Commercial, Industrial, Residential Developments, or in which the proposed use of interior and exterior spaces requires unusual design flexibility to achieve a completely logical and complimentary conjunction of uses and functions. This PD classification applies to essential public services, public or private recreation facilities, institutional uses, community facilities or a PD which includes a mix of residential, commercial or industrial uses." 29. That in 1992 the Idaho State Legislature passed amendments to the Local Planning Act, which in 67-6513 Idaho Code, relating to subdivision ordinances, states as follows: "Each such ordinance may provide for mitigation of the effects of subdivision development on the ability of political subdivisions of the state, including school districts, to deliver services without compromising quality of service delivery to current residents or imposing substantial additional costs upon current residents to accommodate the subdivision."; FINDINOS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOBNSON-ROUBA PAtiE - 13 that the City of Meridian is concerned with the increase in population that is occurring and with its impact on the City being able to provide fire, police, emergency health care, water, sewer, parks and recreation services to its current residents and to those moving into the City; the City is also concerned that the increase in population is burdening the schools of the Meridian School District which provides school service to current and future residents of the City; that the City knows that the increase in population, and the housing for that population, does not sufficiently increase the tax base to offset the cost of providing fire, police, emergency health care, water, sewer, parks and recreation services; and the City knows that the increase in population does not provide sufficient tax base to provide for school services to current and future students. 30. That pursuant to the instruction, guidance, and direction of the Idaho State Legislature, the City may impose either a development fee or a transfer fee on residential property, which, if possible, would be retroactive and apply to all lots in the City, because of the imperilment to the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens of the City of Meridian. 31. That Section 11-9-605 C states as follows: "Right-of-way for pedestrian walkways in the middle of long blocks may be required where necessary to obtain convenient pedestrian circulation to schools, parks or shopping areas; the pedestrian easement shall be at least ten feet (10') wide." 32. That Section 11-9-605 G 1. states as follows: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAN - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 14 "Planting strips shall be required to be placed next to incompatible features such as highways, railroads, commercial or industrial uses to screen the view from residential properties. Such screening shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20') wide, and shall not be a part of the normal street right of way or utility easement." 33. That Section 11-9-605 H 2. states as follows: "Existing natural features which add value to residential development and enhance the attractiveness of the community (such as trees, watercourses, historic spots and similar irreplaceable amenities) shall be preserved in the design of the subdivision;" 34. That Section 11-9-605 L states as follows: "Bicycle and pedestrian pathways shall be encouraged within new developments as part of the public right of way or as separate easements so that an alternate transportation system (which is distinct and separate from the automobile) can be provided throughout the City Urban Service Planning Area. The Commission and Council shall consider the Bicycle-Pedestrian Design Manual for Ada County (as prepared by Ada County Highway District) when reviewing bicycle and pedestrian pathway provisions within developments." 35. As stated above in Paragraph 3, the Applicant submitted an application for a conditional use to allow commercial retail sales businesses catering to recreational and auto industries; that such material on the conditional use permit is incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full; that the Applicant did not specifically address the conditional use for the wholesale/retail business at the public hearing; that as found above, the Planning Director stated that the Applicant needs to provide a minimum landscape setback of 35 foot from the required ACHD right-of-way; that all outdoor storage of equipment and materials shall be screened from view from any existing adjoining residence or residentially zoned area and not located in any front FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAti - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 15 yard setback area; that the display area shall be uncluttered; that all off-street parking areas and all ditches be tiled per City Ordinance; that the lighting shall not cause glare or adverse impact to residential properties or traffic on Fairview Avenue; that a development agreement shall be required as a condition of annexation; that a Certificate of Occupancy is required prior to opening for business and that the location of the handicapped parking stall be adjacent to the building. 36. That there are commercial uses on both aides of Fairview, including a used car lot, a retail paint store, a fitness center on the north side of Fairview, and restaurants on the north side of Fairview; also on the north side of Fairview Avenue there is a carwash and an emergency medical office; that farther east on Fairview Avenue is an Intermountain Farmer retail store. 37. That proper notice was given as required by law and all procedures before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council were given and followed. CONCLUSIONS 1. That all the Planning Act and of the been met; including the within 300 feet of the property. 2. That the City pursuant to 50-222, Idah< procedural requirements of the Local Ordinances of the City of Meridian have mailing of notice to owners of property external boundaries of the Applicant's of Meridian has authority to annex land >Code, and Section 11-2-417 of the Revised FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAOS - 16 and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian; that exercise of the City's annexation authority is a legislative function. 3. That the City Planning and Zoning Commission has judged these annexation, zoning and conditional use applications under Idaho Code, Section 50-222, Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, Meridian City Ordinances, Meridian Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the record submitted to it and things of which it can take judicial notice. 4. That all notice and hearing requirements set forth in Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and the Ordinances of the City of Meridian have been complied with. 5. That the Council may take judicial notice of government ordinances, and policies, and of actual conditions existing within the City and State. 6. That the land within the proposed annexation is contiguous to the present City limits of the City of Meridian, and the annexation would not be a shoestring annexation. 7. That the annexation application has been initiated by the Applicant with the consent of the property owner, and is not upon the initiation of the City of Meridian. 8. That since the annexation and zoning of land is a legislative function, the City has authority to place conditions upon the annexation of land. Burt vs. The Citv of Idaho Falls. 105 Idaho 65, 665 P.D 1075 (1983). 9. That the development of annexed land must meet and comply FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JONNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 17 with the Ordinances of the City of Meridian and in particular. Section 11-9-616, which pertains to development time schedules and requirements, and Section 11-9-605 M., which pertains to the tiling of ditches and waterways. 10. That the Applicant's proposed use of the property is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and therefore the annexation and zoning Application is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 11. The Applicant has stated and represented that its intention is to have businesses related to the automobile and other motor vehicles, which are permitted uses in the C-G district. 12. That, as a condition of annexation and zoning of C-G, the Applicant shall be required to enter into a development agreement as authorized by 11-2-416 L and 11-2-417 D; that the development agreement shall address, among other things, the following: 1. Inclusion into the development of the requirements of 11- 9-605 a. C, Pedestrian Walkways. b. G 1, Planting Strips. c. H, Public Sites and Open Spaces. d. K, Lineal Open Space Corridors. e. L, Pedestrian and Bike Path Ways. f. M, Pressurized Irrigation 2. The concerns of the owners of property along Fairview Avenue, stated in prior public hearings, were of having lights, particularly automobile headlights, shine into their y ards and homes. 3. Payment by the Applicant, or if required, any assigns, heirs, executors or personal representatives, of any impact, development, or transfer fee, adopted by the City. 4. Address ing the access linkage, screening, buffering, FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 18 transitional land uses, traffic study and recreation services . 5. An impact fee to help acquire a future school or park sites to serve the area. 6. An impact fee, dr fees, for park, police, and fire services as determined by the City. 7. Appropriate berming and landscaping. 8. Submission and approval of any required plats. 9. Harmonizing and integrating the site improvements with any existing residential development. 10. Establishing the 35 foot landscaped setback as mentioned in the Planning Directors comments and in the Comprehensive Plan and landscaping the same. 11. Addressing the other comments of the Planning Director, Shari Stiles. 12. The sewer and water requirements. 13. Traffic plans and access into and out of the development. 14. And any other items deemed necessary by the City Staff, including design review of all development, and conditional use processing as required under the Meridian Comprehensive Plan. 13. That Section 11-2-417 D of the Meridian Zoning Ordinance states in part as follows: "if property ie annexed and zoned, the City may require or permit, as a condition of the zoning, that an owner or developer make a written commitment concerning the use or development of the subject property. If a commitment is required or permitted, it shall be recorded in the office of the Ada County Recorder and shall take effect upon the adoption of the ordinance annexing and zoning the property, or prior if agreed to by the owner of the parcel. ."; that since the enactment of the above section, the City has found that it is difficult for the City and the Applicant to enter into a development agreement prior to annexation; that it is therefore FINDINOS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 19 concluded that a development agreement shall be entered into, dealing with the matters set forth in the preceding section prior to issuance of a building permit. 14. That it is concluded that the annexing and zoning of the property is in the best interests of the City of Meridian. 15. That it is concluded that 11-2-418 C of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian sets forth the standards under which the-i>~ty-6~ei~- sfiall review applications for Conditional Use Permits; that upon a review of those requirements and a review f the facts presented and the conditions /Qhn/h^~i7~-q ~orrr+sEdrio,~ of the area, the-6~- c ncludes as follows: a. The use, would in fact, not constitute a conditional use as under the Meridian Zoning Ordinance planned commercial development, retail stores, and wholesale facilities, are permitted uses in the C-G district, but since the Comprehensive Plan states that all development requests in the Mixed Use Areas around Fairview Avenue and Locust Grove Road will be subject to development review and conditional use permit processing to ensure neighborhood compatibility, the conditional use application is deemed to be appropriate, as is the granting of such conditional use. b. The use should be harmonious with and in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan, if the requirements in these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are met, but the Comprehensive Plan requires a conditional use permit to allow the use. c. The use apparently would be designed and constructed, to be harmonious in appearance with the intended character of the general vicinity as long as development is undertaken to meet the representations of the Applicant in the Application and as stated at the public hearing and those that may be required by the City under design review. d. That the use would not be hazardous nor should it be disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses as long FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGS - 20 as development is undertaken to meet the representations of the Applicant and those that may be required by the City under design review. e. The property will have sewer and water service available, but the Applicant will have to extend the lines to serve all parts of his property. f. The use would not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and the use would not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The use would not involve a use, activity, process, material, equipment or conditions of operation that would be detrimental to person, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic or noise. h. That sufficient parking for the property and the proposed use will be required and the parking ordinance shall be met including the preparation of a parking plan and landscaping plan. i. The development and uses will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural or scenic feature of major importance. 16. It is concluded that the conditional use permit should be granted, but as a condition of the conditional use permit a development agreement shall be entered into regarding the development of the retail uses and such is hereby made a condition of the granting of the conditional use permit. 17. That the requirements of the Meridian Police and Fire Departments, Meridian City Engineer's office, Ada County Highway District, Meridian Planning Director, Central District Health Department, and the Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District, shall be met and addressed in a development agreement. 18. That it is concluded that the location and layout of the proposed use on the property could pose problems with regard to FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOHNSON-ROUBA PAGE - 21 noise, glare, fumes or odors for the adjacent residential properties to the south; that it is concluded that it is one of the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance to protect residential, commercial, industrial and civic areas from the intrusion of incompatible uses and to provide opportunities for establishments to concentrate for efficient operation in mutually beneficial relationships to each other and to shared services (11-2-401 5.), but it is also the purpose of the Zoning Ordinance to encourage the proper distribution and compatible integration of neighborhood commercial uses into all residential areas of the City (11-2-401 11.). 19. That it is concluded that to make the proposed use harmonious and compatible to neighboring residential uses to the south the following requirements must be met, and continuously met; and these conditions should be reviewed by the City Council, amended, added to, changed or deleted as the City Council deems appropriate: a. That the Applicant shall provide a barrier along the property's boundaries as directed by the Planning and Zoning Administ or. b. That the buildings shall be subject to design review and all bulans shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning for approval before they are submitted to the Building Inspector. c. That any and all lighting shall be directed away from adjacent residential or commercial uses and shall be constructed such that it does not glare, or shine, on any surrounding property, unless the owner of the adjacent property signs a written consent to have it shine on the propert w ich consent must be submitted to the Planning and Zoning rector FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JONNSON-KOUBA PAGB - 22 d. That the use of any external loudspeakers shall be limited to business hours, 7:30 a. m. to 8:00 p. m., only on Monday through Friday, and shall be limited to 60 decibels; that all of the buildings shall be constructed to be as soundproof as reasonably possible. e. That there shall be no wrecked, demolished, or junk cars kept or stored on the property, unless they are totally screened from view. f. That there shall be no offensive fumes, smoke or odor emitted from the property; that .normal motor vehicle exhaust from passenger or pickup trucks shall not be deemed to be offensive; that all hazardous wastes shall be properly disposed of and shall not be maintained on the property. g. That all construction, including remodeling, fence construction, and plantings shall be subject to Design Review by the City of Meridian. 20. That the conditions stated herein, or as ultimately set by the City Council, shall be agreed to by the Applicant, in writing; that if they are not so agreed to the Application should be denied. 21. That all ditches, canals, and waterways shall be tiled as a condition of annexation and if not so tiled, the property shall be subject to de-annexation. 22. That the Applicant will be required to connect to Meridian water and sewer and resolve how the water and sewer mains will serve the land. 23. That proper and adequate access to the property is available and will have to be maintained, with appropriate buffering to residential properties or traffic on Fairview Avenue. 24. That these conditions shall run with the land and bind the Applicant and his assigns. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JONNSON-ROUBA PAGfi - 23 25. With compliance of the conditions contained herein, the annexation and zoning of General Retail and Service Commercial (C- G), and the issuance of a conditional use permit would be in the best interest of the City of Meridian. 26. That if these conditions of approval are not met,. the property shall not be annexed and the conditional uae permit shall not be granted. VOTED APPROVAL OF FINDINGS OF FACT ARD The Meridian City Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONER HEPPER COMMISSIONER OSLUND COMMISSIONER SHEARER COMMISSIONER MacCOY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON (TIE BREAKER) VOTED _ / VOTED ',','/.{~/VO VOTED ~~',,,yyy~~~_,, G.1f' ~~ VOTED FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAIi - JOHNSON-KOUBA PAGE - 24 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Meridian recommends to the City Council that the property set forth in the application be approved for annexation, zoning and the issuance of a conditional use permit, under the conditions set forth in the Conclusions of Law. MOTION: C APPROVED: ~~~t+/_ DISAPPROVED: FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW - JOSNSON-KOUBA PAGE - 25 JAMES & DONNA HASKIN ,;~ti~ AND MAYME ELLEN GREEN APPLICATION FOR ANNERATION AND ZONING NORTRWEST CORNER OF EAOLS ROAD AND FRANKLIN ROAD MERIDIAN. IDAHO FINDIN(~8 OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The above entitled annexation and zoning application having come on for consideration on May 14, 1996, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. on said date, at the Meridian City Hall, 33 East Idaho Street, Meridian, Idaho, and the Commission having heard and taken oral and written testimony and the Applicant appearing through its representative, Dale Ownby, and having duly considered the matter, the Planning and Zoning Commission makes the following: FINDINCiB OF FACT 1. That notice of public hearing on the annexation and zoning was published for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the said public hearing scheduled for May 14, 1996, the first publication of which was fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing; that the matter was duly considered at the May 14, 1996, hearing; that the public was given full opportunity to express comments and submit evidence; and that copies of all notices were available to newspaper, radio and television stations. 2. That the property included in the application for FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 1 `J~ BEFORE THB MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONIRO COMMISSION ~~ annexation and zoning is described in the application, and by this reference is incorporated herein. 3. That the property is presently zoned by Ada County as R-T and is used presently for three (3) single family residences, one (1) older barn and pasture; that the Applicant requests that the property be zoned C-G, General Retail and Service Commercial; that no specific use for the property was presented. 4. That the property is approximately one quarter mile north of the new Meridian St. Lukes Hospital; that to the east across Eagle Road is vacant land, which is zoned light industrial; that to the north is the Olson & Bush Industrial Park; that immediately north of the subject property, approximately five plus (5+) acres is projected to be light industrial. 5. That James A. and Donna L. Haskin are one of the Applicants and they own the land described at 3140 E. Franklin Road; that Mayme Ellen Green is also an Applicant and she owns that portion of the property located at 3070 E. Franklin Road; and both Applicants have consented to the application and have requested this annexation and zoning and the application is not at the request of the City of Meridian. 6. That the Assistant to the City Engineer, Bruce Freckleton, Shari Stiles, Planning & Zoning Administrator, Meridian City Police and Fire Departments, Central District Health Department, Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District, and draft comments from Ada County Highway District were submitted; that those comments are submitted herein by this reference and are FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASRIN/GREEN-C-G Page 2 hereby incorporated herein as if set forth in full. 7. That Bruce Freckleton, Assistant to the City Engineer, submitted comments; that the legal description submitted with the application appears to meet the requirements for annexation per Meridian City Resolution No. 158; that any existing irrigation/drainage ditches crossing the property to be included in this project shall be tiled per City Ordinance 11-9-605 M; that any existing domestic wells and/or septic systems with this project shall be removed from their domestic service per City Ordinance, except that wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation; that the City of Meridian owns and maintains a 12 inch diameter water main which is along the east side of Eagle Road and water service will have to be extended into (and through) the parcel; that sewer service to this site shall be from a main that is currently being designed by Pacific Land Surveyor as part of the "Ronald W. Van Auker, inc. - Sewer Project", and that sewer service will have to be extended into (and through) the parcel. 8. That Planning and Zoninq Director, Shari Stiles submitted comments, which are as follows: 1. That this annexation and zoning request is being made to help correct the problem of an illegal lot split that was made in Ada County; that the westernmost parcel was split off from the parcel that lies below the ridge which is adjacent to Olson & Buah Industrial Park; 2. That an easement has been granted from Franklin Road to access the lower property, so no direct .access is allowed from Eagle Road; that the site is shown on the generalized Land Uae Map of the Meridian Comprehensive Plan as Commercial and Industrial; that this access may eventually be tied to the stub street being provided in Phase 2 of the Olson & Bush Industrial Park. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - BASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 3 3. That the intersection of Eagle Road/Franklin is destined to be developed as an urban interchange with grade-separated approaches; that access on Franklin Road will be limited to one access a minimum of 660 feet west of the intersection; that 100 feet from centerline required on both Eagle and Franklin Roads will take up the majority of the easternmost lot. 4. That all ditches are to be tiled in accordance with Meridian City Ordinance unless a variance is granted. 5. That landscape setbacks are required on Eagle and Franklin Roads; that thirty-five feet (35') would be excessive due to the available property; however, a minimum of twenty feet (20') should be provided. 6. That there be the dedication of additional right-of- way on Eagle Road and Franklin Road prior to obtaining building permits/certificates of occupancy and that a copy of the recorded Warranty Deed be furnished for dedication of additional right-of-way prior to obtaining building permits. 7. That no commercial use will be allowed unless developed as a planned development under the conditional use permit process and that use shall remain residential until a conditional use permit has been submitted and approved. 8. That the Applicant is required to enter into a development agreement with the City as a condition of annexation. 9. That the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) submitted draft site specific comments and such are incorporated herein as if set forth in full as follows: 1. Dedicate 100-feet of right-of-way from the ultimate street centerline of Franklin Road abutting the parcel (60 additional feet) by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first; that the owner will be compensated for this additional right-of-way from available impact fee revenues in this benefit zone. 2. That the requirements of the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) for State Highway 55 (Eagle Road) frontage, shall be complied with. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 4 3. Provide a $6,766.00 deposit to the public Rights-of- Way Trust Fund for the cost of constructing a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk on Franklin Road abutting the parcel (approximately 796 feet) prior to issuance of any required permits or District approval of a final plat, whichever occurs first. 4. That existing driveways shall be eliminated prior to construction of the urban interchange. No new driveways on Franklin Road within 660 feet of Eagle Road shall be permitted with this application. 5. Provide a recorded cross access easement between all the parcels within the annexation area and to the parcels to the north and west prior to District approval of a final plat, issuance of a building permit or other required permits. The District intends to require a similar agreement of the owners of the parcels to the north and west if they are the subject of a future development application. 6. Restrictions on the width, number and locations of driveways, as required by District policy, shall be placed on future development of this parcel. 10. The Meridian Police and Fire Department Departments, Central District Realth Department, and Nampa Meridian Irrigation District submitted comments; that all such comments are incorporated herein as if set forth in full. 11. That Commissioner MacCoy submitted a statement regarding this application and it is hereby incorporated herein as if set forth in full; he commented that since the area in which this property is located is already marked for Light Industrial Zoning, he has no objection or comments concerning the General Retail and Service Commercial Zoning (C-G), at this time. 12. Dale Ownby, Applicant's representative, testified that this property is located at the northwest corner of Eagle and Franklin Road, which is at an entry way corridor; that this is a FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 5 • proposed Planned Unit Development, which the Comprehensive Plan indicates as commercial and industrial; that Applicant agrees with the staff comments and some clarification. 13. That there was no other testimony given. 14. That Ronald Van Auker, Inc. submitted a letter in support of this Application, provided that the Applicant is required to hook up to the sewer and participate in the costs of extending the sewer through either an initial pro-rata contribution to the cost or through the payment of late-comer's fees. 15. That the parcel of ground requested to be annexed is presently included within the Meridian Urban Service Planning Area (U.S.P.A.) as the Urban Service Planning Area is defined in the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in the Meridian Area of Impact. 16. That the property can be physically serviced with City water and sewer. 17. That the following pertinent statements are made in the Meridian Comprehensive Plan: A. Under ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Economic Development Goal Statement. Policies, Page 19 1.1 The City of Meridian shall make every effort to create a positive atmosphere which encourages industrial and commercial enterprises to locate in Meridian. 1.2 it is the policy of the City of Meridian to set aside areas where commercial and industrial interests and activities are to dominate. 1.3 The character, site improvements and type of new commercial or industrial developments should be harmonized with the natural environment and respect FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASRIN/GREEN-C-G Page 6 the unique needs and features of each area. 1.5 Strip industrial and commercial uses are not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 1.6 It is the policy of the City of Meridian to support shopping facilities which are effectively integrated into new or existing residential areas, and plan for new shopping centers as growth and development warrant. 1.8 The City of Meridian intends to establish a Design Review Ordinance which will foster compatible land use and design within the development, and with contiguous developments; and encourage innovations in building techniques, so that the growing demands of the community are met, while at the same time providing for the efficient use of such lands. B. Under LAND USE, Mixed-Use Areas Adjacent to i-84, Overland Road and Franklin Road, Page 28. 5.6 The development of a variety of compatible land uses should be provided in specific plans and proposals for future development. 5.8 Development in these areas should be based on functional plans and proposals in order to ensure that the proposed uses conform to the Comprehensive Plan policies and are compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods. 5.9 The integrity and identity of any adjoining residential neighborhood should be preserved through the use of buffering techniques, including screen plantings, open space and other landscaping techniques. 5.10 Development should be conducted under Planned Unit Development procedures and as conditional uses, especially when two or more differing uses are proposed. 5.11 The character, site improvements, and type of development should be harmonized with previously- developed land in the area, and where located adjacent to or near any existing residence or residential area, shall be harmonized with residential uses, and all reasonable efforts shall be made to reduce the environmental impact on FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASRIN/GREEN-C-G Page 7 C~ residential areas, including noise and traffic reduction. 5.12 Strip development within this mixed-use area is not in compliance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 5.13 Clustering of uses and controlled access points along arterials and collector streets will be required. 5.14U Because these areas are near I-84, Franklin and Overland Roads, high-quality visual appearance is essential. All development proposals in this area will be subject to development review guidelines and conditional use permitting procedures. 5.15U The mixed-use area in the vicinity of the Overland Road/Franklin Road/ Eagle Road/I-84 interchange is a priority development area. C. Under TRANSPORTATION, Page 43 and 72 a. Franklin Road east of Meridian Road and Eagle Road north of Overland Road are listed as Principal Arterials and as Entryway Corridors. D. Under COMMUNITY DESIGN, Policies, at Page 73 1. Entrance Corridors Goal Statement - Promote, encourage, develop and maintain aesthetically pleasing approaches to the City of Meridian. 2. Policies, a. 4.4U Encourage 35-foot landscaped setbacks for new development on entrance corridors. The City shall require, as a condition of development approval, landscaping along all entrance corridors. 18. That the property is included within an area designated on the Generalized Land Use Map in the Meridian Comprehensive Plan as a Mixed/Planed Use Development area. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - BASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 8 19. That the requested zoning of General Retail and Service Commercial, (C-G) is defined in the Zoning Ordinance at 11-2- 408 B. 11. as follows: (C-G1 General Retail and Service Commercial: The purpose of the (C-G) District is to provide for commercial uses which are customarily operated entirely or almost entirely within a building; to provide for a review of the impact of proposed commercial uses which are auto and service oriented and are located in close proximity to major highway or arterial streets; to fulfill the need of travel-related services as well as retail sales for the transient and permanent motoring public. All such districts shall be connected to the Municipal Water and Sewer systems of the City of Meridian, and shall not constitute strip commercial development and encourage clustering of commercial development. 20. That Planned Development is defined in 11-2-403 B, at page 20 of the Zoning Ordinance booklet, as follows: "An area of land which is developed as a single entity for a number of uses in combination with or exclusive of other supportive uses. A PD may be entirely residential, industrial, or commercial or a mixture of compatible uses. A PD does not necessarily correspond to lot size, bulk, density, lot coverage required, open space or type of residential, commercial or industrial uses as established in any one or more created districts or this Ordinance." and a Planned General Development is defined as follows: "A development not otherwise distinguished under Planned Commercial, Industrial, Residential Developments, or in which the proposed use of interior and exterior spaces requires unusual design flexibility to achieve a completely logical and complimentary conjunction of uses and functions. This PD classification applies to essential public services, public or private recreation facilities, institutional uses, community facilities or a PD which includes a mix of residential, commercial or industrial uses." FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASRIN/GREEN-C-G Page 9 21. That under 11-2-409, ZONING SCHEDULE OF USE CONTROL, B Commercial, Planned Commercial Development, is a permitted use in the C-G district and Planned Unit Development - General, is an allowed conditional use in the C-G district. 22. That proper notice was given as required by law and all procedures before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council were given and followed. CONCLUSIONS 1. That all the procedural requirements of the Local Planning Act and of the Ordinances of the City of Meridian have been met; including the mailing of notice to owners of property within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the Applicant's property. 2. That the City of Meridian has authority to annex land pursuant to 50-222, Idaho Code, and Section 11-2-417 of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian; that exercise of the City's annexation authority is a legislative function. 3. That the Planning and Zoning commission has judged these annexation, zoning and conditional use applications under Idaho Code, Section 50-222, Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, Meridian City Ordinances, Meridian Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the record submitted to it and things of which it can take judicial FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 10 notice. 4. That all notice and hearing requirements set forth in Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and the Ordinances of the City of Meridian have been complied with. 5. That the Council may take judicial notice of government ordinances, and policies, and of actual conditions existing within the City and State. 6. That the land within the proposed annexation is contiguous to the present City limits of the City of Meridian, and the annexation would not be a shoestring annexation. 7. That the annexation application has been initiated by the Applicant, and is not upon the initiation of the City of Meridian. 8. That since the annexation and zoning of land is a legislative function, the City has authority to place conditions upon the annexation of land. Burt vs. The City of Idaho Falls, 105 Idaho 65, 665 P.D 1075 (1983). 9. That the development of annexed land must meet and comply with the Ordinances of the City of Meridian and in particular Section 11-9-616, which pertains to development time schedules and requirements, and Section 11-9-605 M., which pertains to the tiling of ditches and waterways and 11-9-606 14., which requires pressurized irrigation. 10. That the Applicants stated no proposed use of the FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 11 property and therefore it cannot be determined if the use would be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, however any uses would have to comply with the Zoning Ordinance. 11. That the City adopted the Comprehensive Plan at its meeting on January 4, 1994, and has not amended the Zoning Ordinance to reflect the changes made in the Comprehensive Plan; thus, uses may be called for or allowed in the Comprehensive Plan but the Zoning Ordinance may not address provisions for the use; it is concluded that upon annexation, as conditions of annexation, the City may impose restrictions that are not otherwise contained in the current Zoning and Subdivision and Development Ordinances. 12. The Applicants, as stated above, have not stated or represented its intention as to development, which is of concern to the Commission; it is therefore concluded, as a condition of annexation and zoning, that any use or development of the property shall only be allowed as conditional uses. 13. That it is concluded that the City could annex the property and zone it C-G, but once the property was zoned C-G, the Applicant could place ufany different uses on the property without additional approval from the City other than building permits, which limits the control that the City should have over the development and the uses of the property due to the mandates of the Comprehensive Plan. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASRIN/GREEN-C-G Page 12 14. That it is concluded that since the Comprehensive Plan, under LAND USE, Page 28, Mixed-Use Area at Eagle Road and Franklin Road, in 5.10, states that all development should be conducted under Planned Unit Development procedures and as conditional uses and since the City should have control over any uses that are to be placed on the land, it is therefore concluded that development of the parcel of land is conditioned on being developed as a Commercial or General Planned Development, which is allowed in the General Retail and Service Commercial (C-G) district, or under the conditional use permit process. 15. Therefore, it is concluded that the property should be annexed and zoned General Retail and Service Commercial (C-G), but only capable of being developed as a planned commercial development or under the conditional use permit process. 16. That, as a condition of annexation and the zoning of C-G, the Applicant shall be required to enter into a development agreement as authorized by 11-2-416 L and 11-2-417 D; that the development agreement shall address, among other things, the following: 1. Inclusion into the development of the requirements of 11- 9-605 a. C, Pedestrian Walkways. b. G 1, Planting Strips. c. H, Public Sites and Open Spaces. d. K, Lineal Open Space Corridors. e. L, Pedestrian and Bike Path Ways. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 13 2. Payment by the Applicant, or if required, any assigns, heirs, executors or personal representatives, of any impact, development, or transfer fee, adopted by the City. 3. Addressing the subdivision access linkage, screening, buffering, transitional land uses, traffic study and recreation services. 4. An impact fee to help acquire a future school or park sites to serve the area. 5. An impact fee, or fees, for park, police, and fire services as determined by the city. 6. Appropriate berming and landscaping. 7. Submission and approval of any required plats. 8. Submission and approval of individual building, drainage, lighting, parking, and other development plans under the Planned Development guidelines, including plans for the storage units. 9. Harmonizing and integrating the site improvements with the existing residential development. 10. Establishing the 35 foot landscaped setback required under the Comprehensive Plan and landscaping the same. 11. Addressing the comments of the Planning Director, Shari Stiles. 12. The sewer and water requirements. 13. Traffic plans and access into and out of any development. 14. And any other items deemed necessary by the City Staff, including design review of all development, and conditional use processing as required under the Meridian Comprehensive Plan. 17. That Section 11-2-417 D of the Meridian Zoning Ordinance states in part as follows: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASRIN/GREEN-C-G Page 14 "If property is annexed and zoned, the City may require or permit, as a condition of the zoning, that an owner or developer make a written commitment concerning the use or development of the subject property. If a commitment is required or permitted, it shall be recorded in the office of the Ada County Recorder and shall take effect upon the adoption of the ordinance annexing and zoning the property, or prior if agreed to by the owner of the parcel. ."; it is concluded, however, that it is more appropriate for a development agreement to be entered into when plane for development are better known and therefore as a condition of annexation a development agreement must be entered into prior to issuance of a building permit or prior to plat approval, which ever comes first. 18. That it is concluded that the annexing and zoning of the property is in the best interests of the City of Meridian, and it is concluded that the annexation shall be conditioned on meeting the requirements of these Findings of Fact, particularly paragraphs 17 and 20, and Conclusions of Law and if they are not met the land may be de-annexed. 19. That the requirements of the Meridian City Engineer's office, Ada County Highway District, Meridian Planning Director, Central District Health Department, and the Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District, shall be met and addressed in a development agreement. 20. That all ditches, canals, and waterways shall be tiled as a condition of annexation and if not so tiled, the property shall FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASICIN/GREEN-C-G Page 15 be subject to de-annexation. That pressurized irrigation shall be installed and constructed, and if not so done the property shall be subject to de-annexation. 21. That the Applicant will be required to connect to Meridian water and sewer and resolve how the water and sewer mains will serve the land; that the development of the property shall be subject to and controlled by the Subdivision and Development Ordinance and the development agreement, and it shall only be developed as a commercial of general planned development or under the conditional use process. 22. That these conditions shall run with the land and bind the applicant and its assigns. 23. With compliance of the conditions contained herein, the annexation and zoning of General Retail and Service Commercial (C- G), would be in the best interest of the City of Meridian. 24. That if these conditions of approval are not met, the property shall not be annexed, or if already annexed, it shall be de-annexed. APPROVAL OF AMSNDED FINDINC;B OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of the City Council of Meridian hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 16 ROLL CALL HEPPER OSLUND VOTED SHEARER COMMISSIONER MacCOY VOTED VOTED CBAIRMAN JOBNSON (TIE BREAKER) VOTED, Gal-~ The Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends that the property set forth in the application be approved by the City Council for annexation and zoning under the conditions set forth in these Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, including that the Applicant, or assigns, enters into a development agreement prior issuance of a building permit or final plat, which ever comes first and that the property only be developed as a commercial or general planned development or under the conditional use process; that if the Applicant is not agreeable with these Findings of Fact and Conclusions and is not agreeable with entering into a development agreement, the property should not be annexed. MOTION: ~. APPROVED~/~ l/' DISAPPROVED: G~~`'~ FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS - HASKIN/GREEN-C-G Page 17 ~~ • • °~J BEFORE THE MERIDIAN PLANNINti AND ZONINO COIBIISSION ~'~ ~ ~ v JERRY O. COBLSR ~~ CONDITIONAL USS PERMIT 1155 EAST CEATEAU LOT 7, BLOCR 1 MERIDIAN PLACE SUBDIVISION NO. 1 MERIDIAN. IDARO FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The above entitled conditional use permit application having come on for consideration on May 14, 1996, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. on said date, at the Meridian City Ball, 33 East Idaho Street, Meridian, Idaho, and the Planning and Zoning Commission having heard and taken oral and written testimony and the Applicant appearing through his representative, Carla L. Olson, a Planning Consultant, and having duly considered the matter, the Planning and Zoning Commission makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: FINDINOS OF FACT 1. That a notice of a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit was published for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the said public hearing scheduled for May 14, 1996, the first publication of which was fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing; that the matter was duly considered at the May 14, 1996, hearing; that the public was given full opportunity to express comments and submit evidence; and that copies of all notices were available to newspaper, radio and television stations. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 1 2. That the property is located within the City of Meridian and the Applicant is not the owner of the property; that the owners of the property are Cecil B. and Jane A. Flemings, of Nampa, Idaho; that the general location of the property is Lot 2 in Block 1 of Meridian Place Subdivision No.; that the property is across from the Chief Joseph Elementary School in Meridian; that the property is described in the Application, which description is incorporated herein. 3. That the property is zoned R-8 Residential; that in the ZONING SCREDULE OF USE CONTROL, Section 11-2-409 A., Residential, Day Care Center is listed as a conditional use in the R-8 District and in the R-8 District requires a conditional use permit for the operation of a Day Care Center. That the R-8, Residential District is described in the Zoning Ordinance, 11-2-408 B. 4 as follows: fR-81 Medium Density Residential District: The purpose of the (R-8) Districts is to permit the establishment of single and two (2) family dwellings at a density not exceeding eight (8) dwelling units per acre. This district delineates those areas where such development has or is likely to occur in accord with the Comprehensive Plan of the City and is also designed to permit the conversion of large homes into two (2) family dwellings in well-established neighborhoods of comparable land use. Connection to the Municipal Water and Sewer systems of the City of Meridian is required. 4. That the property is a one level, single family residence, on one lot. 5. That in the Application it is stated that the proposed use by the Applicant is for a child care center to serve up to twenty-five (25) children; that the location is most desirable as it is within a neighborhood where there appears to be a need for FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 2 quality child care; that the Chief Joseph Elementary is located nearby, making it handy for before and after school care of elementary students, as well as a one-stop destination for parents delivering children to school and to the child care center, thereby would not be a noticeable increase in traffic levels; that the size and layout of the house lends itself nicely to operating a child care center, which includes spacious rooms, separate areas for playing, sleeping and eating, and with two (2) restroom facilities; that the back yard is fenced; that there is adequate room for two (2) parking spaces in the existing garage and two (2) parking spaces in the existing driveway; that the Applicant proposes an additional two (2) parking spaces to be compact-size spaces along the west side of the existing garage and driveway, and there would be a second fenced play yard, in the front yard, to accommodate the different age levels playing outdoors at one time, to be added at such time as the enrollment at the center reaches twenty children. 6. That the owners, Cecil H. and Jane A. Flemings have not submitted a consent to this conditional use at this time; that a consent may be submitted at a later date and will be incorporated herein as if set forth in full. 7. That at the public hearing, the Applicant's representative, Carla L. Olson testified that she is the planning consultant for this proposed project; that the neighborhood is approximately 12 to 15 years old and the residence is approximately 11 years old; that the main entrance to the Chief Joseph Elementary School is located across from this single family dwelling at 1155 FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 3 East Chateau; that this neighborhood is largely made up of people with young families, who could use a center within the neighborhood for children before and after school; that this center ie proposed for up to 25 children; that prior to submitting. this Application, phone calls were generated to the adjacent neighbors as well as door hangers to all properties within 300 feet informing them of this Application and asking to meet with any of those who had any concerns; that it is important to the Applicant that the child care center be a good neighbor and wants to be an integral part of the neighborhood with the neighbors support; that efforts have been made to the school principal regarding school traffic patterns and drop off patterns along Chateau Street in front of the school as to whether any plane are in the works for trying to relieve the traffic situation during school hours; that the school principal has yet to respond to the inquiry; that on the east side of the property is an existing solid wood fence approximately 5 to 6 feet in height; that children allowed to play within the secured area will be in small groups at a time with constant supervision; that there is an existing chain link fence about 4 feet in height that lines up with the front of the building as well as a chain link fence south of the proposed parking space 5 (southwest corner of house to property line); that a second play yard is proposed at the front northeast corner secured by chain link fence, as the numbers of children cared for increase; that four (4) parking spaces are available to the public; that two (2) spaces in the garage would be intended for staff with space 3 and 4 and the two (2) proposed FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 4 compact spaces on the west side yard; that the request of the two (2) proposed compact spaces on the west side yard with paving and the proposed additional play yard be constructed upon reaching enrollment of 20 children; that this home will not remain a residence; that the Applicant has no problem with the City comments. 8. That the Applicant, Jerry Cobler testified that the operating hours would be from 6:30 a.m. to approximately 6:30 p.m.; that at this point the Applicant had not envisioned the caring for handicapped children. 9. That Helen Cobler, the realtor for this property, and who is related to the Applicant, testified that prior residents of this home in the last S to 10 years know of the heavy traffic in front of this residence; that parents stop in front dropping off children to go to the school and that these prior residents have been tolerant of people coming and dropping off kids; that this house faces Chateau Drive and that house to the west does not face Chateau Drive, therefore creating a tremendous frontage that is not infringing upon someone elses property; that a decrease in some of the street parking where children are dropped off for school can be made by allowing the parents of these school aged children to arrive early to the care center dropping off the children to later be escorted to the school grounds in time for school and thus eliminated the milling around on the public street with arriving busses and parents, endangering the early arriving children; that one of the reasons for the flowers and shrubs was not for aesthetic FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 5 view entirely, but for child safety; that putting a visual barrier between the young children, the fence and the public street and in keeping with the looks of the neighborhood; that too high a barrier detracts from the residential look; that a four (4) foot fence is very adequate for the age of children; that up until 2 years ago, there was a chain link fence across the front yard which extended across the drive way; that this center gives an alternative to try and keep the kids a little bit safer going and coming from school; to hopefully get some of the cars that are dropping off the kids, out right in the traffic flow; that the CC&R's have not been active for quite some time and that there are no association fees or functions in this neighborhood; that the Applicant is not opposed to the Commission setting a reasonable time limit to have completed the proposed construction of the additional play area and parking spaces; that before a year of operation is over the need will be there for the additional play area and parking spaces and that the Applicant could conform to the time limit of one (1) year without having to be monitored, bringing in proof of the additional areas. Helen Cobler added that in her opinion the property values of homes in the area being influenced by a commercial enterprise going in next door is that there is as much increased interest as there is decreased interest, depending upon the area and the price of the homes; that you don't have the same buying group and a lot depends upon your area and that this area is a positive not a negative; that more calls come to her with young, working families looking for a nice piece of property in an average home priced neighborhood FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 6 with a day care. 10. That comments and statements from the Commissioners were as follows: 1. Commissioner MacCoy suggested the reconsideration of upping the height of the four foot fences and the height of the proposed shrubs along the fence to actually give a visual break and help with the sound qualities for the neighbors; that any care for handicapped children modifications of the home and code restrictions would apply. 2. Commissioner Oalund commented as to the state standards in terms of square footage needed per child and that the facility can't be any greater than the dimensions given, more than 1800 square feet. 11. Patricia Reed testified that she runs a day care and is required to have a six (6) foot fence; that this enterprise will hurt the neighborhood; that this isn't just a drop off the kids and run situation and that it is not going to beautify the neighborhood in any way; that this facility will be very obvious to all who pass by that it is a day car center. 12. That the Ada Planning Association submitted a written statement regarding this proposed project, and it is incorporated herein as if set forth in full; that the Association is in support of this proposal; stating that this proposal provides a convenience to parents, but most importantly, reduces vehicle miles traveled on local roadways, linking a child care facility and the Chief Joseph Elementary School. 13. That Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bihath submitted a written statement which is incorporated herein; that the Applicant's diagram submitted with the Application for Conditional Use is in FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 7 error; that the fence surrounding the home is a wooden fence, and not chain link as portrayed in the Applicant's diagram; that their concern is that the existing fence between this proposed project and their property not be torn up or climbed on by the children during the centers operating hours and that the Applicant be required to provide a chain link fence and that it be in place prior to operation of the child care facility. 14. That a letter of opposition was submitted by Gregg Crow, living at 2162 Jericho Way, which is incorporated herein as if set forth in full; that Mr. Crow lives directly east of this project; that there is already a day care facility across the street from his home now; that the additional noise, traffic and safety are of concern; that the value of his property could dramatically decrease. 15. That there was no other public testimony given at the hearing. 16. That the Meridian Planning and Zoning Administrator, Shari Stiles, the Assistant to the City Engineer, Bruce Freckleton, the Meridian City Police and Fire Departments, Central District Bealth Department, the Nampa and Meridian Irrigation District, and the Water Work Department submitted comments and they are incorporated herein as if set forth in full. 17. Bruce Freckleton, the Assistant to the Meridian .City Engineer, commented that off-street parking and signage shall all be provided in accordance with City Ordinances; that outside lighting shall be designed and placed so as to not direct FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 8 illumination on any nearby residential areas and in accordance with City Ordinances; that Sanitary Sewer and Water to this facility would be by means of existing service lines and that the assessments for sewer and water service will be reviewed to see if additional load would justify an adjustment; that Applicant provide any information as to the anticipated water demand and that the Applicant will be required to enter into an Assessment Agreement with the City of Meridian. 18. That Shari Stiles, Planning and Zoning Administrator, provided the following comments: 1. Provide a copy of the day care license from the Idaho Department of Bealth & Welfare. Operator's licenses shall be available on the premises at all times for inspection. 2. Provide Social Security numbers of owner and operators for this facility. 3. That the Applicant obtain a Certificate of Occupancy prior to operation of the child care center. 4. That the screening of adjacent residential properties is to be provided through landscaping/slats in fencing. 5. No unpaved areas are to be used for parking. 6. That this Conditional Use Permit should be subject to annual review. 7. That any proposed signage is subject to plan review. Ms. Stiles commented that this is an excellent location for a child care center and should help with traffic congestion in the area. 19. That the Water Works Superintendent submitted a comment that the meter shall not be fenced in. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 9 20. That Commissioner MacCoy submitted statements regarding this application and they are hereby incorporated herein as if set forth in full; he commented that Applicant must meet all codes and ordinances as they apply to this type of use; the height of the fence should be stated and whether any handicapped children will be cared for at this facility, and if so, that the Americans with Disabilities Act will apply. 21. That proper notice has been given as required by law and all procedures before the Planning and Zoning Commission have been met. 1. That all the procedural requirements of the Local Planning Act and of the Ordinances of the City of Meridian have been met including the mailing of notice to owners of property within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the Applicant's property. 2. That the City of Meridian has authority to grant conditional uses pursuant to 67-6512, Idaho Code, and, pursuant to 11-2-418 of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian. 3. That the City of Meridian has authority to place conditions on a conditional use permit and the use of the property pursuant to 67-6512, Idaho Code, and pursuant to 11-2-418 D of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian, Idaho. 4. That the property is zoned R-8 Residential, but the FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 10 Zoning Ordinance, Section 11-2-409 A lists Day Care Centers to be an allowed use in the R-8 District; it is therefore concluded that this Application should be granted; however, the City does have authority to put reasonable conditions on the use. 5. That 11-2-418 C of the Revised and Compiled Ordinances of the City of Meridian sets forth the standards under which the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall review applications for Conditional Use Permits; that upon a review of those requirements and a review of the facts presented and the conditions of the area, the Planning and Zoning Commission concludes as follows: a. The use, would in fact, constitute a conditional use and a conditional use permit is required by ordinance. b. The use should be harmonious with and in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance if all conditions stated herein are met and complied with c. The use, apparently, would be harmonious in appearance with the intended character of the general vicinity if the conditions stated herein are met and complied with. d. That the use would not be hazardous nor should it be disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses, but the Applicant must take precautions to see that use does not become hazardous or disturbing; review of the operation of the Day Care Center and the neighbors within 300 feet of the Center, may be required by the City every six (6) month or more often if the City receives complaints. e. The property has sewer and water service available. f. The use would not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and the use would not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The use would not involve a use, activity, process, material, equipment or conditions of operation that would be detrimental to person, property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic or noise. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 11 h. That sufficient parking for the property and the proposed use will be required and paving for the required parking must be completed before an occupancy permit is issued. i. The development and uses will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural or scenic feature of major importance. 6. That all ordinances of the City of Meridian must be met and complied with, including but not limited to, the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Electrical Code, the Fire and Life Safety Code, all parking and landscaping requirements and the comments of the Planning and Zoning Administrator and the City Engineers office must be met and complied with; that the structure must meet all City Ordinances and Codes before an occupancy permit is issued by the City. 7. That the parking must be paved and the landscaping placed, prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. 8. That the Applicant shall provide proof of Health and Welfare licensing prior to issuance of an occupancy permit; that under City Ordinance, 11-2-403 B, Child Care Facility, it is the total number of children cared for during the day and not the number of children at any one time that is determinative. 9. The following conditions shall also apply: (1) Secure and maintain a child care license from the Idaho State Department of Health and Welfare-Child Care Licensing Division. (2) Acquire an occupancy certificate. (3) Provide one (1) paved off-street parking apace per employee. (4) Provide for a child pick-up area located off of the two (2) main-fronting streets. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 12 (5) Provide for screening of adjacent properties to protect children from adverse impacts and provide a buffer between properties. (6) Provide for a fence of appropriate height/construction, to enclose play areas, protecting children from traffic which must be approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to, and after, construction. (7) Meet the Idaho State Department of Health and Welfare- Child Care Licensing Division child to instructor ratio and meet the required square feet per child. (8) Meet the required child-to-care giver ratio set by the Department of Health and welfare. (9) Meet and/or perform all of the requirements of Shari Stiles, Bruce Freckleton, and all other City and government agencies listed in paragraph 16. of the Findings. 10. That it is concluded that if the owner's consent of this use is not delivered to the City, the use should be denied. APPROVAL OF FINDINOS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIORS The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby adopts and approves these Findings of Fact and Conclusions. ROLL CALL HEPPER VOTED COMMISSIONER OSLUND SHEARER MacCOY VOTED CHAIRMAN JOHNSON (TIE BREAKER) VOTED _i E-~-~ i FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 13 DECISION AND The Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Meridian that they approve the Conditional Use Permit requested by the Applicant for the property described in the application with the conditions aet forth in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. That the use should be denied if the owner does not give his consent. MOTIO DENIED FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW/COBLER PAGE 14 ~o ~~(-~