1981 12-07 AGENDA Meridian City Council December 7, 1981 ITEM: Minutes of November 2, 1981 and November 16, 1981 Approved 1. Public Hearing Block Grant -Senior Citizens Center Application Approved 2. Community Development Block Grant Sewer Rehabilitation Report 3. Fire Truck Bid Openings - Starline Equipment Awarded 4. Layne Of Idaho - Purchase Of Domestic Well Approved 5. Pre-Termination Hearing - Delinquencies Water/Sewer/Trash 6. Idaho Power - Customer Electric Service Request SUNNYBROOK FARMS 7. Amended Ordinance No. 388 - Linder Industrial Park Approved 8. Beer License Transfer - SPUD HUT, 1646 Meridian Street Approved 9. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - Sergeant Robertson Report - Swimming Pool Fencing 10. Bills Approved 11. Change Of Occupancy Discussion 12. J-U-B Engineers Statement No. 2 Approved Ha December 7, 1981 Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Joseph L. Glaisyer at 7:32 P.M. Councilmen Present: Richard C. Williams; Grant P. Kingsford; Bill Brewer; Rick Orton Jr. Others Present: Roger Welker; Bruce Stuart; Vern Schoen; Wayne Crookston; Gary Smith Kevin Robertson; Mr.&Mrs. E.B. Jenkins; Sherman Louderbough; Valarie Louderbough; Mildred & P.ay Langley; Annie Jones; herald J.Cox; Mr.&Mrs. Clarence Groves; Hazel Rhodes; Martha Berry; Ken Rasmussen; Roy & Louise LJatson; Arthur & Florance Hall; Wilma Blair; Jim Ryan; Wayne S. Forrey; Kathy Williams; Roy Goodwin; Virl Cluff; Dee Slack; Ruby Trautman; Martha Lines; Charlie Lines; Justin Lester; Elsa Lester; Earl Ward;. Margaret Boyack; Bert Gile; Gertrude Berglund; Bernice Booth; John Fritchie; Nathalie Aland; Edmund Plartini; Celia Richardson; L.E. Gray; Flora Conan; P1ary Alice White; Gladys Stuart; Ray Sotero; Helen Cox; Terry Woodward; Ron Tolsma; Edith Crockett; Gladys Kelly; Paul Stephenson; Rick Leininger; Matt Gentry; Mohammad Alidyani; Helen Rambo; Pargaret Ford; K.D. Hartwell Minutes of the previous meetings held November 2, 19II1 and November 16, 1981 were approved as written. Mayor Glaisyer: "I would like to notify the audience that on December 18th at the hour of 3:30 P. M. to 4:30 P.M. Governor Evans will be here, at the City Hall, to hear any requests you may have. If you wish to discuss any problems with the Governor please feel free to come." Agenda pgayor Glaisyer.: "I will now give notice that the Meridian City Council will hold a 1 public hearing to discuss community needs and improvement projects that may be included in the State of Idaho Block Grant program which provides grant funds for community projects. The Public Hearing is now open." hlartha Berry, Vice President of the hteridian Seniors: "We are requesting that the City Council put in an application fora Grant for our Senior Center, which we badly need here in Meridian. We are holding part of our meetings in one place, having our lunches in another place, meals are brought out from Boise and having to delivery from there - we feel like a Senior Center is greatly needed to get all of our programs together, all of our people together where we can just serve the Senior Citizens. At the last public hearing Mrs. Ryan read some letters that she had received and I have the letter that Herald Cox has received from Senator Yarbrouoh. "To confirm our telephone conversation, let me assure you that if the Senior Citizens are successful in building a Senior Citizens Center, that I would be most happy to seed the lawn and assist in any way that I could with the landscaping and sprinkler system. With all the Senior Citizens in the area, it would seem that a Center at Meridian would be most justified. If I can be of any assistance, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Walter Yarbrough, State Senator, District 19." This is just one of the several letters that we have received from people, encouraging us to apply for this Grant." Mayor Glaisyer: "Thank you hlartha. All the Council members have also received copies of those letters. Is there anybody else that wishes to make a public statement in behalf of the Senior Citizens of Meridian?" Dee Slack, Assistant Director, Area Agency on Aging-III: "I represent the Senior Citizens in a minor way of ten counties. P1ost of the communities of these ten counties have Senior Centers - i~teridian is one of the few that does not. Ode feel that it is pertinent that this grant is applied for and if at all possible these monies are granted to the Senior Citizens. I believe if we can prove that the efforts have been made in terms of doing their job, reaching their goals and objectives, working to get the survey completed, counting the amount of Senior Citizens in Peridian and immediate area, corporate it in any way - and most ways the community and local government. We certainly request your consideration. In addition to this there are funds, in other places, to assist this group. Those would be determined at the time of the need. For example, Ada County has several thousand dollars allocated to Senior Centers each year. Also, the Senior Center as an independent non-profit organization can apply for those funds - for such things as utilities, small types of expenses. In addition, the Area Agency always grant funds to Senior Centers for the upkeep, staff and other kinds of needs ~~~at they have. Thank you." Meridian City Hall .2. December 7, 1981 Agenda 1 (Cont'd) State Block Grant Public Hearing....... Playor Glaisyer: "Are there any other comments from the public?" Roy Watson: "President of the Idaho Senior Citizens Lobby and I am also on the Ada County Council of Aging. It is one of our responsibilities to advise the County Commissioners where County money should be placed. Meridian has been somewhat neglected - They had developed up to the point where they were ready to 9o ahead with their center and I feel that now is the time." Mayor Glaisyer: "Any other comments?" .Jo response "Is there anybody from the public that wishes to make application for something other than a Senior Citizens Center?" PJo response. "Are there any comments or questions from the Council?" Councilman Orton: "Have we had any requests other than this previous to this meeting?" City Clerk: "No sir." Councilman Brewer: "Our next step then is for the Steering Committee to make their recommendation to the Council." The Motion was made by Williams and seconded by Kingsford that the Public Hearing for Application of a State Block Grant be closed." Motion Carried: Kingsford, yea; Williams, yea; Orton, yea; Brewer, yea h1ayor: "4Jould the Steering Committee please make their recommendation now." Arthur Hall, Chairman of Citizens Steering Committee: "I so move that there be application made to the State fora Block Grant fora Senior Citizens Center." Kenneth Rasmussen: "Second" Mayor: "Gentlemen, you have before you a recommendation from the Steering Committee to make application fora Senior Citizens Center for the people of Meridian." The Plotion was made by Kingsford and seconded by Williams that the City Council endorse the recommendation of the Steering Committee to make application for a Senior Citizen Center State Block Grant." Motion Carried: Kingsford, yea; Williams, yea; Brewer, yea; Orton, yea Mayor Glaisyer and the City Council received applause from the public. Glaisyer Thanked the public for attending and invited the public to rieet Governor Evans at the City Hall December 18th. Councilman Brewer thanked the members that served on the Steering Committee and Wayne Forrey of J-U-B Engineers, Inc. that guided them through the procedure. (Agenda Community Development Block Grant Sewer Rehabilitation Report 2 Wayne Forrey, J-U-B Engineers, Inc. was present to report as to the progress of the Community 61ock Grant No.B-81-DN-16-0001. Forrey: "On the existing Block Grant that the City now has, that was applied for last year, is for the rehabilitation of the sewer service line. We are at the point where we have identified approximately seven (7) households in Peridian that have a leaking sewer service line. We have identified that through a TV search that was undertaken approximately three or four years ago - we have verified all of that field data and have approached about half of those people. We have found all of those people identified wanting to participate except one. The person that did not want to participate had earned over $20,800. - so we had a very high percentage of people that wanted to particpate and would be eligible. We are at the point now where we are putting the engineering documents, plans and specifications together so that we can award the contract. lde met today with a contractor who would be eligible to bid on this project but this information was such that we could use a planning number for the cost. As a example, where a sewer service line went under a patio - concrete would have to be taken out - some are very simple and just a back yard so the price Meridian City Hall .3. December 7 1981 Agenda 2 (Cont'd) Wayne Forrey Sewer Rehab Report........ range from about $700.00 for a simple job to about $1250.00 for a job that would require removal of shrubbery, fence and some patios. We feel we can have a contract to bid by January 15th - that will allow a contractor to start by the 1st of February (1982? If we can meet that schedule we will stay on schedule as that was the target dates indicated to HUD. That gives the contractor about 60 days, from the 1st of February; March and into April. This particular contractor felt that they could work on into March but probably not farther than the end of March because of the ground water coming up in the neighborhood. The final paper work should be done by April or May and totally wrap !;o f the grant. Gary has been working on the contract documents. One of the things we need to do now, and I want to present to you,for your decision tonight, is that in order to get a very competitive bid on the project we wanted to give the contractor as much information as he needed - so that he would not have to be guessing and then inflating his price. We need to identify where the sewer service line enters the home. In some cases it's obvious and in some cases it's not. I have been out in the field and talked with the homeowners and a lot of them know where it actually enters the house ,and some of them don't. I have a list of homeowners, by address, name and phone numbers and we need someone to go to the house and put a stake in the lawn up next to the foundation where the sewer line enters the home, or paint a spot on the foundation - something that will tell the contractor just where he's digging from the alley or the street to go in to the house. This way the contractor will know just what he has to go through or underneath. J-L'-B can do that or perhaps the City of Peridian would provide someone to do that. I have discussed this with Earl (Ward) and it appears he has a good man, Fred Putzier, who I have been working with and Fred indicated he would be willing to go out and identify where the line enters the homes. In our case it would be time and material charge and it's grant eligible - Fred's time would also be reimbursed to the City, we think it will take about a day. This needs to be done between now and January 15th (82). The next phase would be the actual awarding of the contract." Playor Glaisyer: "Does Fred have the time Earl?" Earl Ward: "Yes, he has." Mayor: "I would prefer to have Fred do this." Councilman Williams: "I think if we could use Fred's time it would be less expensive and we could put more money into the doing's of the project rather than administration." Mayor Glaisyer: "Any questions from the Council?" No response "Then go ahead and have Fred Putzier do this then." Councilman Williams: "How many homes do you anticipate to do?" Forrey: "I think about 70 - hopefully more" Williams: "I think 70 is a significant number." Forrey: "People are really concerned about this project so we want to do it right." Agenda gID OPENING FOR FIRE TRUCK 3 Mayor Glaisyer: "We will now have the Bid Opening for a new Fire Truck. To bring you up to date - Wayne (Attorney) had to give a letter of opinion to Idaho First National Bank in reference to meeting all the laws and he thought it best to bid it out - we only received one (1) bid." Opening bid "This bid is from Starline Equipment in Boise, there is a bid bond and the total amount for the Fire Truck is $134,335.00. Same truck that was put on display, a Pierce-Arrow." "Bid Opening is closed" Councilman Orton: "Is this the same amount we talked about with the Fire District?" Roger Welker, Fire Chief: "Yes" The Motion was made by Kingsford and seconded by Brewer to accept the bid by Starline Equipment. Discussion: Williams questioned taking this under advisement. Mayor Glaisyer stated that the Fire Chief should go through the bid. Motion Withdrawn by Kingsford and Brewer. The Motion was made by Kingsford and seconded by Williams to take the bid for a fire truck by Starline Equipment under advisement until Fire Chief Roger Welker gives approval of the documentation. Motion Carried: Orton, yea; Brewer, yea; Williams, yea; Kingsford yea Councilman Williams instructed that documentation be reviewed by Rural dire Dist. also. Ihieridian Ci ,~. December 7, 1981 Agenda q Layne of Idaho - Domestic tJell located in Locust Grove Industrial Park Playor: "The Council has before them a letter from Layne of Idaho that states that the total price due for the purchase of the well is X30,203.00. Rick,(Orton) do you have any comments on that?" Councilman Orton: "You will remember when they first came in and proposed this purchase we talked about investigating it on four conditions. They would get some samples done, get approval from Department of Health and Welfare, give an easement into there,and they either give us a site or an perimeter easement for it. I believe during these last four or five months they have complied with all four of those conditions. So as 4later Commissioner my recommendation is to try and find a way to purchase the well - it is an exceptional buy in my opinion." Mayor: "Do you have the correct application from Central District health?" Orton: "I don't have it before me now, I can get it together in a week and get it before the Council." Mayor: "I was under the impression that you had budgeted $10,000 some odd dollars for a payment to Layne of Idaho and not the total $30,203." Orton: "That is correct. In the 1982. budget, after all the budget meetings, it was right at $10,000 budgeted towards the purchase of a new well. The thinking at that point was to purchase the well over a three year period. We have discussed both methods of purchase - in three years or an initial purchase." Orton addressed Keith Stokes of Layne of Idaho "Is this alright with you - do you care which method?" Keith Stokes, Layne of Idaho: "Either two years or a one lump sum payment." Orton: "The only other money we have of course, is the surplus we generate from the water every year. We could generate some from last year, more than enough to carry if we wanted to use that. But then again, only 510,000 was budgeted for that expense." Mayor Glaisyer: "Any questions from the Council?" Kingsford: "I was thinking we had consented to a two year ourchase." Orton: "We had talked about several different purchase. As a matter of fact, before the Budget hearingsI had the full well in the budget but the munipulation of budget items it changed around. So, if we were going to try to do it out of this years budget I believe we have only budgeted $10,000." Williams: "I think we had better ascertain whether this is acceptable with Layne of Idaho over a three year period. We must decide what we are going to do because if it isn't budgeted - if it is over a three year period, what is the terms?" Playor: "Have you discussed this with your clients,Keith? What terms they would take as far as contract?" Keith Stokes: "Mr. Playor, our original discussion was that it would be over a two year period. That it would the $30,203.00 in a two year period - we didn't talk about terms. And then in later discussions it sounded like you were going to be able to budget the whole thing. That was the last we heard, so we have not discussed further. They were agreeable at one time, I'm certain they will be now. As far as interest, we haven't discussed. At one time they were agreeable to at least two payments." Mayor Glaisyer: "I would to see the Council approve one (1) payment of $10,000 and then negotiate a contract over three (3) years." Kingsford: "I think it would be well if Mr. Orton would get that documentation together so we can be comfortably clear on this." Williams: "The Plotion should be made to allow the Mayor to negotiate the contract, the terms of the contract, with Layne of Idaho to expedite the purchase." The Motion was made by Williams and seconded by Orton to approve a 510,000 payment to Layne of Idaho and that the Mayor negotiate a contract based on a three (3) year period and that the interest rate be negotiated among the two parties, and that Layne of Idaho will provide all documentation as far as the Deoartment of Health and Welfare and all entities involved." P1otion Carried: Kingsford, yea; Williams, yea; Brewer, yea; Orton, yea _P•1eridian City Hall b,. December 7, 1981 Agenda Pre-Termination Hearing - Water/Sewer/Trash Delinquencies 5 Mayor Glaisyer read the Turn Off Notice to the Public that had been sent in November to delinquent accounts: "This is to inform you in writing, if you choose to, you have the right to a pre-termination hearing, at 7:30 P.M. December 7th before the Mayor and Council, to appear in person to be judged on facts and defend the claim made by the City that your water, sewer and trash bill is delinquent. You may retain counsel. This service will be discontinued December 10th unless payment is received in full. City of Meridian." "I might add to the public that the total outstanding bills to the City is $7,659.00." Mayor: "Is there anybody from the public that wishes to hold a pre-termination hearing at this time?" Wilma Blair: "I have been down to the Community Service to see if I couldn't get this taken care of. She said that I should appear here tonight and then go in and see her in the morning so she would know how things stood. The reason that it has been like this is because I have been on welfare and they stopped it on the 31st of October and I started back on it November 1st, and I have yet to receive my check. So I have November, December and it will probably be in January before I receive a check. The last time they told me that they were about two months behind on their applications - it wound up to be about three months before I got my check at that time. I should get my check, if not before, by the first of January. But, Community Service told me to come back in the morning if I needed to. I don't know what they will do about it. I'm here tonight to see if I couldn't take care of it." The new billings were discussed. There seemed to be a $1.00 discrepancy between the ledger card and the computer print out but total balance due on both being $34.10 Mayor: "When do you think you could make a payment Pls. Blair?" Blair: "If Community Service could 'help me I could make the payment tomorrow afternoon, but if they don't, it would have to be as soon as welfare get's me my checks. I have been down sick and I haven't been able to get out and look fora job - I have been just about on my last little lap when I went to the doctor and I am just now getting the strength to get up out of bed. Hopefully they will get my check to me by the end of this month." Councilman Orton: "She has acted promptly and has done everything, I think, within her power I think she could be allowed to carry over until the next billing - because of the contacts and the partial payment that she has made.:' The Motion was made by Rick Orton and seconded by Bill Brewer that the water, sewer and trash bill of Wilma Blair be withheld until the next billing date, January 10th, at which time it should be paid in full. Motion Carried: Williams, yea; Kingsford, yea; Brewer, yea; Orton, yea J4ayor Glaisyer: "Anyone else that wishes a pre-termination hearing?" Terry Woodward: "I don't believe my name was on the record there (Agenda) but I have questions .regarding the billing. I have property on 1535 East First Street, there are two meters. I presume the charge for sewer is based on the amount of water consumed. I have with me the billing for October 15th which states I used 14, 500 gallons of water. According to your rate chart the charge for that amount is $12.85. I was charged $21.35. Also, in relation to that, the charge of the sewer would be in the neighborhood of~,$18.00. In previous months we have had very low water consumption the sewer was running %,15.40, $18.70. This was based on the new rate - there seems to be quite a discrepancy there." Williams: "This is a motel - this is charged on a unit base. The rate chart you received is fora single family residence." Woodward: "Well, it's a single meter." Williams: "How could it be - it's a seven unit motel. That's the point - we should charge seven times that." loodward: "I'm sure that you would like to -just like Idaho Power would like to charge us another 30%." Orton: "The rates on this bill - and you are talking about your October billing - are basically seven times the minimum - they are not"off the use curve",as Dick was saying. Now, do you see how that works?" Meridian Citv Hall December 7. 1 Agenda 5 (Cont'd) Terry Woodward -water/sewer/trash charges........ Woodward: "I feel that I am in the circumstance that the water pressure is so terrible that I can't even maintain seven units. If I have a vacant unit that I shouldn't be charged for that unit - there is only one meter and they do read the meter for the gallons consumed. Under the circumstances I feel I should only be charged for what the meter puts out - now if there was seven meters I would be glad to pay the minimum for seven units." Orton: "Let me give you another situation and show you where changing it becomes impractical - like Wheel Inn h9obile P•ianor has 200 spaces on one (1) meter. One month you might have 174 and the next 179, and it really doesn't really reflect their water use. They change - they can use more water with fewer units. So it's technically impossible for us to bill multiple units fairly just off the chart. That is why we have the minimum plus charges apply to everybody, it isn't just a penalty for you, everybody that has a motel pays on the same basis." Woodward: "Unfortunately I can't document that. It seems that with the poor water pressure and the problems I have had with the City maintaining the normal water pressure." Orton: "The water pressure lost occurs after the meter. There was good pressure at the meter." Bruce Stuart, Public Works: "There's been a new service line put in through the meter." Woodward: "How come the fluctuation is so bad?" Orton: "Because sir, you have such small lines going through your meters back to units that the head loss occurs in those lines - not in our service lines. You could check our service line at any point of time and I am sure it will be within 10 to 15 psi. That's about all we should expect there. " Woodward: "The amount of psi that you are required to provide?" Orton: "20. We are providing two and half times that - the minimum." Woodward: "But when it drops down so substantially that you can't get water out of the faucet and then you turn around it and almost explodes out of there. - it occurs to me there must be something." Williams: "Did you ever get the idea that it might be from the meter back and through your plumbing?" Woodward: "The plumbing wouldn't be that ratic to change it so drastic. If the plumbing has gotten smaller the pressure should increase." Williams: "How could it?-.there would be a restriction of the flow." Woodward: "You would have some restriction but you also decrease the area so the pressure has to go up to get the same volume of water because you have the pressure from the pipe." Orton: "Dick, you are absolutely right - what you said is exactly what is happening" Woodward: "The main thing I am objecting to is that I'm being charged per unit and you are billing me according to the number of gallons which is stated right on the bill." Stuart: "We gave you a price on a new meter about three years ago" l•Jilliams: "How many hookups have they been charged for?" Stuart: "That's been in there fora long time." Woodward: "Well, you folk's have put in two meters since I've been there." There was more discussion concerning the moving of meter and installation, and also minimum charges. (Tape on file) Orton: "On you chart it looks like you were charged all the minimum's - $21.00 all the way down until then $21.35 which is our new minimum - so in all but case have you used more than the minimum and we billed you for that right off the curve." Mohammad Alidyani, Sanitary Service: "Mr. Woodward came in and we had an interview about nine to eleven months ago and had some complaint about your trash service. You agreed vr-itti us, and the committee, that you were going. to be about X5.00 more than what you paying before. It has came to my attention that you are under the violation of City Ordinance putting boxes out of the container and we have been picking the garbage up outside of the containers and have been giving you twice a week service. 4Je have only two inches clearance between our truck and building." Meridian City Hall .7. December 7, 1981 Agenda 5 (Cont'd) Terry Woodward-Water/Sewer/Trash charges........ Woodward: "I had agreed to pay the $5.00 but I strongly disagree with the pickup. I had agreed the the $5.00 fee for the use of the container that they were providing but under the circumstances that it would be twice a week collection. However, I would say during the majority of the weeks during the summer once a week was quite outstanding. I know fora fact that it wasn't picked up twince a week. So actually being charged for twice a week service and receiving once a week, and I'm sure there was a time when it wasn't picked up in a week and a half." Alidyani: "Sir, did you call me about this?" Woodward: "No, because I felt that as long as they were getting when they came around it was reasonable to have it picked up. But the idea that I am paying for twice a week service and I'm only getting it once a week is not quite equitable either." Alidyani: "Just for your information,anytime that the landfill is closed, I get 30 to 40 calls just because the trash service is late. Anytime there is a breakdown I get so many calls just two hours late. We are trying to give the best service with the amount of money we collect and we are happy with what we are doing. Anybody that has any complaint I have a twenty-four hour answering service just to be able to answer anybody's call. This is the kind of system we have provided, if anybody has any kind of complaint - to say that they did not say it or that they did not call us- I don't think that would be a ligitmate excuse." Woodward: "I don't live there, so consequently I'm not there to watch it. If it is a negotiable thing between the garbage company and me then maybe we should get together on it. That I presume is based on a Commercial figure also - and that rate set by the Council." Mayor: "Council Members?" Williams: "Let it stand as it is" The Motion was made by Williams and seconded by Kingsford to deny the request of Terry Woodward and if the water, sewer and trash bill is not paid by December 10th 1981 for the P1ote1 at 1535 East First, the water will be turned off. f4otion Carried: Williams, yea; Kingsford, yea; Brewer, yea; Orton, yea Mayor Glaisyer: "Is there anybody else that wishes to have a pre-termination hearing?" fJo response. "If not I will now close the Hearing. Due to their failure to pay their Water Bill or to present any valid Reason why the bill has not been paid, their water shall be turned off on December 10th, 1981. In order to have their water turned back on, there will be an additional fee of $10.00. They are hereby informed that they may appeal or have the decision of the City reviewed by the Fourth Judicial District Court, Pursuant to Idaho Code. Even though they appeal the water will be shut off." Agenda 6 Idaho Power Service. Request - Sunnybrook Farms There vaas discussion concerning the installation of 15 175 W. Sodium Street Lights to be installed in Sunnybrook Farms. Total of City Portion is to be $2320.00. This fee was thought to be just for putting up the service poles, there will be a monthly fee after the installation. Councilman Williams explained that the City has never had an ordinance that asked the Developer to put in the street lights as a consequence every street light in Peridian is rented from Idaho Power. They have to make. out a legal formula for billing what we are to pay every time these poles are installed. It was thought that it costs the City approximately $6.00 for each pole and that the total yearly was approximately $25,000. The cost in budgeted in the power budget, not with the Subdivisions. The Motion was made by Williams and seconded by Kingsford to approve the bill from Idaho Power for installation of 15 175W Sodium Street Lights for Sunnybrook Farms in the amount of $2320.00. Motion Passed: Williams, yea; Kingsford, yea; Orton, yea Brewer, nay (Agenda 7 Hall Mayor Glaisyer read Amended Ordinance No. 388 entitled: AN ORDINANCE ANfJEXING AND ZONING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS BEING A PART OF TfIE S 1/2,SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RAPJGE 1 !BEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, TO THE CITY OF MERIDIAN WHICH PROPERTY IS ADJACENT TO A^JD CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF MERIDIANJ, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO. PAayor: "Is there anyone in the audience that wishes to have Amended Ordinance 388 read in it's entirety?" There was no response The Motion was made by Williams and seconded by Kingsford that the rules and provisions of 50-9002 and all rules and provisions requiring that Ordinances be read on three different days be dispensed with and that Amended Ordinance Number 38II as read be passed and approved. Motion Carried: tilliams, yea; Kingsford, yea; Orton, yea; Brewer, yea Agenda a Spud Hut Transfer of Beer and Wine License Playor Glaisyer called upon Sergeant Robertson for Police Department approval. Robertson stated that they have no objection. The Motion was made by Brewer and seconded by Orton to approve the transfer of Beer and Wine License of the SPUD HUT to James L. and Wilma J. Cash. Motion Carried: Williams, yea; Kingsford, yea; Brewer, yea; Orton, yea Agenda 9 Agenda 10 Department Reports Sergeant Kevin Robertson reported on research he had done regarding the fencing of swimming pools. Pobertson stated that the City does not have an ordinance, the City of Boise or Ada County does not have a Code that requires fencing of swimming pools, although this would be considered an "Attractive Nuisance". To his knowledge this has not been contested in court. In Phoenix if you get a building permit fora swimming pool you must obtain a permit fora fence or already have one up. There was discussion concerning the fencing of swimming pools in residential areas. Tape on file. Councilman Brewer was adamant far fencing of swimming pools. Alidyani, Sanitary Services for'the City, asked the Council if water services can be turned off for failure to pay trash haul fee. Attorney Crookston stated that water and sewer services can be discontinued for failure. to pay trash fee. Paul Stephenson, Scout Leader and Scout's Rick Leininger and h1att Gentry were in attendance. Councilman Orton lauded the Scout's for their project work such as benches for the softball field, landscaping around the outfield fence and one of the Eagle Scouts donated and planted 50 small birch trees. Orton stated that when the projects are completed he will invite them back for recognition. Councilman Kingsford asked that a sign near the sewer plant be turned for visability. Bills Bills were read. The Motion was made by Kingsford and seconded by Williams that the bills be paid. Plotion Carried: Kingsford, yea; Brewer, yea; Orton, yea; Williams, ,yea Agenda 11 Business License Councilman Williams questioned if the Council should address a business license or ordinance for when there is a change of ownership, or change of usage of a building. Williams called attention to the more frequent reports from the Building Inspector for zoning and code violations. Building Inspector Vern Schoen stated that under the Code the change would require an Occupancy Permit. The easiest way to enforce it would be to have a business license. Councilman Brewer stated that very few Cities have business licenses and he has copies. of very good ordinances for City use. u Meridian City Hall .9. l~ 7, 1 Agenda 12 HUD Project Administration - J-U-B Engineers, Inc. P1ayor Glaisyer presented Statement No. 2 from J-U-B Engineers, Inc. for engineering services provided in connection with sanitary sewer rehabilitation on the Meridian HUD Grant project. Charges from September 26, 1981 through October 31, 1981. The Motion was made by Kingsford and seconded by Brewer that Statement No. 2, HUD Project Administration from J-U-B Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $364.35 be paid. Motion Carried: Kingsford, yea; Orton, yea; Brewer, yea; Williams, yea There being no other business to come before the Council The P-lotion was made by Kingsford and seconded by Orton that the meeting be adjourned at 8:55 P.P4. APPRO D: MA JOSE H GLAISYER , ATTEST: 1 - -~" C' C erk pc: Mayor & Council Planning & Zoning City Clerk City Treasurer City Attorney Gary Smith, Engineer Fire Chief; Police Chief Bruce Stuart; Earl Ward Vern Schoen; Gus Hein Ada County Commissioners ACHD;AIC;Central District Nampa-Meridian Irrig. Ada County Zoning Director Statesman; Valley News News Tribune; Treasure Valley News Ron Tolsma • •idian City Hall .10. December 7 VOUCHER DATE AMOUNT 336 VOID 337 VOID 338 VOID 339 VOID 340 VOID 1678 11-27-81 Rick Heller 55.56 1692 12-8-81 Meridian Fireman's Association 600.00 1695 12-11-81 Carla Roberts 210.56 1696 12-03-81 Roger Welker 150.50 1697 12-03-81 Bob Moore 101.00 1698 12-03-81 Raymond Voss 203.75 1699 12-03-81 Ron Parks 119.00 1700 12-03-81 Bob Giesler .73.00 1701 12-03-81 Harold Hudson 160.75 1702 12-03-81 Jerry Rice 111.75 1703 12-03-B1 Hollis Doty 61.00 1704 12-03-81 Kenneth Crawford 141.50 1705 12-03-81 Bruce Stuart 242.75 1706 12-03-81 Bill Luke 74.50 1707 12-03-81 Mike Losh 52.00 1708 12-03-81 Robert Welker 187.75 1709 12-03-81 Dean Mayes Jr. 180.50 1710 12-03-81 Rich Meyers 149.50 1711 12-03-81 Kenney Bowers 221.75 1712 12-03-81 Don Burton 130.25 1713 12-03-81 John Giesler 126.75 1714 12-03-81 Randy Moore 85.50 1715 12-03-81 Gary Newberry 120.75 1716 12-03-81 Tom Vincent 137.00 1717 12-03-81 Wayne Skiver 125.25 1718 12-03-81 Mohammad Alidjani 78.50 1719 12-03-81 Ken Virden 187.85 1720 12-03-81 Bill Carroll 132.25 1721 12-03-81 Roy Berto 115.00 1722 12-03-81 Ron Tolsma 142.50 1723 12-03-81 Fireman's Association 30.90 1805 12-8-81 Idaho First National Bank 977.52 1808 12-16-81 Sandra Nordman Ajie 469.72 1809 12-17-81 Layne of Idaho 10,000.00 1810 12-17-81 State of Idaho- Dept, of Water Resources 65.00 1811 12-16-81 Idaho First National Bank 17,667.31 1812 12-31-81 Gary Smith 1.00 1813 12-30-81 Idaho First National Bank , Meridian 14,273.70 1814 12-31-81 Farmers & Merchants State Bank 3,847.16 1815 12-31-.81 State Auditor, State of Idaho, State Social 5,037.88 Security Administration 1816 12-31-81 State of Idaho Dept. of Revenue & Taxation 1,133.76 State Tax Commission-Withholding Tax Division 1817 12-31-81 Q.R.U. 336.00 1818 12-31-81 City of Meridian 66.80 1819 12-31-81 Vern Schoen 196.28 1820 12-31-81 Colonial Insurance 857.55 1821 12-31-81 Association of Idaho Cities 2,594.61 1822 12-31-81 Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho 5,306.56 1825 12-31-81 Amfac Electrical Supply Co. 62.24 1826 12-31-81 Aamco Transmissions 598.00 1827 12-31-81 Aluma-Glass Inc. Inc. 119.00 1826 12-31-81 Ambrose, Fitzgerald, Crookston & McLam 3,216.25 1829 12-31-81 Andy's Supply Inc. 301.06 1830 12-31-81 Bodine Oil Co. Inc. 2,538.00 1831 12-31-81 Bodine's Sav-on Gas 20.84 1832 12-31-81 Brewer Pest Control 8.50 1833 12-31-81 Cal's Service Parts Company of Boise 57.70 1834 12-31-81 City of Boise- Boise Communications Division 136.25 1835 12-31-81 Commercial Maintenance 31.03 1836 12-31-81 Control Parts Dist. Inc. .6.25 1837 12-31-81 Cop Shop Etc. 35.50 .~ Meridian City Hall .11. December 7,1981 VOUCHER DATE AMOUNT 1838 12-31-81 Culligan 70.50 1839 12-31-81 Day-Timers Inc. 90.56 1840 12-31-81 Dyna Systems 51.64 1841 12-31-81 Elite Cleaners 1.60 1842 12-31-81 Farmers Brothers Co. 112.55 1843 12-31-81 Farm Store 61.70 1844 12-31-81 Frontier Tire 440.51 1845 12-31-81 G & B Sand & Gravel Inc. 271.55 1846 12-31-81 Geisler's Auto Repair 2,784.79 1847 12-31-81 General Fire & safty Equp Inc 15.96 1848 12-31-81 Hach Co. 231.51 1849 12-31-81 Handy Hardware 65.47 1850 12-31-81 Harold's Electric 78.04 1851 12-31-81 Hoff Building Center 72.5 1852 12-31-81 Idaho Power Co. 6,984.91 1853 12-31-81 Idastries 172.60 1854 12-31-81 Idaho Paging 27.00 1855 12-31-81 The Idaho Statesman 27.72 1856 12-31-81 Intermountain Arms & Tackle 17.50 1857 12-31-81 Intermountain Gas Co. 753.31 1858 12-31-81 J & D Printing 3.00 1859 12-31-81 J U B Engineers 2,150.91 1860 12-31-81 Kaman Bearing & Supply Corp. 141.17 1861 12-31-B1 Kowallis & Richards Inc. 6.46 1862 12-31-81 LTD Commodities Inc. 53.27 1863 12-31-81 Meridian Drug 20.45 1864 12-31-81 Meridian Ford Sales 352.25 1865 12-31-81 Meridian Ins. Agency Inc. 51.00 1866 12-31-81 Meridian Lock & Key 1.60 1867 12-31-81 Idaho Medical 15.95 1868 12-31-81 Meridian Office Supply 31.00 1869 12-31-81 Mountain Bell 741.96 1870 12-31-81 Paul's Conoco 54.15 1871 12-31-81 Paul's IGA 1,028.81 1872 12-31-81 Americian Scientific Products 311.06 1873 12-31-81 Perma Green Lawn Co. 89.50 1874 12-31-81 Pay & Save Corp. 12.20 1875 12-31-81 Radio Paging Service 46.00 1876 12-31-81 Radio Shack 88.80 1877 12-31-81 Ripley, Doorn & Co. 2,100.00 1878 12-31-81 S & E Auto Parts 155.78 1879 12-31-81 Sheean's 6.00 1880 12-31-81 Don's Shell Service 218.70 1881 12-31-81 Star Photo Service 11.97 1882 12-31-81 State of Idaho-Dept of Labor & Ind. 466.92 1883 12-31-81 Steinbach Auto Body 45.00 1884 12-31-81 Storey Seed & Feed 46.40 1685 12-31-81 Bruce Stuart 28.74 1886 12-31-81 Syms York Co. 85.85 1887 12-31-81 Tates Rental 427.05 1888 12-31-81 Tolsma Welding & Repair 351.00 1889 12-31-81 Traylor Const. Co. Inc. 6620.00 1890 12-31-81 Uarco 427.66 1891 12-31-81 Valley News 35.25 1892 12-31-81 Van Gas 622.20 1893 12-31-81 Water and Waste Water Equip Co. 1,273.22 1894 12-31-81 Western Aircraft Maintenance Inc. 202.50 1895 12-31-81 Woodman's Office Supply 38.00 1896 12-31-81 Zamzow's 9.59 1897 12-31-81 Zellerbach Paper Co. 99.75 1698 12-31-81 U.S. Post Office 196.35 1899 12-31-81 U.S. Post Office 40.00 1902 12-31-81 Sundance Dodge Inc. 122.00 1905 1-18-81 S & E Auto Parts 24.62 1906 1-18-81 U.S. Post Office 106.93 1907 1-18-82 Idaho Motor Repair 299.14 1908 12-31-81 City of Meridian 115.60 380 a ~. ~'~ is AN ORDINANCE~ANNEXI'NG-AND ~ZONING~CERTIAN~REAL~PROPERTY WHI;CFt~2S.-'DESCRIBED A$ BEING A PART OF THE S 1/2, SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 3~~NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO, TO THE CITY OF MERIDIAN WHICH PROPERTY IS ADJACENT TO AND CONTIGUQUS.~fiOTHE-C~I'TY~~OFf;P1ERZDSAP7,,ADA._~OUNTy,~IDAHO. WHEREAS, the City~COUncil and the Mayor of the city of Meridian have concluded that it is in.ths best.intArest..of-said City to annex to the said city certain real:.property which is described as Follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the said 57.1/2 of Section 11, also said point,`. beiztq -:the REAL POINT OP BEGINNING; thence North 0°32'00" East 1,680.73 feet along the Easternly boundry of the said S 1/2 of Section 11, which is also the centerline of Linder Road, to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence South 88°28'16" West 4,077.59 feet along%the said Northerly right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railraod to a point; thence South 0°36'52" West 1,732.11 feet tn~,a point aii the Southerly boundry of the SW 1/4 of the said Section:ll; thence South 89009'30" East 1,421.62 feet along the said Southerly boundry of the SW 1/4 of Section 11, which is also the centerline of Franklin Road (U.S. Highway No.30)~ to a point marking the Southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of the said Section 11; thence South 89°12'46" East 2,657.85 feet along the Southerly boundry of the said SE 1/4 of Section 11, which is also the centerline of Franklin Road (U.S. Highway 30), the-.the point of beginning, comprising 159.80 acres, more or less. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO: Section 1. That the aforementioned real property, which is described above be and the same if hereby accepted, as requested by the owners, and made a part of the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho. Section 2. That the Cit~r Clerk shall cause one (1) copy of the legal de- scription amd map which shall plainly and clearly designate the boundries as altered, to be filed with Ada County Recorder, Ada County Assessor, and the State Tax Commission within 10 days following the effective date of this ordinance. Section 3. The above described property to be know as CINDER INDUSTRIAL PARK and zoned "D" INDUSTRIAL is annexed to the City of Meridian Subject to the following requirements: That the Preliminary Plat to be submitted answer to the questions of traffic, landscaping, sewer and water connections, aiid.-de5ign review. section 4: .This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage,- approval and publication as required by law. • EMENDED ORDINANCE N0. 388 • PASSED by the City Council and approved by the Mayor of the City of Meridian, Ada County, Idaho this 7th day of December, 1981. ATTEST: Ada County Commissioners 'a' g'~;(~1oti-Crx~r.~crce Ada County Highway Districtu~5~'~?v~~~~C Ada County Tax Collector GtEU 5F~5~ E;1G~rrx Ada County Zoning Director vEen.lo wl Sc-~'1t1cJ..J Ada Planning Assoc. `+~J~~--~ `-~u~~" CTM2(? ~}y (Y~~v~u}c~$ Central District Health Dept. ~il~ Idaho Power Company Idaho Survey & Rating Bureau, Inc. ry v L4Wana L. Nieman. ~City~Clerk pc: Ada County ecorder Sterling Codifiers Assoc. Of Idaho Cities Ada County Assessor State Electrical Board State Highway Department State Plumbing Board Intermountain Gas Company Mountain Dell Namna-MariAian irri na+=-