1979 04-05 Meridian City Hall - Special Meeting April 5, 1479 Special Meeting called to order by Mayor Don M. Storey at 5:35 P. M. Councilmen present: Richard Williams; Joseph Glaisyer; Grant Kingsford; Marvin Bodine Others present: Terry R. McDaniel; Bud Reimer; Vern Schoen; J.E. Stubblefield; Kelly Everitt; Jack R. Crane; Liz Crane; Steve Gratton; Steven Anderson Meeting called to order by Mayor Don Storey at 5:35 P. M. Under advisement of City Attorney Wayne Crookston the Council met to consider pending annexation requests. The Motion was made by Joseph Glaisyer and seconded by Marvin Bodine to hear annexation requests. Motion .carried: Glaisyer, yea; Williams, yea; Kingsford, nay; Bodine, yea Terry McDaniel representing Bud Reimer brought before the Council the plan for a Recreation Room in the rear of Bud's Broiler. This area would be separate from the Bar, or Lounge, and entry would be from the alley. The Motion was made by Kingsford and seconded by Glaisyer that the Recreation Room at the rear of Bud's Broiler be tabled. Motion Carried: All yea. There was discussion and Reimer was instructed to confer with Building Inspector Vernon Schoen as to Building Codes. Bodine spoke concerning completion of the Park. The Motion was made by Glaisyer and seconded by Kingsford that the Park Commissioner contact the Engineer and that they spend the money to complete the Park project. Motion Carried: All yea. The Motion was made by Glaisyer and seconded by Williams that the meeting be adjourned at 6:00 P. M. yor Attest: L r j r - ~ de~- ~: Wiz:' ~.