1987 11-06~~ - ., • • MERIDIAN CITY COUNCIL (SPECIAL) NOVEMBER 6, 1987 Special Meeting of the Meridian City Council called to order by Mayor Grant Kingsford at 7:30 p.m. Meeting was noticed and published as required by law, the purpose of this special meeting was to canvas the votes of the Election held on November 3, 1987: Members Present: Bill Brewer, Ron Tolsma, Bert Myers, Bob Giesler: Others Present: Max Yerrington, Wayne Crookston: Mayor Kingsford: We will begin with the First Precinct: The Tally Books, Election & Poll Books and the last .Ballot used were examined by the Mayor & Council along with the City Attorney for Precinct #1: After the review it was discovered that there was an error in the extensions in the Ta11y Books: Kingsford for Mayor should have been 271 votes instead of 281: Brewer for Council should have been 239 votes instead of 244: Yerrington for Council Seat #3 should have been 162 votes instead of 172: Myers for Council Seat #3 should have been 121 Votes instead of 131: There was also some write in votes: No problems were found in the Election & Poll Books and the last Ballot used checked with the records. Mayor Kingsford: We will now review Precinct #2= The Tally Books, Election & Poll Books and the last Ballot used in in Precinct #2: The review showed that an error had been made in the Tally Books and the count was off by ten votes on all the above canidates: Kingsford had 190 Votes: Brewer had 176 Votes: Myers had 143 Votes: Yerrington had 54 Votes: There was also one less Ballot than shown: There was also miscellaneous write-i:ns: After the above corrections the vote tallies were:. Kingsford for Mayor, 461 total votes: Brewer for Councilman, 415 total votes: Myers for Councilman, 264 total votes: Yerrington for Councilman, 216 total votes: The Motion was made by Myers and seconded by Tolsma to approve the canvas of the votes after the above corrections: Motion Carried: All Yea: Mayor Kingsford: After the canvas of .the. votes I declare. that Grant Kingsford was the winner of the Mayor Election with 461 votes: Bill Brewer the winner of Council Seat #1 with 415 votes: J. E. "Bert" Myers the winner of Council Seat #3 with 264 votes: Being no other business to be brought before the Council the Motion was made by Myers and seconded by Tolsma to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.: Motion Carried: All Yea: TEST J k--Niema , City Clerk c: Mayor & Council, Atty. APPROVED: GRANT KINGSFORD, MAYOR • • NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the City Council of the City of Meridian will hold a special meeting at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Thursday, the 5th day of November, 1987, at the Meridian City Hall, 33 East Idaho Street, Meridian, Idaho. The purpose of said meeting shall be to canvass the vote from the election. The public is welcome but no comments will be taken "or heard. DATED This /x`"''"'"_ day of November, 1987. NIEMAI~T'N, CITY CLERK AMBROSE, FITZ(iERALD & CROOICBTON Attomsya and Counsslax P.O. Box 127 aerldlan, Idaho a3e1z ~oh~s~~