Right of Way Easement Agreement Traffic Signal with Lynx Investments, LP for Meridian Fire Station No. 5 ACHDADA COUNTY RECORDER J. DAVID NAVARRO AMOUNT .00 7 BOISE IDAHO 0T110/08 02:51 PM DEPUTY Vicki Allen RECOADED-REOUEST OF III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II III ACMD 108079228 'f4N R I W Sec 25 MeriAian Firc titati~n NS MC"LC-07-225 (Reserved for Ada County Recorder) RIGHT-0F-WAY EASEMENT AGREEMENT (Traffic Signal~ THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT AGREEME T (Traffic Signal) ("Agreement"), is made and entered into this ~ day of , 2008, by and between LYNX INVESTMENTS, L.P., a Califomia limited a~tne ip, hereinafter referred to as "GRANTOR," THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Idaho, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT, a body politic and corporate of the State of Idaho, hereinafter referced to as "ACHD." WITNESSETH: FOR GOOD AND SUFFICIENT CONSIDERATION IT IS AGREED: SECTION 1. Recitals. 1.1 GRANTOR owns ihe real property located in Ada County., Idaho mo~e particularly described on Exhibit °A" attached hereto (the "Servient Estate"). ~ 1.2 ACH'D owns and has ezclusive jurisdiction over the public rights-of- way and Highways (as used in this Agreement, the term "Highway" is as defined in Idaho Code, section 40-109(5)) located in Ada County, Idaho and including the Highways which abut and adjoin the Servient Estate (the "Dominant Estate"). 1.3 CITY and ACHD desires to obtain an easement on, over and across the Servient Estate for the benefit of the Dominant Estate for the purposes hereinafter described, and, for the consideration and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, GRANTOR is willing to grant such easement to CITY and ACHD. SECTION 2. Grant and Authorized Use. 2.1 GRANTOR hereby grants to CITY and ACHD an easement for the following uses and purposes, and no others: To place traffic signal poles and hardware and tra~c detection loops (hereinafter the "Traffic Signal") on, under and over the Servient Estate, and access to construct, install, repair and maintain the same, as such Traffic Signal is depicted on Exhibit "B" attached he~eto. 2.2 This Agreement does not extend to The City of Meridian and ACHD Tra~c Signal Easement - Page 1 42795.0005.1205 735.2 fhe righ4. to use the Servien4 Esfa4e to 4he exciusion of GRANI'OR, and ACHD's rights under this ~greement are subject to the rights of the GRANTOR and GRANTOR's tenants, eontractors, employees, agents, customers, licensees, invitees, successors and assigns to use the Servien4 Esta4e and landscape and irrigate the same, proyided the structural and operational integrity of the Traffc .Signal is not compromised by such activities, and further that such other uses do not interfere with the ability of ACHD to repair and maintain the Traffic Signal. SECTION 3. Construction and Installation. All costs and expenses related to any design, installation, construction, repair, maintenance or relocation of the Traffic Signal shall be the sole responsibility and obligation of, and shall be paid by CITY. SE'CTION 4. Compiiance wi4h the Law. In ins4alling, constructing, repairing and maintaining, the Traffic Signal, ACHp covenants and agrees to comply with any and. all federal, state and local statutes, laws and orriinances and good engineering pcactices. S~CTION 5. Indemnifica4ion. CI`TY and ACHD shall indemnify and hold GRANTOR harmless for, from and against and hereby releases GRANTOR with respect to any and all liens, claims, demands liabilities and expenses (including, without. limitafion, reasonable attorneys' fees and reasonable attorneys' fees on any appeal), under this Agceement arising directly or indirectly fcom or in any way connected with the use of the Servient Estate. SECTIO.N 6. Te.rm: Easement Runs with Lan_d. The term of this Agreement and the easement herein granted is perpetual and it shall be a burden upon the Servient Estate and shall n..in with .the land; provided, however, that the removal of the Traffic Signat and the failure of ACHD to replace the sarne wifhin one (1) year thereafter shall et~title GRANTOR to receive from CITY and ACHD on demand their executed and acknowledged instrument of release and abandonment to GRANTOR. SEC.TION 7. Exhibits. !l111 exhibits attached hereto and the ~ecitals contained herein are ~ incorporated herein as if set forth in full herein. SECTION 8. Successors and Assiqns. This Agreement, the easement herein ____ granted, and the covenants. and agreements herein contained shal{ inure to the benefd of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns to the Servient and Dominant Estate. SECTION 9. Recordation. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Official Real Property Records of Ada County, Idaho. CITY shalP be responsible for paying recording costs and shaii provide: GRANTOR with a conformed copy of this Agceement after it has been recorded. . SECTIOiV 10. No Liens. iVeither CITY nor ACHD shall permit any liens -to stand against the ~Servient Estate for any work done or materials furnished in connection with the performance of any work by CITY or ACHD, or their agents, contractors or employees. Traffic Signal Easement - Page 2 42795.0005.1205735.2 SECTION 11. Misceflaneous. The easemen4 herein gran4ed is subjec4 4o all easemen4s and encumbrances of record and is nonexclusive provided any later granted easements shalt be subject to CITY's and ACHD's rights and uses. The captions and headings in this Agreement are for reference only and shall not be deemed to define or limit the scope or intent of any of the terms, covenants, conditions or agreements contained herein. IN WITN~SS WHEREOF,, the ur~dersigned ha~e caused this ~asement to be executed the day, month and year first set forth above. GRANTOR: LYNX INVESTMENTS, L.P. a Califomia limited Partnership By: ~ ~ Grego uarte General Partner Attest: `~~~~~~~u~u~ur~il~~ C~~: ~~~ ~ ~~~i ~` ~•~ ~i~i d~~"~. '%,CITY OF MERIDIAN 0 a~~T ~ ~ i .~ r ~~ , ., i-'~~~...~- '~i '~ ~ ',~~~~~-Nn r~ ~ i rN' ACHD: ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT ~y: Gary Inselm , Manager Traffic Signal Easement - Page 3 42795.0005.1205735.2 ~~p~l,t7 State of Ga~femia ) ,`~, ) ss. County of ~~\ ) 1 On this ~~ day of ~~~ in the year 2008, before me, ~b'~U~uw~ C~ 1~9-~V~ , a Notary Public in and for the State of Idaho, personally appeared Gregory T. Huarte, Manager, known or identified to me to be the General Partner of the limited partnership that executed this instrument and the General Partner who executed this instrument on behalf of said limited partnership, and acknowledged to me 4ha4 he executed fhe same in said par4nership name. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. _.,~~ ,~'-p,N C qq~ ~ ~N ~P~~TqR ~ti ~ ':~~ -•- ~OGB L,G . ~r~rF4F IDAN~ STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Ada ) _ ~~ro Notary Pu lic for the State of C-afffiomia- Residing at I~~E'r4'k~aun ,~1~ My Commission expires ~~~~2~U~_ On this ~Jo~` day of ~~l,L~ ~- in the year 2008, before me, ~~f.~ ~Yl.._ ~~Pf~ .__ _, a Notary Public in and for the State of idaho, personally appeared Tammy de Weerd, known to me to be the Mayor of the City of Meridian, the municipal corporation that executed and attested the within instrument, . and acknowledged 4o me that they execufied the same, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above wri##en. .••'•••. ~.•' GRE.~'~•.~ . . , . :~ ~SARY~~ ~. • ;~ `. • .~, , . . ,z ~ . .F; ; . ~ ~ Y ' ; ~~ ',~0: ~ ,~ ' r~ ~ ~ `~~~:~ . -. .~~~~~~ o~ ~ . Traffic Signal Easement - Page 4 Notary Public for ldaho ~ Residing at: ~°GL~f~ Ll.~ I~ I I~ My commission expires: IU-~.- -~ 42795.0005.1205735.2 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Ada ) On this day of in the year 2008, before me, , a No4ary Public in and for 4he S4a4e of Idaho, personally appeared Gary Inselman, known or identified to me to be the Manager of Right of Way and Development Services of the Ada County Highway District, the person who executed this instrument of behalf of said District, and acknowledged .to me that the Ada County Highway District executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ( have hereunto set my hand and; a~xed my offrcial seal the day and yearfirst above written. _ Notary Public for ldaho Residing at: My commission expires: Traffic Signal Easement - Page 5, 42795. 0005.1205735.2 . e ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~~v ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ _ ~~ _ ,, ,. ~ ~-~~. ~ ~ ~~...~ ~ - J ! ~ ~~ai: _ ' ~, 7Craffic Sigiaal Ease~iaent - EXI~YBIT ` A ~he following:describ:'es a Traffc Signal'Easement lying inth~e Nortliwest'Quarter of'Section 25~, Townsl,iip 4 N:drth, Range 1 West; Boise Meridian, City .of Meridian; Ada Caunty,:Ida~io;,iiiare garticiilarly describ:e:d as follows: Cq~iiiaene~aag ;at tlie N.orthwe's.t corner of `said, Secfion 25:, sai~d :c.orner marked ~by fouiid.Al'urriinuin. Cap ,monument;. TIience, along the VV'esterl.y boundary ~Tine ofsaid Secfion 25,'South OQ°55'28" West, 11'68 72, -fe:et; - Thence; S:outh ;89°'04'32" East, 25:Q0 feet to fhe Easterly riglit-of.-way of Linder;Road; Thence, al'ong said;Easterly right-of way; parallel vvith said VJestexl.y :b'o,uridary lirie, Sou:tli 00°5'S'28" VVest, '7.:66 feet to~tlie,PQ-I1°~7' O~' ~~~~TN~I~.G; Tlience; South 74°18'07" East, 21..$9 feef; Thence, South Q.Q°00'00" VJest; ZO:64 feet; Thence; South 76°SQ'Q'2" VJest, 22:1.6 ~feet to~the Easteri.y~riglit-o.f way of said. Linder Road; 'Thence; along said Easterly'right-of=way, ~pazallel with said Westerly boundary line, of said Section:25, North 00°SS'28" East, 31;62 feet to the POIle1'I' ~~' ~EG~ING; The above desc~ibed'T'r~c Signal'Easement con"tains 557 squaxe feet,; 0:013 acres; more or less; and is'sub~ect to :all easerrients and reservatioris. ~ ~ `~~~ 1602 VI%. Hays St.., Su'ite 1.02 ~ Boise, iD 837:Q2 =,Phone: 208-8fi3-~419$ ~~ www.accaratesurveyoes.cq~ ,~ - _ ~ „ ;~ `tOR EXHIBIT J W ~' ~ o ~ ~ - ~ ~. ~'~bo J~6 ; . c,B . . ~ e Z ~ Z ~ ~ Z ,~. ~ U O. ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~. W ~ j ~ ~R N ~ `~ , ~ o Z ~- ` ~' O m O ~U v j ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~' ~ : , y O~ S' ~ P ;~ ~ '~ S~P o ,; ~ I~ I j g ` S~' : W ~ ~ j ~d: w ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J I ' I ~ ~ ~ q, ~ e, ~ ~ ~ 4 ,~ ~ I _N ~ ' , ~e~ ' ~' o: cD Q. ~ ~ ~ h 4r _ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ i~ ,~ o ~ ~n ~ ~~ U I o ~, o . , ~~~ ~ o ' , ~ , . ~~ ~o '~ : ~ ~ ,~ a x~.~~; o o' ~ ~ ~, ,,Yr p~j, ~~ ,V Ni. ~ ~ ~ v :U ~ (~ji,; o~ ~ ~D. ~ ,~ U w , o, , ~~~ oL ~ ~ ~ w +IF . r ¢ . ~' ~ o ~J. _,, ~ ,.4~ ' ' ;, . ~N ~ N . I :N. . ,99`L99Z M 9Z;9S.QD S' ' _ -_- ~ N ~N ._. . -- -- .. __ .ZZ'L9l l - - - - ,00 05Z \ z ~ ~, Ob!021 ~3QIJl7 ~ ., . ,~ , y I ~~~0"OSZ .~M «SZ;;:SS QO 5): ... ..,.. 2 N, ~ ~ , L. : . ' ~ U ^ J a ~ £~, ' .ii « ~ ~ ~ zz~ . o . ~z?~o , ~ ~'~ U¢-N ~ ' .~ . Q Z c~~S o Q~ V~~ U. ~ ~ Z w / ~. N . O'~ z .o>. ~ ~ ~~ wU~ O~ W'~ . ~ ~ (~i~ 0. ~ '~ ~, N , Q Q\'• ~~ ~ O~ ~ W JZt`~ U,Q Q; Z Z o o O~ ~ ~c z ~; Sw ~- ~Q J ~ W~~ F~. ~ ` ( ~ v ~ ~ 'r?' /~. ~ .. ~ V U 't~ Z ~ ~ ~fO Z ,Q m ~~ ~ ~ ~:I ~ ~ e .U O J ti ~. O .~. ~ ~,~ W ~ ~ ~ '4 1 0 ~ _II ~ ~.. ... ~ ~ ~ U ~ d' ~ Y' i.~ U ~, Q m R~' J O~ J ,~ ~ :~ ~ :~ ~ S Q ~ ~i m ~ W N O~ ~ aO ~ ~ O »' tO YV Z o ~r ~n w . w ~ co Q O . Oi 0 ~ 1~' r O N~ "r N 1n ~~~~ M N N N r7 , 0 3 w w uW ,w w w cu w ~'~ .N N N '~h O cV 'D~ O d'~ '_'d' M ~ O O , O N c~ u~ .- ~ ~r ~ :~ o o iii z ~ o ~n o o . o u~ ui a' N N' O p) Q> , '~ O c0 'O Q LJ O O~ -0 N ap -t~ O I~. p~ m (~, dn Z (n .tn. (~ Z Z .Z W Z ~ N ~ }7 ~ ~: tD (~ n7-. rn J J J J J J~~ _1 J J. J (,oo•osz 3 «s~z,:ss,:oo 'N> Y-~ 107 £`£ .10,7 I ~~ _ ~ Z~.1'07 l 3l~078 [l '~IJ 1JD.1SL1/OBFIS N ~. ~ t+6'6£'Zd ~~ . I N' ~ I z ~.: ~. _ 2 ,oi ,~,, j ~^ U p O O ~ I ~ Z. ~N 0 ~ ~ .'M ~ O` ~O t~ a> ~ ~ ~ v ~ U O ~ Tttle (MCZC=07 225)1Vlend.iaii- ~~~re S'tatiori .No. 5-.Linder Road- Date.: 0`1 07-2'00$ Scale: 1 ineh = 5 feet ~F~l'e: Traffic Si~g:ria1 Easement:des Tract.l.: 0:013 Acres: 557:Sq Feet; Closure ='s47.3007w 0.01 Feet: Preciszon =111 i.491: ~Perimeter = 96 Feet 001=S.74.L807E,2'1:8.9 003-5.76.50'02W 22:1'6 QOZ=SQO,OOOOW 20:6;4 0:04-N00.5528E'3`7:.62