87 Levying Taxes for 1957/1958 ORDINANCE NO. 87. .AT\T ORDINANCE LEVYING AN ANNUAL TAX UPON ALL THE TAXABLE PROPER'TY WI'CHIN'THE CORPOHATE LIMITS OF THE C1TY01" I,lli.lHDIAN, ADA COmITY,' IDAHO, J:!'OR TEE FISC}l Y'_&:~R BEG-INNING 'THE FIRST DAY OF llLliY, 1 () 5 7 , AND ENDING THE THIRTIETH DAY OF::N'RIL, 1958, OF TWENTY MILLE: ON THE DOLLAR FOR G-ENEIU\L MDNICIT)AL PUl-U)OSES, OF FIVE MILLS ON THE DOLL!-~R FOR THE PUH.POSE OJ:!' OILING- lD'W MAINTAINING S~'RE:2TS, OF TVIO iHLLS ON THE DOLLAH.J:i'OR THE T'URPOSE OF MAIN'I'AININGA :ifC1JICIP _AI. FIHE DE]? _ART~\~Nrr ,011' OTTE MIIJL ON THE DOLL_AR FciR THE FUI{POSE OF SUPPOHTTiW A FHEE PU'3LIC LIS:FL\RY, HOR '1'\-';0 HILLS ON 'l'EI~ DOLL..':.1:1. :rO:R THE PURPOSE OEPROVIDr~G 2ECHEATIONAL PROG?.JUIS, ALL Vn'I'IITN'THE SrilD Crry OF }J1ERIDIAN; DIHECTING rrHE CI~:Y CLEHK TO li'ILE A CE:1TI=TIED COpy OF THIS OHDINANCE T,'lITH THE COtJN'I'Y'I'A,:X: COLLEO'IOn i\F::::J 'I'I-IE COU:~TY )\..UDlTOR OH ADA CQT;l'TTY, IDAHO; .AND DECLARTNG AK' E:i:.illRGE}\j'CY. BE IT ORDAINED BY'I'HE MAYOn .AND CITY COUNCIL OH THE CITY GlI' 1ffiRIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDMiO:- SECTION 1. That t~ere be, and there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property within -trie c'iI'poiate limits of the-City , of Meridian, Ada County, ,Idaho, _which. is,taxabl e by law for State, County and Municipal purposes, the following annual taxes for the .purpose of raising revenue to defray the necessar'-y:ex:oens'es and liabilities td be-incurred in the Ci~y pf,Meridian, ~~a Co~rrty, Idar,o for the 'fiscal year commencing on :May 1, 1957 and ending April 30tl:1, 1~58, 'for thee :followIng -pu'l'pCJoes, -to-wit:--:- l. An annual tax ,of Twenty mills on the' Doilar foi:general munic ipal :yul'poses of the said C:i ty of lvIeridian.. - . 2. An annual tax of Fi VB Mills oiliho Dollarf()I' -the- pur-- Dose of Oiling and Maintaining Streets. I 3. An annual tax of Two Mills on the Dollar for the 'purpose of Maintaininr~ a M~nicipal li'iI'e Department. 4. An annual tax of One Millon the Doll~r for the purpose of Maintaining a Munic ipal ~lrB D~l- !:l:rt.rr-, JJ.t... ~i tI"{4:.:f/l\ . , 5. An Annual tax of Two Mills on the Dollar for the Purpose of providing for and regn] At'j ng recreational programs. SECTION 2. That a certified copy of this'Ordinance shall be by the City Clerk of the s~ld City of Meridian, certified to' the County tax Coliector and to the County Auditor of Ada Courity, Idaho. SEC'l'ION 3. ''!vHEHEAS, There is an' emer'gency therefor, which emer'gency is hereby declared to exist, this Ordinance shall take eflect and be irt force and effect from and after its pas8sse, approval and publication as required by law. Passed by the City Council and'approved by the Mayor'of the City of ~eridian, Ada County, Idaho, this 1st day of July, 1957. AT~[1'.!~:3J~ : ~ -"- -- I ........ ~--~ .".-. - ~.~ 1;.a-fC&~' /, .. - - ' , '/ ' - ! - -. II l.-- - ,- ~... . 1/ q..' ~;'_""'~-"_"_ ,___ J " /~" ~ -- - ../ -:. ............& -. - ~ ---'.....- .~~ '"=- --:'"':: - " - '--. '. ,-' - -..' -- - - '-,. .....,.., ,- - " . ,~ .::::-.~-- ,~ .. .....,":--- ---..., '.