2007 06-07 Meridian Plannina and Zonina Meetina June 7. 2007 Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of June 7, 2007, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Michael Rohm. Members Present: Michael Rohm, Tom O'Brien, David Moe, Steve Siddoway and Wendy Newton~Huckabay. Others Present: Bill Nary, Machelle Hill, Caleb Hood, Scott Steckline, Amanda Hess, and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance: Roll-call X Wendy Newton-Huckabay X Tom O'Brien X David Moe - Vice Chairman X Steve Siddoway X Michael Rohm - Chairman Rohm: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Boy, we have got a large crowd tonight. At this time I'd like to open the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission and begin with the roll call of Commissioners. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda: Rohm: Okay. The first item on the agenda is the adoption of the agenda and there are quite a number of changes tonight and I will just go through those and, then, we will ask for an acceptance of the amended agenda. Item 7 on the agenda will not be heard tonight, it will just be continued to the regularly scheduled meeting of July 19th. That's the Moose Creek project. Item No.8, Louisiana Fried Chicken, will be continued to the regularly scheduled meeting of June 21 st. Items 9, 10, and 11, Shaylee Estates, will be continued to the July 5th regularly scheduled meeting. Item No. 12, Amar @ Wapoot will be continued to June 21 st. And Item No. 13, Kelley Carport Revised, will be continued to the regularly scheduled meeting of July 5th. All of those items will be not be heard tonight and we will just be hearing Items 4 and 5 after the Consent Agenda. So, with those -- Moe: The last one on Kelley Carport, you said the 5th? Rohm: That's true, because-- Moe: Okay. '. Rohm: -- it's been noticed for the 5th and, then, we will open it just to continue it to the 19th. Moe: Okay. Thank you. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 2 of 19 Siddoway: Mr. Chairman, we didn't mention anything on Item 6. Can we do that now? Rohm: Oh. Excuse me. Item 6 will also be continued to the August 2nd, 2007, regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning. Thanks, Commissioner Siddoway. Could I get a motion to accept the agenda as amended? Siddoway: Move to accept the amended agenda. Moe: Second. Rohm: Moved and seconded. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 3: Consent Agenda: A. Approve Minutes of May 3, 2007 Planning and Zoning Meeting: Rohm: Okay. The next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda and that's the approval of the minutes from the regularly scheduled meeting of May 3rd, 2007. Could I get a motion to accept the -- or any changes? Could I get a motion? O'Brien: Motion to accept. Siddoway: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to accept the Consent Agenda. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 4: Continued Public Hearing from May 17, 2007: CUP 07-011 Request for Conditional Use Permit for 12 multi-family residential units on one acre in an R-15 zone for Strate Apartments by Gene Strate - 911 East Pine: Rohm: Okay. At this time I'd like to open the continued Public Hearing from May 17th, 2007, for CUP 07-011, for the Strate Apartments and begin with the staff report. Hood: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. I didn't know, Chairman, if you wanted to quickly run through our protocol or not. There is so few people in the audience to testify, but you typically do that, so I don't know if you -- Rohm: Well -- and we talked about that and because there are so few people, I think we will just let it run its course. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 3 of 19 Hood: Okay. Fair enough. Rohm: Thank you. Hood: So, the project before you is the Strate Apartments. It is continued. as you mentioned, from May 17th. However, during that May 17th hearing this item was opened for the sole purpose of continuing to this date, because the posting on the site did not occur. The site is located on the south side of Pine, approximately 1,600 feet west of Locust Grove Road and the mailing address is 911 East Pine. The property currently lies within Meridian city limits and is zoned R-15. As you can see there that's medium high density residential. The property was annexed in 1999 with the R-15 zoning designation and there is a development agreement that is also in effect for this property. Here is the aerial view of the same site. There is an existing home and some outbuildings on the site. There are a couple of single family homes to the east and the west. To the south is agricultural. All of these surrounding properties -- I'm going to jump back to the vicinity map real quick. As you can see, all of the directly adjacent properties are still zoned in Ada County. To the north is a vacant large piece of L-Q ground here and that is the general vicinity of the project. The applicant has applied for Conditional Use Permit approval and private street approval to construct 12 multi-family dwellings in six buildings and a private street on one acre in an R-15 zone. The applicant is proposing one private street access drive to Pine Street to serve this development. The private street is stubbed to the property to the west for future connectivity. So, there are the private street stubs and it stops short as it goes to the south. ACHD is requiring 35 feet of right of way for Pine abutting the site and city code requires a 25 foot wide landscape buffer located outside of ACHD's right of way, which the current site plan and landscape plan both depict. The gross density of the development is 12 dwelling units per acre. Approximately ten and a half percent of the site is being set aside for open space. The applicant is providing that open space, a walking path connecting the sidewalk on Pine to the internal sidewalks and a 1,012 square foot picnic area with two picnic tables and a barbecue on the south side of the site. Also 80 square feet patios are proposed on the rear of each unit. So, I'm going to jump to the landscape plan real quick. A lot of that shows up a little bit better. So, at the end of the private street are a couple of picnic benches and a barbecue area. The looped pathway system. So, here is your sidewalk along Pine. There is a sidewalk that comes here on the back sides of these units, looping back into the sidewalk adjacent to the private street. The sidewalk continues atter the stub part down and also stubs to the southern property line, so there can be a future pedestrian connection when that parcel to the south develops. There are four building types proposed on the site. All buildings contain two units. Eight of the units are proposed with one bedroom and four are proposed with three bedrooms. Three of the building types A, Band G, are two story and one of the bedroom buildings, H, is one story tall. The submitted site plan proposes one car garages for the one bedroom units and two car garages for the three bedroom units. Additionally, there are driveways in front of all the garages for additional visitor/resident parking. As you can see, the garages are inset from the livable area on the units on all of the four different building types with the parking pads in front of the Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7,2007 Page 4 of 19 garage for all the units. This is important as no parking will be allowed on the private street. The applicant has provided the front building elevations for the proposed structures, as well as site elevations for the two buildings fronting on Pine Street. The applicant is proposing to construct structures with painted cement, fiber board, lap siding on most of the walls and board and bat siding on the gable ends of the roofs. Composition shingle roofs and vinyl windows are also proposed for all of the units. Staff is generally supportive of the proposed elevations, as they appear to comply with the UDC. However, there is one change mentioned in the staff report and that would be that one additional window be added to the north side second floor elevation of unit A facing Pine Street. Let's see if I can find this. It's going to be on this side. Second story. Felt it was appropriate to add an additional window there, as there are no windows on that second floor and that's what you would be seeing from Pine Street. And, additionally, adding a window to unit B, that's this one over here facing Pine Street. So, again, it allows some glazing on -- from most of the folks that are going to be driving by. That's primarily what's going to be visible to them. So, that's -- that condition is included in the staff report. One more thing regarding the units themselves. Staff recommended in the staff report that the applicant clarify tonight what color scheme is proposed for the development, just to make sure you all are okay with whatever color scheme they are proposing. I do have a couple of -- I don't really want to call them outstanding issues, but there are a couple of questions that should be answered tonight. The applicant is proposing to construct six foot tall fencing around the entire perimeter of the development. The east and south side is proposed with six foot tall vinyl. The west side is proposed with a six foot tall chain link coated to match the vinyl color. So, that was a question that staff had for the Commission is do you think that the chain link - - coated painted chain link is appropriate in that location. I should tell you that one of the reasons they are putting an open vision fence there is that the police department had some concerns with this being a common area and they wanted to have some visibility back in behind some of those units. So, the police department did comment that they'd like to see an open vision fence back there. Also as an, quote, unquote, outstanding issue, we did receive a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKague stating that they would like to see single story units abutting their property and they are on the east side of the subject site. I will point out that building H is a single story unit, but it is the only single story unit and -- of the six. So, I wanted to point that out as well. Staff is recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit and private street applications as proposed and amended in the staff report for tonight's hearing and I will stand for any questions that you may have. Rohm: Okay. Thanks very much. Any questions of staff? Siddoway: I have none. Rohm: I have one question and that has to do with the private street. Is it typical that we'd have a private street that stubs to an adjacent property? Hood: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, it's not overly typical. In this case putting a public street through here would, basically, kill putting a product on either side Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 5 of 19 and in this instance the owner actually -- or the applicant actually owns the adjacent parcel. So, it will work, because he owns that parcel and can extend that road in the future. Rohm: Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Siddoway: Mr. Chairman? One question, Caleb. The -- if -- thinking in the future, if the lot should be sold separately, is there any provision for an easement that will prevent them from closing off that street and not -- disallowing access in the future? Hood: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Siddoway, at the Pine entrance or where it stubs? Siddoway: Where -- at the stub. Hood: The only provision would be just a Conditional Use Permit has that requirement that it be extended in the future. So, it would be a violation of this permit to not extend that -- that roadway in the future. Siddoway: Okay. Thank you. O'Brien: Mr. Chairman, I just have one observation is that I've sited very -- almost claustrophobic in the tightness of that arrangement of dwellings. They are small and it allows no room for guests to visit. If -- they can park in driveways or something in front of the garage, but, still, I found in standard subdivisions it's difficult to have guests even when there is a driveway to park and I just feel uncomfortable with that layout. Hood: Mr. Chair. There wasn't really a question there, but I will somewhat respond and I'll let the applicant also. O'Brien: Just an observation. Hood: Yeah. And just to -- I mean something I thought about, too, a lot of these are one bedroom units, so you don't have -- you know, not that they can't have a kid, too, that drives or something, but I think they are geared more towards maybe elderly folks that aren't having maybe as many visitors over or they can park in their garage and still have a visitor come over and have a spot for them. There are a couple of three bedroom units. It is a good point. And usually something that doesn't have on-street parking can create problems. I was comfortable, though, and that's why I stated it in the staff report at least to have some -- some additional parking spaces on their lots. And as far as the recreating, if you do have guests come over, I thought it was important also to have some type of a common area where you could go outside on nice days anyways -- wintertime this doesn't help too much, but could go and recreate in a common area, have a couple picnic tables. All of these units do, essentially, have a decent size backyard, although it won't be theirs solely, but there is 20 feet plus behind the backside of this building and the property line. So, that -- that allows a pretty decent area to put a -- you know, a picnic table up yourself or a little patio set or something like Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 6 of 19 that and can have some -- some area, too. So, just a couple of other observations that I thought of when I was reviewing the project anyway. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. Would the applicant like to come forward, please. Hoff: Hi. I'm Brian Hoff, I'm the -- I'm the architect for the project and I can answer any questions that you might have. Rohm: Could you state your address, too, for the record. Hoff: Oh. Address. 11787 West Daniel Drive in Boise. And I do have some samples here of some options for colors. We have two different color schemes that could -- they could kind of mix and match. Should I hand it up to you or would Caleb -- Rohm; Yeah. That's -- well, actually, to the clerk. Hoff: Okay. One concept kind of has a -- sort of a cream color scheme with a -- have a warm orange. The other concept has more of a green type scheme. Hood: Brian, I'm not going to be able to show those on the overhead. It only wants to project on this screen. Hoff: Oh. Hood: So, let's distribute them and maybe pass them down the line, then, Hoff: Okay. There is two of each. There is like two different color schemes. Caleb has one, a cream tone color scheme. Then, the other one is a different one, so -- so, those would -- so, those that are kind of green, they would go together, and those that are sort of a cream orange would go together, so -- I also have a sample of potential colors for the -- for the shingles as well that would get used as a compliment to those schemes. Rohm: For the audience, basically, the color schemes are basically earth tones and they are not real -- not real bright colors. They seem to be pleasing to us to the eye. Newton-Huckabay: Except for the one that Commissioner Siddoway has. Rohm: Oh. Newton-Huckabay: I would not perceive that one to be pleasing to the eye. Rohm: Okay. All right. Well, we will give you an opportunity to address that. Basically, you're in agreement with the staff report? Hoff: Yes. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 7 of 19 Rohm: Okay. I guess my question up front would be the fence on the west line. Hoff: Right. Rohm: In the staff report it indicated that you're proposing a chain link fence that's colored to the color of the vinyl that would be on the east line? Hoff: Yes. Yes. Rohm: Have you considered alternatives to that, maybe a four foot vinyl, as opposed to six foot, so that we could -- Hoff: I -- that would be -- that would be fine. Like Caleb had mentioned, the main reason for -- for putting the chain link in was for the concerns that the police department had on vision and -- but I wouldn't have a problem with that being a lower fence. That would be -- that would be fine. I think, actually, the owner's not here right now, but I believe he would be okay with that as well. Rohm: Okay. I just think that a chain link fence as a boundary to a residential development just leaves a little bit to be desired. Hoff: Sure. I understand. Rohm: Okay. Really, it sounds like you don't really have a lot to add to the staff report and -- Hoff: I don't believe so. We -- since the -- the move from -- from the 17th -- May 17th meeting until now we made changes related to the initial report, so -- we have tried to address a lot of the issues already. Rohm: Okay. I think maybe the best way to do this, then, is individually do you have questions of the applicant or concerns? Commissioner Newton-Huckabay? Siddoway: I'll wait until atter public testimony. Rohm: Okay. All right. Then, I don't have anything else. Hoff: Okay. Rohm: And we do not have anybody that has signed up to testify to this application, but now is the time. If you'd like to come forward you may be heard. And, please, state your name and address for the record. McKague: I'm Paul McKague. I'm the one that sent the letter and I have property at 931 and 933 East Pine, right adjacent to these apartments. My only concern is that you're putting the -- building the big ones, the tall ones, on my side, so the people can Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 8 of 19 look out over onto me, like I stated in that letter. They go up in their bedroom and open the window in the morning and J'm back and forth out there all the time. I just don't think it's fair to put them on my side, when he could put them on his own side, the tall buildings. Put the one level on my side. That's my -- I'm not saying they shouldn't be built, I'm just in question to the side that he's putting the tall buildings on, upstairs bedroom. So, that's my testimony. I hope that you can take that into consideration when you vote is if you was living there. Rohm: How far is your residence from the property line? McKague: Well, it's -- and it might be right there when they said they was going to put a one -- it's at the end of that acre right there, but, then, that's where my residence is, but I own a rental down here that I work back and forth on and I'm back and forth through that area right there all the time and I just wouldn't want to look up and watch people looking at me. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. McKague: It's -- I think it's more fair for them to be on the other side, but -- Newton-Huckabay: Mr. McKague -- Mr. Chair, can I ask a question? Rohm: Absolutely. Newton-Huckabay: As I understood, this is the only single story residence in this development -- or single story building in this development and you believe this one is nearest to your residence? McKague: Well, according to -- one side is single level and one side is double level. I think that was the next -- closest to my residence. Yeah. That's the inside end of this property; right? Newton-Huckabay: Yeah. Yeah. This is the east -- southeast -- well, southeast corner of this development. McKague: Yeah. And that's where my residence is, just ahead of that. Newton-Huckabay: And this is -- McKague: And, then, my yard and patio is right beside of that. Newton-Huckabay: As we understood, this is the only single story building in the-- McKague: In the whole works? Newton-Huckabay: Yeah. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 9 of 19 McKague: See, they have changed them since he talked to me, because he was putting one levels on his side, all the ones with the bedrooms on my side. Newton-Huckabay: Oh. Okay. McKague: Is what he told me in one meeting we had there. So, they have changed. Siddoway: It must have changed. Yeah. McKague: So, all of them are two stories? Newton-Huckabay: No. This is a single story. McKague: Except for that one. And all of the ones on the other side are going to be a bedroom on top. Siddoway: Two story. Yeah. McKague: 15 that correct? Okay. Newton-Huckabay: Caleb, could I see the landscape plan? These are all big trees; right? Hood: They will be. They will probably be planted as two inch caliper trees, but when they mature they will be larger. At least that's what the ordinance requires as far as a minimum. Two inch caliper. Newton-Huckabay: Could we encourage those trees to be maybe a little bit faster growing? Like don't plant oak trees. Hood: Yeah. Mr. Chair, Commissioner Newton-Huckabay, it is a Conditional Use Permit. You can require them to plant maybe a couple caliper inches larger or maybe supplement a couple of more trees in there if you'd like, some arborvitae maybe, to get some screening. It's not going to screen the second story, but -- but if there is a condition that you feel is appropriate as a body that could make this Conditional Use Permit work in this area, I mean that's up to you. Or group some there or something like that. I mean that could be an appropriate condition. Newton-Huckabay: Thank you. Hood: And I did just want to clarify, too, I have been working with the applicant and his architect quite a bit since the original submittal. Their original plan didn't show the correct amount of ACHD right of way in our landscape buffers, so they lost build-able area to accommodate the right of way and landscaping. So, this plan is -- it's real similar, but it is different than what originally occurred. They still have the same number Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 10 of 19 of units, but some of the units went from two and three bedrooms to one bedroom, just because they lost area to build on. So, I did want to make that. And, then, one final point is I'd just like to give them accolades for working with us. they were real diligent in getting me plans when I needed them and meeting those deadlines and meeting the information, such as the elevations, and getting color schemes and things like that to us for review, so -- Rohm: Is there anyone else that would like to testify to this application? Okay. Thank you. Siddoway: Mr. Chairman, I move to close the Public Hearing. Rohm: Well, the applicant has an opportunity to respond to the -- would the applicant like to come back up, please. Hoff: Sure. I wouldn't mind responding to those concerns. I could say that the -- the other two units that are on the -- on the east side of the property, which would be -- could you go back to the -- there you go. Where it says east elevation, the height of those buildings are going to be a little bit lower, probably four to five feet lower than the west elevation. There is, however -- there will be, you know, a small window in the back. It will probably be for the -- for the bathroom, but that's -- that's about the only window that should be on the backside, which would be the east elevation closest to your property. So, typically, all the -- most of the main windows for the living areas are facing the street, so that's where most of the people will be, you know, during their use. We did -- we did make the H unit, the one closest to the adjacent property, single story for the very reason of some of the concerns that you had, so -- Rohm: Thank you. O'Brien: I have a question. Rohm: Sure. O'Brien: When you were first putting those plans together, was there a consideration of an alternative plan for lesser units, bigger units, or -- in other words, making more open space by having less units built there? I did you -- Hoff: We looked at that, but one of the -- one of the big concerns was to try to -- try to get more units on, since it is zoned at R-15. So, that was one of the -- one of the factors during design. The other main issue, too, is just -- is just the width of the lot. The width isn't very -- it's not very big and so it kind of drives -- drives the fact of -- of not having a whole lot of space for -- for parking, as well as for the build-able area itself and so that's -- that's one of the reasons why -- why we went out to two stories. The -- as you can see here, we are pretty much maximizing the build-able area and the setbacks that we have as well. So, we have a 20 foot setback on the west side and that's mainly due to a sewer trunk line, a sewer easement line that's along the outside of the property. So, in Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 11 of 19 order to open up that space, like you had mentioned, maybe more in the middle, really wasn't possible on that side of the property and so it lent itself to having the larger buildings on the east side and trying to -- trying to make them big enough that they are actually functional. That was one of the concerns we had, too. None of the units are really that large. I think the largest unit is about -- the three bedroom unit is about 1,400 square feet of living area and the rest of the units are around 900 square feet. So, they are not -- they are not really large units. And I understand some of the concerns that you have. One of the things that we were trying to do, though, is to try to make the most of the R-15 zoning, so -- O'Brien: Thank you. Rohm: Any other questions of the applicant? Thank you. Newton-Huckabay: I have none. Rohm: Oh. Okay. You say you have none? Newton-Huckabay: I have none. Rohm: Thank you. Hoff: Thank you. Rohm: All right. Could we get a motion to close the Public Hearing, please? Siddoway: So moved. Mae: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to close the Public Hearing on CUP 07-011. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: Any discussion? Commissioner Siddoway, do you have any final comments on this application? Siddoway: I am in favor of the project with the conditions in the staff report. A clarification that that stub street is intended to be just that, but it sounds like it's there. I just want to make sure that there is -- it's clear that it can't be closed off in the future. I favor the four foot tall vinyl fence over the chain link fence. I'd like to see that changed. And I find that the single story unit on the east side and the lower two story units on the east side meet what I would see as adequate in addressing Mr. McKauge's concerns. I could support additional trees, but I would not favor requiring larger caliper trees. I think Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 12 of 19 once you get above two inch caliper trees they stress more easily when they are planted. So, that would be my comments. Rohm: Okay. Thank you_ Commissioner O'Brien? O'Brien: I still have a concern about the fence myself. Chain link has a tendency to be a trash collector and doesn't look that well. I'm not in favor of that. I don't know about a four foot fence solid either, because it doesn't allow much privacy, people looking into the back side of your home or dwelling. I think the R-15 zone is inappropriate for the footprint that these dwellings provide. I feel uncomfortable with that. And those are the only ones I can think of that I have a concern with. Rohm: Thank you. Commissioner Newton-Huckabay. Newton-Huckabay: I have no concerns. I think this is a nice development out in the area of the Locust Grove connection. Those will have a lot of facility to get to a lot of places. I really have a problem with the chain link fence myself. It sounds like the stub street, the property to the west, will probably likely be developing in a very similar fashion I would imagine in fairly short order. I would prefer chain link fence over a four foot vinyl fence for the fact that you do get -- going to cut down on traffic. But it's certainly not a deal breaker for me. I'm comfortable with the one -- I mean the one unit, the single story, I think that shows intent to give the McKagues some privacy. I think the trees along the east side -- I would encourage, although not require, something that grows a little faster, but I think that the ones that are there are -- there is no other comment. Rohm: Commissioner Moe. Mae: I think the applicant's done a pretty good job as far as for the property and whatnot to appease the neighbor. Putting the single story back near their residence plan, I don't have a problem with the plan at all. I don't think there should be anymore requirement for any additional trees and, quite frankly, I would rather see the four foot fence in there. My concern on a six foot high chain link fence, if somebody gets the facility there and they want a little privacy, they could cover -- put something in front of the open chain link fencing and, then, the police department loses their -- their comments at that point. So, I think the four foot fence would be more appropriate, just as long as it's of the same materials as the six foot, so it all blended in. So, I have no problem with this project at all. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. And I'm in general support of the project as well and I think the applicant has done a good job addressing concerns and has done everything that I see needs to move this project forward. So, could we get a motion to move this onto City Council? Siddoway: Mr. Chairman -- Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 13 of 19 Rohm: Oh, that's right, we are just approving it and it's not a -- it doesn't go -- Siddoway: It's a conditional use. After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to approve file number CUP 07-001 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of June 7th, 2007, with the addition that the fencing along the west property line be required to be four foot tall vinyl fence, to match the six foot vinyl fence around the other sides of the property. Moe: Before I do a second, I'd like to make a revision. That's CUP 07-011. Siddoway: What did I say? Mae: 001. Siddoway: Oh. Okay. Moe: But I would second it. Siddoway: 001. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to approve CUP 07-011. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign. O'Brien: Aye. Rohm: Okay. There is four in favor and one against. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. ONE NAY. Hood: Mr. Chair, clarification. I know Commissioner Newton-Huckabay mentioned there was one color scheme that she didn't like. Was that -- do you all want to make some -- that part of your recommendation? All of them will go into the record, but if there is no further action taken, then, any of the four schemes could be used. So, I didn't know if you want to make that part of any motion or not. Siddoway: I did not intend to restrict the color from the four schemes that were presented. Hood: Thank you. Item 5: Continued Public Hearing from May 17, 2007: RZ 07-009 Request for a Rezone of 24.69 acres from I-L to C-G zone for Jabil Southeast by Joint School District No. 2 - 1303 East Central Drive (Portion of Lot 1, Block 1, of the Jabil Subdivision): Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 14 of 19 Rohm: Okay. Thank you all for coming in. At this time I'd like to reopen the continued Public Hearing from May 17th, 2007, for RZ 07-009 and begin with the staff report. Hess: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. The application before you is a request for rezoning of approximately 24 and a half acres from light industrial to general retail and service commercial. The property is located on the west side of Locust Grove Road at 1303 East Central Drive, currently referenced as Lot 1, Block 1, of the Jabil Subdivision. The property currently lies within Meridian city limits and is zoned light industrial. The site has two previously approved access points to East Central Drive, a commercial collector street. And that is along right here. The applicant requests the rezone from industrial to commercial to allow for educational uses. The property is proposed for a new high school with associated classroom and office spaces and may even house a state university extension in the future. Currently educational institutions are prohibited uses within the industrial zone. However, they are principally permitted within the C-G district. In April the Commission heard a Comprehensive Plan amendment application to amend the future land use map for all of Lot 1, Block 1, of the Jabil Subdivision and that's the entire Jabil Circuit site. Concurrent with that CPA request was an application for rezoning of the north most 9.21 acres and that's up here. Rezoning of that to C-G as well and that was to house the Joint School District service center. Counsel just approved this map amendment and the nine acre rezone this past Tuesday, June 5th, 2007. Staff supports the subject rezone request. Staff believes the commercial zoning designation for the remaining property is in the best interest of the city and, therefore, staff is recommending approval of the rezone application. And that is all staff has, unless the Commission has questions. Rohm: Thank you, Amanda. Any questions of staff? Siddoway: Just a quick clarification. Amanda, those -- the area that we have acted on before -- we acted on the rezone for this area over here previously; correct? Hess: Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, that is actually Lot 2 of the Jabil Subdivision that is currently owned by Van Auker Properties. That was just under a Comprehensive Plan amendment. What you heard previously for this lot was the entire site was approved for -- Siddoway: A Comp Plan amendment. Hess: -- a Comp Plan amendment to commercial as well and a rezone current with that just for the north nine acres. They are coming in and finishing what's outlined in orange here the remaining portion of the property. Siddoway: Okay. So, the area shown as CPA area on the illustration-- Hess: Is outlined in red. I had -- it's a little difficult to see, but I had written the CPA in red to correspond to the entire outline of the site. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 15 of 19 Siddoway: But the area between that red line and this orange line has previously been rezoned already. Hess: Yes. Siddoway: Okay. Hess: Correct. Rohm: At this time would the applicant like to come forward. Daniels: Ed Daniels. 2785 Bogus Basin Road. Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, again, I think Amanda's done an outstanding job in presenting the project. I really don't have a lot of additional comments to that, but I'd certainly stand for any questions. Rohm: Thank you. You know, this is one of those projects that almost seems like it should have happened at the same time of the original nine, but, in any case, we are hearing it tonight and I don't have any questions. Any questions of staff? Moe: Mr. Chairman. Do you agree to all conditions in the staff report? Daniels: Absolutely. Moe: Thank you. Rohm: Thank you very much. Could I get a motion to close the Public Hearing? O'Brien: Make a motion to close the Public Hearing. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to close the Public Hearing. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: And just for the record, there is nobody else in the audience to testify, so there was no purpose to open it to public testimony. So, at this time could we get a motion to move this forward? O'Brien: Mr. Chairman, I move to recommend approval to City Council of file number RZ 07-009 as presented in the staff report with no other conditions, for the hearing date of June 7, 2007. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 16 of 19 Siddoway: Second. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to forward onto City Council recommending approval of RZ 07-009, to include all staff report. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. Thank you. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Mae: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Moe. Moe: Never mind. I stop right there. We are not done. Rohm: Okay. All right. Newton-Huckabay: We have to continue everything. Would you like a blanket continuation? Item 6: Continued Public Hearing from May 3, 2007: AZ 06-063 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 38.68 acres from RUT and R-1 zones to C-G zones for Waltman Property by Waltman, LLC - 505, 521, 615 and 675 Waltman Lane: Rohm: If they were all the same date it would be nice. Okay. At this time I'd like to open the Public Hearing on AZ 06-063 for the sole purpose of continuing to the regularly scheduled meeting of August 2nd, 2007. Mae: So moved. Siddoway: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to continue Item No. 06-063 to the regularly scheduled meeting of August 2nd, 2007. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 7: Continued Public Hearing from April 19, 2007: PP 07-006 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 7 single family residential building lots and 2 common area lots on 1.96 acres in an R-4 zone for Moose Creek Subdivision by Moose Creek Construction - 4275 N. Jones Creek Lane: Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 17 of 19 Rohm: At this time I'd like to open Item No.7, PP 07-006 for the sole purpose of continuing to July 19th, 2007. Mae: So moved. Siddoway: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to continue item PP 07-006 to the regularly scheduled meeting of July 13th, 2007. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 8: Public Hearing: CUP 07-009 Request for a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through window in a C-G zone within 300' of a residential use and another drive through window for Louisiana Fried Chicken Drive thru by Kimball PropertieslWinston H. Moore - 2845 E. Overland Rd: (Re- Noticed for June 21, 2007) Rohm: At this time I'd like to open Item No.8, CUP 07-009 for the sole purpose of continuing it to the regularly scheduled meeting of June 21 st, 2007. Moe: So moved. Siddoway: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to continue Item 8 to the regularly scheduled meeting of June 21st, 2007. All those in 'favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 9: Item 10: Item 11: Public Hearing: RZ 07-011 Request for a Rezone of 0.77 of an acre from C-C to an O-T zone for Shaylee Estates by Tealey's Land Surveying - 1402 & 1404 N. Meridian Road: (Re-Noticed for July 5,2007) Public Hearing: PP 07-010 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 2 office building lots, 6 single-family residential building lots and 1 common lot on 0.77 of an acre in a proposed O-T zone for Shaylee Estates by Tealey's Land Surveying - 1402 & 1404 N. Meridian Road: (Re-Noticed for July 5, 2007) Public Hearing: CUP 07-010 Request for Conditional Use Permit to construct 6 town homes in a proposed 0- T zone that do not meet the criteria of the Downtown Meridian Design Guidelines for Shaylee Estates Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 Page 18 of 19 by Tealey's Land Surveying - 1402 & 1404 N. Meridian Road: (Re- Noticed for July 5, 2007) Rohm: At this time I'd like to open Items g, 10, and 11. All items related to Shalee Estates for the sole purpose of continuing to the July 5th, 2007. Newton-Huckabay: So moved. Siddoway: Second. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to continue Items 9, 10, and 11 to the regularly scheduled meeting of July 5th, 2007. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 12: Public Hearing: AZ 07-007 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 1.56 acres from RUT to R-8 zone for Amar @ Wapoot by LandPro Development, Inc. - 2400 West Wapoot Drive: (Re-Noticed for June 21, 2007) Rohm: At this time I'd like to open Item No. 12, the Amar @ Wapoot to continue them to the -- it to the July -- or June 21 st, 2007, regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Siddoway: So moved. Newton-Huckabay: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to continue Item No. 12 to the regularly scheduled meeting of June 21 st, 2007. All those in favor say aye. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 13: Public Hearing: CUP 07-012 Request for Conditional Use Permit to allow a 200 square foot canvas carport in the 0- T zone for Kelley Carport Revised by Larry and Judy Kelley - 403 East Second Street: (Re- Noticed for July 5,2007) Rohm: At this time I'd like to open Item No. 13, the Kelley Carport Revised for the sole purpose of continuing to July 5th, 2007. Moe: So moved. Meridian Planning & Zoning June 7, 2007 P~ge 19 of 19 Rohm: It's been moved and -- Newton-Huckabay: Second. Rohm: -- and seconded to continue Item No. 13 to the regularly scheduled meeting of July 5th, 2007. All those in favor say aye. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Moe: Mr. Chairman, motion to adjourn. Siddoway: Second. Newton-Huckabay: Second. Rohm: Okay. It's been moved and seconded to adjourn. All those in favor say aye. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:52 P.M. 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