GI Joe's Retail Bldg Modification CZC 06-146 NOTE: This is not a Buildin!! Permit Prior to anv construction" vou should contact the Buildin!! Deoartment at (208) 887-2211 to verify if anv additional Dermits and/or insDections will be reauired bv the Meridian Buildin!! DeDartment. Date: May 3~ 2007 RECEIVED CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* M~,~~!~~~J'~~ . MAY 0 l; 2001 C.ity of Meridian CIty Clerk Office Project NameINumber: G.1. Joe's Retail Building - CZC-06-146 Owner: W.H. Moore~ Co. . Site Address: 3415 North Eagle Road (Lot 4~ Block 2~ Centre Pointe Subdivision) Proposed Use: Sporting & Outdoor Goods~ and Auto Accessories Retailer Zoning: C-G . ~ '.}, Comments: Conditions of Approval: Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and the conditions of approval for the Bonito Subdivision. Issuance of this permit does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for this site. The issuance 0"[ this permit does not release the applicant from any requirements of the approved Annexation and Zoning (AZ-03-025), Conditional Use (CUP-06-027), Preliminary Plat (pP-06-020), Final Plat (TBD), as well as any Development Agreements recorded for this site. , Uses: Applicant's merchandise shall include sporting and outdoor goods, automobile accessories; and recrea~ional ATVs. Site Plan: The Site Plan prepared by Quadrant Consulting, Inc., on August 16, 2006, Sheet Numbers SP-1 and SP- 2, is approved (stamped "Approved" on August 22, 2006, by the Meridian Planning Department) with the following changes (see redline changes on plan): 1) Per UDC 11-3B-8C-2bll no linear {!roupin!! of parkin!! soaces shall exceed tvvelve (12) in a row . without an internal {'Ianer island. Provide an additional olanter island to the east of the proposed structurell as deoicted on the site and landscape plans. The approved site plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. Landscaping: The Landscape Plan prepared by The Land Group on July 11,2006, Sheet Number L1.0, is approved (stamped "Approved" on August 22, 2006, by the Meridian Planning Department) with the following changes (see redline changes on plan): 1) As no linear !!roupin!! of oar kine: snace.s shall exceed twelve (12) in a row without an internal nlanter islandll one additional olanter island must be orovided as deoicted on the site and landscane plans. 2) Per UDC 11-3B-8C-2dll one (1) tree must be installed in said nlanter described above. Provide shrubbervll lawnll or other veeetative !!roundcover within the landscape nlanterll as well. The approved landscape plan is not to be alt'ered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No field changes to landscape plan permitted; pr~or written approval of all material changes is required. Elevations: The Elevations prepared by Leeka Architects / Planners on July 12, 2006, are approved (stamped "Approved" on August 22, 2006, by the Meridian Planning Department) with no changes from the Planning Department. The approved elevation plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. Irrigation: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscape areas per the approved specifications and in accordance with UDe 11-3A-15. Protection of Existing Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or mitigated for in accordance with the Tree Preservation section of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Per UDe 11-3B-I0, coordinate with the Parks Department Arborist (Elroy Huff, 888-3579) for approval of protection/relocation measures for the existing trees prior to construction. Any severely damaged tree must be replaced in compliance with UDe 11-3B-I O-C.5. Parking: The proposed parking areas shall be paved and striped in accordance with UDC 11-3B. Project engineer/architect shall certify that the number and size of handicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordance per ADA and signed appropriately. Curbing: Per UDC 11-3B-5I, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking lots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other approved protective devices. Curbing may be cut to allow for storm water runoff. Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with 11~3A-17. Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Drainage: Storm water drainage swales shall not have a slope steeper than 3: 1, shall be fully vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with UDC 11-3B-Il and UDC 11-3A-I8. Fencing: Any required or proposed fencing shall be installed with current fencing standards as defmed in UDC 11- 3A-7. Lighting: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development. Comply with all lighting standards as defined in UDC 11-3A-l1. Signage: No sIgns are approved with this CZC. All business signs will require a separate sign permit in compliance with UDC II-3D. Trash Enclosure: All ,dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with UDC-11-3A -12. Tr'ash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by sse. Handicap-Accessibility: The structure, site improvements and parking areas must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirementse ACHD Acceptance: All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of OccupancYe A written certificate of completion shall be prepared by the landscape architect, landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan upon completion of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials and sprinkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the co~t of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: Except for the changes mentioned above, the approved Site Plan and Landscape Plan stamped "Approved" on August 22, 2006, are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No significant field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is' required. ;f ;;;]1 /' ~~ L / y1J ttt( c. LL ,,::;;},::;t./J -- Amanda Hess, Associate City 'Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. c~~D 1',$ J __ Planning Department )/ V\f\i \\ 'I. 7>~~1l1'-1\DMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION ~ a~I.....D -n'ki..G OT( .\ ii..P)1. .....,l ,,'"' ~ ~).. '\ ,-MT ).. ~ 0 'J..;.'U ~ C~' }.. J. "'f~"'t~ r; CL J ).. 1'"""~ i~ ~ '-" V1-J~~ Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) .i{;l1~~ cM;;;~;di;~~!~t ,. i II )AHO ;{ \A j{ '<~~~~~L:~' o Accessory Use o Alternative Compliance )Q Certificate of Zoning Compliance N\od'i ~ ct\:..fioV'.. o Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification o Design Review o Private Street o Property Boundary Adjustment o Short Plat o Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance D Time Extension (Director) o Vacation o Other STAFF USE ONLY: File number(s): (J 11A<1& . bate filed: ,Assigned Planner: . ... ~ . c. .t \.It .. .~~'~te\?,'files: _ (~ .~.~. Q.(C '~:"_ ..: ;;..-:'2; , .... . . .~ .+" . ~-~~ ~~:"':~J."'.i.~.~"~:"._. ... I ..; t' ~ ,: '. ~ ~ . . . , .. Y.'" .:~_~.~. ".;":~~:I~~. ~:'.; >: ~~:,...~~~"..i ..~:,~ ~ ~ o.~"~~o :"~:. "~"~ ~..~ ~~ ". ro 0 'o~ y "~'~ ? 0": Applicant Information Applicant name: r~ H VV\ ~/Lr5' Applicant address: 1 C) l( 0 ~or.J 1'.6- . .1', Applicant's interest-in ptoperty: ~ O\Vl1: D Rent, 0 Optioned 0 Other Phone: ! L ~ Ie:; ICJ Zip: "" :s h l( 2- Owner name: Owner address: L-> ~ \-t' ~~ o-rtG Phone: ~2.;; f., f ~ Zip: <(- 3, C, '-I Z-. 1-aJLid~ bh s J'v(&J-e- Phone: 11:1- CJ;~,~/O Zip: <g' ~(p 4 & Agent name (e.g., architect, en ineer, developer, representative): Firm name: 1" , ~ .--- Address: 3'-( '.S N. t>c(j (.1'..... " Primary contact is:~PPlicant 0 Owner )(Ag~nt 0 pther Contact name: :fc N r;}t7J-i ~ ~ 6 cL ----- E-mail: 5 - 5 ~e L- r!?_ ~ tf . ji'\a- + Phone: .s 2 ~ te;l ~ Fax: 5" L -S 75>23 Subject Property Information Location/street address: -S <-( , c:;- ~.. E td{.,L ~ ,2-j;) Assessor's parcel number(s): ~o S- 3zl( t(4 00 L, ( ~O ~~ z i[Lf1'?O ~ Township, range, section: L( ~ J e ~ L Total acreage: ~ L Current land use: \J' /l\-o.- ~ Current zoning district: L ~ 660 E. Waterto\ver Lane, Suite 202 · Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (20~) ~84-5533 ..; .,~~.csim~le: .{2~?)..888-~854 . \Vebsite: \v\v\v.meridiancity.org -.-'~;/;::;~1f,;~t~:_r:~;":<~':::~~.<."?"''''' :.'. :. .":. J'..:.~~:~: '.'-:.'::;.'-" (Rev..9!21106) 01 ~. . t I ." ... -, ~ ..;.: ..:~:..... ..: . 0 .. :: ~5.~~ :~,~?:~~~~~ Proj ect Description Projectlsub9jvision name: C ~~ac PC) I .-- r ~...J ',~ General description. of proposed project/request: f .....2 c:) '> ~ c;.c~ ~o.)~ ~'r2>a.!.- ~ . Prop ased zoning distri c t( s): Acres of each zone proposed: Type of use proposed (check all that apply): o . Residential ~ercial D Office D Industrial D Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): t! o~ C Who will own & maintain the pressurize~ irrigation system in this development? ?C2-c J ATe:- Which irrigation district does tbis property lie within? ~ GilL. c...... 6L~ Primary irrigation source: :+ t'2- (2- l 4 ~ if ,-J Secondary: e L ~ Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (ifprimary or secondary point ofconnection is City water): Residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of residential units: Number of common and/or other lots: Proposed number of dwelling units (for multi-family developments only): ~ 1 Bedroom: . . 2 or more B ~: Number of building lots: Minimum square footage of structure ( s) ( exc!. garage): Minimum property size (s.f): Proposed building height: Average property size (8.f.): Gross density (DU/acre-total1and): ./"/ Net density (DU/acre-excluding roads & alleys): .."'- Percentage of open space ~de'C{( Acreage of open space: Percentage ofuse7p-en space: (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of open,;pace provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): Z.-d~l1ing(s) proposed: 0 Single-family 0 Townhomes 0 Duplexes 0 Multi-family Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building lots: Gross floor area proposed: o I'-' ~ 5L co C,) ~ . Other lots: Hours of operation (days and hours): Percentage of site/proj ect devoted to the following: Landscaping: {I.. L I 4 '7 c:> Building: Paving: Total number of employees: Maximum number of employees at anyone time: Number and ages of students/children (if applicable): if Seating capacity: Total number ofparldng spaces provided: \ S 5 Number of compact spaces provided: Existing (if applicable): r- Building height: ~ L. ~ <::r ar €:::7 Authorization Applicant signature: Date: -::> a I<J 7 I 0 . Waterto\ver Lane, Suite 202 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 · Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 · Website: W\V!v.meridiancity.org : 2 . s Print applicant name: ....... ~~4:... : ~.~~ ~ ..::.. ._.:.i~:. ,~~::;. ~':!r~: ~{f:;."" . . ~ . . .. ...~- - : ~ . ~ . <, ~P:;~;tr.) l.E.E.Kil- . ' '. . . "-..- . , - '~-GKA . . ARCHITECTS - PLANNERS 6775 SW 1111h Ave Suite 20 Beaverton Oregon. 97008 503-644-4222 office 503-644-6567 fax leeka inC@leekainc.conl enlail \W'/'vV, leekainc. com web City of Meridian, Idaho Planning Department 660 E Watertower Ln. Ste 150 Meridian, Idaho 83642-2300 Meridian G.I. Joes Narrative, G.1. JoeJs is proposing to build a new 52,OOOs.f. Retail Store in Meridian Idaho located at a new shopping center development near the comer of Ustick and Eagle roads. The proposed new store location will be at the South end of a group of three large box retail buildings roughly in the middle of the shopping center property. The Meridian G.I. Joe's Sports, Outdoor and More retail building which also sells A TV's, will have an exterior envelope design constructed primarily with Spilt Face CMU on all exposed wall surfaces and smooth face CMU on overlaid wall surfaces. The overlaid wall surfaces will be framed out and finished in EFIS or like material to stand out from the main CMU wall surface at the storefront and building corners to add additional relief and texture to the building. Pilasters will be provided to help break up the elevation and add vertical elements to the building fac;ade. Colors will be provided in neutral hued earth tones in the tan spectrum as noted on the provided Facade rendering study. Landscaping including trees and shrub plantings will be placed at the storefront to provide accent the building elevations and colors. A loading dock and ramp will be located on the west end of the proposed building and will be screened off by a split face eMU wall extension. Additional landscaping will be provided on the street front side of the drive path to further screen the backside of the building. A dual elevation steel canopy with under-lighting overhangs will be provided at the primary entrance and window area of the building to provide a sense of entry and to provi.de sun screen in the summer and rain protection during the rainy season. The building will be constructed on a thick concrete slab with steel columns and truss joists. The proposed roof construction will consist of steel deck, rigid insulation and single ply membrane overlay, the interior is open to the roof deck to create a spacious interior environment. Lighting. will be provided by triple tube CFL hi-bay fixtures partnered with skylights and controlled by an integrated lighting energy management system. Additionally several sky lights will be provided to obtain natural lighting in the sales floor. The building will be constructed with fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems. The Aesthetics of the building should match well with the surrounding center elevation concepts and the building use should be a good addition to the community. Regards, Neil Lee, AlA, CSI / CDT 10f 1 5i2J20Q7 C.' (- E Chinden Blvd Me Mfllan Rd r 0 Goldenrod Ave 0 c en fT1 -+- 0 (J) z G) co .z ::r ..., at a 21 0 0 3 < < CD <D ;:0 0 -, a.. PROPOSED < 0 ;:0 . <b 0 ~. 0.. CENTREPOINTE Ci ^ <D Ustick Rd . SUBDIVISION Q (f) m .-f- ;0 n.. C7 ;:0 G n.. o i ;; o Cory Lane ., . Forrvie.w Ave f" I!... N W FranklIn Rd rnterstafe 84 SCALE: 1" == 3,000' VICINITY MAP CENT.REP01NTE SUBDIVISION 08-15-'06 09:3c-FBOM-SSC ~. _ w . '-l:.Il:.IW _ · r..:.!...Z U I: ~ 1.1 ,\-.Mo..JI' I. ""....... ..... , J...."" J oJ 2088&. ,52 T-498 P003/~03 F-331 · ...... 'It ......-. I ....... -' 1.-.5 M,NI flF. Ii! tai · ( h 1.. -4 I!l 1.-.3 iii w il L.... II ~ SF. ! :M,2'189J<.! 28,088 ~ I SU01 U 1 . = t . ~;~ 0ffffH$#fill0 ; OUffi~ 0HHffHffiHHft{j . GfHtfffHttHtHfH --;~ ~.~ I i ~ \.... I [ . p..., , 4I\UO SF. 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Larson Archiucts,P...It 2.10 M1.Iltay Street ... Boisel Idaho S3114 (208) 910.7502 · Fax (208) 658.0224 August 15~ 2006 SANer ARY SltRVICES co. :Bill Gr~ory P.o. Bas 626 MeridWl, Idaho 83680 RE: Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC) Applieation,for OJ. Joe's Mr. Gregory: Attachedl please find an enlarged site plan and overall sit~ phm on the G.L JOe'l Bddibg for your review. This building is located in the Centre Pointe Subdivision located on the northwest eomer of Eagle and Ustick Roads, in the' same eomplex as the pro~osed Kohl's Building.. ~ j ~ ... ~ . . The projec~ eonsists of a 517194 srf. building. This building' will have a trash compactor located at the fdf of the building as shown on the attaebed drawings.. ~ We: anticipate: submitting for -. Ctitificate of Zoning Complianee. early next week (AuguSt .22 nd ) and we would appreciate your CQroBlents and approval. ' . . If yon have any qu~tions or oonooms please eal).~ 1 i Sincen:IYt uno.D. Ardli1eds ';/UJ/IV/Y~ SANITARY SERVIC~ COMPANY 7~ ApprovdMtB~ ~ ., ;/.: L i . "1)'J _ Jr:).r. ~~IJ ~ 1 COMMENTS:< .. Oawna Jenkins : j ~.. . ) ~ .~~~ ~.... i ,,~.''''~. .- . ,;,"~::.'-1~~':-;_ -~ olfe;dl;!:;-~\I - IDAHO ~. ~ ill :rY~ _()/ ~~\ . ~ tk TRE~"~-{ .FORM PWIOO MAYOR Tammy de Weerd DATE: 3/8/2007 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Keith Bird Joseph W~ Borton Charles M. Rountree David Zaremba The following address has been verified by Th~ City of Meridi~n Public Works Department as valid for the project listed below. CITY DEP ARThffiNTS City AttorneylHR 703 S.. Main Street 898-5506 (City Attorney) 898--5503 (HR.) Fax 884-8723 Project Name: gJOE'S RETAIL Address: 3415 N. EAGLE ROAD Suite #: N/ A Fire 540 E. Franklin Road 888-1234/ fax 895-0390 Zip Code: 83646 Parks & Recreation 11 W. Bower Street 888-3579 / fax 888-5501 Lor / Block! Subdivision: CENTREPOINT SUBDIVISION Planning 660 E. Watertower Street Suite 202 884-5533 / fax 888-6854 Notes: PRELIMINARY ADDRESS UNTIL PLA T RECORDS. Police . 1401 E. Watertower Street 888-6678/ fax 846-7366 EACH SET OF PLANS WILL BE REQUIRED TO CLEARLY REFLECT - THE CORRECT ADDRESS AND SUITE NUMBER (IF APPUCABLE). Public Works - 660 E~ Watertower Street Suite 200 898-5500 / fax: 895-9551 Tricia Shindle d~~clL ..Department Specialist Public Works 898-5500 Ext. 209 sh i nd let@meridiancity.org \Tl ~ ~ \ \t1 - Building 660 E.. Watertower Street Suife 150 887-2211./ fax 887-1~7 - Sewer (WWfP) 3401 N. Ten Mile Road 888-2191 / fax 884-0744 - Water 2235 N. W~ 8th Street 888-5242 / fax 884-1159 CITY HALL 3 EAST IDAHO AVENUE ME:RIDIANf .ID 83642 (208) 888-4433 (,.. CITY CLERK - FAX 888- 4218 CITY A ITORNEY/ HR - FAX 884- 8723 FINANCE & UTIUTY BILLING - FAX 887-4813 IvIA YOR'S OFFICE - FAX 884-8119