Walker Plaza CZC ACHD Comments ~ . /..".....:..0.. - -- -~ ................---~. .. .... .-..., ~:..: =-:(~ ".~' ~. ~v \ ... . .~ "'~:....." i.' .-..:. '..::::...".:_;:...... . . . ..... ,-:.. .~~- - ... .. .. ....... .:.:.:.:.:.:..-. .~:. ...~...---- -.. -.. .-. . ..._..----:.~.. '"'":' \': John S. FrandEm, President Sherry R. Huber, 1st Vice President David Bivens, 2nd Vice President Carol A. McKee, Commissioner Reb(!cca W. Arnold, Commissioner ~~ut~ ~ October 18, 2006 To: C. Laraway Designs 6901 W. Emerald # 203 Boise, ID 83704 Representative: Justin Walker 1245 E. Fairview Meridian, ID 83642 Subject: Walker Plaza "East" /MClC-06-169/East & West Bldgs. In response to your request for comment, the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) staff has reviewed the submitted application and site plan for the item referenced above. The relevant ACHD policy for this application on an arterial roadway is as follows: . District policy requires 120-feet of right-of-way on a 7 lane principal arterial roadways (Figure 72- F1 B). This right-of-way allows for the construction of a 7-lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5-foot concrete detached sidewalks. . District policy requires 7-foot wide attached (or 5-foot detached) concrete sidewalk on all collector roadways and arterial roadways (7204.7.2). The site specific conditions for approval for this application are as follows: . Construct a 5 foot detached concrete sidewalk abutting the site no closer than 53-feet from the center line of Fairview Ave. . Dedicate 60-feet of right-of-way from centerline of Fairview Ave, as per District policy. The applicant will be compensated at the fair market value for the additional right-of-way dedication. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at 208-387-6177 Sincerely, Chelsee Kucera Right-of-way & Development Services CC: Project file, Construction Services, Utilities City of Meridian Ad-~-c~~n~'Hi~h;:;~Di;ict~-3775Ad;~~"Str;;;:"G~'~d~~otY7ffi~1f4:;:~::ci1:~'i~iii:l~';;fij4:~~':"~:~cfid:~aa:iifus-.'F "' ,p, t.'~k'" il ... ~:o( '!Ill$' !Ii 'II :.io: ~ r' A II Development Process Checklist I] I8ISubmit a developmefllt application to a City or to the County I8IThe City or the County will transmit the devek>pment application to ACHD I8IThe ACHD Plannln8 RevlWl DM.lon will receive the devetopment application to review I8IThe Pl.annlng Review Dlvlllon will do ~of the followi~: DSend a "No IUvlew" letter to the applicant stating that there are no site specific r8quirements at this time. DSend a "Comply With" letter to the applicant stati'"" that if the devQ/o","ent is within a platted subdivision or part of a previeus develDjllment application afld that ttM site specific requir9Rlents from the previous develOpment also appl: to this development applM:atlon. I8IWrite a St'" Level report analyzing the impacts of the dltvelllpment on th8 transportatk'ln system and evaluating thE proposal for its conforma.,.;e to District Policy. DWrite a Commission Lewl rejllOrt analyzi... the impacts of the develepment on the tr8Plsportat~n system and evaluatinu the JM"<iposal for its conformamce to District Policy. DThe Planning Review Divisioo will hold a Technical R...,IMV meeting for all Staff BIld CcJI1IIIInl~lcR1 L!lvel ntpor1,J. DFor ALL ltavelopment a~Hcations, iocluding tti>se r~lving a "No RWvl"-' or "C081ply With" letter: · The applicant should submit two (2) sets of ePIginee~ "'ana directly to ACHD for reviEt\v by the DevelopmiM1t Ravin Division for plan review and asses.ment of impact fEJIIB. (Note: if there are ..0 site improvements required by ACHD, th8JI architEK:tural plans may be submittlld for purposes of impact fee calculation.) · The applICant is required to get a permit from Constn.l(rtjon Services (ACHD) for ANY work in the light-of-way, includi", but not limited to, driveway approaGheB, street imj!Jr'Ovements and utility cuts. DPay Imp$t F_s pltlr to issulillce of buildiRg permit. Impact fees canlWt b8 paid prior to plan review approval. DID y~ ~MEMB~R: CQlJst t/QIJ (Zone) o Driveway or PrC"'lrty Appro8Ch(.) · Submit a -Driveway Awroalth Requesr form to Ada County Htghway District (ACHD) Construcb (for approval by Dev8iopment Servif:es & Traffic Services). There is a one.......k turnaround for thiB approval. o World~: In th.-ACHD Right-of-Way · Fo~ busineS8 days prior to starting w.:>rk have a bonded CCIPItractor submit a "Temporary Highway Use Permit Application" to ACHD Construction - Permits along with: a) Trafffc Con~ Plan b) An Erosllln & Sediment Control Narrative & Plat, done by a Certified Plan Designer, if trench is >50' or you are placing >600 sf of concrete or asphalt. ConstructiBn (Sul1fiivistons) o Sldlment" Er~lon Submittal · At least one week pJlior to setting up a Pre-Con an Erosion & Sedi~nt Control Narrative & Plat, done by a Certified Plan Designer, must be turned into ACHD Construction - SubdivisilDn to be reviewed and approved by the ACHD Drainage Division. o Idaho Power Company · Vic Steelman at Idaho Power must have his IPca approved set of subdivision utility plans prior to Pre-Con being scheduled. o Final Approval from DeveloprMnt Servlc. · ACHD ConstructiEil1 - Stadivision must have received approval from Deve<<>pment Services prior to scheduling a Pre-Con. ~ 8 ".