Tacos El Rey CZC 06-215 <...; I.:.~~' ;.. )!';, :""t ~~ 4-' 1\'" ~"; 'olfcridiin. IDAHO 0,', iT; < ~I . .~ . )'l ';;1. ., . . ;l . ~', . :~. .., t.~ CER~IFICATE OF ZONINGCOMPLIANCE* Date: January 3, 2007 '. '" j, Project NameINumber: Tacos EI Rev Temporafy Use;,....,CZC-06-215 Owner: Brian Davis f> :.t~ ii4' Applicant: Angel Lopez ~~ Site Address: 3100 S. Meridian Road A", ~ ~ ~ ~ ..$ Proposed Use: TempoF3lY Taco Truck- Approval good from January 3, 2007 through January 3, 2008 \~~ Zoning: C-G Comments: m Conditions:of Approval: , , ' '" , ' . ' "",,, . 'J! TIils temporary use is allowed from January 3,2007 through January 3',j 2908 (UDC 11- 3E-4A1). " " I' . All structures and/or the display of merchandise shall comply;"with the setback requirements of the district within which it is locate,! (UDC r1-3E-4Bl). Temporary structures and merchandise shall be displpyed so as not to interfere with the clear vision" triangle. In no case spall items be displaye<;l or business cond1.ictedvvithin the publktight-of:way, unless otherwise authorized by the Transportatiqn AuthoritY (UDC ll-3E-4B2). .:~ ~ . " ~ A maximUm of 1 structure shall be allo~ed and may cover a maximum of 500 square feet ". ..,' " (UDC 11~3E-4C1). ' <" .. ". ~: The u~e shall not result in tile cOl!struction of any permanent structures that would not otherwis.eJJe permitted subject to the regulations of this Title tunc 11-3E-4C2). Anv tempor~ structures s~all be portable and completely removed at the end o,fthe "...tiallo;red time period (ODC 11-3E-4C3).", The applicant shall obtain any necessal'Y",building permits roDC 11-3E-4C4). ~ ;. !.~ ~' Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to serve the use (UDC 1l-3E-4El). The use shall not displace the required o:ftstr~et parking""spaces or loading ateas of the'" ~ ~ ~~ .x ,~ . i!. ... )~ '.' . .. ~ II principal permitted use on the site (UDC ll-3E-4E2). The entrance ~d exit drives shall be designed to ~re~ent traffic hazards and nuisances (UDC 11-3E-4E3). '" l ".:~~ , ,'.. . All surfaces used for parking shall be constructed with paving, vegetative cover, or of a dustless material (UDC ll-3E-4E4). ~ I"l' 13:< ~."~ All si~s erected in association with the use shall be in compliance with the regulations for sign~ Chapter 3 Article D SIGN REQUIREMEN~S' of the Meridian City M1J11icipal Code (UDC 11-3E-4F). " >:'II . The site shall be retUrned to a clean condition after the termination of the use, including free of debris and garbage (UDC 11-3E-4Hl). . Unsold food products, trees, greens, or debris generated by the use shall be properly ~ disposed off the site (UDC 11-3E-4H2). - . The use shall comply with any guidelines, regulations and permitting process required by any authorizing public agencies, including but ndt limited to, the Central District Health Department, Transportation Authority, and Meridian City Departments. . Comply with all other applicable City Code. r:.~~, (~#.2 </A fa.H;p"'4. ) Sonya atters Associate City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health DePaI'tl:lllient, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., Idaho Transportation Department, etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. ~ "'. ~ ;!;, ~ =-~ - ,. ~l II to ;~ ." .. '.\ t: is ii: ~ " -' ,~ !l' ,~ 1?' II '" '" I: <; .. :,1 IT :'i " ~ ,. :1 i!' N m. , '," I ~~ l~ l~c; 4 ;m ~~ ;! ~ to ::c ~ ;-; r ~ ~~) ~ " i'l.l;1M\-t: ~ .s.?- .:,.;:If....di!. ~;;:h;~1if 1\., , 1\\' Planning Department ~~"j~~~;:;},8~:MJNISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION " \,oJ [, <~ii~~::' ("1 ,'\J ~ - ,,,,,\'~"L :;~)~~(~z ~ ~ ~ Type of Review Requested (check;aIJ~Jlkt-'apply) v ~" ,,"'~ 1:< o Accessory Use o Alternative Compliance o Cerfificate of Zoning Compliancg .0 CondrtionaI Use Permit Minor Modification o Design Review o Private Street o Property Boundary Adjustment o Short Plat >< j(Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance o Time Extension (6irector) :<1' o Vacation o Other {l STAFF USE ONL Y: File f1umber(~): ~ Z l ;bb - 'Z:W).i'l!;r;c'13i'; PI ., ~ ~ -~ ~ Applicant Information Applicantname:f\l\",e.,.\ L~rt q. .J App:Fcant address: 5 iJ e:; ~\J~ C\.(t ~ t ' ~....(~ "Applicant'slffiterest in property: 0 Own 11 Rent 0 Op;ioned 0 Other Owner name: ~ ':\ \o-.~ " ~G\., "'\ S- Owner address: ~~ \ 0 '" S, W\ ~ ~ , ~h" c.,-\ ~ \) ~; ~ Phone: (~~) <b q C\ 14 t:. f Zip: ~~b~ '1 ':1 II Phone: (2. ~) :~ ~~ ",3~~'~ &;jp: ~ t..l Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): Firm name: .. r'It \J"~ Phone: Zip: a' Address: ~Primary contact is: lf3 Applicant 0 Ownef 0 Agent 0 Other Contact name: f\~~\ to ~~~ E-mail: Phone: \.2o~ tqq'.t-t( '. Fax: ~ Subject Property Information 'l:.ocation/street address: B \0"0 '6. .ft\e1l.;, J~Q,,,, Assessor's parcel number(s): tl S'q \-5 =12 () b ?:> 0 :o~ \.E\ q ~ t\\~ 0 \\ ~ 011 Jb\e ~D. .t) Township, range, section: Current land use: 'rUe. \ Total acreage: Q -;y 1.- ~ Current zoning district: ".. - '- ~ ~ ~~ . II 'I =< 660 E, Watertower Lane, Suite 202 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phonll: (208) 884-5533 :.~a~~mile:, (2,o8tef88-6854 ~" "Website: www,meridianc~ty,org '" ~!,,~.jJ~~,~, ,;WkL~~cl2" (Revo9/ZliM) ~".I:">,," ~ ~. ~ IUJ... . '~-e ~" ,\."~ ~:!tw+:' I l'; :~,x, """~~~~ ~ ~'R=M '~ ,Jfi ~I~. ; 1~1Iffi- :4;r.. !! " ~ ~ ;:: ~~&.?";I T~~~ ~'~~;;~/' ;;; (, II:~ ~I ';\' Project Description ~ (~ c..... Type of use proposed (check all that apply): o Residential 0 eommercial 0 Office 0 Industrial Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): o Other #/(1 1 ,,__ IV' /14 , Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this d.velopment? IV /If ~ I Which irrigation'disbio' does this J1fT lie within? Primary irrigation source: I Aj A- . ' Secondary: '" Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (if primary or secondary point of connection is City water): ill ,'/ Resi ential Project Summary (if applicable) ~ ~ iii @ Number of building lots: ~/- Number of co:o:linon.andJor other lots: /" ~,', / '.... Proposed number of dweIIing~ (foJ reulti-family developments only):.,., 1 BedroJ'm: '~......... ,;,-;;. 2 or more Bedroo~ ............. ~- Minimum square footage ofstrUcture(s) (e~age): .__-- ""./- Proposed b~ilding height: Minimum property size (s.f): ~ ,.-",,'/ Average property size (s.f,): ~ross density (DU/acre-totalland): ,.",_ /"/->~Net density (DUlacIW-,excludinj roads & alll!lys): Percentage of open space provided: .' ,__/ ~~ of open sp~ce: Percentage Bfuseable open.~pace,(J 't 1';,(See Ch~ 3, Article G, for qualified open space):~ Type of open space,..pTdv1d;d in acres (i.e" landscaping, public, common,.etc): .,...,..,...... ~ Type of dwoHm.g(s) proposed: 0 Single-family 0 Townhomes 0 Duplexes ~ential P~oject Summary (if applicable) ~ 'tf / 2>' '" ulti-family ~. ~' (' '. . Number of building lots: r Gross floor area proposed: Hours of operation (days and hours): Percentage bf site/project devoted to the following: Other lots: Existing (ifapplicable): Building height: It, 0) Landscaping: ~ Total number of employees: . Paving: ~ Building: Maximum number of employees at anyone time: Number and ages of students/children (ifapplicable): Total number ofparkinj spaces provided: Seating capacity: Number of compact spaces provided: Authorization ~ Print applicant name: Applicant signature: Date: -.J 2. ' 20" bJ ow Lane, Suite 202 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 ;~' · Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 . Website: www.meridiancity,org .. ":;<" 2 " _ f~ 1:. ::\' ;,j ['i: ~;'U~ ..~ ~t !O..~ Phone: :" ~, ~... ~ I: ~~ ~ \\e\\ll L"", · f\~ e \ -r ",,' · " " 0 ~ ' \, 1 . I ~ ~ ()..\) e tl." ~ \a..LO vJo..'il e:. V1 ~ v\e \{)~",. ~ 0-" II- k \' \l (Sy\ S~\0'-R~~ ~-~" ~., -t~~3\lfl . 'l\ e \J e. h ~ r\ 0\ 0: ~ ..J\ , ... \ .'., cue ~\?-e~~ J .h r 0 f\ DV\. 1'/\.0 i\~Q:.,l\ \ ,'~ \tV\..- -e -\-~t\ 0.-\ 0 V ~~ia.u~O-V\\- Ot\ ~ ~e ,\)~ \ l, .' \ , ~o.(:l....~ ~e v:>o. C\C) -t.'I\t1-~ 4o-W\'t dO.\j' LJe. oJf-e ~'^' Qlp~" oj ~ \\ro (J..'M, -\t>. ~-~.w'\. \~ v1\(\.\~~. We -t""'~~ "OD~ ~~(P \vi. ~e \oOL~ ot \\e S> \~~. '\\ \\ ' Co ~ eVE> -\b'lV\:e\<- S, ~(l\) ~ " , ~~~o..\-\- ~~~\'4'-j CW\~ '.,~~e\\co.~ ,~~'Y\ U " ~e- -S~(Le \,;O-~ 'o~~ ~ \'-'.-l o ::;'\'2e: Q{ "'-t ~T~ ,s J.~-n- ~ ~ i-f-\--. ' 9, i.: ., ~ r. ~t: ~ ." fI " '" '~ II . ,"" ~l oc 1'1 ~."':jJ " W-!&t ~ ~ ~ '" Ii' ,", ?; "' AFFIDA VIT OF LEGAL INTEREST " '" ... ~ STATE OF IDAHO) -) t>>Yti; CO~TY OF ADA ) JJ f~. Cro Tj'1J /5 o /J !J"""f3 :+: I, 1:Vt~~/I f.j,"f,Q ,- :5 100 (name) n1 Fr4/ 0 I fl.-..J .. ... III ~..: ~: ~ ~L). 5. m{f?;€IOI/fAJ 'IiJ .' addre~s) (state\. ~ (city) ~ being first duly sworn upon, oat:B, depose a:q,d say: 1. That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: '" d P ;ftA 8368:: e:z. , r:t ~ (, to subryit the accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property. IH w 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability_ resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject ofthe application. ~ ~ i ~ 3. . i/t,,, "' I hereby grant permission td'City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said app1ication(s).'" f; Dated this /9 ~~l.r g~iJ/ (Signature) '.' day of , 2<X:?~ ," o ~ ;;; . fI SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. ;1 .:- ~d~ ~~ (NOtary.PubliC-:'-ldahO) --- --- Residing at: (' b-- '^-""" ,Y 0 ~ ~ ~-/- 12- My Commission Expires: x . A 'i!rt', .. ~ u= ~ ,.JI,...-~\i..Jffl.s!..;;o-.-;P\:- l< -." t ,~ ~",'--'!.'.~\..~"'-"I~~~.L . . .' Iif~ ~ ;.''''i''rtf'<<l~~~~ ~,~~ Ii: ~~~, '?.~~~ '" .. ~ i:1: :':&' - ~ ,',.. .~. ~ ",r~ 1;) ;-"~~=;'~ if:".E:n 2' ::_;'~', -.-: , ';~_-'~T IiT:{1 1I'i:' ",-,Jl" . ~ ~ L; ~ ~~~.. .. ..111:=:1 .+. ~ljr,~ = ~~ ...'.~ ;' .-. ,~ N -ll ~ . ~ ~" " ~~!f (~; ~ ;t: '-' 'I ':.t/"k: I tv~ a /J ~ /J rt7J1""f = t.:;Jr/~"/./'" f--, 5 Qov.~ IJ /J.~ '-I {t.N,e-A a.-$- ot3ff-3ou'1 'l~ '0' ., i!/. ~ QUITCLAIMD_D !\( @ FOR VAiLUB IIeCBJVED, R.R.IM.VIJiPROPJIR'JQS, DfC" M IDAHO CORPORATION FOaMULY BOIS.~CIl GOLF~ INC,.Nt mAHO COIfORATION D~ ~by ~VI)I. IeICW, reniaeMd fQIeWZ ...*im.-o . :ell: R.R. DAVIS PROPERTII!S, INC.. DAVIS BROS PROPERTlESy LLC >1: 'who. cumIIIt~ ip: 2780 N. GREENBELT PL, MERIDIAN, ID 836421 J01''N. ~ ST, MERlDIILN,ID ~3Cl42 '- ~ , .. ~ ~ thIl fol1~ clllcrit.! pI'IIIIiI.r: !,;I A Jirc"bf~ Ilr flwlk.. pIlItJIQW beinala,.niDn at_]JIlCIll oe.....JiIIJIm oolecanl ofs.vey 352311ld _~orded_~NurMIr~3I2i, _tldiDa \MdOftortk ~~o,. 9t4WIlit~ llfScclila J!I, T~hip 3 Noah, ~'-" I Wt. Boillp llIMd~n, A~ty,I~-;-1H ~~~IIowS! i'~~ Co~.'it~~DJinumW'~~ tbl:SolIIhweat~f1i_ SouI'-QuMter; tJIal:e..._ W_lillCo(tsaidSOIIlhWClt Qua&ro~thc ~QuIIa ~ Nonh 00-'55'37" BatlllliltlllCc of70. . IblI ~~ ftrgn M1ieh~n ~IlU11lo" Wi...n! ..kfN .0 North1W=ft cMho o~ld SclUth". QI!f'* 1NiirJ: North ~5S'37. ~tj. ~of2S89.9b k ....1iIaiapaid W.._ Soudt ~'23. E_a w..cc _*l.OO..fIn.... CIlI.-.lIICDt at die""'" ri~-of-wql* .eN. ~ MolidiID Road, IIid meDlmlCla bcill8 tiIII' POM OF BEGOOfINO: ~ *n'lll WIlli lijlS W~ ~ ~ IIi>>li .~ ~ ..-Iy rI~r-*.#,. N~~7" E_~or~.os tlo,.lJ2 _h.-.; ~ r--...ntr~-of.-, NOIlIh 1..1iIIt.~or2ao-.QtI' t..lnilcbrcMr,~"""'i._Wfl!l_ SIllthQG85S'31.Walt.~or25o.03.tOIJIl,"'4:~ ~ - .. JIbth~l"Wll!tll'~Grgo.OI feet to i la.'ue_: u.:e(lBlltl1llith8id WeIt_ Sqvtb ~-:S5'37. W.. dMluoc or2liJ.9Ili1ct to. 112........ _..~~.... ofV~ ~ =.~ IIlIdIerly rilbt.clf.-.y N .0 ~"=~di_eOfl60.13raectoi~"~~ .. ::c NlJrth4lMZ'4'Z"W .~~~or;JU"ftitoh~lNTOFBBG O. ~~ " EXC2mNoTHEREPIOIIk<pllllllltot'lMld fol'~""'y ~ ....~..Ilt,E~tAIW ~is ImlNl1Illlll N~ lOOOO13!W, _eq.lJ.1dl.m. TO~'eAN1>'tO HOLD tIxllllid ~.. ....~ ...........~. (Co :(.: <l' D8e: SEPTEMBEIl19, 2005 ~ IDAHO CORPORATJi)N .-.. ~i I: 01, ON THIS P6 Y OF . 2005, BliFORB ME. THB U'NDERSklNED, ^' NOTARY PUBUC IN -.NO FOR. &\lD ftATE PERSOtlt.LLY APPEAUD . XNOWN TO ME TO BIl 'I1fB OF 'I1fB ~ mAT IlXlICl1l1lD _ ., INSTRUMENT AND nm p~ WHO BXECUI'ED THE . lIlT QN BEHALF OF ~m COll,POUTIQN, AJIp ~Cla"':)\vtMUG!D TO ME THAT SUOf Tfml EXECUTED THE SAMB. '" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, J HA.VE HBaEUNTO SEf MY HAND AND tIN OFFICIAL SEAL THE '" DAY AND Y~Df TIllS CSRTIFJCATE FJISIl' ABOVE WRITTEN. ' (I: NOTARYPUBUC l'N ., RESIDING IN: ~; MY COMMISSION EXPiRES: I!I :"::::l - .. ,~ ::~ ;;; '- :.~ i!i Wi DEED OF TRUST LOIn 110: 6061399612 (Contmu.tJ p. B ~f!S:,~, ~::~~~15~1r-'-"~~~'~111~lJ~f1f~~~H~1f~~~~~M~ IIfIJ IAlWer. Tht-\Ntd "lAIIM" ~ARMl;RSI6 MlRCffMIfS sl'iInl:!IAM, Iq_~ra,~~ I~' 5O~.....o::."",- I" ~- "-' -'1,. ~200'5' .. lhit; :1t:,.. P.... _Ulm of ~~~~,"='~~..,.<< ,..~~ - -U:~,It~::l:.=e~ 011, TIM 1IC11J""'~ Hi'~ .. - " - - of Tn/f;t , ........ , , ~,......" n...... ....... Pro,erty" _ ".1\IIIlIliIIIl-a W<lwAi 1M DIha...... III _~ ......1Or h__ ~r. ~~~a'r'O! '{!Ix- ~ ~ P!llIlIf1't; I~. ~.... ~IO. rIi , ~ - :r&1li~*v..~.:::r,..:-~~~wIhtu~-- ~ ~, TIIHNOfd 'P'OI*IY" _......1iIJoob- U. 8aI PrIll*lY _...."--1 ~Iy. ~~. T"'~ "R.Pr~' ~1I1!irillllPll!JlY. ~ ~,.... ~ ~~I~**.ofTRIi, 1 ~, r_.. ~.:~~~n=.-:~~.~~~ IMI:"C':~= _~~....'* nowll'~-IXIMIl1a. _ll,*,,~"""'__~~ ~~:.lMIIrd 'AlIIda"1I!WJ.I; .. PII,IlI5nt t!l f6iur~rft r.~ ~nfj, ,pr,q. ro'(~. .._ J!I!I~ ~.I,,(CI ftlllll T~ ~.. .T~t''- TInE wa. __..... III 1101 .T RIVIR I'r StlTI! 201. IlOUR. ,II) ,*,02:_ "'Y ~. .or~~ IlACH.R8TCIl ACIlIIOWllDllt HJWWG JIIEAD ALL TflIlIIIOVl.:JNI ~ THII DUD Oil TIIV...., ~ EACH OUAlfOll"AtJflW8<TO tJa' tMIIIlk .' ~, '~, OMI'fTOR: :.J, it ," DA~. Peo~. LLC :..~ ~ CORADAATEACINOWLE~ENT WfIWllM: :< I I. I '.. ~~ ,,' '" ItDttrV PM 1lII1~ .. .......... ....... ~w_, :"",,,,_..-.:.",~_.,.,........"_ "U ,~~, _" ~'V~"~~'-""K-".,...t "1".- ~,-~-" ~~-'-=~~,.~. ~~ i...!.::.-l If"-"j!" ". ~:" """1:__ :..J#.L::""b[!_ ":..l.l.. Il/;>' '" '. !l liJ .:- . 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