Master Pathway Plan Update .. .. Meridian Draft Master Pathways Plan Update Meridian City Countll Dotr(4frlbtt,.5,::zOo6 .. Plan Process Extensive Fieldwork . Walked ~)(15tins and proposed pathway alignments with GF'$ . Compiled photo library of alignment:s Meetings Public Open Houses (2) , TAC (41 Plan Organization 1. Introduction 2. Existing Conditions 3. Design Guidelines 4. Recommended Pathway Network 5. Management, Maintenance, Safety Guidelines A. Appendix -<~'-!'... .. .. 1 .. .. .. Previous Planning Efforts Regional Ridg~.to"Rivers Pathway ~Ian Update (1996) - Ada County HIshwllY District Pede'lltt18i1'1-6icyde TransltJon Plan (2004) . Communities 'in ~tIOO Draft R~gioni!l.l Transportation Plan (1006) local Meridi"n ComprehensIve Pi!lrk~./Ind Rec:reiltion System Plan (~OO)) City of MeridJan Compl'ehel15iY,=, PllIn Update ('2006) Dovmtown ~ridian Transportation M3,l1/I,gelll!!nt Plan (2006) South Meridian Study Are", Plan fin progress.) Adjacent Communities . Clty 0( fk,is~ Parks a("lj RecreMlon ComprehensIve Plan (1()()4) Goals Goal 1: Provide Recreational Opportunities Goal 2: Enhance Pathway Development and Regional Connections Goal 3: Access for All Goal 4: Provide Community Linkages GoalS: Provide Amenities Goal 6: Provide Maintenance and Emergency Access Goal 7: Preservation of Future Pathway Corridors Needs Overview I Existing System Types of Trips ~ Recreatloni!ll . Utilit;pnal1 Existing System Nearly 12 miles of completed pathw~y .J ~ Partially completed pathways include: Bud Porter (5-Mil€' Creek PathwayL Meridian Loop, Ridenbaugh Canal .. iii .. 2 .. .. .. General Opportunities & Constraints Population Growth Demographics , In 2000, 27.3% under 17 (115'; under 5) ~ In 2000, 6_04% over 65 Development History 11II Specific Opportunities & Constraints Pathway Types Desirable Destinations Pathway Fragmentation Environmental Conditions .:J Accessible Corridors Signage / Pathway Orientati Pathway / Roadway Crossings .. Pathway Designs Canal Pathways" Canals and Laterals ~ .~"".~'"~ ..,_... '-\" - ~ 1....1.. .. 3 .. .. .. Pathway Designs Canal Pathways - Other Waterways ~ __I_I Pathway Designs Residential Pathway li _ ~ ..C-r .1... Pathway Designs . Boise Valley Rail"with-Trail ~ ._.__., , t lIoJIMV.Il.yKWI . Rill,;;~a'~&W HO'-14_'~ .- I! . . \11- ~ it hi 1" WT W I 0'.1::1' , I 1~' I I ~ . 'l: P I .-1-,",,, I, :.-..'."'-.. .fH~ \ )11. ..::... . .. . 4 .. .. .. Pathway Designs Urban Pathways - Neighborhood Street JJL t ~ ';' tL 11I1..111 Pathway Designs Urban Pathways - Collector Street ~ ~ '~. L 1_1_1111 Pathway Designs Signing and Striping Amenities . Tr~sh C;:~115 . Bench . Bollar'd . Directional si!!ln Universal Access (ADA"accessibility) . .. . 5 Pathway - Roadway Crossings .. At-Grade Crossing Types Typt!' 1: Marked I UnsignaH:zed Crossing Type 1 +: Marked I Enhanced Type 2: Route Users to Existing Intersection Type 3: Signalized I Controlled Type 4~ Overcros'Si~g I Undercro,:ss~n~ IMI - ~ <!iiIJ5W --~ .~~~--'"""'"--- ~ ~- .. Pathway - Roadway Crossings . Summary of At-Grade Crossing Recommendations I'l',jpjv.jl, T ~~... ~:~~:~~~ ~:~ Typ") M.hI-l.__IO.. rn<II'W!.n.l~tr.auI ,.....,j..-." .. ......ij;Mi~I~.;DT..'.... .. .. ">:u,.."':~S"A 1"-'1 . '''_.d .1 --t --r-.-t "~~,~'~~_ h_,:-i.-,,~:.-' "~rf>r'B:.t:.,...... I,' ,;;;.....,r .,) -'::"-. : ",.' '">:t<~.~,~>~ n 6 .. .. .. Pathway Development Pathway Development Process The city S~Ure5 fundin~ and cOns.lrul;ts pathway, ~.g. Bud Porter Pathway De-v~loper builds portion of the pathway that conMcts through dev@loprn@nt 3 classes of projects City of M@rldian I~~p closure) Developer Pathways Major WQrk~ Project Priorities and Phasing City of Meridian (Gap Closure) Selection Criteria ~:; 1.11. P-tflotpY '>1gIMI\!~ ElghI.,II.Pmlwo:y ~'9I"lIIltF FI..ulI.cr-kP.ho"),~"lI"'.,tE FIIIIMII.t;..kl'lIIlwoyS"i'!'n' FI.. MI~ 0Mk P.r..~ lI.g....mlll I_hart 1""1 1'''".lflOWIlPlmIHlYBtaMIIIl18 TI.,2 "tI'I<I..I,_.I.~"l.mP Fn.~II.CrtI'IPI1Ilo1~II~"'IH ~"~II'~P~IM-v6tgll\tnll ~lglII.,U.P"Iw'l' 3'11mlllt 8 EIIlftl Mil. "lIIlwo:y S"i"'.,tE SIMh8101lgll P_lof 1111II"I.,1 III S"""1I1~ghPdlooll'etjl!l\ttlI8 s"~",,~p..mo...elGn\.,,jB ~:r~ll. ...k I"mn...." S"llm.... D 1.t.~<II.,L~.\Itgmlll111 Nn.I.tII.i:_P~MI~Y EIgIIIMIo!l'''hw~S~..."tC EilIhiNlII~PI1I1'w~II~.....ICI ~I.. 10111. CNIII\ p..lwty Bt{I!I\lI!1! <) II"", 1""1 BIIlIt;....C<m...cti""s"i'!l"'tlt. 811II"1:<,... COn...c~"" sogm..t. T'n~IIID'MkPlm""VatC/ll"'I'" 'Ion II~. cr... p.m....y.'9ll1m.m E Conn@ctjyity U5er generator Rl!!gioniill benefits Overcomes barriers Land uses Ease of implementation Project Priorities and Phasing Developer Pathways - unranked M.III.,.""" 1I'l"'"'\IIlP_'" '''YI..a-P'-'''S~nl; T.,YlIooCl_ ,..~ S..n~ T~IoII'~P"-"l!ooOr'>nG ::::: ~::: 5~!: ~tlfPI'tIw.,. A!'_T""P_.~ !:......P~ Fl.-too 0InII ~.II"'-r l;WlIIMPIm....V "'"'r'lloea""P.ln...y ,.......II,...pP.tn-y Fh. Mil. c..-. "'oIhw.1 S"iPl'"I1t~ ~I-. ~II. ~ PIIII'!!1IV &"""1 ~ ~1..lotll'~PIIm""Va~lIt\lC; FI_ull.CnI"'P""l...yS"i'!I.,tD FI..MII.CnI"''''~...y5''11''1..!1 S,"""J;I,"'g~ P~""II' hQll\1I\1 C S<OIIh Sl,",~~ PII!,,",~ ~,gmllll D Major Works Bois!!! Valley Rall.with- Trail 1-84overcrossing(s) III .. 11II 7 .. Pathway Descriptions Based on extensive fieldwork Detailed descriptions of location of existing pathways and recommendations for proposed pathways Lists major crossings, length of segment, and status (existing or proposed) III Pathway Descriptions :, ',;;:..--:. ,.~~~~~~~~ r~~~,.,.,.,;'.'.:ll~::--C c==",_ - :c ,', '';'' -" .,t ,'. .__.,. N'_'..~'~''''I~'''' .. I ., ..1 ! :;;::.. ~ ~~:~:;:~::" ..""..::.:.::_- .. -.' " ... .1 ----.--:.......0.1 III Estimated Long~Term Costs $18 million. City of Meridian (Gap Closures) Does not include developer pathways Does not include Major Works (Boise Valley Rail. with-Trail or 1-84 overcrossing) Boise VaUt!y R.ail-with.Tra,i1: -$3-6 million - Overcro~s:inl!l: ~S10-12 million III 8 .. .. .. Management Pathway Management Rol~!; and responsibilities . Parks 8: R&reatlol1 $~I\ff . Technical Advisory Committee . Community Mc=m~rs Property Management RoadwiilYS Encroachments Utllltl.. I Shared U.age Pathway regulations Maintenance Guidelines Paved surface maintenance Vegetation and pest management Litter and illegal dumping Signage Pathway access points Pathway Safety Provide good access to pathway system Provide good visibility from adjacent neighbors High level of maintenance Programmed events Community projects Adopt.a-Pathway program Pathway Watch program . . .. 9 .. Questions? . 10