2006 10-05 Meridian Planning and Zoning Meetina October 5. 2006 Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of October 5, 2006, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Michael Rohm. Members Present: Michael Rohm, Keith Borup, Wendy Newton-Huckabay, David Zaremba, and David Mae. Others Present: Ted Baird, Tara Green, Caleb Hood, Mike Cole, Justin Lucas, and Dean Willis. Item 1: Roll-Call Attendance: Roll-call X Wendy Newton-Huckabay X Keith Borup X David Moe - Vice Chairman X David Zaremba X Michael Rohm - Chairman Rohm: Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen. At this time I'd like to open the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission and we will begin with the roll call of attendance. Item 2: Adoption of the Agenda: Rohm: Thank you. The first item is the adoption of the agenda and there are a number of changes tonight. Page one will stay intact, but page two, for all intents and purposes, will be omitted. Item 8 for Moose Creek Subdivision, the applicant has requested their project to be withdrawn. The Nursery Subdivision will be continued to the regularly scheduled meeting of November 2nd. Danville Place Subdivision will be continued to the regularly scheduled meeting on November 16th. And Lochsa Falls Office / Commercial Addition, will be continued to November 2nd. So, those items on page two will all -- will not be heard tonight and we will only be hearing those items on page one. With that being said, could I get a motion to accept the agenda? Zaremba: So moved. Mae: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to accept the agenda as amended. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 3: Consent Agenda: Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 2 of 25 A. Approve Minutes of August 31. 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission Special Meeting: Rohm: Item 3 on the agenda is the Consent Agenda and that is to approve the minutes of August 31st, 2006. Any additions or corrections? Hearing none, could I get a motion to accept the Consent Agenda? Zaremba: So moved. Moe: So moved. Rohm: Moved and -- Newton-Huckabay: Second. Rohm: And a second. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: Okay. Moving right along. Before we begin, this Commission has started a new era tonight. We are going with these little computers and none of us have had any experience with using the computers to access any of the files associated with these projects before us. The fact of the matter is each of us receive about a ream of paper every two weeks for each of our agendas and, quite honestly, it's very expensive and the committee has decided that it's time to move forward into the 21st century and -- but as we go through this, there is a learning curve, so you will have to just bear with us and we will muddle our way through it and this first meeting -- this first meeting they have given us both the paper copies and the internet connection. So, we are going to be -- planning with both and so, please, bear with us. Now, the second thing that l'd like to talk to you about is the procedures associated with each one of these projects. Basically, we will open up a project and at that time we will ask the staff to give their report. Basically, the staff report is as that particular project fits with our Comprehensive Plan and city ordinance. They will give us their input from that perspective. Once the staff has given their report, we will ask the applicant to come forward and they will have 15 minutes to sell their project to the Commission. Once the applicant has made their presentation, the floor will be open to anybody that chooses to testify for that particular project. Once those have -- testimonies have been heard, the applicant will have ten minutes to rebut any concerns that outside influence would have had in their testimony. Once all of that testimony has been concluded, we will close the public hearings and at that time we will -- assuming that we have got enough facts to render a decision, we will move forward with a recommendation to City Council in most instances and in some we have -- we are the final sayan certain applications. But, in any case, that was the procedure that we go through and with that being said -- oh, and anytime you testify before the Commission you must start by giving us your name and address. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 3 of 25 Item 4: Continued Public Hearing from August 31,2006: AZ 06-041 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 8.95 acres from RUT to an R-8 zone for Harpe Subdivision by Larry C. Harpe - 4715 N. Locust Grove Road: Item 5: Continued Public Hearing from August 31, 2006: PP 06-042 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 24 residential lots and 3 common lots on 8.95 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for Harpe Subdivision by Larry C. Harpe - 4715 N. Locust Grove Road: Rohm: So, with that being said, we will start by opening up the first hearing to be heard tonight and that's the continued Public Hearing from August 31 st, 2006, for AZ 06-041 and PP 06-042, both items related to Harpe Subdivision and we will begin with the staff report. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, just before the staff report, may I mention I was absent on August 31 st, but I would assure everybody that I have read the minutes and I believe I am up to speed, that you don't necessarily need to repeat things that have already been said. Rohm: Okay. Thank you, Commissioner. Lucas: Thank you, Chairman Rohm, Commissioners. I wasn't planning on giving a full presentation tonight, because the Public Hearing had already been opened and this is just a continuation of that hearing. A full presentation was given at the last meeting, just to make that clear. Just a quick refresher on where we are. It's the southwest corner of McMillan and Locust Grove, two parcels there. Here is the aerial photograph. The proposal was for eight -- an annexation and zoning 8.95 acres to R-8 and it includes 22 single family building lots and three common lots. There is the landscape plan. And, once again, much of this was already discussed at the -- at the last hearing. This is also the -- kind of a conceptual plan that was put out, a conceptual landscape plan that I was provided by the -- by the applicant. The reason that this -- as was clear in the minutes, the reason that this Public Hearing was continued was there was a -- a little bit of confusion with one of the property owners that is involved in this project and I think in your packets there is a letter from that property owner and he, basically, retracted all of this statements and is giving his full support to this project as proposed. And other than that, I think that really clears up most of what was discussed. And I can answer any specific questions that the Commission might have regarding this project and I'll stand for any questions. Rohm: Thank you. Any questions of staff? Zaremba: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 4 of 25 Zaremba: I do have two. One of them is that I did not in the minutes see a resolution discussed among the Commission of whether or not they wanted to place a restriction on Lot 13, Block 1, which is the largest lot that it should only be built out to densities equaling R-4. Do we need to carry through that discussion, I believe? Okay. Lucas: Chairman Rohm, Commissioners, that is -- that was part of the discussion last -- last time. It wasn't -- it's not a condition in the current staff report, but it's definitely something that can be discussed by this Commission -- by the Commission. Zaremba: Then, the other is that in my Exhibit B on the conditions, item 1.2.2 -- or, I'm sorry, 1.2.1, is it the preliminary plat dated August 23rd, 2006? I don't, actually, have a copy of that. The one I have is July 25th, 2006. Is the one that you're showing up here going to be the August 23rd one? Lucas: I believe the minimized copy in the staff report is from what I referenced as August -- excuse me. Chairman Rohm, Commissioner Zaremba, are you referring to the large copy that you -- that you have? Zaremba: The large -- Lucas: The full size? Zaremba: -- one that I have, yes, is July 23rd. Lucas: The full size copy was -- was revised and that date was changed. Zaremba: Okay. Lucas: And so -- and no full size copy was provided. It was a minor change with -- regarding a -- regarding the easement that was placed upon -- and what lot was that? It was placed upon Lot 2, Block 2, and It remains as a non-build lot and that was one of the ACHD requirements. Zaremba: Okay. Lucas: And some other minor changes. Zaremba: But for the most part whatever is going to be on display from the overhead is -- is, actually, the August 23rd one? Lucas: Correct. Zaremba: Okay. That satisfies me. Thank you. Rohm: Okay. If there is no other questions of staff, would the applicant like to come forward, please. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 5 of 25 Elg: Good evening. My name is Van Elg. I'm with the Land Group, representing Mr. Harpe. Our office is in Eagle, Idaho, 462 East Shore, No. 100, Eagle, Idaho. We went through the full staff report, as Justin mentioned, and I don't think that there were any significant questions. We have reduced the densities, we have reduced the number of lots out of that to comply with some issues that ACHD had. We initially had, I think, three extra lots on this development when we initially came in to staff. But the -- the biggest question was one of these landowners who was selling the land to the developer and is, actually, involved in the plat, because he owns the large piece, was confused as to what was transpiring regarding the land sale. Just short of it all, he was just confused and we resolved that and I think you have got a couple of letters there. One a letter of apology to the P&Z Commission and one is a letter that agrees with what the owners says that they support. So, we hope that clarifies that. We apologize for that confusion. We were as caught off guard as anybody. I've never had an owner argue about a project before. So, I guess I will answer any questions that you might have tonight. Zaremba: I would just confirm I think on the subject that I brought up before, restricting Lot 13, Block 1, to a density no greater than -- than R-4 -- that didn't mean the R-4 dimensions, you're still an R-8 zone for the dimensions -- Elg: Right. Zaremba: -- but the density no greater than R-4. I saw in the minutes that you were okay. Elg: Yeah. We are perfectly fine with that. Zaremba: Okay. I understand that you have lots that are -- a few lots that are under dimension and that's why you need the R-8. Elg: That's why we needed the R-8. Zaremba: The density is what the Comprehensive Plan is worried about, so -- Elg: Exactly. And we are comfortable with that density. Zaremba: Okay. Borup: Oh. Okay. Elg: To be honest -- but just for the record, there are no plans right now for that lot. There is nothing that we are -- in our back pocket in it right now or anything. It is what it is right now, so -- Zaremba: As staff pointed out, we need to think into the future. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 6 of 25 Elg: That's right. That's absolutely -- and I agree. I agree. Borup: But at this point we don't know what the development to the west may be either. Elg: Correct. Zaremba: Okay. Rohm: Any other questions for this applicant? Thank you. Elg: Thank you. Rohm: Larry Harpe also was signed up. Did you want to speak or you just -- from the audience he indicates that he had nothing additional to add. There are no others that have signed up to speak to this application, but if -- if there is someone out there that would care to, this is that opportunity. And seeing none, I think, basically, this project was heard at the last hearing and issues that were not resolved at that hearing appear to be resolved now and so if there is any discussion amongst, the Commission, let's continue that. Zaremba: Mr. Chair? Moe: Well, Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Moe. Moe: At that last meeting, quite frankly, we were all taken aback by the fact that -- that the discussions came up from the landowner, that he was not in compliance with this plan whatsoever and that's why it was requested to be continued, so that they could get their issues resolved and the letters here do show that that was taken care of and I, too, also agree with Mr. Zaremba that I do want to have the -- the R-4 designation as well. Thank you. Rohm: Okay. Any other comments before we close this Public Hearing? Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I was just going to comment even though it appears that the Palmers may not be here, that I appreciated the final letter that they submitted clearing up the confusion and that was very nice of them to do that. It helped considerably that they did that. The issue of the R-4 can be discussed before or after -- Mr. Chairman, I move we close the Public Hearing on AZ 06-041 and PP 06-042. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to close the Public Hearing on AZ 06-041 and PP 06-042. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 7 of 25 MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Zaremba: My question would be, Mr. Chairman and staff, how to work into that comment. It seems like it would go under annexation comments and require a development agreement. Do we want to do that or can we make it a condition of the plat? Lucas: Chairman Rohm, Commissioners, it would -- it would be probably wise to put this in a development agreement and you can -- you don't have to change the zoning, necessarily, but you could restrict it to R-4 density-- Zaremba: Correct. Lucas: -- or no more than four units per acre on this lot. Zaremba: Okay. So, people would be comfortable if I added to annexation comments a 1.1.2 that says there shall be a development agreement regarding Lot 13, Block 1, that if and when it's subdivided it will be platted at a density no greater than R-4? Does that meet with what people are looking for? I see some heads nodding. Mr. Chairman, in that case I would make a motion. Rohm: Go ahead. Zaremba: Maybe. Find the right notes. After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of file numbers AZ 06-041 and PP 06-042 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of August 31 st, 2006, which was continued until October 5th, today, with the following modifications to the conditions of approval: On Exhibit B, under Planning Department 1.1, annexation comments, I would add a 1.1.2 that says a development agreement will be required, specifying that Lot 13, Block 1, if and when subdivided, shall be platted at densities no greater than R-4 and applicant shall get together with City Attorney Bill Nary to workout the development agreement. Mae: Second. Zaremba: End of motion. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded we forward onto City Council recommending approval of AZ 06-041 and PP 06-042, to include all staff comments with the aforementioned modification. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. Thank you for coming in. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 8 of 25 Item 6: Continued Public Hearing from August 31, 2006: AZ 06-032 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 29.31 acres from RUT to an R-8 zone for Trilogy Subdivision by Conger Management Group - south side of Chinden Boulevard and east of Black Cat Road: Item 7: Continued Public Hearing from August 31, 2006: PP 06-032 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 148 single-family lots and 14 common / other lots including 2 private street lots on 28.17 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for Trilogy Subdivision by Conger Management Group - south side of Chinden Boulevard and east of Black Cat Road: Rohm: At this time I'd like to open the continued Public Hearing from August 31 st, 2006, of Items AZ 06-032 and PP 06-032, both items related to Trilogy Subdivision and begin with the staff report. Hood: Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission. Unlike your last item, this one has been continued twice, actually, and I haven't given a staff presentation yet, so I will go into some of the details regarding this project. It was continued from July 20th originally to August 31st and we were waiting for comments back from ACHD, primarily, is why we haven't heard this as of yet. There have been some changes that have been made since the original submittal. I have been working with the applicant. They have been working with ACHD as well. I think we have come to a plat that seems to work pretty well for everyone. I think there is maybe just one issue that the applicant has with the staff report, but I'll start off by giving you the specs regarding this development. As you mentioned, there is an annexation and zoning for 29.31 acres. Originally there were 148 lots proposed on this site. The revised preliminary plat has 145 single family building lots. There are 12 common lots, four private street lots, and one future right-of- way lot along Chinden Boulevard. I want to stop there for a second and just point that out to you, I guess. The applicant has shown the anticipated right of way for Chinden. There are two separate lots between the build-able lots and the center line of Chinden Boulevard. One is a 35 foot wide landscape buffer and the other I think is about 40 feet, which will be future right of way when ITD has the money to buy that from them. So, we are looking at ultimate right of way here. The site is located on the south side of Chinden, approximately 250 feet east of Black Cat Road. This area is commonly known as Lot 2, Block 1, Rambo Subdivision. Rambo is a county approved subdivision that was recorded in 1993 and the subject lot was the deed restricted open space lot that's now being developed. Adjacent land uses to the north are some residential and agricultural properties zoned R-R in Ada County. These properties are part of The Tree Farm application and we will be seeing platting of that property here throughout the next several years as there is 360 some acres in that project. But that's across -- across Chinden. To the east is the Bainbridge Subdivision, which was approved by the city, boy, probably a couple years ago now. They are still waiting for sewer. So, they did get a time extension here recently for that project. That is -- carries an R-8 zoning. To the south are some residential and agricultural properties. That, too, has been approved for a city subdivision called Keego Springs Subdivision. You may recall that one. That one has the R-8 zoning as well. And to the west are some residential and agricultural Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 9 of 25 properties zoned RUT, some of which are in Rambo Subdivision and are the build-able lots in Rambo Subdivision and as you can see there is some larger parcels further to the west across Black Cat Road. So, as I mentioned, the plat originally had 148 lots, we are at 145 now. I think I will point out some of the changes to you that have occurred. It may be a little bit -- let me see if the landscape plan does it better. That's the old landscape plan. So, I may flip back and forth here a little bit, but, essentially, what's changed is they have added the open space, which was on the end here. I don't have enough hands to really -- you can see here the open space was on the end of this block here and it's now more centralized. They have left some of that open space here, basically centralized that open space, and have you pay attention maybe to this little open space area there. It looks the same, however, it's bisected by a north-south alley and it, basically, bisects the private streets, which the -- I'll call them alley-loaded lots. They are actually private streets, but they are rear-loaded units, so they will take access from these private streets for naming purposes, addressing purposes. There have been some changes to Tamarack, which is the stub that ties in with Keego Springs. I think we have got that right of way squared away with a 42 and a 29, I believe, is what's going to happen around the parking in the -- in the middle of the right of way. Probably the biggest change in my mind is they have shifted Schweitzer Avenue over to the west property line, allowing this county parcel a great opportunity to redevelop in the future. If that wouldn't have happened it would have been really tough for them to develop efficiently, so -- let's see. I think those are pretty much the main changes since it was submitted. There are 5.1 dwelling units per acre. As I mentioned, we do have comments from ACHD now. I think the applicant's in agreement with their conditions. I touched on Tamarack. And now I think I will just touch on what I understand to be the condition that the applicant isn't so fond of and that has to do with the sidewalk requirement along the existing Ramblin -- and should have probably started with that, because that's how this whole thing gets to happen is they are using Ramblin, which is a public street, but it's not improved to the ACHD's current street standards. I mean there aren't sidewalks, curb, gutter, et cetera. But they are taking their access from Ramblin Court into the subdivision. It made sense to me to have them construct this section of sidewalk adjacent to their -- their site. They do abut this right of way and get them to improve that portion of the roadway. It may be hard for me to show you -- this one may be the best. But if you look at this -- if this area doesn't get sidewalk and when these parcels redevelop, they will be required to put their sidewalk in as they redevelop. So, the sidewalk will be discontinuous if the subject applicant doesn't do their portion of bringing Ramblin Court up to the current requirements for street sections. I did not get a chance to go out there and look at this. I understand there is some nice landscaping out there. I don't know if there is a possibility to meander the sidewalk in there somehow, but I think it's pretty important to get -- get that connection for future when the rest of Rambo -- or at least of the end lots of Rambo develop and you get the connectivity between the two subdivisions. So, that's kind of the background and where that condition came from. I think I have touched on pretty much everything I felt I needed to call out and I will stand for any questions you may have. Rohm: Thank you, Caleb. Any questions of staff before we have the applicant come forward? Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 10 of 25 McKinnon: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. Dave McKinnon, 735 South Crosstimber. Glad to be in front of you again tonight. Craig -- or Caleb did a really good job with the presentation. He nailed everything right on. We are in agreement with all the conditions, but one. It's on page ten, item number 15, of your staff report. And that has to deal with that sidewalk issue. Jump right into that and, then, we can talk a little bit about design and what we were trying to do and I'll keep it short tonight and it looks like we got an empty house. So, we did go out to the site, like Caleb said. We took some pictures of the site so you can see what the landscaping looks like on the north side of Ramblin and you can -- you will understand why there was no desire from the ACHD Commission to require a sidewalk at this location. Rambo Subdivision was a seven lot subdivision. It had the five lots that are currently off of Ramblin on the cul-de-sac on the south side of Ramblin and it had the lots -- it was approximately three acres in size on the corner of Chinden and Black Cat, in addition to this remnant parcel that we are developing. The photo that you see in front of you, as you can see from the -- we will just wait one second until it zooms in. Might be able to do it a little bit better. Because the lots were one acre in size when this subdivision was originally approved, they felt there was no need for sidewalks -- there we go. And the neighbors decided they -- instead of having just an unfinished edge to their -- their asphalt, they decided to landscape this. The original residents of Rambo Subdivision have been maintaining this landscaping, they planted this landscaping. I found out recently that the house on the corner of Ramblin and Black Cat actually is their -- their home pump and well to maintain this and so because it is our frontage we are more than happy to maintain this. As you can see, it's approximately 12 to 15 feet wide of landscaping. It's got mature trees. ACHD in having our discussions with them about the sidewalk in this location, they felt that it was appropriate for this landscaping to remain on site. There is not a huge demand for pedestrian access to go down into the end of a cul-de-sac. In addition to this, this is a cul-de-sac, so there won't be a lot of vehicle traffic. There is no possibility for it to extend in the future and they felt that in the future if the subdivision developed, Rambo Subdivision on the south side that a sidewalk could go there and that would provide pedestrian -- pedestrian access for those people that live within this subdivision. They didn't feel that there was a great need for a sidewalk there. We even volunteered to road trust for that sidewalk and they didn't feel a need for that. So, we have talked with the neighbors about this and they'd like to see this remain as well, rather having additional sidewalk in this location. So, that's the reason why we are trying to oppose that and as Craig said that's the only thing that we are in opposition to this. Now, if you can go to just the original aerial, Caleb. I think -- or Scott's got a drawing that you can put up. In trying to decide what to do with this piece of property, as you can tell it's a really odd shaped piece of property. It's about 600 feet wide at this point and approximately a third of mile long and, then, drops down a quarter of a mile and it jogs funny, so I decided to look around and see what else is happening in this area. As Caleb pointed out, Tree Farm Subdivision is taking place right now to the north. Keego Springs was recently approved. We learned from the Keego Springs hearings to always work with Wendell before we come to you guys and so before we even thought about purchasing this property we contacted Wendell and said do you have a need for a school in this area. He said that he was taken care Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 11 of 25 of that with Frank Varriale, with Volterra, and with Todd Campbell and Keego that went around for awhile, but they got that taken care of. Bainbridge Subdivision to the east, it was approved recently, within the last year you just did the time extension, and they had a park that they added in their area for the city and so we have been working with Doug Strong in the parks department and he felt that the need for a park would be taken care of in this area. In talking with David Turnbull and Bainbridge recently, I believe, he has a church slated for this area next to ours, so we have some public-quasi-public used in this area. We looked at the type of housing in the area, we felt that a mix of housing products would be appropriate and so tonight I brought some maps for you that, actually, will detail out the different types of products that we have. Staff's put that up on the overhead. We decided to go with three different types of housing. We went with the alley loaded in the center area and some MEW product in the middle and I know MEW is an odd word. Basically what that means is houses fronting onto open space. So, we have taken a large open space area in this central location and decided that that would be a very formal area. We can't tell exactly from this drawing, but we have some pictures showing what it will look like, but we have tried to create a formal space within there. We have planted trees all along the outside, so there would be usable active open space in the interior, but parking on the interior for guest parking for those people that would like to visit these homes that front onto the open space. In addition to that, we have put some trellis structures to frame in the open space and so once you enter into the trellis structures you're inside an area that has a mall-type feeling where you're separate from everything else and you have some open space. The homes on the interior will front that -- thanks, Scott. This is just the entryway that you would have, a trellis structure like this so that once you walk through there is a sense of space and a sense of place to this area that's separate from the others. These sidewalks leading out to the houses that front this area. This is much narrower that what we had proposed. We proposed approximately a 90 foot wide open space between those houses and so it's, actually, a pretty large space. You can go back to the other drawing now, Scott. Around the perimeter of the subdivision we have placed large lots adjacent to Rambo Subdivision. Narrowed some of those lots down around the rest of the perimeter of the subdivision. These are just your standard homes. We didn't prepare any special exhibits for that to show the type of architecture that we are doing, because it's the standard architectural home that you would see in north Meridian. The alley-loaded and MEW product, very similar to everything you have seen in Heritage Commons. I think you have seen those pictures a lot of times. Within this center area and down in the southeast corner we decided to go with a paired housing product. We decided to go with a paired housing product opposite of the single family homes, because you can create a massing that's very similar with a paired housing product, instead of a narrow home. You can pair them together, so when you look down the street across from each other you have a large substantial home and you have another substantial home across the street from them, even though they are separate -- separate houses and we have prepared some architecture for that and they were in the presentation. You have got those. Scott, you can either put those up or let Caleb. Give you an idea of what we are talking about, not just your standard duplex. Attached housing. This is unit A. Unit B -- we prepared, actually, three different units, three different footprints, that would work for this and they can be paired A to C, C to A, and A to B, B to B -- so there is different Meridian Planning &. Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 12 of 25 footprints that you can choose from. Very attractive. There is different modulation in the house fronts, different roof pitches. Your entry's typically off to the side. Garages together, so you separate your living areas as much as possible. Then, there was an attempt to create a sense of space in that area, so instead of seeing one type of housing on one side of the street and another, you look down the street and you have got a sense of scale, rather than something totally different than what's on one side. So, the massing and scale should be similar to each other. And we have done this in attempt to try to differentiate ourselves from all the rest of the subdivisions that are around us. We see that there is a lot of development happening in this area and we wanted to put that into a context that took a regional look at it and said let's offer something that provides a mix of housing products, rather than more of what you typically see out there. So, in a nutshell we agree with the staff report. We are very thankful for all of your staff's help. The staff's been very influential in working with us on this and I appreciate your patience as well in tabling this thing so that we could catch up with ACHD. ACHD was really helpful to us, it's just taken us a little bit of time and your staff's been very good with helping us make this changeover here on this site and that also came about from ACHD. There was a lot of discussion with ACHD. We are in agreement with the conditions of approval, except for item 15 on page ten. It's also on your -- your second Exhibit B. It's item 1.2.15. And we'd like to see that eliminated tonight. Other than that, we are in agreement with the staff report and ask if you have any questions of me at this time. Rohm: Thank you, Dave. Any questions of the applicant? Zaremba: Yes, Mr. Chairman. I have a couple, I guess. Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: Thank you for the presentation. Very clear. It looks like a well thought out project. Just to clarify -- and I appreciate your working with the staff and ACHD and moving that street over. I guess it's Schweitzer or Schweitzer, so that there would be future development. But just to clarify, am I interpreting the little strip that would be between the curb of that street and your property line, that's a separate lot that could eventually be sold to the property next door? Is that the purpose? McKinnon: Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Zaremba, when we directed our drafter to create that -- what we are actually looking at is finishing up a sidewalk. We are, actually, going to build a full street section, not your typical half plus 12. We will build a full street section with a sidewalk and that's back of sidewalk with a foot and a half of right of way at the end of it. That foot and a half of right of way is what that little strip is. It's not a separate lot there. Zaremba: Okay. McKinnon: And so it's something that kind of tricks the eyes. It looks like it, you may have a plat that shows that and we have worked with Caleb on that and I will stand in Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 13 of 25 front of you tonight to tell you that's our intention. It's not to create a spite strip or a lot that could be sold in the future. We'd like the back of the right of way to be bounding on this parcel. Zaremba: I guess what I'm trying to work out is if the neighbors were to front houses on that, how were they going to cross that strip? Are they going to be able to buy that strip or -- I mean there have to be driveways or something. I appreciate the sidewalk and I think I'm understanding, but -- McKinnon: Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Zaremba, the intent is to not have a lot there, but in a typical right of way street section you have 50 feet, 36 foot from back to back, a five foot sidewalk and a foot and a half of right of way that's typically in the front yard of a home. That lot that you see there is just that foot and a half of right of way. Right of way and -- Zaremba: They can go through a right of way, so they can cross it -- McKinnon: The right of way ends right there. They would be able to cross it. Our intent is to allow them -- Zaremba: You probably already said that and I didn't quite catch it. McKinnon: I'm sorry I wasn't clear earlier. Borup: I think part of the problem we are looking at a previous plat. Was there an updated -- Zaremba: Oh, that could be. And my second question is -- and 1'm sure you're aware of it, but just to clarify it for the verbal record, the Public Works remark that they are not prepared to have sewer there or -- I guess even predict even when it's going to be there, even though it's anticipated, you're aware that you're a risk for the sewer not being there when you need it? McKinnon: Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Zaremba, Mike Coles made me very aware of that. Zaremba: Okay. Thank you. Moe: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Moe. Moe: I just want to make sure -- I didn't understand the in lieu of putting the sidewalk in. At that time you'd bond for that is what you said? Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 14 of 25 McKinnon: We made the offer to ACHD to road trust for it and they said don't worry about it, let's waive it. There is no requirement for that. So, we even made the offer and they decided it wasn't worth it to them. They didn't feel a need for a sidewalk there in the future. We are still happy to do that. Moe: That's what I wanted to hear. McKinnon: Okay. Borup: Mr. Chairman. Then, your property -- back on that same issue. Your property line ends where the dotted line is on the plat and where the fence was on the photograph; is that correct? So, that whole landscaped area is part of Rambo Subdivision? McKinnon: That's correct. Mr. Chairman -- Borup: So, for you to put that street in, you'd need to get permission from the opposed landowners to do that, wouldn't you, or is that -- McKinnon: Mr. Borup, I misspoke. That land -- Caleb, can you go to a plat -- or -- I misspoke, Commissioner Borup. It's, actually, a right of way that backs up to that fence area. What they did -- Borup: Right beyond the fence? McKinnon: Beyond the fence is -- Borup: So, the right of way does go to the fence? McKinnon: The right of way goes to the fence. What they did with the road was offset it to the south. Borup: Okay. McKinnon: So, there is a wider section of right of way on the north side of Ramblin. Borup: So, ACHD already has control of that whole landscaped area? McKinnon: That's correct. Borup: That's the right of way -- McKinnon: The license agreement that's in place right now for the landscaping to be in the right of way and the neighbors have said we don't want to maintain it anymore. If this project's going in, it's fronting onto your property, you guys need to maintain it as Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 15 of 25 part of your HOA and we are happy to take over that license agreement and keep the landscaping there. Borup: Okay. Thank you. Hood: The computer's locked up -- frozen right now. It will probably pop up here in a minute. Zaremba: While we are waiting for that, may I ask some of the other Commissioners -- I have a revised staff report for tonight's hearing, but it does not include a new Exhibit B. Do other people have a new Exhibit B? I have the one from the original staff report. Newton-Huckabay: I have it online. Zaremba: Oh. Okay. So, people do have access to it, I just haven't seen it. Okay. Moe: I don't have a paper copy of it either. Zaremba: Okay. All right. Hood: Yeah. I noticed in -- I was just going through my file and it didn't make it in mine either, so I -- the conditions have slightly changed since the original staff report was written, so -- Zaremba: Most of the changes would be that they have been satisfied; is that not correct? Hood: Yeah. There is some changes to the lot and block numbers, since some lots shifted around a little built. The sidewalk condition would have been added. I can't think of a lot of other changes, but I don't have the new copy in front of me either. I don't know what happened there. Zaremba: Okay. I guess what I'm driving at -- I would like somebody else to make the motion when we get to it. Oh. Thank you. I will look at the applicant's copy. Okay. David, thank you. Hood: The applicant did give me a copy of my staff report, so I can follow along, too, with any changes you deem appropriate for this project. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman, I have asked all of the questions that I need to ask. Rohm: I was just -- Zaremba: Just wonder if there is public testimony besides the applicant. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 16 of25 Rohm: There is nobody signed up to speak, but at this time if anyone would like to come forward and speak to this application, now would be a good time. It doesn't appear as if there is anybody here to testify, so I -- from what I gather, really, the only significant issue is the sidewalk adjacent to the Ramblin Road on the south side of their development towards the west end and maybe we could have a little discussion amongst the Commission as to where we would like to go with that. Commissioner Moe, do you have any thoughts on that? Mae: Basically, after reviewing the photo and whatnot, I'm not so sure that I really want to see that be torn up to put a sidewalk in at the present time, but if in the future something was to develop down and needed that access, the applicant's already made a statement that he'd be more than happy to bond for that, if, in fact, it was done in the future. So, I don't have a problem not doing the sidewalk at this time, as long as we have the opportunity that if it comes up in the future it's to be done, there are funds there to take care of it. Rohm: Okay. Thank you. Commissioner Newton-Huckabay, do you have any comments? Newton-Huckabay: No. Thank you. Moe: One other comment. I'm just kind of curious on the report they are talking about that the landscape plan has not been approved. When are we anticipating seeing a new plan to be approved? Hood: I have not -- Mr. Chair, Commissioner Moe, I have not talked to the applicant about the landscape plan. We did get the revised plat, but, you know, it says at least ten days prior to Council I'll need to have that. So, I can just let you know that we had one last week that the applicant didn't do that and not solely because the applicant didn't provide the landscape plan, but that project was denied and it was discussed that they hadn't provided it. So, just a note to this applicant, please, make the changes and get us copies. Moe: Thank you. Rohm: Thank you. Commissioner Borup. Borup: I think I agree with what Commissioner Moe said. The question I do have, Caleb, has there been any input from any of the neighbors as far as what they desire to see there? I mean we have heard some testimony, but I didn't know if they -- there hasn't been any written testimony, been any phone calls or anything to you? Hood: I have not talked to anyone in that subdivision. I have heard from the applicant and from ACHD that, you know, originally just the access -- to get to the access on their street was the big issue. You know, Dave testified that they didn't want the sidewalk there, but I haven't heard one way or the other from anyone personally. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 17 of 25 Borup: And, then, what are we doing from the -- I may have missed that, but for the roadway from -- between Black Cat and the entrance? Hood: Yeah, that's -- that piece will -- because this property is adjacent to it, will be required to construct their portion. So, the sidewalk will be put in when they develop, you will get the sidewalk here, when this property redevelops, then, you will have -- Borup: So, what is the paved road section -- nothing's changing there, it's just going to be the existing -- will be the sole entrance? Hood: The ACHD staff report says construct curb, gutter, and five foot attached concrete sidewalk on Ramblin Court only adjacent to the entrance road. Borup: Okay. Hood: Schweitzer Avenue. For approximately 20 feet to the east and to the west -- and it does go on and talks about internal streets. Borup: Oh, they are just saying doing the radius at the entrance? Hood: That's how I see it in the conditions, yes. Borup: Well, I -- I agree with the applicant's comment on the -- on the other roadway to the east of their entrance -- I mean on the sidewalk. And looking at the photographs I guess is what made me rethink that. But my concern would still be from Black Cat to the entrance. I mean there is -- even though there is other entrances from other subdivisions, that's the one that's going to get the most traffic and if it's still the same minimal roadway is there any concern from anyone else? Cole: Commissioner Borup, I don't know if you're speaking of an ultimate right of way with curb, gutter and sidewalk, but sewer and water will be drug down that portion of the road that's going to be significant -- the sewer will be significantly deep, construction experience would tell me that that's going to have -- if not all of that. I would be very surprised if not all of that roadway is tore out and have to be reput -- reinstalled due to the utility installation. Borup: So, we will have curb and gutter on the north side? Cole: I'm not -- I'm not speaking to the curb, gutter and sidewalk, but the road base and the asphalt that went back in would be -- Borup: The normal street section. Cole: I would assume so, yes. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 18 of 25 Borup: I'm assuming what's there now is not a -- is not a full 29 feet of pavement, is it? Cole: It's an approved road in the -- it's an approved Ada County road. Borup: Right. Cole: It's not a private road, it's an Ada County roadway. I'm not sure exactly -- Borup: It's not an amount of paving we have in our normal 50 foot right of way sections? Cole: I would think not, no. Borup: Well, maybe -- well, maybe it depends on how the other Commissioners feel. The hearing's not closed, we can still hear from the applicant on -- on that section. Rohm: Go ahead. McKinnon: Mr. Chair, at your pleasure. In response to your comments, Commissioner Borup, if it's just in regards to widening asphalt -- Borup: Yes. McKinnon: I don't see a problem with us doing some additional asphalt widening. The reason why ACHD didn't put that in their report is they can't require off-site improvements, and so they are limited at that point and so -- Borup: Right. But don't you have concern, just for the subdivision, that they are going to want a little more substantial entrance? McKinnon: It's -- I have got a conflicted heart on that, because we know it will be torn out soon -- before this project can happen it's going to be torn out and replaced. The sewer has to happen before then and so you won't see any widening of that road until the sewer -- Borup: Right. And that's what I was thinking. At the same time, not -- no, I wasn't talking about doing it twice. McKinnon: Yeah. So, it can -- we have no objection to that. But, like I said, ACHD doesn't require off-site improvements and we have no problem putting in some additional asphalt at that location. We are already installing curb, gutter, sidewalk on the -- on the eastern boundary of their property for construction and, then, this site right here -- we can do the additional asphalt for that. But I think it's going to be redone when the sewer happens and so me making statements that we will do it, but it's going to be done and so I'm just conflicted. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 19 of 25 Borup: Who will be doing it when it's redone? McKinnon: When sewer goes through typically Public Works -- how does that work? Help me out. Cole: Commissioner Borup, the mains that are going to be installed up Black Cat Road in the subdivision will be run by the development community, whether it's by this developer here or if Bainbridge wishes to sewer first and they need to drag a main through these people's property with an easement, then, their contractor would do it. The Public Works is going to install a lift station and the pressure sewer, not the main. While I have the mike for a second, the plat scales out to 30 feet of asphalt in the Ramblin Court Road section through there. Borup: Oh, it does? Cole: It's what the plat scales out. McKinnon: It's between 29 feet, 28 feet, it depends on where you measure. It was installed, you know, several years ago. But I was just talking with Scott -- we have no problem putting that in. Sewer is not going to come through here until we are ready to go and we will go ahead and put in the additional asphalt to make it to the full street section. I'll make it simple. We'll just go ahead and do it. Borup: Okay. Zaremba: If I'm interpreting right, there is, actually, three aspects. The sewer has to go through there. The applicant is offering that either after or while that's happening they will widen the asphalt. That doesn't cover the curb, gutter, and sidewalk, but the next property owner would do that. McKinnon: That's correct. Zaremba: So, those are the three aspects and who is going to cover them; is that right? McKinnon: Right on. Zaremba: Okay. Borup: Well, I would think that would be important, just for the salability of the project. McKinnon: We'd like it to look nice in the entry. Borup: That's all -- I think that's the only questions I had. Rohm: Thank you, Dave. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 20 of 25 McKinnon: Thank you. Rohm: Any additional discussion? Zaremba: My comment on the sidewalk section -- Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Yes. Zaremba: I initially agreed very much with staff. I believe it is in the city's best interest to get sidewalks through where ever we can. However, once again, the applicant presented some good reasoning to perhaps consider otherwise. That Ramblin Court is not ever going to have the opportunity to continue on and connect to any other street. It will never be any longer than the cul-de-sac that it currently is. It will have more traffic on the western end between Schweitzer and Black Cat, but not going to the east. Even if those properties develop, we are only -- if there is six houses there now, I can't see that it could be more than ten or 15 at the surrounding densities that are compatible with that. So, I would be very comfortable with the applicant's offer to road bond for it. I'm not so concerned that it be built right now. Rohm: Thank you. I think for the most part we are all in agreement that that's the route we should go. Are there any open issues left associated with this project? I can't think of any myself. With that being said, could I get a motion to close the Public Hearing? Newton-Huckabay: So moved. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to close the public hearings on AZ 06-032 and PP 06-032, both related to Trilogy Subdivision. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba, could I get you to do the honors once more again. Zaremba: Yes, sir. I will attempt that. Newton-Huckabay: I have no problem making the motion if you would just tell me what the widening of the asphalt terminology should be. Zaremba: We are thrilled to have Commissioner Newton-Huckabay make motions. I would only prompt that it's probably Item 1.2.15 that needs to be changed and instead of requiring the sidewalk I would make two parts to that, one that they will road bond for the sidewalk in that area and that they have agreed to widening asphalt westward. I don't see anything else that needs to be changed. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 21 of 25 Newton-Huckabay: So, item 15 is being changed to -- Zaremba: 1.2.15. Yeah. Newton-Huckabay: 1.2.15 is being changed -- Zaremba: Road bond for the sidewalk. Newton-Huckabay: Road bond for the sidewalk. Zaremba: And widen the asphalt to 30 feet westbound from Schweitzer. Newton-Huckabay: And widen -- widen asphalt -- Zaremba: They have offered that. Newton-Huckabay: Thirty feet. Zaremba: We can't require it, so we have to say they have offered it. Hood: Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, I just want to be sure -- are you talking about them road trusting with us or with ACHD? Zaremba: ACHD, I believe. Hood: Okay. Zaremba: Yeah. Newton-Huckabay: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of file numbers AZ 06-032 and PP 06-032, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of October 5th, 2006, with the following modifications to the conditions of approval: Item number 1.2.15 will be changed to read the applicant agrees to road bond with ACHD for eastbound sidewalks in the future and widen the asphalt to 30 feet on the westbound portion at Schweitzer -- Zaremba: East and west are in reference to Schweitzer. Newton-Huckabay: Yeah. East and west in reference to Schweitzer. Zaremba: Second. Borup: Clarification. What do you mean east and west from Schweitzer? Zaremba: It's along Ramblin, but -- Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 22 of 25 Borup: We are only going to Schweitzer? Zaremba: Bonding the sidewalk east of Schweitzer-- Borup: Oh. Right. Zaremba: -- and widening the roadway west of Schweitzer. Borup: That was your motion; right? Newton-Huckabay: Yes. That was my intention. Borup: Second. Rohm: Okay. It's been moved and seconded that we forward onto City Council recommending approval of AZ 06-032 and PP 06-032, to include all staff comments with the aforementioned modifications. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 8: Continued Public Hearing from August 31, 2006: PP 06-037 Request for Preliminary Plat approval for six single-family residential building lots and one common lot on 1.96 acres within the R-4 zone for Moose Creek Subdivision by Moose Creek Construction - 4275 N. Jones Creek Lane: Rohm: Thank you folks for coming in. Okay. At this time I'd like to open the Public Hearing of PP 06-037 solely for the purpose of accepting a withdrawal by the applicant. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: I move that we accept the applicant's request to withdraw PP 06-037. Mae: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to accept the applicant's application to withdraw for Moose Creek Subdivision. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 9: Public Hearing: AZ 06-038 Request for Annexation and Zoning of 5.53 acres from RUT to an R-8 zone for Nursery Subdivision by Gary Fors - 570 S. Under Road: Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 23 of 25 Item 10: Public Hearing: PP 06..036 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 25 residential lots and 3 common lots on 5.53 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for Nursery Subdivision by Gary Fors - 570 S. Under Road: Rohm: At this time I'd like to open the Public Hearing for AZ 06-038 and PP 06-036 for the sole purpose of continuing them to the regularly scheduled meeting of November 2nd. Zaremba: So moved. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to continue Items AZ 06-038 and PP 06-036 to the regularly scheduled meeting of November 2nd, 2006. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 11: Public Hearing: RZ 06-007 Request for a Rezone of 2.28 acres from an R-4 to an R-8 zone for Oanville Place Subdivision by Danville Home, LLC - 1812 & 1838 Leisure Lane: Item 12: Public Hearing: PP 06-043 Request for Preliminary Plat approval of 8 residential lots on 2.28 acres in a proposed R-8 zone for Oanville Place Subdivision by Danville Home, LLC - 1812 & 1838 Leisure Lane: Rohm: At this time I'd like to open the Public Hearing for RZ 06-007 and PP 06-043, both items related to Danville Place Subdivision, for the sole purpose of continuing them to the regularly scheduled meeting of November 16th, 2006. Zaremba: So moved. Moe: So moved. Rohm: It's been moved -- Moe: Second. Zaremba: Second. Rohm: -- and seconded to continue these two items to the regularly scheduled meeting of November 16th, 2006. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 24 of 25 Item 13: Public Hearing: RZ 06-008 Request for a Rezone of 8.96 acres (Lots 41- 45, Block 49, Lochsa Falls Subdivision No. 12) from R-4 to C-N zone for Lochsa Falls Office I Commercial Addition by Farwest, LLC - south of Chinden Boulevard and west of N. Linder Road: Item 14: Public Hearing: MCU 06-002 Request for Modification of the approved Conditional Use Permit / Planned Development to remove the requirement for detailed Conditional Use Permit approval for development on Lots 41- 45, Block 49, Lochsa Falls Subdivision No. 12 for Lochsa Falls Office I Commercial Addition by Farwest, LLC - south of Chinden Boulevard and west of N. Linder Road: Rohm: At this time I'd like to open the public hearings on RZ 06-008 and MCU 06-002. Both items related to Lochsa Falls Office / Commercial Addition, for the sole purpose of continuing to the November 2nd, 2006, regularly scheduled meeting. Zaremba: So moved. Moe: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded to continue items RZ 06-008 and MCU 06-002 to the regularly scheduled meeting of November 2nd, 2006. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same sign? Motion carries. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Zaremba: Mr. Chairman? Rohm: Commissioner Zaremba. Zaremba: I move we adjourn. Moe: Second. Newton-Huckabay: Second. Rohm: It's been moved and seconded we adjourn. All those in favor say aye. Motion carried. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:04 P.M. Meridian Planning & Zoning October 5, 2006 Page 25 of 25 (TAPE ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) _/__,,~~~8Q~~,~~: (' (I"/ , '-...."__:~.--:1 [;<--- MICHAEL E. RO - CHAIRMAN ATTESTED: II I It, I Ob DATE APPROVED .;, ...~,