United Methodist Church CZC 06-141 C\e-v~ cUe;;dian IDAHO AU& 1 8 2006 City Of Meridian City Clerk Office CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: August 17, 2006 Project NameINumber: United Methodist Church-- CZC-06-141 Owner: United Methodist Church Site Address: 240 E. Idaho Street Proposed Use: Temporary use of basement of church for thrift shop. Hours of operation to be 1 day per week for limited hours. Zoning: 0- T Comments: Conditions of Approval: . This temporary use is allowed from August 2006 through July 2007 (UDC 11-3E-4AI.) . The use shall not result in the construction of any permanent stmctures that would not otherwise be permitted subject to the regulations of this Title (UDC 11-3E-4C2) . Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to serve the use (UDC 11-3E-4EI) . The use shall not displace the required off-street parking spaces or loading areas ofthe principal permitted use on the site (UDC 11-3E-4E2) . The entrance and exit drives shall be designed to prevent traffic hazards and nuisances (UDC 11-3E-4E3) . All surfaces used for parking shall be constructed. with paving, vegetative cover, or of a dustless material (UDC 11-3E-4E4) . All signs erected in association with the use shall be in compliance with the regulations for signs, Chapter 3 Article D SIGN REQUIREMENTS ofthe Meridian City Municipal Code (UDC 11-3E-4F) . The site shall be returned to a clean condition after the termination of the use, including free of debris and garbage (UDe 11-3 E-4 HI) . The use shall comply with any guidelines, regulations and. permitting process required by any authorizing public agencies, including but not limited to, the Central District Health Department, Transportation Authority, and Meridian City Departments. . Comply with all other applicable City Code. Je9v~~~--- Associate City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begWl. )\) ~p fC'1'"\'Ol' "-/Vi8ridian -: ~. lD^HO ~~(\.... ::t;~" ~ ~~~~ ;;l;~ '\. 'f. e Planning Department 'Tillv:1PORARY USE CERTIFICATE OF ZONmG COJvJ:I:>LIANCE Application Checklist All applications are required to contain one copy of the following unless otherwise noted: Com leted & signed Administrative Review A lication Narrative fully descnbing the proposed use of the property, including the following: ~ Information on any previous approvals or requirements for the requested use (Le., applicable conditions of approval or Development Agreement) ~ Date s te orary use will be in and end Recorde warranty deed r the subject TO e Affidavit of Leg a erest signed & notariz~d by the property owner (Ifowner is acoI]Joration, submit aco of the Articles ofInco oration or other evidence to show that the erson si in is an authorized a ent.) Scaled vicinity map showing thif-location of the subj ect property (can be obtained from the Plannin De artment) Sanita Service Com an a roval for trash enclosure & access drive (stamped site plan) Site Plan~copies (folded to 8 W' x 11" size) h,+ u-s> -f1v:.~"L ('I =- 2.0 I The folIowiJ items must be shown on the site Ian:. . Date, scale, north arrow, and ro'ectname (scale not less than 1"=50') · Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person andlor re an.. · Access oints to ublic street - · Parkin stalls and. drive aisles ..... . Trash encIosure(s) location ~ . Sidewalks or athways (proposed and existing) · Location of ro osed building on lot (include dimensions to property lines) . Fenein (proposed and existing) . Calculations table including the following: ~ Number of parking stalls required & provided (specify handicap & compact stalls).f )> Buijding size (sq. ft.) )> Lot size (sq. ft.) ~ Setbacks ~ Zoning district 01- Structure andlorbuilding elevations ( hotos are acce table) Fee l ~ ACHD Acceptance: Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of ACHD as they pertain to this application. All impact ftes, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridi:m Planning Department for (lpproval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Your buildingpennit will not be issued until ACHD has approved your plans and all associated fres have been paid THIS APPLICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL STAFF HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 · Facsimile: (208) 88&-6854 . Web site: www.meridiancity.org C:t{;;;:iian '\It"BCElIVED Planning Department ~"::I JilL :.:,~:~ nADMlNISTRATIVE REVIEW APPliCATION CITY O~ ..,,~ '101\lNu pVu~lNG & Type of Review Requested (check aU that apply) o Accessory' Use o Alternative Compliance o Certificate of Zoning Compliance o Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification o Design. Review o Property Boundary Adjustment o Short Plat /fJ TemporaryUse Certificate of Zoning Compliance o Time Extension (Director) o Vacation . o Other ~ ,...."1 ..s":r " IlVil{>- Applicant Information Applicant name: h'\o\""'~ \...~V\",P"Ba..,\'-'t\"~s.l&eyd 0& ff\1J....'M. W Applicant address: 2..rfO f=,. I.&~.1) ) f'{\e...v- \' &. t (tv\. ~ 1:D ~ -. Applicant's mterest in property: ~own 0 Rent 0 Optioned 0 Other Owner name: li)']~te~ ffi~J..~si ~u..'(' ('1- Owner address: 2L\:n E lJ-a\\(') ~e"f'~a.\ CLV\. T:b Phone: 2.1) g - lr<o.C[ -5/e9 Z Zip: '85042.- Phone: gZg'-22c.tS Zip: '63CoLf ?--1 Agentllame (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): Firm name: Address: Primary co'otact is: .aJ Applicant 0 Owner 0 Agent 0 Other Contact name: J 0-'1\"\ \ e.. \' V\oV\t\. Q S E-mail: Phone: Zip: Phone: 2) 8'8' -2;2.,4 t; Fax: Subj ect Property Information LocatioP/street address: '2 <fO ~ Icto...ko . Asse~~:or's parcel number(s): ";. ..-~ ~. .,t '.~. ."'" , '." ..fOvv.hsfrlp, range, section: . CfuTent l~d use; Ch \,Lr & <3'\ , mpY'\&~QV\ \ Total acreage: ~rt)X I CLC~-=-~ 'Current zoning district: () I d (0 Ie h, ..... 660B. WatertowerLane, Suite202 . Meridian,Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 .. Facsimi'le: (208) 888-6854 . Website: W\vw.mendiancitv.org , 1 ,- :..:.. Project Description Proj~ctlsubdivisionname: ~t:i ' General description ofproposedprojectlrequest: ~lI'\l^\ri s, k.or '\ Y\ 2- '(""OMS \ 1i\.. The b 05, ~ '{"{\@... V' "* ~~ Th-p, _e. J t.L (l Cl.tl all\. ~ t.t.J \ ~ & \"0 be 0 F~ VI ,&.~ - fer tV k Proposed zoning district(s): 0 t &. \ 0 LO'w\ Acres of each zone proposed: Type of use proposed (check all that apply): o Residential fit Commercial 0 Office 0 Industrial Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): "Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this development? Which irrigation district does this property lie within? Primary irrigation source: o Other N (A N/A . Secondary: Square footage oflandscaped ~eas to be irrigated (if primary or secondary point of connection is City water): tJ/Pt , Residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number ofresidenti\ units: NIp., Number of building lots: Number of common an / Propo.red lJUlllbor of dwellin uni~ (for multi-fumily dev~(_ uniy): 1 Bedroom: 12 or more Bedrooms: Minimum square footage ofstrac "s) (excL garag~. Proposed building height: Minimum property size (s.f): / Average property size (s.f.): Gross density (DU/acre-totalland): / Net density (DU/acre-excluding roads & alleys); Percentage of open space provided: /~ Acreage of open space: Percentage of use able open space; / ~ (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of apeD. space provided in acr,((e., landscaping,'public, common, etc): . . TyPe of dwelling( s) proposed: IT S:ingle- iinnily 0 TO~~ 0 Duplexes 0 Multi-fumily Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number ofbuiIding lots: l0 {p\ Other lots: Gross floor area proposed: Existing (if applicable): ~ <6 '6 S~ .-Yt Building height: . ..!:ours of operation (days and hours): ." .r:~icent~ge of site/proje~t devoted to the following: ." ;",,',":' - 'Landscaping: 'Building: Il f,'f'o,^ <6 e:;; () Paving: Total nUmber of Ii'JYl~..es: C. -In .'If () \, Maximum number of ~ at anyone time: 7-{ Number and ages ofstudents/chiIdren (if applicable): "<\.e.........e... . Seating capacit': Tot~l number of parking spaces provided: :5 6. Nmnber of compact spaces provided: Vo \ \\5/Ft Authorization Print"PPllcantname:1J\~~ ~I Applicant signature: fY\ a.. Y' ~ L l) v"\'(\ p, 't:\ 0., \ \ Date: 'if? 5/ () (p 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 · Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone; (208) 884-5533 · Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 . Website: vrww.meridiancitv.org 2 July 25,2006 Meridian Planning Department The Meridian United Methodist Women would like to change the way we earn our money for Mission work and the way we serve our community. Instead of having two very large Yard Sales per year we would like to open a Thrift Store (''Nu 2 Y ou~')which would be open once a week (probably Friday) from 10:00 - 3:00 year round in 2 rooms in the basement of the Education wing in the Meridian United Methodist Church at 240 Idaho St in Old To"Wll Meridian. We may decide to open it from 4:00 to 6:00 before our Wed. evening cOllll11unity dinners during the winter time. We would like to have a grand opening with a 3 day sale Sept. 14,15 & 16,2006. We will sell donated items(c1othing, toys, household items, tools, etc.) at very reasonable prices. The items that don't sell in a 2 month period will be given away. We plan to use the larger room and half of the smaller room for displaying items and the other half of the smaller room for a staging room/office. Large furniture items would be left in the donors home and have a picture posted on a bulletin board. We have met with the Administrative Board and Trustees and have their permission as noted on the attached notarized Affidavit of Legal Interest. Please consider this proposal and let us know your answer to our as soon as possible. We need to get started very soon. Please call Mary Lynne Bal1(859-5692) if you have any questions about the above. The MUMChurch office phone # is 888-2245. Thank you for your timely action on our request, Mary Lynne Ball, UMW Co.Pres. & Co Chairman of Thrift Store Norma Gale, UMW Co Pres. Jamie Thomas, Treas. & Co Chairman of Thrift Store ,~ ':-: -: .~., 'Y-T'f"., = ....u ........:t . ....;X~~,~ .~t..-_.~'"'If~~-[5'C~r~~~~ rr~t~ant Numbarqq lCll2 W11l~am R.Row~n a~ U% ~o ~eth~~l~~ ~p1aa~p~1 C~uroh #/#.'H#I,'#I#tI#IiNJ#l#iitN#HIl##fji/# Tl'lra I\m5:mURe. NI1I1Il I:.ha PUll t (Ill,'( or 1'lJ"I'UB.l'~ in t~1l ,VII!I-l' or OUI:' r,ord Dl"lll lhaua~d B1~~ tUQdred ~~ ninQ~y 41% botwelln Wil1j~ H.RDW~N anQ Tann~4~ee nC~4n him ~1rQ at York TD~Bhtv Ooun~~ of Put~m State at W1oaourl pa~tie~ ar the f1rQt ~rb. ~~ ~ha ~la~h()l111J~ r.phcopal ChUra>:! a. Cal:'!)m"&Uon o:t!lttLn.1:7.Qd UndB~ 'tlla tha l!~'v:l or th.o BtlHu o( Illo:1ha Qr Ileil'idil'n Oounty of A.df<. S'Cp.~e llt l'da1'10 tbo p4rl'Y ot' thb 1I9!!ond pa.rtl W~NESa&TH. that thQ oal~ partiell of t~ tirat P~~~l ror ~~Q ~n co~l~er~tio~ at' t.ha ~UlI1 llt' [J~a 4- n-V: Doll/ll' lB.v;1'ul IIOIU''o/ of' tile Onl ton. St~~all or ~HlI'lo8., b.o tnllllL in lland pBl~ b~ the a~d p~~y or tha Ilpoonrt ~~~I .he ~oaoipt whereat la ne~~by toalllloW10ll.E:9Q. /1/1.,,11 Elt'lU'\.t"d, 'nllrga1nerl, [;.l'\d Hll<1, I\IlQ b~ tpau lJr'tlDa.ntll Il.g gran~ I bllllF,u(n aij~l, QOnv~ ~n~ eonfirm unto t,ne B~1d party or tna lIoaopd ~rt, &n~ ~D ita anblBn~ rot'I:l\lB:t'. '11 the l'o11olllil'lB' dlJlloZ'1bed rU/ll a/'ltQ.t.a at tllo.tlll:\ in Milo f!oHn~;Y1 Stll-tll of HilMI torr-wit: ~ll or to~a num~era~ olaU"o (ll) ~~ ~~alvu (l~) In Hloa~ num~e~~~ ana (1) locJl.f.oll in R!l'il~l1'l1 adflition M Wlll'1.d1.an. Itlal1D7 baing in SCl~t1an No ~lIvan (7) l;,oYm~nip NQ LlwQIl C~) Na1'\;l\. of Ro.nUII Na ona 11) *",..,.1;" 'l'OlJS'mli:R W:1Ui ~a IInd S1l1lfL11IU' thll tanerlllll'ltD, hOl'a.;1tll./ll.enf,1I IU'1Q IlppUrtanllllC611 thll~aunto b6lona1n2 ar in ~n1 ~i~1I op~~~~~ln1ngt IIn~ tho ~avQr.tQn ana raveroion, ~II_ mAin~ar &n~ ~am&1h~erll. ~n~~. 1alluell Rnd prgtttll ehllroor. ~"n All ellt~te r1gho, citlb Ilond 1htutll~t ih ~nd ~a tho a~1~ p~PPQrtv. ~~ wall in In~ aa In oqui~~. ~t ~~8 ~~id p~rtibB at tho rlro~ Pfi~~j TO HAVE ~ND '1'0 flom; /o.lJ, 1I11~ e!n&l.llu.t, ~Ile l>bc'lS lIlam.10nod Uld dlllHlrl blld p~omi~a~. ~Qge~hdt wi~h tne ~ppu~tG~hQDS, unto the Barty or the aua~d p~~~, ~~ to it." U!l.ti!M fO.l:'6Vllr. Ann tllil .!Illid pll.1't.t'S1l o.r tq" f:l.l'lIt po..t, Ilnd l;,n~lr hilirll, thCl Nl\,id ~ramdtle~ ~n t~D qu1B~ and pB4ae~bla ~oanoastQn of ~ha ~~~d ~~rty o~ tn~ cOQond p~ttt HI! lIall1gne. flga1ntlll tne luld p~rtlell or thE! 1'l.['lIt p4J!'t. lI.nd ~111l1!' hQi~ ~ lUll! u~ainst. I All a.ml livery E',u'O(ln a.nrf l:l61'~on.!l ""hollltlQovt:lr, lu,tr1'lllly 01 dlll!na all tu 03 aim t\'ill lSlIIJIa etlnl 1 , ~n~ Will ~~trant ~~ ~r th~na pres&nr.a roravo~ d&rsn~. 11'1 wITt.ESEl Wm:ru:;OJl'. the add 1l1\rt1d1l ar tlHl r1f'ut llQ.l't hfl,va )'JijJ:'Bl.Ir1tg !lat t/la:l.r hfl.lyla Jl.n.;\ 1l1lR.3 II tJl.ll dl1Y ll<nn yarn:' 't:tvlH a.bovu I'l:i tbun. S~gnu~ De~la~ ann ~a~1v~r~d tn pl"lI11anlla ot W.A.Ptlt\llan 'If. ff. Rowan t:'l~4.l.) hnnDIIQaO /iIlwo.n(BQo.l). .ro~ U:!.lh .. Stll<t~ or ~lallour! I lu eoul1~~ or I'l.H,llllm } On ~nt~ llWh nay or Fob~~~ry in cha YD~~ ld~ b~roru ~a JOe ~lla ~ Not.~~~ ?u~~,lc in ~q ro~ aaid to~ty. p~~Bo~~lly appo~ra~ W~111~ H.~o~~n Bnd ~~hnba~a. Ro~n '1 ~ 'I I I ~ I 'U ..tJ.L h.1,q W1fa lcnc'l1I1 c.o l!lfl ~D 'lIa the pa.'!llln wnQrtl:l MIlIa &t'!l Stlbllllr1bad to t<l'le ,..H111lJ t I 1nlJt,l:"Ullllmt. /L1I" a.~kncnvledR~d Co lIlB ,,11I.G ~h"Y e:tllt:utail tha: lllolall, lUlrl on ~h1!t ll~n cln.r of" rehc'J~j:'Y ill clllJ y"...r: 1!;i06, parera roe I 'cnll t.l1'1'1e.,H' /.obl.!'1.. dall~~1~Hl~~ BllX'l1(ln.l.l~ &PPO[\.;:01l1'l 'l'llnnulloB ilcwan 1q!0l"!t tD me to b!l tho perllon .Whaau nlUnQ ;111 8ub., nI'~bli'q to '(;he wttihin .tl1:l t;t'UIllllnt I t1""o~tQlId l\.1l II ltl],t'rl cd Ilrollillll; u.llll uDClh /In (j:uun:!.M,,1 t'n wHhou.r. the hu,r-111g of haf' :tl\lllbllndt ! 111.1.[10 hlil" !lOJ;:ajntet:\ men 101:\9 l3onl.llnne cr-t:ns Vlil ~Nm81\tt ft.wt thol'(,jLJpOn .,;h.e Ill:lljr;owIsctatld to l1lU 1..1'Itot, :lho a~llo\ltIHI thll. ~tl.1:I1I, and tnCl.t :b,q <'\("13 not .!uh to ~!ltr~~~ aur-h Dx~oUt:ton. IN W!'1'NESS WflmlE~, I IlaVil h>'l.l'llunt.o ~aT. my hll.I111 a.nd. al'rhad my ntt:l.t\1'11l- O~!I1, the d!l,Y t\rlll yefll' in 1;]110 a!l.["~!t1"l1tc nut Q.~llve \'1t'H~~fh In<t li:l.U:l (S!)lIl.) 'lO~ll:ry f\Ibl:l.c JQr ta!'lD /I" NatR:t'Y nUl ~lcIl"j.t"6 PlJD 'l7~h leS'l~ ~ R~~cr~oi at roquijijt cr John ~.Ro~~ ~~ 2.47 P.~. Yob 15th le06 Pa~" $t.~ I ~~"". .,If... By POP..lty. I II 1 / I I ! f I ~ l AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF IDAHO ) ) COUNTY OF ADA ) T, M~~(,L:<1M MiU-+ QW f ~0w:~N< (name) ~<{O ~ 1:J<r.ho 4u<.!. (v(er-lc46M. :Cp gS6t:{e,. (address)) i (city) (state) being first duly sworn upon, oath, depose and say: 1. That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grarit my permission to: J Q..M.\..U! L~W ~ ~~ ~ Lt"~~~ name) 2-f.j" -~;:;b1o NI#., M(M~ ,:I])€5'9'2- ., , , (address) to submit the accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the o'WIlership of the property which is'the subject of the application. 3. I hereby grant permission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said application(s). Dated this I)..S' day of ::Jc..{t . 20 ~ '" Jlh-a~ <Z k.~ ~6,..k. ; ~ (SWnauyeL- I Nie:rt~ , ~~ 1'ru..~~Snl. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. CtM.4W ~f- ~ "Il<- Jlii~_ i :- ".n L ~-..~ A~ '... O,,:"4l\ O~' .... va ~. ~OTA~r \(1) \ i * ' _._ . **)1: \. ~ R[JRL\C J \ fP)> .....G., ~o ~~~~J~~$ ff~;Z~~" (Notal)' Public for Idaho) Residing at: l'1erl'~ 'a'~ rL:J, ./ My Commission Expires: 0 5 - c:J 'I ~ / CJ No. e 24787 DUll no later than Janumy 31, 211(1ij 2. Rogiolll''''' All.nl "'~ Offi"" !lO PO BOX ~lum to: AllIlual Report Fonn DAAJ.eNE BRUN~ SECRETARY OF STA.TE 24ll e IDAHO~ AvlE. 700 'WEST JEFFERSON i UNITED MfOTHOOlsT CHURCH OF MERlDIAN MERIDIAN, 10 S3G42 PO eol'. S3na , G~R~OFTKeBOAROOFTRUS~S l3Qlse, ID S372ll'(J080 I 240 e; IMHOs:f A-..E; ~ MERIOI...". 10 52642 3, ~ f!~I~fe~ A~;:Hl.l Sigomurs NO FILING FEE IF I RECEIVED BV DUE DATE ] 4, CorporaUol1s: Enter Names and Business. Addresses of Presldenl, Secrelal)' and Directors. .omc::a hald: ~ SUM! or P.o. AdCra&s- ~ ~ !:!.e .., Truslee Chair GU Thornen 1490 Santa Rosa PI Meridian 10 83542 Trustee See Dale Reynolds 3424 S Arcaro Meridian JD 113642 -; T11i~~ Mary Lynne Sail 1058 Justin Place Meridian ID 83642 T ruslee Verne Baskett 2467 Nikki Cl Mandian 10 83642 Trustee Wanda Baskel1 24B7l11ikkl Cl Meridian )0 113642 Trustee Joe Borton 1110fi White UIy MeridisJ'l 10 63642 Trustee Faye Gabriel 1976 W Eagre Mln Dr Meridian 10 83642 Trustee RickIe Mirrer 5011 III Edenburgh Way Gan:1en City 10 113714 5. O.~ni"'" Un<ie< tile ~aws aI: ~i91l!lIur...4QJ~ Oat... Q - 1- "'.-.0 L IDAHO " C247a7 \ Na,m~ ~=:t~. d., ~~,I::'.s.erl ~ ..L /of ~"'r"u..o'! Tille - .. .--' lssw::d 1110112005 --- -..--- ---........--.-........-.------......,...---.--.-...--....--....--..... ..- -~- -......... "..."-... ~-_.- - -..-..... Do Not TlIpe or Staple- 200601005217 AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF IDAHO ) ) COUNTY,OF,ADAd <}- M tJr c//5 r ck urch 61: ;11eY'ldl/l?; ?!J/e/'fJ C flue. I. pp YJ a!/ ~ tt? /3 . Z L(il e f/.rt h,tJ"\ rn e n' J; QV\ \ 11> e 3 0 Lj ~ ~~ ~~. (city) (state) being fITst duly sworn upon, oath. depose and say: 1. That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: T 4'?"7'1 / e jf., #:>rt .q '7 ...r- j11C1r',/Lyn?;e 8#/1 2itJ e,fdtfh~ltve Mtr/j,'uY;f~vz f I (name ) (address) to submit the accompanying appIication(s) pertaining to that property. 2. I agree to indemnifY. defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the 'statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. 3. I hereby grant permission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said application(s). Dated this 21{ day of 7<< Iv f 200? , f}-~4t/~ , / . (Signature) , I Char /,?-14tff?1 Aam, '7/('j'Trp//'J/c> t:.n4 7? c; / SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and~year fIrst aj;)Ejve written. ..-'-~~....~~~.......~ y-~"--'\. ...- ",/" ~,\\'" '~"'" .,,' -" ,...,.... '" ''1'_ ....... 'I,"" ~. ~~,.. ,~\ -..."" '-'. =~.. lII'I."~ : l;9.Jj.'fri~~'; ~\ ...,; ~ ". ~..." ..~~\'~;,,"*.. ~"-', \-'/" , ~ i .........,r i ;':" ::: ~ ~..e' "" [J'" ..- ~ ~ .. " -.. ~ \: 7,...\. ~:= :: " '1, '" t:i ~ ..~-.o - " "}o~'f"h~~~"...... ~_.: " ...."'- of \Qf'"..,_ '" . '= ...... 1\\\\\\"...... tary Public for Idaho) Residing at: #7-10'[ /c! 'a.~ / - ( <1 - )(1 { ( My Commission Expires: Meridian United Methodist Church "The Church of the Warm Heart" A United Methodist Fellowship with Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Dr. Leland E. Hunefeld, Pastor e-mail: lelandh@worldnet.att.net July 18, 2006 Admin; strative COllllCil Meeting A portion of the meeting Attendees: Howard Foley; Teresa Adams; Norma Gale; Lori Jones; Connie Spofford; Mary Lynne Ball; Jamie Thomas.; Dorothy Childs; Sam Pile; Gerry Mattison; Gil Thorsen; Pastor Leland Hunefeld; Chairman, Donald Woods Mary Lynne Ball asked that the Administrative Council of the Meridian United Methodist Church consider a request by the United Methodist Women to use a portion of the basement in the church as an area for the set up and selling of items that in the past were sold at two annual four-day long yard sales, as an on-going year round use. Pastor Lee moved to consider the request by Mary Lynne on behalf of the United Methodist Women, with a second from Lori. Discussion pointed out that currently the items would be offered for sale only one, maybe two days a week depending on the availability of volunteers. Larger items would not be sold at this location and people wishing to make donations oflarge items would need to send a photo of the item and be willing to have interested buyers see the item at the donor's home. This year round access is meant to keep the volume down from the twice a year sale and ease the set up and take down from a short four-day sale. It is the hope of the United Methodist Women to serve that group of the community who can benefit from the availability of these items. It was also pointed out that in the past, items that were not sold by the last day of the old rununage sale were given away. In the same tradition they plan to have items that have not sold in a two month period be made available as free items. A vote was called for and the motion passed. f-~LJ 1f/~ Donald Woods, Chairman 240 East Idaho Avenue, Meridian ID 83642 Phone: 208-888-2245 Fax: 208-888-5741 website: meridianumc.com e-mail: mumc@meridianumc.com --" L,..;~ ~ ~,. 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