El Dorado Business Center CZC 06-133t .~ , . ,. .; ; r~, . ~ ``; ~" ~~~ ~~- t~ ~Dr~r~o E ~~' ? 4'Sf4 3 ~ ~~.`~ CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE Date: Jul 31 2006 Project Natne/Number: EI Dorado Business Center CZC-06-.133 Owner: Dave Evans Construction Site Address: 3017 3023 E. Ca er Point Drive Meridian ID 83642 Bonita Subdivision No. 3 Lots 18 & 19 Biock 1 Proposed Use: Two-Sto Multi-Tenant Off ce Buildin Shell Use TBD b Future Owner Zoning: C-G Comments: Conditions of Approval: Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and the conditions of approval for the Bonito No. 3 Development. Issuance of this permit does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of the other permits issued for this site. The issuance of this permit does not release the applicant froth any requirements ofthe approved Annexation and Zoning (AZ-01-028), Candltional Use (CUP-01- 037), Preliminary Plat (PP-01-037), Final Plat {FP-OS-038), as well as airy Development Agreements recorded for this site. Because a user for this building is not proposed at this time, the future tenants}must obtain tenant irrtprovement sign off from the Planning Department, prior to occupancy. Landsca~ing_ The Landscape Plan prepared by Dave Evans Construction, on July 10, 200b, Sheet Number LS-1, is approved (stamped "Approved" on July 31, 2006, by the Meridian Planning Department) with the following changes (see redline changes on plan): 1 Per UDC I1-3B-SC-2 aII infernal arlrin lot lantern shall contain at least one tree. Provide one tree in the center Canter to the north of the ro osed structure and 2 UDC II-3B-5 establishes the minimum Iant size standard of for alI Iandsca ed areas. Please note that alI ornamental and shade trees are to be of fivo-inch 2" call er minimum. Other than the aforementioned changes, the approved Indscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No field changes to landscape plan permitted; prior written approval of alI tttaterial changes is required. Site Plan: The Site Plan prepared by Toothman-Orton Engineering Co., on March 30, 2006, Sheet Number 1, is approved (stamped "Approved" on July 31, 2006, by the Meridian Planning Department) with the following changes: (see redline changes on plan): I Per UDC ll-3B-8C-2a Iandsca a lantern shall canfain a rninimrrm of ff 50' s care feet and the lantin area shall not be less than five feet 5' Please redesi n the central Ianter to the west of the ro osed structure 2 UDC II-3C-6G requires one (11 hirvrlP ~+~~r a .. a...,.... shad exceed twelve I2 in a row without and internal loner island Eithere rovide an addit onal Ianter island to the east of the ro osed structure or eliminate one stall from the arlcin row. The approved site plan is hat to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. Elevations: The Elevations prepared by Dave Evans Construction on June 19, 2006, Sheet Number 7, is approved {stamped "Approved" on July 31, 2006, by the Meridian Planning Department) with no changes from the Planning Department. The approved elevation plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. Trri ation: An underground, pressurized irrigation system :must be installed to al] landscape areas per the approved specifications anal in accordance with UDC 11-3A-15. Protection of Existin Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or mitigated for in accordance with the Tree Preservation section of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Pex UDC 11-3B-10, coordinate with the Parks DepartmentArborist (Elroy Huff, 888-3579} for approval ofprotection/reIocationmcasures forthe existing trees prior to cons#ruction. Any severely damaged tree must be replaced in compliance with UDC 11-3B-10-C.5. Parkin: The proposed parking areas shall be paved and striped in accordance with UDC lI-3B. Project engineer/architect shall certify that the number and size ofhandicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act {ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordance per ADA and signed appropriately. Cu~., rbin~: Per UDC 11-3B-5T, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking Iots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other approved protective devices. Curbing tray be cut to allow for storm water runoff Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with ! 1-3A-17. Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Drainage: Storm water drainage swales shall not have a slope steeper than 3: I, shall be fully vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with UDC 11-3B-1 I and UDC 11-3A-18. Fencing: Any required or proposed fencing shall be installed with current fencing standards as defined in UDC 1 I- 3A-7. Li htin Comply with lighting standards as definedrn UDC 1.1.-3A-X1.. Lighting shall not cause glare ar impact the traveling public or neighboring development. Per UDC I1-3A-1IC-3, all light fixfures having a tnaximutn out ut of 1 SQO lumens or more shall have o a ue to to revent u -li htin . Additionall the bulbs shall not be visible and shall have fall cut-off shields. Signage: No signs are approved with this CZC. All business signs will require a separate sign permit in compliance with UDC 11-3D. Trash Enclosure: Al] dumpster{s} must be screened in accordance withUDC-11-3A-12. Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by SSC. Handica -AccessibiIi :The structure, site improvements and parking areas must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. ACRD Acce tance: All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. if any changes must be made to the site plan to accomrnodate the ACRD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. CertiEcate of Occu anc : All required improverrrents must be complete prior to obtaining a CertiEcate of Occupancy. A written certificate of completion shall be prepared by the landscape architect, landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan upon completion of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials and sprinkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash ixa the amount of 1. I O% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: Except for the changes mentioned above, the approved Site Plan, Landscape Plan stamped "Approved" on 7uiy 3 1, 2006, and Elevations, are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No significant field changes to the site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. Amanda Hess Associate Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other deparhnents/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Depai~xnent, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date ofissuance if work has not begun. ~~~E ~~ _ ~'~~ ~~~ ,:~~ .. ~~ Pi~~>r~i~~ ~~pa~ir~~n~ ADMrnTISTRATI[VE REV~E'6V APPL~CATTON Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) ^ Accessory Use ^ Administrative Design Review Q Alternative Compliance ~ ~ Certificate of Zoning Compliance D onditiorzat Else Permit Minor Modification ^ Property Boundary Adjustment ^ Short Plat ^ Temporary Use Certificate ofZoning Compliance ^ Time Extension (Director) ^ Vacation ^ Other A licaut Tnfarmati TUFF C15`D ~JN7=; ~"': ~_ PP on Applicant name: Eua.H-~ G~~ s -~-,~r,..~ -z,-.~ Applicant address: s• ~ ( G~,~ ,~ ~ ~, Zip: ~ 3 1 Contact nacre: 1 ~v; ~urrnwS Phone: ~S3-1Zv3 Applicant's interest in properly: ,Own ^ Rent ^ Optioned ^ Other Owner. Warne: 5 Ll- ~'l 6 Owner address: Zip: Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): CJ` fiJ~I~~ Firm Warne: Address: Contact name: Primary contact is: ~Appiicant ^ Owner ^ Agent ^ Other E-mail: •-1- ,~A v, ' ~ as ~.~~~ vc..•-~~ C•o +~ ~' vu ~ f -ice ,Grp Subject Property Information Fax: _~C53-~`Z2~ Loeation/street address: ~ i 7 E . Co .cr }`~~ w ~ 3~Z ~ E, G, ~~ , Assessor's parcel number(s): d ZZ Q, 0 7 0 ~ 2~ 4 2 Z 7~ v0 ~ O Township, range, section: ~ 'Lc7 Total acreage: 2 2 -7 q $ S Z L,,is Current land use: 9/ ra~.~•~ La ~ G[~rrent zoning district: G-, L7 ._ ~~LO ti ~ ~~p4lL ~ 1~•~ ~" ~ ~- ~f ~D~1 Zip: Phone: ~~ d60 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 MeridiaQ, Idaho 83642 Phone: {208} 884-5533 Facsirxute: (208) 888-6578 We6site: 4vww.meridiancitv.ora t _ Project/subdivision name: General description of proposed project/request: ~~ Proposed coning district(s): C - Acres of each zone proposed: , ~ `~-~ a[ rC5 ~.c r~ Zz, 3c7$ S~' Typo of use proposed (check all that apply): D Residential i~;CommercialOffice ^ lndustriai ^ Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable}: Residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of residential units: Number of building lots: Number of cornman andfor other lots: Proposed number of dwelling units (for multi-family developments otrIy): 1 Bedroom: 2 or more Bedrooms: Minimum square footage of structure(s) (excl. garage): Proposed building height: Minimum property size (s.f): Average property size (s.fi): Gross density (DU/acre-coral [and): Percentage of open space provided: Percentage of useable open space: _ Net density {Di7lacre•exc[uding eoads & alleys): Acreage of open space: (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualilxed open space) Type of open space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): Type ofdweiling(s) proposed: ©Single-fancily ^ Townhomes D Duplexes DMulti-family Non-resideutia[ Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building lots: 2. Gross floor area proposed: Z "Z~ Hours of operation (days and hours):T Percentage of site/project devoted to the £ Landscaping: ~ j °la Total number of employees: CP a~ - fo ollowing: „~ Building: _ Maximuu Number and ages of studentslchildren {if applicable): Total number of parking spaces provided: ~~ Seating capacity: Number of compact spaces provided: 3 Authorizatiou Print applicant Warne: ~YAviS t u. /c WS {ix DA,~-e ~uwn? ~-S ,~.~-~.~~ Applicant signature: ! ~-- (`~ ~ C }?ate: Ce - Z ? --y fa Other lots: Existing (if applicable): p~/tit - F Building height: ^- 3 `I ~- Cv ~` ~5 ~O Pauing: Ll l ~ number of employees at any one time: Z ZN 660 l;. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 Meridiany Idaho 83642 Phone: (208} $84-5533 Facsimile: (208) $88-6678. Website: ~vtvw.meridianci .orQ 2 ~~ DAVE { EVANS G U N S T R U C T 1 U~ 5561 N. Glenwood St. Suite A, Boise, Idaho 83X4 (208) 853-1203 FAX (208) 853-122q E-mail: de~ansconstruction.com June 29, 2006 To: City of Meridian Planning & Zoning Dept. RE: CZC -- Ef Dorado Business Center Building Statement of Proposed Use of Property This project is on approved Lots 18 & 19, Block i of Bonito Subdivision #3 and will be used fora 22,308 square foot, two story office condo building for multi-tenant occupancy. ~~ ~' Travis Burrows Dave Evans Construction OVERLAND RD ~ T, a~ ~- 0 ~-- o ~ c~~DS\ E COPP DANCE ARTS DCNrlAN ACAQEMY EI Dorado Business Center OiNT DR ~-MENdR EMERGENCY ~~~~cc MEDICAL CLINIC "`~" LAW C~FI~~ 7Rf?E1T, WEEKS RMA LAW a' u' i o~ 2~ a' s a~ a' a oc w c~ w R""'" '"~~-"3 Nrxa ~~rruvtza rcavzs acar ~ ~ ~ ccce ;1Dauv2f9 8I ,Ld'I-~i3N3F3d ;~ su»una mtr saaxuwn 'Hiiwtau orruvis~ }IZI'fti SS~IQISII$ OQ1i2I0CI 'i~ \~ ~ ~ ~, u~rattaa sNm3~ru~ug xo.~~oWtzvyt[tcoos g •atd A[OI$IAIQHRS O,~II+IQ$ ~~ ~ e ~~ ~ ~ ~ j! ~' ~ ~ ! r ff ~ ~ ~~a~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~. 3t ~~ A ~m ~ i~ ~e I ~ ~ ~x I u _~~ ~T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ "o l ~ ~ \ d ~ `~ ~~ "oy ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ `'~ ~aae +n «~! l i 1 fi t ~~ ~~~~ ~~ r ~ ~ r f 1 1 ~~~ 0 ~~ ~ N m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~5 O II i ~~p ~ i ~~~ ~~ ~~ ® ~~~ ~ "~ \ ~~ _~ ,~, .. ,. ,~ ~" •~ Y ~ti ! ~„ ,~ 1 ~ k i !~ ~ ! l a ~ ~ .~ 6 ~ S S l ~`E ~ F ~~- ~" ~ ~a ~ N ~ a ~ ~ ~4 . 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