Brad HoaglunCITY OFFICE CERTIFICATION OF CANDIDATE FILING TO COUNTY CLERK CITY CLERK Upon receipt of the Declaration of Candidacy along with the Petition of Candidacy: 1. Verify the qualifications of the Candidate. 2. Verify that the Petition of Candidacy is signed by not less than 5 electors and has been certified by the County Clerk's Office. a. If the Petition of Candidacy was not verified by the County Clerk prior to submission to your office, deliver the original petition to the County Clerk's Election Office to have 5 electors verified that they are properly registered electors. b. If the electors are required to be residents within city limits, verify that the electors reside within the correct city limits. 3. Stamp or write the date and time of receipt on the front of the Declaration of Candidacy and Petition of Candidacy. 4. Complete the fields and statement below. 5. Transmit a copy of this Certification along with a copy of the Declaration of Candidacy to the County Clerk for ballot preparation. CANDIDATE NAME BEING CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY CLERK Candidate Name (As it will appear on the ballot.) arGL i�ocalV OFFICE INFORMATION FOR BALLOT PLACEMENT Filing for the Office of: _< 2 2 •1 C I' 177 City Name: Meridian Term-length, seat or position (if applicable): 5}r II �f �� �C� Z J S pc.4 2 1 f PUSS CERTIFICATION I, Chris Johnson certify that the qualifications of the candidate listed above have been verified, including the validity of the electors signing the Petition of Candidacy, and that the individual meets the requirements to run for the office indicated above and on the attached Declaration of Candidacy to be voted on at the Election to be held on the 7th day of November , 2023. Signature of the Clerk or ep septa ' e f the District: Dated: I At IMPORTANT 1. Verification of the candidate's qualifications and the validity of the signers of the petition should occur immediately upon receipt of the filing. This allows the candidate time to correct any errors in the filing. 2. Certification to the County Clerk should occur upon the verification of the candidate's qualifications and the validation of the signers of the petition. To assist the County Clerk in ballot preparation, do not HOLD these until the last day of filing. Revised i2/15/2022 RECEIVE CITY OFFICE ��:��`' �� w�� ���� 31 2023 �r�a��4��� a� aa�-ara�� DECLARATION OF CANDID Idaho Code 34-701(2) now requires phone nur►�ib�sYt�3'e�et1� �M , aho Code 34-704(4) states that all information in declarations of candidac��i'�(1� R�Iz(yEavailable upon request. CANDIDATE FILING PERIOD (f.c. so-41o) OFFICE INFORMATION Filing for the Office of: CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 Opens: August 28, 2023 (8:00 am) City Name: MERIDIAN Closes: September 8, 2023 (5:00 pm) CANDIDATE WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES (�.c. 34-t4o5a) September 22, 2023 (5:00 pm) Term length, sub -district, zone, seat or position: (if applicable) 4 YEAR TERM CANDIDATE INFORMATION Candidate Name (As it appears on your voter registration record.) Candidate Phone First � �� MI ` Last, � � Suffix Residence Address (As it appears on your voter registration record.) Street Address City State Zip Code County BALLOT NAME Wrife your name exactly as you would like it to appear on the ballot ���� �� �.1 u� HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION (f.c. 34-to�lzj, 34-701(3j) Have you, or your spouse, claimed a homestead exemption? Yes ❑ No If Yes, Please List the Address Street Address City State Zip Code Count11y\\ � CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION I do hereby certify that I am a registered elector of the State of Idaho and appoint myself as treasurer for my campaign. If any campaign finance contributions or expenditures reach or exceed $500, I will create a Campaign Finance account with the Secretary of State, and may at that time, appoint another person as Treasurer or remain as my own Treasurer. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, being a resident of the State of Idaho and of the city listed above, do hereby declare myself a candidate for the office entered above to be voted on at the Election to be held on the 7th day of November , 2023 and I certify that the information on this Declaration is true and accurate. I further certify that I possess the legal qualifications to hold said office. I submit herewith the filing fee of ($40.00), or in lieu of the filing fee the nominating petition containing the five (5) signatures of qualified electors as statutorily required. Dated: Subscribed artid shorn to Signature: Notary Ali it and for the My Commission u-q�,'Z; me thi f day o � �!� �of Idaho, r siding at ,�/l, / ..�il.� Candidate �•`'�1TCy�'a, 4.�_ No.2n,�. r}OTARYP�L �.� p�BL1C ti: ��'' �� OF�19P ••'� EC-3A-Declaration of Candidacy for City Offices —Approved by the Idaho Secretary of State Revised 04/11/2023 CIAiY OFFICE PE1��TION FOR CANDIDACY -ANDiDATE FILWG PERIOD t1.c. so-��o) Opens: August 28, 2023 (8:00 am) Closes: September 8, 2023 (5:OU pm) CANDIDATE WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES p.c, 3�-1so5a) September 22, 2023 (5:00 pm) CANDIDATE INFORiVIATION C ; '' ,y Name (As it will appear on the bat/ot.} O � o>j t^ h • • , OFFICE INFORMATION Fllii:� fior the Office of: i � � City Narrte; Term length, sub -district, zone, seat o►� position: (if applicable) �, G� M sue` �� i 4 ^� This petition must be filed iri the office of the appropriate city clerk with the Declaration of Candidacy on or before 5:OQ p.m, on the last day of rrliny far the Election at which you are desiring to participate in. The submitted petition must have affixed thereto the names of at least five (5) qualirred electors which reside within the city. SIGNERS STATEIIlENT _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ 1, the undersigned, being a qualified elector of the city fisted above in the State of Idaho, do hereby certify and deciara that I reside at the place set opposite my name, and that I join in the petition of the candidake for the office listed above, to be voted for at the election to be held on the 7 � day of �� t,..�ao , 2023, and that each for himself says:l have personally signed this petition; I am a qualified elector of the State of Idaho and my residence address is correctly written after my name. Sigr}�tufe of Petitioner � Printed Name _ Residence Address Date Signed ...r ..- 1. �. - ---- - - �(,�L—�I�L�L��_�Gc L.t �N, ��2 �Gi.hc�c1�L�'_, f'�iCf'%u.� 3. � 1,r2 � � /t� / . �%y�6 fir! �r. cL Gtrr' ..� /-l�^� ,�✓f�.-i' i1t.� S z��--Z� d. - �� - � I� C��' '�� tt�. %�-� �,� ��� ���Qt��� ��-ate s. -t— - - - �'���.t'�cti_�ICat'_i7s.�gr_`____�%3 - _� � I �5�(���,_�e � �� t��� ��� T CERTIFiCAT90N - ---- --- ---- - ---- - - - - - -- -- - -- ----- State of Idaho County of _,__�_�� a�. I, �� �,pq_ y�. �, being first duly sworn say: That I am a resident of the State of Idaho and at least eighteen (18) ysars of age: that every person who signed this sheet r�ihe foregoing petition signed his or her name thereto fi my presence: 1 believe that eac�i l�s stated his or her name address and residence correctly, that each signer is a qualified elector of the State of Idaho, and a resident of the r:ounty of _ _ q Circulator 'gnature: � Address: v t �, �j Subscribed and sworn to before me this c� � day of _ ;'i_ U U U 5 1 _____,� � z ,j, Notary Signakura; Notary Public in and for the StatA of Idaho, residing at l�.�t C ou rU T �i My Gommissian E;;pires: � � t I �(„� Z C 2.y- 1yoTAR Y �... PUBLtG� '• • -•_ GC-3t3 - petition for Candidacy for City Offices -Approved by the Idaho Secretary of State; Revlsod 04/1 t2n2J CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT 4 State of Idaho, ) ) ss. County of ADA ) Trent Tripple op ly Clerk of the District Court 0 Z :.. ..... -.. SI-li.e I00, Boise, IL' 03: 0-i Katie Reed Chief Deputy e ('OS1 Lo M0001 I iVEp AUG j 1 MIJ ADA COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF CITY CLERKS OFFICE CERTIFICATION OF SIGNATURES FOR A CANDIDATE PETITION To the Clerk of the City of Meridian, for the State of Idaho I, Trent Tripple ounty Clerk of Ada County hereby certify that signatures on this petition are those of quali ied electors. Bv\ PP Tripple Clerk