Southern Springs Building B CZC 06-093f ti •. ti•(woo," r 4 f 7r �? ti i ' � f .1•T f r 1 Ic { CITY OF 1?� I DAHO Nr .47. ;t ; prior to occupancy. Protection of*sExiin a Trees: Any existing trees oia site must b e protected or mitigated for izz accordance with the Tree Preservation section of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Per UDC 1 1 -3B - IQ, coord ate with the Parks Department Arboris# (Elroy Huff, 8 8 8-3 5 7 9) For approval of prote c ti'ori/relo c ation easures for the 41 exist ing trees prior to construction. Any severely damaged trey must be replaced in compliance. with UDC 11,-, 3B- I O -C, 5,t Drainage: Storm water drainage s wal es shall not have a slope steeper tha.n 3:1 1, shall b e fully vegetated, and shall be designed. in compliance with UDC I 1-3B-1 1 and UDC 1 1 -3A -I8. Liati : Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighbon'ng development and comply with lighting standards a s defined in UDC 1I -3 A- 1 1. Signage: No signs are approved with this CZC. All business signs will require a separaie sigma permit in compliance with UDC 11 -3 D, Trash Enclosure: All dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with UDC, -,l 1-3A,,12. Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by SSC. Handica. .....p-Accessibility: The structure, site improvements and p arking areas must be in compliance with all federal handicap -accessibility requirements. ACHD Accqptance: AJI impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building pem-iit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requweinents, a new site plan shaU be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning staff dor approval prior to the issuance of a building Permit. CertifOccWancy.0 rovements b . ... .... P e complete prior to obtaixzing a Certificate of Occupancy. AIPwritten certificate oicompletion shall be prepared by �e landscape architect, lat�dscape desgner or qualified nurseryman re sp on sib I e for the landscape plan upon completion of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all IandSCape unprovements, zza CIudin9 P lant materials and spz'inkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved Iandscape plan. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may he obta ed by providing surety to the City in the fonn of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: Except for the changes mentioned above, the approved Site Plan , Landscape Plan stamped "Approved" on July 2 5 , 2 0 0 6, and Elevations, and are no t to b e altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No significant field changes to the site or landscape plans are pe=tted; prior written appravaI of all changes is required. JennyOVeatch Associate City'Plant)-er *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not IM[Uted to, Ada County Highway District, Central D i strict Health. Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridiani Sewer, Water:, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expt'prone (I) year from the dace of issuance if work has not begun. rr 4 ;e ti %WJF 1 ` _ Ati � r i� 6 v. Plan n1*ng fADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION i if �'1 ~• f .Z*Y ,.fly+ ='I T' { f `1 Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) 11 Accessory Use El Alternative Compliance ,KCertfflicate of Zoning ComPliance El Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification )q Design Review ❑ property Boundary Adjustment El Short Plat El Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance El Time Extension (Director) El Vacation El Other Applicant Information Applicant name: Applicant address: Lq; STAFF USE ONLYNA File number(s): Z L - 0 b -f92) ,,, d P rojname:ect�ov��l�nrv� SQf ��C, k(k ('} U Date filed: 5 z.3w) 6 D ate complete: Assigned Planner. Q (, Related files: Applicant's interest in Property: El Own 1:11 ent ❑IDiptoned � Other Owner z�r� 0 wn er addre ss: I Ll I' Z. 0 b L.E.C. Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): Firm name& �Ms$ I& AddressA lDIO S. Prima17 contactirs: 'Xp ficant Contact name: E-mail: El Owner El Agent D Other . GSM Subject Property Information Location/street address: Al=�ii>iAA 4 Pit> Nil Assessor's parcel number(s). Township, range, sectw 46 C Ion A .30 1 Feo.2 1 -1 Current land use: Tot I e3 r% o g a.5(40 Current zoning district: Phone: alkt 370 Zip: Phone: -$37D Phone: iSC�`g73�0 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suitt 202 Meriodian, Idaho 83642 Phone-.,. (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888,,6854 • Website: www.meridiaiicitV.ore +/,M IA3[.4t.UD INCs IL �Mr Project Description Project/sudf vijon nam� General des cri ption o f proposed p rojecdrequest: U Proposed zoning district(s): Acres o f e ac h zone prop odlob PEWMMW Type of use proposedh(ceck a[1 that apply): El Residential Commercial El Office D In dustnal El Other Arnemties provided with this development (If applicable)": l: Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this development? ,.�.��"jb [p`(", AL Which irr*igation distiict dogs thisroMeppelivit���`? LAtnaar%hk jOj7t&* Pnmary igationsource:Secondary:rry Square ft of landscap d areas to be irnt�fprimary or secondary point of connection is Citer water : . Residential Project Summary (if applicable) tsf� Num b er of rxdnti ] un it: Number o f c ormn adr other I ots: Number of building lots: Proposed number of dwelling units (for multi-family developments only): I B edro m: 2 or more 13edroomsr Minimum tsarfootage of structure s� excl., .ra Proposed building height: Minimum property size (s of) d, Average property size (&E): Gross densItY (DU/acre-totland).. Perc en tageo f op space prov i d ed: Net densItY (DU/acre-exclufflng roads & alley: EMMM%FM& Acreage of open Percentage of useable open space: (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of open space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): Type of dwelling(s) proposed: DSinge-family ❑ Townhomes ❑ D�p[exes 11 Multi 10 N on-resifialdenProject Summary (if applicable) 5i-I�ti� Number of building lots: -(-31"') (.Other lotGross floor az�eaproposed: ��D7GsSe F. �Z VnatXn.0 E%WS� Existing (if appJicable}: -^ Hours of operation (days and hours):. Building height,," 3%'C> Percentage of site/project devoted to the following: s1crrIDIP44 CCnNvlo�1 ��.�� Landscaping: �$.� � �2'��5�'E B'uilding:- t�,�F..l Paving: 53 Ems Tota] number of employees: ��1kl6j"—q-_ Maxi mum number of emDlovees at anv one times flAikinw-NI Number and ages of students/children (if applicable): _��� J Seating capaciEy:l'Iv {� -- Total number of parking spaces provided: O( Number of compact spaces provided: _q 61 kXwwpE.,j� Authorization RNM Pnnt applicant name: Applicant signature: Date: W- C.- EEVW&AVVMM4� 6X E, Lane, Suite 2 02 • M eridian, Idaho 8 3 642 P h n 208) 8 533 • Facsimile; (2Q8} 8 8 8-6$ 54 • Website: www.meridianci .ME" or 2 t' t ' } F f T FF r r Ar Y i f { i� Proiect nm: Applicant/agent: Planning Department DESIGN REVIEW a APPIcl ation Checklist k Concurrent File 4-r F� IF - 4 %C�-c-o9 Ali �p I i cations arerequired to contain one copy of l lowin : Applicant (q) Description P roi 'de, a detailed statement of how the, proposal meets the following standards: � Arit�t��-�] �iara�fr: a. Facades: Facades visible om a publ-ILC Art shall incorporate modulationin the facade., roof ii"ne recesses and projecti0ons aIng a mi & ni r muf twenty p(200/0)lengtb of the facade. b. Prj&mary public entrance(s)E. The primajy bui"Iding ebe clearly defined bar the arch its ctu raI •d esi"gn o f the bu i'l d i n g. W Ind ows awnin gs, or areaaread es sh a I I total a minim um o 30% of the Facade length facing a public st- t. .oof"lmnes: R�oafdesign shall demonstrate two or more of the following: aoverhangingga s, b} I ped rows; c} two or more �rof l n es� dvarying parapet h�i�hts; and CMi e . d. Pattern variations: At feast two ebanges in one (or a combination) of the following shall b i corporate Jnto th e bl�iI d in design : co I or, tex ture and/ materials. . Mechanical equipment,. All ground, -level and rooftop mechanical equipment shall be srend to the bel*ght of the snit as viewed from the propertyZine. 2. Color and materials: Exterior buildin walls shall demonstratethe appearancef�i�i�t�ualit atria] f �ton, bn-FI�, v►ro o or r nt� Matr�aI. Acceptable materials Include tinted or texture d m as onry]o ck, ttur d arcb i tectura I coated c on ere tp an el s , fin ted or texture d rn. as ony block, or stucco or stucco4ike synthet' malI'1als. Smooth,-fiaced concrete block, b"It-up concrete P a� Is, or prefabri atd te�I an I s ars pr �i�bi� d �c �p� s n� rr�a� rias . 3. Parking LotNo more than 70% of the off= tret parking area for the Structure shall be located bet n the front fag ade o f th e stru eture and abu tt ing s tree ts . un I e ss the grincipal building(s) and/ parking J's/are screened from view b other stns ter , landscaping a�dlo� be�rn . 4. Pedestrian walkways: . A continuous internal pedestrian walkway that iminimum of eight feet in width Sbail b prov j d ed dram tie perimeter sxdew alk to the xinain building entrance. The wal kway wid th sh be m a intained clear oCany outdoor s a I e displays, +�rending machines, or tempolvary stru b. The 'in tern a1 ped estrian walkway A a I I b e'd i stin gu i sh from flie vehicular d ri'ving s u rfac e through the use of pavers, colored yrs cored concrete, or bricks. C. Walkwa sat least ea ht feet ire � �a11 be provided for ars r aisle len th that III �- eater than 15 0 par 'jn g. spa ces or 2 0 0 fet away from the ma��n bu i* I d ir ng entran cc d. The walkways shall have weather protection (includi"ng but n limited to an awningor arcade) within 20 feet of lI customer entrances.� Complete ofscaledbuild*�elevations,�t buzldintn'al, colors and text'ures specified V1 Reductions.,ofthe elevations 8 '�" X Fee Staff �lII reque t� de t �� �- � � c�rppr¢val mush rr�e � � r �c� �-�,� ��t, fot th in U�� 11-5 c� a� � �� �ic� yet ort�r y��I Di 1f -Sli.. ! 1J /�11"' ��'l �J !Yri lti#as�ai is�w� «n�•a �. _ r f �f i ,...�- •• � � �.�.�-� � v. �rr� c�c�4:�sfr��r�G LV vV�TiClW771V1�YI�IClTI !_��I'14 ciuiaelines;; L7S GTp�?1xCa1J. THIS APPLICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED C OMpLE TE UATLL STAFF HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED 17VFORMA TION 6b0 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 46Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (248) 884-5533 Facs&milemMp8} $$g-6854 Webs A tem www.meridiancity.org ARCHITECTS Bozos. ALLANTE PL, SUITE goo BOISE, IDAHO 83709 TELEPHONE, 208 335 8370 FAX 208 336 838D Meridian Planning &Zoning 660 E. Watertower Ln., Ste., 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 To Whom It May Concern: May 15th, 2006 Parcel.* S1 119223325 Re: Southern Springs Lot 7, $,9 Blk 1. Our client is proposing to build two multi&*tenant retail shell buildings an Lots 7, 8 41 & 9 of Block 7 , Southern Springs Subdivisioh North.. The 6, 956 s.€. cc Buifciing-A" will be constructed on Lots i & 8. Because both lots 7 & 8 are owned by the same entity, and no known easements are present on or near that property fine, the building may encroach on the property line. The 8,120 s.f. " Building -B" will be constructed entirely on Lot 9. Current designs have the highest point of the building no higher than 35 '-0 " above finished floor. Building finishes include stucco wails, with store accents. The roof w1*11 be "mediterranian" StyEe rooting at the accent corners and low Sfape single -ply roofing for the bulk of the roof area. Mechanical rooftop unit:13, ill II)e screened by a parameter parapet and if necessary, screening walls.: The color palate will include, reds, adobe, tan, dark bronze'and other earth tones. ft A P Ill �~�g-�s req Ll arna.. 'SC�I� .Sincere F=9411FII ��ys V�TIl�i� FkCJp �.aM,E���fidN1��.lc, 5u &k %jut: I (jullipson BRS ARCHITECTS Cc: FILE -ago'001h, -mss. ARCHITECTS 10 10 S. ALLANTE P1,. SUITE l00 BOI$E, IDAHO 83709 TELEPHONE 208 336 8374 FAX 208 336 8380 Date: 5/23/2006 To: Meridian Planning Department Rena Southern Sp4 rings Lot 7,8,9, Blkl -Building " B" This proposal meets the following standards. 1. Architectural character: a. Facades: The facades that face the public streets incorporates modulation by virtue of the changes in parapet heights, wall planes, awnings, colors and textures along the entire length of the facades. b. Pnm,,11,,1,,a,,,ryPublic entrance: Building is a rnulti-tenant retail shell,, Each tenant entrance is defined by stlrefront glazing and GOVered awning. C. Roof fines: The roof design demonstrates overhanging awnings and varying parapet heights. d,. Pattern variations,: The building design incorporates changes in texture via the use of brick,, stone accents, stucco and tiled roofin92 color via the colors of the brick, stucco., roof tile, awnings and glazing; maten"a Is via the use of stone, stucco, metal and glass. e. Mechanical equipment: All rooftop mechanical units shall be screened from the public as viewed from the property lines v's ia parapets and mechanical screens, if required. 2.. Color and materials: The appearance of high-quality accent metals. exterbior of the building walls demonstrates materials such as brick, stucco, tile roofing the and 3. Parking lots: The building and parking area are partially screened by 0 landscaping that is located along Men dian Road. 0 Page 1 4. Pedestrian walkways: aa.A continuous internal pedestrian walkwaY that is a minimum pf eight feet wide is provided from the perimeter sidewalk to the main building entrance.. This walkway minimum width shall be mai"ntained clear of any outdoor displays, vending machines, o r temporary structures. b. The internalepdestrian walkway IsdIzti ng uished from the vehicular driving surfaces through the use of scored/stam.ed concrete. c. We do not have any aisle lengths that are greater than 154 parking spaces or 200 feet away from the building's entrance.. d. All walkways along the front of the building are covered. Joe Thompson BRS Architects 10 10 S. Alla nte, Ste 100 Boise Idaho 83709 Ph: 20 8.3 3 6.8 370 Fxd., 208.33$.8380 cc: Erle * Page 2 ml m m 116 �J 0 0 4, 0 cn m rt F rw - - �41. a Q'r LAS � C �� SOUTHERN SPRINGS NORTH Rl+ LOTS 7+8&9 4m r TDA m r4M � � IA i i i �* -vw 1 V. 414 W' � . IAr _ �FRJEWL m rm LA c ID n elm 4w AUANrM K, sunE )m iol 14 wo 46-M !im .11 �--L r�r ei 1lip dp 4##6 qp I j t t SOUTHERN SPRINGS NORTH Moir IDSO i � Q ago X bu 19: 1§2 -O:m xp 1 M 1 1 + C , Mrr i •' 33 47 ry , q .. ; -4 A. LA � � 7eft j ra 7 ■ ■A Lalbbo m !� 1r i pa lwpb ft E Ls A r Mp r r 1p f .7,"-p IA i + -Noe 40 m %%up ago AUANvM A4 � �3J0 � x'709 FAX 336-839D ASGHITC'I'$ a ro 9 �■ ■■ as CAI L LCUDn T� FL z r ■ L 1 a + + ■9r ra } � 4011 zM �y 1 E 1'1 yJ" ;g i.�Y90 Apo r M 2s rmmmmI M r r+i rEmEmm ' W9 + #F F a. 1L �F y -1 1 0 Lft -d E. Em PEOL ■ . I..r t 96 r + ` LO ` t M ■ INi EN r M Q T� 32-4d, ELEMEI El: 00I 1> 1 F 4h 1 m pi r Mid _ � 03 Iw CA F -P* -4 ■ � M 1 a % i X? LEO 91 M bra , 1 r il* ■ jn'I t :N3 dLp,l f -L ~ - INN ■ rn i 1 t57 -V k I rk ■ 9 CD L r ■ r 1 W10160 ■ 1 r `90F L ■ ■ Y ■ ED ■ I ED Q CD ai L RLR=- -� rra AN - � t� PI ■ F *; 72vp SOUTHERN SPRINGS NORTH SEE= J R 1LOTS 7d S AUANM RML surm X0 DO MkHo um am IDSLEEM FAX CM 1)(PEEM SOUTHERN SPRINGS NORTH. msuao '4 Imo a Aujan-E FL surm Ke :;1 . v t3i'dIC) FAX = 336-�D 1116 Ib dh �D ML 11L CzC hr CA r�F � 16 {{{ t L%1 ti F IN 1 J f k AL r , 1 l R '7� 1 rFP6 + ,YO, 41L 0 J L moss' wag i T go Pr 1 Y ' 1 Ti RENO 1 � . y M 4 1 Ilk + ti ■ t ��r Irz r f t 7U .�op 4 � % 1 O ' .0 0 I� M96 w �i r • 1 � , 1 f 1 #�*1 +*ir III GR F ti Oil d' �---LF WN&dq.I� dr Mrs + r ` 1 m b J • T MK Y �m ME MEN ME 41 d P 16 111 Ir ( tf � I t �dILL .i �S'ii'� €= m ��� ��i���s�fI��t€�`��'i��'i�` �j�z�x�j}T ,d; ti}�tlla r t �c sr� ��$ t ' x< �t [�• �t i�t r[it[• �fE:� !ii't us �i o �p p� t���������i�►�i �- �t'irI tg� 1}tq}��t= • 4 7 r��! f ��?�<ei :T}�� CO I �j I fI ��!f� jrri j ���t•D P�� iR j� g�� n i � ��� ����F�i��}I } ��{sF=� kri m #� � � IN r 0 NA 90 ir f ;r �3 rsr� o � .� �� � :� 7��9��4�j��#! 5 3 �f J� z � � 1 � � J`��j j �lE{ j� i�fXX ����IL 0 4� � � i! � � �f �� � ; I4`��t#"A 1 8 toop� ��I }i���� QRS � ��'• ��o 4 � � Im I;f f �f c� z rIL jr RE zJAL RPM G6ff%t 0 Soern Spr4" iggs Lot 7, 81 9, Block 1 Retail Buiding A& B S,H, 6910verfand Road, Med"dian., Idaho r� f hL 41 s 41401 d. ``f i �. �! i ■�� 1 L 110 1 Pb CEO i i * is T , ' J r T # i +t. { J Y F - • RENO 1 � . y M 4 1 Ilk + ti ■ t ��r Irz r f t 7U .�op 4 � % 1 O ' .0 0 I� M96 w �i r • 1 � , 1 f 1 #�*1 +*ir III GR F ti Oil d' �---LF WN&dq.I� dr Mrs + r ` 1 m b J • T MK Y �m ME MEN ME 41 d P 16 111 Ir ( tf � I t �dILL .i �S'ii'� €= m ��� ��i���s�fI��t€�`��'i��'i�` �j�z�x�j}T ,d; ti}�tlla r t �c sr� ��$ t ' x< �t [�• �t i�t r[it[• �fE:� !ii't us �i o �p p� t���������i�►�i �- �t'irI tg� 1}tq}��t= • 4 7 r��! f ��?�<ei :T}�� CO I �j I fI ��!f� jrri j ���t•D P�� iR j� g�� n i � ��� ����F�i��}I } ��{sF=� kri m #� � � IN r 0 NA 90 ir f ;r �3 rsr� o � .� �� � :� 7��9��4�j��#! 5 3 �f J� z � � 1 � � J`��j j �lE{ j� i�fXX ����IL 0 4� � � i! � � �f �� � ; I4`��t#"A 1 8 toop� ��I }i���� QRS � ��'• ��o 4 � � Im I;f f �f c� z rIL jr RE zJAL RPM G6ff%t 0 Soern Spr4" iggs Lot 7, 81 9, Block 1 Retail Buiding A& B S,H, 6910verfand Road, Med"dian., Idaho r� f hL 41 s 41401 d. z W m m I i iL P i 1 t r F ` % #�a* ■ 1 1 , oxo Fill i IF d 1P P1 Lor ' 1P i L S I"', \�1 ' T + L Ar ILE 4P oil + i t ■■ ti■Or it VV. Ll ,0710V Ov C? CIE ! * � 9 1 ' t f r I I . I - C:) R i CzC P* 0 - �� i L .._T-Pm%m mb, - I g3w"IL Im T�i°fk 4% 4r �±���_� �����m �������� f ���P3�`� f' � ��j-��:r� fid`}A=�'i�`�i��r �q z rt l mr �6"if' �€ � ��i �p��}�E�����°�f�` �r� � � �';f�` 1ir i�i ftg��Fo [��� �� ilr�f ir6i�c; �t[,� ti# trn [ i fit �� �� tF�j�€ o � � ������tt[��i ,��i ,r���}���r��� �� n � ;...# r �� � sit ��� f f ���ri ij=r i n ��_ �; T� '�'�m � � �jc ��:rig f�{� #e:������� pEi��[jI-y �t i�i�Ir�t%` n ff m 4r -u��� } as ��:I � x�� �{� 1��5��4"� gh�f��itl� �#d�����J�tt� .li�lzt�� �3S?� A ��� it ��1 � 1 ��k?0 � � � TL AL t LWL 01 > X77 � g j � r ;6; f�I O rq 19 1 0 qL VL IL Southern Springs Lot 71 8.1 9, Block 1 eiai! Bui fdj ng A & B S.H. 69/Overland Road, Meridian, Idaho I T d OLT 1 411FLI W 1I rM F% �6 '0 _ ■ i #} x� IRA ON mq f y M 43 1!3g� y a w a 4� S � T1 i.F MP pi H �d 1":1 1 11 10i A 9H ���t5111ff/e . �����£ Southem S prings Lot 73 8, 9, B EocEc 1 lip ���`� ������ €����Vbil Retail Buildiing A & B 3' -"Over an Roa d 3 Meridian, Idaho iCok Z 0 3 0 rw.. 7 i r kk i W �I �i 1I 4r haw g fie 4140 4;tI t Ef ML 1 Mw a ti glitz t.r x all T f, .� Pt i NIL 4b F F mr! 4 2 6 a $ A § �, �i f 0: 'L IK au 4 P K4%L.% k 0091F^ A LN Al I 43 M r f Southern SpriRetailngs LotE3uilda 7, A8, 9, Block '! 0Z A f ��g i s11. P.H.6 9/Overland Road, Meridian, Idaho � � f �;, ing`, 16 CZC nnnn�• 2006 r EPP fi OB:5IAIA F ROM&wM I CHENE R I NVE S TME N TS vrwiv.titleoneca co 1LE. OrdcirNa: A03 169 17 !ST�� +2083363558 Tow 1 6A P.003/DD7 F- 2 7 2 ASA COUNTY RECORDER J. DAVID NAVARRO AMOUNT 15a00 6 BOISE IDAHO 031151D5 U4:56 PM DEPUTY PatO Thompson 1�1 RECORDED,,�KEQUEST OF 105030147i Ti*118 One CORPORA ION WARRANTY 1DA n For Value Received QUMENLAND ACRES TTqC an Idaho corporation A Coi7pDrauoa duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of JDA6.HO hereby Grand Bu" gaul, S el I and Convey unto SOUTHERN SPRING S, LLC, an Idaho H mited liab '(' I ity cornpany Whose cnrre tit ad dress is:--- 1412 W. I daho Ski Raise, Idaho 83 702 Te follflwiu� des�ihedxeal estate, to wigiY "PARCEL 1 Aj I that porP* tion of Govenunent Lot 1,, beling the Nonhwesr Quortzr o F Lhe Northwest Quaitcr- nfSeCEion 19 A n TowtLshlp � Norffi, Range i Easy of the poise Meridien, in Ada Gauntry, 1'.-daho, dying on the Westerly side of the center of they Drain Ditch, rannmg -0ough said Lot 1, EXCEPT7NO TME.R.EFROM: naEpocrioii conveyed to the County of Adaby Right of Way Deed reca�cled JFobruary?4,1936 as lb strum en r N o. 166098, records ofAda CountY7 Idaho, more particularly described as fD110qVy3: A strip of land br-ing a!I Chat porTlon of Lot S of Section 19, Townstilp 3 'Norte, Ran ge 1 East� 13Oise Meridian, lylligslullitt westerly and nonharly ffom a line 33 fest didstant easreriy andsoutherly fpm. and parallel with the fol lowip;described center line ofsaid hi�hevay as surveyed and shown an the ocial pliit of uhe Whitney f3ench Rand (WOPOSOOO 0014) Hightowmy Survey nn File in tbe"ciffica of the Department of Pu blic Wo rks of Fhe Stria o FIdah4. B egiTlstisl� q [ S tation j0 7.1 ofsa�d �flgh�vay Sury ey, whis Ci ch t3or� iS a paint of cury atura app roximaie]y 9 4.Q Feet So u th fro m file N orYZ�vesC corner aFSeeCion 19. Town si�iP 3 Nofth, Range t Easr, Boise Meridiva; thence running 148,..5 feet with a 60'001 curve r'lgb� said curve having a cental angle of 89*05' sight to S tation 255.6. wl� icli se�ion is a point on mnaentaapproairnately D Sect Eas i Cram tb e N (:)T-th w e sc caryer o F4S e c t! o v 19, Township ;Noah, Range ] dust, Boise M e n'd J'nn. FURTHER EXCEPTING THEREFROME Tfi-at portion conveyjad ro the State oF Idaho. by and Uir()U�ls the Im I c�aha Tmnsponadon B oprd for te Division oFF-lighways by Corp aratiou Warranty Deed recorded lune ?2, 19,92 as Instrur'nent NOWN18126-572. Records ol'Ada Ccwniy. lclaho,, nwre par0ciflarIN, described a5 rollmysm M/ 08: 51AM { t F f FROM-MJCHENER INVESTMENTS +2083363558 T�164 P.004/OOT A p atcel of land b��g gn•the eas tarly S ide. of the cc ntarlinc of State HI ghwy No. 69, Project No,. HN S- 37�2{7) H ighu�ay S �uvey as shown on thc� plaus thcreof now on dile in the a�ir.� of the Idabo Transporiution Depuutsnen� I3iyi�ion nFHig'hlvays, and being a P0Un of 00y,mmCnt ]Lot 1 nf5ectian 19, Township 3 North, Range T Eas� )3o ise Meridian, deseribed as follows, toww'lt: Beginning nt Ch e No rthwest corner of Se cria n 19, Tovmsh-!-p 3 North, .Flange ] F.a.s� Boise MefidiaY4 thence South 1102'27" Wc:5t along the West line of Gavemm t Lot I of said Ser -tion 19 n dimmae of 5690,78 feet tj:) a pou"It COInCi nt Wfth Bladon 412+55 ofsa3d Stere Highway No. 69,Froj'act No. HHS,3782(7) Highway survo'y; fficnce South 98".57133"Pic 50,0 fact to a point in a Zine parallel with end 50.0 feet easterly irom the cantarlina and apposite Stadon 412+55 ofsa'd High,wey Survey; thence North 1°02'2T' East along said P=ml I al line 49 0. 0 fest to n p 0 in t a p P as! te S tntion 417+45 of said Highway Survey, Tbcnce N onhe t erly and easterly al ong s 40S front radius curve right baYM9 a C enn I angle of 8 8 041 g di s�inae of 62,70 fm s to u p u int 'al 111 %np p arallel with aitd �}D.0 feet southerly from the centcrline and bears South 0° 15'3 4 " East from Station I3+ 8 7 -4G of the 0vcrinnd TLoad Smay as shown on the plans a f said Stilte Highway No,. 651 Highway Survey,* thence M1 North $9°44"Z6" Easc alang sn"d lost pamllr.-] line 53.0 feet tci anoint opposite Sta6on 14+40..,4 6 of said overl d Road Survey; thence NnNt 62110 0'54' Fast 3 2 .24 feat I o a p aint in the southcrlp right away line of existing Ovcrhmd Road; thence "Nart}x 0 0 I59 4" West 25.0 fect i o a point in MmKa rth Zine of sai d Section 19; th ence South 89°4426° West Mangsald North line 169.Q feet, MDIU or less to the PLACE OF 1313GYNNMG. FURTHER HXCEPTING THEREFROM: Trac portion conveyer! to the State of I a, by and ftaixgh tbr, Idaho Tran spoitatia a B o ard Zr tb a DI vis [on offiighwayN by Corporation Warranty D o e d recorded January 13-P 1488 as InstmmaatNo. 8 8 0 18 12, ReAdz-C9td5 A�COURty, I dahar mora pamctflarly d es cnled as follows A pare] ofl�ad hying on the emterly side of the c��erll�e ofState Hlghway'Na. G9 , Project Na. S R-ItSw 3 7 82(2) 141g] i way Survey a S� s h o wn o n the plans th emof now ori filc i n the o c a oIdaho Trtm spo rta6 cm D apaiunent, D ivision of Highways� � bzirig a portion of GoVentnent Lot l of Serdon l9, Towaship 3 Nort}s, Ieange I Bask Boise Mcrid3asy described as follows, tumw4t Begi nning ar the Southwest corner of Government LDt I of Secdon 19, Township 3 North, Range Y Easy Boise Metidian',* thence Nath U "3 7' 5" East along the Wast line of said G a vern me n t i nk 1 a UTs; n ri cc of 755. 0 fee more ci r I ess, to the Southwest corner of the puree] of land ss described in Otat certnin Corpora! on Warran ty Deed dated April . I9recarded)nnm 1982 a, Instrument Njo.- 82652Idaho-wV Chmire S iD uth 8 9 "220 5 " Eas r (sh o V -M of rEcord tn be South 8 8°S 7'3 3" East) -al o nH, die South line ofsaid pummel of Id 50-- 0 fect to the Soiaheast comer thereof then co nGirsuing So uth 89°2235" East 10.0 fit TD a pwrit iii pumlsline le) w it�i end 60.0 Feet �nsterly &om the cantrrline and ap�sit� Station 4284w42-72 of vaid Stnte N igt�wky No. 69., Praj'=t No. SR-,,RS�378? (?) Highway Survey; thence South 003725" West alongsaid p�rallei Iine75�1-.76 fcatto a point ►rt the SOMIJ line vfsaid Govemment Lot ); thence South 8 9°43'1 G" West along said South line 60.0 Feet to the PLACE 0F BEG INN IN Gn FURTHER .F'I�aCCEPTIN�REF'frOM: That portion convoyed to the Ada County High%vay Districtby Warranty Deed recorded July I8, ?002 Es lnstrwnen[No. I tR08080D, records a PAda County, Ed aho, more parricularly described tts foliorus: A parcel located in Government Lot I ofSection 19, To%1ns1i"� 3 Nosh_ R�n�c: 1 East, Boise Meridifin.4, A di'i County. I dalio, more parrl'culzirl y described as Fa l[t��t�s� 05-] 5'2006 OB:51AM FROME"MICHENER INVESTMENTS T=q 164 P,005/007 Comm encwg at a brass eats monument marking th e Tic) r0i ive s larly carnet o f said G avemm ent L ot 1 from .which a 5/8 inch diameter iron p in marking th Lff n arth o avnrly corner of 'd G oyemynent Lot I bears Nwh BY04312 5" East a distance of I 1163 9 Feed thence North 89°h3'25 " East along the ,northerly boundary of said Government Lot i dlstaace of 17DJ7 feet to the • POW DF B.EGTMMGv,, thencontinum"g North 69.043 2.f" East a distance of 33 28 feet 0 to g point thence leaving id northerly boun&axy South 17139'58" LA a dz'ia=a o f474 7 5 a a p D'Int; thcurm • South 89°432i " W an a dL%m cc oF142.) 8 f�et tu a pom'4 ffit: rxe S ou fli 325 5'3 6 " West ia dLqzance of 48-74. fact to a poin � thanes No p°37']'7" East a distance oF5.92 feat to a po'Dn� thence a distance oF62.98 feet atong the ary o E ri 4 D.5 0 foot radius curve fight, said muryo hiving a ccnkra! angle of 8 9D0 6'0 8" and a long chord bearing'No rth 45 ° 1p27 " East a d 1 am w of5fi_83 feet to a po pint; the v c m war$ 89'43'2511 East a distance oF51.00 feat to a poin� flience 114ortb 61178'45" Inst u, distance of 3 1,70 feet to a point thence Nord D° 103 5 " West it d Wmc e of25.- 0 U fo tt to Ehe POINT OF BFC3RQq1N G_ _ TO HAVE ATPD TO E10LD the �Sd premises, with tiscir app�rt�nanccs unto tha said t�ra�u=e, hoirs and t3ssigus fi�tevcr. The G rantor does hereby covanaot to and w"Ith thr..,%aid Grantees, that it is ffie QvMcr in fee;simpla of said p retru 5 vs; tb at 'it Is frEe Fm m al I enm=brarcees, EXCEW Chose to w h [ch this cazzveye is expressly marls subject d those mad e, suffemd or don e 6y th e Grantee, and subject to restriedons, d edic8tio[19, CWEmpn[5, rmjervauan5, rights of t�y and �cemcnta, (ifuny) of t�eord, sand genera! tax as and =as srncnrs, including irrigation and U 6 11 ty memcnta, (if any} for the cuYrsntyear, whish are nay due an d p aynbl t, and that Gmntor will wammt and de�nd the sync from a.1I lawful claims wb oever,. I4 coasLmifflng this beets d EE6 wLcre sire c ontrzt�o re quires, the 5'mplar inclades xhc pi urnl, and rhe uinsr,.u11nr'-3 �iudss the Feminine and neuter. jN WIT N E:S S VME Rt, OFr the. Ormto r, pursu t Co a rasolatinu o f its Board of D'Umctm bas caused its co arate name to be hercutito Subszribed. Dated WME ENLA)�P ACRES, IN :BY .&-. yG���4t1 Thcrun'Q. Scott President 13Y e5 Catl A. LD[spelvh ,4d, secrelm Flpw272 05-152006 Q8 , 52AM FROMMEEMICHENER JNVEST��ENTS OPTIONAL FORM 175 (F OR M E R LY F;SvS 8) MARCH 1975 DEPT_ QF STATE 50175-101 +2Q83363558 Tm= 164 P,006/007 F-2 72 C erti.�ca�e vfA cknowXedgmeni of Execution of an I struineut UNITED MEXICAN STATES 4W 9 0 r T ■■=■ L F i f i i a.` f ti r i I# I!■ t i &W -W - r ■• W V t t it i i i a i i I W + r i if N+ f fl E i t i i i Or w. w ■ (Co U 1-1 'Lry STATE OF SINALOA M+ T T I i4 ■ W i L■ i t l i. r• Y 6 , wpm t f -9t qqqp t s f L i. t- * * i w w w mi t i i i F i i.} w 1 i 16 i i t * Y i m m T_ m T 1 tap E i E (Co Li n ry and/or o cr po 11"t I'c1 d I'in i o CITY OF MAZATLAN s i+ i 4 L r 4 ! t a -mr ■ F t F■ i i rrtr stir rr r: r *i* i 6 it i 1 i d r q_ t I P& I ! Fi iS.r m = m A r Nr f �� frI Ir f■ (Co tj 'an d 107- other g) I i lical 1 VIS I OTI CONSULA4R AGENCY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !istLi•iit Y i P P r6 FTiit i i tii i M..TPor r Lpg. tfiiti `I !T %■i I f%kki i=MTf#i 1pTw l tfYdh (Name or rote =rvirc o meo SS. V. ]Patti'FletclaerdeAfte ons T+ f f qw! F i 6. i t k k i t M M i �+ _ T t F I L i f L■ i m i w� r i ■ i i i i � r* f� 1 1 i F I ��� * r s;a r�+ i��#*� swf + M = M M = Pr smg r i No t f■ r W.s !! w F t tlbol w V6 W i+t q t r t■ � y M r .R *'t q. it I l* I j h i tii % 3raz Sl'naloz� exico 3tofthe Un ed States I t F F F i t l i r T f ON f ■ L i t F M r• . T s T f! f L i i it i i F i i i f■ t i i. a i 4 t t � � * � � y ■ qt � �■ r rir��� j rip ■ r ■ MEN rf-t --�F; P s s L Li k i. r * f I R r i ld * Rj P j FRF l ISS Lo n ff'd ani q u a lified, do hereby ce EL t i T r 09,th. F9 1 t i ii -W f qwqw■ &&& m==f f■I I.E. L■■ r t t s W Q + Arbdra day of r _� * f i r i .�� ��� �72QQ5 ii T r T P iM*0 * a 4 V'1& q M r T befotv e personally appeared..s � f t � �� � * s t � i i i r a a � r tfs ■ ■ a t t r< * if M i F i< * L t ■ * P P M 0 .1 1 P (DA TE (m m - dd7 �3 yy)) f + leron.G,6Scott.i Mon ETWIN4*irtti•int==TTwTm!TfTqrifiinti■b1MVI■1■1*■MmTfffJP tii�it�.i=�aTri�tii.i�a�s*!■di.jdi YmFriln�fii=ftTip*iLir�t■■i=i■ i R� �� ti■mia t ti* s i Lr.���� � t rV ti s■■ i rr m Fqm r s T F1 L II&M tiMMMA IF&SE 11111IMP 7!FM %F pi 0100% 11MEMO WE Al� 11mmimp PENN gra rs 10104 br- rElm i_MY ` MwWwr0!3PEEN �� V� a11106mr dMV1M1 r� 4EEM19d 06� AMMEEk ■�1 = rE" k%i Fif VMEFM Pam %mr-F ire frrra bEEMi dw 7rr111 _ MENEF' 9MENEW AI■i *MFMF r EM■dL 11MIEF' *r- tw! � WMIN T T_ f$ i s s ti Or J 1h 4 t 1 F i• .. i 6 T� m a F ji f T* i i i r i M 4 M M M T M16 EA ■ Ado i j i a M M* 1 i i JP r A 1;{ i h IF f qP i■ w! IF L i i< it s w m fl * i i< �- a T 7 a 1 *� is��t � fit■ R s F � !s�■ trriry���r*�■ ■ i��i �■ R ! R■�sL��t�.rs *fsir���_�Rmsti��+rrif ■i d " in., o rsokri a to i a to a 6 dividual.-describewhose name ],.Ls/.are * ON I - C vubscribed io, V a a d w/i o execa tied th e a nn fixed iffins;ru rn an it an d h e ng info rm ed by m e ofth e conten ts ofs a id ins au rn en t I /are % drily acknowledged to me th a I b el Sh.e [SEAL] executed Elie samefte ely and voluntarilyfo r* the uses andpurp oses therein I rj wiirrujs whereof' h a ye fr areun to se r r h an d and official seal rhe :P,atti z I ! kt�� ar* frr ii i r i J ■ * I ■ F i m#gi R ;t+ii mea sti T Wr* * t t Con:5ular Aerit ■ i F h. r i &■ r IF* INF■ i --- v wr. i ■ t M W W g T i i ■ t f f. i IN ova writien.. fAmerical. NOTE. -Wherever practicable a(I signatures to a document should be included in one certificate_ "U.S.GPQ:196�-�-31 t-IS3/5Z79 0# 6 Y t S 08,h 52AM FROM-MICHENER INVBTMENTS State of Idaho) County of Ada ) +2D83363556 Tpql 64 P., 007/907 On this 15 11 day of March, 2 005, before me, the undersigned, zi nota -Ty public persoxially appeared, Carol A. Lotspelmch, kjio wa to me or- proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person wliosc name 10S subscribed to theithwin insuument and acknowledged to me haat she executed the same. Notary Public Resii'd'ltig In,.- 0 Ex,ppiExpires.'r`"' 51DlNG; EAGLE, ID commissION EXPIR5S; 11-28.Or Q5-15-2:006 08:5iAM FROM=dMICHENER INVESTMENTS STATE of 1DAjA%0 > C01UNTY OF ADA ) T 2083363558 ArFIDAVI ' QF LEGAL INTEREST (address) (cary) (state) being first duly sworn upon, ondi, depose and say: T-1 64 P, 002/007 F*m272 efo 1.0 That I nm she -record owner of the property described on il 0 attached, and J P�rant My permission to: QRS Architects 1U10 S. Allante Pl., Ste 10D, Boise Idaho (name) (address) . to slibinitthe Accompanying applications) penaiuIv g Eo T11al property. 2. ,I agree to ir�dcrr►z�ify, defend and hold the C ity o F M eridian a nd i ts employees 1)a'milc:5s frorn any claim a r U a bil ity res Li 111 ng fro in any d i s puto. aS to 1110 S t atem e n ts contained I1erein o r as to die o w ners hip of ti c property vith i ch i s the gubj e cr o f the application. �. I hereby brant po City of M cri an staff. io enter Elie s ubj e ct property for the purpose o f site'1'nspecti ons related to processing said app] xe�tion(s). D are d thisY��daofAL So��acurc) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before ane the day and year first above wrirten. Residing at. N o ta'r)k ub I i c dor I dalii My C ornrnissian Pxpires: U� �� 05-1.5-' OS 14: 19 FRON-SSC 2088885052 14,%Mo *p 2 � E i .0 - 8r&ix 1 6 CMU 4JAL[, -wj TO 6 qqm Olp xup, WlTrl PH ECAST CO NG4 CAP I j SEE i 66 EMMMMOF 'EMMM* opmft &man% .161111111111111 10" isooss (CILEAR AREA) M WOW%% WE" OrI Ir V:Illllft� t� (Min'r clqao� o p Al n q TRASH ENCLOSURE PLkN Ak M&I IF All ISLCO F�E.I.ED f�iF�E J� D — 6" SNC. 8 ovEh' a" muveL EW E wF l3xt�—p5x05 W.w, , 6' J) IA, CO NCKV E �~ F)LiCQ PIAS 6DLURb �1 y I■. PL Aof, /i n; � /__ < W%r PflE—G1S1' CO NO N EYE 0!i CM Ll CAP a0 T, On CMU all" (M. CON cam A LL t D P) K r 8OUARD, 1111billbill PNNT a", C Mv WA" all _ALK64 A SWIG LAMM, 171NT CANZ 13OL7 % DRILL 11OLe AT Std 7o RWEK TRASH ENCL05URE GATE ELEVATION T-050 POO?'003 F-280 1 7 /2"' D VL GALV, PI P C F EN CIF FRAM E WIT14 I I GA. 2� CMNIJNK M�SH FFCE FM PIWIT ti COLORED VINYL MSION SLAJS i4 C7.0e) Pik /O0-5! — 3 t%2" PIA. CALY. P I P t KNJOK FRAME k7TN I GA. 2 " i:kNNL 1 14yf MESN PENCE FARIC WT19 C 0 LO RED NNri w310N SLAn SLOPE CAPD. PAD xwAr AT 1 4''/FT-t SEE pnpm 095 Of cr zM aU"&.*% Aiv =;TN iR o5-15— " os 14k is FFoOMP-rSSC 20$8885052 T-050 1'003/0.03 F-280 a SDNMdS M3Hincson�� is IIII 5 + 1p IF Vv aw OF so 4!n ��� *�+ + F 4W d p R R �+� 4 it +� i ■ + . . & �*�I ����� All. dw iii �� i W4 40 * QW44b.-,F #��** da * I I 4n pm 4 =am #ELELM i I I a] � � � !"�� F'"F� �� � irriF rllrt•I..F i_r r� --F r ---Ip *MMEMEEMMft a.r � ��■ ■5■ i� � � i14 404 1 ZVp, dw qpm# r*�� W t �� ■ ap w i �* N* '*qpm +v 14p: 6 4p dbb + i r## w W -P ** a& 4p 9w ■ qm Lt L 9W iiii RgFP * r .lrr w # f i �F y ■ F pm 4 =am #ELELM i I I a] � � � !"�� F'"F� �� � irriF rllrt•I..F i_r r� --F r ---Ip *MMEMEEMMft a.r � ��■ ■5■ i� � � C/3 Fri, G) m 0 czQ Z �-I I :b a1iJj&;Jgg sr. I L -L R414P 6 m +r t 89d'08'53' E 3 9, In or r � } f • r r � •1 Ti 1 a+ � �x Ir �lop I 4L -+ � 1 f +- 1 1 e ` f . JL +� f. p f ] i f . i �f r ■� 11f „Tr 1'f 1 ,, Li t ti' + Oxy- T. 1 l r r f F ! r ,% .fes +3.L � ��, ■4 �; , ' -- 7 M-11- -L .,..VL� 1•Tr T TTS 1 i�■i� 41.1 1 t�''Y i ti ii F r' I Mr i� , f I' i. 0% E. OVERLAND ROAD Z F' �r ti '+ f �• 1 101 r+L % �i P 7% r r IN 1 y� PL LAr La r � r ' 1 L r; r -am r 11 11 V � ifti ti• f .r OF 1 �. y %r ti +r. u■, jL+ • f J 1 ■ ff or i + _ i �� 1 � � � s 4� ill•+1 ,4r rF �� � � � � r _r: h_ ' _ f f f T � �G rr. + r ' ■ ' %i + + Fri 1 L � i ¢ p F f } y t t e: r r9 + • 1 1 ! - ■ 111 a 1 IN f i11 r _ ti , 11 %a ` r z � ` _ f r iti ■ T . L rm r • ti• y'• ,1 ••� mp.L 1 ti , ` 1 c ■ • ll I r % J %h ' ` ` T r ■,r■ -- S % % a ti i i Y{ f' f ff •r" h�.•.•5{}r. tiY.ti� f f IL dL I -hf $• r r xyy • yf r f 1 � Y YSTY•T T YY{.k•f{'•'•Tf ¢Y.{,f•{ f � FF''�h�•}• 'rhe, �ti f{ �.{{�.f1ti. {ti_'•'�.rr�. 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Y { 1r 1 �+'• } .1 P ) 1 ••3 r � � .• r � .' 'C 1 y L ■ - ■ 1 ¢ % 77 • , } rF} ■ }• L - * , L+•i '} i t r ,rte{ } 7 r { 1 • z i . 7 1 - r+ 1` '� � 1 ,� r ,i. LL •11 r• �i 1� Y .r �. #• '�1}j �t it a 1 k`a•L'li '# ` 1 • r { f 1 L I • { r ■ r • ' 1 �ti r r r z .'y1ir7• YI' 1r� 1• F r 1 r' 'L_ ,S r r� • i r i - a r , '•{` rL'' J a { . } - r JF `• ' • r r 1 ' 1 h. •{'' �.r' _ r{ ti, i, •S i'•� L hri' r y } t }• r 4 + tiF1 + 1 i • , •1 ,+ •r�1• {JIa' +p •'• 3 • '¢�r tir i F f •• ,%; ,+ 1 +. T,� +•}11• r, r. r r }�• +Jr :LF1tir•i%k F�L �� * •r P. �• } #f r i Thr k•I •r� cur* 1 'at U res Fit] u d efF1i � �ion YI +• r CITY OF �YlG1�J2 33 E. Idaho Ave. � Meridian, ID 836 ANNso 55748 cf Lt/ CI Cr v rAr'WW 7N ACHDJohn S. Franden, President Sherry R. Huber, 1st Vice President David Bivens, 2nd Vice President Carol A. McKee, Commissioner Rebecca W. Arnold, Commissioner August 10, 2006 TO: BRS Architects Joe Thompson 1010 S. Allante Pl. Ste. 100 Boise, ID 83709 SUBJECT: MCZC-06-092/MCZC-06-093 2 Retail Buildings Meridian & Overland On July 9, 2003, the Ada County Highway District acted on MPP03-016 for Southern Springs Subdivision. The conditions and requirements also apply to MCZC-06-092/MCZC-06-093. • Prior to final approval you will need to submit plans to the ACHD Development Review Department. • A traffic impact fee will be assessed by ACHD and will be due prior to the issuance of a building permit. Contact ACHD Planning & Development Services at 387-6170 for information regarding impact fees. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact this office at (208) 387-6177. Sincerely, Jose W. Kunz Planner Intern Right -of -Way and Development Services CC: Project File Lead Agency: City of Meridian Southern Springs, LLC 1412 W. Idaho #110 Boise, ID 83702 Ada County Highway Disuict • 377s ndams Sheet • Garded Cty, ID • 83714 • PH 208-387-6100 • FX 345-7650 • www.achd.ada.id.us County Highway Distrid Right-oj-Way & Development Department Planning Review Division This application requires Commission action because of the number of trips generated by the proposed development site, and is scheduled to be on the consent agenda on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 at 6.30 pm. Tech Review for this item was held with the applicant on Friday, June 27, 2003. Please refer to the Attachment for appeal guidelines. Staff contact: Joyce Newton, 208-387-6179 phone, 208-387-6393 fax, jnewton@achd.ada.id.us File Numbers: MPP03-016/Southern Springs Subdivision Site address: Southeast corner of Overland Road and Meridian Road Owner: Roger Michener and Lawrence Ross 1412 W. Idaho Street, Suite 110 Boise, Idaho 83702 Applicant/ Representative: The Land Group Inc Mike Liimakka and David Koga 128 S. Eagle Road Eagle, Idaho 83616 Application Information: The Ada County Highway District (ACHD) staff has received the above referenced application from the City of Meridian requesting preliminary plat approval to construct a commercial subdivision. The site is located on the southeast corner of Overland Road and Meridian Road. Acreage: Current Zoning: Buildable Lots: Common Lots: Minimum square footage of structures: Proposed Uses: Vicinity Map 10.97 C -G (General Retail and Service Commercial District) 11 3,000 Restaurants, Banks, and Misc. Commercial/Specialty Retail A. Findings of Fact Trip Generation: This development is estimated to generate 798 additional vehicle trips per day (0 existing) based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual. (Office Park) 2. Impact Fees: There will be an impact fee that is assessed and due prior to issuance of a building permit. The assessed impact fee will be based on the impact fee ordinance that is in effect at that time. 3. Traffic Impact Study: This proposed development is estimated to generate less than 1,000 -trips per day therefore a traffic impact study was not required with this application. 4. Site Information: The site is currently undeveloped. 5. Description of Adjacent Surrounding Area: a. North: Commercial b. South: Residential/Commercial c. East: Residential d. West: Commercial/Residential 6. Impacted Roadways Overland Road Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Level of Service: Speed limit: Calderwood Drive Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Level of Service: Speed limit: Approximately 142 -feet Minor Arterial West of Locust Grove Road was 11,065 on 6/5/02 Better than "C" 35 -mph No frontage Collector East of Meridian Road was 800 on 10/29/02 Better than "C" 35 -mph Meridian Road: Frontage: Approximately 1,275 -feet Functional Street Classification: Principal Arterial Traffic count: South of 1-84 was 31,712 on 5/16/00 South of Overland Road was 21,966 on 10/22/02 Speed limit: 35 -mph State Highway 69 /Meridian Road is under the jurisdiction of Idaho Transportation Department (ITD). 7. Roadway Improvements Adjacent To and Near the Site Overland Road is a minor arterial roadway with 2 -travel lanes including a left turn at the intersection. There are no roadway improvements such as curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. Meridian Road is a principal arterial roadway with 4 -travel lanes (dedicated left turn lane at the intersection) with a center turn lane extending south of the intersection. There are no roadway improvements such as curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. 8. Existing Right -of -Way Overland Road has approximately 94 -feet of existing right-of-way (45 -feet on the south side of the centerline). Meridian Road has approximately 104 -feet at the intersection tapering south to 126 -feet of existing right-of-way (54 -feet at the intersection tapering to 60 -feet at the southern property line from the east side of the centerline: approximately 50 -feet at the intersection tapering to 66 -feet at the southern property line from the west side of the centerline). 9. Existing Access to the Site The site does not have any delineated access points to Overland Road or Meridian Road. There are two agricultural accesses located on Meridian Road; one is located approximately in the middle of the site and one is adjacent to the southern property line. 10. Capital Improvements Plan/Five Year Work Program The Overland Road/Meridian Road intersection is programmed in the District's current Capital Improvements Plan and Five Year Work Program for reconstruction and roadway improvements. FYWP-04-08: Overland Road and Meridian Road intersection reconstruction: widen and improve the intersection. Schedule and work will be coordinated with ITD. Project will required a study to look at the intersection and different alignments. Professional services 2005, right-of-way acquisition 2006, construction 2007. CIP2003: Overland Road and Meridian Road intersection: reconstruct intersection with ITD, anticipated construction 2007. B. Findings for Consideration Right -of -Way Overland Road District policy requires 96 -feet of right-of-way on arterial roadways (Figure 72 -FIB). This right-of-way allows for the construction of a 5 -lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5 -foot concrete detached sidewalks and bike lanes. The intersection of Overland Road and Meridian Road is listed as a proposed project in the District's currently adopted Five -Year Work Program and in the currently adopted 20 -year Capital Improvements Plan. The right-of-way for the Overland Road/Meridian Road intersection project on the Overland Road leg has not been acquired. if the right-of-way hasn't been acquired the applicant should be compensated for the additional right-of-way required for the intersection project. As such, the applicant may receive reimbursement for dedicated right-of-way from available collected impact fees or enterinto an impact fee offset agreement. 3 The preliminary right-of-way necessary for Overland Road is abutting the site. The applicant should work with ACHD Traffic dedication of additional right-of-way needed for the turn lanes and poles. estimated at 52 -feet from centerline staff and Development staff for the and necessary signal control boxes Meridian Road Meridian Road (State Highway 69) is under the jurisdiction of Idaho Transportation Department (iTD), The applicant should coordinate the right-of-way requirements and the proposed deceleration lane with ITD. 2. Sidewalk District policy requires 5 -foot wide (minimum) concrete sidewalk on all collector roadways and arterial roadways (7204.6.5). In accordance with District policy the applicant should be required to construct sidewalk abutting the frontage of Overland Road. However, this segment of Overland Road will be reconstructed within the next five years. Due to the preliminary nature of the design, the applicant should road trust for the sidewalk in lieu of construction so that it may be constructed in its ultimate location with the project. The applicant is proposing to construct a north -south pathway along the east property line, and should work with ACHD Traffic staff and Development staff for the placement and tie-in for the proposed pathway to the future sidewalk abutting the site. District policy 7203.6 requires the applicant of a proposed development to make improvements to existing damaged sidewalk; curb and gutter construction or replacement; replacement of unused driveways with standard curb, gutter and sidewalk; installation of pedestrian. ramps; pavement repairs; signs; traffic control devises; and other similar items in order to correct deficiencies or replace deteriorated facilities. The applicant should construct a pedestrian ramp onto Overland Road to reduce the conflict with pedestrian/vehicular traffic. The pedestrian ramp should be constructed in compliance with ADA standards. Coordinate the construction and location with District staff. The pedestrian ramp should be constructed in compliance with ADA standards. Coordinate the construction and location with District staff. However, this segment of Overland Road will be reconstructed within the next five years. Due to the preliminary nature of the design, the applicant should road trust for the pedestrian ramp in lieu of construction so that it may be constructed in its ultimate location with the project. 3. Public Rights -of -Way Trust Fund District policy 7203.8 states, if the District determines that is necessary or desirable to defer making some or all of the improvements described, the developer shall contribute the estimated value of the improvements to the Public Rights -of -Way Trust Fund. In lieu of constructing the sidewalk on Overland Road, the applicant should be required to provide a $2,840.00 deposit to the Public Rights -of -Way Trust Fund for the cost of constructing 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk for approximately 142 -feet abutting the frontage on Overland Road. ($20.00 per L. F.) In lieu of constructing the pedestrian ramp on Overland Road, the applicant should be required to provide a $350.00 deposit to the Public Rights -of -Way Trust Fund for the cost of constructing the pedestrian ramp. El 4. Driveways/Collectors and Arterials/Signalized District policy 72-F4 (1) requires driveways located on arterial roadways near a signalized intersection to be located a minimum of 440 -feet feet from the signalized intersection for a full -access driveway and a minimum of 220 -feet from the signalized intersection for a right-in/right-out only driveway. The applicant is not proposing to construct any access points on Overland Road- therefore none should be approved with this application. The applicant is proposing to construct two access points onto Meridian Road (State Highway 69). ➢ Proposed driveway #1 is to be located approximately 495 -feet south of the near edge of the intersection of Overland Road. ➢ Proposed driveway # 2 is to be located approximately 620 -feet south of driveway # 1 (measured from near edge to near edge). Meridian Road (State Highway 69) is under the jurisdiction of Idaho Transportation Department (ITD). Application materials should be submitted to ITD for review and requirements of that Department and the applicant should submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. The applicant may contact District]// Traffic Engineer at 334-8341. A Transportation Impact Study (TIS) may be required at the discretion of the Idaho Transportation Department's Traffic Engineer if the proposed development meets criteria presented in ITD's Requirements for Transportation Impact Study, April 1995. A TIS is not required if the development generates less than 25 new peak hour trips on a state highway and the total added volume will be less than 250 vehicles per day. A "full TiS is required whenever a proposed development will generate 100 or more new peak hour trips; or when the total volume expected to be added to the state highway system by the development equals or exceeds 1000 vehicles per day. A "minor TIS is required for developments that will generate between 25 and 99 new peak hour trips or will add from 250 to 999 vehicles per day For further information on the TIS, contact the District Permit Officer at 334-8341. The applicant is proposing to provide access to the adjoining parcel (parcel # 1) to the south through a parking lot connection located at the southern property line, approximately 240 -feet east of Meridian Road. ➢ The adjoining parcel# I is 1.80 -acres, zoned RUT (Rural Urban Transition); Parcel # 1 has an existing single-family dwelling with a residential driveway located approximately 45 -feet south of the southern property line of the proposed development site. This parcel has approximately 150 -feet of frontage on Meridian Road and approximately 541 -feet of frontage on East Calderwood Drive. ➢ District staff is supportive of the parking lot connection to the parcel to the south. ➢ Adjoining parcel #2 is 0.36 -acres, zoned R-4 (Single -Family Residential) a platted lot in Elk Run Subdivision: parcel #2 has as existing single-family dwelling with a residential driveway located on East Calderwood Drive approximately 571 -feet east of the near edge of pavement of Meridian Road. Successive Driveways District policy 72-F5, requires driveways located on collector or arterial roadways with a speed limit of 35 to align or offset a minimum of 150 -feet from any existing or proposed driveway. Driveway Construction Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7207.9.1, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30 -feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers with 15 -foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. District policy 7207.9.3 restricts commercial driveways with daily traffic volumes over 1,000 vehicles to a maximum width of 35 -feet. Most commercial driveways will be constructed as curb -cut type facilities if located on local streets. Curb return type driveways with 15 -foot radii will be required for driveways accessing collector and arterial roadways. 5. Center Turn Lanes and Tapers District policy 7204.8 states, if traffic volumes from a proposed development warrant turn lanes into or out of the site, the applicant may be required to dedicate additional right-of-way to accommodate the improvements. The applicant will not be compensated by ACHD for the dedication of additional right- of-way and pavement widening. District policy 3004.1, 72-F8, AASHTO guidelines and the MUTCD guidelines require the turn lane to be constructed to provide a minimum of 100 -feet of storage with shadow tapers for both the approach and departure directions. Coordinate the design of the turn lane with District staff. District policy 3004.1 and AASHTO Guidelines require tapers to be constructed on a varying basis contingent upon the posted speed limit. Coordinate the design of the taper with District staff. As indicated on the site plan the applicant is proposing to construct a deceleration lane on Meridian Road with the project. The applicant should contact the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) for the scope of work for the Overland Road/Meridian Road intersection project. The applicant should coordinate with ACHD Traffic staff and Development Services staff for the scope of work for the Overland Road/Meridian Road intersection project. The applicant should be required to meet all AASHTO and MUTCD guidelines. C. Special notification to the Applicant and the City of Meridian The applicant is proposing to locate a pedestrian pathway abutting the proposed development skirting Ten Mile Creek. The pathway easement begins at Overland Road abutting the eastern boundary line extending to the south boundary line. Staff is supportive of the proposed pathway and the location to provide for pedestrian access and neighborhood connectivity. The applicant should work with ACHD Traffic staff and Development staff for the placement and tie-in for the proposed pathway to the sidewalk extending to the intersection of Overland Road and Meridian Road. D. Site Specific Conditions of Approval Dedicate 52 -feet of right-of-way (estimated) from the centerline of Overland Road abutting the parcel by means of a warranty deed. The right-of-way purchase and sale agreement and deed must be completed and signed by the applicant prior to scheduling the final plat for signature by the ACHD Commission or prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of-way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will be paid the fair market value of the right-of-way dedicated which is an addition to existing ACHD right-of-way if the owner submits a letter of application to the impact fee administrator prior to breaking ground, in accordance with the ACHD Ordinance in effect at that time (currently Ordinance #197), if funds are available. Preliminary right-of-way estimation for Overland Road is approximately 52 -feet from centerline abutting the site. The applicant shall work with ACHD Traffic staff and Development staff for the dedication of additional right-of-way. Meridian Road (State Highway 69) is under the jurisdiction of Idaho Transportation Department (ITD). Application materials shall be submitted to ITD for review and requirements of that Department and the applicant shall submit to the District a letter from ITD regarding said requirements prior to District approval of the final plat or issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. The applicant may contact District III Traffic Engineer at 334-8341. As indicated on the site plan the applicant is proposing to construct a deceleration lane on Meridian Road with the project. The applicant shall contact the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) for the scope of work for the Overland Road/Meridian Road intersection project. The applicant shall work with the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) for the dedication of additional right-of-way and the location of the deceleration lane on Meridian Road. 3. Provide a $2,840.00 deposit to the Public Rights -of -Way Trust Fund for the cost of constructing 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk for approximately 142 -feet abutting the frontage on Overland Road. ($20.00 per L.F.) The applicant shall work with ACHD Traffic staff and Development staff for the placement and tie-in proposal for the proposed pathway to the sidewalk abutting the site and extending to the intersection of Overland Road and Meridian Road. 4. In lieu of constructing the pedestrian ramp on Overland Road, the applicant shall be required to provide a $350.00 deposit to the Public Rights -of -Way Trust Fund for the cost of constructing the pedestrian ramp. 5. No access to Overland Road was proposed. Therefore, no access to Overland Road shall be approved with this application. Lot access restrictions, as required with this application, shall be stated on the final plat. 6. Provide a recorded cross access easement for the lots within the subdivision, and to the south, to utilize the common access point(s) on Meridian Road to use for access to the public streets. 7. Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. E. Standard Conditions of Approval Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the right-of-way. 2. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. Replace any existing damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 4. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact the District's Utility Coordinator at 387-6258 (with file numbers) for details. 5. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 6. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #197, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 9. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. The applicant at no cost to ACHD shall repair existing utilities damaged by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 10. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District.. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 11. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. W F. Conclusions of Law 1. The proposed site plan is approved, if all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval are satisfied. 2. ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Attachments 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Appeal Guidelines 9 Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action: A Commissioner, a member of ACHD staff or any other person objecting to any final action taken by the Commission may request reconsideration of that action, provided the request is not for a reconsideration of an action previously requested to be reconsidered, an action whose provisions have been partly and materially carried out, or an action that has created a contractual relationship with third parties. . a. Only a Commission member who voted with the prevailing side can move for reconsideration, but the motion may be seconded by any Commissioner and is voted on by all Commissioners present. If a motion to reconsider is made and seconded it is subject to a motion to postpone to a certain time. b. The request must be in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Highway District no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Commission's next scheduled regular meeting following the meeting at which the action to be reconsidered was taken. Upon receipt of the request, the Secretary shall cause the same to be placed on the agenda for that next scheduled regular Commission meeting. c. The request for reconsideration must be supported by written documentation setting forth new facts and information not presented at the earlier meeting, or a changed situation that has developed since the taking of the earlier vote, or information establishing an error of fact or law in the earlier action. The request may also be supported by oral testimony at the meeting. d. If a motion to reconsider passes, the effect is the original matter is in the exact position it occupied the moment before it was voted on originally. It will normally be returned to ACHD staff for further review. The Commission may set the date of the meeting at which the matter is to be returned. The Commission shall only take action on the original matter at a meeting where the agenda notice so provides. e. At the meeting where the original matter is again on the agenda for Commission action, interested persons and ACHD staff may present such written and oral testimony as the President of the Commission determines to be appropriate, and the Commission may take any action the majority of the Commission deems advisable. If a motion to reconsider passes, the applicant may be charged a reasonable fee, to cover administrative costs, as established by the Commission. fi[g a � LL F a= d �g 7 n,a RAE IR e sm�� finds i� d 3 MV a� uv �wm nw �g n,a RAE '^P s e am -, finds i� d 3 �•^�2 F 3�&o a .➢�££� Y�BrrB 4 n IT �� bdb vol a D e VPIX95EO CEY£LWIiEMHA Ptw�< a SOUTHERN SPRINGS'„n,E^�^TM�� 5 u � 1 N rob ysouNORTH �.o, � �f �r� tnea� MV a� uv �wm nw �g �•^�2 F 3�&o a .➢�££� Y�BrrB 4 n IT �� bdb vol a D e VPIX95EO CEY£LWIiEMHA Ptw�< a SOUTHERN SPRINGS'„n,E^�^TM�� 5 u � 1 N rob ysouNORTH �.o, � �f �r� tnea� MV a� �g n,a RAE '^P s e �•^�2 F 3�&o a .➢�££� Y�BrrB 4 n IT �� bdb vol a D e VPIX95EO CEY£LWIiEMHA Ptw�< a SOUTHERN SPRINGS'„n,E^�^TM�� 5 u � 1 N rob ysouNORTH �.o, � �f �r� tnea� x C-71 ap I i i I I � I I I I I ap SOUTHERN NORTH SPRINGS ' 104:!; i / �..�, N x r ®1wf�� � s .a s n SOUTHERN NORTH SPRINGS ' 104:!; i / �..�, N x r ®1wf�� � s .a ![ I \ ; ) \ ^ ( � M11,11,] Pp ;|�|I our mNSPRINGSI o H \ r § P0 \ ƒ,E ƒ __ SOUTHERN SPRINGS � ■ p � { __ SRH I F! � ! \m\(()!r /�ONO P )I/)) \,e�, ) \ z §)(\»10 m •.. , J\ 9Southern Springs Lot ( _ 71 /o\\/i \ Building _, / � | l `I@^ � { {� { %\ , ] |)$]))` \)]/ �M!V&®]m; Southern +a7 Lot Tm*Block 1 mlg Building & & B «mRoal.Idaho .. �. ,: a kA� s&gsLlam%e�a, Retail mk&B\S.H. 69/Overland Road, Meridian,dIa czC a? �.. { ! !) . - \ {\ \ / .. �. ,: a kA� s&gsLlam%e�a, Retail mk&B\S.H. 69/Overland Road, Meridian,dIa czC a? �.. { ! \ \ {\ | (` .. �. ,: a kA� s&gsLlam%e�a, Retail mk&B\S.H. 69/Overland Road, Meridian,dIa czC a? �.. \ \ {\ .. �. ,: a kA� s&gsLlam%e�a, Retail mk&B\S.H. 69/Overland Road, Meridian,dIa czC a? �.. |I!|_, mAen!/e ``d / 9, Block 16 � / S.H. «__. Road, Meridian, Idaho , I\ §m >§M -;§\ § !E :§ !! - !$ ® / ` R m! \� `b!§ \! \ ! !" I , !3 ! |I!|_, mAen!/e ``d / 9, Block 16 � / S.H. «__. Road, Meridian, Idaho , I\ §m >§M -;§\ § !E : !$ ® / ` R m! \/ `b!§ ! # |I!|_, mAen!/e ``d / 9, Block 16 � / S.H. «__. Road, Meridian, Idaho \/ : » y |I!|_, mAen!/e ``d / 9, Block 16 � / S.H. «__. Road, Meridian, Idaho wr n u P 05-15-'06 14:19 FFOH-SSC 2088885052 T-050 P002/003 F-280 2._B.. 10•_g_ 7 4 2�— 2-1� 010. COHCR rILLEO PIPE 80L 0 �r- - (CI,kAR AREA) - /� I R • a' CONI, Sws OVER \I J. n" GRAvEL WE W/ lull -D505 W.W.F. DDI, CONCRETE -------- -- %FILLED PIPE BOLLARD , 1/2' DIA. CALV, PIPE FENCE FRAME WITH FIT 116 CMU WALL It G0. 2' CHNNUNK MESH TO i'-0° AF.F, WIN ,0-2 FENCE FABRIC WITH pRfCtST CONE, t0 00 (m,' c120f 47mnu COLORED VINYL "$ION CAP, SLITS ''..... TRASH ENUMI E PIAN PRE -PAST CONCNEYE OR t 1/2' DN, CAIN. PIPE CHU CAP FENOE FRAME WH IT Ch 2° CMUIN1.10 MES" FENCE FARM MITI COIORED ViNTL `ASTON SLATS *a —s- r,0. CHV I O" DW. CONC.- FILLED ONC:FILLED PIPE' Fw� 0' CMV WALL SWING CATCH. PAINT J SLOPE GONG. PAD CANE BOLT • DRU HOLO - AWAY AT 1/4/1'T. SEE AT SW TO REOEK CIVIL DWGS. 40R GRADES ry TRASH ENCJASUR2 GATE EfFlATION ^ pPnWN 7AT DA'M 05/12106 cfwcm » Na 08072 m 06 m N s 0 0 y 05-15-'06 14:19 FROM -SSG 2088885052 T-050 P003/003 F-280 9! L'\.f IZ y.•1,w�L• .9 ''P:•'wti'.•.S.'•. Y 9! `qs3 S64 t £MNI �£p Lo' PiS t- qi cg i} 'q; mff c F' dye )ity tt f�i fEd. m I C E;dam{, m �.. � e O q_E B Rpy � Y1" �k O � a - iiia `° H a ! aes `qs3 S64 t £MNI �£p Lo' PiS t- qi cg i} 'q; mff F' dye )ity tt f�i fEd. g£m �ldf�€ C E;dam{, �.. O q_E B Rpy dS^. Y1" �k 3i6 a - iiia `° H qx FF€ - D ?i[ 0 n E. OVERLAND ROAD t3I:4iH°3I F� z: 'g!'add €f�'p!`a I I c'!§�. Z L7 Z , =k 67 7i tia'i Ha as a f+,'d- °} k` 8 re a :a'..9d -�.jsl,.sp n m o ° 3f! 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Z L7 Z , =k 67 7i tia'i Ha as a f+,'d- °} k` 8 re a :a'..9d -�.jsl,.sp n m o ° 3f! H °`° i'-° 3"te `e' Im �'3H .6Pd ! d3 3 ,�6i„e.. i°d9 43 esH,&i iko3[�a':Fa.IM H33 F€ lk qGj' @-Hpifie°!d!t €kq, go_gFi: i;k ggg, p § 6g°! 13 �p k . igii 3s tP Ez f 3 y�§ 3p4ggt 5°3 Hc- g_i9k F3` H.. {, H. a 3q 3f m "s - m a.,e�! zqm ' ds x, rs t'€e3 P k3;€s $ ¢ ?` t, E3� p_I 3 ! qx� ' a3:;� €� ie,n 536:: kHfk 'a.; ; °i ig€, :?aii?_� O_fr ik `< ddFfii 4 g Z Fv� a H 77H !A Z gH e S e i4 �d a i]C ¢¢e; dz P`Ho S`§p fI t 4' #g i° €6� 4§ i € ;_ 'F [ x 9,'dk ��s. P a 3' °iT � jz -!. ti3�;6i,i � `i1 ,I,6 P; aa,i !d#^,g sis % i O a§ N 1 S d' i F Ey g i> - Ef¢ gaS p.f H , s 1 i6 }g'g dts 01 °3 i 369 6 !. . @��•tt` f S ij ii p - �6;0 I6� CZCo LOTS 7, 8, & 9 BLOCK I ®1 qo o SOUTHERN SPRINGS Vl pax `d s. nuru .:¢muN RonD k o.R:aD R.D eoisc. iDanD ARC HIT Ec "� f I ' I I wz I Lu --L LL -0 o N �- �_ - m slo � n a� f e 5 �5 Ys-.. s$a aFn�t1"sw baa �s''s tl`t �� nye � bYN aoo'v-�Y vmM1WEOCEVFrorvM ld� en �elaae (7� § SOUTHERN SPRINGS am \ � a NORTH oiaa,, mrn,eas newo,erv, ,oun ARCHITECTS �EaDp D� �- �_ - m slo � n a� f e 5 �5 Ys-.. s$a aFn�t1"sw baa �s''s tl`t �� nye � bYN aoo'v-�Y vmM1WEOCEVFrorvM ld� en �elaae (7� § SOUTHERN SPRINGS am \ � a NORTH oiaa,, mrn,eas newo,erv, ,oun ARCHITECTS C7 SOUTHERN SPRINGS js N�&� ��ms�scmrommz Ns NORTH IAHcH"ECTS �insaioux, loon x W SOUTHERN SPRINGS 1 '► o�s� NORTH �;,1 m , Fy rY PAX (p$ 3K-BSl nwoux, Twp ARC HITECTB