Z - Applicant letter to Residents Dear Residen?al Tenants, Subject: Important Update on Property Redevelopment and Timeline We hope this le?er finds you well. We are wri?ng to inform you about an important change regarding our property. A?er receiving approval from the City of Meridian for rezoning, we felt that it is important to share our plans for future development effec?ng the mobile home park. The city has approved the development in three phases across the whole of our property. Phase 1 entails the construc?on of 30 townhomes on the vacant lot to the south of the mobile home park. Phase 2 will involve construc?ng 90 rental units within the exis?ng mobile home park property. Finally, Phase 3 will see the redevelopment of the commercial buildings facing Fairview Avenue. We understand that this news may bring mixed emo?ons as it involves a reloca?on for our valued tenants. We want to assure you that we acknowledge the impact this has on your lives, and we are commi?ed to providing support throughout this transi?on period. As per our agreement with the City of Meridian, we are obligated to no?fy you of our development inten?ons four years from now. Following this no?fica?on, you will have a generous period of twelve months to vacate the property. This ?meframe allows you a total of five years from now to effec?vely plan and execute your reloca?on. Over the next four years, we will keep you updated on the progress of the redevelopment. We will share new informa?on about the process, as well as any important details related to your move. Our goal is to make this transi?on as smooth as possible for each and every one of you. We genuinely appreciate your understanding and coopera?on during this ?me of change. We understand that moving can be challenging, and we are here to offer support and assistance in any way we can. If you have any ques?ons, concerns, or require further clarifica?on, please do not hesitate to reach out to your property manager, Kevin Petross. He will be available to help address any inquiries you may have. Thank you for your con?nued support and for being valued members of our community. We look forward to working closely with you throughout this process and ensuring that you are well-informed every step of the way. Sincerely, Elm Grove MHP