2023-02-28 Kayla Nelson Charlene Way From:Kayla Nelson <nelson.kayla15@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, February 28, 2023 12:20 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Opposed to Artisan Victory Market H-2022-0066 External Sender - Please use caution with links or attachments. To whom it may concern, I am writing this email to express my opposition to the Artisan Victory Market apartment complex that is proposed to be built on the corner of Victory and Eagle. I have lived in south Meridian my entire life. My childhood home is at the end of E Zaldia Lane, long before Kingsbridge, Napoli, Shelburne, or Tuscany even existed. In the off seasons we rode our horses through the empty corn and alfalfa fields where all those subdivisions now exist. My parents still live on that same property, though it is now surrounded by subdivisions. My husband and I live in Orchard Creek, near Lake Hazel/Eagle with our 4 young children. We chose this area because, having grown up in South Meridian, I just love it so much. While the growth in this area saddens me, I realize it is necessary, to a degree. Without it, we would not have our current home. However, high density housing like the apartments proposed to go in off Victory and Eagle have no place in this area - the infrastructure simply isn’t in place to support it. South of the freeway, we have very limited options for employment, restaurants, grocery stores, retail, etc. Oftentimes, people who live in apartments have limited means of transportation. There is no bus system, and necessities are a long walk for families who have no car, or even only 1 car. I am also very concerned about the toll this complex will take on the roads. Eagle road south of the freeway is already very congested, especially with all the recent closures of Locust Grove and Cloverdale. Even an added 250-300 cars per day will take a huge toll on that intersection and have repercussions all down Eagle road. My biggest concern, however, is the impact that this project (along with others) will negatively have on our already overcrowded schools. Apartments at the corner of Victory and Eagle would ultimately feed Mountain View High School. I am aware of another apartment complex that is planned for Overland road, nearly right across the street from MVHS. How is the school district going to support these additional families? I know that the this issue also concerns those on the Meridian City Council, so I hope that this issue is taken very seriously. Ultimately, I feel that adding more apartment complexes does not align with Meridian’s master plan for development. I worry that the type of growth south Meridian is experiencing is not sustainable, and that these apartment complexes will only cause more issues. The Barron Properties claim that the Artisan Victory Market will bring an “attainable housing option” to the city. But at what cost to those that live here? I implore those on the City 1 Council to seriously consider the implications a project such as this one will have on our community. Thank you for your time, Kayla Nelson 208-863-0767 3891 E Levin St Meridian, ID 83643 2