Steelhead Collision Carwash CZC 06-084~~~ C~~z-~r ~~ ~ ~~:~ . CE'rY OF 3r` "", .~ e~r~rr~r ~ .,~ ~t ~~,~~o :~ ~ ~~ Ciity vf~e~a~i~~ ~iiNgr ~iQrl~ CERTIFICATE GF ZONING COMPLIANCE Date: June 22 2006 Project Name/Nt7anber: Steelhead Collision Center (Car Wash) - CZC-06-084 Owner:__ Sanwan, LLC Site Address: 279 N. Baltic Place (Lot 9, Block 2, Meridian Busioess Parks ,,, Proposed Use: Addition of a 600 s.£ carcvash ba to an existin 8365 s.f. Bod Sho Zoning: I-L Coaaaznents: Co~~ditions of Approval: Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances. The issuance of this permit does not release the applicant fro~x~ any previous requirements of the other permits issued. far this site. Site Plan: The Site Plan prepared by BRS Architects, on May 9, 200b, labeled Sheet SD1.1, is approved (stamped "Approved" on Jane 22, 2006 by the Meridian Planning Department) with no changes :from the Planning Department. Elevations: The Elevations prepared by BRS Architects, on May 9, 2006, Iabe[ed Sheet A4.1, are approved (stamped "Approved" on June 22, 2006 by the Meridian Planning Department) with na changes from the Planning Department. Protection of Existing Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or mitigated for in accordance with the Tree Preservation section. of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Per UDC I1-3B-10, coordinate with the Parks Department Arborist (Elroy Huff, 588-3579) for approval of protection/relocation measures for the existing trees prior to construction. Any severely damaged tree must be replaced incompliance with UDC 11- 3B-10-C.5. Parkin: The proposed parking areas shall be paved and striped in accordance with UDC I1-3B. Project engineer/architect shall certify that the number and size of handicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act {ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordance per ADA and. signed accessible. See redline parking changes/notes on the site plan. Curbing: Per UDC 11-3B-SI, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking lots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other approved protective devices. Curbing may be cut to allow for storm water runoff. Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with 11-3A-I7. Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Drainage: Storm water drainage swales shall not have a slope steeper than 3:1, shall be fully vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with UDC 11-3B-11 and UDC I 1-3A-18. L1~g: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development and comply with lighting standards as defined in UDC ].1-3A-11. Si a e: No signs are approved with this CZC. All business signs will require a separate sign permit in compliance with UDC 11-3D. Trash Enclosure; All dumpster(s} must be screened in accordance with UDC-11-3A-12. Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by SSC. Handica -Accessihili :The structure, site improvements and parking areas must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. ACRD Acce Lance: AlI impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACRD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A written certificate of completion shall be prepared by the landscape architect, landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan upon completion ofthe landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials anal sprinkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy .may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the farm of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% ofthe cast oftlte remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary occupancy. Plan Modifications: The approved Site Plan, stamped "Approved" on June 22, 2006, is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department, No significant field changes to the site or Landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required.. J S. Lucas sociate City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected in•igation districts}, Meridian Sewef•, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc• This fetter shall expire one {1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. z ~'a<~r \ ~ ~• cart a~ ~y~l ~k i # . ° _ ~~1~'l~X~'11 ~ a ~ ~~ n~ Planning Department «r4~n ~ ~~ VIEW APPLrCA'TION ~~ rdP~4l^c V,,,' h'S~ .' ~~ ~~ ~ y~ Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) ~' ^ Accessory Use ^ AIternative Compliance ,.~~Certif cafe of Zoning Compliance ^ Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification ^ Design Review ^ Property Boundary Adjustment © Short Plat ^ Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance ^ Time Extension (Director) ^ Vacation ^ Other S~rAFF LSF ~)ULS': file number(s): ~ ~ ~ - EJ~ ~ Off' ~.j I'roje;ctname:_~JT~z.~~~'~U~ ~.al~~~`c~r~ ~e~;~-1 L~:~te filed: ~`r ~-C ~ T~aEc cnmpie}}te: _ AssigrreclPIa~iner: ~~JL~~ ) a`~~C~~ Related files: Applicant Information Applicant name: ~.3 f~~~~(T~(~"T~ ,. ,.,._ Phone: ~~ '~7e~ Applicant address. ~~C7 S : A {_/1,~~ I~ ~ , ~ ,, lS~~] Zip: _ g~J~4 ~ ~b ~, Applicant's interest in property: ^ Own ^ Rent ^ OptionedOther ~.~i;h{`f' ,, Owner Warne: SPt WAS . I.LG ,,,,., ,.,.. Phone: ~ S Owner address: 2. C lC ~t\1~ Zip; g~j~~ .~ Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): 5 I C S - "~" ~C~ I Firm name: ~-S pt~2C(-tl T~~G~'~ , . Phone: ~~~/1 ' X7-70 Address: C~ ©S # I C'~d ~ ISM Zip; ~~~ ~Ol Primary contact is: ^ Applicant ^ Owner Agent ^ Other F- Contact name: QG -' Ptl~.' ( C Phone: ~ Q E-mail: SPr C I l;G . CQVI/- Fax: ~~ • ~~..~~ Subject Property Information Location/street address: 2.~7 ~ . E~ G C7 ( ~ ~ Assessor's parcel number(s): }2~J~~720~0 ~ Township, range, section: Z'~~~, ~I ~ , 07 'T'otal acreage: ~ ~ ~ ~~~~j ..~ Current land use: GO ~ G I f~ Current caning district: ,~_-' ~ ~~ l~UT~ e~l~~ St-pf' b60 )s. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 Meridian, Idahp 83642 Fhpne: (208) 884-5533 • Facsicniie: (208) 88$-6854 + Website: www.meridianci , .org Project Description Projectlsubdivisionname: ~i EV C7 ~~ S b -- 1M~- ra A ~pr~2~ Genera] description of proposed projectlrequest: T~ Cs~ ~ 2oE~ p`I X t -~pt! 1/x/1 -~-L V ~ ~ f~Ub I°6 ~c C~ of Proposed zoning district(s): '- ~ ~C4S"('ItJ~- 1~,~J~ Acres of each zone proposed: ~ • ~i Type of use proposed (check all that apply}: © Residential Commercial [7 Office Industrial ^ Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable}: ~!~ Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in #his development? _ 1.jf~ Which irrigation district does this property lie within? S~Ac Primary irrigation source: G 1 "~ 1/~IFtT~-d--• Secondary:.. 1~~ Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (if primary or secondary point of connection is City water): ~~ S~- Residential Project Summary {ifapplicable} N~ Number of residential units: Number of common and/or other Tots: Number of building lots: Proposed number of dwelling units {for multi-family developments only): Bedr001'n: Minimum square footage of structure(s) (excl. garage): Minimum property size (s.f): Gross density (t7U/acre-total land): Percentage of open space provided: Proposed building height: Average property size (s.f.}: Net density (DU/acre-excluding roads & alleys): Acreage of open space: Percentage of useable open space: (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of npen space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc}: Type ofdwelling(s}proposed: ©Single-family ^ Townhomes ^ Duplexes ^Minti-family Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable} Number of building lots: 6N ~ Other Iots: f ~~C _ Gross floor area proposed: ~C_Y_ ~ ~, ~*,,,,,,,,, Existing (if app]icable): _~~~~ S,1*.,.,, Hours of operation (days and hours): ~~~ ~1M '"-' 6 % ~ Building height: ~~-!~'CS~~,,,,,~~I~USE+~ Percentage of site/project devoted to the following: 2~ Q i~xEs n .~..! -~(F~ Landscaping: ~a~i. ". ~ a Building: g~ S -' `~~a Paving: 33,b6~.~ S.l= ~-' r=j`]°Ja Total number of employees: l2- Maximum number of employees at any one time: ~2__ Number and ages of students/children (if ap~pliyc~~/a-ble}: ~.~ Seating capacity: t~>~„ Total number of parking spaces provided: +~ 1 Number of compact spaces provided: Authorization Print applicant name: Applicant signature: _ Phone: ~~~~'~~ ,, . , _,_. Date: ~/ C ~~C3~ 6 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 (208) 884-5533 Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 Website: w«+w.meridiancty.or~ 2 2 or more Bedrooms: 05-~.0~-' 06 08.45 FP0~9-PIDGFt~AI'~ INDi]STPI~:L 208-887-$686 T-670 P002/002 F-602 Q5/10/2~06 0f9:32 2@989€,3751 STEELH~RD C~]LLT5IO~f PRG~ t!t2/02 RpA CA[ldRY AE~4RpER d. U,OdiD NAVR{lAD 1 /f,/F~ Btl[5E1~1lib 02f?DJpI 0(,29 Pk! RIPEiTY daanrie ltoo)et 8ECtlfltlEp-AEt113E ~F II pp tlf~lNp pplt~~qqF rr `` ttii ' Tratlma~aa TUla ~~~ 10l1~~1~1i~~~~i~fl~[~l~~I~~ff dllf(fUKF 8.09 7.04935312 WI~RFI.~NT~ pGtw~ E;OR VALl1~ RECEfvEQ W & 5 ?nvestments, lnc. an'Tdnkta CarporatioEa r7RAN7'0[t(a), aoea(Ea) Ac~by C3KAi~I7', ld~2[~A1Ti, $~, AN1] L'aNV~Ywnn: SanWan, LLG ~Jl=Ahltiut8(rj,w},oaaoiasnnsndQtcasie; 919 M Pennwpod, Mt3r•id5un,~ Zd. $3642 tho 1v11uwinlld~artbal ~cnl tmvprJty in C.4wcty, 9tasc oS}Q~hq 1;:tlTif ZRiL[i~t1~RY~ aC'aY7 t1~ P9.tLtIOlV}, CO rAS: Lod 9 in talock Z of Mari 0i an 0us4nESS Park. according 'to fiha plat the7-r;oi', 'F'f~ed in book 70 n~F p'i©ts at pages 7158 and 7L39, records of Adv Caefnty, Id. . 'ThQ R4al Prdporty;or 7C5 adre55 4s co~rrnonly know as: 219 N. 9altic Place t7t:rSd}qn, xd. 83E42 9'Q t1AV7J hN1- TP 71oLiI tha sold jnmdscq e4rls tltukpavp, tts1G~ Rro FrlA ~ 4r~0 ot~~rv~ lbJOrvr. Affi [tN ~u~ (irnolm(cj don~(Ao) harcbycm,~t to sadi w'aL d~eaefd{r~umr~o[r7, mntf~snom~(!.7 ~E1Dm t8o ovrer(~} to Re 11mp1rcarroW ~yamdw,; +hni a~1d txcm3eaa pcn Ora 4oa~ alt ancenbra4,oos Tfli~T tflmo fo a7 th t1~la oariro It ., sn~iao~~namosct„nognrrnoamrkmel0'thodmraoo(q;nnd~ubjootmtcaaa ,YaacO YfaiCa • • ttplA+ alemy omt ay»~wmt, Q~„y} olt~ivjd nud ~, rotuimsam, QasAcndvaa oof~nDL, i~~'+-QAWUIf, I~nl1~{b~1}~6 d~.7T~1~yo7.7, ~IDA d1C`XIG~Idtllu'blTd p~prn6le, aeQ dn~ap'~'J wSlnwum tan44CfDRd firo . a+rdohutnollanxgijoi~ImrbRtatpoerQ. l7ntct ~..Eq,.q~.f . ~[ Wdlt R. Manner ' , ~Ia~ vt.,.,.gY~,,, County ~~~. oo. on ~#~ °g°~ day ~.~11~2r-~ rn pso r ~ huo m , tno undurrlandn, a Notary Pu~aa in on6 (arAa}d 8tde, paennAly eppeen~ ta~am erlppntlftv0 ffl n ~a {n Up tho i~an(a} whom rtm~e{e} G~raro oultsafbnd fa tfEo yyt tnab7tFntml, oad IIahnOW}66~pd rc mo _ y~a1 Its vy,exar~riad thq dama_ r ~ ~~ ~~ RUTH ~AH4A1t( . {~r~ at' 7ff _ /~,' PIO"f'AI~Y F'!/13~tG nrv Gv,rsmisaron mTana; ~/ ~ STA7F pF 11JAHO ~~p~DSl17!2p06~ ~~~~~ MAV, 17. ^~ ~ ~r ~r ~~ ~~r~ ~~ 1.:25 • 2p~~959'S1 STEELHEAD COl«,LISI01~ 206 11 ~ FOAM 8RS AftCI~IITECTS s~x~.T~ o~ xr~.~o } PAGE 01ia1 ~u ~r~v r. z (hai3e) {address) (ci'~Y~ {sEate) bung ~~rst duly s~az'n upon, oath, depose and gay: 1, xk~at I' am the xecord owxA~C o~~c pxo~erry desorihed ~n ~{~o atta.cfieit, and x ~nnf Tny ~ernrisa9oz~ to: ~~ lwt~am,e) ~i (ad.clress) to subnz~ tie aaoo~panying ~pplicntic~r~(s) peztai~inb to ~1at pxaperly. ~, l - 7. Z agree to z~de~zt7a1y, dcfCnd. ao.d hold the Giiy ~rt'NLeridian and i~ employees 1tar.~.Xcss ~i'o5b. azly cX~.iz+~ ax Tiab~.ity xesulting Fror.~ ~.riy dzspu{o es to the statern.exz~s coraf~cd heroin ox as fo ~e ou~aersl~ip of f1~o property which is t,~e subject; of the applica>:io,~. 3. .T, t~~xcb~r gram pezmissio~. to C;,~y ts~ ~vfesidian. 5ta~to eni~a; the sttbjecf prdpeity ~oF fide p~.upase o~'site in5pectiora.s relafied tc pxacoesing said applicaYiort(s)a r r}"dt:Od'~71H ~ ~ „C~8y4:F ~.~~...._ .,~„ ~.'~~_[..~~G7 , (gib ata~re) 5;.?~3SG,~7k;~>7 ~1.ND S~TOTtN fi0 bfora me the day' snd 5rea= ~~-st abo~c ^~rxa~Ncn, •,}~s}e~e~r+rrrr ~`~~.. . 9d•~. ~ (N~~~y ~~~z~~ for Taaho) .~ = %~ ~~ T''~~ ., ~ . ,RESId1Ilo'r~~; z .~ ~ ~;~ '°U ? may' Commission ~~pires_ _ ~,,~- ,~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ '~~ ~ $Li~ . ,.., •Ij~i~C~ ~r~M~~~~~0 ,:,may ~• '~'l ~`~ AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE ©~ IDAHO ) COUNTY OF ADA ) I, X13 43~. 1~ ~~,J'(~i441~ ' ~~W C~r~ ~,.~,. ~. '~ ~ ~ ` ~, ` v ,rte F (name) (address (city) (state) being first duly sworn upon, oath, depose and say: I. That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: {name) (address} to submit the accompanying application(s) pertainz~ig to that pzoperty. 2. I agree to indemnify, defend. and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless _ from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained Herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. I hereby grant permission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said application(s). Datedthis %,`~i '~ day of ~ n~~ ~ 20 ~:.s `...1 ,~~-- ~ , ~ (Signature) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. G RU~~-I ~M{~R~K (Kota P biic foz Idaho} ~6C~T~~Y PU~L1C STAGE OF IDAHO Residing at: My Coznrnission Ex Yres: _... p~ ~~~1 ~,0„~ (~ v+ z Z W r-F ~, .a - o ,~ IR1t~GATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS UDC II-3B-6 ~ f~ /, Pro,~ect Name: • ~ 1:v_~.~ ~ ~` f f ~ ~ '"~~~~ Specifications: Available Gallons per Minute: _~ p _ lr!~ Y~2. . .._...~ Available Water Pressure: ~ mil, Point of Connection (describe Primary Connection: Secondary Conxaectio Landscape Area: If the irrigation system is hooked to City water as a primary or secondarywater source, submit the square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated: square feet Backflow Prevention:_A backflow prevention device must be installed as required by City Ordinance 9-3. Coverage; The irrigation system must be designed to provide 100% coverage with head to head spacing ar triangular spacing as appropriate. Matched Precipitation Rates: Sprinkler heads must have matched precipitation rates within each control valve circuit. Irrigation Zones: Sprinkler heads irrigating lawn or other high-water-demand areas must be circuited so that they are on a separate zone or zones from those irrigating trees, shrubs, or other reduced-water-demand areas. Overspray: Sprinkler heads must be adjusted to reduce overspray onto impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, and parking areas. Notes: Irrigation Required: All landscape areas shall be served with an automatic underground irrigation system. Additional requirements affecting pressurized irrigation systems can be found in City Ordinance 9-I-28. Irrigation Water Source: Use ofnon-potable irrigation water is required when determined to be available by the City Public Works Department as regulated by City Ordinance 9-1-28. If city potable water is used, a separate water .meter is recommended so the owner can avoid paying sewer fees for in7gation water. Potable water shall not be used as a primary irrigation water source on non-residential lots with more than % acre of landscaping. Year round water availability is also required by connecting to city potable water or an on-site well as a secondary source. Certification: I have read and understand the above specifications and notes far irrigation systems and hereby affirm that any irrigation system installed for the project mentioned above will comply with these specifications and notes. Applicant's Signature: ,, ,..,..~ Date: ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Annual KePort for C 152870 Page 1 of 1 N°. C 952870 Due no tater than Jan 31 2006 2• Registered Agent and Address , (NO Po Box) Annual Re art Form ~ Return to: LISA AWANNER-SISLER SECRETARY OF STATE 1. Mailing Address: Correct in this box if needed. 2752 S COSHEN WY 700 WEST JEFFERSON STEELHEAD COLLISION INC BOISE ID 83709 0000 PO BOX 83720 , . LISA A WANNER- BOISE, ID 83720-0080 . 2782 S COSHEN WY BOISE ID 83709 0000 3. New Registered Agent Signafure:~ NO FILING FEE IF RECEIVED BY DUE DATE 4. Corporations: Enter Names an d Business Addresses of President, Secretary and Directors. Office Held Name Street or PO Address C~ 5#ate C°untrv PRESIDENT LISA A. WANNER-SISLER 2752 S. GOSI-IEN WAY BOISE !D USA 83709 SECRETARY TERRY SHANE SISLER 2752 5/ GOSHEN WAY BOISE ID USA 83709 5. Organized Under Ehe Laws of: 6. Annual Report must be signed." IDAE-t0 Signature: Lisa A. WannerSisler Date: 02/19/2006 C 152870 Name (type or print): Lisa A. WannerSisler Title: President Processed 02/11/2006 "Electronically provided signatures are accep#ed as original signatures. httP://w~v~r.id sos.state. id.us/servletlTraz~sfor~nX.M~.,Doc?URL-°/o2F02112006%2FXMLP... 5/15/2006 1_r• iv• avuv~i I ~vonivi~,~,geEly JO tSef fyffld o. 4943--•~'. 2 STATEMENT OF GHgNGE OF REGISTERED OFFICE DR REGISTERED AGENT, OR BQTM F;~a #: W27430 Tha undersigned entity submits thefollowing statement fortha purpose afchanging its registered office or ifs registered agent, ar both, in the State of Idaho. ~. The name of the entity is: SANWAN, i_tC 2, The street address of its present registered office is: 818 W. Pennwoad Meridian. Idaho 69642 ' 3. The sfre9t address {not s P.O. box) to which i!s registered offices is to ba changed is: 3652 S, McCormicEc Ave Boise. Edaho 83709 4. The Harris of its o!d registered agent i5: Bette Jo Berryman 5. The name of its new registered agent is: Walter R. Wanner 6. The address of the registered office and the business address of the registered agentare identifial. Dated; •-~~ `~ ~ ~ Printed: Walter R. Wanner ~ • 1 consent to serve as registered agent Capacity: Member for the above-Warned entity, Igneiure o1' new reglstarFxJ agent} (See reve~a6lnr Ins~uctlona) g:lca<pifarmslmLofartnalchanOaRA_RO.p05 °''~~~ ~'a~ F1LE ANE COPY NO FEE REQIJIRE© ., ,. . . - ~, _" - r - ~ tJ ~' ~ ~ i.~ 7 ; ~~ .1 ~' cf~ o~ ~YlG~I~~I ~l ~ 33 I:. fdaf~o Aye. \,~ Meridian, ID 83642 Qate-~ Appiicant f ~ ~= ~~„ Address / ~ Phone ' CA K # NAME ON CHECK IF DiFFERENTTHAN APPLICANT ,r~} • ~ R o~ ~ ~ ~ I I 1 I 1 I I i ~~ ~.1 ~i~~-r-1 ~~j"~ r i i i i i r i i f I 1 E I I 1 1 f I I PAYMENT DQES NOT fNDICATE ACCEPTANCE P APP_LlCAT1pN . Tom ~ 9 Receive By TQTAL ~~1 ~ ~ 5574y ~°rcr~r.~ '~c ----~- - . :; :r. ~ - '<, v;~ n + ,~ ~r~, ~~ J .~.~~ 4 ,~ l '. ~ 'rh~1~A F'.. ~ `~ i ~ f ~ ~r j~~, , ~ Lt ~ H r N^1 F b~f ti'r r t~ {r:~ ~ _ . ~~ ~ +" ;tF. ~~~ ~Fs ~ ~ r,:1 x ~'~ rr ~ ~-'r~-~~ ~ k r n ~ r ~ _ ' 1r... a; lg3~r $'~"'~c ~ ~~~~ F ~`f~~~"~ . vY,'~ ~ ~' V f h'N~( Fser J 1 % ~ ~.}~ T i; 1 1 -` K ~kr .- ~/ `9~ ~ _ t r~l ~ ~ ~ ~{ ~~- ~ ~ ~~~[$7'~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ . l ~I F ,~;~ ~ f t ~ ' _ '~ ~i ~ ,T ~ ~ ~ f~ f r~?~~ + `~ , ~ ?:1 ~~~. M I 'w1 ~ i:~ ~~ b _ ~ i ~t ?wk ,~ ` I{ i 1 f~~ i 3L ~I I ' ~ ~~ ~~I ~ ~~ ~. f k r .~, ' ~ i; .f r`r E . ti ~ r 7 _` r; ,, 'itt f' '~k ^I -, ~ ~t~.: ss~=e ~' ~~.~;`: '_ i ~I ~II ~,'' ~~ ~II d Zi ------- - ,r„ ~:. ' ~~ ' "` ~ ., F:..N F~ {~ e t ~ r r :; ~ ~~ ~. ^ ~ '~ ~,;~'. ~ f ~. Y I _ ~ ' C441W f ~ S~1 S 4 ~Y T S }~' ; ~ ~~t f~ i ~. ~~ ~ ~ : `~ 1 ~YV I! f i~r _ ` r'~ 'Ili ~~ I ~ "~ ~5 =~ .1 't I J r ~ r '~ lei V 1 ~~ i ~ , M ~Y• ''/y r~ :~ i E o~ ~! ~n ~~ i 'i ~: ~ -1 i ~~ ~ ~`~ ~~' - l o Z ~~ ,,I Y,; ~ r k ~, -~ ;~. ,f ,~,,1 ~k j :~ ~~ ~~~~~ r r, ~ . ;' ~~~ ~ t r 1 > ~'<`~' r r .a ~ e f~ ~ ~~ ~~ _~ ~ i, t ~7 ~~ R~~i i w ~ °+"~ 1 tr i ; v` '~ .~~;~,i i ~ A ty (~, ~.. "~~'~ ~ i~ r .~+ ~ Y r~ ~~5~~ ;,~~, 'R .. n ., z~ . n ~ ~~ ~ ,~ R `wr a` ~~ ~ E3! 1 ~~` i- ~~~~.. t 1r `~ t r ,~' '~~ ~ ;+ _ l ~'.~ .. -~ C ', ? 1 C ~.. ~~_ ~ ,(d fi ~ }p ~~ C i A ,~ ~' -s-i 1- - - I' ..t' ~. _ .. ~ , ~ ~ ~! ~Y~ ~ ': ~" r~ ..~ ~ 3 ~: ; ~- ~,' ;, '+ `I t' 1~ €# I~ 1 Y h C ,, ~ r S f ~~ ;, ; ~,r , _, `: `<<~, c ~~~>_. ~ E v~1 _ ~~,~,- ^^ 4 ~ k F F i ,. +, '~ r~ " . 1 I t• ,7'* E- ~_ ~~ 13 ~~ :o ~~ m r O .~ 3 rn Z -~ v o^x~a ~ $o~ ~ §&$~x a O S_._ ,[. _3 .. _..k....L.; n ~~ ~ ~ gg~z~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ s S i ~ p ~ ~~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ "s f~~a~ ~ ~~ ~g ~ E , ~ ~ ~ ~ °n It ,~ o __ ~ = s n }~ ~, ~ $ _ _ ~~ x ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~as.utiurtErt. ~ STEELHEAD COLLTSION ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ I-~ av x. autsc neuawy muro tLRCE-[IT~"G'I'S ~ ~~~~~, ~i ~iomnvG~c~~o S~tr^~ca July 5, 2006 ~~t~ To; BRSArchitect ~~~ ~`~ 1010 S. Allante PL #100 Boise, ID 83709 ~ ~~,~ Subject: MCZC-06-84 V Carwash Bay 279 N. Baltic PI. john 5. Franden, President Carol A. McKee, 1st Vice President Dave Blvens, 2nd Vice President Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Rebecca W. Arnold, Commissioner In response to your request for comment, the Ada County Highway District (ACRD) staff has reviewed the submitted application and site plan for the item referenced above. It has been determined that the Right-of-Way and Development Services Department does not have any site specific requirements for you at this time due to the fact that all desired road improvements currently exist. If the site plan or use should change in the future, ACRD will review the site plan and may require improvements to the transportation system at that time. Prior to final approval you will need to submit plans to the ACRD Development Review Department. A traffic impact fee may be assessed by ACHD and will be due prior to the issuance of a building permit. Contact ACRD Planning & Development Services at 387-6170 for information regarding impact fees. Prior to the construction or installation of any roadway improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement widening, driveways, culverts, etc), a permit or license agreement must be obtained from ACHD. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at {208) 387-6177. Sincerely, // U1/` .16e K z '/~~' Planner Intern Right-of-Way and Development Services CC: Project file, Construction Services, City of Meridian, Sanwan, LLC. 3652 S. McCormick Boise, ID 83709 Ada County Highway District • 3775 Adams Street • Garden City, ID • 63714 • PH ZOB-367-6100 • FX 345-7650 • www.achd.ada.id.us o E - n ~ ~ F6 2p,1o~' 6~ 6assnaxn ~ eFn a "0J 6 ~2 Vl pj ~p ~3 rns v Po _ af'sss M .40 tG0'J 5 _ _ _ mB,S, ~g 1~ri~aW6 J~4 .S i~ _I -_----_-___---_-~ Aa ^~ Y 0 . ~ 49 ~ - - w [ Sul oO?O~z~ // R 6 R 9 R L '~$Sayn j.'L^~mQ \"~OU in //~ m w n u u n ° a w ni i n ^gyaR 2°' zmo~, ~^<m I r PA ~ g A ~ R m F~ I 2;~~s&o 4 ~ ~„ ~o~ I~ ~°Tn ~m ~_~s 1 om s.w°- sr z7a ~. m=Q ovlw C~ V mss c^'1 Sl,~ v i'?1 w o d ~ ~ - - - ~ ' 9L ai m x$Zf~40H 3 .40,1000 N ~ - ~ a '~ Q y~j ~\ ~ ~ T cx IYTIY L~ Ll r~A~.9P,l C.O 5 8]n ]d It'IY9'N EE s £Z'H£S 3 ~YO,I£.00 N ~t wsx ~a~ aI i vry zrc . „.y 3~N cx ~ - a I I m $~ ~ _ b ~ F : sH I -Li ~~ boo I I- 8 I ~ n " ~`r I ~ `gig 6 ere WIC (x ma. E.m.la.Yax ~ ~ s (.o a ~a ^I H S~' .~ m' ~ m s R y I n ° I a~ a@"~ Ea A `s - - z] e9 yzF 8€ - L~I~~-a -=_- Y.x,rxx. o .P m .I ~x~4663°;E ~= 1 ? [omE .. ^ Q u mvm ~aa.¢.mx ~ m.F 85 y9fi rl- m~ez cr .a ~ ( ..uueo. 4 A ng n i ~ ~a F~ya~Y ~a u aA a 3'bE ~~ ' zu czc z.lY~cwx b I~ ..ssnaos ge T[y°56aeg ~5 °~ao gg I s { [:f p ~ N p A. I -lip I ~ mnu s.w.a.m Ee aai E.ro.ir x 6 66's€}os;E _ k, ,. I~ ~a --- n Y.~am: w ga€-m E,: a s s ~. p= a ^ s. `s" N ~~ I as.~~: Y e _ a d n.~xicw e <e[si a.r0.irm z y~n 6£ .x uism 6 Diva 3.ro,i[wx x ~ 1~y y°F e [rye{ 3.r0,ICW 6 YmB Fe m e c$aa _ &" ~ J - _ cl 0 see :a ,`s €ac 6° sr ..4 D &6~ Oa'm~ Gg •9~ 9 . .. 8 ana e<rct ». .Itlcm w ~ 8z `5•° Sae s .8 I aY €g &;peV~ x ~~ams ~~ 5 ~ '~ .6€ ~ ... .a a s® sYA ~~: a~~ 9~ ., e-,a a;6g B7q 9 s \-L P jza A a' x"~` ~Em,IanrY-, E ,~. ~N ~'~'" a I ss' ~~ ,aRl ~ € z ''-oaf wll~ I ~I^ SFr I `-ffi f-r9 III " „I~~I" ~m ; ° ~~ r~` cl ~- e~ 6 °s.~e a ag ee a m s m O6'64S M,.I I,ILA]SZ ~ia ~~ °~ ~Y4t ~- _ _ _ _ _ a9 e e £ g a g ,l t,af.oe scc anxanv 'xas axra mss; ;a=e P" I oon~I -~:z9 n~ uszi . z m. Ne !fls~ " "ol l of I NI I I~ wl I ,II ,I I as g rm °II n III all _ gip. ^In ~I r I rl I ~I ~ NP N pnE3 ,1I, If.00 N,e ^, RL91 w m era A ~r E ~ ~ G 090x9PY NOI11O6V ONO]a5 S.NYOfl 3_ g o ~ h 5 ~t.~Cwx Q~ ~° ~L - ~~ J^ ~ ~ ~ OYOa NYIOla31! 'x'1/] Q~.P ~ 000e• 00 III ~ C ~ ~.3 ~~ ~,~,,, ~:~9€~ F~ Planning Department ~~~rr'~litn °° "~, ,unoo ~~ CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE y ` Application Checklist File #: C - ~ ~' ~~ ~' Pro'ectname: S EL s F:~ ~ ~ O A licant/a ent: All applications are required to contain one copy of the following unless otherwise noted: :Staff Description ('~ Applicant Coro leted & si ned Administrative Review A lipcatipon mcludin the following: 1 Narrative fully describing the pevipous approvals or requirements forghe requested use _ I - Information on any p ~, n ~ -t,~J~ i.e. a licabte conditions of a royal or Dcvelo ment A eemcnt y, ' (, ~ Recorded waaan deed for the sub•ect roe owner (tf owner is a coiporntwn, ,~ _a ~`;"~ I,(4(,(~ "~rF~' X Affidavit of Legal Interest signed & notarized by the property ~~ ~~: submit a co of the Articles of Inca ration or other evidence to show that the erson si in is an authorized a ent ~ Scaled vicini ma showin the location of the sub'ect ro e N A Sanit Service Com an a royal fox trash enclosure & access drive (stamped site pian) A photometric test report for any light fixture(s) with a maximum output of 1,8001umens N~1 or more see UDC ]1-3A-11 (,t6 T~ ~ IS Site Plan-4 copies (folded to 8'h" x 11" size) X The followin items must be shoand no ect ame (scale not Icss than i"=50') ~ e Date, scale, north arrow, Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or / firm re arin the lan e Parkin stalls and drive aisles I ~ Trash enclosures location 6t~pt G Wt N A e Detail of trash enclosure (must be screened on 3 sides) ~<I S • Location and specifications for underground irrigation (Pressurized irrigation can only be waived if ou rove no water ri hts exist to sub'ect ro e x e Sidewalks oC athwa s (roposed and existing) • Location of ro osed buildin on lot (include dimensions to mperty lines) • Fericiri (proposed and existing) • Calculations table including the following rovided (specify handicap & compact scans) I ~ - Number of parking stalls required & p - Building size (sq. ft.) - Lot size (sq. ftJ - Setbacks:: • Reduction of the site lan 8'/z" x I Landscape plan - 3 copies (folded to 8 ''/x" x I I" size) ' y 9, Plan must have a scale no smaller than 1 " 50' (1 » 20' is preferred) and be on a standard ^p~ ~ 6 V SFE. 24"x 36" is preferred). A plan which cannot be drmvn in (U'~ SI'CE ~ drawing sheet, not to exceed 36"x 48" ( ~ i 6 •~ '~ ~7~N "its entirety on a single sheet must be ch•awn rviUr appropr7ate match Lines on bvo m• more shee[s. AA~f The followin items must be included on the landsca a lan: 7 e Date, scale, north arrow, and ro' ect name ns _ e e Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or l~ r~+'7 firm re arin the lan /I,Gf`~- 660 E. W atertower Lane, Suite 202 e Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 e Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 e Website: www.meridiancity.org Existing natural features such as canals, creeks, drains, ponds, wetlands, flood lains, hi h roundwater areas, and rock outcro in s. Location, size, and species of all existing trees on site with trunks 4 inches or greater in diameter, measured 6 inches above the ground. Indicate whether the tree will be retained or removed. A statement of how existing healthy trees proposed to be retained will be rotected from aama c uu„i. ~ -- Existing structures, planting areas, light poles, power poles, walls, fences, berms, parking and loading areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, stormwater detention areas, si ns, street furniture, and other man-made elements. Existing and proposed contours for all areas steeper than 20% slope. Berms shall Si ht Trian les as defined in I I-3A-5 of this ordinance. Location and labels for all proposed plants, including trees, shrubs, and groundcovers (trees must not be planted in City water or sewer easements). Scale shown for lant materials shall reflect a roximate mature size A plant list that shows the plant symbol, quantity, botanical name, common name, minimum planting size and container, tree class (I, II, or III), and comments (for s acin , stakin ,and installation as a ro xiate . Planting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all Desi n drawin s of all fencin ro osed for screemn a oses e Calculations of project components to demonsfrate compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including: - Number of street trees and lineal feet of street frontage - Width of street buffers (exclusive ofright-of--way) - Width of parking lot perimeter landscape strip - Buffer width between different land uses (if applicable) - Number of parking stalls and percent of parking area with internal landscaping - Total number of trees and tree species mix - Mitigation for removal of existing trees, including number of caliper inches x on ACHD Acceptant ~ Ap flit ~s~ll be resp~ sib for meeting the requirements of AC nD 1 tan chanarestmust be application. All im act ees, e a shall 6e aid riot to the issuance of a building p f Y S made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning & Zoning Department for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Your building permit will not be issued until ACRD has approved your plans and aA associated fees have been paid. THIS APPLICATION SHALL NOT BC CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL STAFF FIAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION ~._ - PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT INSPECTION CHECKLIST COMMERCIAL/CZC SITES This checklist should be attached to the inside cover of the CZC file at ALL times Planner/Inspector Name: Project Name; CZC Fila No.: Contractor/Company Name: Phone No.: First Inspection Date: /_/ Second Inspection Date: /_/ Third Inspection Date: _/ / (NOTE: Ifa third inspection is regzsired, a fee of $60 must be sztbmitted to the P&ZDept. be ore the inspection is done.) Xei•, Si15:,; s: iP<~iBrad'P~~Z.4rtuiir Pej~u%nnet;i Po!iclet> Landscape plan Checlclisf E. Sight triangle(s) 1. Verify sizellocation 2. Verify height of shrubs F. Pressurized irrigation (verb instaZZec1) G. StortnwaEer area(s) 1. Less than 3:1 slopes 2. Dry creek formation (if applicable) 3. Max. 5 ft. dimension for rock sum 4. Max. 2 ft. dimension for sand/grease grates 1. Standard stall dimensions 2. Compact stall dimensions 3. Handicap stall dimensions 4. Handicap signs/striping 5. Aisle width 6. Wheel stops (ifreguired) C. Trash enclosure " , ~ ~ '. , ~ r a s .. .:. '.. ~.. »a. _ .+„~.~ti. kb.st .5 ~, YJA'4..s.! .[! ....... - t . , t „ ~ s : , .4x,2~„~• 3t A e~ : i.IS 4',..- 1. Min. 3-sided screening 2. Constructed per plan Ap }~ I~~~i~ ~a1ks~Pa)h~ua s `'~- a ~, ~ ~,, s~ i~~„ a ,~~y st _P , , ,r~~x.. ~ ,~_, ,~ ~ ~ r L Verify location 2. Verify minimum.width E. Curbing I. Installed per plan F. Special conditions/Redlines , ; ,' ., -•,. .. 1. Verify any special conditions from CZC or redline notes on plan are complete 2 Rer. 5:25.;ti? - ;: ~PcYZi3-ndPc~L.=1c{,rin':l>2partncnt Po?icies Site Plan Checklist Post-Inspection Checklist T-.er. S%lSit1J .:11'<kl'B;rrri'.PctiL:idr:,i;7~Ue,:>ar!mE7a Po?ics * The only instance that a CO may be released prior to 100% completion of improvement is inclement weather, as determined by the Director. If weather is a factor, follow MCC 12-13-19-2.