Devon Park No. 2 CZC 06-131*1V 4 .76 A6, 0 :6% j. 5 7S 17 r 7 CITY OF IDAHO .tA .04 S U R S VICE owme, 77% V E 44,00 D 2 n OF MERIDIAN imwF1CjF CITY CLERK 011 C RTIFICA 0 ONING COMIPLIANCE* Date* Ju 7 20 1v 06 Proj"ect Na e/Number,, Devon Park #2.,. Lot 9, Block 1,, Office -ftq 0 Owner adra Commereial....LLCA Site Address: 1860 N,. Lakes C�06�13 Proposed Use: 3 123 s.f office bui*1ding mqwp� Zonipg, Rdi,,40 (PD IP Comme s IP -P 1P P bj men "fions of approval Conditt*ons of A val. roject is su ect to all current M City C de (MCC) amd co di .0 M 41 for uae F annnew L akes/Devon P ark Development. The is suance of s p ermit does not rele e the an 0 applic tjlom any requwffrements we of the approved Annexation d Zonilng (AZ,,1o02es0 11), Condiatioa Use (CUPm05�055, CUP 04 jjr, r, jr, C, ftw�� reh. �11 D37 d WEdEr +Ir6PD� 014).,,,, P....Iiminary Plats (PP 02 034andPPm03w006),,F al Plats (FPw403=O33 and FP�034w055) and Mi s cellancous (MI. 02.0 0 8;p NE -w 03 *= 0 0 3 and Nffdlh 0 3 � 0 07) P ermits and Developtnent Ag�t&,eement issued for tws s ite. B ec au se a us er fo r tWs bid1ding 'is not p ro p o sed thi's ti e, the future tenant(s) mu st obta:in -tenant i provement sign off om the Plalffining Department, priwor to occupancy. .Site/Land��c mqg: The Site/ Landscape Plan labeled S I L1. i*s approved (stamped "ApproveX'on July 7. 2006 by the A endi* an P1 �Wmg qh I annin fr I epartme t) with the fol changesm., I ro osed bufldi*ng encroaches into a P P p atte d utility easement al ong the soudi sl' de of the I ot. No p er anent structures should encro a�' C into the easement. (A p i'o ay encroach to a req red setback and/or ease ent, but no str'u` iu'res -shall encroach into the required setbacks and/or exi*st* g easeme s.) 2) All internal pa 1` g lo. t planters, 0 *thin the par g lot and the end of rows, shaff contain at least one tr C 111,31B�'8C2). The wi appli*cant shall inst trees thes e lo ca tn"on s . S ee re d1i"ne chan es on P1 proved sitcA cane v an is not to be altered without Pnor Val of the PlaTwmg e ent, No es to I ca e 'an pernuttcd; pnor tten a V Of al c anges is re uired. Elev S e evalti,iWlS 21 ects i�5 D218 are rove vnth anges listed ab ove the S itefLands cap i*ng s ection of this p ermit (remove/rcloc ate the c umns and P orch cover on the rear elevation) . Irrig An r round, pressunzed irrig system must be stalled to all landscape areas per approved specifications and" accordancewi UDC11�3A�154 Protection of E -xi sting Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or tigated for IP cc the ree Presery section of the C "s an scape ance, er lm3Bm 0,, coordinate Parks OF Department Arborist (Elroy u 888�3579)forap roval of protectl'on/relocation measures for the ems 1b gtrees pnor to constructionO y Severe y, =aged tree must be re ace�d compliance C 11wq3B,,P10m 5 P osed areas shaH be aved Stri ac C e iWA ii t 1hi C I Im3B6. Pro ect M engmeer/ ect shall cer* that the number and size of h apmaccessible spaces totheAmericans Ali D 1*sabl' lities Act (ADA),, Handicap access Id'ble stalls must have signage accordance per ADA and signed accessi"ble. A ,Curb M*iz Per UDC 11.3 B---�5 1,, all landscape areas adj acent to driveways, parking lots, or otlier veliicle use areas, must be protected by curb * wheel stops, or other approved protective devi'ces, Curbl'png may M& b o cut to allovv for stonn water nmoff. Sidewalks All sidewalks shall be constructed accordance with I I �3A� 17 Sid dvwaI'kR.Rh bp, cannofn i&M nnnr L IF to o c cup ancy -, Dram age.. Storm water dr a age swales shall not h ave a s lop e steep er than 3, 1 , shall b e fully vegetateck and sliaR be designed M' compliance wl'th UD C 11 **3 B=d I I md UDC 11 oa3A� 18 4. W Fencm-R40. Any required or proposed fen shall be stalled 'th cuxrent fen and fj d UD enig Vn cmg A ards as de, me C I 1�3A�7, Lighti ng s hall not c aus e el are o r i mp act the t ravel i n g p ubi i c o r neigh b o rin g devel o p ment and 4F com with 119h in, S I I ph t w- t' 9 tandards as defined I*n LTDC 11 -3A. I metnc rat%ort was not subnUtte wit P IIY L d d t s appilreaftoon. Any new lidghting proposed shall be, subject to a photometnc test. F 0 SliznaWd- No signs are approve Ir d wi"th thls CZC. All bus ess S1 S will requwe a separate si penmit compli, ance witli UDC 11 � 3 D* Trash EiicloSure: All dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with UDC=1 I I �3A� 12. Trash enclosures must V%� b e b ul"It in the Io cation and to the s idze approved by S S C 0 0 Handicap�Accessibi F 1 0 Th e structure, site improvements and parking areas must be m" compliance with all federal h andi'cap &k acce s si' b i"lity re qwd- reLments . ACHD Acceptan 4 -P cer All u"npact fees, if any, shall be paid pnor to the issuance of a building pennit. If any 0 chan,ges must be ade to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD req="' e ents a new site plan shall be subrMtted to tile City of Meridian Plantu'ng staff for approval Ip th Pnor to e issuance of a buildm*g penMt 41 Cerfificate of Occu anc r 0 VF AL11 -equwued unprovements must be complete prior to obta ning a Certi*ficate of Occupancy. A Wntten cert cate of completion shall b e prep ared by the I andscan e arcWtec4 landscape designer or WWIr qualld'fied nurseryman responsible for the I dscape plan u on com letion of the landscape stallati'on, The P P qI Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape unprovements, mcluding plant aterials and sprinkler install ation,, are substautial compliance with t1le approved landscape pf A photometric report shaR be .0 .6 R s rnutted prior to reque g a rtifiicate of occup cy. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained ub�mtt stin e by ov ding surety to the C Pr 1. ity the form of a Letter of Credit or cash the amount of I 10 % of the cost of the 0 .0 0 remammg mprovements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modi'ficatiLons 0 pt for any changes mentioned above,, the approved Site Plan, Landscape Plan stamped A a "Approved" on July 7, 2 0 0 6P and Elevations and are n, ot to b e altered without Pnor wntten approv at of the Plannm*g Department. No significant field changes to the e or landscape plans are penmued'. prior written approval of all changes is required. JCale. Hoo"d" ent Planmong M This letter does not indicate com hance, with requirements of other de. artments/agencies mcludin but 0 Ada County FRghway Distliet Central Distict Health Depaitnent, affected migation district(s), Meridian Sewer, ............. Water BUH g or Fir al e s:;� S a7l emees co., etc., s etter s a expixe one year,,, oi�xi ffie date of issuance if work has not begun., L 40�L - rd I I P k�- �6 4Aw 4P y 1 DAHO A LCL 0. �. dr Lr �, IL% M mr, d -r -Fr TL 1 11 e .5 % mr� 7=E Type of Review Requested (ch I that apply) 0 Accessory Use ,.El Altemative Compliance Certificate of Zoning Complimce El Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification 0 Design Revl*ew L1 Private Street El Propeity Boundary Adjustment El Short Plat 11 Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance 0 Time Extensi*on (Director) 11 Vacation El Ot1ler Planning Department ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION STAFF USE ONLYE. % F1, e'"'n:u,jrnber(s),, I.R. no Y 707 % :% % % % % % % % % . . % % % % % 0 % j :rp ect',laame"'. P % 'Comp 6te4 f d Date�' .:--.D' He 7 L; % co, % % r e,%;:, e: % % R&I d.' % % % . % % % %: % %:L% % %: Appfleant Information Applicant name,: <!z4/ -n . �q A )EI Phone S r 66 Applicant adctress: Zip %..,dr, %YAAM4HH= F -P-- Y111AnAAAd60H mm"'o-Eft & 0 0 0 Applicant s niterest in property.. El Own El Rent Owner name: it Owner address4, I El Optioned 0 Otlier �7 CL Phone: 0.> V . � Zip: A gent name (e. cy., architect, engine er, d ev elop er, repre sentative),h Cp Firm name t J QA Phone WIP 0 1P `07 0 Address. Im "n �ap-llp-� ?irw7t t"�s zipm .We me Pr finary c o ntact is N1 App 1i cant 0 0 wner El Agent 13 0 ther Contact name: T�:�I(OXL L- Emmail: Subject Property Information Location/street address: a Assessor's parcel number(s). Township, rancre section. (a 4:) �� I . ... ......... .. . ..... .. . .. ...... 1% Current land use.. - ---- � N rN Total acreacr Cur -rent zonincyr district: C� Phone, Fax, 660 E. Watertower Lane 17 Suite 202 Meridian., Idaho 83642 W'533 -d (20 8) 8 8 8,,6 85 ) 4 Web s te ww w. m eri d 1 anc wtv, org Phone., (208) 884 D Facsimile.. Proj ect D es crip tion iiib� IF �, 11111 1111111111 111 F it 1 0 11111��11111111111 1111� P r *ect(subdivi'sion name: Z� ".J 11 111 ! 11 1.111111, ?a , -,M t 0J ... General description of proposed project/request. a aim % Proposed zo 9 district(s) F a Acres of each zone proposed. Typ e o f us e prop os5;e;; du he ck a 11 that app 1y): El Re si den'tial Conunercial [I Office El Indus al El Other II Ame ties provided with t1lis development (if applicable,),.,, -,,-,,,,,,-.- loalw -1 WWI R "Ih 'LEM a 1b Who Will own & iiialontain the press=' ed irngation system in this development? Which irrigatiori district does tbis property lie vn6thin? Ml P rimary uTigation source a Secondary. je) czv, .7� S quare fo otag e o f lands cap e d aire as to b C U'Ti gate d (1% f p rimary or secon d ary p oin t of c on nect i on i s Ci ty wa ter) : Residential Project Summary (if applicable) 'b A Number of residential 1,1111tsw V Nuiiiber of common and/or other lots. Number of bui'ldm*g lots: Proposed munber of dwelling Um'ts (for multim-wfarnily developments only): L 1 B ech-ro om: 2 or more Be&ooms: M 4 4 imum square footage of structue(s) (excl. garage): Minimum property size (s. : a Gross de ity (DU/acre-total land). a Percentage of open space provided.,, Percentage of useable open space: .6 Proposed bm'lding height. Average property size (s.f.): Net dens ity (DU/acre- exc lu ding roads & a] I eys) 4 Acreage of open space. (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) AIN Typ e of op en sp ace provide d m acres (i, e, 3 1 ands c aping, pub I imc , c omnon, etc) Type of dwell' g(s) oposed: EJ S F le--,famfly Towrdiomes El Duplexes El Multimfarm'1Y Non -,residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of buiJding lots*. .1. Gross floor area proposed: 17:2� rlff�) *�� ........... E%,Wpw, it - Z�-� Hours of operation (days and hours): Percentage of site/proj IL ect devoted to the following: Other lot .0 .s. Existing (if applicable): Building height: Landscaping: .... . . Buil d' Pavffig: 9 MI FiffLe 0 Total number of elllploylL; Maximum numb f -IL um er o employees at any one tipme. Number and ages of students/children (if applicable): Seating capacity: V Total number of parking spaces provided: Nuinber of compact spaces provided. Authorization Print applicant name: VYD 12A <=i� C -1% 1 Pit 16111111,11 Applicant si&mature Dat LZMb -'I' too 6 6 0 E , Watertower Lan e, S u i te 2 02 M er- Old 1 an., Id ah o 8 3 642 Ph on e (2 0 8) 8 8 4-5 5 3 3 Facsim *1 le so (208) 888-,6854 Web ite% wvnv. mend tan c4y., OE9 2 JULY 01 , 2005 CITY OF MERIDIAN PLANNING & ZONING DEPT. 600 E. WATERTOWER LN.., STE., 202 MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO RE: CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE APPLICATIC)N DEVON PARK LOT 9 BLOCK 1 - OFFICE BUILDING SHELL 1860 N. LAKES AVENUE MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO 83642 PLEASE ACCEPT THE ATTACHED APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE FOR DEVON'PARK LOT 9 BLOCK 1 - OFFICE BUILDING SHELL THE BUILDING IS LOCATED IN DEVON PARK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 THE USE OF THE BUILDING WILL BE DETERMINED BUY THE FUTURE OWNER CALCULATION TABLE FOR LOT 9 DEVON PARK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 R'111i�� - IE LAKES DEVELO E (FiCki '/ P M ENT) MERIDIAN, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO Lot No, Parking Building Lot Landscape 0 m d Hardscape Bluilding Landscaping No. Stalls S.F.Size S.F.Size Coverage Coverage 9 21 3123 6575 2165 8*Fh 564 SOF4 47% 33% m PROJECT ADDRESS. 1860 N. LAKES AVENUE 11� 1111111111111 I D61 G�o Ty MER kN'P D��i�!k UN IDAHO 83642 m BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE. Ot FLOOR AREAF 3123 SQE FT4r PARKING REQUIREMENT CALCULATIONS: BONUS ROOM WAREHOUSE (1392 ScFP,)'P 1 LOADING SPACE REQUIRED I& 1392 SmFm % 2000 SqFm SPACE 1 SPACE REQUIRED OFFICE 3123 SqFp X.,80 (CIRCULATION FACTOR) 2498 S.F. (USABLE AREA) M 300 SwFw SPACE 84wr33 = 9 SPACES REQUIRED .TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED. 9 PARKING SPACES 1 LOADING- SPACE qb TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111 90 lPli�JCLUDIN�G 1 SPACE FOR THE PHYSICALLY IMPAIRED 1 SPACE FOR THE TRASH I I PSTER 2 LOADING SPACES PARCEL NUMBER.: R1819660070 M16Lq& UNPLA TTED FNNN WMMMMMMN� MEME 'MIMP6 JMMMFM§MARbo= MMMMMEMEOpEM A� M.N. flow"01T 59,5.00 IL �m domb mommmommm-MER m4h A.. J41.q MOO@20'0 `F Fmm JMMM MOM 4M JEmOMMmbmhbbL 4mmL ------ mm -W ppW M NNNN mor M�... do F LO -M 9MrM-M` MENNEN MMMMMM� EMMA& M� v MENNEN MENNEN MENNEN MEMAN 110). L? 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ZI MIN" 59, 00* L2 ELrLO* O&v-Y- mm� mommmormmoof fm� MMMMMM MENNEN IMMEMEN MEMEM MMMMMM� OMMENEF O&AA0. mmmmmm� mmmmmm ammmmm MMW MMUMME MENNEN �MMMMMM to F-0 rr4j r Pao" N A& Ln C: p �4- M LAKES AAUQE Place NOOVOJODT id.9; OT 9 VL> ir I pr rq p ha 91 ;�O� & 'NM A LAKES *VENUE p j ace m rq �WiWOdp'E J29.00 0 &MENEM mm�+ 0 Tr d.0 F V-Mra 011 k .51-00 62C6 1 k Ito F060 MENEM MOMMEL EMOMM N F I N.. F "%� 27' 2 7" MENNEN ---b vr&&% EMEMEN IMMEMEN MENNEN MMMMMM� vmmmmm M� I --ft. --W C3 (A 1 001% rEq d *..A 5� NOL.N. Ca 'PON CO L 59.00/ CD 016F AM�M pd" % r-, x r rm, f -p I k &MW"001W 00%. 4A 1 ED 6 - a p INt to mp gm —L 0 IMENG 1h Cp z C 6 %M 8�2: W 0 LM; go, %%I J6 r -r P dNNmr k -166 dd C) ir 04C LPR 9091b 4hq a lmwb ffl% L p 21 rn pp -doe NNN-t 81 100 p �snl z N� N"M* vor (Z) %N.k 0) :20 44.1. 1 CA rn +MA6F1 b,,j d� Ems g W 00 VOPOOM 99,00 (D MAAAMMMMMM ..I.. I --- -------- %N64 A 620Y K3 )6 Z-4 CO L I INNN- a I rl 19 1� a-& 2 1 N -0 F Q Cz FQ r - (n C,.q NNNNN' NNNNNN' ImmmarN`NNNN NNNNN' 1+ J'O' "'I F-1L-FNN C3 14 %11 NOME! I I OW E % 5 loomp W F9 IxOL to r (Wroo L ... .. � 11 IND IM MON <j fjo. 00' C* F JEER M= 1� mbbm d 1�1 ul in S� I 0 81,9 INNN- S002,3 2 7mW C) 41,L -mm1h r L9 Z30k In 01 10 C) , Fu? -4 2 + '64 Q f Z! 90% MEN% 10%.4 414 0 r4l 1 (Nn %4 rq 97' -5r7l Q 9F6%r mmmmmm — t I MENNEN. M� fmmmd mm� ammmmm mm%Lr *mum m �mmmmmm mm" NNNNNN NNNNM MOW VO. x moo 00 .15p, rg mm�* -mrm& mm�mmm mm�mm. am% .1 mmmm mmmmmmmmm� N" j W MEL m MEM 'EMEN MEMEMENEFF"MW MMI fb& ;55- 06 IMMEM!"N"WEIRMI NNNN NNNN L (A 1% 7 WJIII16 Ca S 00'23r27,4 W suaij WOW M51 143 lr% 0 lb C- r6_ INA NE161 rL. 406% 0 *4 'M N' NA -q Ab rN%6 C.I* T6_L MINNE& irn 0 rn NN -I ;:D TXERS WLL A GEN -b--j Ca t -L �i cr� N, TEARE A VENUE (21. OCK 3) 2 Fq IN -1 �;X t-% 41 a 6.t 01-01L NSA j MLL !p R NM- + �E AM- C PRO D; %.L s -2 p -0 IE J dp a �% g- � r. �p WbR, � �! A7 I � G E? & -GIL N"NL a q...j W PL Cn q M.,NN, -4 0 FA RL 4M Ch me -6& MEW CO Cn 64WL MM%6 EMIL 5 2khr 9NN3 pp d3hm w CA pm F1 "Np R Ln Cv M a Q t4 92L R CN.%) NOWL Ln Lr- r% - 0 0604 E% 4A C13L im MINE 9L- 9L. WIN INNE, C1 f C6 1 pi 1 IC12 rmMb Q NO .26 05 MEEL N6 Nm%L %L4 emp dep NfN MEW Orpr Arw Opp Coma) %ML. -,L N4 to Z� Ch 2.—Jr LA KA tn Cz to; b. �e ;:D MM -I LA LA tA tR L9 , , %0� 46. m 6: 5e lot 0 IP 0 W I -q. tO 4�0 9 Ss N p M ;NJ �nn 0 % - WL" %.I %%1 416 Cb MM* 43 �t :-m :%- M. P� Nj FO Sk ra O� %A Am. —a M 2 N zt 2: L i's "v INA 44 40, 49: PLJ '04 9hL M* rq m Z so loth\ a NmmL jrmp rA 9W 04h mm rn 4a 16 Mrs* v Ln S �Mmm X ;:D LO ZZI (Z B (D Cz (z) 0 < %OL CD tz) :2z Q3 r-NNNN %%%% 0 mm -A C -N1. N) %%%6 bi C) C) rZO . b -6f, C -n 0 Cz rn m %d C) %M 0) a 00 r r Mr at JI -l' 'r 0 r. C Y Z: U MO all. fo' Rk " t" F, [I -% D NEI W, 4r, NO --9 p 0 n x (P U11 3= roo M K 0 ro-" 0>1PRIMO qq,- r -I M z F- Ttz v > 0 J�) rj 0 -4 Ca o 0 IM W U11 ANIN. 1`4 0 4�% -IF 10 C 4.j > (P) 11pr imi 0 -W 49 F[h > le alll. A w ro 1p r "MQ UIN, f4 ff. awl' Cx MII 3L VIF IN 12 S. W .60 Cr. M a A) X I! --"% ALLMLEMO �1 C or LIIL 0 + 41:; -Pic IN , IA�E� A F t sz;c MI IN e C. V% a Mir 06-0 1 ME IN IL C) IN No% -ar-- - 1 - IN Am L -a---a--`a� W 9 L ll� IN IN 1�r 4 .1 L II-rII eU =0 A -A L I ;11 0 % �i m00%r r r F I z L L L - I, Y- ur.ujT =%lrs tirs -4 T I, \ 'A 0: IN >- 4foloolloo-er -No %L IR I 11 NIC p L p 0 % 1 r I e. . ,, I. '- t r INEM IN 0 ri IN. J-6 IN d r r d p pil 0 L 9 2 A A I.A .---n I L rAC Rft F .1 IN "'u - e -I All� eA% L A d+ r JqLp + J. M r'6 r ME F, N' SO IN �L EV EA 3 4- + - 0 4-P1 .1% X" §o-sF : M p I . -1`01 1 L 0- ,r,6 p :;)L�j v IN. Too L 16 - ELL + 3 "LoN. % I % r 9% A i ."16., a IN ,rlrl� PL d IN. r';ir 1 9 ;6 j- &;.% -, r�" . 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L L I IN., -%J1 f+ IN r 4; m% 41L XININ %I III$ PE IIIII. UP Q I IF r -I rr or �P6 o< %%M �L .0 CA r 4 Ph -C (P 71 9�- -1 don L 9IF 44 111 INA F' 14 -IN Illor -11 IF % w ZAN all r Will V -le I -BW ...... 0 INA- � .' Mlll�l A.1 L� M ;hp N 1% q, %1`1 M A 'WL 1&� M MEN NA MAN VIN INIV M L'7 `11 8 11, 9 C'k �I- 1% . . IIIA 0 M M 0 -M 41 1r) v n 11'Ia IN, dt -A ri -h lu M -d NNL% -b! rNF r%3 -9 po� M �g d - z JI- r;?- 01"'). IN 9 ;Mr lip ;I- P -4 4% Flol LOL L No Lop Lob 17 IPA r -m 0 VIP OIL 4� U 6 C' - ft t A 1r+ 7� 6 o- 0 all fft 0 11-F IML b -Y _06 a. L2 Pr 11M 41111 j. ll� ;oNr fr% TFF A 61 rr P VL f. i EM L �M 1: n -6 jr- :a IN= C.. r C3 ev - e� ir;r T rM 3) 11, IN PW .;,p v -t h nT 9 L% -�� IN,; -.4 -0 J.. In w 9-0 YIN M rqF M P, t -ro M h - r+ JhL gpq En z I'M IN Y n qr Kim W"20 rLt- r. . IT. 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I;JF ;FF (A .4 9 M zr 2% 06L 9� L [n IN lrj A U1 C t mossm3616 OL d i FL1 IN d 7 4 NIN/ p Tamura Associates 4EID foam -stre-el 8:0; -Se In =1:0:2 %.FF;FIC.%=W- (20e) 342-205131 FAX% (209) 335 -,*52 -M ?I% I L III LIP T; 0 JUN. 1 6r 2006 1 h 58IDM NO* 730 P., \11--� 1%1� P k I ioneerTitleco. 0 0 1 N 6 9 E Y 0 N D 8 151 W. Riffeanan Ave. / B oj*s 5 Idaho 83 70 4 1 (20 8) 377,-2-70 0 0 zoqe:�7, S7/7//7v For Value Rece-l'yed WAJUZANTYDEED F 0 W aumew Lakes,, LLC, an Idaho fimited liabiNty comp my here fter referred to as Camtor, does hereby gran� barg SeIL wurant a -ad convey unto Quadra Commercial, LLC, an Idaho limited Uability company h m .6 & ore' afterreferred to as Gj7antee, whose jat4WA&ess is 60 02 Fr=kfia Ra ad, B ols C,, ID 8 370.9 the followffi desc�ribed P 'Oses 3 to an t 9 ri�lwnu -FW1 'r LOt 9 iu 1310 ck I of D evon P ark Sub division No. 2, accordmg to the P1 at thereot fi led M'h B ook 91 of 'Plats at pages 10 354 tbra 10 9 5 6, and as ended by Affidavit recorded as Instmment No. 10:5157284, -records ofAda County, Idaho. To 'd HAVE AND TO aOLD the said prem is es, Whk the W* appurtrmances unto the sai d Grantee, his her's 'F ass 9W forever. And the saici Cxrmtor does hemby covenant to and Witb the G= a to I th . Gran.-. is the ovmer mo fee S Uffinple of "d -Dre Vz that said pre=' e -s are free from aB encumbrances except =cut s Taxes levies, and assessme year nts., and except U.S. Patent reservations, restrictions eas ents Of record� easements visible -upon the pr Rwhatsoever. e=es, and that Grmtor WiU wanmt and def�nd the same from aH claims Dated: Sune 9., 200 Fakvlew LakesJL Doug Tamura, M Member STATE OF IDAHO, County of Ada., ss On a& d of Ame , i e2 ap P e are d a or in the year of 20 0 6, before me Susan J. Mcrritt, -a notary pub 1 INC7 PeTs on ally ]mown or iduntifled to be AlLez irnited liability company, of LoLC nd t�e mem 'bed said aame to the foregoing q, b0-r($)/M=9er(S) Yho subscn ited liability company lustr=eRtir and admowledged to me that he/she/they executed the s e in said Umit e d 11' ab ffity c o mp any name. It -N 0 6 ir duo It W.0 .L JC* e ft % =Ah *IV 0 J. MeiTift PP Public of Idaho 1: P tJ 13 LIC 0 R�Sidlng at Caldwell, jD A d qb C Coe. ,&mnilssion expires, may 5:� %,. kv A OF I a i i C VA 1 51t, STATE OF IDAHO ) COUNTY QF ADA ) Z014" AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST rdiommp!.ff��f2 T tl 41> (Warne) ( I C ky) 6 omI,ae4 being first duty sworn upon, oath.,d epose and say: ,�r�G LGC (address) (state) F9i9nlX4i4/ 8 370 1• That 1 am the record owner of tile property described on the attached, and I brant m permission to: y IN—m-k N9 15r,�G� , /7617 1v.. F�orvr.�,tJEv F�IIT�' (name) (address) .0l to submit the ac;companyinglicat'appons) pertaining to that properly. 2• I agree to indert�nify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or H'abi[ity resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained h erein or as to the ownership of the properly which is the sub ect of the appiication. 34 I hereby grant Pezmission io City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said app ication(s), Dated thiS/.0 .day of mmmmmmmmmm­P 20� SUBSCRIS�D AND S WORN to before me t he day and year first above written. z - d Residing at: My Commission Expires: d�,t:p : an c4 n Q T I j n eml I '9k hMGATION PERFORMANCE SP CHICATIONS PER ORDINANCE 12=a13h=8 JV0=: Su b m 10 t 3 coT ies qf th is c om le te d orm '* th an aig 1i ca tion r Certificate 0 f Zon ing Comp 1i an c e 11 a T fi W, Y A T fo UF AMF (CZC) do Proj"ect Na e. Specl*fx'cations: Available GaUons per Mnute: Avadable Water Pressure: Poi'nt of Connecti'on (describe and/or sub m.L"it a site P1 Pnmary Connection,,, 0 Second andscape Area: -if the i7T7gauon system is hooked to City -water as a pnmary or secono5AWY ,fvo rge f landscap 0 1� 111 0 -? IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,mom� *ff liliii 1111�ll� iliiiill do s4h water source, submit the square ota o e areas to be i I 17gated. h 11K f Eholmr %WE# B ackfl ow Prel�rent i*on A backflow prevention device must be staRed asreqwred by Ci*ty Ordin ce 9M4§3 IL 14 Covi�raae The nmgation system must be designed to provide 100% coveragre 90r9w with head to head spac cr J% C;� -4w? or triangular spacm*g as anpropnate. IV 0 Matched Precipitation Rates S P inmer heads must have matched precipita-hon rates within each co r .0.1 valve circuit. Irrigation Zones 6 T" S Xinkler heads nmgatin lawn or other highmow erobademand areas must be Cff*cwted so that P 9 9 they are on a s arate zone or zones 0 fr those v=mgatmg trees, shrubs, or oth6r reduced,,,� ep IM9 water�demand areas., Overs rav 6, V '. SprkMer sidewalks, heads must be aduusted to reduce king dfiveways, and nar areas. overspray onto ft 0 01 01 li-ripervious suifaces such as ; Y i S J. JA- 11) W -F MEMO, IL Ab 1 .0 6 Additional 0 hiigation Notess lip on ReQuiLed All landscape areas regulated by the CI'ty Landscape Ordinance. (12�13) shaH be served with an auto atic underground =9ation system.. Addftion requi 0 rements afFecting pressunzed =gation systems can be found City Ordinance 9,.*1-28, Irrigation Water Source us C of non� otable irngation water is required when detem mOed to be available the P Y City PU11131.te b City pot e water is used.,, a Works Depart ent as rtgul ed Y Ordm4ance 9--t1-28. If c fty abl s axate watex met * er is recommended so e owner c avoid fees for jun ation ep paymg sewer 9 6' or III, water. Potable water shaH not be used as a pnrnary ungation water source onnon�reside ial lots vath more than 1/2 acre of landscapm"g, Year round water avaffabiHty is also requued b y, connecting to city potable water or an on* -,site well as a secondary source, 6 Certijr1cationO > do herebv affirm 01 s eq.1 I te, F th anv imgatinn wqtem t- Pd FEW for the -project Menftoned above -"n' notes stated this formill, designed and instaHed com Rance wfth the specificafions and P Applicant 7 s Si�gnatffe 0A;D / J Date LI SOS () I N5 M%%40 - 4r r r 9 + 69M c� m. Ed 40 0% 0 dA C3 44 U.0 rm I L4 —9w: I co cr. 0 0 IL L r AL r 11 NL I;zl L r r P d 'b L % % J. . % r j r 4�' % 'Ln% r % F % IL e 9L dr Ar + % % % r % % % % r % L e r % L + r L r 'N L e gr % % % % r r 0 % L % Imu %r rjj f % p % % L 4� + N % % X % url % r % b Ln p % % e k: i r I: % L I . I Er % Ir p I % v EL7 L e % :r ;p e JL L % % J. % % % % F r % + Tu d r: p % . 4L NIF" L % 3 L % % % p % I % rl 9 '16 + C. e L 4L 1: W? % : . - t F % L % % ir % % SIR No % % % % 4 + SEEN. % -e L p c % % -1 A % % L 11 e L er A e ir F. e - : e I 1: 0 L JL Ir 1 4 e, % -'; I - f c% . I - % L 9 a 4 16 % % % R61-4 4� % e 1c; p % 9;9 % 4 L a L I % % + m I . % w LL % % 0 % % IN 0 P % 16' cl >7 cc < X r % % 0 r LL MENEM Ir % % r&': % ir % '106 e: -b CITY OF 33 E.. Idaho Ave. Men"dion., ID 83642 REASURE SINCE 1903 5:574U Ir % % P6 L .0 % % .06mm!* % r% - . MMMM� ----Jm on% r AmEEMPLE -&4-ELL�m -%�.m%rwmm-Ldm mmmmmm - — - +1 CA— V .a Ap mqm-j� ma J� "umwmw�;.;A 2� -,L 0 r % e r % %e' e:,: 0 ep I ini-0- MLIA J'MM-016A 9 % %%%- % % IF % L - % -L: 1% %r % % L: ... *.L-.; % c % % A N60. e % v- % %% % L %% - - -7�r qr e rlL r % lq� % e L % % w % L 19 % %: r: j % 0�70 f706 XO e 0 %I :% q dr... L % IL le : %. : . - �%- I . . Y' % ..k %)6 % : - 0". J% ';.,A '. �6�; . e : .' .'%' '. - % % e - p ILe' Nj e r J. L:% % % % %: L c % % % :% r % e, %or,: j% % % % % "'V % % %: % % J. .-% % % % % Or 7. — ' ' I %. - I , - ;'-' e; % - - - 'F Ir % 9% %% e:y �.f -:- %, : .e — . . e % c V '%14 L PL % L . .... % % % % % % f %. #16 % ir r -, e, % % % % . %: I t - r .1 ,?,r 4 L ."f .. 7_ ' L. 1� < i � Iloqiepun %: r % qMMMM6LlPL% :% nwid 0" % q pr % P %%. apa Hr % % pg. % V: e e L e % % c. e L INN6- % % % :r 1% p L%6'� -11 % %: 4k. 4 % % of — % L 9 % 9 rp"'NNNN"m Iii % r % % %L L ,Imlr : ' r PL I.: I- qL.' e dL IN 1 1111 1111 jo Aloplo f . % dl� - :% A16 aill 01. d % %! x � ..V: . . : V . : : . -.1 . . . . ' : ' . . - . . . % % % -c % . % Vr, e % % %:%: L e +: % % % % r % %: 7 . e�% I : . . . . - , . e. J; � I ld e % % % % % % % % % % % IL e % % % L % % % % % % % e.; e, L . . . . .. je %: % % % % % % % % % L 9813 Rl mi E) va % % 6/1, gzL %: % L ELdE :r d. e . % 1. %: % % % B S;L9 % % Av/A 0-0 H G., % . % e V 1% e%� e 5 % % . % % - % % % % 4r % % 6.;t OA=LS a Nva % rl % A. % % % % % % % % % % % ee'." % L e % % % % % % % % % % % . . . :- % % % % % r % % % :% % V- %: %e:.. % % % ---------- - — -------- — - — ----- 4 ----- - Pi IN + % r % % p p + Ilk J. % % % % % % AL r 11 NL I;zl L r r P d 'b L % % J. . % r j r 4�' % 'Ln% r % F % IL e 9L dr Ar + % % % r % % % % r % L e r % L + r L r 'N L e gr % % % % r r 0 % L % Imu %r rjj f % p % % L 4� + N % % X % url % r % b Ln p % % e k: i r I: % L I . I Er % Ir p I % v EL7 L e % :r ;p e JL L % % J. % % % % F r % + Tu d r: p % . 4L NIF" L % 3 L % % % p % I % rl 9 '16 + C. e L 4L 1: W? % : . - t F % L % % ir % % SIR No % % % % 4 + SEEN. % -e L p c % % -1 A % % L 11 e L er A e ir F. e - : e I 1: 0 L JL Ir 1 4 e, % -'; I - f c% . I - % L 9 a 4 16 % % % R61-4 4� % e 1c; p % 9;9 % 4 L a L I % % + m I . % w LL % % 0 % % IN 0 P % 16' cl >7 cc < X r % % 0 r LL MENEM Ir % % r&': % ir % '106 e: -b CITY OF 33 E.. Idaho Ave. Men"dion., ID 83642 REASURE SINCE 1903 5:574U Ir % % P6 L .0 % % .06mm!* % r% - . MMMM� ----Jm on% r AmEEMPLE -&4-ELL�m -%�.m%rwmm-Ldm mmmmmm - — - +1 CA— V .a Ap mqm-j� ma J� "umwmw�;.;A 2� -,L 0 r % e r % %e' e:,: 0 ep I ini-0- MLIA J'MM-016A 9 % %%%- % % IF % L - % -L: 1% %r % % L: ... *.L-.; % c % % A N60. e % v- % %% % L %% - - -7�r qr e rlL r % lq� % e L % % w % L 19 % %: r: j % 0�70 f706 XO e 0 %I :% q dr... L % IL le : %. : . - �%- I . . Y' % ..k %)6 % : - 0". J% ';.,A '. �6�; . e : .' .'%' '. - % % e - p ILe' Nj e r J. L:% % % % %: L c % % % :% r % e, %or,: j% % % % % "'V % % %: % % J. .-% % % % % Or 7. — ' ' I %. - I , - ;'-' e; % - - - 'F Ir % 9% %% e:y �.f -:- %, : .e — . . e % c V '%14 L PL % L . .... % % % % % % f %. #16 % ir r -, e, % % % % . %: I t - r .1 ,?,r 4 L ."f .. 7_ ' L. 1� < i � Iloqiepun %: r % qMMMM6LlPL% :% nwid 0" % q pr % P %%. apa Hr % % pg. % V: e e L e % % c. e L INN6- % % % :r 1% p L%6'� -11 % %: 4k. 4 % % of — % L 9 % 9 rp"'NNNN"m Iii % r % % %L L ,Imlr : ' r PL I.: I- qL.' e dL IN 1 1111 1111 jo Aloplo f . % dl� - :% A16 aill 01. d % %! x � ..V: . . : V . : : . -.1 . . . . ' : ' . . - . . . % % % -c % . % Vr, e % % %:%: L e +: % % % % r % %: 7 . e�% I : . . . . - , . e. 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IL 11 111 P roj e ct name: I W �J qi,) -,�N V1 Applicantlacrent: �L \4J De artment Planning p CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE do Appli 0 cation Checklist File 9111 11� All applications are required to contaffi one copy of the followmg unless otherwise noted* Applicant % t S �ff % % % Des'' �tioh: Completed & si d Administrative Re igne MMPIPEN view Application Narrative fully describffig the proposed use of the property, including the followmg,. > Information on any previous approvals or requirements for the re uested use L IX43� a cable condhions of approva I or Deve opment Aareament) Recorded waiTan deed for the subject operty ==ME" Affi dav it of Le gal Intere st is igned & notarize d by the prop eity owner (I f Owner is a corporation, % submit a copy of the Afticles of Incorporation or other evidence to show that the erson sigging is an authorized agent,) %: Scaled vichiity map showing the location of the subject property S an Ltaay S ery i c e C 0M any a pro val for trash enc I o s ure & ac c e s s dirive (s tam ped site p I an) A photo etric test report for any light fixture s, Wl" h a inaxio-nium output of 1,800 lumens % I IN or ni ore (s e e UD C 11,-3 A,, I % NEI % % Co y of the recorded plat that the erty lies withm (8 !/2 X 11 % copies Site Plan -4 folded to 8 Y2`1 x 11" size) % 46 The following 'items m us''t b e shown o n th e site a n 0 %: ...... ot) %: D ate,.. s cale, noith arrow, and ro e ct narne (se al e n ot I es s th an 1 ".-5 Names., addresses', and telephone numbers of the developer and. the person and/or EVEFPJPEPYP%b=A� firm re ari-nig the p an % % Parking stalls and drive aisles % %: Trash enclosure s location % % % Detail of trash enclosure (must be screened on 3 sides) % Location and speelfications for underground irrigation (Pressurized irrigation can only be waived if you prove no water right i s ex'st to sub'Ject prope % Sidewalks or athways (proposed and existing) III IN d. Location of ..... . oposed building On lot (1"nclude dimensions to property lines) % Fencing (proposed and existing) % A Calculations table including the followmg: > Num b er o f p arkm'g stal Is re qu ire d & pro vi de d (s p ec ify hand i c ap & com p act stal Is) > Building size (sq. ft % > Lot s IZC (sq, > Setbacks > Zonin istrict 9 % Reduction of the site p an (8V2 X I I .A Landscape plan — 3 cop ies (fo I de d to 8 Y21:1 x 11 size) Plan must have a scale no smaller than 1 50,, (1 2 0 is pre erre and be on a standard draw tang sh ee t, in ot to exceed 3 6 x 48 " (24 x 3 6 is preferred) . A p lan wh 1"Ch cann o t be drawn in its entirety- on a single sheet must be drawn with appropri'ate match lines on two or more sheets,. The following items must be included on the landsca e an: ... Ed Date, scale, north arrow, and roject name NONE 2 q ELI IbS ty P -Lr P P te prop pq-- - P 2au Pr - d �fi d) Names, ad -dresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firm pre-parm'a the t)lan 660 E. Watertower Lane,, Suite 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 P h o n e (2 0 8) 8 8 4w 5 5 3 3 Fac s -IF ml& I e: (2 0 8) 8 8 8- 6 85 ) 4 We b s ite: w ww. m eri'diancity. org ..A Existing natural feaftires such as canals., creeks, dra-ins, ponds., wetlands, floodplam's, high goundwater areas,, and rock oiitcro1:)pi6n s. Location., size., and species of all existing trees on site With trunks 4 M"ches or Ilb. greater M" dia eter, measirred 6 M"ches above the ground.. Indicate whether the tree will be retained or removed. P.... A statement of how existing healthy trees proposed to be retam"'ed will be III protected f�om damage during constniction E rstr xi ing structmes, planting areas, light poles, power poles, walls, fences be=:� parking and loadffig areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, stonnwater detention areas., SI&Rs, street ftwidtare., and other manmmade elements. Exis ting and prop os e d c ontours for all are as s te ep er tha n 2 0 % s I op e B enns shall be shown with one -foot contours.. Pill - ;S i ght Triangle s as define. d u'a 11,-, 3 A,5 of this o rdmanc e Location and labels for all proposed plants, includw'g trees, shrubs, and gro undcovers (tre eS M LE s t n o t b e p] anted in Ci ty water or s e wer e asemen ts) S cal e sho wn for plant maten'llals shall reflect Mproxibmate mature size %M AM A plant fist that shows the plant symbol, quantity, botanical name, cor=on name:, antm' size and contam*er, tree class I H or P a co=ents 111� 9 Mg ap te S acmg, stak" and installation as &%-Pmk ro na P EmFrbYAAA� P P EMP Planting and Jnstallation details as necessary to ensure confomiance with all re utred standards. Lqu) D esign drawing(s) of all fenci prop o s e d for s cree _A_ X R purposkl Calculations of project components to demonstrate Compliance With the requuements of this ordffiance., Mclud g: > Number of street trees and Imeal feet of street frontage > Width of street b Bers (exclusive of n'trht-of,,way) > Width of parking lot perimeter landscape strip > Buffer width between different land s s (if applicable > Number of Parking stalls and percent of parking area With intemal landscaping > Total number of trees and tree s ecies rmx P > Mitigation for removal of existin trees m'pcluding number of caliper inches 9 bcmg removed Epol "wl ---- ------ Reduction of the landsc e plan (8 Y2" x 11 W B11ilding elevations showing construction matefials d ro Fee (If this -project ha pnor Val on a site Ian, re duc e"'d fees may apply) .4 CHD A ccep tan ce.w 4pplican t sh all b e respo ns ib le r meeting th e requiremen ts ofA CHD as th ey perta irn to th a fo is application, All i m actj ,p �ees if any, shall bepaidprior to the issuance of a buildh ennit. a nI changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the A CHD re * 19P if Y quirem en ts, a new site P Ian sh all be s ub7motted to th e City of Meridian Plan n ing & Zo n ing Departmen tfor appro va I priffio r to th e iss uan ce ofa building p erm it. P Your building erm it wil, I n o t be iss ued un til A CHD h as a roved v0ur la I I a te jl�ave b p i ell 1 srsoci a el''ll lli�� ees een ai, cl TP Nor J THIS A PPLICA TION SHA LL -NO T BE CONSIDERED COMPLE TE UNTIL S TA FF HA S RE CEJ VED A LL REQUIRED 17VFORMA TION, Page 1 of 1 C. Caleb Hood From m. Je n n dife r Veatch Sent: Wednesday, July 0522006 202 PM To: C. Caleb Hood -F Amanda Hess I Subject: contact for Devon Park 9, Lakes Office Shell #1 5�1 6 Caleb and Amanda, Dan e Steck ca I led regard mi n g Devo n Pa rk 9 CZC a ssi g n ed to Ca leb an d La kes Office Sh e 11 #1 5,,,l 6 CZC s ass i g n ed to Amanda. He wanted to make sure that he was contacted when these were finished and he will pick them up. Dane Steck,, 938�1 339 Thanks, .9enV CveatcA Associate Planncr I N letidian Plannm'g Department 660 E. Watertower Lane, SM"te 202 Nleiidian,, ID 83642 208,884,5533 208,888.6854 (fax) veatchJ'@Mcn"diancitv.orr,r 7/5/2006 July 25, 2006 TO: Fairview Lakes, LLC. 1124 Santa Maria Boise, ID 83712 SUBJECT: MCZC-06-085 Office Building 1900 N. Lakes Place *HD idlille"", 06-W.fr.dt' 5.1"� John S. Franden, President Sherry R. Huber, 1st Vice President David Blvens, 2nd Vice President Carol A. McKee, Commissioner Rebecca W. Arnold, Commissioner eo� L'10 k On July 10, 2002, the Ada County Highway District Commission acted on MPP03-006 for Devon Park Subdivision #2. The conditions and requirements also apply to MCZC-06-085, Prior to final approval you will need to submit plans to the ACHD Development Review Department. A traffic impact fee will be assessed by ACHD and will be due prior to the issuance of a building permit. Contact ACHD Planning & Development Services at 387-6170 for information regarding impact fees. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact this office at (208) 387-6177. ?Si erely, 'YX sep W. Kunz Planner Intern Right -of -Way and Development Services CC: Project File Lead Agency: City of Meridian Ada County Highway District - 3775 Adzim, Street - Garden City, iD - 83714 - PH 208-387-6100 - FX 345-7650 - www.achd.ada.1d.us I 1-44W*� 114CAC Q Nt� I � Ada County Highway District Right -of- Way &Development Department Planning Review Division This application requires Commission action because of the number of vehicle trips per day that the site generates, and is scheduled to be on the consent agenda on July 10, 2002 at 6.30pm. Tech Review for this item was held with the applicant on June 28, 2002. This item was revised on March 26, 2003 after the Meridian City Council approved the item on March 25, 2003. Please refer to the attachment for request for reconsideration guidelines. Staff contact Andrea N. Tuning, 387-6177, atunJng@achd.adaJd.us File Number(s): Fairview Lakes Apartment Complex / MAZ-02-011 / MCUP-02-014 Devon Park Subdivision/MPP-02-034 Devon Park Subdivision #21MPP03-006 Site address: 824 East Fairview Avenue Owner: Fairview Lakes, LLC I I I Auto Drive, Suite 102 Boise, Idaho 83709 Applicant: Hopkins Financial Services, Inc. I 11 Auto Drive, Suite 105 Boise, Idaho 83709 Representative: Tamura & Associates 499 Main Street Boise, Idaho 83706 Application Information The applicant is requesting annexation, rezone, conditional use and planned unit development approval to construct a multi -family apartment complex and 35-commerciallretailloffice lots. The site is located on the north side of Fairview Avenue at approximately the mid mile marker between Locust Grove Road and Meridian Road. Vicinity Map Acreage: 9.1 acres Current Zoning: RUT Proposed Zoning: R-40 Findings of Fact 1. Trip Generation: This development is estimated to generate 10,960 additional vehicle trips per day (0 existing) based on the submitted traffic study. 2. Impact Fees: The impact fee rate from the fee tables for: • Apartment is $781.00 per unit. • General Office is $2,169.00 per thousand square feet of gross building area, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. • Specialty Retail is $1,885.00 per thousand square feet of gross building area, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. • Bank with drive-thru is $9,990.00 per thousand square feet of gross building area, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. • Fast Food with drive-thru is $4,715 per thousand square feet of gross building area, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. 3. Impacted Roadways: FairviewAvenue Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Level of Service: Speed limit: Nearest intersection: Teare Avenue Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Speed limit: Clarene Street 1,080 -feet Principal arterial West of Locust Grove was 29,931 on 7-6-00. 11C., 35 Fairview Avenue and Jericho Drive intersection 60 Local residential Not available 20 Frontage: 60 Functional Street Classification: Local residential Traffic count: Not available Speed limit: 20 Jericho Road Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Level of Service: Speed limit: Nearest intersection: 0 Collector North of Fairview was 3,850 on 8-7-01 Better than "C" 30 Jericho Drive and Fairview Avenue intersection 4. Traffic Impact Study: A traffic impact study was required with this application. The submitted traffic impact study was compiled by Dobie Engineering and the following is a summary of the findings: This Development is projected to be built -out by the year 2005. The following is a summary or the findings and recommendations provided by the Traffic Engineer: 2 The proposed Fairview Lakes Subdivision project is a proposed mixed use development including apartments, professional offices, specialty retail, and restaurants, The project will be developed in phases and is expected to reach full build out by the year 2005. Fairview Avenue is a standard principal arterial with a 64 ft. wide five -lane urban section. The posted speed limit is 35 mph east of Locust Grove Road. The Level of service for Fairview Avenue is estimated to operate at a LOS B/C during the peak hour period in the year 2005 without of the site trafflc. the addition This development is projected to generate 10,960 total trips, of which 1,230 will be captured within the development. Of the remaining 9 730 trips 5,545 were estimated to be new to the area while 4,185 trips were estimated to be pas� by trips already on Fairview Avenue. These trips were based on 192 apartment units, 15,000 sf of office space, 100,000 sf of retail use, a 5,600 sf bank, and 8 000 sf for restaurant. A trip capture rate of 11.2% was used. The totals from the revised application were 192 apartment units, 15,000 sf of office space, 92,800 sf of retall use, a 5,000 sf dfive-in bank, a 4,000 sf fast food restaurant w1drive-thru, and a 12,000 st' high turnover restaurant Thetotals presented in the traffic study are actually higher than t os cal ulated for the application to the conservative approach which will safeguard again h 0 c tal. This Is st totals that may be higher than those projected. The need for a signal at this intersection should not be affected by the difference in traffic projections. Site traffic will experience significant delay during the PM peak hour. - This analysis was based on the assumption that the West access will be approved for Signalization. Approach traffic from the site will maintain acceptable service levels by that time period with the addition of a traffic signal. Fairview Avenue was evaluated for Level of service in the build out (2005) and 2020. The Projections for the peak hour were LOS C for 2005 and LOS E for 2020 based on a five -lane roadway. The recommendation is that Fairview Avenue be expanded to handle the additional capacity needed after year 2020. The Traffic study reviewed the Signal Warrants from the 1988 MUTCD. The analysis indicates that warrant #1 will be met with 75% of site traffic using the signalized intersection. Warrant #2 is met with Projected traffic volumes. t sfie less than 50% of the site traffic. Similarly, warrants #9, #10, and #11 are all sa i d based on 5. Site Information: The site is currently vacant. Description of Adjacent Surrounding Area: • North: Meridian Place Subdivision Number I • South: Commercial Pretail East: Fairview Terrace Mobile Home Park West: Settlers Village Re -subdivision Roadway Improvements Adjacent To and Near the Site The site has access to Fairview Avenue and two local residential stub streets, Teare Avenue and Clarene Street. Fairview Avenue is improved with 5 -traffic lanes with no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. There is curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk located directly to the east of this property and was constructed with carwash that is located on the northwest corner of Jericho Road and Fairview Avenue. Teare Avenue and Clarene Street are improved with 2 -traffic lanes (37 -feet of pavement) with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk, Jericho Road does not abut the site but would be utilized with the extension of Teare Avenue or Clarene Street. Jericho Road is a collector roadway that is improved with 2 -traffic lanes with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk. 8. Existing Right -of -Way Fairview Avenue is a principal arterial that currently has a total of 11 0 -feet of right-of-way (55 -feet from centerline). Teare Avenue and Clarene Street are local residential roadways with a total of 60 -feet of right-of-way (30 -feet from centerline). 10. Site History On May 7, 2000, the Commission reviewed and approved a preliminary plat, Teare Terrace, on this site. Teare Terrace was proposed to be a 13 -lot commercial and residential subdivision. This development proposed to extend Clarene Street into the property and extend south to connect to Fairview Avenue. Teare Avenue was proposed to extend into the site as a cul-de-sac on the property. 11. Five Year Work Program There are no improvements in the area that are scheduled in the Five Year Work Program. 12. Signal Location The District has chosen the location of the signal at the commercial/industrial roadway and Fairview Avenue intersection due to the fact that: • This location is at the half -mile • This location will serve more vehicle trips per day • This location will pull vehicle trips per day off of Jericho Street (a collector roadway with front on housing) and will place the vehicles on a commercial/industrial roadway • This location will provide the surrounding residential homes with access to a signal This location can serve more vehicle trips per day on the North side of Fairview Avenue than on the south side of Fairview Avenue Findings for Consideration Right -of -Way and Sidewalk District policy requires 120 -feet of right-of-way on arterial roadways (Figure 72 -FIB). This right-of- way allows for the construction of a 7 -lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5 -foot concrete detached sidewalks and bike lanes. Fairview Avenue is not listed as a proposed project in the District's currently adopted Five -Year Work Program or in the currently adopted 20 -year Capital Improvements Plan. As such, the applicant cannot receive reimbursement for dedicated right-of-way from available collected impact fees. The applicant shall do one of the following: a. Dedicate by donation an additional 5 -feet of right-of-way along Fairview Avenue, and construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located a minimum of 53 -feet from the centerline of the right-of-way. b. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located a minimum of 53 -feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District. c. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located at the back edge of the existing right-of-way. Accomplish all necessary adjustments to properly accommodate existing drainage and utilities. 2. Roadway Offsets District policy 7204.11.6, requires local roadways to align or offset a minimum of 300 -feet from an arterial roadway (measured centerline to centerline). The applicant is proposing to construct a commercial/industrial roadway that intersects with Fairview Avenue 310 -feet east of the west property line. This roadway location meets District policy and should be approved with this application. 3. Street Sections District policy 7202.8 and 72 -Fl B, requires roadways abutting commercial developments to be constructed as a 40 -foot street section with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk within 54 -feet of right-of-way. The applicant is proposing to construct a commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north. This roadway is proposed to cul-de-saciust before the proposed multi -family residential apartment complex. This roadway will also provide a link that will connect into Teare Avenue. The proposed commercial/industrial roadway that the applicant is proposing will consist of a 40 -foot street section that includes 2 -travel lanes, a center turn lane, curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk within 54 -feet of right-of-way. The proposed street section meets District policy and should be approved with this application. 4. Driveways District policy F2 -F5, requires driveways located on collector or arterial roadways with a speed limit of 35 to align or offset a minimum of 150 -feet from any existing or proposed driveway. District policy F2 -F4 (1) and 72+4 (2), requires driveways located on commercia Vindustrial roadways to offset a controlled and/or uncontrolled intersection a minimum of 50 -feet (measured near edge to near edge). District policy 7207.9.3 restricts commercial driveways with daily traffic volumes over 1,000 vehicles to a maximum width of 35 -feet. Most commercial driveways will be constructed as curb -cut type facilities if located on local streets. Curb return type driveways with 15 -foot radii will be required for driveways accessing collector and arterial roadways. Fairview Avenue Driveway The applicant is proposing to construct one 30 -foot wide driveway on Fairview Avenue. This driveway is proposed to intersect Fairview Avenue approximately 205 -feet west of the east property line. This driveway meets District policy and should be approved with this application. Commercial / Industrial Street Driveways The applicant is proposing to construct thirteen driveways on the proposed oommercial/industrial roadway. The driveways are proposed to be constructed in the following locations. • Driveway number 1 is proposed to intersect the commerciaVindustrial roadway approximately 54 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. This driveway is proposed to be 25 - feet in width. • Driveway number 2 and 3 are proposed to intersect the commerclaVindustrial roadway approximately 175 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. These driveways are proposed to align with one another. These driveways are proposed to be 17 -feet in width. • Driveway number 4 is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 235 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. This driveway is proposed to be 21 -feet in width. • Driveway number 5 is proposed to intersect the commerciaVindustrial roadway that extends north from Fairview Avenue approximately 580 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. This driveway is proposed to be 22 -feet in width. • Driveway number 6 is proposed to extend directly north of the commercial/industrial roadway and proposed to intersect the northern portion of the cul-de-sac. This driveway is proposed to be 46 -feet in width. • Driveway number 7 is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 50 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north. This driveway is proposed to be 27 -feet in width. • Driveway number 8 is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 255 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north. This driveway is proposed to be 20 -feet in width • Driveway number 9 is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 430 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north. This driveway are proposed to be 25 -feet in width. Driveways number 10 and number 11 are proposed to be 30 -feet in width and located on the east and west side of the commerciallindustrial roadway just north of the proposed roundabout. Driveway number 12 and 13 are proposed to be 30 -feet in width and located on the east and west side of the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 160 -feet north of the proposed roundabout. All of the proposed driveway locations meet District policy in regard to location. All of the proposed driveway widths meet District policy EXCEPT for driveway number 6. Driveway number 6 should be constructed a maximum of 35 -feet in width. 5. All Driveways Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7207.9.1, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30 -feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers with 15 -foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. 6. Stub Streets District policy 7203.5.1 and 7205.5 requires stub streets to provide intra -neighborhood circulation and to provide access to adjoining parcels. District policy 7203.3.2 requires an existing street or a street in an approved preliminary plat, which extends at a boundary of a proposed development to be extended into that development. The applicant is proposing to extend Teare Avenue. This extension will provide a connection from Teare Avenue to Fairview Avenue. The extension of Teare Avenue meets the goals and intent of District policy and has the supportive of District staff. The District held a neighborhood meeting on Thursday March 20, 2003. The Teare Avenue extension was approved by the Meridian City Council on March 25, 2003 after a number of neighborhood concerns arose. Modification of Polic The applicant is proposing to terminate Clarene Street at its current location and construct temporary bollards for emergency access only. District policy requires that stub streets be constructed and/or extended to adjoining properties to provide reasonable access and intra -neighborhood connectivity. Staff would generally support the extension of Clarene Street into the site, but due to the fact that the applicant is extending Teare Avenue to the residential neighborhood that is located to the northeast, staff is supportive of the applicant's proposal to construct bollards at the terminus of Clarene Street. With the construction of bollardsi Clarene Street will be one -lot and less than 150 -feet in depth, therefore, the applicant will not be required to construct a temporary turnaround. 6. Turnarounds District policy 7204.9.2 requires turnarounds to be constructed to provide a minimum turning radius of 55 -feet. The applicant is proposing to dedicate a hammerhead turnaround at the west end of Clarene Street on the applicant's property. This hammerhead turnaround will function as the property's frontage until the preliminary plat is submitted and the roadways are formally dedicated. This hammerhead turnaround is required to have bollards installed at the terminus of Clarene Street where the hammerhead begins. The applicant should also enter into a license agreement for the maintenance of the hammerhead turnaround on Clarene Street due to the fact that the District will be unable to access the turnaround. The applicant is proposing to provide a permanent "hammerhead" easement to the District at the terminus of North Lark Avenue. This easement is acceptable to the District but must be approved by the Meridian Fire Department. The applicant should provide a permanent "hammerhead" easement to the District at the terminus of the commercial/industrial roadway and provide documentation to the District showing the review and approval of this configuration from the Meridian Fire Department. 7. Roundabout The applicant is proposing to construct a roundabout within the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 530 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. The roundabout should be designed with 21 -foot street sections on either side of the center island. The applicant will be required to dedicate sufficient right-of-way on either side of an island. Coordinate the size and design of the roundabout with traffic services staff. 8. Signalization The applicant is proposing to construct a new signal at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and the commerciallinclustrial roadway that extends north into the site. The signal is proposed at the half mile. The traffic study determined that the warrants would be met and that the existing signals in the area would not be significantly impacted by the new signal. The District will contribute the hardware necessary for the construction of the new signal and any related roadway improvements. The applicant should plan, construct and install the signal that is proposed at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and the commercial/industrial roadway that extends north into the site. C. Site Specific Conditions of Approval I The applicant shall do one of the following: Dedicate by donation an additional 5 -feet of right-of-way along Fairview Avenue, and construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located a minimum of 53 -feet from the centerline of the right-of-way. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located a minimum of 53 -feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located at the back edge of the existing right-of-way. Accomplish all necessary adjustments to properly accommodate existing drainage and utilities. 2. Construct and install the signal and any related roadway improvements that are necessary for the proposed signal at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and the commercial/industrial roadway that extends north into the site. 3. Construct a commerciallindustrial roadway that intersects with Fairview Avenue 3 1 O -feet east of the west property line, as proposed. rl 4. Construct the internal roadways as 40 -foot street sections with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk within 54 -feet of right-of-way, as proposed. The portion of the commercial/industrial roadway that connects to Teare Avenue shall taper appropriately to accommodate for drainage. 5. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway to intersect Fairview Avenue approximately 205 -feet west of the east property line, as proposed. 6. Construct a 25 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 54 - feet north of Fairview Avenue, as proposed. Construct two 17 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 175 -feet north of Fairview Avenue, as proposed. 8. Construct a 21 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 235 - feet north of Fairview Avenue, as proposed. 9. Construct a 22 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that extends north from Fairview Avenue approximately 580 -feet north of Fairview Avenue, as proposed. 10. Construct a driveway with a maximum width of 35 -feet to extend directly north of the commercial1industrial roadway and proposed to intersect the northern portion of the cul-de-sac. 11. Construct a 27 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 50 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north, as proposed. 12. Construct a 20 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commerciallindustrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 255 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north, as proposed. 13. Construct a 25 -foot driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 430 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north, as proposed. 14. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway located on the east side of the commercial/industrial roadway just north of the proposed roundabout, as proposed. 15. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway located on the west side of the commercial/industrial roadway just north of the proposed roundabout, as proposed. 16. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway located on the east side of the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 160 -feet north of the proposed roundabout, as proposed. 17. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway located on the west side of the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 160 -feet north of the proposed roundabout, as proposed. 18. Pave the driveways their full width and at least 30 -feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers with 15 -foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. 19. Extend Teare Avenue as a 40 -foot street section with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk within 54 -feet of right-of-way, as proposed. 20. Terminate Clarene Street at its current location and construct bollards for emergency access only, as proposed. 21. Enter into a license agreement for the maintenance of the hammerhead turnaround on Clarene Street due to the fact that the District will be unable to access the turnaround. 22. Provide a permanent "hammerhead" easement to the District at the terminus of the commercial/industrial roadway and provide documentation to the District showing that this configuration has been reviewed and approved by the Meridian Fire Department. 23. Construct a roundabout within the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 530 -feet north of FairviewAvenue. Design the roundabout with a minimum of 21 -foot street sections on either side of the center island. Dedicate sufficient right-of-way on either side of an island. Coordinate the size and design of the roundabout with traffic services staff. 24. Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. D. Standard Conditions of Approval Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the right-of-way. 2. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 3. Replace any existing damage curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #195, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 8. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACHD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (11 -800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387- 6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 10 9. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 10. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiverivariance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. E. Conclusions of Law The proposed site plan is approved, if all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval are satisfied. 2. ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Affachments I . Vicinity map 2. Submitted site plan I I Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action I Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action: A Commissipner, a member of ACHD staff or any other person objecting to any final action taken by the Commission may request reconsideration of that action, provided the request is not for a reconslderation of an action previously requested to be reconsidered, an action whose provisions have been partly and materially carried out, or an action that has created a contractual relationship with third parties. a. Only a Commission member who voted with the prevailing sidp can move for reconsideration, but the motion may be seconded by any Commissioner and is voted on by all Commissioners present. If a motion to reconsider is made and seconded it is subject to a motion to postpone to a certain time. b. The request must be in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Highway District no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Commission's next scheduled regular meeting following the meeting at which the action to be reconsidered was taken. Upon receipt of the request, the Secretary shall cause the same to be placed on the agenda for that next scheduled regular Commission meeting. c. The request for reconsideration must be supported by written documentation setting forth new facts and information not presented at the earlier meeting, or a changed situation that has developed since the taking of the eaffler vote, or information establishing an error of fact or law in the earlier action. The request may also be supported by oral testimony at the meeting. d. If a motion to reconsider passes, the effect is the original matter is in the exact position it occupied the moment before it was voted on originally. It will normally be returned to ACHD staff for further review. The Commission may set the date of the meeting at which the matter is to be returned. The Commission shall only take action on the original matter at a meeting where the agenda notice so provides. e. At the meeting where the original matter is again on the agenda for Commission action, interested persons and ACHD staff may present such written and oral testimony as the President of the Commission determines to be appropriate, and the Commission may take any action the majority of the Commission deems advisable. f. If a motion to reconsider passes, the applicant may be charged a reasonable fee, to cover administrative costs, as established by the Commission. 12 N. LAKES AWNUE N. LAKES AWHOE NWWW'c L i"151 9 9 11 FI L f --A R 130.00. w 60LM SETTLERS MLLAGE (OLOCR 3) JR, N. REARC AWNUE INAx qu 5 Elf - - - - NAN -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - 9989 mall -aiLLLL ------------ jz N. LAKES AWNUE N. LAKES AWHOE NWWW'c L i"151 9 9 11 FI L f --A R 130.00. w 60LM SETTLERS MLLAGE (OLOCR 3) JR, N. REARC AWNUE INAx qu 5 Elf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9989 mall -aiLLLL ------------ FEe-22-2005 05:22P.C`R0M:THE ARCHITECTS OFFIC 343-1306 TO:BB85052 P.3 ow 111111111111121 CPO TI co 0 cn J) MC _LAI C] CAM \4 In + MOM 0 ow 111111111111121 .n: bo r� 0 -n Q) o -q-, CA 1> -.Or� (An L"Or, ED -TI r J- 0-9 40 TRASH HIGH WOOD FENCf CPO TI co 0 cn J) MC _LAI C] CAM \4 In + 00 FENCE 0 .n: bo r� 0 -n Q) o -q-, CA 1> -.Or� (An L"Or, ED -TI r J- 0-9 40 TRASH HIGH WOOD FENCf FEB -22-2005 05:22P FROM:THE ARCHITECTS OFFIC 343-1306 TO:eee5052 P.2 rri 0 x 0 z 0 3: -45 Cc am M rn M I C% Mee 04bh UNIP!Jevq Z# UOIS[AlpqnS )1JRd UOAGa 0__m I I SG)JWj MGIAJIB4 [4 W - z z W I v I W 0 W [4 W - z z v I w FARVIEW LAKES OFFICE R 0 LAKES PLACP- MBU)IAK 1) npp P y� r rn M •IR q J1i 1 a A � if pop �. a , IDEVOF PARK 3l■ NO2 LOT AG -]m „p LA10:8 OFFICE FL LAM PLAM •edea o LEI [I I 1 301"0 63X" AMAMU a Wvmmaov-id 93)nn N 09% li=[ 0 DOJTW%l MLA 9# 101 rON WE )IHVd NOA3a li I 111, 64W L9 w -j w LL T� w -j LLI w cc � C\l w LL wJi Z: i w -j w CY) C11 Y OF CUM N�11 1� IDAHO CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMIPLUNCE* Date: March 8. 2006 Project Name/Number Lot 6, Block 1, Devon Park No. 2 office building — CZC-06-025 Owner: Fairview Lakes, LLC Site Address: 19 1 ON. Lakes Place Proposed Use: 1500 s.f office building Comments - Conditions of Approval- Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and conditions of approval for the Devon Park Subdivision No. 2 (PP-03-006/FP-03-055) and Conditional Use Permit (CUp-03-014) and Development Agreement. Site / Landscaping- The Site / Landscape Plan prepared on an 8 1/2x I I sheet, labeled Site Plan, is approved (stamped "Approved"on March 8,2006 bythe Meridian Planning Department) with no changes. The approved site/landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No field changes to landscape plan permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. Elevations: The Elevations prepared on 8 1/2x I I sheets, labeled Front Elevation and Right / Left Eleva tion, are approved with no changes from the Planning Department. Irri : An underground, pressurized iffigabon system must be installed to all landscape areas per the approved specifications and In accordance with UDC 11-3A- 15. Protection of Existiru! Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or mitigated for in accordance with the Tree Preservation section of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Per UDC 11-313-10, coordinate with the Parks Department Arborist (Elroy Huff, 888-3579) for approval of protection/relocationmeasuresfortheexistingtrees prior to construction. Any severely damaged tree must be replaced in compliance with LTDC 11-313-10-C.5. -Parking: The proposed parking areas shall be paved and striped in accordance with UDC -11-313. Project engineer/architect shall cer* that the number and size of handicap -accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordance per ADA and signed accessible. Curbin : Per UDC 11-313-51, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking lots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other approved protective devices. Curbing maybe cut to alloNy for storm water runoff. Sidewalks: Ali sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance vhthll-3A-17- Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Drainam Storm water drainage swales shall not have a slope steeper than 3: 1, shall be fully vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with LJDC 11-3B-11 and UDC IL -18. Fencing: Any required or proposed fencing shall be installed with current fencing standards as defined in UDC 11-3A-7. Lightin : Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development and comply with lighting standards as defined in UDC 11-3A-1 1. A photometric report was not submitted with this application. Any new lighting proposed shall be subject to a photometric test. Signage: No signs are approved with this CZC, All business signs will require a separate sign pennit in compliance with LJDC 11-31). TrashEnclosure: All dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with UDC -1 1-3A-12. Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by SSC. Handicap -Accessibility: The structure, site improvements and parking areas must be in compliance with all federal handicap -accessibility requirements. ACHD Accqptance: All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACED requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Certificate of OccWM: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A written certificate of completion shall be prepared by the landscape architect landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan upon completion of the landscape instaftation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials and sprinkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: Except for any changes mentioned above, the approved Site Plan, Landscape Plan stamped "Approved" on March 8, 2006, and Elevations, and are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No significant field changes to the site or landscape plans arc permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. Krisfy Vigil J Assistant City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., ctr. Tms letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not began. Planning DeparI4�&C�� ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLIC P 616' Type of Review Requested (clieck all that apply) El Accessory Use 1-1 Alteniative Compliance ercertificiite of Zoning Compliance El Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification 0 Design Review 0 Pi operty Boundary AdjUSMIC11t 1-1 Silo] t Plat 0 Temporai y Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance 11 Time Extension (Director) El Vacation El Other Information STAFF USE ONLY: : F 7- ile uuiubej(s):CZc-o6 Project name: Date filed: Date complete: Assigned Plannel: Related files: Applicant name: f:A? VIEW lArz�i 14,C Applicant address: hPA: '1>Of4,,& Applicant's imejest in property: Own El Rent EJ Optioned El Othei Phone: 7,?(P- Zip: 9 37 t Owriej name: fiAll "I 9W C�a> uc Phone: Owner address: 12i MA/0 !�T- fb6c-- zip: 0'23-/PZ- icei,developei,iepresentative): Furn name: I AhAViRh At5�� Phone: ?ii36-7661 Address: 11Z-4 !64" wiz4h 1�op�e: Zip: 8371Z. Ili inuiry contact is: Contact name: -P E-mail: J10C)q Information Locqtion/stieet address: Assessor's paicel number(s): Downel V�Agejit 00ther Township, range, section: 7t3tj KIV 4PUP Total iu,ige: Current land use: UAM6117 -Curient zoning district: phone: ��N-7700 Fix: -34 �, - / 30 (a 660 E. Watei lowet Lane, Suite 202 * Meridian, Idaho 8364? I'lione: (208) 984-5533 - Facsimile: (209) 888-6854 - Web�ite: �o� 'Off I Project Description Prot . eel/subdivision name 14 vhif� 5-01D .0s General desci iption of proposed project/request: LWa- Offi4 WILRN& do L41 & ftwer-9 I R%-60 eAr-K-19-0mozi Proposed zoning disti ict(s): g77qo Acres of each zone proposed: zec2ca Acrf'5 Type of use proposed (check all that apply): 11 Residential El Commercial AcIffice El Industrial El Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): Nix - Who will own & maintain the pressurized it i igation system in tilis development? Which in igation district does this ta riper ty lie within? Primary ii i igation source: M Lft� C- _ dk-K,:�O�a 0M/P secondary: CtIY OP PA6P-P/Am S qu are too age of land scaped a i eas to be ii ri ga ted (if prinitary or secondary poiit a r co raectior, is city �Yaaer): Residential Project Stimunnny (ifapplicible) H0'r Airn4ao-E Number of i esidential units: Number of corinnon and/or other lots: Number of building lots: Proposed numbei Of dwelling units (for inulti-fainily developments only): I Bechoom: 2 or more Bedi nears: MiniorLim squarefootage of stiuctuic(s) (excl. garage): Minintairt property size (s.f): – Gross density (MaLir-total load) Percentage of open space provided: Pei cenlage of useable open space: _ Proposed building height Average property size (s.Q: Net density (D Wacre-exel Lid 1112' road% & alleys): Acreage of open space: (See Cluiptei 3, At ticle G, fin qualified open space) Type of -open space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): Type of dwelling(s) proposed; 0 Single-family 0 Townhornes U Duplexes El Multi-filirrily Non-residentiM Project Summary (if applicable) Numbei of building lots: Other lots; Gross floor at ea pi oposed: Existing (if applicable): Hours of operation (days and hours): &,Cka— A i M - �(Q,'C— P'kA– Building lrei'At: Peacentruge of site/project devoted to the following: Landscaphirg: 54�7 Building: Paving: P, A, - Total number of employees: N/laxiiIIIIIII ]lumber of employees at guy one time: Number anti ages of students/childien (if tipplicable): M '4 . — Seating capacity: PA Total number of parking spaces provided: J5 Number of compact spaces in ovided: P i & - Authorization Pi int applicant name: Applicant signitui ca - 6,dO E. Walerlovvei Lane, Suite 202 - Met idian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208)884-5533 - Facsinvile: (208)888-6854 February 21, 2006 Planning & Zoning Department City of Meridian 660 E. Watertower Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Certificate of Zoning Compliance Application Devon Park Sub.No.2 Block 4 Lot 6 PP 03-006 Order of Approval for Preliminary Plat for Devon Park Sub. No. 2 CUP 03-014 Order of Approval for Conditional Use Devon Park Sub. No.2 To allow construction of a 55,000 square feet office park+ Please accept the attached application for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance for Devon Park Subdivision No. 2. The application is to construct a 1,500 square foot office on Lot 6 Block I of Devon Park Sub. No.2. Devon Park Subdivision No. 2. The final plat has been recorded and the infrastructure has been installed. The certificate of zoning compliance applies only to Lot 6 Block 1. Tamura & Associa�es, PLLC 499 Main Street Boise, ID 83702 (208) 343-2931 W C I I I a 11 .-- gni l (2) 2M M MI 11 (2) 2W W w I I n I I u O 0-n 1 -n00 fir- I i u 1 00 I I � �Z Cm ?m ■ I X I I I I � O ■ I I Gmn _ C� I �1 F?'I 3 Ute• o s C 0� M b o b IF�I M5. 91 UZ 3 RIGHT ELEVATION .,,E I/r _ ,•-r 4 LEFT ELEVATION s.L; MOM , im VIi CA. Wdtimg6 L�J LandAmerica Transnation Pscrow, No. TOZ-01027 WARRANTY DEED FOR VALUE RECEIVED WILLIAM KENDALL CURTIS and HELEK CURTIS, husband and wite, as to 1/3 inLereBL, MIRIAM ELIZABETH BARR, a single person as to 1/3 interest, �d MARGUERITE JAZTE SCOTT, a Dingle pnuao" as to 1/3 interest GKANTOR(s), does(do) hereby GRANT, BARG AIN, SELL AND CONVEY unto: Fairview Lakes, LLC GRANTEES(s), whose current address is: 113- Auto DriVa, Suite 102 1 Boi&e, ID 83')09 the following described real property in Ada County, State of Idaho, more partioularly described as follows, to wit; SEE EXHISIT "A" ATTACHED (Continued) TO ILAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said heirs and assigns foreyer. And the said G[antor(s) does(do) hereby royetiant to and with the said Grantee(s), that Grantor(s) Ware the owner(s) in feo simple of said premises; that said promi5cs are free from all encumbrances EXCFPT those to which this conveyance is expressly made subjectand Lhosc made, sufriored or done by the cirantee(s): and subject to reservations, restrlQtions, dedications, casements. rigW of way and agrectructaLs, (if any) of record, and gcneral taxes and assessments, (including irrigation and utility assessments, ifany) for the current yoar, which are notyot duo and payable, and that Grantor(s) will warrant and defcud the some from all lawrlil claims whatsoever. Date: December 6, 2002 William X. Curtis Mir±� Elizahath Notary Acknowledgment — see p. -%,-e 2 Ma_g,r 07! "A "Q. ARRANTY DEED- NOTAR(I X10"'�WLEDGIVIENT(S)i �tate of Idaho, County of Ada, ss, r, U3 Dn thii4�— day of December in the year of 2002, before me, the undersigned, a Newry Public in and for �ald $late, personally appsar�-d Will Helen Curtis and IVX=d I �- known or identified to me to be the person(*) whose z �- z:d 117 4'-- / — - islare subscribed to the WIU)ln Instrument, and acknowledged to mL- that Ine/shelthey executed the Debbie Andrews Residing at Boise. Idaho My commission expires: 10/14103 IF State of Idaho, County of Ada, ss. On this day of December in the year of 2002, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared William Kendall Curtis known or identified to me to be the person(s) whose narries(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument, as the attorney in fact of MargarqueriLe Jane Scott (hereto al principal, and his/her own name as attorney in fact. [Sebbia Andrews 4 v 0 U1 - Residing at: Boise, Idaho 17 0� I 1�r Ir My commission expires: 10114103 01 P, % r., lt,o;'n re OV The Southwest quarter of the SOUthea�t quarter of Section G, Township 3 NorLh, Range I East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, EXCEPT that Property described in Deed recorded irl Book 131 of needs at page 56, records of Ada County, Idaho. AND ALSO ]EXCEPTING that Portion conveyed to the State of Idaho by Warranty Deed recorded July 20, 195S as Instrument No. 360284, records Of Ada Idaho, County, AND ALSO EXCtPTING that Portion conveyed to the ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT by Warranty Deed recorded October 31, 2002 as Instrument No. 102127142, records of Ada County, Idaho. AND INCLUDING the following real propertyl Commencing at the Southeast corner Of Section 6 Township 3 North, Range I East, Boise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho and runiling North 890281061, West 1153.31 feet (formerl� described as North 8903?1 WesL 1153.68 feet and as North 8905�, West 1152.80 feet) along the Southerly boundary or said Section G to a Point which bears South 8902810(511 East 16?.20 feet from the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 6, Said Point also being on the extended Westerly boundary of Doris Subdivision as shown on the Official Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Ada County Recorder in Book 16 of Plats at Page 1080; thence continuing North 6902810611 West 423.72 feet along the Southerly boundary of said Section 6 to a point which bears South 89028'06" East 1063.99 feet from the Southwest corner of the Sourl-le, -c quarter of said Section 6; North thence continuing 0-0231201, East 18.15 feet to a point on the centerline of Fairview Avenuc (U. S. Highway No. 30) ; thence continuing North 002312011 East 50.00 feet to a point on tile Northerly right-of-way line of said Fairview Avenue (U. S. Highway No. 30) , said point being the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North D02312011 East 461.30 feet to a point; thence North 8�036140" West 406.56 feet to a point, thence North 00231201, East 777.48 feet to a Point on the Northerly boundary of the North half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 6; thence South 89053,oB,, East 8.3'0 feet along the Northerly boundary of the North half of the Southeast quarter of said Section c; thence South 0023'27" West 770.44 feet to a point; thence South 89005'221, East 403.73 feet to a point, thence South 0011'07" West 463.25 feet to a point; thence South 780451391, West 7.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT ditch and road rights of way, STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF ADA AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTE REST LAke� —, -1!1� -/IAA-/&) --sdrkri� (narne) AVL (city) (stqte) being first My SW0111 Upon, oath, depose and say: That I arn the record owner of the propcity described on the attached, and I giant iny pennission to: (name) (address) to SUbmit the accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless froin any claim ot liability resulting fiom any dispute as to the statements contained herein oi as to the ownei ship of die pi Opffty Which is the SUbject of theappliention, I hereby grant Permission to City of Meridian Staff tO CrItCl the SUbject propetty for, dic purpose of site inspections r�,.Iatecl to processing said application(s). Dated this day of 200J�2 i-natule) i (S""aw") I SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and ye -m first above wi itten. V D I Fy Te good.. *% 4 oT - r� (Notary PLI'blic for Idaho) t4 Rk Residing at: , i�o My Commission Expires: a (f �3016� 30,11, a qnn�v jvy� N CQ On I � T -m. _-2. 2 a a (f �3016� 30,11, a qnn�v jvy� N On I � T -m. _-2. a (f �3016� 30,11, a qnn�v jvy� N IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS UDC 11-313-6 PI oj cc I N it III e; -- 'V�-Vod pwmc- H6, -:,e, S I) C, ci 1-1 e a I ill lis : \ % LI it; It' I C \\ il I e I I esS I I I C Point 01 ( 011necl oll Wesci ilbe aiidoi s mil a site PILIII): 5ee 5',, 1111111aIN Collneclion Sccolnd�'W\ C0111112CH011: Landscape Alen: il'the ill galioll systelin is looked 10 Wall]l SOLJICe� skl[)1311[ 11112 SCILIMIC II)OU11"C of landsuped oieas to be ini�,wled - squme I'm Backili.m Pictenticin: A baeldlow pievennort device must be installed as jeqljiiecl by City Oidinance 9-3. ( )\ Flie it I wnuoll S�tstem most be desil,med to piovide 100% coverage �%itll lead to Ind spacing or 11 intil"Illm 'Jpit�illg as 'ipplopliale. NlLltcll�d Piccipilalioll Rates: SINIoldel heads OILISt haVe Illitched precipitation Imes WiLhill esell Coll[lol V211VC 61CUJI. Ili "�AIIOJI &AWS: SI)i 1110CI 11CII(IS Ill lawil 01 OtI101 bb'll-tvatel-dcmand ateas musi be CilCLiiICd %0 that they Me I'll a %Cllalilk! AllIC (11' 1011C� 110111 1110Se it I 1.1'aillll� (ices, SIIILlbs, oi whei jechiced-watei-dommid meas. I elspi �[,, Splinkicl kids must be c1dJUSWC1 10 [CCILICe OVeNflay onio impuivious suifices such its sidewalks, dJI%cNkvl%�. Z11141 I)alkill"' MeIIS. Nores: lnim,atioii Requijed: All landscape areas shall be seived Nvall 111 RJU011116C undemiound inigalion system. Additional I.CqUilealellIS affMill" pleSSUliZed inin(ion systems can be romid ill City Oidinance 9-1-28. Ill willioll \N alci 1�olllce t %e OfOoll-polable it li-micill lum is iccluned when Met mined io be avail -Ale by dic Cily Public \\ orks Depulfilleill LIS re."whated by City Didinance 9-1-28. If cily portible mmet is wwd� it sellniale kyam Imer is lecolillilended -so the ownei call avoid payin,g smoi fees foi inigation watei. Potable tvarci shall nor be HSCtl t)S ZL Ill 1111,1111 Ill -IMioll WiUel sollice Oil 11011-1 CSidellfill lots Witt 11JOIC that] �4 aCIC Of MICISCal)ill". Yell QUild I \kalcl a\ ailabilitv is also e(ILIked by COMICCIiIII-1 LO City potable watei cm an on-site well as 9 secondaiy som-ce. ( errification: hilk" I , i'd "ild widel wand [lie ific"111o)"\ m./ 11me., fin milwilion vvy/unn and het chi offi) m 1hfu ant; YlVeill MVICIlk'11"I 1hep'AlIP mepl) ... lcdq;�rne vvih these %pplic'1111's sk-,mllule: Date: FEB -22-2005 05:22P FROM:THE ARCHITECTS OFFIC 343-1306 T0:88e5052 P.1 ;77:1 'MIER 1 To rn u ra Fax No: 888-5052 Company: Price Date: 2/22/2006 A Sanders Time: 4:23:33 PM Regarding: Cooper Job No: Number of pages including cover: 4 Rhees THE ARCHITECTS OFFICE FAX TRANSMITTAL 499 Main Street Boise, W 83702 V (208) 343-2931 F (208) 343-1306 To: Bill Gregroy Fax No: 888-5052 Company: Sanitation Services Inc. Date: 2/22/2006 From: Mark Sanders Time: 4:23:33 PM Regarding: Devon Park Sub. #2, Fairview Lakes Job No: Number of pages including cover: 4 Hard copy to follow: yes no Copies To: Fax No: Fax No: Fax No: Transmifted: For acceptance 0 Foryourrecord 0 Flevlewed as noted As requested El For your information El Please reply For review and comment E] For appropriate action C] Other Remarks.- Please find the attached site plan and trash enclosure detail for the above referenced project. Will Vou review these items for the Cerificate of Zoning Compliance and lax back your approval. Return fax is 343-1306. SANITARY SERVICE COMPANY COMMENTS: -i'lae-p- _&LcALP /&J ?W.F— I>A 4'jee Signed: FEB -22-2005 05:22P 7 MTHE ARCHITECTS OFFIC 343-1306 ( I TO:8985052 P.2 0 0 z Co 0 0 ;u to I —on 0 rn 12'-2m 201 PM m > T CIL A 3"a A 2 0 rn L2 !1 -.5 -0 I —on 0 rn 12'-2m 201 PM m > T CIL Planning Department CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE Application Checklist 1]1�0eat 11 6 11 101IG 06A 6�11� 4 k File #C76-06 -07 Applicant/aRent: All applications are required to contain _011c copy of the following unless otherwise'I't'd: plicant Description Staff COM Narrative fully describing the proposed use of the property, including the —foliowlag Infea relation on ally previous approvals or requirements foe the requested use 0 c a0li-111P ­" I inp, nF­­,id or DevelopirentAgreentent) Recorded warrant,, d-a f_,.k. pr�perty — — U__4 Affidavit of Legal Interest signed & notarized by the property owner (If owner is i Oil 'bon subinita 11 -1 2"" Y" � ------- -flier evidence to show tilint the peltsoll signing is In autl`,oT,,.�d a gci;,� Scaled vicini )o of the subject property P Sanitary Set vice Co"-- . . ...... `­ trash enclosure & access drive (stiniped site plan) V A photornell ic test report for iny light fixture(s) with a maximurn output of 1,800 blenclis lu niore (see Unt" I 1 -1 A -ill 1 .4 Site Plart-4 copies (folded to 8 V" x I I" size) The followin items must be shown on the site plan: • Date, scale, north arrow, and project name (scde not less ul,111 1'--50') • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or thin preparing t1w plan aisles Trish criclosure(s) location Detail of trash enclosure Oilust be screened on3 sides) Location and specificatif."t�f6l'6iidei-ground iiri�aafi()u (pressurized urivition ciiiioniy be wilived if you prove no wavir I'A) isirii subimt property) 0 Sidewalks or pathwayMyap-6iedand e_�'&tjljg) • Location of proposed buildi ng oil lot 011clildeilinicasions to Property lines) • Fencing (priposed and existing) • Calculations table including the following: > Number of parking stalls reqqird & provided (specify bandicap & c(illipset stills). Building size (sq, a) > Lot size (sq. ftj Setbacks > Zoning district Reduction of flip, site plan (8 w X,Yh") Landscape plan — 3 copies (folded to 8 1/," x I I sizey' cli-aivin�-shect,j7offo�ceed36"x48"(24"x36"Isp)-eferl-ecO A- (1) 1 ich I e Now In 4. its cnfitv�v on a single sheet inust be dral Pn i Pith app, opriaie'ni.n-0i line 4,qore s ceev. L_� The following items must be included in the lanasen e Ann: • Date, scale, north arrow, and project na&6 • Names, addresses, and telephone nunlberi�6f P lid I firm preparing the plan 6" 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 - Meridian, fdaho 83642 t -5533 a Facsinjile: (208) 888-6854 a Website: Phone: (208) (184 7 Kv ACHD Acceptance: Applicant shall be responsib1cfir meeting the tequirements qjACHD as the - v perlain to this application. All inipactfics, ij an% shall bepaidprior to the issuance oj'a buildingpermit ffany changes musl be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHDrequirements, a neipsileplan shall be submilted to the CIO, ol' Allef-idian Planning & Zoning Del7artmenijbi- approvalprior to the issuance qj a buildingpermit. Your builefingpetinituill not be issueduntilACHD has approvedyourplans and till associatedkeshave beenpaid. TRISAPPLICA TION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COAIPLETE UNTIL STAFF[-1AS RECO VED "ILL REO UIRED INFORAW1 TIOX Existing natural features such as canals, creeks, di ains, ponds, wetlands, floodplains, high groundwater areas, and rock outeroppings. Location, size, and species of all existing trees on site with trunks 4 inches on greater in diameter, measured 6 inches above the ground. Indicate whether the tree will be retained or removed, A statement of how existing healthy trees proposed to be retained will be protected from damage during construction Existing structures, planting areas, light poles, power poles, walls, fenees, be, uns, parking and loading areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, storinwater detention areas, signs, street finniture, and other man-made elements. Existing and proposed contours for all areas steeper than 20% slope. BeInIsshall be shown with one -foot contours. Sight Triangles as defined in 11-3A-5 of this ordinance. Location and labels for all proposed plants, including trees, shrubs, and groundcovers (trees RILISt notbe planted in City %"cerorseivereasenients). Scaleshownfoi plant materials shall reflect approxiniaternature size • A plant list that shows the plant symbol, quantity, botanical name, common name, minimum planting size and container, tree class (1, U, or 111), and comments (for spacing, staking, and installation as appropriate). - !?lanting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all .e ,, red standards. • Design drawing(s) of all fencing proposed for screening put poses • Calculations of project components to demonstrate compliance with tile jequireartents of this ordinance, including: Number of street trees and lineal feet of street frontage Width of street buffers (exclusive of right-of-way) Width of parking lot perimeter landscape strip Buffet width between different land uses (if applicable) > Number of parking stalls and percent of parking area with internal landscaping Total number of trees and tree species inix Mitigation for removal of existing ti ecs, including number of caliper inches being j ernoved Reduction of the landscape plan (8 Y2" x I I") Ruilding elevations showing construction materials ee Cl F 1 f this projecthad prior approval on asite plan, reduced fees unay apply) ACHD Acceptance: Applicant shall be responsib1cfir meeting the tequirements qjACHD as the - v perlain to this application. All inipactfics, ij an% shall bepaidprior to the issuance oj'a buildingpermit ffany changes musl be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHDrequirements, a neipsileplan shall be submilted to the CIO, ol' Allef-idian Planning & Zoning Del7artmenijbi- approvalprior to the issuance qj a buildingpermit. Your builefingpetinituill not be issueduntilACHD has approvedyourplans and till associatedkeshave beenpaid. TRISAPPLICA TION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COAIPLETE UNTIL STAFF[-1AS RECO VED "ILL REO UIRED INFORAW1 TIOX -D 'Lao 0'e NDS Palls, July 25, 2006 lie TIT-% TO: Quadra Commercial, LLC. 6002 Franklin Rd. Boise, ID 83709 SUBJECT: MCZC-06-131 Office Building 1860 N. Lakes Place John S. Franden, President Sherry R. Huber, Ist Vice President David Bivens, 2nd Vice President Carol A. McKee, Commissioner Rebecca W. Arnold, Commissioner On July 10, 2002, the Ada County Highway District Commission acted on MPP03-006 for Devon Park #2. The conditions and requirements also apply to MCZC-06-131. Prior to final approval you will need to submit plans to the ACHD Development Review Department. A traffic impact fee will be assessed by ACHD and will be due prior to the issuance of a building permit. Contact ACHD Planning & Development Services at 387-6170 for information regarding impact fees. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact this office at (208) 387-6177. Sincerely os h 1. nz Planner Intern Right -of -Way and Development Services CC: Project File Lead Agency: City of Meridian Tamura & Associates 499 Main Boise, ID 83702 Ada County Hig chd.ada.1d.us. &CH 'r 3gagir- Ada County Highway District Right -of- Way &Development Department Planning Review Division This application requires Commission action because of the number of vehicle trips per day that the site generates, and is scheduled to be on the consent agenda on July 10, 2002 at 6:30 pm. Tech Review for this item was held with the applicant on June 28, 2002. This item was revised on March 26, 2003 after the Meridian City Council approved the item on March 25, 2003. Please refer to the attachment for request for reconsideration guidelines. Staff contact.- Andrea N. Tuning, 387-6177, atuning@achd.adaJd.us File Number(s): Fairview Lakes Apartment Complex / MAZ-02-011 / MCUP-02-014 Devon Park Subdivision/MPP-02-034 Devon Park Subdivision #2/MPP03-006 Site address: 824 East Fairview Avenue Owner: Fairview Lakes, LLC 111 Auto Drive, Suite 102 Boise, Idaho 83709 Applicant: Hopkins Financial Services, Inc. I 11 Auto Drive, Suite 105 Boise, fdaho 83709 Representative: Tamura & Associates 499 Main Street Boise, Idaho 83706 Application Information The applicant is requesting annexation, rezone, conditional use and planned unit development approval to construct a mufti -family apartment complex and 35-commercial/retail/office lots. The site is located on the north side of Fairview Avenue at approximately the mid mile marker between Locust Grove Road and Meridian Road. Acreage: 9.1 acres Current Zoning: RUT Proposed Zoning: R-40 Vicinity Map H 2 Findings of Fact Trip Generation: This development is estimated to generate 10,960 additional vehicle trips per day (0 existing) based on the submitted traffic study. 2. Impact Fees: The impact fee rate from the fee tables for: o Apartment is $781.00 per unit. o General Office is $2,169.00 per thousand square feet of gross building area, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. o Specialty Retail is $1,885.00 per thousand square feet of gross building area, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. o Bank with drive-thru is $9,990.00 per thousand square feet of gross building area, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. o Fast Food with drive-thru is $4,715 per thousand square feet of gross building area, based on the impact fee ordinance in effect at this time. 3. Impacted Roadways: Fairview Avenue Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Level of Service: Speed limit: Nearest intersection: Teare Avenue Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Speed limit: Clarene Street Frontage: Functional Street Classification Traffic count: Speed limit: Jericho Road Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Level of Service: Speed limit: Nearest intersection: 1,080 -feet Principal arterial West of Locust Grove was 29,931 on 7-6-00. I.C11 35 Fairview Avenue and Jericho Drive intersection 60 Local residential Not available 20 60 Local residential Not available 20 Collector North of Fairview was 3,850 on 8-7-01 Better than "C" 30 Jericho Drive and Fairview Avenue intersection Traffic Impact Study: A traffic impact study was required with this application. The submitted traffic impact study was compiled by Dobie Engineering and the following is a summary of the findings: This Development is projected to be built -out by the year 2005. The following is a summary or the findings and recommendations provided by the Traffic Engineer: The proposed Fairview Lakes Subdivision project is a proposed mixed use development including apartments, professional offices, specialty retail, and restaurants. The project will be developed in phases and is expected to reach full build out by the year 2005. Fairview Avenue is a standard principal arterial with a 64 ft. wide five -lane urban section. The posted speed limit is 35 mph east of Locust Grove Road. The Level of service for Fairview Avenue is estimated to operate at a LOS B/C during the peak hour period in the year 2005 without the addition of the site traffic. This development is projected to generate 10,960 total trips, of which 1,230 will be captured within the development. Of the remaining 9,730 trips 5,545 were estimated to be new to the area while 4,185 trips were estimated to be pass -by trips already on Fairview Avenue. These trips were based on 192 apartment units, 15,000 sf of office space, 100,000 sf of retail use, a 5,600 sf bank, and 8,000 sf for restaurant. A trip capture rate of 11.2% was used. The totals from the revised application were 192 apartment units, 15,000 sf of office space, 9Z 800 sf of retail use, a 5 000 sf drive-in bank a 4, 000 sf Fast food restaurant wldtive-thru, and a 1Z 000 sf high turnover restaurant. The totals presented in the traffic study are actually higher than those calculated for the application total. This is the conservative approach which will safeguard against totals that may be higher than those projected. The need for a signal at this intersection should not be affected by the difference in traffic projections. Intersection Type of Control 2002 PM — Existing 2005 PM— Existing LOS LOS Fairview/Ea le Si nalized D E Locust OCheErryy Signalized D D Grove/Fairview 1' Street/Fairview Si nalized D D . I ,,,�z "ri Signalized D D Lane/Meridian East Unsignalized NIA F* access/Fairview West Signalized - N/A C access/Fairview proposed Site traffic will experience significant delay during the PM peak hour. This analysis was based on the assumption that the west access will be approved for Signalization. Approach traffic from the site will maintain acceptable service levels by that time period with the addition of a traffic signal. Fairview Avenue was evaluated for Level of service in the build out (2005) and 2020. The projections for the peak hour were LOS C for 2005 and LOS E for 2020 based on a five -lane roadway. The recommendation is that Fairview Avenue be expanded to handle the additional capacity needed after year 2020. The Traffic study reviewed the Signal Warrants from the 1988 MUTCD. The analysis indicates that warrant #1 will be met with 75% of site traffic using the signalized intersection. Warrant #2 is met with less than 50% of the site traffic. Similarly, warrants #9, #10, and #11 are all satisfied based on projected traffic volumes. 3 5. Site Information: The site is currently vacant. 6. Description of Adjacent Surrounding Area: North: Meridian Place Subdivision Number 1 South: Commercial I retail East: Fairview Terrace Mobile Home Park West: Settlers Village Re -subdivision 7. Roadway Improvements Adjacent To and Near the Site The site has access to Fairview Avenue and two local residential stub streets, Teare Avenue and Clarene Street. Fairview Avenue is improved with 5 -traffic lanes with no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. There is curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk located directly to the east of this property and was constructed with carwash that is located on the northwest corner of Jericho Road and Fairview Avenue. Teare Avenue and Clarene Street are improved with 2 -traffic lanes (37 -feet of pavement) with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk. Jericho Road does not abut the site but would be utilized with the extension of Teare Avenue or Clarene Street. Jericho Road is a collector roadway that is improved with 2 -traffic lanes with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk. 8. Existing Right -of -Way FairviewAvenue is a principal arterial that currently has a total of I 10 -feet of right-of-way (55 -feet from centerline). Teare Avenue and Clarene Street are local residential roadways with a total of 60 -feet of right-of-way (30 -feet from centerline). 10. Site History On May 7, 2000, the Commission reviewed and approved a preliminary plat, Teare Terrace, on this site. Teare Terrace was proposed to be a 13 -lot commercial and residential subdivision. This development proposed to extend Clarene Street into the property and extend south to connect to Fairview Avenue. Teare Avenue was proposed to extend into the site as a cul-de-sac on the property. 11. Five Year Work Program There are no improvements in the area that are scheduled in the Five Year Work Program. 12. Signal Location The District has chosen the location of the signal at the commercial/industrial roadway and Fairview Avenue intersection due to the fact that: • This location is at the half -mile • This location will serve more vehicle trips per day • This location will pull vehicle trips per day off of Jericho Street (a collector roadway with front on housing) and will place the vehicles on a commercial/industrial roadway • This location will provide the surrounding residential homes with access to a signal This location can serve more vehicle trips per day on the North side of Fairview Avenue than on the south side of Fairview Avenue Findings for Consideration Right -of -Way and Sidewalk District policy requires 120 -feet of right-of-way on arterial roadways (Figure 72 -Fl B). This right-of- way allows for the construction of a 7 -lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5 -foot concrete detached sidewalks and bike lanes. Fairview Avenue is not listed as a proposed project in the District's currently adopted Five -Year Work Program or in the currently adopted 20 -year Capital Improvements Plan. As such, the applicant cannot receive reimbursement for dedicated right-of-way from available collected impact fees. The applicant shall do one of the following: a. Dedicate by donation an additional 5 -feet of right-of-way along Fairview Avenue, and construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located a minimum of 53 -feet from the centerline of the right-of-way. b. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located a minimum of 53 -feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District, c. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located at the back edge of the existing right-of-way. Accomplish all necessary adjustments to properly accommodate existing drainage and utilities. 2. Roadway Offsets District policy 7204.11.6, requires local roadways to align or offset a minimum of 300 -feet from an arterial roadway (measured centerline to centerline). The applicant is proposing to construct a commercial/industrial roadway that intersects with Fairview Avenue 310 -feet east of the west property line. This roadway location meets District policy and should be approved with this application. 3. Street Sections District policy 7202.8 and 72 -Fl B, requires roadways abutting commercial developments to be constructed as a 40 -foot street section with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk within 54 -feet of right-of-way. The applicant is proposing to construct a commercial/Industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north. This roadway is proposed to cul-de-sac just before the proposed multi -family residential apartment complex. This roadway will also provide a link that will connect into Teare Avenue. The proposed commercial/industrial roadway that the applicant is proposing will consist of a 40 -foot street section that includes 2 -travel lanes, a center turn lane, curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk within 54 -feet of right-of-way. The proposed street section meets District policy and should be approved with this application. 5 4. Driveways District policy F2 -F5, requires driveways located on collector or arterial roadways with a speed limit of 35 to align or offset a minimum of 150 -feet from any existing or proposed driveway. District policy F2 -F4 (1) and 72-F4 (2), requires driveways located on commercial/industrial roadways to offset a controlled and/or uncontrolled intersection a minimum of 50 -feet (measured near edge to near edge). District policy 7207.9.3 restricts commercial driveways with daily traffic volumes over 1,000 vehicles to a maximum width of 35 -feet. Most commercial driveways will be constructed as curb -cut type facilities if located on local streets. Curb return type driveways with 15 -foot radii will be required for driveways accessing collector and arterial roadways. Fairview Avenue Drivewa The applicant is proposing to construct one 30 -foot wide driveway on Fairview Avenue. This driveway is proposed to intersect Fairview Avenue approximately 205 -feet west of the east property line. This driveway meets District policy and should be approved with this application. Commercial / Industrial Street Driveways The applicant is proposing to construct thirteen driveways on the proposed commercial/industrial roadway. The driveways are proposed to be constructed in the following locations. Driveway number I is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 54 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. This driveway is proposed to be 25 - feet in width. • Driveway number 2 and 3 are proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 175 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. These driveways are proposed to align with one another. These driveways are proposed to be 17 -feet in width. • Driveway number 4 is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 235 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. This driveway is proposed to be 21 -feet in width. • Driveway number 5 is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that extends north from Fairview Avenue approximately 580 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. This driveway is proposed to be 22 -feet in width. • Driveway number 6 is proposed to extend directly north of the commercial/industrial roadway and proposed to intersect the northern portion of the cul-de-sac. This driveway is proposed to be 45 -feet in width. • Driveway number 7 is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 50 -feet east of the commerciaVindustrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north. This driveway is proposed to be 27 -feet in width. • Driveway number 8 is proposed to intersect the commercial1industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 255 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north. This driveway is proposed to be 20 -feet in width • Driveway number 9 is proposed to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 430 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north. This driveway are proposed to be 25 -feet in width. Driveways number 10 and number 11 are proposed to be 30 -feet in width and located on the east and west side of the commercial/industrial roadway just north of the proposed roundabout. Driveway number 12 and 13 are proposed to be 30 -feet in width and located on the east and west side of the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 160 -feet north of the proposed roundabout. All of the proposed driveway locations meet District policy in regard to location. All of the proposed driveway widths meet District policy EXCEPT for driveway number 6. Driveway number 6 should be constructed a maximum of 35 -feet in width. 5. All Driveways Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7207.9.1, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30 -feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers with 15 -foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. Stub Streets District policy 7203.5.1 and 7205.5 requires stub streets to provide intra -neighborhood circulation and to provide access to adjoining parcels. District policy 7203.3.2 requires an existing street or a street in an approved preliminary plat, which extends at a boundary of a proposed development to be extended into that development. The applicant is proposing to extend Teare Avenue. This extension will provide a connection from Teare Avenue to Fairview Avenue. The extension of Teare Avenue meets the goals and intent of District policy and has the supportive of District staff. The District held a neighborhood meeting on Thursday March 20, 2003. The Teare Avenue extension was approved by the Meridian City Council on March 25, 2003 after a number of neighborhood concerns arose. Modiflcation of Policy The applicant is proposing to terminate Clarene Street at its current location and construct temporary bollards for emergency access only. District policy requires that stub streets be constructed and/or extended to adjoining properties to provide reasonable access and intra -neighborhood connectivity. Staff would generally support the extension of Clarene Street into the site, but due to the fact that the applicant is extending Teare Avenue to the residential neighborhood that is located to the northeast, staff is supportive of the applicant's proposal to construct bollards at the terminus of Clarene Street. With the construction of bollards, Clarene Street will be one -lot and less than 150 -feet in depth, therefore, the applicant will not be required to construct a temporary turnaround. 6. Turnarounds District policy 7204.9.2 requires turnarounds to be constructed to provide a minimum turning radius of 55 -feet. The applicant is proposing to dedicate a hammerhead turnaround at the west end of Clarene Street on the applicant's property. This hammerhead turnaround will function as the property's frontage until the preliminary plat is submitted and the roadways are formally dedicated. This hammerhead turnaround is required to have bollards installed at the terminus of Clarene Street where the hammerhead begins. The applicant should also enter into a license agreement for the maintenance of the hammerhead turnaround on Clarene Street due to the fact that the District will be unable to access the turnaround. The applicant is proposing to provide a permanent "hammerhead" easement to the District at the terminus of North Lark Avenue. This easement is acceptable to the District but must be approved by the Meridian Fire Department. The applicant should provide a permanent "hammerhead" easement to the District at the terminus of the commerciallindustrial roadway and provide documentation to the District showing the review and approval of this configuration from the Meridian Fire Department. 7. Roundabout The applicant is proposing to construct a roundabout within the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 530 -feet north of Fairview Avenue. The roundabout should be designed with 21 -foot street sections on either side of the center island. The applicant will be required to dedicate sufficient right-of-way on either side of an island. Coordinate the size and design of the roundabout with traffic services staff. 8. Signalization The applicant is proposing to construct a new signal at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and the commercial/industrial roadway that extends north into the site. The signal is proposed at the half mile. The traffic study determined that the warrants would be met and that the existing signals in the area would not be significantly impacted by the new signal. The District will contribute the hardware necessary for the construction of the new signal and any related roadway improvements. The applicant should plan, construct and install the signal that is proposed at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and the commercial/industrial roadway that extends north into the site. Site Specific Conditions of Approval The applicant shall do one of the following: Dedicate by donation an additional 5 -feet of right-of-way along Fairview Avenue, and construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located a minimum of 53 -feet from the centerline of the right-of-way. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located a minimum of 53 -feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along Fairview Avenue, located at the back edge of the existing right-of-way. Accomplish all necessary adjustments to properly accommodate existing drainage and utilities. 2. Construct and install the signal and any related roadway improvements that are necessary for the proposed signal at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and the commercial/industrial roadway that extends north into the site. 3. Construct a commercial/industrial roadway that intersects with Fairview Avenue 31 0 -feet east of the west property line, as proposed. 4. Construct the internal roadways as 40 -foot street sections with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk within 54 -feet of right-of-way, as proposed. The portion of the commercial/industrial roadway that connects to Teare Avenue shall taper appropriately to accommodate for drainage. 5. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway to intersect Fairview Avenue approximately 205 -feet west of the east property line, as proposed. 6. Construct a 25 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industriaf roadway approximately 54 - feet north of Fairview Avenue, as proposed. 7. Construct two 17 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 175 -feet north of Fairview Avenue, as proposed. 8. Construct a 21 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 235 - feet north of Fairview Avenue, as proposed. 9. Construct a 22 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that extends north from Fairview Avenue approximately 580 -feet north of Fairview Avenue, as proposed. 10. Construct a driveway with a maximum width of 35 -feet to extend directly north of the commerclaUIndustrial roadway and proposed to intersect the northern portion of the cul-de-sac. 11. Construct a 27 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercial/inclustrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 50 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north, as proposed. 12. Construct a 20 -foot wide driveway to intersect the commercialAndustrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 255 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north, as proposed. 13. Construct a 25 -foot driveway to intersect the commercial/industrial roadway that runs east and west and is proposed to be located approximately 430 -feet east of the commercial/industrial roadway that extends from Fairview Avenue to the north, as proposed. 14. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway located on the east side of the commercial/industrial roadway just north of the proposed roundabout, as proposed. 15. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway located on the west side of the commercial/industrial roadway just north of the proposed roundabout, as proposed. 16. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway located on the east side of the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 160 -feet north of the proposed roundabout, as proposed. 17. Construct a 30 -foot wide driveway located on the west side of the commercial/industrial roadway approximately 160 -feet north of the proposed roundabout, as proposed. 18. Pave the driveways their full width and at least 30 -feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers with 15 -foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. 19. Extend Teare Avenue as a 40 -foot street section with curb, gutter and 5 -foot concrete sidewalk within 54 -feet of right-of-way, as proposed. W 20. Terminate Clarene Street at its current location and construct bollards for emergency access only, as proposed. 21. Enter into a license agreement for the maintenance of the hammerhead turnaround on Clarene Street due to the fact that the District will be unable to access the turnaround. 22. Provide a permanent "hammerhead" easement to the District at the terminus of the commercial/industrial roadway and provide documentation to the District showing that this configuration has been reviewed and approved by the Meridian Fire Department. 23. Construct a roundabout within the Gommercial/industrial roadway approximately 530 -feet north of FairviewAvenue. Design the roundabout with a minimum of 21 -foot street sections on either side of the center island. Dedicate sufficient right-of-wayon either side of an island. Coordinate the size and design of the roundabout with traffic services staff. 24. Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. D. Standard Conditions of Approval Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the right-of-way. 2. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be bome by the developer. 3. Replace any existing damage curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 4. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACHD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify all improvement plans. 5. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 6. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 7. Payment of applicable road impact fees are required prior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #195, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 8. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. Existing utilities damaged by the applicant shall be repaired by the applicant at no cost to ACHD. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACHD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387- 6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. iul 9. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from.the Ada County Highway District. 10. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the faw in effect at the time the change in use is sought. E. Conclusions of Law The proposed site plan is approved, if all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval are satisfied. 2. ACHID requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Attachments I . Vicinity map 2. Submitted site plan 11 Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action: A Commissioner, a member of ACHD staff or any other person objecting to any final action taken by the Commission may request reconsideration of that action, provided the request is not for a reconsideration of an action previously requested to be reconsidered, an action whose provisions have been partly and materially carried out, or an action that has created a contractual relationship with third parties. a. Only a Commission member who voted with the prevailing side can move for reconsideration, but the motion may be seconded by any Commissioner and is voted on by all Commissioners present. If a motion to reconsider is made and seconded it is subject to a motion to postpone to a certain time. b. The request must be in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Highway District no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Commission's next scheduled regular meeting following the meeting at which the action to be reconsidered was taken. Upon receipt of the request, the Secretary shall cause the same to be placed on the agenda for that next scheduled regular Commission meeting. c. The request for reconsideration must be supported by written documentation setting forth new facts and information not presented at the earlier meeting, or a changed situation that has developed since the taking of the earlier vote, or information establishing an error of fact or law in the earlier action. The request may also be supported by oral testimony at the meeting. d. If a motion to reconsider passes, the effect is the original matter is in the exact position it occupied the moment before it was voted on originally. It will normally be returned to ACHD staff for further review. The Commission may set the date of the meeting at which the matter is to be returned. The Commission shall only take action, on the original matter at a meeting where the agenda notice so provides. e. At the meeting where the original matter is again on the agenda for Commission action, interested persons and ACHD staff may present such written and oral testimony as the President of the Commission determines to be appropriate, and the Commission may take any action the majority of the Commission deems advisable. If a motion to reconsider passes, the applicant may be charged a reasonable fee, to cover administrative costs, as established by the Commission. I 12 13 ff ------------ N. LAKES AIVP PlaCe N. 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