2023-01-30 Alexa Conway City Council, Meridian, Idaho re: Artisan Victory Market H-2022-0066: To decision-makers, I am strongly opposed to this development and it’s chosen location at the corner of Victory/Eagle RDS. These two roads are already over-burdened. Since Eagle was recently expanded to add additional lanes, it is more crowded, speeds have increased, and access to the road is difficult for the subdivisions, the elementary school and general traffic. This plan of putting 138 homes on a plot that used to be a small home with some land is abhorrent to those who already need to interact with this roadway. More daily traffic is the very last thing needed. Adding 138 homes means at least 200 additional vehicles. The small homes that used to exist on these corners had irrigation. We are running out of water all over the area. Those of us who have used irrigation for decades are now having the amount we receive cut back, due to shortages. Wells all over Ada County have run dry due to increased housing. The thought of allowing ‘irrigation’ to be granted for this area of houses is very short-sighted. Developers need to begin paying their way at the outset and into the future rather than have these demands put on original homeowners who are already being over-taxed due to congestion and property increases. If these corners are ‘developed’, please consider something of use to the small communities that already exist. Something commercial that will not mean hundreds of vehicles daily, during rush hour, would be helpful. The new Albertsons, at Eagle and Amity is now the top producing store in the County and almost the State of Idaho. It does not impede, but brings revenue and assistance to an area starved of places to run errands, to dine, to spend money w/o having to travel further on congested roads. We fight inversions constantly, and extreme heat in the Summers now. Adding more automobiles adds to the fouling of our air. We can begin, I believe, to experience early morning and late afternoon higher air quality numbers when an additional 200 vehicles set off on their day. Adding all of the additional parking spaces increases heat, due to the asphalt. This was a small home plot. It can enhance or injure this area. Please give more consideration to the future of this area and allow something useful to the people already here, the children, the pets, the parents and grandparents. Adding more housing is not the answer. Sincerely, Alexa Conway Alexa Conway, 3162 E Deerhill Drive, 83642