2023-01-17 Public Art Committee Meeting To develop, advance, and nurture all facets of the arts to enhance the quality of life for Meridian residents and its visitors PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MEETING Parks and Rec Conference Room, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 4:30 PM All materials presented at public meetings become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities should contact the City Clerk's Office at 208-888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. Agenda VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS To join the meeting online: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_YmQyMmVmYjctNDVmMC00OTcxLWEyZGMtMjJmZmY1MWUyZDA5 %40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b844df29-8272-41a9-9862- 5a8e63e5f93a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f56ac0af-a7c9-431e-a6e9- 9f13727464b7%22%7d ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE _____ Lizzie Taylor _____ Jessica Peters _____ Bobby Gaytan, Chair APPROVAL OF MINUTES [ACTION ITEM] 1. Approve PAC Meeting Minutes from 11-15-22 REPORTS 2. Updates: Public Art Projects in Progress; Parks Identity and Public Art Roster (5 minutes) DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Discuss: Next Steps for Discovery Park Public Art Project (20 minutes) 4. Discuss: Potential Mural Public Art Project with SagePoint Financial (3 minutes) 5. Discuss: Potential Public Art Project at Transit Shelters with Valley Regional Transit (3 minutes) 6. Discuss: Traffic Box Series 2023 (3 minutes) 1 7. Discuss: Other Public Art Project Ideas (Fuller Park Environment Art, Rotating Sculpture Program, Temporary Public Art Projects for Art Week, Sidewalk Poetry, Lakeview Golf Course) (10 minutes) ACTION ITEMS 8. Draft Prioritization List of Ongoing and Potential Public Art Projects Ideas: Murals, Transit Shelters, Discovery Park, Fuller Park, Traffic Boxes, Temporary Art Week Projects, Rotating Sculpture, Sidewalk Poetry, Lakeview, etc (15 minutes) [ACTION ITEM] 9. 2023 Public Art Committee Chair Elections (3 minutes) [ACTION ITEM] NEXT MEETING - March 21, 2023 ADJOURNMENT 2 PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MEETING Parks and Recreation Conference Room, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 4:30 PM MINUTES VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE __x___ Lizzie Taylor __x___ Jessica Peters __x___ Bobby Gaytan, Chair City staff present was Arts and Culture Coordinator Cassandra Schiffler. Also present for agenda item 2 was Aaron Dyson, City Artist at Public Art St. Paul. APPROVAL OF MINUTES [ACTION ITEM] 1. Approval of Public Art Committee Draft Meeting Minutes from 10-18-22 J. Peters made motion to approve minutes; seconded by L. Taylor All ayes DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Discuss: Sidewalk Poetry Project Idea Development and Consult with Public Art St Paul Committee met via video conference with Aaron Dyson of Public Art St. Paul to review their Sidewalk Poetry Program which is part of their City’s sidewalk reconstruction program. Information included an informal, discursive presentation about the program starting with an overview and a mention of the artist that originated the project, Marcus Young. Details discussed included the Call for poetry from residents of St. Paul; using partnerships with local libraries; a selection process that pays writing professionals, and curators for their selection panels to review the 600-700 submissions; the hiring of a typography graphic design expert; the logistics of the successful typography (stay away from serif fonts, fonts should be over 1” high, look at kerning and spacing and print at scale 3 Item 1. with plotter to review); and fabrication (milled in HDPE ½”thick, letters cut out of the top ¼, 1/8” aluminum backing with an 1/8” angle iron, air holes at every 8” – 4th Dimension CNC is their fabricator); and the contracting of a stamping coordinator (this is a sporadic job and needs the right person - the stamping coordinator coordinates and follows the concrete subcontractor around to figure out location and literally watch concrete dry – they must understand when the “goldilocks” moment is to stamp, they need to be comfortable asking to redo the stamp (75% success, 25% need to be refloated)). Many other tips were discussed such as spraying a release on stamps of mineral spirits, City mailing residents in advance about project to give opportunity of right of refusal, not promising anyone a poem. Some interesting facts were that every resident is within a 3 minute walk of a poem. They have around 1,300 poems throughout City. Around 6-8 poems are chosen each year. They don’t put more than 3 poems on each block to keep with the idea of “sporadic moments of joy” as too many become ubiquitous. Following the one-hour presentation, the committee commended Aaron Dyson on his level of enthusiastic, open, responsive, and informative communication skills. The committee then discussed the project and adjustments would work in Meridian. Meridian is a newer community, and we have less reconstruction projects. Sidewalks are also managed by ACHD. The project would be more plausible in newer construction areas and pathways. C. Schiffler stated that the city is currently looking for a new Pathways Manager, as K. Warren is moving to a new job. Support from the new Pathways Manager would likely help this project’s success. L. Taylor expressed concern for this project’s support from City Officials and some residents. The committee is interested in adapting it to Meridian, but also has a lot of public art projects in process, and is trying to keep up with completing and maintaining current projects. J. Peters suggested that the committee continues to ” marinate” on the idea. 3. Discuss: Special Traffic Box Project for Deceased High School Art Student at Ten Mile and Pine There was a recent accident at the crosswalk and intersection of Ten Mile and Pine, near the Meridian High School, where a high school student was struck by a truck, and has died. The student’s father reached out to the City and the Arts and Culture Coordinator to inquire about putting his son’s artwork on the nearby traffic box. This process is a bit different than the normal process of having a Call to Artists to be selected for the repository of images that can be used for traffic boxes or the selection of artworks from the West Ada School District Annual Art show, so this project will be considered as a new public art project. People can sponsor traffic boxes from the repository, but cannot put their own artwork on boxes. The Arts and Culture Coordinator reviewed this background with the committee and the committee discussed this project. The public art committee acknowledged that this is outside of the normal process, but was receptive to the project and thought that this one warrants consideration due to the impact of this event in the community and the age and untimely death of the deceased resident. However, the 4 Item 1. public art committee expressed that it did not want to get in a regular practice of creating memorials, and that future projects for memorial-type projects would not likely move forward. The Arts and Culture Coordinator showed several images of the student’s work that were sent by the parent to the City. The committee reviewed the images for content, design, style, form, craftsmanship, and the general consensus was that the image attached to these minutes below would work best for a traffic box. There are two traffic boxes at the current location, and one is already wrapped with a 2017 artwork “Outrageous Mavis” by Clarissa Grkovic. That box is not currently in a condition that warrants removal and rewrap yet (the lifespan on these boxes is typically 5-10 years), so the committee suggested wrapping the smaller box next to the current wrap. The committee discussed sponsorship of the box. In current processes for sponsorship, people may choose to sponsor a box at a certain location, (though in that process people cannot propose new images that have not gone through a selection process), so the committee discussed the parent finding a way to pay for the vinyl wrap. C. Schiffler stated that the parent said they could likely raise funds to pay for the box. The cost of the vinyl wraps is 591.00. This agenda item was not an action item, so the committee did not take a vote, but discussed relaying the information to the Arts Commission for recommendation. REPORTS 4. Update: Public Art Projects: Ten Mile Creek Pathway Trailhub Next Steps, Mural Updates, Mural Signage C. Schiffler has met with the public artist selected by MAC for the Ten Mile Creek Pathway Trailhub to prepare the agreement for City Council to review and approve. The mural ribbon cutting at unBound was a success! The mural ribbon cutting at Tully Park was postponed until spring due to weather concerns. The mural design for the Pool was approved by MAC and the C. Schiffler is working on the agreement for installation with the artist, which will be reviewed for approval by City Council. B. Gayton has worked to gather information about mural signage to include braille, and a design and quote was prepared for review. The signage needs to be a bit larger, and the braille will be moved to below the text. C. Schiffler will work to adjust the design, and ask for budget approval from MAC to fabrication and install the signage. C. Schiffler also updated the committee about a potential public art project initially proposed by a former arts commissioner. L. Mauldin, a former arts commissioner saw a disabled veteran at the transit stop on Overland near Lowe’s and thought 5 Item 1. that this would be a good spot for a shelter. C. Schiffler did research on transit shelters and public art on shelters and found that transit shelters are created and overseen by Valley Regional Transit (VRT). C. Schiffler also found that VRT has collaborated with Boise City Department of Arts and History to create a roster for some public artworks on the transit shelters in Boise. C. Schiffler reached out to VRT to ask about the stop on Overland (which is a busier stop and may be a candidate for a shelter in the future, as it already has a concrete pad improvement). C. Schiffler also found out that currently, Meridian has 2 transit shelters, and VRT would be open to working on public art on shelters in Meridian. VRT will send C. Schiffler more information about how they might work with the City and the Arts Commission. NEXT MEETING - December 20, 2022 ADJOURNMENT L. Taylor made motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by J. Peters. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 6:16 PM 6 Item 1. “Scattered Thoughts” Colored pencil, Terry Binder 7 Item 1.