River Run Investments CZC 06-077 - . c,ler-~ E.CEIVE JUf~ E~ r;. 'In ~ \ Z ~ L (JDB CiTy OF MERIDIAN (~lT\/ C~ERK OFFfCr: .....-.... CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: June 28~ 2006 Project NamefNumber: River Run Investments - CZC-06-077 Owner: Shawna Van Beekot River Run Investments Site Address: 36 E.. Pine Avenue Proposed.Use: Office (1..200 sq. ft.) Zoning: O-T (Old Town District) Comments: Conditions of Approval: Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances. The issuance of this permit does not release the applicant from any previous requirements or other permits issued for this site. Landscape/site Plan: The Landscape/site Plan prepared by WRG Design, Inc., on JUne 16, 2006, labeled C-l, is approved (stamped "Approved" on June 28, 2006 by the Meridian Planhing Department) with the changes noted below: i:.,~'~~.+Irt~~'failiI)ifyeI-e:::p~'tJdilg: lit co.~p]iance with UJ)c.li~3C-5C. See redlines on approved plans for further detail. Other than tIle changes required above; the approved landscape/site plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. Irrigation: An underground, pressurized irrigation system illllst be installed to all landscape areas per the approved specifications and in accordance with UDC 11-3 A -15 . Protection ofExistinr! Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or mitigated for in accordance with the Tree Preservation section of the City'~ Landscape Ordinance. Per UDC 11-3B-IO, coordinate with the Parks Department Arborist (Elroy Huff: 888-3579) for approval ofprotectionlrelocation measures for the existing trees prior to constroction.. Any severely dam~ged tree must be replaced in compliance with UDe 11- 3B-l Q-C..5. Parking: The proposed parking areas shall be paved and striped in accordance with UDC 11-3B.. Project engineer/architect shall certify that the number and size of handicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).. Handicap accessible stalls must have .signage in accordance with ADA standards. '.~. ,:<.~, Curbing: Per UDC 11-3B-5I, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking lots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other approved protective devices~ Curbing may be cut to allow for storm water runoff Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with 11-3A -17. Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Drainage: Storm water drainage swales shall not have a slope steeper than 3: 1, shall be fully vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with UDe 11-3B-l1 and UDe 11-3A-18. Fencing: Any required or proposed fencing shall be installed with current fencing standards as defmed in UDe 11-3A-7. Lighting: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development and comply with lighting standards as defined in UDC 11-3A-l1. Signa~e: No signs are approved with this CZC. All business signs will require a separate sign permit in compliance with UDC II-3D. Trash Enclosure: All dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with UDC-11-3A-12~ Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the si?e approved by sse. t Handicap-Accessibility: The structure, site improvements and parking areas must be in compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. ACHD Acceptance: All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Certificate of Occupancy; All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A written certificate of completion shall be prepared bv the landscane architect.la~dscape desi2uer or ql1aJified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan upon completion of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials and sprinkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 11 0% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: Except for the changes mentioned above, the approved Landscape/site Plan stamped "Approved" on June 28, 2006, is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department No significant field changes to the landscape/site plan are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required~ Sonya atters Assistant City Planner m~ *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, "including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District" Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sani tary Services Co"' etc~ This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. ' ~~~~ ~)Ji:lr.; Ctl y ,.t!~ ]~tilT!!DL <. CJl"dicrlt. . ~rt~ '~.\I ~;,. ]I>..\HO 1.7 ~~~ ~~'~?(!'"iu~,,-q.~>."i~;'" Planning Department ADMINISTRA TNE REVIEW APPLICATION Type of Review Requested (check aU tliat apply) o Accessory Use o Alternative Compliance JX. Certificate of Zoni ng COJnp liance o Conditional Use Permit Minor Modification o Design Review o Private Street o Property Boundary Adjustment o Short Plat o Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance o Tune Extension (Director) o Vacation O.Otlter .~;: S TAFP: USE.: ONLY; }.:. y ::: :..:::: ::::.::~ > .: :::: :~::: ::...:: :~..: :..: :.i.:::::': ;.:.:::: ::.:::: ::.:: ::..::;:~.; .:.::. ~):(:.::\..:::~.~ .:>.:::.:: .;..:: :.!. Fiie:.thirii~:ertsj:~::;.: :.:.C~13.(:~:6f6:~:6 ~y..:::.::.:::::.:::::.::::.;::.:.:;:.:..:.:::'::..::..:::::..:: . . .. . .. . . .. .... .. . .. . . .... .. .. . . . ... ..... . . . . . . . - . . -.. ..:.. .... ...... ... . .... ..... . . .. ......... . ....... . .. .. . . . .. .. . .. . ... . . . . . . Applicant.Informa tion Appticantname: .~{1'iN1\-1f\ Vt1T\J m~ t QJ\\Jg(JLflAAN ltJ\/. Phone: 0Dt().llU)D Applicant. address: ()( () ~7\- t?tNfJ 'f\{B ; ~& MBY21\I)I.~) 1 .l'1~ Zip: OonLD4-~ Applicant's interest in property~ ~ Own 0 Rent D Optioned 0 Other O\vner name: g~ ~ .fJ'\p~P1 ,1t()1Nt~ Owner. address: Phone: Zip: Agent name (e.g~1 architect) engineer, develope~sentafurm: Finnname= \lV~i?F'"~lIQN ,. \NC/J Address: ~-&3/:J cr::U1A"1--l-\ .Frr~\'.i~ f?1.VlQ.C'; , ~r9lc?1 \ \001 Primary contact is: 0 Applicant 0 Owner [iAgent 0 Other Contact name: ~.;, . E-mail: Phone: ~ ~ M( ()~ CbJd'OO Fax: 20<?)~ 2 <t(o ~ fJWO . Subject Prop.erty Information Location/street address: /!;( () ~=7f-P1 NO P<\ICrJlA(~t 1\te:'<J1fJ \ V1N~, 'tdVC0A1; 0tJtp~.~ Assessor's parcel number( s): f2-{ 0, { ;:3-lDWOO 0'c? Township, range, section: ...a..N t \ e ) ee;U 0 T Total acreage: ()" 9-~ Current land use: t)ff\( ~ Current zoning district: 0 ~-r 660 E. Waterto\vcr Lane, Suite 202 . ..Meridian" Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) &84-5533 . Facsimile: (208) 888...6854 · \Vcbsite; \V\ll\v.nleridinncitv~on:! 1 Projeet Description Project/subdivision name: t24 \I &~jl N \ N\jEt?-\-l~G, (;.9:;(/ General description of proposed project/request: r~A\ n{A'il..t:.:, (Jf='" ~Nl Nfl) CDMPl.,J ~ CC~ Proposed zoning district(s): Nt.A Acres of each zone proposed: N { A f Type of use proposed (check aU that apply): o Residential 0 Commercial ~ Office D Industrial 0 Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable): N 1.{1 I Who will own & maintain the pressurized irrigation system in this development? N fOfyVlf''Y1 · "(\I)8VU{ k:? I~ Which irrigation district does this property lie Vlithin? N t\VV\tpf' ~ ME)(2.1 II? I nN Primary irrigation source: N fWVl\o(q.l\I\~tIt toif\+'rJ Secondary: ~ilO W~'f~ .' .' _. Square footage of landscaped areas to be inigated (ifprimaty or secondary point of connection is City water): Iff) f) 0 <;:-"r -{ 1-- Residential Project Summary Of applicable) Number of residential units: Number of conunon and/or other lols: Proposed number of dwelling units (for multi-family developments only): 1 Bedroom: 2 or more Bedrooms: Number ofbuitding lots: Minimum square footage of stmcture( s) ( excL garage): Proposed building height Minimum property size (s.f): Average property size (s.f.): Gross density (DUJacre--tQtal1and): Net density (DU/acrc-cxcluding roads & alleys): Percentage of open space provided: Acreage of open space: Percentage ofuseable open space: (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of open space provided in acres (i.e.) landscaping, public, comrnODJ etc): Type of dwel1ing(s) proposed: 0 Single-family 0 Townhomes 0 Duplexes 0 Multi-family Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building 101s: r Other lots: ..----- Gross floor area proposed: Existing (if applicable): J 9t3-0 -t/."- Hours of operation (days and bours): tlJJ1YY\,. - V:J PYVl Building height: ;3c;j' Percentage of site/project devoted to the following: Aw. D/(Ji:-:;-f-, N[9-- Landscaping: --- Building: Paving: Total number of employees: 0~ Maximum number of employees at anyone time: CC; Number and ages of students/children (if app1icable)~ · Seating capacity: ~---- Total number of parking spaces provided: 4- Number of compact spaces provided: 0 Autborization Print applicant name: Applicant signature. \\A~ · Date: 001 \~ DlP nwer Lane, Suite 202 . Meridian, [claho 83642 Facsimile: (208) 888...6854 · Website~ \V'\\'\v.tneridiancifv.of1! 2 ....t DEVELOPMENT f . SE RVrC E 5 h~.& ~.."';~ LA N or. PLANN I NG . ~"' CIViL ENGI NEERI NG LANDSdAPE ARCHlTECTU RE ~l ~: .. ".J... LAND SURVEY 45~ S. Filness Place ..... · Eaglet JD 83616 PH 298/246.8300 ~ FX 208/246.8320 · www.wrgd:com --- o E.S I G N I NeE ---^-..... May 12. 2006 Meridian Planning Department 660 East Watertower Lane, Suite 220 Meridian, ldalw 83642 ' .. J. RE: . I Cert(fi~ate of Zoning Compliance 11'# 3(i East Pine Avenue, M~ian Dear Plwtners: On. be1WI.f of my Client, 'Shawna Van'Beek, owner of Riv erR zin Investments. UC, . please accept this applicationfor a certificate of zoning COTTqJlurce for her qffice located at 36 East Pine Avenue ti1 Meridian. The property is current ~oned 0- T. RiverRWl Investments; LLC assists Treasure Valley land developers with l~ "acquisition." Thefinri currently hasftve eTTqJloyees with'the office seriJing\as the "home base>>. MostoftheftnnJs employees spend their days out of the o.fJke meeting with property owners; clients and t.ttle companies. Also, this is rwt the type of busirlpss that caters to "walk-in's>>. ~ ~ \ ~ . ~ . · My Client pwchpsf!!d this properly' in late 2005 lmd w~ informed that all ' riecessary approvals and. zoning were in place'for utiltzing..the property as an _ office use. The previouS owner, with wlwm my Client is acquatnted .with. had also lftUized.'the property as an o1fke for his" development business for. two or three yews. ~ In early 2006, my Clientfi1ed an; application IPith the City of Meridian P1a.n.ning Departrirent in order to obtain a sign permitfor the property. It was at this time that the Planning Stp,ff discovered that the appropriate applications had not been fi1edforthe"conversion of this resideiicefrom a residenttal., use to an office use_ Since .this discovery, my Client has been working with the Meridian Code Enforcement division and. Josh Wilson in tlte Planning Department to move · forward With the necessary perTnitting of this property to l;>ring the proper.:!Y ~ conforinance with the Meridian Zo~ qrdinance. · As such, we submit this application with the necessary docurrrentatlon imdfees for cerlijkate of zoning compliance. As .sUggested by Josh, we have combined~the · site plan and. landscaping plUns into one overeil.l plait. Josh also .statea it was. not ,necessary to obtain sse appravalfor the trash enclostUe as it is already in . existence ~ being serviced by sse. · _/ . . We lookfonvard tn working with you and request approval of our application. if ~ you should have any questions. please feelfree'. tn contact me at 246-8300 or ci.shleyJord@wrgdesign.com. . "/ · Sincerely, WRG Design. .fnc. \ lIdJ Ashley B" Ford Planning Project Mannger Parcel Characteristics Parcel Cbara cteristics :. ,.. IDAHO RATIONAL TECHNC-.OGY Page 1 of2 ~ ~ - C""I ~;;~ Parcel number: R6129000025 Owner Information First: VAN BEEK SHA WNA M 36 E PlNE AVE MERIDIAN, ill 83642-0000 Second: Property Location Address: 36 E PJNE AVE MERIDIAN, ID 83642-0000 Subdivision: NOURSES F A ADD Legal Descriptions Legal 1: LOTS 5 TO 7 INe BLK 1 Lega12:~RIDIAN Legal 3 : F A NOURSES 1ST ADD Other Zone Code: O-T Total Value: $130,800 Acreage: 0.25 Assrval Year: 2006 Statecat: 200 Activein: I Acerage; 0..25 CatName:RES LOT OR TRACT Year: 2006 Statecat: 200 Activein: A Acerage: 0.25 CatName:RES LOT OR TRACT Year: 2006 S tatec at: 200 Activein: A Acerage: 0 CatName:RES LOT OR TRACT Year: 2006 Statecat: 410 Activem:I Acemge:O CatName:RES IMPROVE~NT Year: 2006 Statecat: 410 Activein: A Acerage: 0 CatName: RES Il\1PROVEMENT Year: 2006 S tate cat: 410 . Activein: A Acerage: 0 CatName:RES Il\1PROVEMENT Section: 3NIE07 Legal 4 Legal 5 Home Exempt: $0 Assessed: $38,000 Assessed: $26,400 Assessed: $11,600 Assessed: $71,800 Assessed: $56,500 Assessed: $15,300 h ++n... 11"'f."T n,.:nT 71 .....: A ^ h " :n J""It........ ,.,..., I"V 1.... I ,... ,.:I " D 1"1I........... ~ 1 r'11.... ".... n ......-. _ -L _ ____ C\ T\ -.. ___ -. .- 1 1 ,......,-. _ ....__ "'n _ _ _ _ _ 1 t ~.. _ n DEPUfi"ionn~ iibirllllUg RECORDED IIItREaUEST Of TItle Onl In 111]111111111]1 II II IlIlI IllllI 1111 105192384 Order No.: AOS48002 DR/gE WARRANTY DEED FOR VALUE RECEIVED~ HEARTLAND TOWNHOMES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC The Grantor(s), do(es) hereby grant, bargain sell and convey unto SHA WNA M.. VAN BEEK, AS HER SOLE AND SEPARATE ESTATE whose current address is 36 E PINE AVENUE :rvmRIDlANt ID 83642 the Grantee(s), the following described premises, in Ada County, Idaho, TO WIT: Lots 5, 6. and 7 in Block 1 ofF~A~ NOURSErS FIRST ADnmON TO MERIDIAN) according to the official plat thereof, filed in Book 2 of Plats at Page(s) 53, official records of Ada County, Idaho. TO HA VB AND TO HOLD the said premises. with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee. heirs and assigns forever. And the said Orantot(s) do(es) hereby covcnant to a.nd with the .said Grantee(s), that (s)he is/are the owner(s) in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all encumbrances EXCEPT those to which this conveyance is expressly made subject and those made. suffered or done by the Grantee(s); and subject to all existing pAtent l'C.!ervatioRSf easements, rigbt(S) of way, protective covenants. mning ordinancesl and applicable building codesJ laws and regulations, general taxes and asscssments, including irrigation and utility assessments (ifmy) for the current year. which are not due III1d payable. and that Orantor(s) will warrant and defend the same from all ] awfu I cJ aims whatsoever J OlvIES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC BY: STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF ADA ON THIS AL- DAY OF DECEMBER, IN THE 2005. BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, PERSONALLY APPEARED ~ KNOWN OR IDENTIFIED TO ME TO BE THE MANA ER OR MEMBER OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY THAT EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT OR THE PERSON(S) WHO EXECUTED mE INSTRUl\ffiNT ON BEHALF OF SAID LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT SUCH LWITED LIABILITY COMPANY EXECUTED THE SAME. COMMISSION EXPIRES: d,~~/JtJ 7 RESIDING AT: N O/tL(Ja .:.JJti.oJuJ .......... ,1111', ft", ...,..., 0..\ if 0 if. '''''''~ ~.,... ~ ~ ........ ~ ~ ';, ! 0 ..... .... ...tiP \ i : ~1." anci.~ -: ~.i i~E "S ~~.. .,; ~~J o~ :).. = ~ """ -. y.. ... ~ = \. ~ ... ... <) .f ~". <1'1 .......... f\.'>; ...~'tr '""'#1 0 Ai. · a -...{ ,,,,...,..., ";,.. .11111' 'I.' AFFIDAVIT OF LEGAL INTEREST STATE OF IDAHO ) ) COUNTY OF ADA ) I, 9ttftNNf\ \/f\t\J lYJ~ (name) fVt)l?At:1l t'tN (city) being first duly sworn upon, oath~ depose and say: , ?}lj ~-t FINe PnI6\\Jvt u (address) I~ (state) 1. That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to; W[2.(9 ~~t>N, IN~. %n G. FltN~ - ~ ~O~ I l Ot?h-\l) Dc>?jJ; I tp (name) (address) to submit the accompanying application(s) pertaining to that property~ 2~ I agree to indern.nify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees harmless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute as to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the application. 3. · I hereby grant permission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said appIication(s). Dated this ~ .~ ..... .... ~.... N ~ .~.. .... ..--" . . .. ,~.... ~.....~ -.... .......-..... ......... C------.--.""'~- , 20 D te SUBSCRlBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. Residing at: ~~ 2f~ d'37d( d' /t1~/ O{()/I My Commission Expires: RiverRun Investments ~ 36 Pine Street f- (f} . , ~ PINE PINE z PINE <( 1--1 f- Cl CJ) I-t ,....; ~ w :E SCALE 1 : 2,716 ~ ... ~ I ! t 200 · 0 200 400 600 FEET STATE Streets Environmental Data ~.. .. Hydro Areas o Parcels PINE Z 1--1 <( :E N ttn .//\MMW1 rtirl~ hn ,...nrr-t 1m,.., h/~,..( 0. rt'\,.If Parcel Characteristics Page 2 of2 Resival Year Built: 1910 YearRem: 2004 Bedrooms : 3 Bathrooms : O~75 Deck sqft: 0 Deck Covered: N Ground Floor sqft : 1152 Upper Floor sqft : 0 Attic sqft U : 0 Attic sqft F : 0 ace Date: 10101 EFF Age: 0 Heating : Y NC:Y Patio sqft: 167 Patio Covered : Y Lower Floor sqft U: 0 Lower Floor sqft F : 0 Fireplace : 1 GP Building: 216 # of Dwellings: 1 Car Storage 1 : 0 Car Storage 2 : 0 Porch sqft: 80 Pool sqft : 0 Basement Floor sqft: 0 Basement Floor sqft T : 0 Construction Class : 4 Landval Comer: N Rescat Code : 200 Res Acres: 0.25 Nbhood Type: Utilities : 3 Sidewalks : N View: Corneat Code : 0 Com Acres : 0 Nbhood Cond. : Water Source: 3 Curb Gutter: N Water Influ. : Othercat Code : 0 Other Acres : 0 Street ; 3 Sewer: 3 Topa : Frontage : 0 [. . Characteristics Dictionary ] htto:l/www 1 .. rti daho_com/m Q'h/anaP::lTcel C:h:-lTR ~nrt ~:H:~~n?P~rf'p.l-1-r'h ~r=1l~..........~1-!-"'f.., ~...1'r_n....__ c '1 ~ ''''nn~ ~T~~~...~a..~~1i1:~='OAU..~ I. . . . . . .. .. . "l I" i f ~ r J ,Ii: ~: ( ; : ; ; : ; : : ; : : : : ; : : ; : ~ l{ ~ 1$ 3:~:u~nn~~~~nUHni III , 100 f".! ~~ n~uu~nn~~n)r , i I ( I I? :;!:.......,....... <:'*r 'I it , 0 ~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~: ~ I ft: 8' I I 0 ~ I ~ ; : : : : : : ; ; : : : ;:.; :~: : 1 ~ f2 :.:.:.: : : ~ : :. ~ pn ~ttinn~U~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : :I: : :~; : ~ : : : : : : : ~ :: : ~ ~i~i J!~I ~Ii If: . I e> ~~.~ I~II~I'! ~'l~~ i~ ;} "f~~.r fjii~ :~!J~lj Irfll tJ~'} - fihl. }:t I i fl 11 ~~I I. 1 If - 'I~fr ~ fiJlf f m. II f~ I "J Ii !~f~ fi <; ~~ ! , f f~ ~o I~ iD < e. o. ::J I I .._..~ ~ I ~ [----<<--K-K---K------i'C-K--K-K-k----K-K----K-X-H--K----k-X--K-J I Ii! I ~~~ ,"" ~~ :~:.'!"> ~ @ , " "~ ~. ~~~ ~ I G)O -~ rom 9;~ ~o ~.g (I) q-rt- c. ::s o o ~ s: o CD m i!::5 . !a. ~. ~ o .., r ca ~ ~ B CD r ['T1 ~ 3~ ~ m c.. r r8 3 m ~ Q $ D. tIJ 5. 0: :;~ to CD Sr a: :;. to ['T1 C < (t) r =r m en OJ S4 a: 5. 1.0 :; g r 5. {b en ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (if 0 ~ to' · ." (I) :E .g ::r :;. g: g-] ~ ~ ~ 3: ~ ~ ~ ~ : 6 [ ;} g' ~ ~ Jl ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ro ro m m 0 o 0 c ro ~ m 0 , Q o c 0: m t: x :J ~ R ~ ~ [ ~ ~ ::co g ~ ~ ~ c ; ~ at ~, ~ ~. g -I ::u [ a.. a. 7:' 0 3 -f ;0 0 o 3 5' :::c 0 3 S' o 5. (I .:J a. r 5. CD (n n , a 0" o -0 "'C m ~ m (b ! i I11111 1& o...~ tac:fII'rDr :: Site Plan / Landscape Plan for CZC -cx::J_ &~ -,-. lol'!:____ ~/l\ ~ =-~=~o...-. -.J.. River Run Investments D....N I N or ~ l Il1ii Shawna van SeeK <<II ~ ft.AC! EACLE D .... T.~ ~~ 36 E Pine Ava MericiB.r\ Idaho ~._...~~ .~ CITY OF Date .:5 -/j -V Applicant /"te. r ~ t017 nr-eJ'fnu;/t..~ Address J't.? e I r /- /Ll /VieY1 ct" aA7 I D Phone CASH CHECK # NAME ON CHECK IF DfFFERENT THAN APPLICANT IZLY-. .Ccc 3~ e- ri~a..1 ~~ .,...... h PAYMENT DOES NOT INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION I I I I I J I J I J I I I r J [ J I I TAX I I TOTAL 375 r-: !W~rpoa 8161 Received cJvJ By 5574U DOD D E S I G N I N C. .. ... .... DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LAND PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAN DSGp PE AflCHITECTURE LAND SURVEY 453 S. Fitness Place Ea81e, ID 83676 PH 208/246-8300 F% 206/246-8320 TRANSMITTAL To: City of Meridian Date: 06.21.06 Attn: Sonya Wafters RiuerRun Planning Department Project: Investments CZC 660 East Watertower Lane, Second Ffoor Meridian, Idaho 83642 WRG#: RVR5944 From: Ashley Ford, WRG Design Planning Project Manager Transmitting: Vta: X Attached ^ Mail ^ Separate Cover X Messenger ^ Number of Pages Including Cover ^ Fed-Ex Co ies Descri tion Revised Site/Landscape Plans for 3 RiverRun Investments Alternative Compliance Application 1 Checklist Administrative Review Application dated 1 June 21, 2006 Letter to City of Meridian dated June 21, 1 2006 1 Check or $100 or a lication e Signed: Ashley B. Ford, Pi ~n ing Project Mana er For Your: X Review 8c Comment X As Requested ^ InformntioMFile www.wr8d.com ~rldrQn - °"~ ;, m,u ~n li Planning Department ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE ~ Application Checklist All applications are required to copy of the following unless otherwise noted: App~cant Description Staff Com leted & si ed Administrative Review A lication Narrative fully describing the proposed request including the following: - The specific requirements that are proposed to be modified X - Address the reason why strict adherence or application of the requirements are not feasible - Demonstrate how the proposed alternative means for compliance with the specific requirements provides an equal or superior means of meeting the intent and purpose of the re ulation Fee THISAPPLICATIONSHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNT/L STAFF HAS RECEIVED REQUIRED INFORMATION. 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888.6854 • Website: www.meridiancity.org jl~~y ~ CIl'Y OY j' ~~ _, ~~ ~ri~ian ~ ~ ~``~~ IDAHO ,/ ~ a /i1 <~ ~~~ ,.s Planning Department ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION Type of Review Requested (check all that apply) ^/lccessory Use Altematlve Compliance STAFF USE ONLY; ~Cerli6cate of Zoning Compliance File number(s):. ^ Conditional Use Permit Minor ModiScafion ^ Design Review ^ Private Street Project name: ^ Properly Boundary Adjustment ^ Short Plet Date fded: bate complete: ^ Temporary Use CertiScate of Zoning Compliance Assigned Planner: ^ Time Extension (Director) Related tiles: ^ Vacation ^ Other Applicant Information Applicant name: ~--~'V~~VUI~I(~ V~~ ~~t ~y~.~i11(I~ IIJV, Phone: ~~.I~ Appheantaaareas: ~11D Oi~-t' i741~I~ tr(G .3 M~JrLblf`t1~1, 1{~. zip: °D'l~(~~~ Applicant's interest in properly: ~ Own ^ Rent ^ Optioned ^ Other Ownername: f~~ P~Y~"1~1.1,(~Y-I'IV t Phone: Owner address: Zip: Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, develope resentative : ~17M t }'iZ/'i~~ ~. Firm name: V11i2~"f~((91~I ~ If~I~J~ Phone:' `~'~{~9. DU Address: ~7J ~I~I-Cl-( Pf~ly~~i (h1.VK'' a ~1P91~~ (V/ Zip: ~YJIQ(l-P Primary contact is: ^ Applicant ^ Owner Agent ^ Other Contact E-maiL• Subject Property Information Phone: G~~ . a'-(-f0. ~J~~d Fax: /~D~.2~10.~~E7 Locaton/street address: ~' 0 EIS I'pI Y~4e P~U'Y~II/I 1 /~i'Y~ilh I 1 ~ I ~7~~-,~ 8~1 ~({-a Assessor's parcel number(s): J `-'C1L( ~fb00 a"~ Township, range, section: ~ ~ ~ I C ,1 ~i~ ~~' Total acreage: ~ . a S Current land use: F~~~4~iC7 Current caning district: ~ •~ 660 E. Wetertower Lane, Suite 202 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Website: www.meridiancitv.ore 1 Projectlsubdivision name: 1Gl U CJYIX~iVI N 1 NVF~~`1 YVIE~N~~ L'~CJ General description of proposed project/request: ~i-~"( ~l/V t 1I i ©~ ~iVl1~iC0 CDn/1Pl,l i~T'f~4 (~ Proposed zoning district(s): _ Acres of each zone proposed: Type of use proposed (check all that apply): ^ Residential ^ Commercial ,~ Office ^ Industrial ^ Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable):_ ~ ~ ~ Who will own 8c mahrtain We pressurized irrigation system in this development? N{~}~~Y'Y~ - f~/1(~fiIV~IIfTY~l Which irrigation district does this property lie within? N 1°I-UVl(P4'1-iVll°J(Llt~li~fY~ Primary irrigatlon source: N f~YVIY'{9° p/IG`1rJ/l VJl wl~l Secondary: Lt~/1 W I9~"~1 P/ Square footage of landscaped areas to be irrigated (if primary or secondary point of comecdw is City water): ~ ~ ~~+~^ Residenlial Project Summary (if applicable) Number of residential units: Number of building lots: Number of common and/or other lots: Proposed number of dwelling unite (for multi-family developments only): 1 Bedroom: 2 or more Bedrooms: Minimum square footage of structure(s) (excl. garage): Proposed building height: Minimum property size (s.f): Average property size (s.f.): Gross density (DU/ec>e-total land): Net density (DU/ecree~ccluding noada & alleys): Percentage of open space provided: Acreage of open space: Percentage of useable open space: (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) Type of open space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): Type of dwelling(s) proposed: ^Singla-family ^ Townhomes ^ Duplexes ^Multrfamily Non-residential Project Summaary (i[ applicable) Number of building lots: I Other lots: Gross floor area proposed: Existing (if applicable): ~ ~t~"D ~~- Hours of operation (days end hours): 7/ r" I t I ~ ~ GI r~l~ Building height: ~G/ Percentage of site/project devoted to the following: r~(1 '~,((~-~l hS(9- Landscaping: Building: Paving: Total number of employees: ~'/ Maximum number of employees at any ane time: ~J Number and ages of students/children (if applicable): Seating capacity: Total munber of parking spaces provided: ~ Number of compact spaces provided: Authorization Print applicant name: ~ p 1 ll1( Applicant signature. __ Date: ~ • ~ - D ~D 660 E. Wa(eRbwer Lsne, Suite 202 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 • Websi[e: www.meridiancitv.or 2 DOD D E S I G N I' N C. .. ... .... DEVELOPMENT uEERVICES LANG PLFNNING CIVIL ENGINEERING -~ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LANo SVRVEY Ms. Sonya Wafters Planner Meridian Planning Department 660 East Wdtertower Lane, Suite 220 Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Application of Alternative Compliance ~ 36 East Pine Avenue, Meridian, Idaho Dear Ms. Wafters: As per your conversation urith Shannon Long from WRG Design, please accept this application of alternative compliance for the current CZC application for Riverl2un Investments. Due to the requirement per the Unified Ordinance fora 5 foot landscaped buffer between the parking lot of our building and the adjacent property, this in turn, creates an issue,unth meeting our parking requirements far the use of our site. The site currently has a buffer measuring betiveen 4-feet tb 4.5 feet in uridth approximately. With the revised site plan dated June 21, 2006, we have achieved compliance removing a 4 to 12-inch uride strip of pavement along the edge of the parking lof and converting this to landscape. The parking requirements for our building are one,(IJ parking space for every 500 square feet. This breaks down into three (3J required parking stalls: two (2J standard and one (IJ van accessible. ,We have shown two (2J parallel parking spaces adjacent to the building urith the third parking space at the rear gamge area. While the standard stalls are compliant; the van accessible stall is just short. We are required by ADA to have the van accessible parking stall with an 8- foot wide vehicle area and an 8 foot wide passenger loading zone adjacent. We are 6-inches short of meeting this requirement due to removing asphalt in order to meet the landscape buffer requirement. We are hoping the loss of 6-inches is not critical to the passenger loading zone, as it exceeds by 18-inches the requirement for standard accessible stalls.' Due to site constraints, there is no additional area between the building and property line we can use fo meet the parking requirement, We look forward to working with you and request approval of our application. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 246-8300 or: ashleyford@wrgdesign.com. \ 453 S. Fitness Place Eagle, ID 83616 PH 208/246.8300 FX 208/246.8320 Sincerely, WRG Design Inc, ~~ Ashley B. Ford ' Planning Project Manager CC: Riverl2un Investments, 36 East Pine Avenue, Meridian, Idaho 83642 www.wrgd.com 1 ~ ...-~..~ } ~,p ,~ CITY OF I,: ~ J `~ ~~~~.~Vl~Y1G~1GfY! ~; 33 E. Idaho Ave. ~, Meridion, ID 83642 7. Date ~Z Applicant ~ ° ~t,PL ~ g Address I ~~. pp :~1,: ci.,-. I '! ~~ hone ~(b ' / ~~ CASN CHECK lF NAME ON CHEC IF DIFF ~ ~ ^~f\ ER~(F"~)~IT THAN APPLICANT ~ i ^~ ~ vU i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I PAYMENT DOES NOT INDI ACCEP NCE OF APPLICATION I I TAX i 8 2 4 9 BYce TOTAL ~ ~ 55]gtl ~~~ c'' July 11, 2006 t ,,rtt~f ~~~~'~ VOn~.swV1~~~p JriN^LGb To: Shawna Van Beek River Run Investments 36 E. Pine Ave Meridian, ID 83642 Subject: MCZC-06-077 Office Building 36 E. Pine 1 ~~ ~ John S. Franden, President Carol A. McKee, 1st Vice President Dave Bivens, 2nd Vice President Sherry R. Huber, Commissioner Rebecca W. Arnold, Commissioner In response to your request for comment, the Ada County Highway District (ACRD) staff has reviewed the submitted application and site plan for the item referenced above. It has been determined that the Right-of-Way and Development Services Department does not have any site specific requirements for you at this time due to the fact that all necessary road improvements currently exist. If the site plan or use should change in the future, ACRD will review the site plan and may require improvements to the transportation system at that time. Prior to final approval you will need to submit plans to the ACRD Development Review Department. A traffic impact fee may be assessed by ACRD and will be due prior to the issuance of a building permit. Contact ACRD Planning & Development Services at 387-6170 for information regarding impact fees. Prior to the construction or installation of any roadway improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement widening, driveways, culverts, etc), a permit or license agreement must be obtained from ACRD. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (208) 387-6177. Sincerely ~.,i~~ JoC Planner Intern Right-of--Way and Development Services CC: Project file, Construction Services, City of Meridian, Ashley Ford WRG Design, Inc. 453 S. Fitness Place Eagle, ID 83616 Ada County Highway District • 3775 Adams Street • Garden City, ID • 83714 • PH 208-387-6100 • FX 345-7650 • www.achd.ada.id.us Parcel Chazacteri~ ~ ~ ~ Page 1 of 2 Parcel Characteristics 7 fi -~ I~d RATIONAL TCCN NO LCOY Parcel number: 86129000025 Ownerlnformafion First: VAN BEEK SHAWNA M 36EPINEAVE '~ MERIDLAN, ID 83642-0000 Second: , : ~ ~ ~~' '~ ~, i , ,o Property Location Address: 36 E PINE AVE Section: MERIDIAN, H) 83642-0000 3N1E07 Subdivision: NOURSES F A ADD Lega! Descriptions Legal 1: LOTS 5 TO 7 INC BLK 1 Lega14 Legal 2: MERIDLAN Lega15 Lega13: F A NOURSES 1ST ADD Other Zone Code: O-T Total Value: $130,800 Home Exempt: $0 Acreage: 0.25 Assrval Year: 2006 Statecat: 200 Assessed: $38,000 Acfivein:I Acerage: 0.25 CatName: RES LOT OR TRACT Yeaz: 2006 Statecat: 200 Assessed: $26,400 Activein: A Acerage: 0.25 CatName:RES LOT OR TRACT Year: 2006 Statecat: 200 Assessed: $11,600 Activein: A Acerage: 0 CatName:RES LOT OR TRACT Year: 2006 Statecat: 410 Assessed: $71,800 Activein:I Acemge: 0 CatName:RES IMPROVEMENT Year: 2006 Statecat: 410 Assessed: $56,500 Activein: A Acerage: 0 CatName:RES IMPROVEMENT Year: 2006 Statecat: 410 Assessed: $15,300 Activein: A Acerage: 0 Ca[Name:RES IMPROVEMENT http://www l .rtidaho.com/mQb/adaParcelCharRevort.asv?Pazcel+Char=Parcel+Char&narce... 5/13/2006 06/20/2006 13:10 2082468320 I ~©® o E 5 1 6 N I N C. .::: ^EVRLOPM6NT 6EPVICE.+ e LpN0 P LANNINO crvn EN CIN[CI11N0 L pN GbCA P[ AacN rtccTJwp LwN0 9 V cvET 453 5. Fllness Piece Eeple,ID 83818 PH 206/248-8300 FX 208/246-B32D FAX TRANSMLTTAL WRG D/ESIGN l PAGE 01/03 to' Sonva Wafters pate: June 20, 2006_ _ Comuanv~ City of M®ridian No. Pages Incladlne cover: 3 Fax No• 200.5ti8-0854 Hard cony to follow: Yea No x From• Shannon Long Re: River Run Investments WRG No (Prolstok Name: RVR5944 For Your: D Review and Comment D As Requested OUse D Information/File Comments: Sonya, Here are the plans you requested. Let me know iF there is anvthinsa else you need. Sincerely Shannon Lona c: Ashley Fard www.wrgtl.com Sonya Watters From: Sonya Watters Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 2:10 PM To: 'Ashley Font' Subject: River Run Investments CZC Iii Ashley, I've reviewed the CZC application you submitted for the property at 36 E. Pine Ave. and there are some site design issues that do not meet the Unified Development Code. I haven't been to the site but am assuming that the parking and everything is existing. The items that are not in compliance with City Code are as Follows: * landscape buffer adjacent to the driveway on the west boundary is required to be min. 5-ft. wide;~Iso must con 1 tree per 35 lineal feet * nve aisle is required to be 13-ft. wide min. *rParking stalls are required to be 9-ft. wide x 19-ft. long Changing the parking to parallel would solve the dimensional problems...just athought. Give me a call when you get a chance and we'll discuss where to go from here. Thanks, Sonya Sonya Wafters CITY OF MERIDIAN Planning Department 660 E. Watertower Ln., Ste. 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208)884-5533 Fax: (208)888-6854 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~'~'~~~'~'~~~ ~~~ S~ N~a~- ~ ~(l/1 "l5~/) I ~ ~OMI~IN'~+ ~1~ 1'1~W ~)~'y~ :nllj /films 1 ~,,,,a ~ ~. ~~ ~ridian _ ~~`~ v mn~ io y, ~"LTis~vv~'w%y' lit A ~~~ Planning Department j` ~~ ~ CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE ~~ ~t~rw7 Application Checklist ~ T; Applicant Staff Description Com leted & si ed Administrative Review A lication Narrative fully describing the proposed use of the property, including the following: - Information on any previous approvals or requirements for the requested use ~~ i.e., a liceble conditions ofa royal or Develo men[ A men[ Recorded warran deed for the sub'ect roe l Affidavit of Legal Interest signed & notarized by the property owner (rf owner is a corpomeon, submit a of the Articles of Inw moon or other evidence ro show tlm[ the arson si is an authorized a ant. / Scaled vicini ma showin the location of the sub'ect roe t/ Q Sanita Service Com an a royal for trash enclosure & access drive (stamped site plan nl A photometric test report for any light fixture(s) with a maximum output of 1,800 lumens or more see UDC 11-3A-11 Site Plan-4 copies (folded to 8'/z" x 11" size) ~~~~ tA,' / X The followin items must be shown on the site tan: • Date, scale, noRh arrow, and ro'ect name (scale not less than 1"=so') • Naroes, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firm re grin the tan • Parkin stalls and drive aisles • Trash enclosures location • Detail of trash enclosure (must be screened on 3 sides) • Location and specifications for underground irrigation (pressurized irrigation can only be waived if ou rove no water ri hts exist to sub'ec[ ro e • Sidewalks or athwa s (ro osed end existing) • Location of Io osed bulldln on let (include dimensions to property lines) • F¢nCln (proposed and existing) • Calculations table including the following: Number of parking stalls required & provided (specify handicap ~ compact stars) - Building size (sq. R.) - Lot size (sq. R.) X - Setbacks - Zonin district • Reduction of the site tan 8 'r/i' x 11" / Landscape plan- 3 copies (folded to 8 %" x 11" size) f Plan must have a scale no smaller than I " = 50' (! " = 20' is preferred) and be on a standard drawing sheet, not to exceed 36"x 98" (29"x 36" is preferred). A plan which cannot be drawn in X its entirety on a single sheet mast be drawn with appropriate match lines on two or more sheets. The followin items must be included on the lendsce a tan: k • Date scale, north arrow, and ro'ect name • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firm re grin the tan 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 • Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (206) 684-5533 • Facsimile: (208) 888-6654 • Website: www.meridiancity.org All applications are required to contain one copy of the following unless otherwise noted: r~/ • Existing natural features such as canals, creeks, drains, ponds wetlands V~ , , flood lains, hi h undwater areas and rock outcro in s. • Location, size, and species of all existing trees on site with trunks 4 inches or x greater in diameter, measured 6 inches above the ground. Indicate whether the tree will be retained or removed. • A statement of how existing healthy frees proposed to be retained will be rotected from dams a durin construction • Existing stmctures, planting areas, light poles, power poles, walls, fences, berms, V parking and loading areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, /\ stormwater detention areas, si s street furniture and other man-made elements. • Existing and proposed contours for all areas steeper than 20% slope. Berms shall be shown with one-foot contours. .k' • Si t Trian les as defined in 11-3A-5 of this ordinance. • Location and labels for all proposed plants, including trees, shrubs, and gl'OUndCOVOis([rees must m[he planted in Citywater or sewer easements). Scale shown for lent materials shall reflect a roximate mature size ` , l~ • A plant list that shows the plant symbol, quantity, botanical name, wmmon name, i i m n mum planting size and container, tree class (I, II, or III), and comments (for s acin , stakin ,and installation as a ro riate . • Planting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all re uired standards. IBS • Desi drawin s of all fencin ro osed for screenin oses • Calculations of project components to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including: - Number of street trees and lineal fee[ of street frontage - Width of street buffers (exclusive ofright-of--way) - Width of parking lot perimeter landscape strip - Buffer width between different land uses (if applicable) - Number of parking stalls and percent of pazking area with internal landscaping - Total number of trees and tree species mix - Mitigation for removal of existing trees, including number of caliper inches bein removed Reduction of the landsca a tan 8 %:" x 11" ~ Buildin elevations showin construction materials Fee If this ro'ect had rior a royal on a site tan, reduced fees ma a 1 ACRD Acceptance: Applicantshall be responsible for meeting the requirements ofACHD as they pertain to this applicalioh. All impactfees, ifany, shall bepaidprior to the issuance ofa buildingpermit_ Ifany changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate theACHD requirements, a new site plan shat! be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning & Zoning Deparhnenl for approval prior to the issuance afa building permit. Your building permit will not be issued until ACRD has approved yourplans and all associatedfees have been paid. THISAPPLICATIONSHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL STAFF HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION. D©~ D E S I G N I N C. .:. .... DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LgND PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING Ili LNNDSGq PE ARCHITECTURE LAND SDRVEY 453 S. Fitness Place Eagle, ID 63616 PH 200/246-8300 F% 20B/246-8320 TRANSMITTAL To: City of Meridian Planning Department Date: 05.15.06 RiverRun Project: Investments CZC 660 East Watertower Lane, Second Floor Meridian, Idaho 83642 WRG#: RVR5944 From: Ashley Ford WRG Design Planning Project Manager Transmitting: Via: For Your: X Attached ^ Mail X Reuieu~ 8L Comment ^ Separate Cover X Messenger ^ As Requested ^ Number of Pages Including Couer ^ Fed-Ex ^ Information/File Co tes Description 1 Certi uate o Zon' Compliance Ap lication 1 Letter o Intent dated 05.12.06 1 A,~Jidauit of Legal Interest from Shawna Van Beek, RiuerRun Investments 1 each Vicinity Map & Reduction of Site/Landscaping Plan 1 Tltie Re ort 7 FY di-sized Site Plan/Landsc a Plans 1 Fees Signed: ~, / Ashleg B. Ford, Planning Project Manager www.wrgd.com ... .... DEVELOPMENT $ETVICES LAND PLq NNING t,( . CIVIL ENGINEERING LANDSCq PE AHCNITECTVgE LgND SURVEY 4535. Fitness Place Eagle, ID 63616 PH 206/246-8300 FX 208/246-8320 ©O® D E S I G N I N C. ~~~zvE „ a ~~~6 TRANSMITTAL ,RUIN ~ , . g1U ~ G- To: City of Meridian Dade •''' 06.28.06 ,. Attn: Sonya Watters L, RiverRun Planning Department Project: Investments CZC 660 East Watertower Lane, Second Floor Meridian, Idaho 83642 WRG#: RVR5944 From: Shannon Long, WRG Design Designer Transmitting: Via: R Attached ^ Mail ^ Separate Cover X Messenger ^ Number of Pages Including Cover ^ Fed-Ex Co ies Descri tion Revised Site/Landscape Plans for I RiverRun Investments Full Size Revised Site/Landscape Plans for I RiverRun Investments Reduced Signed: S nnon Long, Designe For Your: X Review 8~ Comment X As Requested ^ Information/File www.wrg0.com