Boys & Girls Club Temp Bldg CZC 06-117 Cj+i C It/~ l r ... ~ A_ ~~.. '!'-J-'" ...__~. ~ iIo ~ · A:,:","!~""~~~' -~""yj! +. . r--r ijMllt-~1;;j_ $. ~ !~~'~/.': ~ ~..iWi~ ~V.i~ ~:r ~~ ~"'i{f. -,:or CITY OF I~J-!r'-\~-ij ---- -,-~'-, erl~ lern - -~Jf , ID,\HO 1Y / RECEIVED -JUN 2 7 2006 City of Meridian City Clerk Office CERTIFICA TE OF ZONING COl\1PLIANCE* Date: June 27.. 2006 Project NameINumber: Boys & Girls Club Temporary Use - CZC-06-117 Owner: City of Meridian Site Address: 201 E. Idaho Avenue Proposed Use: Temporary Teen Center - Approval good from June through August of 2006 Zoning: O-T Comments: Conditions of Approval: · This temporary use is allowed from June 2006 through August 2006 (UDC 11-3E-4AI.) · All structures and/or the display of merchandise shall comply with the setback requirements of the district within which it is located (UDC 11-3E-4B 1) · A maximum of 1 structure shall be allowed and may cover a maximum of 500 square feet (ODe 11-3E-4Cl) · The use shall not result in the construction of any permanent structures that would not otherwise be permitted subject to the regulations oftms Title (ODe 11-3E-4C2) · Any temporaxy structures shall be portable and completely removed at the end of the allowed time period (UDC 11-3E-4C3) · The applicant shall obtain any necessary building permits (UDC 11-3E-4C4) · Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to serve the use (UDe 11-3E-4EI) · The use shall not displace the required off-street parking spaces or loading areas of the principal permitted use on the_ site (ODe 11-3E-4E2) · The entrance and exit drives shall be designed to prevent traffic hazards and nuisances (ODe 11-3E-4E3) · All surfaces used for parking shall be constructed with paving, vegetative cover, or of a dustless material (UDC 11-3E-4E4) · All signs erected in association with the use shall be in compliance with the regulations for signs, Chapter 3 Article D SIGN REQUIRE1v1ENTS of the Meridian City Municipal Code (UDC 11-3E-4F) · The site shall be returned to a clean condition after the termination of the use, including free of debris and garbage (UDC 11-3E-4Hl) · The use shall comply with any guidelines, regulations and permitting process required by any authorizing public agencies, including but not limited to, the Central District Health Department, Transportation Authority, and Meridian City Departments. · Comply with all other applicable City Code. *This letter does not indicate conlpliance with requirements of other departments/agencies" including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District) Central District Health Department, affected irrigation disuict(s), Meridian Sewer, Water~ Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., Idaho Transportation Department, etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. ~ Jun. 19. 2006- I :25PM~ CI7'( ~. --. eridJirn · - ~ ~ lDAliO $ ~.~;:<~\O f\ \\\\\) ~ AY '\ L ~O ~~ t _,~ ,;t$\~~~ ~ _.~ ~~.; 11)0 . Type of Review Requested (cl1eC!\.~ll>~it~ppty) - 'X.\"" "'v' o Acccssoty Use C ~~ D Alternative Compliance ~V o Certificate of Zoning Compliance o Conditional Use Pe.nnitMinof Modification o Design Review (J Property Botmdaty Adjustment C Short Plat ; "ti( Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance ". D' Time Extension (Director) [J Vaca1:ion · CI Other No~ 4827 p~ 3 .... .r Planning Department . ADNllNISTRATIVE REVIEW APPLICATION -. .~ t': .. { ~... ,., Applicant Information Applicant name: Boy< i-G,r/i CI,J;~ J Acl (otJY\~ ~c" Phone: "3 "Jt-lt'l {, 0 AppIicmt addre~: & Q E.. 4 ~"J s-Ire~+ G~rJel\ (j"Jy Ii:> Zip: 8j J Ilj Applicant's interest in property: a Own 0 Rent 0 Optioned it Other L~&..~ .f;o.Y\ CI~ IJ+ J11~^r, idlAt1 Ownername: C" f)f tn@r,~Ji/~(\ Phone:~~-44D Owner address: 33 ~. ~o ~"'"< ~ m~,~c);t:\.r\ ~ rCJ 2J.p:f?3tL/1. Alde'tnGt,,_IfGCAC .. l!irmname:.H9jS4-Glrls (Ivb.!. at AJ4. r ~ . - Phone:'171..-L/4 6 0 ." -^:ddress: 61 0 E if 1.- t\1_ Slree+ ": '. Zip: <il37.14 .Primary contact is: ~ Applicant D Owner rj Agent 0 Other ContRctIlame: Kvr+ f).l)f!r~~" B-mail: ~unf:)bjc.illb ,i ~~"o. ('l~ ' Phone: 37 6-,!q 6fJ Fax: 3:J,J-q /5e Subject Property Information · Locati6nlstreet addr(1ss: d-o , E. rd~~f) A\I'e · Assess~",s parcel number(s): f{S 61 ~ooo 8'~6 .. ... :~ :...t~v1~~ range.t section: Se<: 7. 3I\Dr-/'" j {{ "I"&~-J. · Current l~d use: Yo""" PI' 0 t~~&:..fV\ · . ......, Total acreage: I 33 'Current zoning diStrict: Dr "!Ir.... . 660 E. Waterto,ver Lano, Suite 202 · Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 · F'acsimJ1e= (208) 888"'0854 . Websitc: \Y\V\v.meridianejtv~oT~ I ~:; Jun919. 2006 I ~25PM No. 4827 P. 4 Project Description L Proj~subdivisiont1ame: lloy, ;J...6.,~1s Clvh~ af' AJ~ (()VI1~71 merltJi'~;n Ul\/-f General description of proposed projectlrequesr.: 7e ~~p l)/~.4. 1'1 P orfttbJ-e: b UI ~ lJ J~ far 5 L/Mm e.r roa · fI't 0 rOe fY'-O · ~ + ... f ~ s.f ~ ()o6, Proposed zoning district(s): 1V,q ~ Ac;res of each zone proposed.: JJ A Type of use proposed (clteck all1bat apply): o Residential 0 Commercial 0 Office 0 Industrial M Other X()u-f~ PrDjl'<~ Amenities provided with this development (ifappHoabIe): 9<?c;'I't. (A' A:I") 4lr c arc) ; 11lh11~ Wbo will O\VI1 & maintain the pressmized irrigation system in this development? AlA Which irrigation district does this property lie within? }J A Primary inigation source: "'Ii Secondary: Iv A Square footage of lands:c8ped ~as to be irrigated (ifprimazy or secondary point of CODDection is City WAler): }J.4 Residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number ofreside:o.tial units: Number of CO.ID.I11on and/or other lots: Proposed nutnbcr of dwelling unitq (for multi-family developments only): 1 Bedroom: 2 or more Bedrooms: Minimum square footage of structure(s) (exct garago): Proposed building height: Minimnm property size (s.!): Average property s~e (s~t:): Gr098 density (DU/aara-to!4llmd): Net density (DUJa.c::fe-exeIudiDg road.g & aUc:ys): Percentage of open space prOvided: Acreage of open space: Percentage ofuseable open space: _ (See Chapter 3, Article G, for qualified open space) 1)pe of open. space provided in aClts (te., landscapin&. public.t conunOD.t etc): TYpe of dwellhzg(s) Pfoposed: CJ Single-family 0 ToWIlhomos a Duplexes 0 MultiMfamily Number of building lots: Non-residential Project Summary (it applicable) Number of building lots: Other lots: _ Gross floor area. proposed: 6 7 e..5tj ~rf. fTe..+ Existing (ifapplicable): li ~O{) j, tJC\f'e k+ · · kIours of opermon (days and hours); M - r 7 : 3of1rv'J -. b; DiJ(J P" Building height: ..9-1 . ,," "'. , · Perce~go of site/project d6VOted to the following: · .":.~~.-- ~ "Landscaping; 0 .% · Building: /0 0 ~ Paving: D X · Total nUmber of employees: I ~ Maximum number of employees at anyone time: J l. Nuinber and ages ofstudents/chiId.ten (if applicable): 6- (~ ,vtto. is ole) A Seating capacio/: ToW nwnber of l'&"king spaces provided: ~ J q Number of Compact spaces provide~ Iv ~'e Author.i:tatioD Print applicant name: Applicant signature: Date: 6 J.-t/ () 6 660 E. Waterto\vet Umf::. Suite 202 . Meridian~ Idaho 83642 Phon~= (208) 884-5533 · Facsimile: (l08) 888-6854 . Wccsite: \V\vw.meridiancitv..ore: 2 The Boys & Girls Clubs of Ada County, Meridian Unit, having been in operation since 2003, has experienced predictable grovvth and membership surges during each of the summers we have been in operation. To accommodate the large number of kids attending our summer program, about 270 kids a day, our organization rented space from the United Methodist Church across the street from the Club9 Additionally, the city of Meridian built a public park we utilize each day, adjacent to the property that the Club leases from the city. We also take upwards of 40 Club members on field trips 4 days of each week during the summer during our peak hours of 1 :00 P~M. to 4:00 P.M~ Lastly, we llave capped our new memberships in Meridian each summer we have been open to help ensure the safety of our Club members. Given the steps taken, the Club still needs space to safely and effectively run our programs during the summer. We have been donated the usage of a 56' 6" x 12' x 9' portable building to be used from June 12th of2006 until the 18th of August, 2006. This temporary unit will house our teen program, which attracts approximately 3 5 kids each day between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The portable building, placed in the parking lot of the Boys & Girls Club, will have power from the main building to provide electricity and air conditioning. There is no plumbing as the portable does not have fixtures. The location is 12' 6" from the east side of the Club and the north end of the portable sits at the edge of the property. The breezeway allows for adequate north/south travel including use of wheelchairs. The portable has two entrances as well as adequate ventilation and use of a fire extinguisher. The parking lot entrance begins 25' 3" from the east side of the permanent structure. The portable building overlaps the parking lot entrance by 3' 8", yet leaves ample space for delivery trucks and emergency vehicles. The east/west alley on tIle south side of the property allows room for sse to collect refuse. The trash enclosure is located on the south east comer of the property. Parking access on the property includes 19 spaces of which 4 are aceu,pied by the portable. There are no dedicated compact spaces available on the property. The location of the Club lends itself to convenient parking with access to over 51 additional spaces in the immediate street area to accommodate the Club. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Ada COlll1ty is in the business of serving the needs of children and families in Meridian. The popularity- of the Club and small size of our current facility has left us with few options to accommodate the large numbers of kids that attend our program during the summer. Until such time as the club can expand its permanent structure, the Club will always take steps to safely and effectively offer programs to our members by utilizing the resources available to us. i I L_. ~ I ~ i l ~ r---- T- I j ! ~ r- R-15 L r~ I I....-......... _ --............. I I ~ ---.J I~- f I I-L I.~ ~ I , j J ~ ~ ~'~ ~ '=> ~ ~ ~~ .., c ~; ~...". ~ ~ !"t f" ~ -4-" ("~ ~.r ~ ~ ~ i, ~ ~ ~ ~ t1. ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ -..- -r) ~ --r t~ ::t ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .> ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ :> ~ i ~. ~r F $ j- .! ~ ~ ~-u ? .:: t ,.,,- U )... 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That I am the record owner of the property described on the attached, and I grant my permission to: xc ~~/z;Vf :3;' C r~ t~ h y ADaJl1:e) vY7 . ~ (address) Z 0 / ~ x/akO as /tcfJYJ!) , /'((/Y-- to submit the accompanymg application(s) pertaining to that property. 2, I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the City of Meridian and its employees hannless from any claim or liability resulting from any dispute 8S to the statements contained herein or as to the ownership of the property which is the subject of the a,ppIication" 3_ I hereby grant pennission to City of Meridian staff to enter the subject property for the purpose of site inspections related to processing said application( s). Dated this 2/ day of 20 t?? SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me the day and year first above written. x\\\\\\" " '''"''1. .....~*'\ ~ s. JEPsof'~ ~' ...'y ..........'Y ~ * ,.~~.. '. ~ ~ -J.. . ~ ~ ... OTARY ... ~ :: : ~ ~*: = . . ...... =*: ..... : == ~ · C : .;::- ~ ~. PUBLt : g ~ . .. ~ ~ -.tle .... ~ ~'" _cr:.......'C'\~ ~ ;lll U/~7E Of\\J~"''= '1111"" II" ,\\\\\; Residing at: ~ Vl d..t eV- My Commission Expires: } ()- / 5"' - () CJ- . \D o a ~ N \0 ..,.... to ~. U'J . a: . <:C. ~ ~ -.J .0 o. o ~ . li'1 ~N ~ * ..* . 5:' :. ...... ... ~ . ~~. * ~ . . * ~. * * * -Ei.T -: * *: . *. .. ... .. * .. *:.. .~.:. *,. * * * ..: ::--\-: *.. * - - - i -~-: - -, - <- -~-;,::t~i_::,:t~i:-.,6-- ~ . ~. ... ro--oo~ . ..:.~.: .:.~~... :~. : . :.~~'.:~:~~.~~:.. CITY OF erldzCrfl 33 E. r daho Ave. MeridionJ I D 83642 2-1 - C Applicant Phone K IF DJFFERENTTHAN APPLICANT 8246 Received By TAX TOTAL 55748 Jun. 19. 2006 1:25PM '" No. 4827 p~ 2 c Planning Department TEMPORARY USE CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE Application Checklist Il1- All applications are required to contain one copy of the followlng unless otherwise noted: .v ~escription Com letcd &; si cd Administrative Review A lication Narrative fully describing the ptoposed use of the property, inCluding the following: >> Information OD any previous approvals or requirements for the requested use (i.e.~ applicable COJJditions of approval or DeveJopm~t Agreement) > Date(s) tern or use win be ~ and end Recorded warran deed rorthe sub.cct 0 e Affidavit of Legal Interest signed &. notarized by the t>roperty owner (If O\Wef is a corporation, submit a 00 oIlhc Articles olliE 0011 or other cvidctlec to show that tbe on si · U B1\ $U1f1ori.1x:d t. Scaled vicinity map showing the location of the subject property (can be obtained :from the Plannin Dc ent Sani Service Com a oval for trash enclosure & acces! drive (stamped site plan) Site Plan-4 copies (folded to 8 Yit1 X t l n si~) The foUowm items must be shown on the site Ian: · Date, scale, north arrow, and to .. ect name ($cat~ not less than 1''=5D1) · Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the developer and the person and/or firm re .. the lan · Access oints to ublic street · Par it stalls and drive aisles · Trash enclosure(s) location · Sidewalks or athwa s (proposed and e"fsting) · .Location of 10 osed buUdin on lot (include dimen5iQns to ro lines) · Fencin (fO osed and existing) · Calculations table including the following~ ).. Number of parking stalls required & provided (specify handicap & compact stalls) .l> Building sizo (sq, it) >- Lot size (sq. 1l) )> Setbacks ). Zonin district Structure and/or buildin elevations Fee ~ v V A V ,ID " · v -v ./ ./ YA ACH:n Acceptance: Applicant shall he responsiblefor meeting the requirements of ACHD as they pertain to this application. All impQctfees~ ifany. shall bepaidprior to the ismance ofa l1ui/dingpermi/~ /farcy Chflllges must be made 10 the site plan 10 accommr;dafe the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be $Uhmined to the City oj Meridian Planning Department /or approval prior 10 Ihe issuance of a building permit Your building permit will not be issued until A.CHD has approved your plans and aiL associQ{edftes have been paid. TfUSAPPLlCATJON SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL STAFF HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED INFORMA TfON. 660 E. Watertower LaneJ Suite 202 . Meridianll Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 · Facsimile; (208) 888-68$4 . Wcbsitc; www.meridiancity~org