Stow-It Building F CZC 06-111 ~~ /ClTYOP Ii _ VYlerldiaii~' IDAHO /: ((f!Jt( RECEIVED JUN 2 f 2006 City of Meridian City Clerk Office I SU:CE , 1903 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: June 20. 2006 Project Name/Number: Stow-it Phase II. Building F (aka - Freedom Storage) - CZC-06-1l1 Owner: Venga Ventures, LLC - Mark Gilbreath/Greg McVay Site Address: 943 W. Overland Road Proposed Use: 33.450 sq. ft.m- storage building Zoning: C-G Comments: Conditions of Approval: Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and conditions of approval for the Stow-It project. The issuance of this permit does not release the applicant from any previous requirements of AZ-04-0 13, CUP-04-0 17 and RP-04-002 (or any other permits issued for this site). The hours of operation of the storage facility shall be contained between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on all days. NOTE: Three storage buildings were originally approved where Building F is now proposed. Planning Staff is approving this modification as it substantially complies with the previous approvals for this. site. Landscaping: The submitted landscape plan prepared by Moore Design Associates, labeled Sheet L-I, dated 7- 30-04 and stamped "approved" on 6-9-05 (and 6-20-06) by the Meridian Planning Department is approved with no changes. The approved landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No field changes to the landscape plan permitted; prior written approval of all material changes is required. NOTE 1: Landscaping materials on the west side of the site shaD be coordinated with the adjacent property owner. No trees within this area shall have a mature height greater than 25-feet. Site Plan: The Preliminary Site Plan prepared by ARE Associates on May 9,2005, labeled Sheet B, is approved (stamped "Approved" on June 20, 2006 by the Meridian Planning Department) with no changes. The approved site plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. Elevations: The Elevations/floor plan prepared by Speck Buildings, Sheet P5 and P6, on May 30, 2006, is approved with no changes from the Planning Department. Comply with previously approved elevations approved with CUP-04-017 as well. Irrigation: An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscape areas per the approved specifications and in accordance with UDC 11-3A-15. Protection of Existing Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or mitigated for in accordance with the Tree Preservation section of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Per UDC 11-3B-1O, coordinate with the Parks Department kborist (Elroy Huff, 888-3579) for approval of protection/relocation measures for the existing trees prior to construction. Any severely damaged tree must be replaced in compliance with UDC 11-3B-I 0-C.5. Parking: The proposed parking areas shall be paved and striped in accordance with UDC 11-3B. Project engineer/architect shall certifY that the number and size of handicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordance per ADA and signed appropriately. Curbing: Per UDC ll-3B-5I, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking lots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other approved protective devices. Curbing may be cut to allow for storm water runoff. Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with 11 -3A -17. Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Drainage: Storm water drainage swales sha11 not have a slope steeper than 3: 1, shall be fully vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with UDC 11-3B-ll and UDC 11-3A-18. Fencing: Any required or proposed fencing shall be installed with current fencing standards as defmed in UDC 11-3A-7, Lighting: Lighting shall not cause glare or impact the traveling public or neighboring development and comply with lighting standards as defined in TIDC 11-3A-l1. Signage: No signs are approved with this CZc. All business signs will require a separate sign permit in compliance with UDC II-3D. Trash Enclosure: All dumpster(s) must be screened in accordance with UDC-11-3 A-12. Trash enclosures must be built in the location and to the size approved by SSC. Handicap-Accessibility: The s.tiucture, site improvements and parking areas must be in compliance with all federal handicap-acGessib!~ty requirements. ACHD Acceptance: All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Certificate of Occupancy: All required improvements must be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A written certificate of completion shall be prepared by the landscape architect, landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan upon completion of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shall verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials and sprinkler installation, are in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the form of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of llO% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: Except for the changes mentioned above, the approved Site Plan, Landscape Plan stamped "Approved" on June 20, 2006, and Elevations, and are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No significant field changes to site or landscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. C. Caleb Ho d Current Planning Manager *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district( s). Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. Applicant Inform,a;tion Applic~tname: CON..~~-e:.... ~Uc..e::.~~\--l App1icantaddr~s: ~D5* 5_"B~s~' /'STE.. dAb! 6=:>15E,:tc Zip: g:;IOa. Contactn~~~L. ~\)(:...E."R ~ . i>hon~: 3,[Q ...l~tB Applicant's interest in property: 0 O~ 0 Rent . 0 optioned )f Other R e.P~i: 'S.. ~ t-J.:\" ~T\ V Eo Owner name: be:~~ t\c:. V~'{. '. .. . ~D I Owner address: ~bd.~ t-...\.. d.~-"7 . ~ICSE, ~ , I . , . Ag'eutname (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, repr~sen.tative):Cc~~~uc....\"~--..1. MANA.6E..R finni1ame: CctJ.b~e~ "~UL.ER\-\.~~ " Address: ~ b~ c;., B'"CS ~T. ./ '5..TE .;;t~;o .I Bel~€ )J::D Conta,ctname~UL ~A.\)c...~K~' " . Primary contact is: ~AppIicant tJ OWner jiAgent 0 Other E~ma.iI:,?50...\.X.e.~ ~ Co~~t"".:::.a..\..::l~~. '-Ot\"\ Fax: 5SCc,- ~B~ . "l':t...\;.:. ,;':t.'i.*. ."Fl~. ..':::. .:r'~i:~::..rt:.;.. ,.;", ~ ' ..BuQJect;Property1lnformation ;':', ..:,,', .,', ',. ",' :'~ , !, '<." ,,', ',,:,,:, .~". : " ',"'i~::,'~"f~~~ :~~b.~~~tio~~~eet"address: ~t.(?c. '~ls"~'"cti.~~~b. I ~E:..~b\~~'tb .ffibL\.d- : : Assessor'sparcelnumber(s): ~ \ ";}"d-L\. do \ ~t..\..~ . " Township,'I'ange, section:3~; \t.-U..s,Er...ltC:::lt-l ~. Total acreage: 9: \ L.\"'d- ---- n . -.:..__.....:Qrrr~n.~ land ~se: t^.u4.l-5\t:e~ (N~ ILt ~ l-lt..CI ~ Current zoning dismGt: :t ....l- "'r. ~Il / <:rn'OP vVieridian "'\ ~iv. . ID,U~o 11/ ~. A ~ ~ t ~ -. ~<~ Type of Review Requested.(check all that apply) o Accessqry Use o Administrative Design. Review o Alternative Compliance 'QiCertificate of Zoning Compliance '0 Conditional Use Perniit Minor Modification o Property Boundary Adjustment o Short Plat o Temporary Use Certificate cif Zoning Compliance o Time Extension (Director) o Vacation '0 Other ~ '1 ....1 \ ~.: . . . ~.... , .. '; iJ- ":'~~ ....~: "i.: riJ Planning Department AD:MINISTRATIVE REVlliW APPLICATION .)!.,. ~~ . Zip: g~ rD a.. Zip: fiiS:S70C). Phone: ~ 1'1 ~ l"Crc.R .. . . '\. ( '1 660 E. Watertower Lflue, Suite 202 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884-5533 ". Facsimile: (208.) 888-6678 . Website: 'w\vw.meridiancity.or~ 1 " Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building lots~ Other lots: Gross floor area proposed: Existing (if applicable): :'"", ~~:.; ;;::'6~t':;:::;:~'&e,~1I9~i." ~m1~g hdgbt,. · :~.~:;,~. }.j';'r~.:L'" ''Landscapihg: . " . Building:.. p!!-vihg~ . .' ; ,; . . ; ;. Total numqer of empl~yees: Maximl}lI1 number of employees at anyone time: . . Number and ages or stuaents/chiIdr~ (if applicable); Seating capayity: . -.~._,-- m. -, ___..~T.otal number of :par king. spaces -provided:. _ .. __. Number.of compact SP&c~~ provj'qe;;d: ~~ Project Description . Project!subdivisionuame:-:r;=1?.~~ 'i:';.\O~E- ~~~ (e:c~ ~\Ct....")~1\) GeI).eral desmption of proposed proje~t/request: --"'^ l N..l .... ~TD~AbE -:PH TIT - E,o\LDt~t~ ~ ~ '-:=. 3-3;L4So * -t/_ Proposed zoning district(s): \.i \A. Acres of each zone proposed: ~\ ~ c ... Type of use proposed (check all that apply): o Residential' ~ Commercial 0 Office 0 Industrial 0 Other Amenities provided vrith this development (if applicable): t-.1. \ A. Resi~ential Proj ect. Summary (if applicable) Number ofresidentiaI units: Number of common andlor other lots: Number of building lots: . . Proposed number ofowelling units (for multi-family developments only): 1 :8 edroom: 2 or more Bedrooms: Minimum squaIti footage of structuTe(s) (excl. garage): Proposed building height: ;Minimum p;roperty size (sd): Average property size (s.f.): Gross density (DU/acre-total bnd): Net density (,DU/acre-exduding ~oads & alleys): Percentage of open space provided: Acreage of open Space: Percentage of use able openspa~e: (See Chapter 3, Article G, fQr qualified open spac~) Type of open space provided in acres (i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc): Type ofdwelling(s) proposed: 0 Single-family 0 Towru,lOm'es 0 Duplexes 0 lyfulti-family ~ . .- .. ...:. . I,.. . " ." . ).;.l-"i:i1 ;. "....;.,; '-Authoriiation -;f~~~~".~.:' ': !~"~';~;~~:~rint ~ppIiCarit .....;,."..... ...:.'. ~-;.,-,. J~ ~-". _~. .. ::~..;~;. ",,;,;,;;;,,;., ;"';',;.,1\pphcant,slgnature: ", '. Date: 660 E. Watertower Lane, Suite 202 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884~5533 . Facsimile: (208) 888-6678 . Website: www.meridiancity.org 2 :,:.-., I ";'~ , ~i CONGER-SAUCERMAN Gt:N~RAL CONTRACTORS / CONSTRUCTION MANAG!;:RS 405 South 8th St. I Suite 290 I Boise, Ick.ho 83702 I Phone: 208-319-1778 I M.x: 208-336-2282 RegisteroJ Ccnb'oel:or RCE-2946 DATE: June 8, 2006 TO: Caleb Hood Planner, City of Meridian 660 E. Watertower Lane Suite 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Freedom, Storage 'Center (formerly Stow~lt) CZC Dear Craig, Please accept the attached application for the Freedom Storage Center (formerly Stow~lt) self-storage project. This project is located at 943 W. Overland Road, Meridian, Idaho 83642: This portion of the project consists of self-storage Phase 111_ Building #F (33,450sf +1-). If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 319-1778 or via e-mail at psaucerman@conqersaucerman.com. Sincerely ~ ~ Paul Saucerman Vice-President Conger-Saucerman :0 :i :( I [) . . ~ 1"1' - !! >- - .. ; , ~ ' .., ..... ~ ll.l b v.l "'1 r1l" ll.l .... <. o l-< ~ :2 .;:l -S :.:J>-- EiZ (::: U:J O;z: ~O Z-< =Uu.lu.l~-<c. g-<~0~Z2~ UOO-<-<:Ju.l~ ~-< u.lCJ~ 'U --t: II "'- Q1 u ).., <"J c.. I ~nR'~ ~:M:~ .. ~ <( (f) (<) o ."... l{) o o C"\l (<)- o IJ) C ::J -- :>; CO "0, .C LL o o '0 o o CO ~ D. o '<l' t.I.l -l ;) V) o t; o '-'l "l u., o o o '" ~ E m "'t:l CO -- ..Cl 0> E E o o o ..c m "'t:l :p I- ."... S: ~ " I' , 1 I I I I I, I i I l .' j i I- I I I I I ! , ! II I Ii I! f I , i I I I <I! I! I ~i a ~ i W IIIIlI~JIl'.lIllIfl~I=:IIIII'Il.~ 5 ~ g ~ III " . I-~:~~ ~ E 1 :I - ~ d . - ~ ~ ~~. s ~! E~.~~~" ~;.;j~'i""~ E ~~~ijg~i ~~ol1;:,,; ~2....2c.!:r1l I ~ ~ i "'I ~ ",. 1\ ~ =: ~= ~ ~ 5~~~M2$ "'lii"'CB~~~ '" ~la!'l :!:!~ $! ~~~~;i~ u ~u~~a:c~ ~l "'\ 8 w ~ ~ ~ ilUH o ~.ji~.:i ...", ~ 1ii ,,~::'Il 2glll~~- 1ili;11!!d~i ~ ..i__.....1 i~. '\ \ .. ;3~ "'.... ~.. ~ ! I! I , s il ~ : Hll q, I - i1. ~ I; it 'F'I I ...J f z: . <:> '" fa.~~ci ...,,'~... ~~~ >-<0< ~e:.i'ft\:: otl::J:-o< rnQ.,<w :z,>-"''''' e~o~ ~l .J:f -,lL '!:' ....... . ~-;~ ~:;=;; :t-z:oW ;;;.5"'15 ~~~~ i=UEI:::c: u~~~~ . ~w<i:ii;; . O~!:iZ:D z~<"'.".... \ \ r-------~ I SOia I " . \ \ \ \ , \ .- H \, e ~ . ~"" ...._!.o. ii ~ t:l '" Z ;::: :z :s ... '" '" <:> '" ~ '" '" .... i5 ... '" '" :z: ~ "- '" ~ Z <:> ..... z -<< ... tI.. c wE ...." -8 lI)~ - .( ~ ..... .: pE11 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I - r _______.____ __.::--1 - ...- -- ----1 r- S"BSa."'l; ~~~3hi 12,196Jf ~ o o < rJ1 AJ ~ <:::J ~ '=l ~AJ ~ --t fIl <:::JOr ~~:s: CJ 12 ~ -1p E3~ J:::::I AJ rn '< OIL ~[1~ ~~--t 80!ll ~N""J E9 "-11> r ~ Gl J!> O;j .... '................... -- "- .... '- .... .... '- '- .... .... "- "- .... '- .... "- .... .... .... "- "- .... '- "- .... .... .... .... '- '- '- '- '- '- "- "- '- " .... "- .... .... " '- "- .... .... '-.." '- '- '- '- " '- "- "- " " "- '-. "- ) , : I . I I I I I I I I I I ..~."."L. w U tJI'=' w~ o L o cr- ~ ~ f:: LO"DrNG Jillr,~~~' ~SGM!f.r;Q}If ~=:::= ITTlE; FREEDOM STORAGE STEEL STRUCTtJRE 001sE;, ID ROOF SNOW LOAD: 25PSF WIND LOADING: 5Q MPH EXPOSURE: 1 'FULLYEXPOSEiD' SPECK BUILDINGS (/) :r: ffi ::j <: G) ~ d c: -r D::1 ~ tJ ~ Ci) ..,., Iill LJ ...... I=~ ~ir ~ J " I .,~""! ,..::::_, !a I' . r-.:-I ;t '","4'1.. ~ O~. ~ . ""' i! ' ~ i 01j:': W~ o I a Q\ LOADING ROOF SNOW WAD: 25 PSF WIND LOADING: 90 MPH EXPOSURE: 1 "FULL Y EXPOSED' z: ~ ~ r- r- ~ Ci) o c:; J! ~ r- r- Tnt€ REEDOM STORAGE TCELSTRUCTVRE SPECK BUILDINGS l1J~lfjJ:t!//gJ~RD. f!:.lMJth,$.QAQI.WM fltgg:] == ~ rn ~ :::! o <: C/) Q) S l- t) ~ G) .,., ( ;:\lilt vUIl"11 IIJ,.;UVlll1l;ll<l,.l.If\iIJJ ..n1filll'''' BOISE IDAHO 03/2.3lO5 04:48 pM DEPUTY Bonn!e aberb\Uig (.. RECORDED-REUUEST OF Title On e nnl"~I"""~'I1 -.....- Cd lU lHllHlllllllllllllIIlUIU II1ItI 105035011 . WARRANTY DEED FOR VAlUE RECEIVED, Lyons Development, LLC, au Idaho limited liability company ("Grantor"), does hereby grill'lt, bargain, sell ana convey lU1to Venga Ventunis, LLC, an Idaho limited lial?-iIity company ("Grantee"), whoge current address is 223 Hillside Dr., Ketchum, Idaho 83340, the following described premises, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premise;s, with their appurtenances llnto.. the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever. And the Grantor does hereby cQvenant to and with the said Grantee, that it is the 'owner in fee simple of said premises; that said prei:qises are free from all encumbrances, EXCEPT those to ,,:,hi~h tIns conveyance is expiesslymade subject mid those made, ~uffered, or done by the Grantee; and subject to reservati9DS, re1'!trictiollS, dedications, easerpents, rights-of-way of record. or visible on the premises and general taxes and assessments for the CUlTeut year, C3,lld thai it 'will w~anf and defend the same from all other lawful claims whatsoever. DATED this )3. day ~i IY!~ ,2005, ---. STATE OF IDA.B:O, . ) ) 58. County of Ada. ) OlJ ~1is '2:2 day of :lrI~ . > 2005, before me, the ~ldersiglled, a Notary Public in and for said .~t~te, personally appeared Dale Frazell, mown and identified to me to be the Managing Member ofJ;.,yons Dey~lopment, LLC, who subscribed, his name to the foregoing if.lstro.m&-nt,~GlmGW-l..ed-ged-tQ-tha.the..exec,utedjbe.sam.ein J'm,ici limited liability company name. IN WITNE~S V{.H~REOF> I have hereu apd year in this certifl~:at~1!t~{~ab.Qy"e wlitte . ,. .~'_'" -<t JIl (>~. 'J>.~ ~~ ~~ n.. . v") - ~.# .~\: ~::r..a.,,"...r ~ . ... / At <:.t~ .~... ... -.....'-'- . . I;: ....- .'~ . , . '1 ~. t~C:r;1" ..... (SEAL) i: .. *' .' -.It.": ""';- ~ :_ .J. -.:~ ~+ . r~ ~)~;> : '. -9. ""':JLT.C~' ,~ .... ~ j. ~.i..:t .. "(/ X .p<" ~ . ~.(Y ~.~~.. - () ~..<' '. 'Op fD","~"~,,,"''''. liu"~~ Idaho RESIDING fN MERIDIAN, IDAHO MYCOlV!M EXP. OS/2;1/09 p'd CQJQ_O:7)_on'J I~...... ~~ I~""''''r-o. . ("J ( r ( 1450 ~tY.Vatert.ower Sc. Suite ] 50 Mertdlan..ld~ho 83M~ ::: 'IDAHO ; : SURVEY ~... . I . ~ t GROUP ~ .. tXH m!T A PhQ~~: Q2.9?) ,8~ 6-6570 F-= (49B) .i:lS'f.53!?9. Project No, 04-333 December 10, 2004 DESCRIPTION FOR P A~CE~ 8 STOW-IT STORAGE LYON'S DI;VELOPMENT LLC A. parcel of land being a, portion of the NE.1f4 of the NW114 of Section 24, T.3N., R 1W" 8 .M., Ada County) Idaho" more particutarly described as follovys: Commencing at the N1/4 comer of ,said Se~tion 24 from which the W1/16 corner of said Section 24 bears No"rtn 89(>06'56" West, 1327.81 feet: " . , thence all?~g the North bound~ry Iiile of said Section ~4 North 89006'56" West., 677,82 feet;. . . " thence leaving saiq Nprth Qoundary line $outh. 00"41'54" .West,. ,25.00 feet to a point on the SOU~E'!rly ri.g9~~Qf~Way ltne of Overland Road, -said point also being the REAL POINT OF BEG1NN[N~; thence along said sQutherfy right-of-Way line SOl!th 89006'5q" E1:1st, 247.85 feet; thence leaving said' south~rly right':of..way line South 00"53'04" West, 103,01 feet; thence South 89006'56)' East, 15.00 feet; thence South 00053'04'1 West. 210.00 feet thence South 89;'06'56" East, 3'82.00 feet to a pqint on the westerly right-of-way line of Stoddard Road; .J thence along said westerly right~of.-way line 8quth 00051'53" West, 826.74 feet to a point on the southeasterlY extension 'of the centerline of the Hardin Drain; , ) thence along said alohg the centerIine of the Hardin Drain and the southeasterly extension thereof the follDwing 4 courses: North 46"39'41" We'$t, 347.48 feet; thence North 40042'05" West, 265.61 feet; thence North 45000'56" West, 161,99 feet; 8:\18G proJecls\Stow-It]raz.a1! ROS (04-233)\Documenls\PARCEL B.doc , -.J ,-...,.......) r-.. ~..--" J hJ ... r EXHIBIT A ....( I thence North 60018'32" West, 107:71 feet; thence North 00041'54" East, 541.91 feet to the REAL POINT OF.BEGINNING containing 9A7 acres, more or less. I, "'> S:\lSG Projecls\Slow-ILFraz.ell ROS (04-233)\DoC\Jmenls\PARCEl a.dOG ~--l r"O........ 1.-. ....... """"'I I ...... .;--..--1 (",] ( ~PIDA VIT OF LEGAL INTEREST ( STATE OF IDAHO ) f?, l.:~,1. e.) COUNTY OF:!dM. ). M t" L .... J I"1JlN i\G.l6-R. I, . u'\ K'f:,. cr\L.!)~A) n) V~N5f\ ,<tE.r--'TJr...6.5. (name) 'Kf.. TC.tjlJ M (city) tf> (state) Po f,oX l.B'~ (address) being first duly sWam upon o;;th. de'pbse and say:, L That 1 am the record owner of the propmy described OP !.be a.uache~ and 1 grant my perrois,s'[on to~ CONGf.9--- Mf.liVA-G't.Mi~r;'T GRo<Jf L-jo<;:':;,,$"'fi.SJ sTL 2<-.io (name r . . (address) G;D\ <51:.. 1 D g J -:f..<J't to' submit the acciJ~p~ying ~plicalio~ p;;rtaining to tha~ property. L 1. a~ to 'jn.d~i1ify, defend i:!-Pd'-hold' the City of Meridian 34d ;t's ctitploy~~s harinlcss froin ~y claw or ijabiijty resultmg from. ~y dispute as to .the sta~em~nts contai~~ herei~' or as. to the 6~ership' of the properlY, which is the subject of the 3t'plicition; Dated this c::::rn day pf . JUN~~'~A (Signa r~)" . : - SUBSCRIBED AND S'-YbRN to before ~e !he d~y and year first above written_ . . :\\ ,,~'~l'Ulfl"1: ~,"~~\fiA 'M. ,:"~ .$'~' /..-r-"- ~)'-~ $ ~~ -Q ~ for \'\,QTA.Ry ~'i : 1 --- : ~ \ PUSL\O j ~ ,,, I ~ ~ & "\... ,.. 0 S' ....-;: '1;q ?-:.~.".__.". t(-.--?" ~ . ~~"/~' OF \\) \.~,...., , "'~mu"\\\ .. (- r . . . :\ . ~ r / " Z~'--- k A~ .~ .\ "< . "" . Notary PUblic: ,(Qr lq~o Residl"ng.l!:t Ul~\\~~V'-<...< My Ccmml$sion Expires: c;- ~ s ~ ~ ... ..) . Rev 1 J 10310., ./ ,,/ ~UCT -st WIDE CONCRETE LK d:12" AE.30VE ell ElEVA110N RLAND RD. . ' - .~ . / / I r ~.-~ ~..., r . ~~;"!.:") ~.- I .' 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SD-712E ... bUD-BLOCK", " .(i?, IN?TALl. S/G TRAP if 1 AND )- { \ ( IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS PER ORDINANCE 12-13-8 NOTE: submit 3 copies of this completedform with any applicationfor Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC). Project Name: Sww -..::L..-r- y..A.,....', 5..fz....r~}l. o Speciq.cations: Available Gallons per Minute; loD+, Available Water Pressure:. 46t- Point of Connection (describe andlor submit a siteylan): . Primm}' (;mm~r;tion' (-A'+v. vJ~ (~~) u '- a . :-::~r-ond8ry r.onn~ction" NM ~ 1) (Fv+V'~v...,....e: cHl.-....... \. Landscape Area: If the in'igation system is hoqked to City water as. a primary or secondary water source, submit the square-footage of landscape areas to be irrigated: s.f. B8ckf!nw Prevention . A backflow prevention device IDust'be installed as required by City Ordinance 9-3. CoverAee The irrigation system,. must be designel;l to provide 100% coverage with head to h.ead spacing or iria,ngular spacing as appropriate. M::ltcn ~iI 'Precipit!'lD on. R !'Ite,q Sprinkler heads must have matched precipitation rates "Vvithin each control valve circuit. Trrie;!'Ition Zones Sp.rinkler heads irrigat~g 'lawn or other high-water-demand areas must be circuit~d so that. they are on ~ separate zone or zones from those irrigating trees, shrubs; or other reduced- water-demand areas. Over!Spray Sprinkler heads must be adjusted to reduce overspray onto impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, and parking areas. 4 J?iv. 11/03/03 , , , ( (' Additional Irrigati~n Notes: Trri!:I1TIon R eCJ.llTrF:d All landscape areas regulated by the City Landscape Ordinance (12-13) shall be served with an automatic underground irrigation system. Additional requirements affectmg pressurized irrigation systems can be' found in City Ordinance 9-1-28. ? " T rri E:::JP on W Rter ~()nrr:f\ Use of non-potable irrigation water is required y;rhen, deteImined to be avaj.la~le by the City Public Works Department as regulated by City Orclinance 9-1-28. If city potable water is used; a separate water meter is recom;mended so the owner can avoid paying sewer fees for irrigation water. Potable water shall not be used as a pri.rn,ary irrigation water source on non-residential lots wifu more than Y'2 acre of landscaping. Year round watyf availability is also required by connecting to city potable water Of an on-site well as a secondary source. Certificatioo: . I, W Ii: { ( ~ , dollereby ~ that any irrigajion system installed for the project mentioned"above will be designed and installed in compliance vvith the specifications and notes stated in this form. uj1/05 ~ Date 5 - Rev. 11/03/03 r:::/vG;;dicm ~\ \\ 10>lHO . t ~ Planning Department CERTIFICATE OF ZONlNG C01v.1J>LIANCE Application Checklist . All applications are required to contain one copy of the foHowing unless otherwise noted: . ..... . " ~. 660 E. Watertower Lane, :Suite 202 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (208) 884"5 533 :,~ 'Pacsmrii~:\(!i08) 8'88-'6678 . Website: 'WWW.ineridiancity.org '::~;;"i{:;;~,',~t{t~~~;i;;i!:~;iqt:~~':':~~t,;~'~'~Ki~\L:~l:;~;:?::,. . ." ~ . , r. ~; ~ ~;;'1."-.}.~' .'": : . ~. ~. : /' .:. .:' .r' .. '::~', ,t ;i' :"..:f;' .' ~,.,;.. .!. -~ '(.. ... . ,. .;.~,<,:'~.~"~ " "," c :;~" .:: - ,.. : ~ " ,; -, "; ~ ~ . '~~~;j"~'(~,.h~. :'~: .r~~~~~~~"': . ~.. -~- ";. ~'..", . ':"0,", . \j,"~ :~, ,,;;!:t~~1;F:~~~. oundwater areas, and rock outcro in s. .! ..~ .:. ",c :.~'.,": . , ''''-,/ ;~" '" ...'.::, "' 1:", ~~:'::; . I " ~U"-' ...)~~~~:,':::: '" . :.": .~.'. " . . :;;:.:'it}J;l~~,. ,~);\ f. ::~", ,,~" -. " ~,~": t'" ,'. " : '~', ~. . , /~t~i(;:~itt~;! ~:. :: :;.~{ ~ · Location, size, and species of all existing trees on site with trunks 4 inches or greater in diameter, measured 6 inches above the ground. Indicate whether the .tree will be retained or removed. · A statement of how existing healthy trees proposed to be retained mIl be rotected from dama e durin construction · Existing structures, planting areas, light poles, power poles, walls, fences, berms, parking and loading areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, stormwater detention areas, si s, street furniture, and other man-made elements. · Existing and proposed contours for all areas steeper than 20% slope. Berms shall be shov:m with one-foot contours. · Si t Trian les as defined in I 1-3A ~5 'of this ordinance. .. Location and labels for all proposed plants, including trees, shrubs, and groundcovers (treeS must not be planted in City water or sewer easements). Scale shown for ,lant materials shall reflect a roximate mature size · A plant list that shows the plant symbol, quantity, botanical name, common name, minimum planting size and cont~er, and comments (for spacing, staking, and installation as a ro riate . · Planting and inStallation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all re uired standards. ..' Desi drawin' s of alIfencin ro osed for screenin oses · Calculations of project components to demonstrate compliance with the .r\lquirements of this ordinance, including: >- Number of street trees and lineal feet of street frontage >- Width of street buffers (exclusive of right-of-way) >- Width of parking lot perimeter landscape strip >- Buffer width between different land uses (if applicable) )> Number of parking stalls and percent of parking area with internal landscaping >- Total number of trees and tree species mix >- Mitigation for removal of existing trees, including number of caliper inches bein removed Reduction ofllie landsca e Buildin elevations showin Fee ~ A CND A ccevtance: Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of A CHD as they pertain to this application. All impact jt!.es, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. J;f any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate the 4 CIlD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the City of Meridian Planning & Zoning Department for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Your building permit will not be issued until A CHD has approved your plans and all associated fees have been paid. THIS APPLICATION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL STAFF HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION . ~ . .' L, ':; ":~ .. '., .' . ~ ,. :" ~:. . , ~r. . l~. . .: ~~!~'~1 ~~J:t.~~~i~-:.;-:. ;..{::~';~~~:~::.' . '>-"' . ~.~'i ~c..-:- i. . H . r~ ,,:. ... . ,,:" ~.~. ~ .,. 'd~ .' I ~~. ... -...i~~~ .:~:, ":..--:~. -~~:>-':/I .~ . c + .' ,. .- ~ '.: /. ;~;:",:.~'.,:o..:..,."...:.,,:';:..'-...,:_'.:.':_'..,:';",:~~"':,:".;:':~,'.'...._::~:.~,':.',',_:r,,;',,,.:.~.,:';.:.',':.'.'~.,.';""'.'.,~~,',':"":;~'::~..":,:.:'",~,':':,":,'::"',,;,"""~',':,,.,:::,_'-,,'.".:,~:,. 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