Stow-It Building 3 & 4 CZC 06-107,~~ ~ ~~f~ } ~_ ':.: C["1'Y OF ~$~~ ~~~°u'z•FRf::4`iL~RE.~1•~Li~Y SIIICE @~l~ O~~IC~ „fJ03 CERTIFICATE OF ZONING CaMPLIANCE* Date; June 20.2006 Proj ect NamelNumber: Stow-it Buildin s 3 & 4 aka -Freedom Stara e -- CZC-06-,t 07 Owner: Ven a Ventures LLC -Mark Gilbreath/Gre McVa Site Address: 943 W. Overland Road Proposed Use: 3.654 s . ft: & 2 700 s . ft. story a buildin s Zoning: C-G C©mments: Conditions of A royal: Project is subject to all current City of Meridian ordinances and conditions of approval for the Stow-It project. The issuance of this permit does not release the applicant from azryprevious requirements of AZ-04-013, CUP-04-017 and RP-04-002 (or any other permits issued for this site). The lours ofoperatian of the storage facility shall be contained between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on all days. ,., ,:.: ,; Landscaping The submitted landscape plan prepared by Moore Design Associates, labeled Sheet L-i, dated 7~ 30-04 and stamped "approved" on 6-9-OS (and 6-20-06) by the Meridian Planning Department is approved with no changes. The approved landscape plan is not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Department. No field changes to the Iandscape plan permitted; prior written approval of all material. claazzges is required. NOTE 1: Landscaping materials on the west side of the site shall be coordina#ed with the adjacent property owner. Na trees within this area shall have a mature height greater than Z5-feet. Site Plan: The Site PIan prepared by ARE Associates on May 9, 2005, labeled Sheet B, is approved {stamped "Approved" on June 20, 2006 by the Meridian Planning Department) with na changes. The approved site plan is not to be altered without prior written. approval of the Planning Department. Elevations: The Elevations prepared by Speck Buildings on May 23, 2005, labeled S-7 and S-8 are approved with no changes from the Planning Department. -~ Irrigation; An underground, pressurized irrigation system must be installed to all landscape areas- per the approved specifications and in accordance with UDC I 1-3A-15. Protection of Existin Trees: Any existing trees on site must be protected or mitigated for in accordance with the Tree Preservation section of the City's Landscape Ordinance. Per UDC 11-3B-10, coordinate with. the Parks Department Arborist (Elroy Huff, 888-3579) for approval ofprotection/reIocationmeasures forthe existingtrees prior to construction. Any severely damaged tree must be replaced in compliance with UDC 11-3B-10-C.5. Parkin: The proposed parking areas shall be paved and striped in accordance with UDC lI-3B. Project engineerlarchitectshyll certify that the number and size of handicap-accessible spaces conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Handicap accessible stalls must have signage in accordance per ADA and signed appropriately, C bins: Per UDC 11-3B-SI, all landscape areas adjacent to driveways, parking lots, or other vehicle use areas, must be protected by curbing, wheel stops, or other approved protective devices. Curbing may be cut to allow for storm water runoff. Sidewalks: All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with 11-3A-17. Sidewalks shall be constructed prior to occupancy. Drainage: Stoma. water drainage swales shall not have a slope steeper than 3:1, shall be fully vegetated, and shall be designed in compliance with UDC 11-3B-11 and UDC 11-3A-18. Fencing: Any required or proposed fencing shaII be installed wifh current fencing standards as defined in UDC 11-3A-7. Lighting: Lighting shall n:ot cause glare or innpact the traveling public or neighboring development and comply with lighting standards as dehned in UDC 1J.-3A-11. Si a e: No signs are approved with this CZC. All business signs will require a separate sigta permit in compliance with UDC 11-3D. Trash Enclosure: All dutnpster(s) must be screened in accordance with UDC-11-3A-12. Trash enclosures must be built in the location. and to the size approved by SSC. Handica -Accessibiti : The stnxeture, site improvements and parking areas must be iaa compliance with all federal handicap-accessibility requirements. ACHD Acceptance: Al! impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit. if any changes must be. made to the site plan to accommodate the ACHD requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the~City of Meridian Planning staff for approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Certificate of Occupancy: All requixed improvements .trust be complete prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. A written certificate of completion shall be prep ared by the landscape architect, landscape designer or qualified nurseryman responsible for the landscape plan. upon completion. of the landscape installation. The Certificate of Completion shaII verify that all landscape improvements, including plant materials and spriiilder installation, aze in substantial compliance with the approved landscape plan. A Temporary Certificate of Occup ancy may be obtained by providing surety to the City in the forin of a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements. A bid must accompany any request for Temporary Occupancy. Plan Modifications: Except for the changes mentioned above, the approved Site Plan, Landscape .Plan stamped "Approved" on June 20, 2006, and Elevations, and are not to be altered without prior written approval of the Planning Departixzent. No significant field changes to the site or Iandscape plans are permitted; prior written approval of all changes is required. . Caleb Hood Current PIanning Manager *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of ocher departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected 'irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departmezits, Sanitary Services Ca., eta. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. f tyJ'P 4F ~~,'l~ •'~ ~~ ~~G~ m,~r3a ~1 ~`t ~ .~ .i: ^ Accessory Use ~ Administrative Design Review ^ AItexnative Compliance Certificate of Zoning Compliance Conditional Use Penxiit Minor Modification ^ Property Boundary Adjustment ^ Short Plat D Temporary Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance © Time Extension (Direetar) ^ Vacation '© Other Planzung Depax~ment ADM]NISTRATI VE REVIEW APPLICATIQN Type of Review Requested (checl~ all that apply) :w'~~ s. ..K ;,!s ;iC~. ~~Y. ' =; ;:fit'«'i".~3 _~ h ~ i ~i~t i~~ Cs ~. ,~~ ~: t ~ ~ ~~, ~`r~~; L~ Err ~ rEE ~ z n i I~ l nn~e ~ I ~ §~ ~ .~ r Y _ ~ ' +..A<- I'n ~.~ riE~; til~ ~~ -, _ Applicant Tnfoxznatio~i ~_ _ _ Applicant name: ~~[-~'~~ ^ ~l ~G~ 1~~-iG~y~ Applicant address: Cf`r' '' ~'t; S . p S ~ ~ Zip: ~Zda- Contactname UC G'f~? phone: ~ 4~ ~ ~ ~`7~ , Applicant's interest in property: ©Own D Rent ©Optioned Other Rr~, ~~tj~,~"~~'j"~~J>~ Firm name: Owner name: ~,~[-~ ~ V~ Owner address:.~b~-~ . a3Rb f ~,~1r~E .~V,~.. _ Zip: _~3~0 r'~. Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer, developer, representative): l.~L ~ ~L-7E{~ r _ ~. Address: Contact name: L V ~ }•~ Primary contact is:Applicant ©Owner ~:4gent ^ Other E-nraail: ~]C~° Q Cta C-nM ~SeitijectPropexty~nformatoia'.' Zip: O~ Phone: 3 ~ ~ (`'7'7~ Fax: 3~~c" 3a~o~ Assessor's parcel number(s): ~ ~ ~ t a ~{~; Township, range, section: Lta.] S 'TiC~ Total acreage: ~ - _,._ . _ Current land use: ~tt~l *rj-C~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~''~ Current zoning district: ~,~ ~ rs° ...s , 660 E_ Watertower Zane, Suite 202 Meridian, Tdaho 83642 I?hone: (2D$) 884-5533 Facsimile: (2D$} $$8-6678 • Website:l~nvw.meridianci .or 1 Prof ect D escription Projectlsubdivisionname:~ ~'«j G~~"+r~,~, j~ ~-~~~„tr, Cenexal description of roposed projecthequest: ~1L•1 ~ -' ~J~]~~..-~~ ' ~t ~ 3 ~~ l =~ ~ r7dt~ Proposed zoning district{s): Acres of each zone proposed: ~ P'e Type of use proposed {check all that apply): Residential ~, Coirunercial ^ Office ©Industrial ^ Other Amenities provided with this development (if applicable):_~~_ lid ,. ,, ,~ Residential 1?raject Summary (if applicable) Number ofresidential units: Number of building lots: ' Number of common and/or other lots: - Proposed number of dwelling units (formulti-family developments only): 1 Bedroom: 2 or more Bedrooms: Minimum square footage of stnxcture(s} (excl. garage): Proposed building height: •• Minimum property size (s:f): Average property size {s.f.): Gross density (DU/acre-total lanrn: Net density (DLf/acre-excluding goads & alleys): ' Percentage of open space provided: Acreage of open space: Percentage of useable open space: (See Chapter 3, Article G, fpr qualified open space) Type of open space provided in acres {i.e., landscaping, public, common, etc}: Type of dwelling(s) proposed: ^Smgle-family D Townhomes ©Duplexes ^Mnlti-family - Non-residential Project Summary (if applicable) Number of building lots: ~ Other lots: Gross floor area proposed: l;xisting {if applicabie): amours of operation (days and hours):. Building height: - ~. •3'ercentage o~site/ ro'ect devoted to the:~ollowin ~ -, - ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ • ±,;a;F,,,~µ• ~. .,:, Landsca in J .. .. :.g' ~ - ~7 p $: Building: Paving: - - - ' • Total number of employees: Maximum number of employees at any onetime: Number and ages of studentslchiIdr~n (if applicable): Seating capacity: .. __ _.__ .-_.- __ _ ,_..-.'Total number ofparking.spacespravided: _ _ _ Number of compact spaces provided: ~.~~ . _,, :Authorization ~''~~`. '~: €Print applicant name: e~•;~~-. . ,::x:~.. :.~°Applioanbsignafure: Date: 6601;. Watertower Lane, Suite 2d2 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: {208} 884=5533 Facsirrule: (208) 888-6678 Website: ~vtivw.tneridiancitv.org 2 ~t~NGER* SAU~~RMAN GEN~RAI. CONTRACTORS ~ CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS ~o.~ s«~, are s~. / s~~ a9o / ~~, ~~ sa~az I : zo8_aiv_Ea~~a / ~: zoa_~_~sz €~~~~~<a cu,a~rn~ acs-2g~a DATE: June 8, 20!36 TO: Caleb Hood Planner, City of Meridian E60 E. Watertower Lane Suite 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 RE: Freedom Storage Center (formerly S#ow-lt) CZC Dear Craig, Please accept the attached application fnr the Freedom Storage Center {farmerly S#ow-It) self storage project. This praject is located at 943 W. Overland Road, Meridian, Idaho 83fi42. This portion of the project consists of self-storage Building #3 {3,654sf +1-j and Building #4 (2,700sf +/-). If you have any questions piease feel free to contact me at 319-~ 778 ar via a-mail at saucerman can ersaucerman.com. Sincerely, ~~ Paul saucerman Vice~President Conger-saucerman . ~- - F ~ ~. `~ -~ - r ~ _ , _ r . ~ .~ ~ r 2 ~~ C - - ~~k ~ , _ 1 - " . ~~ ~ C~ ~ \ - ~ ~' - 4 = _.. _l ~ ~~ ~ r~ f ' I ~ L L _ ~ T1 - ~~, 4 `` •F~ hi \\))ti I ~ ~ ~fi~g_~ t U I .:_ h 1 ~ f - E ~ __ _ Ira ~~~ ~ ]'-~1~ V ~[ ~~ ~+ .~ :.a ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _~ a `~ ~ ~ ~ Q U ~~~ ~ U O Q~ Qc4~E v 7~~in ! crj ~i ~ . '.S.c ~ ~~[ Q O e O . Q ~ Q r~ d" •• O ~ t"-' ~ eat u, W ,-t U ~ o 0 0 N . ~ ~ ! e m rn' ~ -~ i U 'Z i I i !i • °~ 3 5 ~~ ~~~~~ z6 ~~i I f t i! ii "I • a F Ira ~ ,~ x O~ s pggNO~ ~' $ 2~ Yd ~ 555 ~s° ~y 3 "~ ~6'w~ ~ S ~l~' c ee 4 iY' TH y ~ G ~' yy Wyd ~.Sn a5. V' ~'~j R d VY~d.N1 w rnZ~ C ~ = 3 is ~= ~ ~$$a% ~ ~~~y C ~ 6:t=~S .JI M~fJsL~i`. q~ yN~~'JI yZ ~ ~y~ y3yy ~~¢¢~~ ill ~~ p.^..c'd ~! ;S ~§~ f& AC14 ~~ . I G Y~aX66u V ~V gcf C.n3 IIIIJJ W=i-ES } L4 J~$~ ~F+~ V I ~xO~ l~ I ~s ~s~~ ~#~ ~~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~'s~a-4R7t4~a=ax ca~cas ~ z4w~ R• 3 GG gF~ ~ti I G~~ ~RF Y ~ G ~ ' ~ ~ •• - « R ti ~R°{DhRYYC! 9~'SAn p9.`Yi~ ~ ~~~ d ~ III ~I' I ?~~~4 ~E&8~~'~ ~ n Y ~ ~ S ~ .. Y€~$~t° ~ \n ~d~lxi~t~x. s ,`` ~c `~ O o O - 000 - ° ~3~353~ ~ ~~wF~ '• "~ ~y ~` o g ~ ~ ~~ ' L ~ •h.•,..~~- :Ili,.'. \\ ~ ~ : 4 a w ~ ~ ~ # kY~ ~~ ~ w I , V`~.'. ~ G ~ I r ' .y lt' ~ .I ~ u' d ! ~ ~ I O ~ ~ '1 `I I7h ~ a a I s ` ` ~ ~'c~J ~ I ~aQg ~~' R ~~ I ~ i1 ~ ~ I l;~' il~f;5 ~$pg ,~', ~ ! ~. ~-~ \ ,..,~~~`~ •~ ~ s `~, ~`~l 615E ~ -i ,\ :tit ,c ~,3~{'. ~ _ .~. ---~x•~~s--- K~r'-, _-:fin; ~ I '„ ~~ ,~~, 1 _ i t. ~ 3 l •:r.~. I _..~ I d . -~s..---- ~. I. I' ~Y ~:.: ~ . ~:li I(=~~~ap g a , •I ~ i _ - ` qq 3 ~ a{~ ~ . ~I ~~ ,\ : a, ' I .. .. . ~ ~ :til i v i I -- ~WQ26 aNV'RI3A0 I( i ' . c• - ' .. .. ...,,. C~a ~~}{ 1;Q[1C~I ~ tii;GU€~itGC€.1,. unglU rrnannnu n~~~,,..,., _,__ _ ~Qls~ 1r~AH~ s3~~lo~ a~.4a F ~~ ~ ~ °~~ ~~lip°-~R~~u~s~`o~ ~~ ~f~ I~l~~~fl~~~l~~~fl~~f~l~~~ ~f~ ~C~ rt~~ arl~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ . ~AR.RAN'~'~I DIi1ED F4I~ VALUE RECEIVED, Lyons Developaxten#, LLC, an Idaho lizxa_ited liability company ("Grauztor"}, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Venga Vent~.tres, LLC, anIdaho lirraited liability caznpany ("Grantee"}, whose current address is Z23 Hillside Dr_, I~etchi>xia, Idaho $330, tl~.e fallowing describedpreznises, to-wit: S1~J~ EXI~ISXT "A" AT'>G'ACr3ED ~RETG T© HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, wztli their appurtenances unto..the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever. And the Grantor does hereby covenant to and with the sand Grantee, that it is the'owarer in fee simple of said premises; that said pzeinises are free from ali encttrrilirances, EXCEPT those to wlzicla this conveyance is expresslyxnada sulaject azi.d those made, suffered, or done by the Grantee; and subject to reservations, restrtctiozxs, dedicatio~a.s, easements, x-ighis-o f way of recaid or visit le on the premises aid genera] taxes and assessments for the current year, aaxd that it will wax~ant and defend tl~.e sataae fiom all other lawful claims wllatsoever_ DATED dais ~ _day of / ~`l , 2005. LYONS DEVELaPMENT, Li,C, an Id iaxiit _Liability C ~npany Frazell, STATE OF IDAI-I0, _ ) ss_ County ofAda. } On this day of _ ., 2005, before me, the tiiidersigared, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Dale Frazell, lazawn and identified to me to be the 11Managing Member ofLyons Develaprnent, LI,C, wlzo subscribed his xzaxxze to the foregoing instruntzent, aaad aclmowIedged to that he executed the same in said limited liability compa3zy name. 1N FITNESS WHEREtiF, Ihave hereu set m.yh d aa~.d affixed my official seal the day aad year in this certifzc~~~'~~~t~abQye writte~~~~~~ ~. . ~t. _ ~. ~ : ~, f"~-~.~t~-y rya. t~r~ _ jr ~'s ~-~ ` `"~ i.~ ,\ ., ~ . (SEAL) ~ ~ - ~ ~, ~. a ~ ~~~ 4 .. ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~.. ~ ~, • ~~ Ip A~`yr`a Idaho idi~fg at ~ ,Idaho area. ion expires: i~fw~tf]fNC f~I ~V1~Rlf]ff-~i~f, I[7r~Hf;} #Vf~G~lVf~1f EXf? 051~~/os Cam] ~~ •#DAI-Io ~SU,~VEY - G~~LIP _~, . Project No. 04-333 ©ESGRIP'FION I=oR PAF2~EL B - STOW-IT STQI~CE LYDf~'S •DEV~LQPi~ENT LLG ~~ 145D ~.iseWater~aYrer 5c Since 1S0 t~leri~ianr~daho 83b42 Phone•~241$} 89b-857D ~e ~z[t8) ~Z~6~-5399_ Decernber ~ D, 2004 A~ parcel of land being a• portion of the NE1t4 of #Iie~ NW914 of Secti©n 24, T.3N., R.'iW., B.M., Ada County, Idaho mare particularly described as follows: Cammerrcing at the N'[/4 corner of said Section 24 from wiiieli Elie Wt/~ 6 corner ~ of said Section 24 beats Naafi 89°06'56"West, 1327.8'1 fee#; • ; thence afatig the Noith boundary tine of said Section 24 North 8s°06'56" West, 677.82 feet_ ~ I thence leaving said .Nardi boundary Iine South. OD°4.1'54" West, ,25.00 feet to a point on the southerly rig1~#-of Sway Iine of {overland Raed, said poan# also being the REA!_ AoINT of BEG1i~il1C~NG; thence along said southerly right~of--way Iine South 89°06''56" East, 247.85 feet; thence leaving said sou#herIy nigh#~of way Iine South 00°53'04" VSlest, 103,0 fey#; . thence Sou#h 89°Q6'S6" East, ~ 5:00 feet; :, thence Sau#h Op°53'04" WESt, 20.00 fee#; thence Sou#h 89°06'56" Easy, 3$2,x0 feet to a pairt# on #ie westerly right-off way line of 5taddard Read; thence along said westerly rigt?t of-way line 5outti 00°5'1'53" West, 826.74 feet to a point on the southeasterly extenslon•ofthe centerline ofthe Hardin Drain; thence algrxg said along the centerline of the Hardin Drain and the southeasterly extension thereof the follr~wEng 4 courses: Nart{i 46°39'1"West, 347.48 feet; thence North 40°42`05" West, 255.61 feet; thence North ~-5°oa'SE°' Wes#, '16`I.s9 feet; i I i I . t S:US~ Praje~stSlotiwtE Prazalt RQS {D9••233y1poc~.rmen3s[4~.4RL'i=~ e,cfoc ~ ; ~ .. ~~ thence North 60°~ 8'32" IlVest= ~ Q7.7'1 feet; fhet~ce Noah fl9°4~i'~" East, ~4~,9'1 feet to the REAL Pa1N~" OF~gE~~NNiNG eontainir~g 5.47 acresr i~tare or less. Prepared hy: Ida~~ 5n~,~ ~ P.~. ~ .~ ~~~~' ~ ~~, IZ~ ~~o~ ,~° ~~TE O~ ~~~.4 ~. ~~` - G~egory , P.L.S. ,. 't i i i t f i l S;1S56 Prn]ects}51ow-€t ~razelE }i~S (04-233}L~acurnertk~lPP,RC~~. H.doc [~7 ', - . •• ~ ~FIDA~TiT QF IsEG.t~.~., Il~TEAEST ~'• STAB a~ rn~.~a } t carrl~~r o~' ~ } - . r Mar, ~~g~n~~2 {~1i-~~~'~ 3~, y_C-~q_4 ~.~~r.&5. PO {~jJ}~ Zg zf~] (na~nc) (addrtss) being first duty s~r~m upon ' ~~ ~ C ~ ~ ~`] ~ t t] oafh, depose and say„ (czty} ~ {state} E. Tha# t am ttie recozd gwnez' of ttza property describ~:d o~ Chc attached; and 1 grant ruy pczmissian to.; CGNGr~~ ~"~~"rll~~~-~~~r~T ~Pa:~r ~joS ~: '~•~'ST 5;~ `7-`'t`~ {~xame) ~ (add~ss} t~~~S~F- lb S'3 ~-~%~~ td subn7it the accbmpattyin~, application pt;rCaining tp that ~rppcsry_ 2 I agn~ to ~ix~deinns.fy~ defend and liald• the Ciiy oP yvFexidiara and it's ctnployees ha=znlcss from airy claim or liability resultiaag fi~ztk azxy disp~ as ta.the ,ti'tatctrients cnntgined herein or as to Phe dwnershipr oE' the pro~ertiy, vvliieh is nc~ subject of the application. F3~fcd this to ~' •day of ~ ~ ~~ . 240 ~ . _ ~. (Sigrta fe~) . 511B5CREBED AND SWORN to befarc the the dsy and year fi'tst aka~c writttn_ . - ~ y~~1~4itiil/1f~/ ~~ ~ .S1T1'4 ' ~til, ~+~~'y ``,tom ~~~r~,,..»..wti J-/ I~w .. _ # ..... f ~ PUBLtG :~ ~~ . ~. ,,`fij, ~~.....~....r"~O`~. • r`'~~~~10 E1 ^~ ~`~ IJptary PtitiiiC OF I Q Residing ~~~~1~2' U~~ lvfy trosztmi$Sion Expires; S ' ~ " 5' a IZBY ,~1%1131II3 % e ~~yry r ~~ ~ ~~ ~' J ~ ` j I l { y.y, i y' a F1 a -rte = ~~ ~ ~ ~ f'. e f r ~~~ Q. Fir! - ~~ 1' s< ~r. ~' f nC7 0.r i~7 [C]. ~ {' r ~f~ys/t/~ _ _y„_ ` ~ ~ 4_ •'- ~ .~' Q ~,~/~ }~ I coo ~~ ~ o '~ f f ~2~fCT 5' ~YIC)E OC]NCRE7E 1 -- - r r t ~ aL~C X12" ABOVE C.~L EZEVA~ON ~~ - f+ __. .. ` `J +'`. n \~ 1 ~ ~ ~ Gy~y aP `' ~`,t 1 ~ ~ f ~ } ~''~j~gQ4 ~- l ' i rr ~C] '~j ~~~ r {{: ~ ~ , j, ,r. ~~ s r . ' ~ ~ ~-~. ~ ' ~. ~ ~ ~' - -~ , r~ ~ - ~ - ~. ~ ~ - ~ ~--~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ rtor c~sm_ ~t ~- o v~ -r~s~~~ ~~c~cE~~E~ ~~E ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s~~E~t. s~ ~~A~~ ~~~ - ~~ '~ E~tST~,f~ PEI', F2,~~IP f'EP 1~O'~~ ~ e . '~iALa I~zo~~zo~r P~~o~~cE S~~crrzc~.~o~s .PE~2 O~tD3N,~NCE ~.2~1,3..$ NO~s: subpnit 3 copies of this completed farm u~ifh any application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC). Project Nazn.e: 5-~~;~_;.~_-~ ~~~~ S-~ R Specif cations: Available Gallons per Minute: E~c~~ Available Water Pressure:. ' ~'~ Point of Connection (describe and/or submit a site • 7~rTTT1~1'V {-`.nnnPrtinn • /P.:.~-.. , .: A-~F~~7 l _ u Landscape Area: If the irrigation system is hooked to City water as a primary or secondary mater source, submit the square footage of landscape areas to be irrigated.• s.f. A bacl~low prevention device znust~be installed as required by City Ordinance 9~3. ~-~ 'The irxi~ation system must be designed to provide 7.00% coverage with head io head spacing or triangular spacing as appropriate. Sprinkler heads must have matched pxecipitation rates ~crithin each control valve cixcuit. Sprinkler heads irrigating lawn or other high-water-demand areas must be circuited so ~~hat. they ate ozx a separate zone or zones from those irrigating trees, shrubs; or other reduced- water-demand areas. Q.~sgLay - - Sprinkler heads must be adjusted to reduce overspray onto impervious surfaces such as sideuzalks, driveways, and parking areas. - =~ rev. Ilr'03i03 Additional Trrzgation Notes: ~. AIl landscape areas regulated by the City Landscape Ordinance {J2-I3) shall be served with an automatic underground irrigation system. Additional req-~emenfis affecting pressurized irrigaiaon systems can be found in City Ordinance 9-i-28. Use of z~on potable irrigation water is required when determined to be available by the City Public Works Depaz-tment as regula#ed by City Ordinance 9--I-2S. ~' city potable water is used, a separate wa#er zueter is recommeuded so the owner can avoid paying sewer fees for i€-r~iga#ion water. Potable water shall no# be used as a primary irrigation. wa#er souFCe on nou-residential lots with more than %2 acre of landscaping. dear round water availability is also required by connecting #o city potable water or ate on-site well as a secozzdary source. Cer~ti~catia,'a: _ ' ~ ` ` ' ~ o ereby af~uni that any izrigation system installed for the project mentioned above will be designed and installed i_u cozx~:pliance with the specifica#ions and notes stated in #his form. ~~~ p~icant's Signature ~ Date 5 lei:. II.`CJ3!D3 .j 5 ~(~. ~~~Ir~ ,~,~f r:Y7'k uF ~~< •• ~~ ~~ °' ~ ~~ Planning Depa~l-tment CERTg'ZCATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE Application Checklist ~~.~~ v..uu- .~5 XY ~yri" j~: '~ .'r'i «3~ i -?~ ~ Z [l~' r ~i N F$ is Y Y' Cora feted & si ed AdxninistrativeReviewA lication Narrative fully describing the proposed use of the property, including the followizrg: - Information on any previous appxovaIs or requirements for the xequested use i.e., a ficable conditions of a mval or I7evela ent A Bement Recorded warran deed fox the sub'ect o Aff davit of Legal ,Interest signed & notaxized by the property owner (zf owner is a corporation , submit a co oFthe Arhicles of Into Ovation or other evidence to show that the rson si ur is au authorized agent /~ ' Sealed vicini ma showin the location of the sub'ect a Irri ation Performance S ecificatio~€s form co feted & si ed b the a licant/a ent ~ ' San:it Sexvice'Ca au a roval fox trash enclosure & access drive (stamped site plan) A photometric test report for any light fixtuxe(s) with a maximum output of 1,8(}0 Iuznens or more see UDC 11-3A-11 Site Plan--4 copies (folded to 8 %z" x °l l".size) The follovvin items must be shown on the site fan: • Date, scale, north arrow, and ro'ect name (scale not less than 2"=50') / • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers ofthe developer and the person and/or Fe arias the fan • Parkin stalls and drive aisles ~ 'Srash enclosures location • llletail of trash enclosuxe (must be screened on 3 sides) H ~~ Location and specifrcations for under nand irri ation r`~ g {Pressurized irrigation aan only be - waived if ou rove no Ova#er ri hts exist to sub'ect xo e 1/ + Sidewalks or athwa S (proposed and existing) • LOCatiOxt of r0 Osed buiIdin On IOt (include dimensions to property lines) • Fencin (proposed and existing) • Calculations table including the following: Number of parking stalls required & pxovided (specif}r lrandicap & compact stalls} . - Building size {sq. H.} - Lot Size (sq. ft.) - Setbacks - Zonin district ~` ~. Reduction of the site fan 8 %" x l I ". Landscape plan - 3 copies '(folded to 8 '/z" x •11"size) '~~'~ Plan musthave a scale no smaller than T '~ -- 5d ' (Y" ='20' is preferred) and be on a standard ' , ~i~: drawing sheet, not to exceed 3tf"x 48"x(24"x 36"7r,preferred). r! plan whzch cannot be drawn in ~ its entiret on a in l h mu ~V ~? ~ y s g es eet stbe drazvn~svith appropriatematch lines on two ormore•sheefs. ~ Th'e followin items zuust`be tne"luiiiet~ bzi~the lanilsca e: Ian: `aCP . • '`;Date, scale, north arrow, arid. ro"ect name ~ ` w Names, addresses, and telep~ione numbers of#he clevelopex-and the personand/or ... . . , _ ~ - - . ~~ ~~_ _ ~~ . . r arum • Existin natural features such as canals, creeks_ drains. nnr,r3c ,x,Prla„~i~ J 't-;: ~. ~. -` ll I d ~~k~~ q~Y '~ ]_ -~ :_ 660 E, Watertower T,ane, ;Suite 202 Meridian, Idaho 83642 =~~~- Phone; -(208) 884-5533 ,• pacsimile: i(208} 8$$-6678 Website• vnvFV.meridiancity.org , mot :'3x +~}L-- t~~~ .- _ y 3,~... ~A - .. "1: ~ "~' ~s3 f. t P'ln F ztr ~ r ~ .5 ,s- y, .~ r~`"i ~. .....n. Q r•i,.T~i=.= All applications are required to contain one copy of the following unless otherwise noted: food lams, hiQ oundwatez areas, androclt outcro in s_ '~ `~,'? ,.~V - Y e ' _ i ~ - ' . r r . rl. -'~ i- ~~x~jr~a~ r E t - - ti ' ~a :~ s -S . w~ ~ - ~S 'btu Y-.a J ~~ ~ l ~ F 3 .1 S f{ l .. ~~ ~~ ~`~ fl. ~/.ic -.~,. L ~ ~' F ~3, f ~ ~ ~ 5 N f 4 ~ ~ ` ' f' ' r r i ~- 3 f+r j ~ v ~ . ! w h i, R .s '_.?. ~ ~~.C "S'~^:Y'_~ c~3:"~ `. J'.'~ ~Y~J~e~ '.`5-~~~7~Lf ! [ may: ~ ~ j C _CY / t ~~L -~ "i: S ~i ' . . - . < n ' 1, t ! L ! . ....~~; ~:~e-r~:~aj." ?.~.j~ ~. I GC "s_S: ~'t. :, _F 3 l. R "~ .f {_- ~ *~ r: _~• A ~: - .. . - _/ ' " '~` rl..j {l _ +'~ _ l ,i,JS6- f _ - 1 W Y ~i ~ ' ~ ~ - r ` 5i.. . + . 3 ~ ~r . s 4-:i n ~ - ~:~:xr;; c<5,-Y _.'; ~.1 7i'~: y~-~ ~h: i t." ',z .; ;3 . • ~~7i _3., .M..rs.. Rr .! r,~cg, r r.~t?._ i J .-t ._ .. ..r~~& -.T' n[t ~",•-~' i"~~ rk~. 1.~. .,?-..v yea bi. ,.~ -..~~e._c:~~i~;': =S. n-T :~ .iii" V ~ "at`5 -~~ - ~'1^.~~~~ ::A+`,: .-3ti= :Se'r"'i'~. `, ..s ' ~.5 .. ' 1l- r~.. ~?s ~ '-C1` i a •'i :fi i , ~ . , _ ; . r :; ~ . . • Location, size, and species of aII existing frees on site with trunks 4 inches oz ." greater in diameter, measured 6 inches above the ground. Indicate whether the --~'•;-'~ tree gill be retained or removed. ~~~5'•~° ~~: • A statement of how existing healthy trees proposed to be retained will be v,:-_: ~: ~~?g;':u ratected from dame e durin construction °'~~:r''`= • $xisting structures, planting areas, li t ales gh p ,power poles, walls fences berms `>' ;;~; ~ ~ ~ , , , parking and loading areas, vehicular drives, trash areas, sidewalks, pathways, ~ , , ~.;:,~~`~:; stormwa#er detention areas, si s, street furniture, and other man-made elements ~~'-'"` . .:~„~~ • Existing and_proposed contours for all areas steeper ~an 20% slope. Beans shall ~~:y be spawn with one-foot contours ~: ~. . • Si t Trion Ies as defined in 11 3A-5 of this ordinance. ~ , ~ ;"J„„~ • Location and labels for all proposed plants, including frees, shrubs, and >, ~, ~~. groundcOVers {trees must not be planted in Cety water or sewer easements). Scale shown for lint materials shall reflect a roximate mature size '"` g, • A plant list that shows the plant symbol, quantity, botanical name, comrx~on name, minimum planting size and contaiuer, and comments {for spaciug, s#aking, and installation as a ro 'ate . • ":Planting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all re aired standards. Desi drawin s of all fencin ro osed for screenizi uses • Calculations of project components to demonstrate compliance with the requireilaents of this ordinance, including: - Number of street trees and lineal feet of street frontage D 'Width ofs#reet buffers (exclusive ofright-of--way) D Width of pazking lot perimeter landscape strip ~ Buffer width between different Iand uses {if applicable) ~ Number of parking stalls and percent of parking area with internal landscaping , Total number of trees and tree species mix Mitigation for removal of existing trees, including number of caliper inches bein removed Reduction of the landsca a Ian $ %" x 11". - Buildin elevations showin construction materials Fee ACHD ~4eceptance: Applicantshall be responsible for meeting the requirernenis ofACIID as they pertain to this application. All impact fees, if any, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a buildingpermit. If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate theACFID requirements, a new site plan shall be submitted to the tarty of .il~teridian Planning & Zoning Department far approval prior to the issuance of a buildingpermrt. Yourbuildingpermit will not be issued untilACHD has approvedyourplans and all associated fees have been paid. THISAPPLICATIONSRALL NOT BE CONSIDE.KED COMPLETE UNTIL STAFFHAS RECEIVED ALL 11EQU.7_RED INFORMATION. - 4; - .. .. - .1'.. '~" l:: .. i. 'AS ~ : : ~? S arch i~' n-.s~ a; ~ y ~'it~ } . - - S _ .- i 1 A- 4 ~' F T ~.T i~ ~ ~ YAK ~ - k t-r } fiC.~s '+ r s. ~, z (3x'~ y r 1 sti~i ;~ -e~ qqy ! ~ .: ~` r ~' nr f o ,~ r ~'~ ~ 0 ,~ 3 .L1 ~ t , r ^ ~ J,~ !-• f l W 111 :~ r'L1 u, r~ :.~ ,,, r 0 ~~ f c n 3 a~ ~ ° m z n ~ ro~ ~ 0 ~~ t rl N m vwD a w ~ Fi] o~z ~ ~ m Cn a . y 9 n ttt lll ~ ri ~~ ~ ~ :~ ~ - ,, ti ~ ~ ~ ,~ i ~ a ;I ~ ~ w ~ v ~ ,~ CITY OF ~~~ 33 E. Idaho Ave. ~' Meridian, ID 83642 ~~ C®#~GE~ ~ S~IUCERe~-N GENERAL CaNTRACTORS /CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS k09 South 8th St. /Suite 290 /Boise, Idaho 83702 /Phone: 208-3t9-€778 /Fax: 208.336-2282 Registacd Ccn:r3etor RCE-24r1b Protect: ~ Letter of Transmif`taf FREEDOM STORAGE CENTER {STOWTIT) Transmittal #00103 TO: CITY OF MERIDIAN -PLANNING & ZONING CIO Caleb f {OOd 660 E. Watertower Ln. / Sie 2a2 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: 884-5533 ext 221 Fax: 8$$-6$54 [3ate: 5/3910fi Job h€o. 0603 Attention: CALEI3-HOOD Re: FREEdOM.STORAGE_(STOW-ITj.-OZC APPLICATION SUBMITTAL We are sending you ®Attached ®Under separate covervia [Hand Deliver] the fioilowing items: ^ Shop Drawings ®Prints ®Plans ^ Samples ^ Specirrcations ® Copy of letter ^ Change Order ®Subrnittals ^ Copies Date No. Description 4 613106 7 CZC APPLICATION -FREEDOM STORAGE CENTER (STOW-It) - BUILDING #3 AND BUILDING #4 4 619106 2 CZC APPLICATION -FREEDOM STORAGE CENTER (STOW-It) - BUILDWG #5 4 619/06 3 CZC APPLICATION -FREEDOM STORAGE CENTER (STOW-It) - COVERED RV 4 619!06 4 CZC APPLICATION -FREEDOM STORAGE CENTER -PHASE it STOW it -BUILDING #5 4 619106 5 CZC APPLICATION -- FREEDOM STORAGE CENTER -PHASE II {STOW-It -BUILDING #'f 4 619106 6 CZC APPLICATION --FREEDOM STDRAGE CENTER -PHASE Eil (STOW-It) -- BUfLD[NG #F ~ „~.s~.. r.~~,~. ~ [V1~Y.71Y11 ~ E Ciu dS a:E1~l:Rt:(] U~IOW: ® For approval ^ Approved as submitted ^ Resubmit copies for approval ® For your use ^ Approved as noted ^ Submit copies far distribution ® As rectuested ^ Returned for corrections ^ Return corrected prints ^ For review and comment ^ Date Approval Needed ^ FOR BIDS DUE 20 ^ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: AS DISCUSSED, I AM SUBMITTING TO YOU THE ABOVE FOR YOUR REVEEW AND APPROVAL. DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS PERTAINING TO THESE ITEMS. THANK YOU, Signed: Paul Saucetman Copy: Greg McVay - Venga Ventures, I! LC Vice-president File: 060319/A-City of Mer-rdian, 06p7191A-City of Meridian ''\`, ~ I_ ~ ~ 1 - '. I. I - - ' -~ ~ - 11 `. ~ ~ ~~,\ I F `~ ~. ~ - .. ~ ~~ ~ ..~ ~ ~` ti ` ` ''1 ~ \ ~\ ~ ~ C . 1 • 1 4 ~ _j,l 1.. y . ; h .Or ~ ~ ~~ ! i 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, \: -.< 1 ~ i, Ir] ~ ~ I ~ , i ~~ ~• ` ~ ~ ~~ pp ~ 1~1r1~, ~ ~, , *, ~ j ~' ti ~ i \` ~6~ ~:; i # ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .: t ~ ~ f <~ ,, !Kb IIJ v ` ~1 ~\ i ~ ) I ~~ `f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 6~ \~~ a ~~o~ ~. ~ ( ,!/'96171 v_ ~`:__+ f a~+i ~T.YE ~' 8~~ 3y i ~ ~a~ :~ ~~ __ ~~~_____.. v. .--.«.-ti ~_.-_.... ~..._ _~ t j ~~ --'---....«_ __- .. .~ . _ I - - - _ • ~~D ~~~~ , waasec~~r1 xi nm~wroesxp~-,mamas zime of •rmwn~W curaec fcnrJ S,~ wu~ns naxmerr~a 3l+r~ S'~N~~7~T1~ ~~~ds ~ 47'3sI0E 3tifl.L~(12i.LS 1331.5 ~~~~ols ~~~51r-MOs - -- ~ .~ .a ~~. ~ p ~ ~. ,Q3SAd?9 A77f1~ ! ~'llSOdiQ HdYt O&~`JNlQb'07 QN1M dSd St ~OVOT MONS doOk! O ~ ~. N ~ ~, 3LLIL vdS 5ruavo9 nK I.C) h U ~.. M J d Q a a~ d ... ~ a 9 ~ II ~ i a f~ 1 ~ ~ d i € ~ F 6 ! ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ r f6 ~ ~ ~s a ~ E 's k % ~ ~ e a ~ ~ 6 _~ -,...-..~......-..~~~ € Baas ~ t- . ~.,.,...~a_~ ..... .. _. I ~. 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". \ ~ ~zsaa3~E3 ~ a34~344g me ffie3~$ t 3 ~3 ~3I~~a 3343343 .~. .4 ~ ~ . .. ~ B~ Q ~ S`- pE _ 0~$t~3 YYY j Y'm3933 ~ ~ Ee~p~~ g { g; a$ $§ m Y ~y [ y ~~E~ 323 ~3 gg~s9~~Y pg~ d't~stla 3 gg 3 3 ~3~~d~2~a F'"I'a$d d~e~s`'36 yy y3~ . g I~~`q ~ r~3 ~ ~ `5..F39Z~~ ~ E g ~E h~3#}N 3e aA X X ' ~ °] ~ gg 3Z g ~6 ~~` ~ S .y `yg 33 ~~ ~ $ $9 $a$$£ 9 $ 4 ~ $ 3: 5 $ 3 i EA [ tl3 g° ~ 9 F Z ~,: ®v I __ ra YN'LO \ vr4W~ \ ..~a3c ~'~' ~ "s"~y ~ ~ a S ~ € \ la ~^ W ~... .56901 - S~ ~ 6 p ~ S! 6 p i 6 O I 5 i ~J : v ` ~ i rz 1 ~ ~ o 6 I F I - S8 i ~ \ ~ \ ` ~ ~ ~e s6 2 ~ ~ 4'- - I ~ 'St ~ w ~ 31 d~e3~ ~3d i eS3 a W . ~ I r p ~ ~ ~ ~ 3- { ~ v . ~, ? 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The applicant is in agreement with the conditions within this report. This item is scheduled on the consent agenda on Wednesday July 74, 2004 at 6:30 pm. Tech Review for this item was held with the applicant on Friday July 2, 2004. Please refer to the aftachment for Request for Reconsideration. Staff contact: Andrea N. Tuning, 208-387-6177-phone, 208-387-6393-fax, atuninuCa~achd.ada id us File Numbers: MCUP04-017/MAZ04-013 Storage Facility with Caretakers Unit/RetaiUOffice Site address: SWC Overland Road and Stoddard Road Owner: Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Applicant: Lyons Development, LLC 15205 North McFarland Creek Road Boise, Idaho 83714 Representative: Engineering Solutions, LLP 150 East Aikens Street, Suite B Eagle, Idaho 83616 Application Information: The applicant has submitted an application to the City of Meridian requesting annexation, rezone and conditional use approval to construct a 175,306 square foot storage facility with aretail/office building with a 1,600-square foot apartment above the office on 12.25-acres. The applicant is also requesting conceptual approval of two additional office/retail buildings consisting of approximately 27,265-square feet. The site is currently zoned RUT and is proposed to be rezoned to C-G. The site is currently located on the southwest corner of Overland Road and Stoddard Road. Acreage: 12.25-acres Current Zoning: RUT Proposed Zoning: C-G Proposed Storage Square Feet: 175,306-square feet Proposed Office/Retail Square Feet: 27,265-square feet Vicinity Map A. Findings of Fact 1. Trip Generation: This development is estimated to generate 780 additional vehicle trips per day (0 existing) based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual. 2. Impact Fees: There will be an impact fee that is assessed and due prior to issuance of a building permit. The assessed impact fee will be based on the impact fee ordinance that is in effect at that time. 3. Traffic Impact Study: A traffic impact study was not required with this application. 4. Site Information: The site is currently vacant. 5. Description of Adjacent Surrounding Area: a. North: Commercial b. South: Idaho Power Substation c. East: Bear Creek Subdivision and single-family residential lots (0.74 to 0.84-acres) d. West: Single-family residential lot (7.6-acres) 6. Impacted Roadways Overland Road Frontage: Functional Street Classification Traffic count: Level of Service: Speed limit: Stoddard Road Frontage: Functional Street Classification: Traffic count: Level of Service: Speed limit: 645-feet Minor arterial East of Linder Road was 6,348 on 4-10-02 West of Meridian Road was 15,205 Currently better than "C" 45 MPH west of Stoddard and 35 MPH east of Stoddard 1,293-feet Collector South of Overland Road was 583 on 1-17-01 Currently better than "C" 45 MPH 7. Roadway Improvements Adjacent To and Near the Site Overland Road is improved with 2-traffic lanes (24-feet of pavement) with no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. Stoddard Road is improved with 2-traffic lanes (24-feet of pavement) with no curb, gutter or sidewalk abutting the site. 8. Existing Right•of-Way Overland Road currently has 55-feet of right-of-way abutting the site (25-feet from centerline). Stoddard Road currently has 55-feet of right-of-way abutting the site (25-feet from centerline). 9. Existing Access to the Site The Idaho Power substation has an existing driveway that intersects Stoddard Road located approximately 50-feet south of the north property line, 2 The Idaho ~ ,.wer substation has an existing TEMPtntARY driveway that intersects Overland Road approximately 25-feet east of the west property line. This driveway was approved in 2001 as a temporary driveway that would be allowed until the remainder of the site develops (the site is now redeveloping). 10. Site History The District reviewed and approved a conditional use and master site plan for this parcel on September 12, 2001 (01-30-CU/01-20-MSP). The Commission required the applicant to construct 5- foot wide concrete sidewalk on Overland Road and Stoddard Road abutting the developing portion of the parcel with the understanding that right-of-way abutting the entire parcel shall be dedicated when the remaining portion of the parcel redevelops. In addition to the dedication of right-of-way the applicant was required to install the improvements (sidewalk) abutting the developing portion of the site on Stoddard Road. Rather than constructing the sidewalk on Stoddard Road abutting the developing portion of the site, the applicant provided the District with a road trust in the amount of $9,010.00 on June 10, 2002. "The applicant should be required to construct sidewalk abutting the Idaho Power Substation site in conjunction with this project. The road trust that was provided to the District will be released to the applicant. 11. Other Development in Area On July 7, 1999, the District reclassified Stoddard Road to a collector roadway. The designation of Stoddard Road occurred in conjunction with the review and approval of Bear Creek Subdivision, a 326-lot residential subdivision on 150.79-acres. In turn, Bear Creek Subdivision was required to dedicate 35-feet of right-of-way (from centerline) and construct 5-foot concrete sidewalk located 2- feet within the new right-of--way. 12. Five Year Work Program/Capital Improvements Plan In 2007, the District will be reconstructing Overland Road from Meridian Road to Linder Road. Overland Road will be constructed as a 5-lane rural street section with bike lanes and a 5-foot detached concrete sidewalk. With this project, the intersection of Overland Road and Stoddard Road is to be reconstructed to a 5x3 intersection. The Overland Road project is not included in the Capital Improvements Plan. B. Findings for Consideration Right-of-Way Stoddard Road District policy requires 70-feet of right-of-way on collector roadways (Figure 72-F1B). This right-of- way width allows for the construction of a 3-lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5-foot wide detached sidewalks and bike lanes. Overland Road, from Meridian Road to Linder Road, is included in the Five Year Work Program to be improved to 5-traffic lanes with curb, gutter and 5-foot detached concrete sidewalks. The Overland Road and Stoddard Road intersection is programmed to be improved and signalized with the reconstruction of Overland Road. This project is not included in the District's Capital Improvements Plan. Stoddard Road Dedicate 35-feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Stoddard abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of--way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will not be rnrnnangaterl f for this addi~~~nal right-of-way because Stoddard Rdad is classified as a collector roadway and is to be brought to adopted standards by the developers of abutting properties. Overland Road District policy requires 96-feet of right-of-way on arterial roadways (Figure 72-F16). This right-of-way allows for the construction of a 5-lane roadway with curb, gutter, 5-foot concrete detached sidewalks and bike lanes. The Board of Commissioners authorize the expenditure of other District funds (approximately $30,000.00), if available, for the purchase of right-of-way on Overland Road dedicated by the applicant, with the applicant constructing a sidewalk as described below. However, if funds cannot be secured, the applicant shall do one of the following: a. Dedicate by donation an additional 23-feet of right-of-way along Overland Road, and construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Overland Road, located a minimum of 41- feetfrom the centerline of the right-of-way. b. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Overland Road, located a minimum of 41-feet from the centerline of the right- of-way, in an easement provided to the District. c. Provide a road trust deposit in the amount of $12,900.00, to be used for future sidewalk construction along the applicant's property. 2. Street Section -Stoddard Road District policy 72-F1B requires collector roadways to be constructed as a 46-foot street section with vertical curb, gutter and 5-foot detached {or 7-foot attached) concrete sidewalk within 70-feet of right- of-way with parking prohibited on both sides. Construct Stoddard Road as one-half of a 46-foot street section with vertical curb, gutter and 5-foot detached (or 7-foot attached) concrete sidewalk within the 35-feet of right-of--way from the centerline of Stoddard Road that will be dedicated with this application. OR The applicant may provide the District with a Public Right'-s-of-Way Road Trust deposit in the amount of $35,200.00 for the first 500-feet of curb, gutter, 5-foot concrete sidewalk and pavement widening to one half of a 46-foot street section for the 500-feet of frontage on Stoddard Road that is included in the District's Five Year Work Program. 3. Driveways Offsets for a Signalized Intersection District policy 72-F4 (1) requires driveways located on intersection to be located a minimum of 175-feet from the driveway and a minimum of 85-feet from the signalized driveway. collector roadways ,near a signalized signalized intersection for afull-access intersection for aright-in/right-out only District policy 72-F4 (1) requires driveways located on arterial roadways near a signalized intersection to be located a minimum of 440-feet from the signalized intersection for afull-access driveway and a minimum of 220-feet from the signalized intersection for aright-in/right-out only driveway. Offsets for Current Speed Limit District policy 72-F5, requires driveways located on collector or arterial roadways with a speed limit of 45 to align or offset a minimum of 230-feet from any existing or proposed driveway. Offsets for the Anticipated Speed Limit 4 District poll,, 12-F5, requires driveways located on collector or arterial roadways with a speed limit of 40 to align or offset a minimum of 185-feet from any existing or proposed driveway. District policy 7207.9.3 restricts commercial driveways with daily traffic volumes over 1,000 vehicles to a maximum width of 35-feet. Most commercial driveways will be constructed as curb-cut type facilities if located on local streets. Curb return type driveways with 15-foot radii will be required for driveways accessing collector and arterial roadways. Graveled driveways abutting public streets create maintenance problems due to gravel being tracked onto the roadway. In accordance with District policy, 7207.9.1, the applicant should be required to pave the driveway its full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. Overland Road The applicant is proposing to have ACRD construct a 20-foot wide future right-in/right-out driveway that intersects Overland Road approximately 205-feet west of Stoddard Road as a part of the Overland Road project in 2007. This driveway does not meet the minimum standards for aright- in/right-out driveway, but is not anticipated to create potential safety conflicts if the driveway is truly restricted to a right-in/right-out driveway only. Staff recommends that the applicant be granted a modification to policy contingent upon the fact that the driveway will be restricted to a right-in/right-out driveway only. To ensure that the driveway is restricted to a right-in/right-out driveway only, the applicant should provide the District with a Public Right's-of--Way Road Trust Fund deposit in the amount of $2,000.00 for the construction of a median to be installed as a part of the Overland Road project in 2007. The applicant is proposing to construct a 30-foot wide full-access driveway that intersects Overland Road approximately 420-feet west of Stoddard Road. This driveway is proposed to be located approximately 190-feet from the proposed driveway to the east and 190-feet from the proposed driveway to the west. This proposed driveway does meet District policy in regard to offsets required near a signalized intersection and does not meet District policy in regard to driveway spacing on an arterial roadway that is posted as 45 MPH. The District Traffic Services Staff has evaluated this area and anticipates that the speed limit on Overland Road will be reduced with the Overland Road project ih the year 2007. Although this driveway does not meet the offsets required for the current speed limit of 45 MPH, it will meet the required offsets for a roadway that is posted at 40 MPH. Due to the fact that this driveway will meet the minimum offsets that are required with the anticipated traffic speed of 40 MPH, staff recommends that the applicant be granted a modification of policy to construct a 30-foot wide full-access driveway that intersects Overland Road approximately 420-feet west of Stoddard Road. The applicant is proposing to utilize an existing driveway that intersects Overland Road approximately 610-feet west of Stoddard Road. This driveway was does not align with the driveway that is located on the north side of Overland Road. Due to the fact that this driveway did not align with the existing high volume driveway on the north side of Overland Road, it was approved as a temporary driveway on September 12, 2001 with the application for the Idaho Power substation (01-30-CU/01-20-MSP). This driveway was approved as a temporary driveway and was to be eliminated once the remainder of the parcel redeveloped. The site is now developing and to comply with the previous application, the applicant should close the temporary driveway that intersects Overland Road approximately 610- feet west of Stoddard Road. In order to work with the applicant, staff has recommended that the driveway either be closed permanently or be shifted to the east to align with the existing driveway that is located on the north side of Overland Road (Western Electronic's site). This recommendation would be consistent with the Commission's previous action. The District has evaluated this area and anticipates that the speed limit on Overland Road will be reduced with the Overland Road project in the year 2007. This driveway does not meet the offsets required for the current speed limit of 45 MPH but will meet the required offsets for a roadway that is posted at 40 MPH. Due to the fact that this driveway will meet the anticipated traffic speed, staff recommends that the applicant be granted a 5 modification. .' policy to construct a 30-foot wide fue-access driveway that intersects Overland Road approximately 420-feet west of Stoddard Road. Stoddard Road The applicant is proposing to have the District construct a 20-foot wide driveway right-in/right-out driveway that intersects Stoddard Road approximately 230-feet south of Overland Road as a part of the Overland Road project. This driveway location meets District policy and should be approved with this application. The applicant is proposing to construct a 20-foot wide full-access driveway that intersects Stoddard Road approximately 430-feet south of Overland Road. This proposed driveway is located approximately 170-feet south of the other proposed driveway on Stoddard Road. The applicant has proposed to shift this proposed driveway 15-feet to the south in order to meet District policy. If the applicant constructs the driveway to intersect Stoddard Road approximately 185-feet south of the other proposed driveway on Stoddard Road, the driveway will meet District policy and should be approved with this application. Pave the driveways their full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. 4. Other Access Overland Road and Stoddard Road are classified roadways. Other than the access points that have been approved with this application, direct lot access to Overland Road and Stoddard Road is prohibited unless otherwise approved by the District. 5. Commuteride Transportation Management Association (TMA) In order to reduce trips to and from this development, it is recommended that the tenants occupying the proposed building(s) be required to participate in any Transportation Management Association (TMA) that is formed with a boundary that includes this site or is adjacent to this development. C. Site Specific Conditions of Approval The Board of Commissioners authorize the expenditure of other District funds (approximately $30,000.00), if available, for the purchase of right-of--way on Overland Road dedicated by the applicant, with the applicant constructing a sidewalk as described below. However, if funds cannot be secured, the applicant shall do one of the following: a. Dedicate by donation an additional 23-feet of right-of-way along Overland Road, and construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Overland Road, located a minimum of 41-feet from the centerline of the right-of-way. b. Do not dedicate additional right-of-way, but construct a minimum 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along Overland Road, located a minimum of 41-feet from the centerline of the right-of-way, in an easement provided to the District. c. Provide a road trust deposit in the amount of $12,900.00, to be used for future sidewalk construction along the applicant's property. 2. Dedicate 35-feet of right-of--way from the centerline of Stoddard abutting the parcel by means of recordation of a final subdivision plat or execution of a warranty deed prior to issuance of a building permit (or other required permits), whichever occurs first. Allow up to 30 business days to process the right-of-way dedication after receipt of all requested material. The owner will not be compensated 6 for this add,. ,nal right-of-way because Stoddard Roti,, is classified as a collector roadway and is to be brought to adopted standards by the developers of abutting properties. 3. Construct Stoddard as one-half of a 46-foot street section with vertical curb, gutter and 5-foot detached (or 7-foot attached) concrete sidewalk within the 35-feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Stoddard Road that will be dedicated with this application. OR Provide the District with a Public Right'-s-of--Way Road Trust deposit in the amount of $35,200.00 for the first 500-feet of curb, gutter, 5-foot concrete sidewalk and pavement widening to one half of a 46- foot street section for the 500-feet of frontage on Stoddard Road that is included in the District's Five Year Work Program. 4. Provide the District with a Public Right's-of-Way Road Trust Fund deposit in the amount of $2,000.00 for the construction of a median to be installed as a part of the Overland Road project in 2007. 5. Construct a 20-foot wide full-access driveway that intersects Stoddard Road approximately 445-feet south of Overland Road. 6. Pave the driveways their full width and at least 30-feet into the site beyond the edge of pavement of the roadway and install pavement tapers with 15-foot radii abutting the existing roadway edge. 7. Other than the access points that have been approved with this application, direct lot access to Overland Road and Stoddard Road is prohibited unless otherwise approved by the District. 8. Comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval. D. Standard Conditions of Approval 1. Any existing irrigation facilities shall be relocated outside of the right-of-way. 2. All utility relocation costs associated with improving street frontages abutting the site shall be borne by the developer. 3. Replace any existing damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk and any that may be damaged during the construction of the proposed development. Contact Construction Services at 387-6280 (with file number) for details. 4. Utility street cuts in pavement less than five years old are not allowed unless approved in writing by the District. Contact the District's Utility Coordinator at 387-6258 (with file numbers) for details. 5. All design and construction shall be in accordance with the Ada County Highway District Policy Manual, ISPWC Standards and approved supplements, Construction Services procedures and all applicable ACRD Ordinances unless specifically waived herein. An engineer registered in the State of Idaho shall prepare and certify ali improvement plans. The applicant shall submit revised plans for staff approval, prior to issuance of building permit (or other required permits), which incorporates any required design changes. 7. Construction, use and property development shall be in conformance with all applicable requirements of the Ada County Highway District prior to District approval for occupancy. 8. Payment o~ _.,~plicable road impact fees are required Nrior to building construction in accordance with Ordinance #198, also known as Ada County Highway District Road Impact Fee Ordinance. 9. It is the responsibility of the applicant to verify all existing utilities within the right-of-way. The applicant at no cost to ACHD shall repair existing utilities damaged by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to call DIGLINE (1-800-342-1585) at least two full business days prior to breaking ground within ACRD right-of-way. The applicant shall contact ACHD Traffic Operations 387-6190 in the event any ACHD conduits (spare or filled) are compromised during any phase of construction. 10. No change in the terms and conditions of this approval shall be valid unless they are in writing and signed by the applicant or the applicants authorized representative and an authorized representative of the Ada County Highway District. The burden shall be upon the applicant to obtain written confirmation of any change from the Ada County Highway District. 11. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application, shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the Highway District of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is sought. E. Conclusions of Law The proposed site plan is approved, if all of the Site Specific and Standard Conditions of Approval are satisfied. 2. ACHD requirements are intended to assure that the proposed use/development will not place an undue burden on the existing vehicular and pedestrian transportation system within the vicinity impacted by the proposed development. Attachments 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Appeal Guidelines Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action Request for Reconsideration of Commission Action: A Commissioner, a member of ACHD staff or any other person objecting to any final action taken by the Commission may request reconsideration of that action, provided the request is not for a reconsideration of an action previously requested to be reconsidered, an action whose provisions have been partly and materially carried out, or an action that has created a contractual relationship with third parties. a. Only a Commission member who voted with the prevailing side can move for reconsideration, but the motion may be seconded by any Commissioner and is voted on by all Commissioners present. If a motion to reconsider is made and seconded it is subject to a motion to postpone to a certain time. b. The request must be in writing and delivered to the Secretary of the Highway District no later than 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Commission's next scheduled regular meeting following the meeting at which the action to be reconsidered was taken. Upon receipt of the request, the Secretary shall cause the same to be placed on the agenda for that next scheduled regular Commission meeting. c. The request for reconsideration must be supported by written documentation setting forth new facts and information not presented at the earlier meeting, or a changed situation that has developed since the taking of the earlier vote, or information establishing an error of fact or law in the earlier action. The request may also be supported by oral testimony at the meeting. d. If a motion to reconsider passes, the effect is the original matter is in the exact position it occupied the moment before it was voted on originally. It will normally be returned to ACRD staff for further review. The Commission may set the date of the meeting at which the matter is to be returned. The Commission shall only take action on the original matter at a meeting where the agenda notice so provides. e. At the meeting where the original matter is again on the agenda for Commission action, interested persons and ACRD staff may present such written and oral testimony as the President of the Commission determines to be appropriate, and the Commission may take any action the majority of the Commission deems advisable. f. If a motion to reconsider passes, the applicant may be charged a reasonable fee, to cover administrative costs, as established by the Commission. Development Process Checklist ®Submit a development application to a City or to the County ®The City or the County will transmit the development application to ACHD ®The ACRD Planning Review Division will receive the development application to review ®The Planning Review Division will do one of the following: ^Send a "No Review" letter to the applicant stating that there are no site specific requirements at this time. ^Send a "Comply With" letter to the applicant stating that If the development is within a platted subdivision or part of a previous development application and that the site specific requirements from the previous development also appl; to this development application. ^Write a Staff Level report analyzing the impacts of the development on the transportation system and evaluating the proposal for its conformance to District Policy. ^Write a Commission Level report analyzing the impacts of the development on the transportation system and evaluating the proposal for its conformance to District Policy. ^The Planning Review Division will hold a Technical Review meeting for all Staff and Commission Level reports. ^ForALL development applications, including those receiving a "No Review" or "Comply With" letter: • The applicant should submit iwo (2) sets of engineered plans directly to ACRD for review by the Development Revie~ Ofvision for plan review and assessment of impact fees. (Note: if there are no site improvements required by ACH[ then architectural plans maybe submitted for purposes of impact fee calculation.) • The applicant is required to get a permit from Construction Services (ACHD) for ANY work in the right-of-way, including but not limited to, driveway apprgaches, street improvements and utility cuts. ^Pay Impact Fees prior to issuance of building permit. Impact fees cannot be paid prior to plan review approval. DtD YOU REMEMBER: Construction (Zone) ^ Driveway or Property Approach(s) • Submit a "Driveway Approach Request' form to Ada County Highway District (ACHD) Construction (for approval by Development Services & Traffic Services). There is a one week turnaround for this approval. ^ Working in the ACHD Right-of-Way • Four business days prior to starting work have a banded contractor submit a "Temporary Highway Use Permit Application" to ACRD Construction -Permits along with: a) Traffic Control Plan b) An Erosion & Sediment Control Narrative & Plat, done by a Certified Plan Designer, if trench is >50' or you are placing >600 sf of concrete or asphalt. Construction (Subdivisions) ^ Sediment & Erosion Submittal • At least one week prior to setting up a Pre-Con an Erosion & Sediment Control Narrative & Plat, done by a Certified Plan Designer, must be turned into ACHD Constructicn -Subdivision to be reviewed and approved by the ACHD Drainage Division. ^ Idaho Power Company • Vic Steelman at Idaho Power must have his IPCO approved set of subdivision utility plans prior to Pre-Con being scheduled. ^ F1nal Approval from Development Services • ACHD Construction -Subdivision must have received approval from Development Services prior to scheduling aPre-Con. 10 Figure 1 ~~~ CHD ~ioswnri~ea~~o sr~^r•ca July 6, 2006 TO: Conger-Saucerman 405 s. 8th Ste. 290 Boise, ID 83702 John 5. Franden, President Sherry R. Huber, 1st Vlce President David Bivens, 2nd Vice President Carol A. McKee, Commissioner Rebecca W. Amold, Commissioner V~ ~ ,i~~~ SUBJECT: MCZC-06-107/MCZC-06-108/MCZC-06-109/MCZC-06-110/ MCZC-06-111 /MCZC-06-112 Storage Buildings 943 W. Overland On July 14, 2004, the Ada County Highway District Commission acted on MCUP04-017lMAZ04-013 for Storage Facility with Caretakers Unit/Retail/Office. The conditions and requirements also apply to MCZC-06-107/MCZC-06-108/MCZC-06-109/MCZC-06-110/MCZC-06-111 /MCZC-O6-112. • Prior to final approval you will need to submit plans to the ACHD Development Review Department. A traffic impact fee will be assessed by ACHD and will be due prior to the issuance of a building permit. Contact ACRD Planning & Development Services at 387-6170 for information regarding impact fees. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact this office at (208) 387-6177. Sincerely, A / /~ Gam` "Josep W. KunzG~ Planner Intern Right-of--Way and Development Services CC: Project File Lead Agency: Meridian Greg McVay 2022 N. 23rd Boise, ID 83702 Ada Cuuniy riiyhWay DisMct • 3770 Adams Street • Garden City, ID • 83714 • PH 208-387-6100 • FX 345-7650 • Www.achd.ada.id.us PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT INSPECTION CHECKLIST COMMERCL4L/CZC SITES ~ This checklist should be attached to the inside cover of the CZC file at ALL times. Planner/Tnspector Name: Project Name: Contractor/Company Name: Phone No.: First Inspection Date: /_/ Second Inspection Date: _ / /_ Third Inspection Date: / / (NOTE.• If a third inspection is required, a fee of $60 must be submitted to the P&ZDept. be ore the inspection is done.) CZC File No.: s: ~Pc~7~6rad iP~$7.9timin De,xu' rnrvx Pont: es Landscape Plan Checklist .: ~Pc4-l_iB>;uflPdL ~Ic~rrrir,~l~ep:unncnrPolFcies Sife Plan Checklist c• Post-Inspection Checklist A. Sncomplete? (Follow 5 steps below) 1. Obtain bid for incomplete improvements + 110% 2. Owner/contractor posts surety (cash, check or Letter of Credit) 3. Clearly print # of days the "Temp CO" is valid on card 4. Sign "Temporary" column on CO card 5. Submit check or Letter of Credit to Finance Dept. with memo ......._ 1. Sign and date "Final" column on CO card 2. Notify Finance Dept. to release surety (if it was a Temporary CO) 2. Complete checldist and close file * The only instance that a CO maybe released prior to 100% completion of improvement is inclement weather, as determined by the Director. If weather is a factor, follow MCC 12-13-19-2. :'.Pc4l.~B,rrP.PclL:p!;;tir'.)epartme7tt Pri?icr':,+.