TNT Fireworks CZC 06-097 ~(-VV{L-- f'-~. /' CITY OF .~, ' \.JYlerldiCffl fDAHO RECEIVED JUN 0.9 2006 SIIlC. ,1903 City of Meridian City Clerk Office CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE* Date: June 8, 2006 Project Name: }NT Fireworks - CZC-06-096. CZC-06-097. CZC-06-098. and CZC-06-099 Owner: WLDC. LLC. Thrifty Payless Inc.. Fred Meyer Stores, Inc., and Wal-Mart Stores. Inc. Site Address: 1601 S. Meridian Road. 1600 Main Street, 1850 E. Fairview Avenue. and 4051E. Fairview Avenue. Proposed Use: Temporary Use for four (4) fireworks stands from JlUle 20.2006 to July 8. 2006 with approved 600 square-foot temporary structures (tents). Zoning: C-G. C-C. C-G. and C-C Comments: Conditions of Approval: · This temporary use is allowed from June 20.2006 to Julv 8. 2006 (VDC 11-3E-4A2). · All structures and/or the display of merchandise shall comply with the setback requirements of the district within which it is located (UDC 11-3E-4Bl). · Temporary structures and merchandise shall be displayed so as not to interfere with the clear vision triangle. In no case shall items be displayed, or business conducted within the public right-of-way, unless otherwise authorized by the Transportation Authority. · A maximum of one (1) structure per location shall be allowed and may cover a maximum of six-hundred square feet. Furthermore, on JlUle 6, 2006 the City COlUlcil approved the maximum up to seven-hundred and fifty square feet. However, standard tent sizes do not include an option for seven-hlUldred and fifty square feet. Therefore, the applicant has amended his request to allow for a maximum of one (I) six -hundred square-foot temporary structure per location. · The use shall not result in the construction of any permanent structures that would not otherwise be permitted subject to the regulations of this Title (UDC 11-3E-4C2). · Any temporary structures shall be portable and completely removed at the end of the allowed time period (UDC 11-3E-4C3). · The applicant shall obtain any necessary building permits (UDC 11-3E-4C4). · One (I) caretaker unit in a trailer or recreational vehicle may be allowed on the site only for the purpose of security and maintenance of the site (l1-3E-4D1). Furthermore, the unit shall be completely removed at the end of the allowed time period (l1-3E-4D2). · Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to serve the use (UDC 11-3E-4E1). · The use shall not displace the required off-street parking spaces or loading areas of the principal permitted uses on the site (11-3E-4E2). · The entrance and exit drives shall be designed to prevent traffic hazards and nuisances (11-3E-4E3). · All surfaces used for parking at 1601 S. Meridian Road, 1600 Main Street 1850 E. Fairview Avenue, and 4051 E. Fairview Avenue shall be constructed with paving, vegetative cover, or of a dustless material (UDC 11-3E-4E4 and 11 -3E-5E). · All signs erected in association with the use shall be in compliance with the regulations for signs, Chapter 3 Article D SIGN REQUIREMENTS of the Meridian City Municipal Code roDC 11-3E-4F). · Compressors, fans, pumps, and other motorized equipment shall be located or shielded to reduce noise levels to adjoining properties (11-3E-4G). · The site shall be retruned to a clean condition after the termination of the use, including free of debris and garbage (UDC 11-3E-4H1). · Fireworks stands shall be prohibited in residential districts (11-3E-5A). · The applicant or ovmer shall obtain written approval of the Meridian City Fire Department (11-3E-5B). · Dates of fireworks sales shall comply with Idaho Code g 39-2606 (11-3E-5C). · Applicant shall comply with the standards for access as determined by the Transportation Authority (11-3E-5D). · The use shall comply with any guidelines, regulations and permitting process required by any authorizing public agencies, including but not limited to, the Central District Health Department, Transportation Authority, and Meridian City Departments. Contact Joe Silva, the City Fire Marshal, at 888-1234 for Fire Department standards and regulations. · Comply with all other applicable City Code. · This approval applies to 1601 S. Meridian Road, 1600 Main Street, 1850 E. Fairview Avenue, and 4051 E. Fairview Avenue. i1A J~' - Vi jJ Kris~;;t 0/ i-j Assistant City Planner *This letter does not indicate compliance with requirements of other departments/agencies, including, but not limited to, Ada County Highway District, Central District Health Department, affected irrigation district(s), Meridian Sewer, Water, Building or Fire Departments, Sanitary Services Co., Idaho Transportation Department, etc. This letter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance if work has not begun. 4....\ \-0<0 V Pre.......p,.. N ~ '- O"T \ Coo \ ~,Nt t:;"1"<..:I:: \.:).;r;:; ~I'-...J \ II _ c. \ -'~O '~O'~ ~KC~~ T~\ -F..:r::.R e \NO-<-'__\c..- S 560 s- D..::r::-A mo N (.) ~ a::cst" I -:r:::.o ~6 705 2-08 - 5<.0 "2 -090'1 - /J\- - ~ N - -I '"" '--\) ':-\5) ~ f\1 ~ \!J. '() -~'-~1. - I \.' , , } J \ ~.~~. i ~1\} O~~~ &-, . I ~v <:; .,.) - -.~I~'fJ 1~1 : ID- i1'.~ .+ en. "'- --..::;:...-- J r . -. ~ -g (Z\ i June 3, 2006 To Whom It May Concern; On May 23, 2006 at its regularly scheduled meeting, the Meridian city council allowed for the variance requested by TNT Fireworks to operate larger than five hundred square foot tents for the Fourth of July selling season. While TNT Fireworks requested a variance for up to fifteen hundred square feet, the council allow for a variance of up to seven hundred square feet. We would respectfully request that are temporary use permit and variance be amended to reflect the tent sizes to be utilized at six hundred square feet. Standard sizes of tents are six hoodred, eight hundred, nine hundred, twelve hundred, fifteen hundred, and twenty four hoodred square feet. To fit our needs and to abide by the cooocils decision, we will be placing six hundred square foot tents atthe following locations; Wal-Mart Fred Meyers Rite-Aid Vacant Lot 4051 E. Fairview Ave. 1850 E. Fairview Ave. 1600 N. Main 1601 S. Main We also met with Chief Anderson and Deputy Chief Silva that same evening, regarding i4e Use and size of tents in Meridian. We have tentatively scheduled a meeting in late JulY. to" address this issue and work together to provide the council a recommended size that will work for all venues utilizing tents. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 208-562-0909 or 503-703-8613. Sincerely, AMERICAN PROMOTIONAL EVENTS, INC. 2120 MILWAUKEE WAY. TACOMA, WA 98421 SEATTLE (253) 838-1099 . FAX (253) 830-2930 www.tntfireworks.com . . ApplicantnIDne;)hnerican Promo~ional Even~s-dba-TNT Fireworks Phone:406-586-190~ '. APP1i~~tad.ke~s: 16' Nor~h 9th' Ave:~: Suite U. 62" :B~zenian2 'MT-, . Zip: 59715 . '. Appl1PlUlt"S in~estinproperly: 0 Own' .a Rent" 0 Option~d. mOther ~emp/ "~irewo'rks tent;, . , O~er~ame:' Rite-Ai~ @ 1600 Main2 MEr~dian J?hone: Ow.neraddress: Thriftv. Payless Ine. 2 14880 1m 24~h St Zip:. . , ' ','. . ' R,edmou42 WA 98052 (C.k~' Lease': Thrifty owns Ri~e-Aid Stores) Agent name (e.g., arclrlte.ct, engmeer~ develo'peI',xepresenfutive):'Rnlr:.Rrmm I ~ale~ R~p.'.' ' . Fimlname; Ame.~ic~n Promoi:ion~~ Eve'rots' . . ~h.One: 4o.6~586-1901, . '. .4ddfess: 16 North 9t:h Ave.. Suite /Ii)_ Bo~e~ari. "Wf", , ~P:....39715 ' ,. oW;;::nait.: ~ IDIlHO Type of:R.eview Requested (checksll that apply) o AccessrJry Use D-Alternative Compliance o 90tfiiiC3.te 'of Zon!ng Qo.mpJiDJ1oo- CJ COXlditional Use fenilitMinor Modifioation . . 0 Design Review . a ~opcr.ty :Boundary Adjustmon~ o )hort Plat ' , ,)lfT~po?uy Dse Ce~cate of Zoning COmp!iaIl-ce o Time ~sioJ:1 (Din:ctor} q Vacation r;:1 Orber Applkant bU'ormatioD , @1!t~~~m~SI!~~~"~95N~f . , . Planning Department . , , _AD1v1INISTRATIVEREvmvr~100N , .4PR i .~lJ p Cl1}r Oli' :: ?OOfj , .' ...: Primary contact is; '0 Applicant 0 Owner 0 Agent IXJ Other Sales ReDr~senta'tive' , . ,Coll,tact ./:lame: Bob. Brown. Phone:208-562-0909 {Office) . .,Fax: . E-mail; I . Subject Property Information Location/street addr~ss: . , Assessor',s parcel number(s): ,",' ... ,.TOwnshiP,' range, section: .. ~ ~entland use: CoM IV1 eI1I-c:..C'-" \.. Total acreage: 'ciurent zoninp; district: .... 660 E, Watertower Lane, Suite 202 .. Meridianl Idahti 83642 Phone; (208) 884~S533 · Facsimile: (208)8~8-oS54 . Websire~ wvvw,mcridianciEV,org 1 nn ""I"".LJ- I ~p /crfyOF - ., VYlen'dfdJ1: ~ \ \n IDIIHO /' ~ I ~'!JlIjjIUmLiit~ijl! I601 S. Meridian Planning Department --- --- AD1v.ffi\USTRATIVE REvrnw APPLICATION Type of Review Requested (check a~.!!!nt apply) o Accessol)' Use OAlternative Compliance o Ct).rtHi~te. of Zoning Complillnoe tJ COllditional Use Perinit Minor Modificarion - 0 Design. Review - . o P:ropcr:ty :Boundmy hljusnncnt o Short Plat _ 0 Te.mponuy Use Certificate of Zoning Compliance o T:iwc lh."fuIl.5io.o (Dir~ctor) o Vacation C1 Other Applicant Information . ...., ' ~~~---:-"'!II -----~_..""q~J...w___ Applicant name: fimerican Promotional Events-dba-TNT Fireworks Phone: ~06-586-190!- AppJicantadd:i:ess: 16- North 9th' Ave_ ~ - Suite # 63 Bozeman3 'NT Zip:...?.1Z!2._._~._ Applioant's intereDtinproperty: OOw.u rJ Rent - 0 OptioD~d f1J Other TempI' Firewo'rk~ tent _ Owner name: Owner address: ;Phone: ___----. Zip: Agent name (e.g., architect, engineer. developer, representative): Bob~.Rrown I Ffurnnmn~American ~romo~ional Evern~s . . 4d~ess: 16 Nor~h q~h Ave., ~1Ti t:e :fjfi. Bozeman, M1' ~ales Rl;!;p. .Phone: ..l&.6-586-.1901. ~ip: 59715 Primary contact is: 0 ApplIcant 0 Owner i:J Agent lRl Other Sa] es Represen~ative Contact name; Bob Brown Phoue: ~08-562-0~J09!Of..Eice) . E-mail; l~ax: _'__'_ Subject Property Inform.atioh Locationls1reetaddre'ss:~'Vac. IJot (cl 1601 South Meridian. Assess6r-'sparcelnumber(s):. S 1 ??_Lt " it) \b5 . ". . . . ..iow:i:isbip; range, section: 3k \ ll.u 2.-'-t Total acreage:___ . Currentland use: V ttc-A-.J\ Lcl" _ 'cUrrent zoning- district __4__ -~-- C--e1 .._--........_~- .... 660 E, Watertower Lane, Suire 202 "_ Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone; (20&) 884~SS33 · Facsimile: (208) 888-6854 It Websire; www.meridiancirv.or~ 1 qt:1 -:jc)H...I ~?lffi~tlj'1~dl!il~Qtg:t1;l~~Rmif~~1u ," '-~.-.-"j...~,,\,,~ Project Description, . Frbjectlsu1?~on .n~.e; Ge:neral deserip'tioD; Ofpr()P05eci.projectlrbgu'~t, ~E L>-) 6 i<-lc:~ ~ () - T"'-- .Propose~ zolling distrlcr(s): . , A~s ofea~ zone Propo.sea- Tjp~ ofuse proposed-( check ~~ that apply); '. . . o R~e.l1tfa1 ~ Co:nixneroial 0 <?:ffice JJ,Ind~r:rla1 O.Other. . Am~ties pr~vj'ded with '(his deve1opm,Mt (ifap'pHca1;lle): N I A . W1lo Wi1l ow..n & .maintairitl:te PresSlllized ~ozi. System In this development? . BfA . . , Which.1r.d,gation ~c:t.does this property lie wir:bin? ~~ A . .' P~.inuIZYirrlga~ons~;. ,N/A." ..--.:....S~.n~;r.~/A , S~ilar" footage of landscaped areas to b~ itdga~ed (lfp.timaO' Or $~~ pofm OfCOl1Jl~riM is City watOr): N I A . " B~den~ ~rOJe~ $D)Jnn~u'Y (It ~~pUcabJe) ~nmber.9~~~i~a1~~; '. .,' . NUlnbero:fbuii~lots: Nurob~ of 9~on an~ot other 1~t:s: r . '. . .Proposed I1um~ of dwelling units (for ~~~~ deve1oPJJ?e~ only): 1 B~m;. . 2 'or mote BedrOOZD3: MInimt;ml squar~.fooT:3~e of strr;lotute(s)( excl. g8ragc): . '.:.. . .' 'P.iopos~d ~ding bejght. '. .. .Miniinum. PrOP~l1Y ;size (s.t): '. ' .A.Vcra,ge p~ope.rty' ~ (:J~f.): Gromi demit): (DUJ~~ lsltd); ':" .,: Net densit;y ('DrJ/~cJud!ng~.t /JJll:Y8~; Percentage ~~ oper:i, 5Pac:e provided: . Acreage of ~pe.n sp~o~:: ' ,.' . . ,Perc~ge.of~eable open ~paoe: ~ . (~ee Cba'pte.r~3. 'Artiele'{J, for quaOOea open spaco) 1Y,pe o~ open Spaoe pi-ov.ided ~~.e.!l (ie..lands:caping. pubno. ~on,. etc~;, ' .'.' . ~e of~wellirJg(s) proposed:,.. 0 Singi.e-~y I:J Townlll?:mes :0 pupl6x~ :n.Mu1ti~&pily. . ..dI-d Non-reSjdeothll Project Summary (1t.appHcable) ~ .t... . N~b~Ofb~iJding 19~:~. .,. ..". Grg~s. floor area propose~: Hounrofoperntio;g (days and bours): . 9am-llpm Pe:rcen~e of sital~ojeCt devoted to the following: Landscaping: N(.A__' Building: N!A . Paving: N/A Tor.a1.l:1l1mber of employees: .20 Maximum number of empIo)-'ees at any one time: ~ Nwn,ber ~d ages of studen~ch.ildre.n (if applicable); N / A Seating capacity: N / A . Total number. ofpark~g spaces provided: 5 Number of compact spaces provi4.ed: N /A Other' lots: N fA- ~ ;' .Existing, (if..applicsQle): _ N / A :auildin~ beight: AqthorlzatJon Prlo! appIicant name; American Applicant signatur . ~h t.Fireworks . . Date; 4-/ / -.'O~ I5GOE. Wi!lt:/.wwc::r ~n.." Suire :2'. Meridian, Idaho 8"J64:l Phone-: (208) 884-5533' · facsImile: (208) 888-6854 " We:bsJte; WWiY.meridianciry,org 2 April 10th, 2006 City of Meridian 33 East Idaho Ave Meridian, ID 83642 Regarding: A narrative proposing the use of the fallowing properties. Planning & Zoning Department, American Promotional Events is proposing prolongation on running our Temporary Tents for the selling of "Safe and Sane Fireworks", like we have done in many of the previous years at: Rite-Aid on 1600 Main, Vac. Lot @ 1601 South Meridian Wal-Mart at 4051 East Fairview Ave Walgren's @ 3150 Cherry Lane Fred Meyers @ 1850 East Fairview Occupation of the above locations will be anywhere from June 20 thru July 8th. * Tents will be set and several days later retailers will stock those tents with "nonaerial common fieworks". * In a neat and orderly fashion retailers will start sales of "Safe and Sane Fireworks from June 23 @ 12:00 midnight till 12:00 midnight July 5th. This entire time they will maintain the area on which the tent is erected. * Temporary Fireworks Tent will be removed and all debris cleaned up by 12:00 noon of July 8th. We know that many church groups, school groups and families count on the proceeds from selling these fireworks to help out in many churches for those special needs, or "fund raising projects" in our schools. Not to mention families trying to raise enough money to help their children to go to College. It is our hope that this application will be accepted so that those groups and individuals may look forward to another season to gather in the proceeds they need to fulfill those needs. Thank you, American Promotional Events -dba- TNT Fireworks AMERICAN PROMOTIONAL EVENTS, INC. P.O. BOX 1222. BOZEMAN, MT 59n1.1222 PHONE (406) 586.1901 . FAX (406) 586.1924 www.tntfireworks.com GRANTORS: D. JERRV HOWELL and FLORENC!B. GRANTEE: HOWEll MARKETING, INC., an Idaho Corporation. 152Q000751 GRANTEE'S ADDRESS: P. O. Box 6121. Boise, 1083707 DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY CONVEYED BY THIS DEED: Situated in the Cuunty of Ada. State of Idaho: The real estate more particularlY described upon Exhibit "A" attached heretu. ~Ihich said Exhibit IIA" is by this reference incurpurated herein and made a part hereof. FOR VALUE RECEIVED. the above-named Grantors do hereby convey, release. remise and forever QUITCLAIM unto the above-named Grantee. the real property above described. tugether ~Iith the appurtenances. This deed is given to evidence the termination of any right. title. and interest which Granturs may have in and to the Subject property by reasun uf rescission of that certain "Agreement" between Granttlrs and Grantee dated May 9. 1988 in connection with which a Warranty Deed conveying record title to Grantors was recorded, as Instrument Nu. 8823234. records of Ada County. Idaho. DATED'f-.z& -f'~ ~~,,~ -. erry 7-.1'~ \S)~ Florence B. Howell STATE OF IDAIlO, COUNTY OF ADA) ss. On this =l'1:: day C/f Decen1bcr .19"10 before me, a Notary Public 1n and for said State, personally appeared r::1Ct'"ence B. I~e{{ o(lly ~ - . known or identified to me to be the persC/o_ whiCh executed the within instrument, and acknuwledged to me that such persons executed the same. ./."~;t~::~~~ ::~.~ ::i~:~;~~;:\\ ! ~. ')\ It/" \ ", ~ :~ { .-:/ 1:' . . . "i ..)\ ..~ ~"") ~ '.~I '. ;.I...... I.....,.....~ ,..:......... :. f.., v\) "i .'t.... . STATE OF IDAHO ) County of Ada ) ss. Heridian .p" On this ~ day of ~. 1992, before me. a Hotary PublIc in and for said State. personally aopea~ed D. Jerry Howell known Or identified to me to be the person which executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that stich Person executE the same. J r J.Q.U ~ Residing at Boise, Idaho Commission Exoires: March 13. 1998 \.;>~;''':;~'~;:~\ -T 9 ..1 I"~ 0 ~'l ~ ; -' .. " 't.. ,." ~'\\ .J .....+01'. " ~:;l~: ijg N ~~ :f~i!fti't ... .'tlli~t~~~t~~i~I': N., R. 1 E., B6lse>iM~ifa'fa'ni,wh'hitfia a p6i'ri't')b:h the Boise 'Meridian, 'wifirlfl'tl3dS'othe REAL POINT OF BEG INNING I '..J;. ~ u thencp. South 890 12' West 549.20 feet along the section line to a poInt, thence South 753.50 feet to a point; thence North 890 12' East 549.20 feet to a point on the Boise Meridian1 thence North 753.50 feet along the Boise Meridian to the POINT Of' BEGINNING; Containing 9.50 acres, more or less, all in the Northeast Quarter, Section 24, T. 3 N., R. 1 W., noise Meridian, Ada County, Idaho, EXCEPTING TIlEREFROM a parcel of land bel ng on the Wes terly side of. the centerline of State Highway No. 69, Project No. HHS-3782(7) lIighwaV Survey, as shown on the plans thel:'eof now on file in the office of I:he Idaho Transportation Department, Division of Highways, and being a portion of the NEI/4NEl/4 of Section 24, TownShip 3 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, described as follows, to witt 13E:GINNmG 'at the NOl:'theast corner of Section 24, Township 3 >>orth, Range 1 West, Boise Me~ldianf thence South 890 44' 26" Wast (shown of record to be South 89" 12' West) slong the North Une of said Section 24 a distance of 345.0 feet to a point coincident with Station 9+55 of the Overland Road Survey as shown on t.he plans of said State Highway No. 69, Project No. IJHS-1382(7) lIighway Surveyt thence South 0" 15. 34" Bast 40.0 feet to a poinl: in a line pa~alleI with and 40.0 feet Souther-Iy fr.om the centerline and oppoaite Station 9+55 oE said Overland Road SurveYf thence North 8go 44. 26" East along said parallel line 145.0 Eaet 1:0 a point opposite Station 11+00 of said Overland Road SurveYI c>Ofl6 't "A " - PfH3e-- o F- ;J.. PA GIs:- s thence South 87" 55' 24" easl: 127.11 feet to a r;lr)int I:hat bears South 0 15'34" EaSI: 45.19 feet from Station 12+28.49 of said Overland Road Survey; thence Southeasterly along a 25.0 foot radius curve right having a central angle of 53 39'36" a distnnce of 23.41 feet to a point that bears Soul:h 00 IS' 34" East 62.72 feet from Station 12+42.69 of said Overland, Road SurveYl thence South 10" 53' 47" East 28.39 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 50.0 feet Westerly from the centerline and bears North OB" 57' 33" \'Jest from Station 417+32 of said State Highway No. 69 SurveYl thence South 1" 02' 27" West along said last pilt'<I11el line 462.0 feet to a point opposite Station 412+70 of said State Highway 69 lIighway Survey; thence South 80. 57' 33" East 50.0 feet to a point in the Raflt line of said SecHon 24 coincident with StatIon 412+70 of said State Highway No. 69 lIighway Survey; thence North 1" 02' 7.7" Easl: tallOI'm of. rllcord 1:0 be Norl:h) along said Sast line 553.78 feet to the PLAce OP BEGINNING. State nfghway No. 69 Survey Rtation Reference: 412+70 to Overland Road Survey 9+55. The nrea ahove deRcribed contains approximately 0.9050 aerea, 0.5595 acres of which is acknowledged to be a portion of public road. e-XII-If3lr "A" - PI1G>l5" 6t OF Ol.. P/H9E'S Rpr 11 06 04:05p White-Leasure 208-343-3143 p.2 FIREWORKS LE SE AGREEMENT ..1\"" '?-) ~fe;1fAZ>/~ t..JI- be- (.....L.C- ,,",0 This agreement is made between fAJIH 8S Lessor and ~.MER[Cfl\N PROMOTIONAL EVENTS NORTHWEST a.s lt~'Ie ~ "'i OVM4lwlfoMJ' 1. AMERICAN PROMOTIONAL E NTS ~ NW. w/llleese a portion of the properly located at VAC4fJT '=.07~ SW Crrrr of Meridian &. MIMi . n Ida 0 for the sale or approved fireworks from the followln~ If premises (hereafter called the "location"): :S G'€ A"""'-A-CI<G() :S ,r;"r ,pL~"v" II:} ~J ~ . \( c. ~ 2.'j".lfle lease payment will be :l1.50D.OO GU3r.rnteed Against 10% of !!JsJos per year for the period of J~mIJ ",:J 'Z.- ~ ~ thru Julv ~.Jhel.eanew callod the "Season"). Payment shall ~ paid upon exeGUtlon_~~~~bf ~h rg. I. J. Lessor represents "that the locatlon is owned and/or comrolled by the Lessor and furthermor,g tl1allhe Lesso~ agrees to grant the lessee the eJ:dU5ive right to operate a fireworks sales structure (herearter the "Structure") 'hroug~ the year ~ for the ilIbove-mentioned period. ~~4. \{~5, ::rlore Lcs9.91 q~PiIby ~ Le~.,.... a first right of rafusal to match any bona ltd", a&'1-f&.,lJ~Jbe !..9C1a~lon ............. fnr fir~wnrk... -.Jp<=. rI\lP.vS t~liI rElI'l0Wftl C<.n!on=r.-- In return, Lessee agress to the following terms and conditions: 3. F'rovlde ah A'" rated $20,000,000.00 certificate o1lnsurancf;l. prior to occupancy, evidencing liability insurance in force covering the erecllon and opG'tatlon of the StrUctur&:!. Insuranc9 shan ~C\me les:s/.:W as additional insured, and lessor shall be held harmless from any claims arising fl.om the maintenance. (lr operation of the Structure. h_ Pay any and all costs involved in erection, maintenance, and operation of thlil Structure, l;!(Id Lessae shall guarantee thai the Location wllf be relurned to its orJginal condition. c. Obtain and pay all necessary permits and licenses required by law, post with local fluthority any debris Of performance bonds as required, and guarantee that all laws and r~gl.llallons shall' be ;jdhered to. 6. This agreement is <:;ontingent llpon I.essee securing necessary permits and licenses. Lessee may cOinc;",1 lhis agreement if the sale of frrelNorks is prohibited at this Location by a public aul~'orily or suc:h sale, in the good faith opinion of lessee, becomes commerciaUy unreasonable. In such an evant any deposit shall be refunded to lessee. ,i ( 2(J06 AC~P~~-~ ; . .. _ -' Lessee: Kef! th A. Spenc AMERICAN OMOTIONAL EVENTS ~ /IIiW Agreed to and dated ltlls AccePte~. . . .. \L1 ~~ Lesstf:.~[l9 A J.u- 'l;;:oI 0.:. MUUter' ~4P'\) B... ...Al../ormmr-r::'fL i 1"'1 ~ 416 s. alii StroClt. Suite 20D . t.JL ~ BoIse, ID 83702 [...4. Phone: 208~345.1842 Fa'6: 2CJ8-J43-3143 TulD #: ~O-OY 191 '11 . AMERICAN PROMOl)ONAJ.. EVENTS. INC. 2120 MILWAUKEE WAV. tACOMA. WA. 9A4:l!'1 p.O. eox 1~. TACpMA, \VA 98441-1438 TdCOM.I\ {2J3} t:22-oaoo. SEATfLE (253) 838-1Dft FAX (253) Q30..2t30 !:/IU/7.1l0 lE!l OllOli,1 NV:l1 !Il1J/V OI~ti7.lIl:III:~7. X V.' I fll.1l1 9DI0 l/HI Apr 11 06 04:05p lJhi1:.e-Lea!iure 208-343-3143 p.3 'StTe " L Ill- ,J \1 A- I { \to "p .... - _n. . ... .N,'if''''. 4 .J'" .,..~.;;j.~A...; ID.. fill ".".111. J.':/~r:.-;:~I~ _i '" - ;-. n:: .~'~'=i:l. '-.-.' _"l:'lll"HIV___ . . '~';< 1 -"j":X:4'~ 'l'r .;:::: ~ ,Ji'.;\ ~...... ~,:-~.:'; ~ _"I.", r"-, .-:""r::;:..."~' "ll....-.-:-';.-.., 'r. "- -- ~.. .. - 1.;.. w .' .-.,. 01' ',. " ~. '\ ." 'M"::' . :.~ -.. . :)--_., -. I J 'IJ .'\ ( \.....'" . II . I. _.- .... . ;-. ..cl ."'..,j..t,.foT....::::::::.t:1... 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OI~OOiilll~9 IjtrJlloc~llllu OtOOOOg'il~t" 'p,Fi~+, ~r ". ~r. d' rl d 7/ ,I ':, ~: "1, if II J !l .1 ,I I if :1 ~I :, " ;I ~f ~ ~ 1 'Ii ~ d :f :r ~: . On ... :1' a rl/~ g ~ o il~ iit I, ! ;:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 . - ~ ~ - ;; ~ o ~ ~ i Q ~ ~ 8 ~ . ~ ft ------ -----.---------- :.;.; ----- m.!~:: ai€.qaOli-'.--'-' -- l\; o .~ ~ ii ~ ~ ~ t:::; t) (f) OJ Ul Ul f1; >. .w c ;J o U f1.l '0 f1; ._--~~+...-,.~,~--...; ... 1:!iC5BLs:~t9J. J.t'9:5:eOSSLSS~CI5~:Gt:SS: 'ON J.N3:l.Vd 's'n olfetidicrn 33 E. Idaho Ave. Meridian, 10 83642 ,. .~. Applicant '- y 1JI)2.JJ .-..-? ""-t ... . VUr.L<f.-J PAYMENT DOES NOT INDICATE ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION r r I TAX I r TOTAL V 100 .!Wuud 1/'oa 7 2 2 0 Received By 55748 dvGnjicrn ~!!I[~1601 S. Meridian . Planning Department TEMPORARY USH CER'InrICAlE OF ZONING:COMPI.J.ANCE - Application Checklist ~r~~;~~~~:~$i~;1:~~~~*~~~ ~ ~Ri1e:NEi~:~~~:~;~~N,,~>>,',"'-=!~~~;~;=~~~::;:= . ~."." ....,. tAmerican Promotional Events-dba-TNT Fireworks All applications are required to contain ~ ~py of the following \llJ.less otherwise noted: ACED A cce"tance: AppliCant shall be responsible for meeting the requirements of A OlD as they perrdn to this application. All impact fees, if any~ shall be paid pior to the issuance of a building permit, If any changes must be made to the site plan to accommodate rhe ACHD requlremenrs, a m:w ,)'j(~ plan shall he submitted to the eft)' of Meridian Planning DepartmentjOr approval prior TO the jSS'liance of a buJ1d/ng penniT. Your building permit wi/! not be issued untilA CHD has oppl'Ol'ed yoW' plans an.d all QSSocjult:cI .fees have been paid. APPlJr.ATlON WILL NOT BEACCEPTED UNLESSATL iTEMS ON THE CHECKLlSI'.ARE SUBMITTED- 660 E- Watertower I...ane, Suite 202 · Meridian, Idaho 83642 Phone: (2~g) 884-5533 . Facsimile: (208) 888-68S4 · Website: W\I/W.meridiancity.org