2022-10-07 Garry Plimmer Charlene Way From:Garry Plimmer <gcplimmer@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, October 7, 2022 2:58 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Opposition to the Klein Huis Project # H-2022-0051 External Sender - Please use caution with links or attachments. To: The City Of Meridian I am writing to oppose the Klein Huis Project at Victory and Meridian roads. I am a homeowner In the Bear Creek subdivision just a couple blocks south of this area for the last 12 years, and I am very concerned that this proposed project is not at all in alignment with our single family neighborhood lifestyles for a few different reasons. The city of Meridian continues to consider bids to rezone areas to allow projects that line the pockets of developers and reduce our city of what residents enjoy about the area. The proposed development in this location threatens existing neighborhoods with significant traffic which has already become an issue in this area. The limited access points to this proposed development are further complicated by the high speed of traffic on Meridian road. That entrance alone will be a safety concern and I find it unreasonable that this proposal would allow a curb cut so close to the traffic signal. Any cars exiting the development heading north, will not be able to use the Meridian exit as it will require crossing Meridian road to turn left That will likely make the only tenable exit route to be Victory rd. There is not enough distance on that stretch of east bound Victory rd for very many cars to wait for the light before the cars will be looking for an alternative route through neighborhoods etc. This development is not right for this property and current zoning agrees with this.There are so few open spaces in the area and it would be nice for the city to consider a better use for this piece of ground that will enhance the surrounding neighborhoods. This type of high density housing will negatively impact our schools which were already stretched to capacity. Please consider the negative impact this project will have before you allow another developer to subvert the intended land use. Thanks for your time, my wife and I look forward to the upcoming meeting on the 20th. Sincerely, Garry Plimmer Garry's Automotive Inc 208-863-5652 1