2022-09-10 Meridian Resident Charlene Way From:amounts_moray_0r@icloud.com Sent:Saturday, September 10, 2022 10:26 PM To:City Clerk Subject:McDermott Village AZ, CUP, PP H-2022-0056 External Sender - Please use caution with links or attachments. (Please share to the proper channels) To the City of Meridian, My child just started school at Pleasant View Elementary School this year. Because of the incredible amount of growth the area has experienced, the 1st and 2nd grade classes are overflowing with children and the school can't seem to hire teachers fast enough to match the growth. Our kids are being shuffled to different teachers and classrooms as the school scrambles to meet the needs of the children. With all this chaos (which PVE has been doing everything possible to handle) I see approval after approval of large residential developments in the area. Where are the teachers and classrooms to support these developments? Where are the additional grocery stores? Have you actually tried to go out to dinner, or go to Costco? The area is getting crowded fast and it seems like it's all being dictated by developers. How is it right that Toll Brothers can control the HOA of over 1000 homes in North Meridian? Why was CBH able to list homes for way above market value to capitalize on out of state cash buyers who don't get an appraisal, yet publicly write a sob story about needing cheaper homes for teachers? There's all sorts of development planned on Eagle Road, including the Village at Meridian plans for growth with apartments and an In n Out. Yet you are complaining to ITD about the speed limits on Eagle road. Everything is crammed against the highway, with what looks like no consideration to long term planning. Please consider putting the residents of Meridian ahead of these developers' business plans. When the elementary schools in Meridian can start a school year with enough classrooms and teachers for 25 students per class, maybe then consider approving another 300 home development. Thank you for your time, Meridian Resident 1