CC - Declaration of Elisabeth Songe Declaration of Elisabeth Songe Re: Frazier Council Review (H-2020-0011), City of Meridian The Declarant, Elisabeth Songe, hereby states and declares, with the assistance of a Swahili-English interpreter, as follows: 1. I wish to appeal the final decision reached at the March 24, 2020 public hearing regarding the Frazier Council Review. I am requesting a reconsideration of that decision to revoke my Accessory Use Permit for a childcare at my home at 5343 N. Maplestone Ave. in Meridian. I think it was based on a mistake regarding the neighborhood meeting and another mistake about the possible outcome of Mr. Frazier's complaint. 2. The letter of revocation I received, dated March 30, 2020, states that the Meridian City Council "...reversed the Director's action due to insufficient evidence that a neighborhood meeting was held in accord with Meridian Unified Development Code 11-4-3-9(A)(6." With the help of Jenny Hay at Jannus Economic Opportunity's Refugee Childcare Business Development project, and my husband Didier, I completed invitation letters dated 11/7/2019 to the four owners of properties within 100 feet of my property, describing my proposed childcare and inviting them to a neighborhood meeting on November 21, 2019 at 6:30 pm. I asked Jenny Hay to mail the four invitations on November 7, 2019. The addresses to which Jenny mailed the invitations were provided to Jenny by Kim Tabarini with the City of Meridian. On November 21 , 2019, 1 and my husband Didier waited at our 5343 N. Maplestone home all evening, with lights on, but no one came to join us for a meeting. In the permit application documents I submitted at City Hall, I included the invitation and sign-in sheet, with notation that no one attended. 3. Neither I nor my husband Didier attended the public hearing on March 24, 2020, because as English language learners, we were confused with the language of the public hearing postcard mailing and sign. Shortly after receiving the mailing, we attended a medical appointment and asked the case worker to review the mailing with us. My understanding, after a limited conversation with the case worker, was that the hearing was not required for me, but only for neighbors who had concerns or questions about my permit. I believed it was a formality and that I was only receiving the mailing to know I was invited to attend. Before the meeting, there were government orders to not attend large meetings because of the disease and we did not want to go anywhere that wasn't required. I did not recognize the name listed on the sign (Nick Frazier) and did not understand that anyone had appealed my permit. A copy of the postcard we received is attached as Exhibit A. It did not say what the hearing was about or that my childcare license could be at risk. Had I known the hearing could result in my losing the permit, I would have been there. 4. The money I got from the childcare business is half of the family income and I don't think we would have qualified for a home loan without it. My husband's work hours have been cut back because of the disease and I'm afraid we won't be able to make payments to the bank for our house if I don't have my childcare money. It has taken a long time to save up the house money. 5. When I received the letter of revocation, I did not fully understand it and communicated immediately with Jenny Hay on April 2, 2020 for assistance. 6. This declaration is made on my personal knowledge and under penalty of perjury. Dated this 6th day of April, 2020. /s/ Elisabeth Songe Elisabeth Songe Vicinity map Co Of Meridian Public Hearing NQ& E3- El Located: 33 East Broadway, MeridOn. ID F "n Date and Time-.March 24,2020 6p.m. ADO tation'. Fraser Council Review H-202CIi-00 11 IF "W00 Applicant. Wk Frazier Lpwted: 5343 N Maplestone Ave LtKIMA n- hTl:pWNl.Iy)H-2020-0011 Ri "P:* IL' IL iW 1,To Review DrmcWs Approval of an A=Gsaory ---------- Use ky a Daycare,Farn6y(A-21319-0388) EARP62 AMP" LC- H T —O-W-. 0 PROVIDE COMM ENT$ Any interested person!,wishing to restify are wel. �Orne W 130 so at the ptA*hearing listed on this nDtificalian. Oral teafton.V may bL-�J led tbj3 L P..f minutes per Person. Writ1eq teslimDny may be sub, muted prior to the hearing date either by mail of in person to Meridian C Ity Clerk. 33 E. Broadway Suite A#1t $ 00 m. e 104.Meridian,Waho 83542 U by arnail.to 63 2G20,' �"'t-IcierkPrneri-diaricity,org. by voicernail at 208-288 -5W1.Or by texting the word-Cornment'to 3 1 9s(;. All written testimony and all materials presented at the hearing become property of the City of Meridian and public records subject to the provisions of the Idaho Public records Act. Appl:icatian!q are subject 10 change througliout the public hearing process and it is incumbent on interested persons to mom.lof KOZI N D I LA D I DIER.SONGE E L I SABE T H such changes by followiflq.the process In person, 5343 N MAPLESTONE AVE online.or by contacting City staff.See h4w ti#.Iyl2158PH.Gortact the Comrnunt y Devuloprnpnll MIFR I D IAN, 11)8 364&0000 Department at 2 D&W-5533 for m(Ke inforrn&i- L%=MMWA-n0NS Anyone desiring accommodation for disabl lities rtfted to Hv dQcurnenis andlor hearings please Contact trm Ci y Clerk's Office at 2DB-888.4433 st least 72 hours prior to the hearing- Fr8qDVWAqhQLQUggjgDj h1tps: ROic Heuring Notices:.-hrtp!;:iimmnclian"N?7