2022-08-02 Public Art Committee To develop, advance, and nurture all facets of the arts to enhance the quality of life for Meridian residents and its visitors PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE Parks and Recreation Conference Room, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Tuesday, August 02, 2022 at 3:30 PM All materials presented at public meetings become property of the City of Meridian. Anyone desiring accommodation for disabilities should contact the City Clerk's Office at 208-888-4433 at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting. Agenda VIRTUAL MEETING INSTRUCTIONS To join the meeting online: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_OTk5M2E0MzMtNDU0MS00ZTRhLTlmYzMtZjRiZmM3YzNkMDhm%4 0thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b844df29-8272-41a9-9862- 5a8e63e5f93a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f56ac0af-a7c9-431e-a6e9- 9f13727464b7%22%7d ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE _____ Lizzie Taylor _____ Vacant _____ Jessica Peters _____ Bobby Gaytan, Chair APPROVAL OF MINUTES [ACTION ITEM] 1. Approve Public Art Committee Meeting Minutes from 6-21-22 DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Brainstorming: Discovery Park Public Art Project REPORTS 3. Updates on Public Art Projects in Progress: Mural Series at unBound Library and Pool, Five Mile Creek Pathway Trailhub, Tully Skate Park Mural Project, Traffic Box Series NEXT MEETING - September 20, 2022 1 ADJOURNMENT 2 PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE Parks and Recreation Conference Room, 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Tuesday, August 02, 2022 at 3:30 PM MINUTES ROLL-CALL ATTENDANCE __X___ Lizzie Taylor _____ Vacant ___X__ Jessica Peters ___X__ Bobby Gaytan, Chair Meridian Arts Commission Chair, Bonnie Zahnn Griffith , was present as well. City staff present were Arts and Culture Coordinator, Cassandra Schiffler, Arts and Culture Intern, Lindsey Arnold, and Parks Director, Mike Barton (until 4pm). APPROVAL OF MINUTES [ACTION ITEM] 1. Approve Public Art Committee Meeting Minutes from 6-21-22 L. Taylor made motion to approve minutes, seconded by J. Peters. All ayes. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Brainstorming: Discovery Park Public Art Project M. Barton discussed the Discovery Park II project that is underway (phase 1 is completed of Discovery Park). M. Barton reviewed the drawings for the Discovery park phase 1 and phase 2. He discussed the possibility of the committee identifying possible public art projects in Discovery Park and for any infrastructure art project possibilities, this will need to be identified as soon as possible. M. Barton discussed the theme of learning, exploration, and “discovery” of Discovery Park and the possibility of an art project that could tie in with this. The committee discussed the budget for an Art project as $150,000 with a call advertising a $120,000 project and a contingency budget of $30,000. The committee discussed ideas for three standing sculptures at Discovery Park. B. Gaytan suggested art on the floor in a basketball court as an idea (non-sculpture) for Discovery Park and art opportunities for the skate park (murals). 3 Item 1. J. Peters suggested an art project of an interactive art in Discovery Park (for example, something that can play music or light up in response to interaction). B. Gaytan suggested a discovery space theme for the art in Discovery Park. Mike discussed that an interactive solar system display could be purchased as a kit at the park, which had been brought in some initial planning ideas. Lizzie brought up the idea of an ocean theme for the Art project and the committee discussed the ideas of shells, running water, etc. within the ocean theme. B. Griffith suggested an idea of windows made of tiles filled with information about the area, to tie in with Historical preservation. Bobby suggested a monarch butterfly theme (the monarch butterfly is the Idaho state insect). M. Barton had to leave at approximately 4:03 PM. The committee suggested possibilities for where the Art can be located within Discovery Park (like the Community Garden in the Park, the teen area with hammock posts) and discussed art that could be integrated into the landscape and posts that make sounds when people walk by. The committee discussed a charging station in the teen area where teens can pedal a bike to power the charging station for their phone, a selfie spot for teens, etc. The committee discussed the possibility of doing multiple art projects (one in the teen area of the park, another one in another area of the park, etc.). The committee also discussed functional art in conjunction with a recreation work out spot (i.e. the outdoor gyms). B. Gaytan suggested an abstract landscape shape art that could be located near the baseball fields. Lizzie talked about abstract art that included sports paintings, etc. Jessica talked about an idea of a musical themed art area in conjunction with performance areas in the park. The commission discussed the process of sending out an RFQ and then an RFP. J. Peters asked about public involvement in this project. C. Schiffler said that after a proposal stage and we had suggested project, there could possibly be a survey for public input stage. The committee discussed homework to go to tour around the Discovery Park separately, and to continue to think about the site and to process the ideas suggested. C. Schiffler reviewed the discussion by recapping • the recommended budget for the project is $150,000 • the committee is leaning towards an interactive and educationally focus projects, following the theme of “discovery” • the artist proposals can do 1-3 art pieces in the park C. Schiffler suggested for the committee to select three possible sites within Discovery Park for art and for the artist. The committee reviewed possibilities, and landed on the ideas that it would be either one art project in the bike park or in a visible area in the park (near concessions). L. Taylor expressed that the artwork should not go near the bathrooms. Three sites suggested for multiple public art projects in areas were: community garden area, teen area, and along the pathway. C. Schiffler would like to put out an RFQ for this project this winter, after the Holidays. 4 Item 1. REPORTS 3. Updates on Public Art Projects in Progress: Mural Series at unBound Library and Pool, Five Mile Creek Pathway Trailhub, Tully Skate Park Mural Project, Traffic Box Series. Cassandra gave an update on the above reports and for the Tully Skate Park Mural Project, Jessica discussed the design panel review recommendations for the Tully Skate Park Mural Project and Cassandra showed the Commission the design options pictures. Cassandra discussed locations for the traffic boxes, which are planned for some downtown in the urban renewal area, at five of the fire stations, and that due to the aging and condition of some of the traffic boxes, two older boxes were selected for replacement. NEXT MEETING - September 20, 2022 ADJOURNMENT L. Taylor made motion to adjourn the meeting at approximately 4:50 PM. J. Peters seconded. All ayes. 5 Item 1. SEASONS INITIAL POINT GALLERY O P E N I N G R E C E P T I O N J U N E 3 , 2 0 2 2 4 :3 0 -7 :0 0 P M Featured Artists: Misti Tracy Connie Wood Monte Stiles Kris Rehn Jerry Hendershot Opening Reception August 5, 4:30 - 7:00 pm Initial Point Gallery M e r i d i a n C i t y H a l l , T h i r d F l o o r E x h i b i t o p e n M o n d a y - F r i d a y 8 a m -5 p m , e x c l u d i n g h o l i d a y s , t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r 1 , 2 0 2 2 26 Item 9. Hello Cassandra and the City of Meridian, We would like to thank the City of Meridian and Key Detail for providing our library branch with such an amazing mural! The artist was incredibly fast and did a phenomenal job in moving the exact image presented in the concept to the side of our building. The design does such a great job at highlighting our unBound Business and Technology branch and the colors infuse a sense of vibrancy that had been lacking. I have been thoroughly impressed with this entire project and cannot thank you enough for including the Meridian Library District in this. Additionally, having this completed during Meridian Art Week was a fun way to highlight the mural. Whenever I drove by to check on the progress of the project I saw people stopping by to watch the process. Great job Key Detail! All the best, Nick Grove Library Director Meridian Library District 6 Item 3. MEMO TO PUBLIC ART COMMITEE Topic: Sidewalk Poetry Project Meridian Arts Commissioner Patrick O’Leary brought an interesting public art project to Public Art Committee Chair, Bobby Gaytan, and Arts and Culture Coordinator, Cassandra Schiffler. The project is a “Sidewalk Poetry” project that was instigated in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Please visit this website to learn more: https://publicartstpaul.org/project/poetry/#about_the_project The nonprofit organization, Public Art Saint Paul, that brought this to their City does consulting work to help other cities/organizations figure out how to implement this project. Cassandra Schiffler has reached out to their organization, and confirmed that their consulting fees are $150/hour for a Zoom based meeting. Recommendation: The Public Art Committee should consider this project for Meridian, and if interested in pursuing the project, should recommend budget approval from the Arts Commission allocating money towards consulting and arts development to pursue this project. 7 Item 5. MEMO TO PUBLIC ART COMMITEE Topic: Public Art Selection Process for Projects Revising and formalizing standard operating procedures for the public art selection process is ongoing. With two major public art projects underway (the upcoming selection process for the Five Mile Creek Pathway Trailhub Public Art Project, and the planning for the Discovery Park Phase II Public Art Project), now is a good time to review procedures. Commissioner Jessica Peters will lead a discussion on the current version of the selection process document. Recommendation: The Public Art Committee Public Art Committee should continue to review and revise the selection process document, especially as it relates to upcoming public art selections. 8 Item 7. Meridian Arts Commission Public Art Selection Processes Selecting Location 1. A. Belnap presents appropriate locations (according to the Public Art Plan) to Public Art Subcommittee 2. Subcommittee reviews location options, selects preferred location 3. Subcommittee Chair presents selected location to Meridian Arts Commission 4. Meridian Arts Commission approves selection OR does not approve and provides feedback RFP Process for Public Art Concept (in partnership with Purchasing Department) 1. Subcommittee discusses preliminary RFP a. What is the budget for the project? b. What are we looking for in the concept/design? i.e. theming, scale, community values, etc. c. Who will be invited to participate on the selection panel? i.e. Parks & Recreation employees, other property owners, etc. d. Etc. 2. S. Ramirez and A. Belnap draft RFP 3. A. Belnap presents drafted RFP to Public Art Subcommittee for feedback a. Ex: refine selection criteria, timeline, etc. 4. A. Belnap and S. Ramirez make appropriate changes according to the Subcommittee feedback 5. Subcommittee Chair presents the RFP to Meridian Arts Commission for approval 6. Arts Commission gives feedback on RFP and/or approves it for release 7. A. Belnap and S. Ramirez make last changes as suggested by Arts Commission (if any) 8. S. Ramirez releases RFP 9. Selection panel meets with Purchasing for kick off meeting a. Purchasing trains selection panel on Bonfire system 10. After the deadline of the RFP, the submitted artists make presentations to selection panel (if presentations are requested in RFP) 11. Selection panel submits scoring via Bonfire system a. Printed versions will be available for review and scoring, if necessary 12. Selection panel meets to review evaluator scoring, finalize scores, and confirm selection 13. Subcommittee chair reports selection to Meridian Arts Commission 14. S. Ramirez notifies artists of selection 15. S. Ramirez and A. Belnap begin contract for selected artist Commented [AB1]: Note: PAC only REPORTS on behalf of selection panel, not seek approval from MAC 9 Item 7. RFP Process for Public Art Concept (self-contained within Arts Commission) 1. Subcommittee discusses preliminary RFP a. What is the budget for the project? b. What are we looking for in the concept/design? i.e. theming, scale, community values, etc. c. Who will be invited to participate on the selection panel? i.e. Parks & Recreation employees, other property owners, etc. d. Etc. 2. E. Kane and A. Belnap draft RFP 3. A. Belnap presents drafted RFP to Public Art Subcommittee for feedback a. Ex: refine selection criteria, timeline, etc. 4. A. Belnap and E. Kane make appropriate changes according to the Subcommittee feedback 5. Subcommittee Chair presents the RFP to Meridian Arts Commission 6. Arts Commission gives feedback on RFP and/or approves it for release 7. A. Belnap and E. Kane make last changes as suggested by Arts Commission (if any) 8. A. Belnap releases RFP 9. After the deadline of the RFP, the submitted artists make presentations to selection panel (if presentations are requested in RFP) 10. Selection panel submits scoring to A. Belnap a. Printed versions will be available for review and scoring, if necessary 11. Selection panel meets to review evaluator scoring, finalize scores, and confirm selection 12. Subcommittee chair presents selection to Meridian Arts Commission for approval 13. A. Belnap notifies artists of selection 14. E. Kane and A. Belnap begin contract for selected artist RFQ Process for Public Art Installation 1. Subcommittee discusses preliminary RFQ a. Who will be invited to participate on the selection panel? i.e. Parks & Recreation employees, other property owners, etc. b. What is the budget for the project? c. Is the search for artists going to be locally, regionally, or nationally focused? d. What are we looking for in the concept/design? i.e. theming, scale, community values, etc. e. Etc. 2. E. Kane and A. Belnap draft RFQ 3. A. Belnap presents drafted RFQ to Public Art Subcommittee for feedback a. Ex: refine selection criteria, timeline, description of location etc. Commented [AB2]: When doing a self contained RFP, does the PAC still need to seek approval from MAC? Commented [AB3]: This process as described is self contained in MAC. Can this process be re-created in partnership with Purchasing, through Bonfire? Commented [AB4]: Note: This describes an RFQ for a specific public art installation, NOT a general RFQ for an artists roster. Commented [AB5]: Since this RFQ is seeking an artist for a specific public art installation, will the specific project information (theming, scale, location, etc.) be included in the RFQ format or will an RFP need to be attached to the RFQ even though we are not asking the artists to submit proposals at this part of the application process? 10 Item 7. 4. A. Belnap and E. Kane make appropriate changes according to the Subcommittee feedback 5. Subcommittee Chair presents the RFQ to Meridian Arts Commission for approval 6. Arts Commission gives feedback on RFQ and/or approves it for release 7. A. Belnap and E. Kane make last changes as suggested by Arts Commission (if any) 8. A. Belnap releases RFQ 9. After RFQ deadline, selection panel reviews portfolio submissions and submits scoring to A. Belnap a. Printed versions will be available for review and scoring, if necessary 10. Selection panel meets to review evaluator scoring, finalize scores, and confirm selection 11. Subcommittee chair reports selection to Meridian Arts Commission 12. A. Belnap notifies artists of selection 13. E. Kane and A. Belnap contract the selected artist for design process 14. According to the agreement, the artist designs 1-3 concepts for the installation 15. Artist presents designs to the selection panel 16. Selection panel gives feedback on designs 17. Artist creates final design according to the selection panel’s feedback 18. Artist presents final design to selection panel 19. If not satisfied, the selection panel repeats steps 16-18 20. Once satisfied, selection panel approves final design 21. Subcommittee chair presents selection to Meridian Arts Commission for approval 22. E. Kane and A. Belnap contract the artist for installation Commented [AB6]: Are we seeking approval here or just reporting? Commented [AB7]: Are we seeking approval here or just reporting? 11 Item 7. 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