2022-08-04 Mike and Malissa Bernard HOA Newsletter Alpine Pointe Charlene Way From:Mike and Malissa Bernard <MMBERNARD1@msn.com> Sent:Thursday, August 4, 2022 12:37 PM To:City Clerk Cc:Mike Bernard; Paul Miller; Ken Clifford Subject:Please attach our HOA newsletter to the Kingstown Subdivision AZ, PP H-2022-0045 packet Thank you! Attachments:Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission August 18, 2022 email rez, revised.pdf External Sender - Please use caution with links or attachments. Dear Clerks office, Please attach this newsletter PDF copy to the Kingstown packet for future review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and eventually the review by the Mayor and City Council as it contains information and links shared with our Alpine Pointe neighbors. We tried to provide direction for answers to likely questions about the process in advance by sharing your helpful City links, Land Use Cut sheets, City Code, and publications about Public Hearings. Thank you, and have a great weekend! Malissa Bernard 1 . 1,r 1 F-0 Joe Dear Alpine Pointe Neighbors, There is a PUBLIC HEARING scheduled for Thursday, August 18 at 6:00 PM for the Planning Zoning Commission at City of Meridian City Hall, 33 E Broadway Ave, Meridian ID 83646. The application was approved for Hearing and the packet created on July 22, 2022. This explains what this application entails, why we should be informed, why we should care even if it isn't near our own homes and how to proceed in the process. This is in reference Kingstown Subdivision Application for Annexation, Rezone, and Preliminary Plat of 28 homes on 8.2 acres. R-8 zoning (Medium Density is R-4 and R-8) with the majority of the housing product being two-story homes on 4000 SF lots with minimum widths of 40 feet--this layout is a ratio of 3.24 to 1 against Alpine Pointe's smallest adjacent lot and we are zoned R-4 with larger lots. Kingstown has 1.22 acres of qualified open space and avg. lot size noted at 8530 SF yet they are using the larger estate and larger flank lots in the math to buoy this size. Gross density is listed at 3.41 per acre, yet again they are using larger lots in the math as most lots are 4000 SF. The packet is accessible here Kingstown Subdivision AZ, PP H-2022-0045 https://webIink.meridiancitV.org/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=267762&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCit &y cr=1 and https://weblink.meridiancitV.org/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=267803&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCit Y There will be increased traffic as the stub streets are finished at Rogue River in Alpine Pointe, Conley at the South in Champion Park, and Jasmine St. East to West will connect. Upon weighing the data, looking over the information, and making up your own minds you may choose to be involved in participating in the City process to get the best possible fit adjacent to our neighborhood. You may not like the proposal, you may be neutral, or you might like it. Our chances for best success and opportunities to have your opinion heard would be involvement via neighborhood participation, letter writing to City staff, P and Z Commissioners, and Mayor and City Council. Your presence at the Hearings and Meetings at Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM City Council is highly valued and most appreciated. You may also participate via phone or Zoom options. Here is a link of the overview of the process as provided by the City Clerk. https://meridiancity.org/government/publicmeeting and a link to current Public Hearing Notices https://meridiancity.org/phnotices/ Here is a PDF publication on "Putting Your Best Foot Forward at Public Hearings" from the City of Meridian https://meridiancity.org/clerk/files/PublicHearingWelcomeLetter.PDF For those Alpine Pointe neighbors closest to the proposed plat's impacts: Your testimonies and letters will hold considerable weight, and your involvement is highly encouraged throughout the process. You may write as much as you wish in reference to this application, and the easiest route for all parties is via cityclerk@meridiancity.org for Public Comments to the application file and you may always write the Planning Staff. Sonya Allen is the assigned planner and her email is sallen@meridiancity.org Please submit all written testimonies from this date up to the weekend before the hearing as a best practice, though you may reserve your right to submit testimony at any time. You may also call ACHD Planning with your traffic concerns or comments about this project. 208-387-6119. Dawn Battles is the assigned planner at dbattles@achdidaho.org The City Clerk at the City of Meridian is a great help with every step of the process at 208-888- 4433 or cityclerk@meridiancity.org For those neighbors wishing to know much more about the project in depth and the possible implications there are additional links, illustrations, and summary information below in the following pages. Thank you. Your Alpine Pointe HOA Board Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM Information prepared by the Alpine Pointe Neighborhood Outreach Committee The applicants for KINGSTOWN SUBDIVISION are seeking R-8 Medium Density zoning with the majority of the housing product being two-story homes on 4000 SF lots with minimum widths of 40 feet--this layout is a ratio of 3.24 to 1 against Alpine Pointe's smallest adjacent lot. Alpine Pointe aka Zebulon Heights is zoned adjacent to Kingstown at R-4 Medium Low Density with 8000 SF lot size minimums with 60 ft min lot widths, 15 foot min rear setbacks from the property line, 5-foot side setbacks. R-8 zoning calls for 12' min rear setbacks, 4000 SF lot minimums (.09 acres), with 5 foot min side setbacks. R-2 is 12000 SF lot, 15 foot rear setback and 7.5 feet side setback per story. The Kingstown proposal has 28 homes, 21 in Phase 1 at higher density intensity, all on a total of 8.2 acres. This plan in Phase 2 (right of heavy dashed line) shows a large lot to contain the existing estate home on a smaller scaled parcel with 2 lots flanking it to the southeast and northwest and 4 lots at approximately 11500 SF to the south. Delano lot sizes are approximately 6000 SF at the shared border. f�erra�+n Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM Lot sizes. Block 2 Lot 6 is the Park Open Space. Block 3 Lot 3 is the Estate Parcel with existing home. Most of the lots are 4000 square feet. Green space is in green, larger lots in blue and yellow. LOT AREA TABLE LOT AREA TABLE LOT AREA TABLE LOT NUMBER BLOCK NUMBER LOTAREA(SF) LOTAREA(AC) LOT NUMBER BLOCK NUMBER LOT AREA(SF) LOT AREA(AC) LOT NUMBER BLOCK NUMBER LOTAREA(SF) LOTAREA(AC) 1 BLOCK 1 1.388 0.03 1 BLOCK 2 4,004 0.09 1 BLOCK 3 0.021 0-18 2 BLOCK 4,029 0.09 2 BLOCK 4,012 0.09 2 BLOCK 19,530 0.45 3 BLOCK 4,000 0.09 3 BLOCK 4,053 0.09 3 BLOCK 57,541 1,32 4 BLOCK 1 4,000 0.09 4 BLOCK 2 6.759 0.16 4 BLOCK 3 20,845 0.48 5 BLOCK 4,000 0.09 5 BLOCK 4,006 009 5 BLOCK 7,611 017 6 BLOCK 1 4,000 0.09 6 BLOCK 2 22,912 0.53 7 BLOCK I 4,000 0.09 7 BLOCK 2 11.162 0.26 8 BLOCK 1 4,000 0.09 B BLOCK 2 11,730 0.27 LINE TABLE 9 BLOCK 1 4,000 0.09 9 BLOCK 2 11,699 0.27 LINE LENGTH BEARING 10 BLOCK 4,000 0.09 10 BLOCK 11,649 0.27 L1 30.12 N48°10'47.88"W 11 BLOCK 1 4,000 0.09 11 BLOCK 2 4.285 0.10 L2 66.32 N18°51'02.59"W 12 BLOCK 1 4,296 0.10 L3 167.51 N75°00'54.00"W 13 HLOCK 1 5.669 0.13 L4 5.02 N75°00'54.00"W 14 BLOCK 8279 0.19 L5 72.29 NO°90'54.00'W 15 BLOCK 1 4,930 0.11 L6 123.50 NO°00'54.00"W 16 BLOCK 1 4,037 0.09 L7 217.86 N89°39'12.18"E 17 BLOCK 4,087 009 L8 216.73 N89"39'12.18"E 18 BLOCK 1 5,460 0.13 1 L9 26.50 NO"20'47.82"W L10 81.65 N23-34-0212"E Only the Estate, Lots next to the Estate, and Park Parcel meets or exceeds the lots of Alpine Pointe (in blue) and only 4 additional lots (in yellow) are near Champion Park-sized lot dimensions. The majority of the lots are 4000 SF. The common areas and open spaces are in green. You may view preliminary information and project documents here as well. Record H-2022-0045: Hearing https:Hcitizenporta1.meridiancity.org/CitizenAccess/Cap/CapDetaiI.aspx?Module=Planning&TabName=P Ian ning&caplD1=22CAP&caplD2=00000&caplD3=OOAKO&agencyCode=MERIDIAN&IsToShowlnspection To access E plan and Project Dox at the City of Meridian, as these are the clearest documents. https://eplanreview.meridiancity.org/ProaectDox/index.aspx https://eplanreview.meridiancity.org/PromectDox/ViewProiects.aspx?TempPassword=False Email universal sign-in, type in: PublicUser@meridiancity.org Password: Meridianl and Choose H-2022-0045 Kingstown Subdivision-AZ, PP R-8 and R-4 information R-8 11-2A-6. - Medium-density residential district https://library.municode.com/id/meridian/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=TIT1IUNDECO CH21DIRE ARTAREDI 11-2A-6MENSREDI Medium Density Land Use Cut sheet PDF https://meridiancity.org/planning/cutsheets/Cut-Sheet- MDR.pdf Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM Here is the area highlighted in yellow border for development. Brickyard �4pt Champion Park Delano _ W Kingstown .t. t i ALPINE PIN Here is a depiction of the overlay of the preliminary plat. The lots against the Alpine Pointe border in Phase 1 (smaller lots) are 4000 SF and all homes will be 2-stories. t - s Brickyard Apt Champion Park Delano __ f;irk f X qa � r } ALPINE POINTE •�'� `� `." .,._� Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM Phase 1 and proposed Phase 2 Perspective with Traffic Flow in Red Brickyard Apt Champion Pa rk Delano L _ ALP : , There will be increased traffic as the stubs at Rogue River in Alpine Pointe, Conley at the South, and Jasmine St. East to West will connect and it may be appropriate to ask ACHID,the applicants, and the City to require traffic mitigation at the onset via stop signs, speed cushions, and so forth as it would allow for connectivity yet dissuade cut-through in keeping local-traffic-local. Overview of the nearby properties east of Kingstown proposal below. „rautFar,�traocess �f r.• .,. _ Phase d--7 units DE LAND Permit Single Family 8cpired _:. 59units Ste3lar �rr� Phase 1 and 2 — 4 -1. �f�1 .: /.Sl' -.�•!• �EL.�Id�QtS. •�'• � tea.�." Phase 3 _T""'�7 CHAMPpON PARK �► 1 t Brie nhome "'-'--���� �•��� Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM In RED below are the primary routes to mid-mile points, lights, and arterials on official ACHD roads. Commercial private lanes exist in the commercial area, but they are not official ACHD right-of-ways (ROW). The circular shape highlights the connection points in the Jasmine Ln 8.2 acre proposal at Rogue River at the North, Conley at the South and Jasmine at the East/West. L MadisonSettlers Bridge Par Ip inte NO TRAFFIC CONNECTIONS R r R-S Iv-%C R � O N =c-3 SCHOOLS a CIVIC - 5 R.73 � C- __ .PARCEL C# arnpi Park + h Summerf i e I d -r� Another concern viewed by many is the likelihood of this being sought as a development entitlement with more planned density coming in the future, as in Phase 1 is predominantly the highest allowed density for R-8 Medium Density Zoning (take away just one square foot off of the lots and it is automatically R-15 Medium High Density of 3999 SF ). Phase 2 could be modified to match lot sizes to the west as it is seeking the R-8 zoning throughout the entirety of the project in both Phase 1 and Phase 2. There are historic incidents of record at City Hall of applicants coming forward to modify Phase plans, lot sizes, and development agreements. This is a copy of a highest density use of the Jasmine parcel of 8.2 acres as shown as the City's wish for the parcel, predominantly 4000 SF lots. This was provided by the applicant and it is Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM interesting just how much of the west side is so very similar in the final proposal submitted to the City. The eastern Phase 2 parcel could easily follow suit via another application and hearing process to match density east'to'vvest. V R $Mr TkI UZ NF la ~%P~fdft'F" min R-4 designation seems tobe the most appropriate zoning post-committee analysis for this application throughout and this application for Annexation, Rezone, and Preliminary Plat Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing Pand ZCommission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022at6 PM should be recommended for DENIAL by Planning and Zoning Commission for City Council decision, as City Council will be the final word. We must remember this parcel was purchased three years ago for ultimate development as the applicants have done this with other parcels in the past, and the buyers knew larger lots were to the northern and southern borders at 12960 SF minimums and 10800 SF minimums respectively, and our neighborhoods did not encroach onto this county enclave after the purchase. There are acreage properties to the west. There should be an effort to match or complement nearby lot sizes of homes that have been here for nearly a decade or longer. Source City of Meridian, Zebulon Heights 2 https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=118669&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity ADJACE NT ALPI N E POI NTE LOTS MIN 12960 SF, some lots are over % an acre. R-2 IS 12000 SF min AND R-4 IS 8000 SF min per code. Our lots are R-2 sized. Three and % 1{ingstown 10tS would fit on the smallest Alpine Pointe lot at the adjacent border - �I U' iry Q " "' 41d5 $ np,n: 12964 IooK � Z iw,ao OtAhal: 4.2975i95 aae IN sw W 4135 $ -4130 1�3$ R 44'36'31'E z x orm-23-W 1 P8.5750.W' 5 4439'20'E V! 2464 - 120.12' S 87' '23'E 28.37' f J 5 r Js �4.es 5 85.49'16*E S$949'16*E 232.75' 4113 , — — E'ARIA WT DR. p W m us p y ea 110 96. t9.B9' g 1U0 9010d• 11.15 C14 G •y 1tr rJ 3 e� 2 ZT L 15 14 r 13 r 12 r 1 7 2703 2475 w 2453 $ 2641�$ 2627� g 2651 a 2877 ems, 2431 e- $- 0 5 - - a- $- - 3 c 1 4 s --———— —9ti !_ „ar13 'n� ^ _ � - 5.32 4 rs rxaas-+ u4 RttC+ARm' e,� earw�v r eor nair.w rasr+r+rr. JASMINE ACRES � SUBDIVI Pmk -53 acre cutp„t 123086.8 IocF i Source: City of Meridian, Champion Park 3 https://weblink.meridiancitV.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=118153&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity Source: City of Meridian, FFCL Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law R-8 Champion Park#3 Final Plat https://weblink.meridiancitV.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=16727&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM CHAMPION PARK LOTS 80' ITV X 135' L MIN, at least 10800 W THIS IS LIKE -2 & R-4 OVER R-S ZONING AT THE NORTH. R-2 rnin lots are 12000 SF and R-4 is at 8000 SF, rear setback 15 feet. IrpLt ie" fow .N7M acre CRib60 f �S �a�p-�r ry � a ' 4 {ill ` h -p7 Tyq 6 P v Hyh r c- t� L-18 .�" . .ae►r v # n r n —j'-'41 GS]dTJ yF 7T4f r 5742 iik�. r . .. } .7 .. r.iN 1■ nc Border with Kingstown Proposal Source: City of Meridian Delano No. 1 FP-2021-0001 https://weblink.meridiancitV.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=219580&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity n Land Us@ PralmtslProjcss,Fmn*ngs,or&rsl > ProjKn > 2019 > D@1aW 5uhdrvisrc rr R IYY i 1#r rw rt Iln r *WV i s f} �x 131 I NY ]r� ! 1 pLYA•T1a ST 6 "MW � I � a Y9 --------- �.--- ly IIR r I x 11 ,, � Ilrr I tr�xy Ix ,1..■ � lYhh 1�� xKi I n _I fsP * r �#Y 4* .peel yr law � IA I p ri r wwa R x i w f r[16L� I � wn r # fri r 9 II I ` JE I�f 6 * 9 �� 1 * � zrl w� I iR �� Yd7 Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM Conceptual Elevations presented to City Planning Staff and filed June 16, 2022 and at the Neighborhood Meeting, City Hall April 7, 2022. r eee - Lj HH r Alpine Pointe Neighbors: Kingstown Hearing P and Z Commission, City of Meridian August 18, 2022 at 6 PM