Alternative Compliance Request - Private Open Space V1ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE REQUEST Meridian Unified Development Code 11-4-3-27.13.3. While the project exceeds the gross common and private open space requirements in total, Applicant is requesting Alternative Compliance, per UDC 11-5B-5, for the private open space requirement in UDC 11-4-3-27.B.3. for 8 of the 264 proposed units. The development is proposing an average of approximately 135 square feet of open space per unit, and 256 units - or approximately 97% of the project's total units - will have at least 80 square feet of private open space. The 8 carriage house units for which the Alternative Compliance is being sought, approximately 3% of the project's total units, are the only units proposed to have less than 80 square feet of private open space. The 8 carriage house units are configured in two-story buildings on the Property's eastern boundary. By design, these smaller scale buildings are intended to ease the transition from the higher density, taller three-story buildings on the project's west side to the existing single-family residences to the east. These carriage buildings are setback twenty-seven feet from the eastern property line. This is a greater setback distance than is required by the Meridian Unified Development Code ("UDC"). The larger setback provides extra space to improve visual screening between the existing and proposed residences using landscape plantings. To maintain privacy of existing residences, no balconies are proposed for these buildings. A pedestrian trail lies within the expanded landscape zone behind the carriage houses and forms a nearly half -mile -long looped pathway through the site's open space. This loop path is surrounded by lush, native landscaping. The area between the carriage houses and the property line fencing has a natural, private feel to it. The carriage house inhabitants will enjoy the personal benefits of this space and develop a sense of ownership of it. To further offset the unmet 640 square feet (8x80 SF) of adjacent dedicated private open space, the project has included an additional 14,527 square feet of private balcony, patio, and yard space within the development. As a result, an average of approximately 135 square feet of private open space per unit is proposed. 1� u Open Space Common Open Space Square Feet Required 10% of Gross Development Area (520,106 SF / 10) 52,010 250 SF for units that are 500 - 1,200 SF (250 SF x 243 units) 60,750 350 SF for units that are 1,200+ SF (350 SF x 21 units) 7,350 Total Required Common Open Space 120,110 Provided Common Open Space 120,222 Project Exceeds Requirements by 112 Private Open Space Required 80 SF/Unit (80 SF x 264 units) 21,120 Total Required Private Open Space 21,120 Provided Patios/Balconies 24,647 Fenced Yards 11,000 Total Provided Private Open Space 35,647 Project Exceeds Requirements by 14,527 1� u ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE FINDINGS B. Applicability 1. From Table: Multifamily private usable open space standards - Section 11-4-3-271133 2. Requests for alternative compliance are allowed only when one (1) or more of the following conditions exist: a. Topography, soil, vegetation, or other site conditions are such that full compliance is impossible or impractical; b. The site involves space limitations or an unusually shaped lot; c. Safety considerations make alternative compliance desirable; d. Other regulatory agencies or departments having jurisdiction are requiring design standards that conflict with the requirements of this article; e. The proposed design includes innovative design features based on "new urbanism", "neotraditional design", or other architectural and/or site designs that promote walkable and mixed use neighborhoods; f. Additional environmental quality improvements would result from the alternative compliance. Response: The proposed layout encourages a walkable community (e.) through the creation of richly landscaped trail that loops through the development. This trail is located along the rear of the 8 carriage house units that do not have a set aside for adjacent private open space. D. Standard. The proposed alternative means for compliance with the specific requirements shall demonstrate that the alternative provides an equal or superior means of meeting the intent and purpose of the regulation. Response: The Project will provide more total private, usable open space than is required per Code, with units on average having 135 square feet ofprivate open space. The requested compliance preserves the privacy of existing residents and maximizes the size of and sunlight exposure to the trail east of the residential units. E. Required findings. In order to grant approval for an alternative compliance application, the Director shall determine the following: 1. Strict adherence or application of the requirements are not feasible; or 1� u 2. The alternative compliance provides an equal or superior means for meeting the requirements; and 3. The alternative means will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or impair the intended uses and character of surrounding properties. Response: The proposed alternative exceeds the defined requirements and will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or impair the intended uses and character of surrounding properties. Alternative Compliance is requested to maximize compatibility with surrounding uses. l u