2022-06-22 Special Meeting Notice and AgendaCity of Meridian Employee Benefits Plan Trust SPECIAL MEETING Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda Wednesday June 22, 2021, 11:00 A.M. City Attorney’s office or through Microsoft Teams hyperlink (attached) JUNE 16 MEETING CANCELED Click here to join the meeting Roll-Call Attendance _____ Bill Nary, Chair _____ Christena Barney _____ Alex Freitag, Vice Chair _____ Eric Strolberg _____ Eli Daniel Regular Attendees ______ Cindy Tealey _____ Clark Mullen ______ Connie Weaver _____ Dan Malloy ______ Scott Howell ______ Justin Northway 1. Approval of Minutes – Attached 2. Reports – Monthly Experience Reports Monthly Financial Reports 3. Discussion and Action Items A. Payments of bills, if any B. Retiree Benefits/HRA Assessments update C. Messaging from Trust to Employees D. Blue Cross Updates, if any E. Gallagher Updates, if any 4. Next Meeting Topics 5. Public Participation 6. Adjournment